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HV NS GT XT Patricio Bettencourt


What is the saying? “The last shall be first”? In order that the reader might have some idea as to where our current thinking is, we have chosen to put our most recent materials, which we refer to as our “Exit Statements,” at the beginning of this anthology. The remaining sections then pick up chronologically, starting with 1975. Section 2, entitled Early Classroom Materials, begins this fairly complete history of how our classroom developed over the years and how the many changes that we were taken through, carefully prepared us for this time.

Until now, the first document in this section, “Heaven’s Last Mission to This Civilization,” had remained unpublished. Almost as soon as it was written, we received instructions to up the voltage of what we stated publicly, in other words, to express ourselves more boldly than we ever had before. And so, two extremely powerful and revealing papers were drafted by Do, both of which contained information that before this time we had been reluctant to express quite so clearly.

Since the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web, had become the “fastest growing, information sharing network in the world,” we chose to go public by way of “the NET.” Although we left our materials on it only briefly, it was quite an educational experience for us in many respects.

In the first of these two statements, “Undercover ‘Jesus’ Surfaces Before Departure,” posted on September 25-26, 1995, we felt like we had instruction to address the religious world, primarily the Christians, in relationship to their expectation of Jesus’ return. One of the greatest struggles we’ve had from

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the beginning is the terminology - if we try to correct the vision of the Christians and talk their language, we’re seen as a religious cult on an ego trip - if we try to state our information in language more relevant to our actual situation, the masses see us as attempting to make the “Trekkie” vernacular into religion.

Nevertheless, two weeks later, on October 11, we “gave it another shot.” Having retranslated the same basic material from “Undercover ‘Jesus’” into what we would consider more clinical and objective terminology, we posted “ ‘95 Statement by an E.T. Presently Incarnate.” However, after posting them for only a few days, we felt to take these statements off the Internet. It was clear to us that their being introduced to the public at that time was premature.

As we experienced time and again, and as you will witness throughout this anthology, it is nearly impossible to take advanced, non-human concepts and force them into comprehensible human language - the available “word processing” options of contemporary language are so extremely limiting. But it is part of our task that we try. And so it is our hope that the reader will look beyond the awkwardness of the words we choose, that is, we hope you get to the intended meaning of the thought that lies behind them.

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Amember of the Kingdom of God -- the Evolutionary Level Above Human --

I, who am called Do, acknowledge that:

1. I am about to return to my Father’s Kingdom.

A. This “return” requires that I prepare to lay down my borrowed human body in order to take up, or reenter, my body (biological) belonging to the Kingdom of God (as I did approximately 2000 years ago, as Jesus, when I laid down the human body that was about 33 years old in order to reenter my body belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven).

B. The Evolutionary Level Above Human is a physical Kingdom Level in the physical Heavens or space, though individuals in that Kingdom identify with their soul - and its mind or spirit - and not the “flesh” or physical body they “wear.”

2. This time, my Heavenly Father - my “Older Member” - came with me. In the early 1970’s, we incarnated into adult human bodies which were in their forties. Approximately 2000 years ago, I incarnated into a body that was in its late 20’s/early 30’s (not at the birth of that body, but just prior to - during - and following my baptism with John the Baptist).

3. It seems that each time we, or others from the Level Above Human, come to Earth or leave, it is via a spacecraft belonging to that Next Level.

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4. My Father is an Older Member in the Kingdom of Heaventhe Kingdom of God - the Evolutionary Level Above Human.

A. He actually gave me “birth” into that Kingdom - took me through the overcoming of a mammalian civilization - long before this present human civilization had its beginning.

B. I have served as His student and apprentice during His relationship with this civilization.

C. His relationship to this planet is as Chief Administrator and is the One referred to as the “True God” in the early stages of this civilization.

5. This time He came with me “undercover,” so to speak, in order to assist me in my task (picking up where this process left off approximately 2000 years ago) of the further birthing - “fathering” - experience with the ones who will be the next new “sons” or children in the Level Above Human. To allow me to gain more experience in the birthing process, my Older Member returned to that Kingdom in 1985, and continues to assist and communicate with me from a more advanced perspective.

A. As part of the undercover program, my Father incarnated in a female body for His 15-year stay.

B. Being “undercover,” which included lack of acknowledment of who we were historically, was required for most of our task this time in order that we might, with as lit-

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