In the club 034 dec 17

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Dear Tuesday Clubbers and Pop Pickers!

Welcome to the December/End of year 2017 edition of In the Club Magazine and what a busy year it’s been for the PPCO especially due to the giant outlay that is Reverse Family!

Having started this mag back in 2012 as pretty much a fanzine for the Tuesday Club it’s amazing to reflect on how things have changed/ developed not least for our little label Perfect Pop Co-Op which as you’ll see from our shop section has grown to an extensive display of our output and commitment to music and in doing so fulfilling our dream however small of a doing it DIY!

To summarize 2017 it’s fair to say The Tuesday Club have been treading water. 2016 was a hard year dragging the band back from the brink and was spent mainly recording. 2017 has been a little less about recording, but much more about honing and shaping a pretty much brand new set, in readiness for the long awaited album 3 - Art is Magic. We do realise there has been a certain amount of frustration with the will they, won’t they, shift of dates, but we are very excited to be able to officially announce a release date and a launch party! The great day for your diaries is Sunday 6th May and the venue is to be the scene of many of our favourite local gigs the legendary Lower Red Lion, in Fishpool street, St.Albans.

Through all of the ups and downs of the band in the last 3 years, there have been two local venues that have constantly stuck by us and supported us, the fabulous Farmers Boy, where Ros and Dougie continue to show the best and widest selection of local talent every week, so much so we have to finalise our two gigs for the following year the day after the one we’ve just completed! And the Lower Red Lion, where Dave has not only supported The TCs since day 1, he also regularly plays his Reverse Family spotify playlist to his long suffering punters!

The TCs will be joined by very special guests Hubcap Moon from Harpenden who we had the pleasure of playing with at The Farmers in October, for those who don’t know these guys, check out the Summer edition of In the Club, where mainman Roger Payne, tells it like it is!

2018 is promising to be an exciting year for the TCs on many levels, for apart from the album release, we are also hugely excited to have been selected to appear at an all star Punk festival (including Vice Squad, The

Lurkers, The Vibrators, S*M*A*S*H and The Vulz) at the Roadmender in Northampton next June by Top of The Punks - who are putting on an amazing day of live music and are selling some fantastic merch all in our aid of a charity very close to my family. We are appearing on a fantastic gatefold vinyl (which I have already ordered!) here’s a link to the plege page, please get involved and help the guys reach their target, all proceeds are to go to the charity

Of course, it’s not been all about The Tuesday Club in 2017, it’s fair to say the limelight has been taken over by one Dermot Illogical and his ever expanding band... more of which you can read about in an extensive review on page 6 onwards.

So as the year draws to a close, we at PPCO say a huge thanks to everyone who has supported us, written for us, played us and booked us - and who’s encouragement is truly inspirational and humbling we thank you all. We hope you enjoy the mag and appreciate the bands the we choose to feature, we are always open to suggestions and contributions so please drop us an email at and we can see how we can help

Thanks to all our collaborators, Dave, Minx, John, Rog, Martin W and Matt 88, Dan K Brown and The Tuesday Club’s mighty Blair! And a last but not least mention to Anna, who now as my new wife, has to put up with an Illogical as well as a Vanderbraindrain!

Finally and before letting you dive into this years finale, we wanted to take time to reflect as we do now every December and remember someone who not only played and starred in both aforementioned bands but was also one of our dearest and greatest mates and inspirations - Terry ‘Super’ Cockell who’s passing almost 3 years ago we still find incredible to comprehend. TC Forever, RIP xxx

See you soon we hope, The Tuesday Club Forever.

Thanks to: Design @andy8ecreative Content: Anna Thompson, John Viney, Vive Le Rock, Denise Parsons, Rosa Mojo, David Newbold, Roger Millington, Brad Wigglesworth, Pete Ringmaster, Rogue Sector, Steve Honest, Johnny Bruschetta, Roger Payne





Disclaimer: All content is meant to have spelling mistakes and bad grammar so don’t pick up on it, plus we’re short staffed, we’ve also tried to credit all the photographers and content providers, but if you don’t include the info on your docs and files, sorry we’re not clairvoyant and if we missed it, sorry we’re short staffed. Hope this is cool, we do our best for free, for all of you Peace Love and Perfect Pop to all! xx

“The Tuesday Club are synth punk pop at its catchiest if you’re thinking about Blondie and Roxy Music you’re on the right track... it’s infectious and uplifting” Vive Le Rock SOCIAL, LABEL AND BAND LINKS @thetuesdayclub1 AVBD - @Vnderbraindrain R. Marauder - @YTDS Dave Worm - @Roddamiser Cover star: The Perfect Pop Co-Op TOP OF THE PUNKS 2018! 4-7 Pics from the latest shows Reverse Family - A YEAR IN! 6-18 How, why and what the hell is it! Plasma TV - A New Age 13 A TV studio hidden in Industrial Hertfordshire Who’s In the Club? - The Avon Gaurd 18-19 With Andy from The Avon Guard Department S - December dates 20 Plus their fantastic new cd - singles 45 Revolutions Perfect Pop Co-Op Shop! 21-26 New releases & new bands Andreas and the Wolf and Reverse Family Rogue Sector - Debut Video 28-29 Stills and links to their collaboration from the grave! 111 - Debut Album 30-32 At last the Simone and Howie debut, we’ve all been waiting for! The Metatrons Present 33 Hitchin’s faves announce Black Cat promotions to the world! Scant Regard 34-35 Christmas wrapping! Whatever’s Red - Charity gig 36 Steve Bedford and the boys, doing their bit this Christmas The Christmas Kitten’s Obscure Xmas! 37 A yule tide playlist with a difference! Manilla PR 38 Hard working, results getting, affordable music PR! Christmas as a Punk 38 Electric Umbrella’s fab festive tune The Parsons Know and 3ms Music 39 -45 Denise’s end of year round up of all things local! Our little top 25 for 2018 46 Old new and fab things we like and you should try! An Empire Records Christmas! 47 Xmas Prezzies - Why not get vinyl, cds & vouchers from a shop!?!
TUESDAY CLUB Farmers Boy St.Albans
22nd MAR
ROADMENDER Northampton
(+GUESTS) Thurs
SAt 23rd JUNE


Top Of The Punks – Volume 2 is a 20 track all punk compilation in aid of national mental health charity MIND, with tracks contributed by Vice Squad, Menace, The Vibrators, S*M*A*S*H, Eastfiled, Super Fast Girlie Show, The Tuesday Club, Knockouts, Kako, Shamakazi Pilot and many more to be announced.

Released on June 22nd 2018 on CD and 180gram gatefold double vinyl. The live all-dayer held at Northampton 700 capacity Roadmender venue on Saturday 23rd June 2018. All profits from merchant and ticket sales will go directly to




+special guests HUBCAP MOON BANK HOLIDAY Sun

6th MAY

The Perfect Pop Co-Op proudly present

WOW!... December 9th 2016 was the date that Reverse Family finally came into being as a I’ve band and thus in peoples eyes and consciousnesses not just a rumourThanks to Steve Bedford for offering us the support slot that kicked it all off!

From then on all of the hard work really took hold as we evolved the set and prepared for our debut vinyl only release - My Songs about life Mid Crisis. That album came out in April as you know. Releasing a vinyl only album is quite tricky, you have to take an old school approach of contacting real record stores and trying to tempt them into doing you a sale or return deal, thankfully a handful took a punt and to those (all listed on page 15) I am very grateful. As to the fantastic people who on hearing the music, got it bought in and wrote and reviewed in such an informed way! Of course all of this seems like years ago, when you put into context the 365. But without the fantastic support of family not least my wife Anna (for yes in a spare moment I got married too!) for the constant back up and encouragement through the many moments of doubt!! Of course to the amazing musicians who have helped bring the dream to life. The core band of Dave, Rog, John and The Minx, but also honorary members who have stepped in throughout the year. Matt Edmond on guitar at Trestle, Martin Wakeling on drums at Hertford Corn Exchange and Dan K Brown at The Dublin Castle, you are all stars!

Moving onto the 365 as it has now become known. Firstly a big thank you goes out to Roger Payne and Pete Ringmaster for helping me to articulate and focus on what it is I am attempting and have achieved. Big thanks to Hug(h)e Davenport, Denise Parsons and Tony McDonagh - Manilla PR for their near constant publicity and giant thanks to the mighty Steve Honest without whose help in mixing and mastering all of the songs I wouldn’t have even been able to have made it credible and got it off the ground. Final mention goes out to all of you who have ‘liked’, ‘shared’, ‘reposted’,’played’ ‘bought’ ‘attended’ and ‘Bigged up’ and ‘got’ what Reverse Family is doing. The idea of 365 is a diary life, in ‘teens of the 21st century’; The good, the bad, the terrible, the amazing, the happy and the sad, the hopes, the fears and the lows and highs, the perfection and the imperfection that we are all apart of everyday. I am sincerely grateful you are sharing it with me.
pic Brad Wigglesworth


It has become a commonplace, the received wisdom over the past 40 years or so, to say - and believe - that Art and the Artist, “has a duty to provoke”, or “to confront”, or even “to be political.” This is nonsense, ignorant crap, and has always been so. Artists have no duty to anyone but themselves; are answerable to no-one but themselves, and to whatever it is they have to express, which must be expressed without any compromise whatsoever. The world then ignores it or takes note of it as the world pleases. And the Artist goes on with his or her work regardless.

I was talking about this and about Dermot/ Andreas (and his various alter egos, Reverse family and the Tuesday club amongst them) and his latest venture reviewed below ‘The 365’ with Socrates the other day and showing him the draft of this review and asked him what he thought of it. Perusing it he said that what I’d written was indeed the case.

“You’re sure?” I asked him.

“Bloody certain, youth,” he replied, and instructed me to get it finished.

I have listened, then, to a CD, the first of a series which contains 365 songs, written one a day over 365 consecutive days, a year of his life, his experience, recorded in songs which are always personal. An incredibly ambitious project even for so prolific an artist, but it is now complete. It is not, however a diary, or journal, being less abstracted and detached, less temporally measured and correspondent than that; it is rather a rendering of an account of a past and present together, of the emotions of both, of the artists life as he is living it.

“That must be necessarily true of all artists and their work,”

Socrates said. “Why say it?” But I said I felt there was a need to. If this work in it’s entirety is a simple, pure case of life becoming Art, Art becoming life, then in other ways too Dermot seems to me a harkeningback and genuinely and sincerely so: A most uncompromising artist; singleminded; working constantly and making no compromise whatsoever. If his work should earn him any money and recognition then so much the better - these give the boost to well-being and confidence that all artists need. But if he doesn’t he’ll go on just the same anyway, cutting this solitary, often lonely path... because this is who he is, and this is what he does, and in the end he knows this is his lot. And it is a path of sincerity and integrity, the path therefore of the true artist. What Dermot wants to say and has to say he puts into his songs rather than speaks, and puts it into performing them. Again this is hardly by choice... it is who is. Likewise as if physically magnetised, he is repelled from small-talk, from “dinner-party conversation”, “from chatter”: cursed or blessed, he is unable constitutionally to be anywhere near it. He won’t do it and can’t do it.

“Blessed,” Socrates observed. “An overcoming of the Will to live?”

I put this point to Schopenhauer

on our walk last week, but he was concentrating intently, and I didn’t press him.

To me, there is in Dermot (though it is not evident in his life outside his creative work) a great and constant energy directed towards his creativity, a great frustration and tension always: active and aggressive in the psychological meaning of the words, and in same sense perhaps a true sublimation happening.

phrasings hear an influence from ‘Glam’ or ‘Punk Rock’, I am reminded most, as I am in all the work of his that I have know, of Beefheart... those pared-back and raw and repetitive beats, phrases and rhythms, both foreground and background sometimes mere details of rhythms, beats, minute layers sounding again and again, holding the structure together... the definitely, yes, quirkiness of the lyrics sometimes... but in the end, most of all in the way Dermot has re-created re-worked his own musical influences for the time - and the life - he lives in, as Captain Beefheart recreated, and reworked the blues for his.

Purely my own taste, I was drawn particularly to day 3Gold in the sky blue in my heart, the beginning of which hit the 60’s heart of me and also to Dark Pop (day 7) in which I loved the acoustic guitar vocals.

Is there an unresolved dilemma in Dermot and his work, one between performance and “content”? Does each - for any performer - inevitably obscure and dilute, subtract from, the other? I don’t know, but there is perhaps a gradual natural movement towards more solo performances ?

And while I’m writing this, and you’re reading it Dermot continues to compose music, to write songs, without any high-profile; prolific and unseen, he is wandering about the innards of it all, the viscera; carrying: “a link in the chain”, as another great hoped for himself. And as another of Dermot’s inspirations said: “I couldn’t have worked for any other boss: I only ever wanted to work from myself.”

The first EP - 01 of seven songs - or this first seven days, or week contain songs which are for me stronger and more heartfelt than any I’ve heard from him previously. His musical influences have inevitably helped to shape and colour his own work and are evident again on this EP - but as much as I can in the often hypnotic rhythms and beats and vocal

You can catch up on The 365 at anytime on Spotify, Soundcloud or at or buy online at al of the major digital music outlets, including: iTunes, AppleMusic, Google Play, Amazon, HMV online, Deezer and Napster

RFEP10 - Days 64 to 70

School gate politics - (day 64)

Perfection Complexion - (day 65)

The fear the hurt and pain - (day 66)

Social etecant - (day 67)

Tiggy Pop - (day 68)

Bring on the Yeah Yeah Yeahs - (day 69)

When I do my look - (day 70)

Produced by Steve Honest and Dermot Illogical via dropbox/Hackney Road and St.Albans. Recorded on location(s) in St.Albans Jan-Nov 2015

©reverse family 2017

this weeks themes #Schoolgates #politics #perfection #fear #hurt #pain #Pop #look #perfectpop #rf365

Where to try and where to buy! album/3QSinpo7Vwr9J2vwc166ne



Big thanks to Mark and Guy from local celebrity label Nub Records for giving us the chance to release these handy ‘bite size’ samplers, to tempt you into making the full life commitment that is the #365. Available through all the major digital stores.

4 track digital SAMPLER 01 out on OCT 2nd 2017 as part of a set of 12 to collect from NUB RECORDS.

Sampler 03 - 29 Dec - RF365SAMP03

Pay the price (day 63) School gate politics - (day 64) Movin’ Forward (day 74) Your wandering hands (day 82)


Saturday 4th November saw Reverse Family make their TV debut - In an Industrial Estate in Hemel Hempstead! Yes we know that doesn’t sound glamorous, but NEVER judge a book by it’s cover! We were guests of Alex and Adam who run the fantastic and soon we’re sure to be massive! Plasma TV studios from the basement of an office space. There will be a full feature later in this months mag so for now we’ll just concentrate on pics and info from the RF session. Playing live to

hand picked studio audience and streamed live over Facebook the band played their full live set and were filmed and recorded for future publishing. As you’ll see from the pics, the whole set up was hugely professional and also great fun with all of the camera and behind the scenes crew made up of volunteers adding to the relaxed but exciting vibe. Read more about Alex and the guys on page 30. Big thanks to Anna Thompson for the pre-show snaps!


(see pAgE 34)


New and established artists and bands perform live at our Hertfordshire (UK) studios, often in front of a live studio audience. The show is streamed on to the Internet. Individual songs may then be cut and edited and the videos uploaded to our YouTube channel.

At the moment, we’re streaming to Facebook Live, (basically because everyone seems to have Facebook) but we’re always looking at new stuff and will be simultaneously streaming to several platforms in the near future.

So, if you’re a solo artist or a band, you can apply to be on the show here. You can check out available dates here: A BIG thanks to all of these FAB indie record stores for stocking THE VINYL! Drift Records - Totnes Sound of the Suburbs - Ruislip Norman Records - Leeds php?q=reverse+family Soundclash Records - Norwich Empire Records - St.Albans Revolution Records - Stevenage "There's an air of flippancy about Reverse Family's latest full-length - My Songs About Life Mid Crisis; but actually, this is a well structured slab of funk-infused glam rock. Tracks such as 'Way It Goes' are driven by drunken guitar solos and lyrics that hardly appear sober, but the whole thing amounts to a very satisfying listen." - NORMAN RECORDS


In the club



Joining us in the club this month is Andy Mitty, guitarist with The Avon Guard. Having already released a handful of ‘cinematic and darkly melodic’ singles, the band are currently putting the finishing touches to their debut album. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Andy Mitty to the club...

OK firstly, we are sitting in the cyber pub doing this interview, and it’s our round. What do you want to drink? Vodka, half a lime, soda and ice x

What was the last thing you heard/watched that was so good you had to tell someone about it?

The Denis Stracqualursi interview about his time at Everton

3) There used to be badges and compilation albums proclaiming ‘Punk’s Not Dead’ but Is Punk rock dead, alive or just evolving?

I really don’t know what punk is. I remember the initial and now generic sound, and to me it was a noodling free sound that would probably suggest you go fuck yourself. I’ve argued fruitlessly with idiots about whether Never Mind The Bollocks is actually a punk record. In fact fuck it, it isn’t. It’s the greatest rock n roll record of all time. That doesn’t really answer anything but whatever. Punk lives baby!

4) In terms of new bands starting out is the Internet a help or hindrance?

Yeah, its such a hindrance to be gifted with the means of distribution. Oh for the good old days.

5) If football is the current 'rock &'roll (in terms of Superstar status), what do you think could or should be next big thing? Not a fucking clue!

6) If you could be any character in a film, what film and who would it be?

2001 A Space Odyssey. I’d be HAL. “I’m afraid I can’t do that Dave”

7) You are now In The Club, but what club do you actually wish it was? Less than nine months

8) Who’d be in your 4 piece fantasy rock’n’ roll band. Guitar, Bass, Drums and Vocals John Lydon, Steve Jones, Paul Cook, Glen Matlock

9) If you had a time machine and could go back to any year in music, what would it be and why?

1972 to hear the launch of Ziggy Stardust, Transformer and Raw Power (early 73 but near enough)

10) What question haven’t we asked you that you wish we had? Are these my real eyelashes?

11) Where's the best place to find you on the internet?

Ta x

Our pleasure Andy, thanks for dropping by and good luck with the new album, nice suit btw!

45 Revolutions: Singles 1980 - 2017 1. Clap Now 2. On My Own Again 3. Going Left Right 4. I Believe (Radio Edit) 5. My Coo Ca Choo 6. She’s Expecting You 7. God Squad Saviour 8. When All Is Said and All Is Done 9. Is Vic There? 10. Wonderful Day 11. I Want 12. Is Vic There? (Rogue Sector Remix) 13. Age of Control (Rogue Sector Remix) 14. Is Vic There? (21st Century Version) 15. I Believe (Feat. Fiona McCluskey) remixesOUTNOW!andfeaturing byRogue Sector!

Tuesday Club expanded See You Next Tuesday The Complete Sessions

In 2013 as a bristling 8 piece - 2 bass, keys, drums, 3 guitars, 2 vocals and a Minx!... The Tuesday Club released ‘See you next Tuesday’ on an unsuspecting world... “Roxy Music played by The Rocky Horror Show”... here for the first time you can grab for your collection - The Complete sessions... featuring the lost tracks and unreleased material... 5 of which have been released on varying eps and singles, 3 of which have never been released... and now due to loss of the original masters - 1 of which was never and will never be finished! Released on Ltd edition of only 50 cds and a digital download. You’d be a definite SYNT not to want this?!

CD1: Original Album:

Dolly Dynamite

Ain’t Got No Class

Money Means Nothing


She Splayed My Teeth

New Regime (Slow Swing)

Replication and Montage

All You Do Is Wow

New Glamour

Wish My Slate Was Cleaner

Vinyl As a Manifesto

Oh Daddy Please

Little Miss Attitude

Human inhuman being

CD 2:

Previously released Material

True Sex Appeal (Free Xmas single)

These Dogs Bite (B-Side Dolly Dynamite EP)

Old Before Your Time (Original mix)

One Idea and a Lonely Voice (From Forbidden Kiss EP)

New Regime (Punkd) (B-Side Ain’t got no Class)

Previously Unreleased Material

Erotism And Machinery

It Ain’t Changed Me Gordon Curfew (unfinished Mix)

New Glamour Single

A new version of the song from the debut album with a it’s B-side, live fave Old before your time. Available on Gold enhanced CD, with special video


Recorded in 2015 with the legendary Steve Honest at the controls, this version of Zerox features; The Minx, J-Rod and The Beautiful Wolf and also features a guest appearance on the drums of our friend and ace session man Francesco

Lucidi (Who also made a cameo appearance in our Forbidden Kiss video too). Released at the start of June 2016 by popular demand following our Farmers Boy, appearance where we performed it with Will Crewdson, Adam Ants guitarist.


Other releases currently available from The Tuesday Club

My Consciousness EP

My Consciousness, Harsh tales of ancient news and Something Major. Available on Silver and MP3 download!


Forbidden Kiss EP

Forbidden Kiss, Cities Alive and One Idea and a lonely voice. Available on Silver and MP3 download! EP002

Lady Gargar EP

Lady Gargar, Scars are Superstars and Resistance makes your heart groan fonder. Available on Silver and MP3 download! EP003

Boo Hoo EP

Boo Hoo, Beat Oven, Greyer Shades Of Grey Available on Silver and MP3 download! EP004


Back in 1984 Wargames, the postpunk/new wave band B-Wolf was in, called it a day. But The Wolf carried on writing material for a new album for when he found a new band. He had a portastudio, a couple of guitars, a Casio CZ101 keyboard and a drum machine. As he can’t sing he ended up with a lot of instrumental demos. Fast forward 30 years and when clearing the attic he came across a box full of old cassettes and fancied giving them a listen…

He thought it would be an interesting project to revisit these tracks written by his twenty year old self. In some cases he had the original 4 tracks so he used these and added to them and in other cases where he only had a mixed down track he re-recorded everything. At the time he was influenced by the likes of Siouxsie & the Banshees, The Cure, Psychedelic Furs, The Banshees/Cure offshoot, The Glove, and Magazine.

W ith a new album in the pipeline 2018 looks to be an exciting year for the duo.


breathless...Taking influence from Viviene Goldman, the dub side of the PIL brain and the other worldliness of Donald Pleasance... The SueySide Packed, lure you in, ply you with hallucinogens and lock you in a dark cupboard in next doors house... the one marked for demolition... and there's a JCB outside with it's engine running All I want is you theperfectpopco-op.bandcamp. com/album/all-i-want-is-you
This track is based on a cassette demo from the B-Wolf from the mid 1980s with new lyrics added by Andy.
album/minotaur-heart NEW SINGLE 8th DEC fountain-of-truth PLUS introducing GAND... no releases yet but a playlist on Tom Robinson’s Fresh on the net for starters...


Life is for winners and only winners... 'Dream boy doing well' is about dead winners, dead from life... dead ending... dead bored... dead frustrated... imagine... Johnny the horrifying man from Repetition by David Bowie in a scene from a 1970's Hammer Horror Film... infused with the dark hopeless sarcasm of the queen in snow white... that's what the Bleeed are serving up for you this time dear friends, go on take a bite!

The Dodo - The Album. Finally released in it’s full digital tragedy... Taking 3 weeks of evenings to produce in the autumn of the late late noughties... unplanned and adrenalised. It sounds more like a the soundtrack to Saint-Saens carnival of the animals transported to a lost autumn somewhere in a darker, richer, swinging 60’s... the 1860’s that is. Harpsichord, strings, bells, and tormented otherwordly backing vocals provide the backdrop to this feast of psychedelic melancholia laid bare to inspire and unhinge in equal measure. From the soaring yet forbidding, puritanical bleak, wailing, death mask procession of ‘Into the Black’, to the 60’s apple blossom infused cold war time bomb - ‘Waiting for the walls to come down. The DIY or DIE Organisation sound like a ghostly ice-cream van stalking the neighbourhoods of the as yet unwritten Tim Burton animation… ‘Gothic Pop Victoriana’. The DODO was born, it grew and ultimately demised, leaving this as it’s epitaph... Into the mists of time and tragedy it fades... the last Thylacine resplendent in a Tin Foil Crown.

The Silent Scream

Valerie Leon (Queen of Neon) Super Juice album/the-silent-scream-ep

Plus to commemorate 40 years since the Ramones debut LP. Here’s a FREE download of our version of their classic track Commando commando

Waiting for the walls to come down Into the black
waiting-for-the-walls-to-come-down The Purest My little Eye album/the-purest
bum/the-diy-or-die-organisation album/dreamboy-doing-well

Imagine Scrooge hadn’t had his dream and he’d carried on blissfully and corporatly crushing the spirit of his loyal workforce, this is Bob Cratchits revenge. Despite all the hardship Bob’s soul elevated his family to higher consciousness where they dispensed with traditon and used the foil for something alltogether more glam than a turkeys marathon runners blanket. Melancholic yet up lifting Tin Foil Crown is an anthem of Hope and fortitude against the odds! tinfoil-crown





Serving up a heady cocktail of synthpop, electro, post punk, disco, funk and acid house, Diamond Meadows are inspired by a love of bands such as Travelogue era Human League, Soft Cell and Cabaret Voltaire album/morbid-fascination

Ever had that dream where an insect invades the ear and sets up home to mercilessly tease and torment thereon in? If so, a form of similar reality is about to be unleashed as the Reverse Family step forward to announce themselves with a sound which trespasses and festers in the psyche. The difference is that this is set to be the most welcome invasion of ears as it crawls with relish into the imagination.

Reverse Family is the solo project of Dermot Illogical, aided by a fluid band of collaborators from time to time, this debut offering is a lo-fi exploration into an experimental DIY web of sounds and flavours which is hard to pin down but certainly embraces everything from post punk and noise pop to indie and old school punk. There are so many highlights offered by the Reverse Family songs; each track connecting with an ever eager hunger for punk fuelled, post punk spiced imagination. Plastic Punks epitomises this perfectly, its Fire Engines toned melodic jangle and Spizzenergi devilry sheer temptation again emerging as something specific to Reverse Family.

With a tongue in cheek lining to the lyrical reflection shaping songs which spreads into the music itself, Reverse Family is a beguiling adventure with a nod to the past and a grip on an imagination as fresh as it is, well quite simply a touch loco.

Ringmaster Review

"This loose and snazzy slinky strut has been leaked as a mooching club floor teaser as to whats to come. Time tunnelling its way from a new wave age to present day, this glam funked schizoid crooner is possessed of the kind of wayward outsider pop dialect that imagines odd popper Gary Wilson doing Adam Ant homages whilst shimmying up to a class of 1980 gathering of Jona Lewie and Robin Scott moonlighting as M types." album/way-it-goes

Legend of Pierre is the follow up single to ‘Way it Goes’ from the bands new vinyl only LPMy Songs about life Mid Crisis.

"A haunting keys wrapped sultry croon"

Ringmaster Review album/legend-of-pierre

See page 21 for current LP for stockists


"Our news is that we're still

It began as a sample of Nico and became an experiment that turned into a song, and then a video and an impasse: how were we going to represent Nico? A lookalike? We certainly couldn’t afford any Andy Warhol films... Then, Eric Random (musician, producer and former member of Nico’s band, The Faction)

answered our distress call and let us have a VHS of a Nico & the Faction gig in Switzerland, 1986. Eric’s incredible generosity saved the day and we are truly grateful.

Ministry Of Love

Nico - vocals

Paul Freegard - music, sounds, production Andrew Trussler - music, sounds, production

Faye Carr - vocals

SECTOR working on the

album for release next

Video directed by Rua Acorn

(Idle Productions)

Nico footage courtesy of Eric Random


Rogue Sector are currently working on their debut album, The Ministry Of Love for release next year.

on ALL digital platforms.



It wasn’t really that long ago that rock & pop, made by real people, drawn from their own experiences, could be channelled so well into song that, having once heard a song, it would remain with you, until you had to wonder whether this form of ‘demonic possession’ was something you actually liked- or not!

What if you played say, a dozen or so of your favourites over the decades, would they all be exactly the same sort of tracks, over & over?

In the realms of todays music if you can’t supply your own niche-dwelling genre/tag, you just can’t be labelled, & therefore most importantly to the record business (& that means Business), sold by them either. Who the hell is gonna BUY this product with no box?

All I can say in my defence is that I didn’t learn to play & record music,

just so I could become a promoter or label exec’ or an advertiser.

This album that 111 has made was pulled together, like tiny beads of mercury which as you can imagine is not usually a neat arrangement, at first anyways. The songs themselves are random & can set up a glittering 70’s rock background that would have sat happily on the Old Grey Whistle Test one moment, (Glitterati / This Rock/ Eye On You) then the next one starts & you’re off on another twist to the futuresound (Take You Out / This Is The Way ) & all the time, seeming to remain upbeat & familiar but the lyrics contain their own code.

But this is only a fraction of the 111 recipe, because of the retroactive nature of having had an intensely creative patch previous to the bands’ formation, (which saw the rapid song idea production line kick off.) Once I had my own enigma machine to hammer away at (mostly in headphone land... “la la la”), I was, unwittingly, putting a ‘set-list’ together for the near future.

The only criteria imposed on the

material in these early stages was that it was catchy, quirky & most of all, Hooky!!

So back to the modern world: & in the time most of the album was written Youtube was still fairly punk assed & uncontrolled & this meant folk still found something exciting about it. There... That’s what I had all these songs for, oh the Internet will look after them, they will on occasion, & if we’re very lucky maybe, delight somebody else....that I don’t even know!?

Yes, yes I know, I seem to digress here, but this 111 thing has no ‘well thought out plot’ to it. It then happened that one track I had in particular, (which can be seen Youtube, displays a tiny, weeny flashback to the Roxy/Ziggy element), and needed some tangible ‘band’ for which the tortured narrator of the song story had to reference in his 1973 NME “I Quit” scenario. Process implodes.Ha ha.

But no, not imploding...

photo by Rosamojo

As the day of the video shoot progressed & drummer John Doyle (of Magazine, Pete Shelley, Armoury Show) began to hint; “This song isn’t all you’ve written like this then (?)”

Suddenly, quite by accident, we had formed, (oh my god), a Band.

These lucky numbers from my more accessible demos were then kicked into shape slowly as a nameless trio in rehearsals at Mike Oldfields Tilehouse Studios. Just trying to make them into a set we could all feel comfortable with playing. I say ‘comfortable’ but my multitasking bass & singing ‘magic act’ would eventually snap in a nerve jangling frozen shoulder epic. I had to make a choice of one thing or the other. We threw both the roles ‘out there’ for the internet to direct 111’s fate. Hit & miss combinations having been tried, the inescapable fact was: that I wrote it. “You, you idiot, who else?!!”

(I had always harboured a dream that somebody with a far stronger voice would sing maybe just one of my songs & I could vicariously enjoy that from afar.)

(The much in demand) Roger Millington is now the 111 bassist, being the fourth to step up to that role as it goes, & having had an eye on the project since he saw our 1st ever trio gig at the rockin’ Aces & Eights bar in Tufnell Park. This happened in the usual 111 fluid way & took him from keys towards the bass end by the time we were appearing in Islingtons’ O2 & Garage venues as support act to Bow Wow Wow & Toyah.

None of this banter has so far shed much light on the painstaking work of the main producer & polisher of my rough diamonds that is Howie Austwick. The albums progress was halted by so many hindrances along the way in the throws of a house move, with subsidence work within a room that was the complete opposite shape of what even a ‘reasonable’ music mix requires.

Howie has been playing guitar & making music since his teens as a lad in Leeds, playing in and writing songs for several bands, before embarking on his current profession, writing music for film/TV etc. If you watch TV, then you’ve heard his music!

Now being besides the sea, it appears it is finally the right time & place to release the 111 album into the wilderness of cyberspace...

Other links to try! album/111_Lucky_Numbers album/07y0IDF6Jm9pVX4zmLhulc

2017 has been a blur for Scant main man Will Crewdson, he’s literally been all over the world with two legendary bands Adam and The Ants and The Selector.

Not only that he has also managed to squeeze in a reunion gig with the cult that is Rachel Stamp and a festival or two with She Made Me Do it, that also featured out very own Tuesday Club (Alice’s Wicked Tea Party) leaving his solo project Scant Regard (our entry point to Will back in 2014) to take somewhat of a backseat... However he’s back now and while he plans the next chapter in his epic career, with a new album #SkippingOverDamagedArea on the way very soon... and with Christmas on the way we thought we’d remind you all of this must see phenomenon and give you a few hints for stocking fillers at the same time!

For more on Will’s fantastical Rock’n’Roll story just


(see pAGE 12)

“Will's highly individual guitar sound coupled with a heady brew of dubtastic almost techno-centric analogue synth sounds and patterns make for an always unexpected and interesting listen. So give it a go!”
Burnt Pop Cycles The Lone Rager Plus Ultra Bitchstorm You’re Welcome Iron Eyes Cody California Bad Apple Luncheon Vouchers 20,000 Leagues The Benediction Friction In The Lurch Something for the Weakened 4:09 I Make No Bones The Model Float Sneaking Into Godforsaken Territory Demonade Warm Leatherette Acuminata Paradisiaca Kardinal Syn Misguided Missile10 Beastometer Zeronia 21 Crying on Rollercoasters Escupideras De Hielo Eden Machine Crunchy Church Harpernoid Centigrade Peachy Keen Americandroid Crumbled Fortress In A Primitive State Of Neurotic Irresponsibility The Lone Rager Plus Ultra Brush with Death Rip Crackaway 2016 AD Treacherous Pet Inhuminati Rosetta Stain Quasimondo Surf’s Down The Emerald Shepherdess (Part 1) Guts for Garters Acrid Table The Emerald Shepherdess (Part 2) The Utmost Burl Ives’ Ghost Eye of the Fly Rip Crackaway Burl Ives’ Ghost #SkippingOverDamagedArea Buy all of the above from The Scant Regard Superstore here...

in aid of Rennie Grove Hospice Care

4pm - 6pm

Those attending are asked to make a donation to Rennie Grove Hospice

“.It’s time to say the ‘C‘ word“...

Being a Christmas Kitten, I was desperate to write a piece on Christmas music, until I realised that I would have nothing to say that hadn’t already been said on‚ Now That’s What I Call The Cheesiest Christmas TV Countdown of the 100 Most Popular Christmas Songs of All Time Ever Part XCIX‘.

A quick Google of obscure Christmas Music brought up search results that were by no means obscure to a girl who reads ‚In the Club‘ – Marc Bolan’s‚ Christmas Bop’ being a favourite in these parts... But I was directed to qaz23’s Spotify playlist Obscure Christmas‘

– with a whopping 219 songs, including these beauties:

The Christmas Song – The Raveonettes

“Syrupy vocals and velvety textures – delicious!“

Santa Bring My Baby Back to Me – The Love Me Nots

“Lyrically run-of-the-mill, but enjoyably punked up.“

Let Me Be The Fairy On Your Christmas Tree – The School

“Reminiscent of the Waitresses.“

Can’t Wait for Christmas – Laurie Biagini

“Love the 60s vibe, makes me want to put on pyschedelia and go surfing.“

It’s Christmas Time – Reindeer Tribe

“Hooked by the bass line, this is funky and sexy at the same time.“

It’s Cliched to be Cynical at Christmas – Half Man Half Biscuit

“Brilliant lyrics, which I will be singing in my head at all the Christmas haters out there.“

Zat You, Santa Claus? – Jack Fox, Louis Armstrong

“Perfect material for ‚Now That’s What I Call etc.“

Merry Xmas, Baby! – Scott Kempner

“For those of us who are happy to forego the Tiffany jewels under the tree and have love from a financially-challenged man instead.“

Coal for Christmas – Thunderbolt Patterson

“Hopefully the key-changes are as ironic as the lyrics...“

This Christmas - Shoes

“Optimistic and chirpy. Lovely.“

11 hours and 13 minutes later, I realise there are Christmas songs out there in a vast array of musical styles, for both Christmas Kittens and Christmas Haters. It’s possible to find whatever Christmas song you want – you can do a mix and match approach: so if you want a song with miserable lyrics to a doo-wop sound – you can have it!

Having said that, when it comes to content, there’s nothing new under the sun: Christmas Kittens love being with the ones we love, we feel bluesy if we aren’t with them, and just want them home.We can’t wait for Father Christmas to come, even though what we really want is a romantic kiss under the mistletoe. Apart from praising Jesus whilst shaking some reindeer bells, there aren’t really any other themes.

For the Humbugs out there – the chances for originality are equally slim. You’re either bitter about an ex, or just generally resent everyone being so joyous because your life’s shit... check out April Smith and the Great Picture Show’s Christmas Threw Up All Over You, if only for the lyrics,and Deidre & the Dark’s The Ghost of Christmas Past for a sultry, slinky sound.

I was seeking out something original, but only found different versions of the same themes. Happily, I can go back to my guilty pleasure – my Annual Christmas Kitten Overplayed Playlist, knowing that clichés are really part of the fun.

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Drawing on the knowledge and contacts built up over two decades in the music industry, Manilla Public Relations can offer you the professionalism, work rate and results to meet the demands of all musical styles. Over the years we have handled all manner of campaigns and events from acoustic to punk and we deal with hundreds and hundreds of media contacts from regional radio to flagship national radio and TV shows.


‘Christmas as a Punk’ to celebrate learning disabilities this Christmas. You can listen, buy the single or make a donation at We are so proud of our members and thankful to those who made this happen. Please share this video and help us turn Christmas yellow. #christmasasapunk #electricumbrella #ChristmasNo1

find out more at...

My latest Tips, TOP BANDS, ARTISTS and EVENTS!

My new Logo – Hopefully most of you will have seen my new logo courtesy of: he of who also design this here mag!)

I remember around this time last year thinking that it had been a really busy year and maybe I should slow down a bit next year.. well that didn’t happen then! 2017 has been a ‘roller coaster’ of a year for me. So many gigs, new bands & opportunities galore. As I sit here, it’s actually hard to get it all in focus! But overall, I think I can say I have had a marvellous year even though sometimes, like now, when I am writing on the last day of a deadline set weeks ago, I struggle to keep up sometimes!

So a little round up is I order I feel & where my trusty google calender comes is very handy! So lets divide it up a bit and see where we land

This has truly landed me on the branding map & I am so chuffed with it I can’t tell you. So many many many cool comments on it – plus having my own ‘gig’ banner!! As someone who always wanted to be a musician but didn’t have an ounce of musical ability – its almost like I’m in a band!!!

Radio Verulam The Parsons Knows Local Music was 3 years old in October 2017. Which means something like 300 hours of local music played over the 3 years on my show. I find that truly amazing as most weeks have very few repeats. Just shows how much amazing music is out there. Over the last year, I think there have only been a handful of weeks without guests playing live in the studio & bookings are already stretching into 2018. The support I have had from local music fans and the bands

championing local music PK Promotions • • • The Parsons Knows round up for 2017 championing local music PK Promotions The Parsons Knows • • •
The Parsons Knows

& artists has been incredible & I feel truly blessed to be able to showcase the wealth of talent in our area. There is nothing like complete strangers coming up to you & saying how much they enjoy the show.

Gigs So I have a my regular gigs across town – Harey Open Mic, Harey Acoustic Lounge, The Peacock monthly band night, The Crown Acoustic night – which stopped at the beginning of the year only to return last month! Then there are all the charity ones, like Busking Day for The Crescent twice & year & their Open Day & not forgetting ‘The Live Music Project’ where it all started – 4 years old April gone. Then there are all the little extra bookings for one off events and parties etc. & then there was ‘Balstock’ which for me I think has to be the gig of 2017. Having hosted a stage for Folkstock 2 years running I was aware of what a great little festival this is so to be asked to run & book my own stage this year was incredible. Plus I was able to put the #ParsonsKnows stamp on it and book bands that showcase everything I do, like Reverse Family , Skomads , The Ben Drake Collective & my personal favourite set of the day from ‘ Polkabilly Circus ’. I can truly say that all the acts I booked were top notch & did me proud on the day. The place was rammed & so many people stopped me to say how much they enjoyed it & not forgetting the weather which was a challenge! I also got to attend some splendid gigs too like Rickmansworth Festival , The Odd Eccentric , The Zipheads , The Tuesday Club , Lasers 8’ O’Clock Day One & oh.. Adam Ant .. not quite local but it was in Watford & The Anti Poet supported so.....

My TV debut Plasma Music TV – a great little outfit, streaming & filming live music. Run by Alex & Adam –2 people very much on the same page as me. So not only was I able to send them loads of talented acts for

The Parsons Knows Top Tips for 2018

The Ben Drake Collective – new album out now! Definitely worth a listen. It may have taken some time for this album to finally land but it was worth the wait!

their show but I got to interview on camera The Ben Drake Collective . My most nerve racking moment of 2017. Have a watch!!

Sure there is lots more but ‘the little grey cells’ are struggling as I sit here in my Pjs!

So just to say a massive Thank You to everyone I have met, encountered, chatted to & anyone who has listened in, attended a gig or read a post. I am truly grateful to you all and lets see what 2018 brings!

Phoenix O'Neill – rising local star for sure. I have had the pleasure of putting Phoenix on for some of her very 1st gigs when she was a terrified teenager & I had to coax her on stage.. I have been delighted by her growing confidence over the last couple of years and where it is taking her. She's always had the most incredible voice backed up with some very good songwriting but just lately she really has been a 'Phoenix Rising'. With some big industry names now interested in her I can't wait to see how 2018 unfolds for her. If I didn't feel so invested in her & love her to bits I might be a bit jealous!! She's got it all, talent, youth & beauty.. but no jealously.. just a heartfelt wish that she gets somewhere in an industry that is so very difficult. If anyone can – Phoenix can. PS – that tour managers job is still mine..right??

Check out the amazing new single 'Cruel World' here!

Finally, here’s all my links, see you soon, Denise! x

Becky Phillips – A captivating live performer & songwriter from whom I expect to hear a lot more original music from in 2018. I can only imagine how it is to put your soul out there in a song but Becky manages to do that with a charm & grace that for me, really stands out. Interestingly, she is also putting together a ‘John Denver’ tribute which I am sure will go down very well. I inherited a love of John Denver from my Dad, who was a huge fan, so whilst I was listening to The Clash in one room, my Dad was listening to John Denver in the other and that always makes me smile! #MusicMemories.

Run by musicians for musicians...

3Ms Music is a local independent record label set up to put the fun back into making music. Being musicians themselves they understand what artists need. They strive to make top notch albums with new and established artists alike.

The label specialises in vinyl releases which is pretty cool. They have well known acts like The Sharks & Jah Wobble on label & local heavy rockers High Treason as well as signing some up and coming acts like ‘Saints of Sin’.

It’s hard work running a record label these days with streaming and stuff so go support a great independent label & buy music.

3MS Music sponsors of The Parsons Knows Local Music on Radio Verulam

The Ultimate Civic Disco 2018

Who remembers the ‘Civic Disco’ then. Anyone of a ‘certain age’ will I am sure. It was the place to go in St Albans before punk exploded. Personally I remember going to ‘The Tom Cat Disco’ for the U18’s & being chosen for their float on ‘The St Albans Carnival’ circa 1975 & disco dancing down St Peters St & Holywell Hill..It’s back again next year with a Glam Rock feel this time & ‘Slade’ – no Noddy though.. All for a good cause as well to help with our own St Albans Town Hall - New Museum & Gallery Project. Dust off those glittery flares & platforms!!











10. THE NEW VIV ALBERTINE BOOK - To Throw Away Unopened


12. ANDREAS AND THE WOLF - Debut Album












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