In The Club 004

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Issue 004 December 2013

Thanks to: Design @8ecreative, Tiggy Pop. Editor: Reggie Mental. Photography: Various, Words: @simonj68, Denise Parsons, The Minx, Faye Don’tlikeitupum, Stuart Pidboy, Don Tellumpike, Don T. Panic, Sister Dolly, AVBD, Beautiful Wolf, J-Rod, Wasabi Penis.

SDAY! E U T T X E SEE YOU N day Club’s debut LP Tues e Vinyl) is the The igned Whit Edition (S ed it im L n Out o ck CD and 14 tra


w.theT now at: ww Buy yours @thetuesdayclub1 AVBD - @Vnderbraindrain The Minx - @TCTheMinx R. Marauder - @YTDS Dave Worm - @Roddamiser J-Rod - @JRod_TC

itten but it have ever wr I ew vi re ortest bably the sh nderful. Pro om c s. “Flippin’ wo ew n is” usic und like th it all - m , they’d so ow sh really says r rro Ho y ing the Rock ios Rd Stud sic were do /Hackney V “If Roxy Mu T ed d a Lo t, es n o VerRall harles - Steve H a music!” - C to t se s with extr s x Pistol and The Tube s ia no ra “It’s the Se Pa s Trios Alberto Y Lo aster gy between e Ringm h T “A wanton or ub are .” tty Hudson e Tuesday Cl Ki om fr y ant, and Th er ub devilr ex c ly si lute AAA Mu staying abso all year.” ever while I’ve heard ts ac “This is cl ng ti most exci one of the

@YoungFellas from Alberta, Canada We said: Love the fact you are promoting other bands. Clever! Musical Co-Op, that’s the future! :) @YoungFellas That’s what were hoping for! We see a lotta love and help between bands locally, thought we’d try it out online too :D

Foot tappers This month’s Hawkwind – Quark Strangeness featured track and Charm. The masters of from ‘See You space rock in 1977 sounding all Next Tuesday’, new wave or is - ‘Ain’t Got maybe even No Class’, our pubrock? See second single them on the and the first track played on our ‘Marc’ Bolan debut live TV performance for show here: loaded TV. Eno – The True Wheel Roxy were never quite as exciting again after Eno. His early 70s solo albums carried on his experiments in glam aided by his old Roxy mates, Phil Manzanera, Andy McKay and Paul Thompson. Magazine - Give Me Everything One of the few bands who’ve reformed then gone on torecord new material as good as anything they’ve ever done.

The Tea Set – Parry Thomas Watford’s finest’s tragic tale of the Welshman and his car Babs land speed record attempt. The Ventures - Jingle Bell Rock. One of J-Rod’s fave Raves. Surf before Surf!

The Jetsonics - Cruel Lizzie Vickers. We recently supported the Jetsonics in Kingston Upon Thames.

The Flaming Groovies - Slow Death. 70’s Pub Glammers, tell it like it is! The Damned Stretcher Case. Given away as 100 only freebies at one of the bands early gigs. Wavy Gravy - A curious 50’s and 60’s trash compliation album.

ore To find out m d about these an n our other tracks o d show downloa ast... your FREE podc



Monday (Monday) Man come to door. Say ‘come to look at car pet’. Take him into lounge. He confuse and say he mechanic. Now I confuse. Why mechanic look at carpet? Minion explain man is Northern, from place called Newcastle. Much impressed, though prefer old castles, like summer house in Transylvania. Minion explain man call women pet, and is here to look at car. Will never learn strange ways of men. Tuesday (Tuesday) Still thinking about civilisation North of Birmingham. Ask minion. (Not builder minion. He is Cockerknee geezer, he no good for ‘north of Watford’). Minion get map. There lots of places of meat in Northern. Liverpool, Nottingham, Birmingham, Rotherham. Think place of Manchester sound interesting. May find new minions. Wednesday (Wednesday) English class. Much more confuse when talk of eat chilli which is hot, get chilly which is cold. How can cut tree DOWN, but then chop wood UP? How can build house, but then when knock down, say raze to ground? Английский язык глупо Thursday (Thursday) Minion ask what Minx like for Christmas. Joke that all Minx want is 2 front teeth. What is wrong with teeth? На этот раз испугался Minx. Minx worry that teeth fall out. Much tired but scared to sleep bad dream. Have small pint of vodka and lime with laudanum chaser to get sleep. Friday (Friday) Christmas shopping for minions. Get arrested when thrown out of Selfridges when complain don’t sell fridges. What good name of shop if not sell thing in shop name? Not good day. Minion say take to Piccadilly Circus.

Is rubbish. Have no Galloping Horses or Waltzers, just naked child with arrow. Saturday (Saturday) Minion start be Christmassy. Talk of Yule Log and baubles and ‘chestnuts roasting on open fire’. Am more bah humbug. Minion play Slade 10 times to try get Minx in mood. Am in mood indeed. Not good mood. Definite more cowbell. Sunday (Sunday) Is Tuesday The Club Christmas party at Bar62 in St Albans. For pantomime funny season gig. Choose dress as Little Red Riding Hood. Band forbid me bring Kalashnikov and Perestroika as “Big Bad Wolves”. Much joke about competition of Mince Pies. Cockney Builder minion make joke of mince pies mean eyes. Stupid minion. He not sharpest tool in toolshed. But still buy vodka so will still get XXXmas present. More cowbell. С Рождеством Христовым!

now. There was stuff to learn, and getting it wrong was not a good look.


Stop sniggering at the back, this is not a lead into a stream of jokes about some of the older presenters of TOTP and some of the things they may or may not have done; the internet is full of those jokes, apparently. No, this is a serious issue in the UK, and I think that a mainstream broadcaster needs to bring back Top of the Pops (though due to the aforementioned, I think a name change may be required to entice new viewers in). Thursday nights and Christmas Day, it was part of the fabric of musical life that impacted many of us growing up. Along with the Top 40 on a Sunday (or Tuesday lunchtime for those of us old enough to remember that), these were the regular events that people never missed. A favourite band getting to Number One meant something. It was like your football team winning a Cup Final, something to bond over with people. But it wasn’t just the individual singles and EPs that were of interest, there were reams of stats and trivia to learn as well, if you wanted to be taken seriously as a music fan at school. It was more in depth than many of the rounds on the Celebrity Special versions of Pointless that are watched on Saturdays

Facts such as: Who was the first band to have 3 singles enter the chart at the top spot; who was the second to achieve that feat?; what kept Vienna by Ultravox from the top; what infamous track did Rod Stewart apparently keep from the pinnacle?; which band had the most ever singles in the Top75 at once? These were the easy ones. As it got more in depth it was essential to know how many copies some had sold, (into the millions for many, then), and that was just from the chart return shops – you didn’t count the ones us cool kids were buying from the little independent. I was surprised to find out that the chart and the Top 40 still exists. Yes, I am getting older and I know it is not aimed at me now, but what surprised me wasn’t the fact it still existed, but the fact that getting a “hit” and even getting a Number One record didn’t actually mean anything in sales terms. Releases get to the top of the pile with just a few thousand sales! Clearly the big artists still sell far more than that, but nowhere near what their predecessors in my youth did. So why bring back the old routine of showing 30 minutes of music on TOTP, or even The Chart Show on ITV as used to be on a Saturday? That is the key – the whole point of these shows, missed by so many people, was that they didn’t simply focus on the bands that were number one. Yes, apart from a few notable examples (name them as part of the quiz!!) the track that was at the top would get played, but that was not all. Releases from the lower depths of the charts would get a play, in the last few years of TOTP even new releases and a few unsigned bands got a play as well. And this is what is missing. Dress it up as a new chart show, get some celebrity to present it, but be a little bit more subversive about what you show. Millions of people listen to Radio 1, as well as all the commercial stations, who survive mainly on a playlist

(never more than an hour from Rhianna), but even the majority of them drop in a random track every now and then. MTV doesn’t even play music anymore, it is all reality shows, a station actually called Music TeleVision doesn’t play music – there is a gap here! Half an hour a week, in prime time. Not competing with the “talent” shows, that was the genius of TOTP - Thursday night at 7.30, perfect timing. Play a couple of minutes of the few records selling well (whatever the hell they base sales on these days) and play a Katy Perry video at the end (as I assume she is always number one these days?). That leaves a large chunk of time to insert some decent and real music into an audience of millions, without them having to go and search it out. Look at the viewing figures for the festivals that are now all on TV, even the on-line figures, people are searching out music. Why not give some of it to the mass market, without it having to be a competition or a vote at the end of it? New, independent and, above all, excellent music should not be confined to Bandcamp, Soundcloud and some indie podcasts. It should be on TV. If nothing else it would instantly show the difference between ‘talent’ and a ‘talent show’ – and that alone would be enough to make it worthwhile. Don’t settle for repeats on BBC4 – let’s get this train moving and get Top of the Pops back on!

By Denise Parsons – Music Promoter – ‘The Live Music Project’ Trestle Arts Base, St.Albans


Hello there! Hope you enjoyed last month’s top 5 and maybe got a chance to check some of them out!Have a quick read of this month’s lot and see what you think! And, if you see something you like, please show your support for local original music by giving their Facebook page a like or two! After all, it’s gonna be Christmas soon. Stuff yourself with mince pies and listen to some of the great music right on your doorstep, that you don’t have to wait months to see. They’re just round the corner!And, did you know that the release of dopamine from listening to pleasurable music makes the brain function better?! Let’s hope so cos I’m listening to ‘The Tuesday club’ right now! 1.

The Neverists

The Neverists –Love ‘em! They are a young indie/folk band, writing all their own poetic songs with an engaging sound and superb vocals from Simon Williams. Great live and their demo EP definitely worth a listen. They are currently recording an album which I, personally, can’t wait to hear! 2.


StarseedzStarseedz are an acoustic singing, song writing duo. Melodic, breathy vocals to very well penned songs, that once heard have a habit of sticking in your head fordays! Vibrant, atmospheric and beautiful.


Marching Donald

Marching DonaldMarching Donald hails from Hertford. An original singer songwriter, with a touch of the blues. Fantastic guitar playing, especially when the shiny one comes out!! 4.

Lima - Lima

Lima – Lima Lima Lima is Nick Losse and Laura Lane. A lovely little acoustic duo, with gorgeous guitars and haunting vocals. They played for ‘The Live Music Project’ recently and I really liked ‘em! 5.

Kara Folk

Kara FolkKara Folk just makes me smile!! An international folk band fronted by Russian songstress ‘Daria Kulesh’ , often seen wearing and singing about purple!! They are something a bit different with a set spanning the continents. A great folk band with some really interesting instruments especially ‘the dulcimer’, superbly played.

Thank you and goodnight! Denise Parsons



t s i r a t i u g r e Gregst 4) If you could be any character in a film, what film and who would it be?


5) If Kamp David was a cake, what cake would it be? 1) OK firstly, we are sitting in the cyber pub doing this interview, and it’s our round. What do you want to drink?

A pint of Spitfire in a jug please. 2) What was the last thing you heard/watched that was so good you had to tell someone about it?

I watched paint dry. Very underrated. No seriously, I’ve been so busy doing the album haven’t had time to do either. Any suggestions?As long as it doesn’t involve food or reality, I’ll watch and listen to most things. 3) You’ve just finished mixing your new album Westway to Vegas at one of The Tuesday Club’s fave studios, Rock of London, did you learn anything new in the studio? (in other words have you got any studio gossip or anecdotes J )

I don’t do cake(s) but may be a Space Cake? I’ve heard that said about us. 6) So being Kamp David, we assume you like a bit Kulture or Klass? (as you know, we Ain’t Got No Klass ;) )What should we go and see in Londoninium?

Lords Cricket ground and Regents Park. They are next door to each other. 7) Which comes first – melody or lyrics?

That’s like the chicken and the egg. Melody I guess. You can always get your tongue around Melody later. 8) You are creating a Kamp David time capsule, what 4 items do

Silk I learnt how to make stockings. Champagne st. tea badly for Steve Hone and me. One bad cup and your struck off the duties. Get the gist? Clever me.

you put in it? Minki.

(Sounds like a party! - Ed)

9) You are now In The Club, but what club do you actually wish it was?

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club

10) What question haven’t we asked you that you wish we had?

Do you want another pint of Spitfire?

Any gigs in December/January?

20 and 21 Dec in the Smoke but I’ll keep you posted. Or go onto... kampdavid69 and see! And release date of the album? Nov 5 so it was a burn up of a night at Madam Jo Jos

Seasons greetings everyone. If you’re anything like me, the shiver down your spine at this time of year is not because of falling temperatures. It’s because of Christmas songs.

Best of the web this month. Do you like comfy sofas or burning churches? Sometimes I wonder....

Take Wizzard, Slade and The Pogues out of the playlist and the rest of it is dire.

Goats. They really get my..... know..? But they love crisps and that’s good enough for me.

I’m a big fan of Mark Lanegan’s gruff and gloomy style. Perfect for releasing an album of Christmas songs!? Not sure this counts, but it’s stupid and that’s good. Beep beep!

Dogs shaking themselves. These pictures made an appearance in an earlier edition but we now have video. Drooly, jowly video. Makes me want a towel... To finish off, it would be churlish to ignore all of the traditional songs which have so many memories attached to them. So here are 30 of them. In 60 seconds.

Some say he is omnipresent. That he is everywhere and yet nowhere, all at once. Some say he has a camera on a stick. That, in fact, he has two, with a torch that makes midnight seem like noon. Some say he is nosier than Pinocchio after a whole weekend of lying. All we know is, he’s called The Eye and this is where he reveals his latest exclusive probe into The Tuesday Club annals. Click on the eye to view... This month a special rare live track from October’s Trestle Arts gig where The Eye invites you to play ‘Spot the AVDBD’ plus a rare glimpse of Rogerio Maurauder’s magic hand.

There’s two reasons why people become film critics’ one, they love film; two, they love a list. Unfortunately, this still being October, I can’t tell you what my top ten films of the year are as there’s still time for more contenders to arrive (Gravity for one).


, while you’re waiting for that list, here’s a shorter one… Let’s look at the three films that have stood out this year. First up, Blue Jasmine. Now, it’s a given that every new Woody Allen film is “back to his best”, and sure – if you repeat it often enough, you’re gonna be right eventually. Only this time, we are. It’s stunning. For a comedy it’s light on laughs, but that’s not the point. The point is Cate Blanchett. It’s a performance so measured and balanced you find yourself rooting for the titular Jasmine, despite her being a pill-popping alcoholic narcissist.

they shouldn’t have bothered. Everything that’s wrong with Hollywood wrapped up in a 90-minute shit sandwich. Finally, The Lone Ranger. Now, this one stood out for a number of reasons, the main one being that it’s actually good.

Another film that stood out was Movie 43. And not for any good reason. There are two versions, too.

That might not sound like a ringing endorsement, but given the slagging this thing got even before It’s a very, very bad it hit the screen, the world was waiting for a new sketch show with kind of terrible. A Movie 44, if you will. more A-list stars But what you get is two strong central than your average performances, jokes, actions and explosions. Yes awards show tied it’s too long and the plot’s wonky, but get over together with a that and you have a proper, fun blockbuster. And “plot” (we (UK) got when the theme tune kicks in… children trying to Kahn can be found at unsaltedpopcorn.blogspot. find the banned Movie 43, America where his films of the year will appear at the end of the year (cough), and the Unsalted Popcorn got someone podcast on iTunes. pitching a film idea – neither Ed: As with all publications, unfortunately we plan a few worked). month’s ahead, therefore it IS still October and so Kahn is It took ten years sulking as he can’t write his proper real super duper Films of to make, and t the Year list type thing.

*Minki: we wanted to call Kahn’s column Salty Cockporn in homage to the ACTUAL name of his blog. Hmm even Kahn’s Kolumn has a ring to it. (NO , JUST NO! – Ed)

Andreas Vanderbraindrain: Red Stripe... as much as possible... The Minx: New wolf cub. And electronic cowbell. Wasabi Penis: For an even more amazing guitar “Han” solo Who are you calling scruffy? J-Rod: J-Rod:This is what I want: Yes, they’re expensive (my last guitar cost less) andyesthey are probably overpriced... but what a cool piece of kit. Fellow tech heads... you understand. We are brothers. Rogerio Marauder: One of these! - “It’s just the thing for those crowded stages” Fabulous Glabrous: Lacey Turner please J The Beautiful Wolf: I know it’s not a bass... but this is what I’d like for real The Korg MS-20 synth – recreated in mini size featuring the original circuitry from 1978 Tittybar Telski: I love nothing better at Xmas than to tuck in to a massive Bratwurst! Beautiful! SimonJ68 (Hairy Chesterfield) To finally solve the mystery of what I was looking at that was more important than the Archangel Gabriel during my acting debut…. The attached pic was front page news on the Bucks Herald! The Eye: I want world peace so I can start fresh arguments and get all the attention! Kahn (Unsalted Popcorn) A fart blaster. A Despicable Me 2 Fart Blaster. What’s not to want? Denise (The Parsons Knows) Please Santa ... I have been a very good girl!! Reggie Mental – Editor: Pointier fingers to type faster when chasing all the contributors when it’s deadline time. In fact, I’d quite like tentacles… @thetuesdayclub1 AVBD - @Vnderbraindrain The Minx - @TCTheMinx R. Marauder - @YTDS Dave Worm - @Roddamiser J-Rod - @JRod_TC

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