There are those places that we come across once in a while – if we’re lucky enough to – that welcome us in, holding us gently in the space that it occupies, seducing our senses with the aesthetics of its build, its surroundings and its statements on style, and simultaneously invigorating forgotten parts of our souls, that perhaps we weren’t even aware were missing. Much like meeting an intriguing person for the first time, whose conversation ignites inspiration, a property can remind us of who we are and evoke a sentimental desire to retrieve those treasured traits that allow us to be as we inherently should. That’s definitely the message that’s conveyed from the moment you arrive at the ardently eco-conscious urban farm of Kinghorn’s Retreat, in the beautiful village of Noordhoek, that’s reminiscent of a hearty chat with a stoic conservationist. It’s one of integrity, honesty and sincerity that instantaneously takes us back to our roots and leads us home to our hearts.