Tropical Hideaway!
Settled on the sanative waters of Nhamabue’s lagoon in Southern Mozambique, this hideaway has been consciously constructed from the soil up, by the heads, hearts and hands of its community. Retaining a raw simplicity of its environment, the residence comprises of six incredibly spacious private bungalows - with their bounteous indoor and outdoor bathing facilities, long lagoon-facing verandahs and bespoke collections of instinctively curated craftwork - an open plan kitchen that meets the dining space, a day bar, a gallery, a library, a swimming pool and a deck. Beyond that there’s the beach and behind all of that there’s a permaculture garden where the chefs source all of the good stuff you’ll be feasting over throughout the hours of the day. A de-salinisation plant has been built to water the juicy vegetables and a solar farm installed to keep those ceiling fans turning. Whatever’s not thriving in the garden will be sourced from the local markets. It’s an ocean to table, patch to plate, barrel to belly philosophy.