In The Club 011

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Issue 011 JULY 2014


t o ‘ I N T H E C L U b ’ , t he O F F I C I A L T U E S D A Y C L U B I N T E R A C T I V E M A G a z ine - B R O U G H T TO Y O U I N C O N J U N C T I O N w i t h T H E P E R F E C T P O P C O - O P and o ur friends

So, we did Dublin. Seemed to pass in a bit of a blur. The Holyhead to Dublin ferry is a bit scary at 3am, must be said. Here is a video of Roger and J-Rod’s Roadtrip over. It features a dirty, dirty Roger and an ill and tired looking me. But now, tis July and this is the month us TCers return to the Great Steve Honest to record our sounds (some new ones) for a forthcoming release later in the year. Andreas will be excitable; Super will be looking forward to his breakfast (known within TC circles as a ‘Fat Boy’) and Roger will have his recording (with us) virginity broken. We promise to be gentle. In the meantime - read the mag. It’s good for you. Just like Guinness.

July-Rod. Guitarist Stage Left, and typo.


7 - JuLy (Post D u b lin S P E C I A L ( i s h ) . . . Wha t The Tuesday C lu b are s t ic k ing in t heir eardrums ! Andreas Vanderbraindrain: The Lewd - Kill yourself The Minx: Smoke City - Underwater Love Wasabi Penis: Ginger - Can’t drink you pretty J-Rod: OMD - Stanlow Rogerio Marauder: James - Moving On The Beautiful Wolf: schools out - alice cooper Tittybar Telski: The Dead Kennedys – Holiday in Cambodia

Thanks to: Design @8ecreative, Tiggy Pop. Editor: Reggie Mental. Photography: Neil Stephenson, Jord, AVBD, The Eye, Sarah Martin Words: Denise Parsons, The Minx, Faye Don’tlikeitupum, Stuart Pidboy, Don Tellumpike, Don T. Panic, Sister Dolly, AVBD, Beautiful Wolf, J-Rodz


Upcoming gigs!

Cover star:

The Tuesday Club

Magnificent 7


What’s going on in our musical world

You Bloom 2014

Burton Constable (WITH BIG COUNTRY)


A truimphant return

Who’s In the Club

don Sat Oct 18 - Paper Dress Vintage, Lon Sat Nov 1 - Farmer’s Boy, St.Albans T CONVENTION) Sat Nov 8 - Ant-Lib, London (ADAM AN support) Sat Nov 22nd - Islington 02 (TOYAH


With John Hearns from YouBloom

FREE Download giveaway!

Sat July 12 - Farmer’s Boy, St.Albans 4, Sat Sept 27 - Cornucopia Festival 201


Get 5 downloads and a special TC collectors card for FREE!

Da Minx 9 The Chanteuse Speaks!

(Club) Foot tappers

Sat Nov 29 - Trestle Arts, St.Albans Sat Dec 6 - Farmer’s Boy, St.Albans


AVBD, J-Rod and The Beautiful Wolf trawl their record collections. Plus this month’s ‘lost artist’ is The Tea Set My Mind meld with A Beautiful Wolf John uncovered by Jordan!

The Parsons Knows



Denise gives us all the news from Trestle Arts base, St.Albans and its environs. @thetuesdayclub1 AVBD - @Vnderbraindrain The Minx - @TCTheMinx R. Marauder - @YTDS Dave Worm - @Roddamiser J-Rod - @JRod_TC

4 1 20 DAFT

The TC’s return to Dublin in pictures...

e y E e Thhe Eye


Worm the sky

y Club 24/7 Some say he films The Tuesda eye open... and that he sleeps with one .. This time his eye was closed. g selfie!.... and Dave Worm did a pre-gi

In the club with

John Hearns

image from:


and main men (infact This month, we welcome Big John Hearns - one of the founders ival in Dublin... you know Operations & Strategy Director of The ACE Youbloom PLC fest s!) the one we’ve played and eulogised about for the last two year Hi John, before we begin, can you describe your role at youbloom?

Is the Internet help or hindrance to new bands?

The glue! It’s my job to make sure it doesn’t all fall apart!

Both.... It makes it easy for anyone to put out their music so the challenge is how to rise above all the mediocrity. Bands need to view the internet as a tool to bring an audience back to their own digital presence be that a website or social media to then encourage them to listen or see the band live - and all that in itself is a science.

OK firstly, we are sitting in the cyber pub doing this interview, and it’s our round. What do you want to drink?

In a previous life I worked in sales for a brewery and I love finding new beers with character so I will have a pint of local craft beer and if we are having a chaser then mines a Tullamore D.E.W. What was the last thing you heard/ watched that was so good you had to tell someone about it (apart from The Tuesday Club at this years youbloom ;-) )

Apart from the Tuesday Club... Irish band New Secret Weapon are the most original and exciting thing I have seen at grass roots level for many years.

What ingredients make a top band for you?

Having something to say, saying it in as original a form as possible and conveying it with passion Do you think a heyday will ever return to music. If (Football ie premiership soccer) is the current rock’n’roll, what will be next?

This is a difficult question. I think there is always a heyday for music we just might not like the type of

music that’s having it’s heyday. I don’t think soccer is the current rock n roll, when I was in school the latest album and the status of the league were equally topical. I think what’s changed is that music is more the background to life ie the video game you play or the TV show you watch rather than the medium that defines who you are and what you believe in. Our band ranges from 30 - 52 in age. Is there ever an age when you’re too old to rock’n’roll

In short no. As long as you still have something to say

and believe in saying it then you are never too old, I have seen The Who, Neil young, Leonard Cohen and many other older artists and they have never been to old because they have remained true to what they believe in. However the worst gig I ever saw and the only time I walked out of a gig was the Sex Pistols in 2008, it was a complete parody and totally unbelievable. You are creating a John Hearns time capsule; what 4 items do you put in it?

1. The limited edition photo of Rory Gallagher and Phil Lynott performing together that my kids gave me last Christmas 2. My ticket to The Who gig in Dublin in 2007 which I went

to with my son who was 12 at the time. 3. Photos of Caherdaniel Co. Kerry Ireland where we have had the most fantastic holidays over the years 4. The other items are personal :) If you could be any character in a film, what film and who would it be?

Luke Jackson played by Paul Newman in Cool Hand Luke You are now In The Club, but what club do you actually wish it was?

The one that’s open late, still serving and the sounds are mellow What question haven’t we asked you that you wish we had?

Are you having another drink? Where can we find more about You and YouBloom on t’internet?

Check out the blog on ... which will have lots of interesting and guest blogs over the coming months. Any news/gigs coming up you want us to plug?

Applications have just closed to play youbloom@LA but watch out around September for the call for application to play youbloom@London scheduled for Feb 2015 Thanks John!

BUNCH OF FIVES! We’ve created our own Download Festival!! For the whole of July we are giving a Bunch of Fives a free download a week. Also included with each track are ‘stickers’ of each member of the band, plus the artwork for each track. And that’s not all. In the last download, you’ll get a special Tuesday Club sticker book (OK page) to house your whole collection. It’s sort of a spring clean of the shop, so once these tracks have been up, they’ll come down, even from the shop, so make the most of the free offer!! All you need to do is go the TC Shop, and you’ll see the widget. Put in your email address, and wait for the email to arrive. The email will contain a link to a special webpage with the download pack on it. Make sure you download all the files if you want to take part in the ‘sticker’book as each pack will be taken down after 7 days. If you find you are missing a part of the sticker book, please let us know and we’ll try and help. If you complete the whole collection, there is also a spot to put yourself In the Club! If you do this,

take a photograph of the whole card, and post to our Facebook Page or Twitter and we’ll be choosing our favourite for an extra prize! So free free free free free selfie win. Not bad for a Bunch of Fives! start downloading today here!




DAMinx It’s not always easy to know who you are talking to at Tuesday Club gig. Looking for the cowbell ... Don’t get minxed up! Monday (Monday) Minx has returned from Dublin where Tuesday Club appear in YouBloom festival at venue called Sweeney’s (is not barber shop). Band surprisingly well behave, Minx shocked. Do not try drink Guinness this time as disgust drink. Taste of mouldy flip flop. Shame as look very nice. Remind The Minx of Minx hair. Minx have Guinness hair. In fact, so much, Guinness must pay Minx for copy hair. Minx inspire Guinness is obvious. Tuesday (Tuesday) Must also tell reader of tale of new minion. Meet Dublin man who want be minion. He beg and plead. But cannot live with accent of Irish man. Have enough with Builder Minion and funny speak. But Irish man buy present for Minx. Minx still ignore. Already have full quota of minion. He very persuasive. Find out later that want-tobe-minion have stowed away in car of J-Rod who decide to take ferry. Migrant Minion turn up on door step of Minx!!!!!!!! Дерьмо!!!!! Refuse entry to Migrant Minion, who decide to sleep in shed, like dog. (Except Perestroika and Kalashnikov do not sleep in shed. Sleep like kings at foot of Minx’s bed, along with minion. (original minion, head of minion household.)) Wednesday (Wednesday) The Tuesday Club play at small pub called Boot in Saint of Albans. Ceiling very low and Minx have be careful with heel and cowbell stick. Thursday (Thursday) J-Rod most disturb to find that migrant minion has stow away. Minx disturb that migrant minion anywhere near Minx’ cowbell. J-Rod talk of Cheek of. Sound like Chekhov. Perhaps Migrant Minion is author and famous? Let sleep another night in shed, until make decision on thespian skill. Friday (Friday) Builder Minion all excite at thought of thespian living in house, until tell him not LESBIAN, is THESPIAN. Builder Minion now cross that other minion may come live in house. Is fun to watch both Minion and Builder Minion worry about position in house. Minx know do no need to worry as cannot understand word Migrant Minion say.

Saturday (Saturday) Tell Migrant Minion he cannot stay. He buy Minx small leaving gift of emerald shamrock and say he is my lepreshawn at end of rainbow. Think Lepreshawn must be name of Migrant Minion. Is first name of minion Minx has known. Minion (original) tell Minx that Migrant Minion name is Ryan. Am fume. Is his airline that cause problem and have cattle herd for plane? They confiscate bling bullwhip taken to keep band boys in check. And not return! Ryan Migrant-want-to-be-Minion say he not Ryan from Ryanair. Relent with fume. Buy ferry ticket for Migrant Minion. He say he go to Holyhead, but pretend he is religious will not help. Have no room for Migrant Minion of whom I do not understand when speak. воскресенье (Sunday) Builder Minion find cat in shed. Migrant Minion has leaving door open. Kalashnikov has been told cannot eat cat. Perestroika quite like cat, and think cat like him. Decide keep cat. Is much nicer than next door miserycat with sharp claw and smelly poos on next door gravel covered flat roof. Our newly pet cat will be much more refine. Plus if take to poo on flat roof, is next door, not Minx garden. Decide call cat Pushkin as is like pusskin. Is funny, ha ha ha. Minx make another Russian joke. Builder Minion try make smutty joke about pussy. Tell him is not film of Carry On, Minx not Mrs Slocombe with purple rinse hair and pince nez glasses. Minion (original) say cat remind of Conchita Wurz, beard Austrian lady. Sigh. If cat was not decide if male or female then maybe cat name Conchita. Is sleek like her lady beard. Вздох. Oh! Maybe Minx is lesbian and Builder Minion is correct when say lesbian come live in house? NO. Minx not lesbian! Too many lady legs wearing disgust shoes. Would never work. Minx like men. Just perhaps men with lady beards. Or lady with men beards. святой ебать! Minx confuse all over again.

B U L C Foot tappers

‘COS the Platters still matter.. .

Dear Club fans; welcome to AVBD and The Beautiful Wolf’s monthly round up of the new and the old, the signed and the unsigned and the merely inspirational records from our very own musical old curiosity shop. This is where we pick and podcast 10(ish) tracks that turn us on... with a little help from J-Rod! Here’s a selection of this month’s wares... but you’ll have to listen to find out more! :)

This month’s featured track from ‘New Glamour’, is our live fave ‘Old before your time’ Iggy & The Stooges - Shake Appeal One of the lesser known tracks from the classic Raw Power, produced by David Bowie - whilst he was Aladdin Sane in 1973. Massive primal energy exudes every second and as you can see from this clip from a live show in Stockholm 2012, it and ‘The Iggster’ have lost none of their allure some 40 years on! Miles Kane - Telepathy Taken from the album Colour of the Trap, AVBD recently saw Miles as part of The Arctic Monkeys Finsbury Park shows, a bill which also featured band of the moment Royal Blood and

U.S .Psychedelical odd balls Tame Impala Metz - Headache - Taken from the bands self-titled 2012 album. AVBD has been a fan since this came out and was more than delighted to see that they are playing St.Albans’ very own The Horn venue in August! Here they are now live at PrimaveraSound, Barcelona, 23 April 2013 Fu Manchu - Hell on Wheels a band introduced to AVBD by Wasabi P - taken from the album King of the Road. According to Wiki King of the Road is the sixth studio album from the California stoner rock band and was released in 2000. The Japanese and European release features track “Breathing Fire” in place of “Drive”. “Breathing fire” was on the demo version of the

record which was sent to radio stations, clubs and fans. But didn’t make the cut outside the US... Why was that Wasabi P? Primal Scream - Come Together - This the 7” version was actually taken from one of AVBD’s cassettes that he bought back in the late 80’s during his days working for Our Price Records. The more famous instrumental version features on what Alan McGee described as The Primals’ Masterpiece Screamadelica from 1991. Being a lyrics man, this version however has always been AVBD’s fave! Adam Ant - Vince Taylor - track 4 on side 1 on the vinyl LP version from last years controversial, but in AVBD’s opinion excellent and eccentric Adam Ant Is the Blue Black Hussar in Marrying the Gunner’s Daughter. Here is the “world premiere” of on Adam Hills In Gordon St

Tonight show on as part of the mass same sex marriage episode! 28/3/12

Winnebago Deal - Taking care of business This version is (according to J-Rod) the heavier version and this is a split 7” with Nebula (a track called Strange Human) upon which it was released. Hailing from Oxford (we never would have thought that), here they are live, but not playing TCOB, as we can’t find a vid for that one! Other featured tracks include! Bush Tetras - Things that go Boom The AuPairs - Repetition from the album Playing with a Different Sex Siouxsie and the Banshees - Regal Zone Scritti Politti - Jacques Derrida From the album Songs to Remember We hope you enjoy this months podcast; don’t forget you can subscribe to them and listen again at:

To find out more about these and other tracks on our show download your FREE podcast...





of the month!

In this our latest In the Club feature, we choose our album of the month. It can be brand new, very old, unsigned but local talent that should be getting more exposure, or a triple platinum selling masterpiece (that should have been...but never was!) This month, we tweak the remit too ‘Lost Legendary Artist!’ with The Tea Set.

Thanks to Satellite St.Albans for the info! 1978-1981 With the demise of The Bears - Ron West and Cally recruited Nic Egan and Mark Wilkins to form The Tea Set. The group would prove to be the most accomplished and best remembered of the groups from that time. Their live act was totally unique, with front man Nic Egan pulling off gymnastic leaps while singing. Their debut recordings were issed as an EP on Waldo’s Records (BS 003) - for £1.00 (cheap!). Soon after an extra member was acquired and the ‘classic’ line-up of Nic Egan (voice), Ron West (guitar), Mark Wilkins (keys), Duncan Stringer (bass) and Cally (drums) was born. Their second release was ‘Parry Thomas’ (PA 006) which championed the exploits of World Speed Record Breaking Thomas in his car ‘Babs’. It caught the attention of John Peel who duly booked the group for a ‘Peel Session’ at the BBC. Meanwhile Duncan had left, Ron had moved back to bass guitar and Nick Haeffner was added on lead guitar. Work began on their debut album, and their new manager got them signed to EMI’s UA label - in breach of their Waldo’s contract, resulting in a legal battle and the album being shelved. A 45 was issued ‘Keep On Running’, produced by the Stranglers’ Hugh Cornwell. The band then signed to Demon Records who issued their final piece of vinyl ‘South Pacific’ in 1981.

My MIND MELD with JOHN By Jordan Thomas guitarist, as I was rhythm – this line-up rehearsed often in our sixth form common room at Heronswood School – the main problem with John being that although he could play the solos – he couldn’t quite master getting it in time with the rest of us. So eventually he was asked to leave.


about 13, I guess I always wanted to be in a band - through my elder brothers I was into The Beatles and The Stones, a bit of Dylan. My mate Preston, from our street had decided to form a band, we started trying to write Beatles or Dylan inspired songs - I had my brothers acoustic Spanish guitar and he had his parents piano but since neither of us could play any instruments this proved somewhat tricky...! Then Glam Rock came along and then for a few years it was all Slade, The Sweet, T Rex and Bowie. But it was Punk that changed everything for me. At school I was one of a handful of punks and we formed and broke up bands in the lunch hour, without ever getting together to play. We even had our daft, punk inspired stage names - One incarnation I recall was Kev Rodent and The Vermin, later shortened to KRV, with a logo with a safety pin through the letters. I was to be Johnny Deadrat. Eventually in the summer holidays we got around to meeting at someone’s house for a ‘rehearsal’ - where people brought along whatever instrument they could get their hands on - I recall a red Bontempi organ, some cardboard boxes as drums, that sort of thing - I had my brothers Spanish acoustic again - with the Paul McCartney and Wings’ ‘Venus and Mars’ stickers that I had put on a few years previously ripped off. I can’t remember what songs we might have attempted but it must have been a tuneless racket. That was the one and only time KRV ever got together. At some point soon after this, I’d saved up some money and possibly as a birthday present I purchased a Satellite Stratocaster copy and a small practice amp - from Rag Records in Hatfield. Next came The Digits - I reverted to roping in my friends from our cul-de-sac. Peter, and Preston, and after Preston moved away, Richard who lived a few streets away. Meanwhile I had been persuading my best friend Jan from school that he would make an excellent drummer - as he could tap his foot - and with pencils for drum sticks he could hold a decent approximation of a drumbeat once persuaded he bought a cheap drum-kit. with Jan and Richard in, Peter was out for being too posh (and not committed enough). Another school friend John was invited in as lead

Then a name change to the more post punk/new wave Wargames - and our first gigs! They were at local schools initially then London venues such as the Moonlight Club, The George Robey, The Tooting Castle, and further afield - Bishops Stortford’s Triad Club and Stevenage College. ... the last two I remember ending in post gig fights (who would have thought it?! Ed.) . With Wargames, what I wanted to do was to get away from the Blues influenced rock n’ roll clichés. Probably my biggest influence in this was The Scream by Siouxsie and the Banshees - which sounded nothing like any previous punk band - dark, angular and spacious. So turn up the flanger and find some jangly or angular sounding chords - as long as it didn’t sound like rock n’ roll! Around that time we started doing other sorts of musical things. Sound from the Garden was a cassette release from Siren Tapes in 1980. A compilation of bands from the Welwyn GC and Hatfield area. The idea for it originated when Jan purchased the first cassette based four track recorder. We had read about it in a magazine, probably International Musician and we had to get one... I didn’t have the money, but Jan with his Saturday job in Ponds’ hardware shop in Welwyn Garden City had enough in savings - we ordered it from a place just off the Euston Road and I can remember the journey up on the train to go and collect it. As soon as we had it home we started recording tracks with our band Wargames, and then almost immediately word got around and other bands were interested in getting their hands on it - so we came up with the idea of the Sounds from the Garden cassette release of local bands - so with no recording experience (or knowledge, for that matter) we set about inviting bands into our rehearsal space - The music room at Heronswood Comprehensive to record a couple of tracks each. When finished we decided upon the name Siren Tapes (I’ve no recollection of why Siren) and made 100 copies on Jan’s twin deck Sharp ghetto blaster - the covers were screen-printed, and booklet photocopied and glued to cassette case. Sold through Welwyn Gardens Our Price and Hatfield’s J&J Records on a sale or return basis, alongside with all the fanzines which helped publicise the release - and it sold out in a few weeks - prompting us to plan a follow-up.... Pulse (as in the sound of the Hert’s Beat). And later a cassette album by Wargmes. Wargames played our final gig in 1984 at Monk’s Walk School in Welwyn Garden City. After that Jan and I invested in the latest in home recording technology as it came out some of the first cheap outboard gear specifically designed for the home recording boom - the Alesis compressor- the first cheap digital reverb - The MIDIVERB, The first cheap MIDI keyboard

the Casio CZ101, the first cheapish sampler - the Microvox, which was a plug-in box for a Commadore 64 - and together we wrote recorded tracks towards an album we never finished. We were intending to find a singer, but never did and then Jan moved away and that was that. I then messed about with the sampler and recorded some experimental sample based tracks with another college mate Buzz, which we named Charlie Don’t Surf. By this time I had moved out of my family home and moved in with some friends; Grim, who had featured on the two Siren tapes compilation releases, as guitarist in False Concern, then under his own name with a solo track on Pulse - and John, who had at one point been in The Digits and then was in Katushka Rockets. Grim also had the home recording bug and had a portastudio... so we decided to pool our resources and we converted the attic of our house into a small studio. This coincided with Grim and I discovering acid house, and was immediately pressed into service writing house music. A few house moves and change of house mates later, Grim and I were sharing with a drummer, Neil. The front room of our house was dedicated to our ever growing studio; amongst other things I’d bought a Casio FZ1 sampling keyboard. Together we formed Maxi Schillachi. This soon evolved - with Neil moving back up to his native Fleetwood and my girlfriend’s nephews, brothers Mark and Paul Kelly, joining. Paul was a DJ and Mark a drummer/keyboard player and a singer. Now called Jump! we started writing club music and pressed up a number of one off acetates/dubplates for Paul to play at the Jump! parties he organised. These went down a storm, but we never were happy enough with the tracks to release them. Then, after a move into London, we decided to put a track called Funkatarium out on 1000 white labels, with just our phone number printed on the label. One day was spent placing them round all the London specialist dance record shops. Within two days... they were sold out and we were getting lots of calls - we signed a pressing and distribution deal with a distributor ensuring we could get many more into the shops. Then, later, a licensing and publishing deal. We started to get calls from around the world and from clubs offering us personal appearance spots. For the next 2-3 years we were full-time musicians. With the income from the records and remixing, we built up the studio (which was by now in the main living room of our five bedroom house in Haringey). We rented it out to people such as Danny Rampling, Billy Nasty, Mark and Adrian Luvdup and MC Kinky with Grim engineering for them. But we never matched the success of our first single - which took on a life of its own being used on many TV shows, including East Enders at one point! It also featured in a movie sound track, ‘Is Harry On The Boat?’ and reached #56 in the national charts. After three years though, we’d run out of steam and split. After this, I stopped making music for about six years - until I met Andy, singer with grunge rockers Mamajamas. We met at a mutual friend’s birthday pub crawl around Soho and quickly established we were both music fanatics with similar tastes in Punk, Glam, and experimentalism. Within about a year the Mamajamas had wound down and we had formed The Scratch, although it was to be a while before we settled on

the name... in the meantime we used the name Pony Virus, and called our recordings ‘The Pony Sessions’. I roped in old college friend and ex-Jump! colleague Grim on guitar. Andy was on guitar and vocals and I took up bass dutues. The 3 of us set about writing and recording our first album, DIY - in Grim’s Highbury attic studio, mixing our experience of dance music with a raw punk DIY ethos. Before the album was finished we’d found Barry, a drummer who retrospectively recorded live drums on some already recorded album tracks, replacing the sampled beats we’d originally used. 2001 saw our first gigs and over the next 11 years we released a further 3 albums, won XFM unsigned, played the M.E.N Arena as the opening act of Manchester Versus Cancer and were on the bill with The Charlatans, Echo and the Bunnymen, Paul Weller, Noel Gallagher and McAlmont & Butler. There we made friends with Clint Boon and appeared regularly on his XFM radio show. Other highlights included recording BBC introducing sessions, playing big stages at festivals, appearing on Channel M’s breakfast show and radio plays on 6music. Barry left after the third album and was replaced by Terry Cockell and Steve Whittker was drafted in for 3rd guitar, keyboards and backing vocals, and stayed with the band for about two years. During this period, Andy and I released some side project albums. The Means of Production was our 80s inspired electropop band - we released one album, Morbid Fascination. The DIY or Die Organisation - or The DODO for short - was myself, Andy and Steve doing a 60’s inspired psychedelic album, mixing such diverse influences as Scott Walker, Joe Meek, Hunky Dory period Bowie and Happy Mondays. In 2012, fed up with the slow progress of the fourth Scratch album, The Great Adventure, and with Scratch rehearsals being somewhat fractious affairs, Andy, Terry and I started doing an extra rehearsal in my garage on a Tuesday night. Then we started inviting friends along to join us in this Tuesday club thing (your loyal editor joined after dropping in to get the chaps to sign a Scratch vinyl 7” he had to send to someone.... Ed). With numbers escalating, we reverted to the rehearsal studio and soon we were an eight-piece. Originally, we were writing future Scratch songs or something for a future side project but fairly soon The Tuesday Club became a band in its own right. We went into the studio and recorded seven tracks over one weekend - all eight of us playing live in the studio... we wanted to work fast and be the opposite of The Scratch. A couple of weekends later we recorded another seven and we had an albums worth of material. Two years on, The Tuesday Club has become very much the focus of my music world. I wonder what Preston is up to now...?! olfie onGuitar Wargames ‘84 - W


s n o s r a P Knows

THIS MONTH’S TOP 4 BANDS/ARTISTS! Hello everyone and welcome to another edition of ‘The Parsons Knows’ highlighting some fantastic local music for you to check out. If like me you are on a countdown to your holiday’s maybe you should be thinking about taking some of the fantastic local music available with you to enjoy whilst sipping that cold beer. My suitcase will certainly be packed with some of the stunning music I have collected over the last few months. Who knows I might even get round to loading up my i phone but probably it will just be a stack of cds!! Shame I can’t fit in my record player but hay ho..

By Denise Parsons – Music Promoter – ‘The Live Music Project’ Trestle Arts Base, St.Albans

On other news, I had the pleasure of attending Watford Live recently run by Tom Craven & Papermouth productions. The sun was out and I was impressed by this event in Watford High Street especially as no less that 4 Live Music Project artists were performing there!! Fantastic sets from Starseedz, Minnie Birch, Tom Craven and our very own The Tuesday Club.. Not sure that Watford knew what had hit it as Mr Vanderbraindrain, having got his hands on a wireless mic, wandered down the high street! I never get bored of seeing them do their stuff & watching the audience reactions! Mr Craven I salute you for a damm fine day of live music.


Sophie Ray

My first artist I found at Watford Live and was very impressed as were the audience if the queue to sign up for her mailing list was anything to go by! I had heard good things about Sophie and have chatted with her on twitter ( as you do ) but it was lovely to finally meet her & hear her perform. A stunning voice, belting out a mixture of covers & original songs, accompanied by keyboards. A young performer, who you really should check out. Hope to get her on for The Project later in the year.


Emma McGrath

I have introduced Emma to you before but I want to make sure you are paying attention! I continue to be impressed by Emma’s talent and fantastic attitude. It is so lovely to meet a teenager with such a lovely attitude and willingness to not only perform, but to support local causes as well. Emma is quite often accompanied by Alfie Nikitis and they are currently

recording at Grand Chapel Studios (https://www. & I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy! I truly believe that Emma is destined for some great things and I feel privileged to have got to know her & her lovely family now at the beginning of that journey. Emma will be back for The Live Music Project in November but don’t wait that long to see her. I am sure you can catch her

performance somewhere soon!


Steve Dagliesh

Now Steve was one of those music facebook friends I seem to acquire but not yet met or seen perform. That all changed when Steve travelled down from Suffolk to take part in #BuskingDay for The Crescent recently. And what a fun performance it was! As I understand it Steve has come to solo performing later in life and now living the dream having given up the day job and travelling here & there performing. I really enjoyed his set of folky covers & original songs and especially the way he engaged with the audience with extremely good humour! Coming all the way from Suffolk to perform for one of my events is always going to get you brownie points but putting on a great performance gets my vote, so please check him out. I have a feeling that Steve has many stories to tell & I am sure that this will be highlighted in his song writing in the future. He seems to like out music scene down here so I hope to catch up with him again soon.


Neil Stanton

Again another facebook friend who did me proud & supported #BuskingDay for The Crescent! And again another great performance! Neil had gone on early that day & I was about to put him back on when the weather beat us and the heavens opened! Neil has played for Folkstock and a regular performer for Daria Kulesh’s acoustic nights over in Hemel and more recently the Love to Folk nights at The Horn! Looking forward to seeing him again & so should you! He said to me his original songs were full of sin & misery which I kinda liked.

That’s all folks! Thank you & goodnight.

Trestle Arts Base, Russet Drive, St.Albans, AL4 OJQ, 01727 850950 e:, @trestletheatre

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.