Issue 010 JUNE 2014
t o ‘ I N T H E C L U b ’ , t he O F F I C I A L T U E S D A Y C L U B I N T E R A C T I V E M A G a z ine - B R O U G H T TO Y O U I N C O N J U N C T I O N w i t h T H E P E R F E C T P O P C O - O P and o ur friends
In Dublin’s fair city... That’s where we’ll be in the middle of this month. We (as a band) are looking forward to it very much indeed. When you get dates like this in your band diary, be they festivals or gigs far afield, you always end up structuring your year around them. Every gig we play after we get back will be ‘postDublin’; all the ones thus far have been ‘pre-Dublin’. Also, you hope you’ll return with all your gear in once piece and not too much of a massive dent in your wallet...! The logistics of taking seven people, plus instruments, abroad... Let’s just say it requires planning. Threepiece bands be thankful; solo artists - you don’t know how lucky you are! Actually, that’s totally untrue... You do. But then who would you go to the bar with after? Pros, cons... It’s all debatable! Anyway, back to the mag. We’ve got a nice little article about Youbloom Festival contained within, so have a read o’ that... And also, the band has picked their favourite-est Irish tracks, so go check them out too. Over and out... Across the Irish Sea...
J-Rod. Guitarist Stage Left, and typo.
7 - J u ne ( D u b l in S P E C I A L ) . . . Wha t The Tuesday C lu b are s t ic k ing in t heir eardrums ! Andreas Vanderbraindrain: Thin Lizzy - Killer on the loose The Minx: Imelda May - Johnny Got a Boom Boom Wasabi Penis: Kerbdog J-Rod: Alphastates - Sometimes Rogerio Marauder: A House - Endless Art
*When A House originally released “Endless Art,,” there were complaints because it only mentioned men. So they recorded “More Endless Art” which only mentions women. The Beautiful Wolf: That Petrol Emotion - Tingle (remix) Tittybar Telski: The Drop Dead Murphy’s - I’m shipping up to Boston Thanks to: Design @8ecreative, Tiggy Pop. Editor: Reggie Mental. Photography: Neil Stephenson, Jord, AVBD, The Eye, Sarah Martin Words: Denise Parsons, The Minx, Faye Don’tlikeitupum, Stuart Pidboy, Don Tellumpike, Don T. Panic, Sister Dolly, AVBD, Beautiful Wolf, J-Rodz
Upcoming gigs!
Garden City Sat June 7 - The Green Room, Welwyn Cover star: ford Sun June 8 - Papermouth Festival, Wat The Tuesday Club Fri June 13 - Dublin, tbc! lin Magnificent 7 2-3 Sat 14 June - Sweeny’s Bar, You Bloom Festival, Dub nson’s Open Mic What’s going on in our musical world Weds June 18 - The Boot, Nick Stephe with an Irish theme! Sat July 12 - Farmers Boy, St.Albans stable You Bloom 2013 4-5 Sat Sept 27 - Cornucopia Festival 2014, Burton Con A reminder and a look forward (WITH BIG COUNTRY) don Sat Oct 18 - Paper Dress Vintage, Lon Who’s who at the Festival this year? 6-7 Sat Nov 1 - Farmers Boy, St.Albans T CONVENTION) A selection of the bands we maybe Sat Nov 8 - Ant-Lib, London (ADAM AN Taking a look at! + FREE DOWNLOAD! support) Sat Nov 22nd - Islington 02 (TOYAH Da Minx 8 Sat Dec 6 - Farmers Boy, St.Albans The Chanteuse Speaks!
Who’s in the club?
With Dan K Brown from The Fixx
(Club) Foot tappers
AVBD, J-Rod and The Beautiful Wolf trawl their record collections
The Parson’s Knows
Denise, gives us all the news from Trestle Arts base.
t x e N p u g n i Com s ’ C T e h T ! h t n o M r e p u S o t n r u t re Juice & Fat Boys! @thetuesdayclub1 AVBD - @Vnderbraindrain The Minx - @TCTheMinx R. Marauder - @YTDS Dave Worm - @Roddamiser J-Rod - @JRod_TC
JUNE 2014 ONLY...
The TC’s return to Dublin’s fair City! Right - let’s get one thing out of the way; as a punter, I don’t like festivals that much. They’re crowded, dirty, annoying places where everyone is either drunker/higher than you or not as drunk/high as you and there’s always a queue for the filthy... filthy... toilets. And you probably don’t like most of the bands. (You moaning GIT - Ed.) However, I’m prepared to break my dislike of festivals for one sort of festival - the In The City type. Think Brighton’s The Great Escape, Camden’s Crawl and of course, the veritable youbloom@Dublin... they all share one thing in common: DECENT PLACES TO SLEEP. Oh and normal price booze that you can buy from a bar and you don’t have to lug your entire weekend’s supply round with you at the expense of actual food... I guess that’s two things but still, they make this boy quite happy and I don’t think I’m alone in this (OK, you have a point. You’re still a git though - Ed.) So, youbloom@Dublin 2014 follows on from the festival in 2013 with a few subtle changes - the festival now takes place over three days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and has moved from the outskirts of the city centre to the Dame District, where everything goes on in Dublin’s centre. As well as all of the music and bands, which have come from far and wide, there are a whole host of networking sessions and symposiums featuring ‘industry legends’, such as Alan McGee and Rupert Hine who will be expunging their wisdom and answering questions from bands and solo artists alike.
As to us, The Tuesday Club, we’ll be playing on Saturday night at Sweeny’s (see page 6 for more info) and jolly good fun it’ll be too. We’ll be listening to the wisdom and networking and participating wholeheartedly (especially after a good night’s sleep in a hotel). Also, AVDB will be going in his Funkiest Fecker in Dublin costume, so look out for that too. Ireland - By J-Rod. And now... some pictures from last year!
e y E e Th the sky y Club 24/7 Some say he films The Tuesda eye open, in and that he sleeps with one by the master this ace little montage filmed see the legend and edited by The Minx, we blin’ of ‘The Funkiest Fucker in Du ver! immortalised in celluloid fore
. . . e h t f o n r u t The Re
r e k c u F t s e i k ”Fun ” n i l b in Du
The Tuesday Club at
On Saturday 14th of June we return to Youbloom. We will be playing on the ground floor of Sweeney’s (32 Dame St, Dublin 2, Ireland) Each of the youbloom shows this year has 4 Youbloom bands and one host or curator act. The host act will play a short set at some point in the evening and introduce each of the bands playing. The gig we are playing is being hosted by The Roseville Band as part of Youbloom partner festival, ‘Focus Wales’. (J-Rod?) Entry to this and all the gigs is FREE! The 4 Youbloom acts playing on our night are: The Klares, The Tuesday Club (who?), Birdeatsbaby and Late City Edition. You can find out more about these and other bands we like the look of here, in our.... ‘Ones we maybe watching in Dublin’...
...totally based on gut reactions and googlage section!
Miniature Jack
The Roseville Band
The Klares
The Dead Heavy
The Scareblues Band
Death in the Sick Room
Motorcycle Display Team
The Last Monroes
The Tightrope Walkers
Grande Parade
New Secret Weapon
The Magpies
We Town Criers
TheKlares - Dirty Birds Ep
Death in the Sick Room - Tonight
Grande Parade - The Annoyance
Get your FREE Tuesday Club commerorative DOWNLOAD by clicking our pic NOW!
PAGE 7!!
Birdseatbaby - The Bullet
Hurdles - Where to Start
Keepers of Doubt - Blackout
Late City Edition - She Saves my Soul
Littlemores - Deborah
Miniature Jack - Follow Me
Motorcycle Display Team - A Taste Late City Edition
New Secret Weapon - I Draw Fire Watch
Seazoo - Bumbler - Bad Beryl Remix
The Dead Heavys - Uptight
The Last Monroes - Dead in the water Hurdles
The Magpies - Blue Coral
The Roseville Band - City Rats
The Scareblues Band - Handyman Keepers of Doubt
The Tightrope Walkers - Torture in Paradise
We Town Criers
- Hurricane
Anna Neale - River Man
Anna Neale
For more information and full listings of the bands, the venues and the guest speakers at the seminars, just click here!
DAMinx It’s not always easy to know who you are talking to at Tuesday Club gig. Looking for the cowbell ... Don’t get minxed up! Monday (Monday) Nearly is summer where English men insist wear sandal with sock. Is another vomit topic for The Minx. Minx like to carefully stamp on bit between toes whilst wearing stiletto, so teach English men lesson. Russian men not much better, wear suede loafer with no sock, pretend be Italian. Let not start on women choice of shoe. If start on flips flop, then may burst blood vessel. Flips only good for shower on camp-site and then only in dark, where not visible. And possibly beach of in Dubai where sand burn. Otherwise must be rid of disgust attire. Summer sick.
Tuesday (Tuesday) Band plan trip to Dublin, on Emerald Isle. Minion tell joke that Dublin is largest city in world as keeps doublin’ in size. Flick him on eyeball. глупо клоун. It is time for Eurovision and semi-final and amaze as Russian entry has twin girl joined by hair. Shudder to think of poor Mummy giving birth to Siamese hair twin. Austria apparently have song sung by bearded lady. Am most confuse. She is very beautiful but has beard like Russian farmer on Steppes (not silly UK band of same name). Builder Minion is most disgust. He is fascist at such things. He tut and drink another can of impressively strong premium lager.
Wednesday (Wednesday) Andreas from band (the other singer) come up with special T-shirt for Dublin trip. He say is very funny, but I not sure of wearing something that say ‘daft’, let alone wear T-shirt at all. Is very casual for what is dress up time. Am banned from wear usual amazing Minx uniform so have think of different style. The Minx used to many different look and disguise. Singer Andreas have many people last trip to Dublin call him ‘funkiest fucker’. Am most miff at this. The Minx is focal point and should be funkiest fucker (though not sure am happy be called fucker). Minx have to think of outfit that is more fabulous than Andreas peacock of band strut around Dublin with cane. If he get out of line will have to bring sapphire top, diamant encrust bull whip to keep in line. In fact, might be good idea to bring anyway, keep Guinness fuelled stupid silly drunk boys of band in line.
Thursday (Thursday) Am even more upset discover fly to Dublin on Ryanair. Is worse than Jalponik airline and that say something. Will not have minion with to carry bags, so definite take bull-whip to demand band carry star’s luggage.
Minion tell me bull-whip will be confiscate. I laugh and tell him I put in silk bag tied with ribbon, security think is massive sex toy and leave well alone. Kalashnikov and Perestroika most upset they cannot come to make friend with Irish Wolfhounds. They already whining and sitting at door. If dog could talk I wonder if make more sense than minions. Very possible. Not difficult. глупые, но привлекательные мужчины Eurovision semi-final 2 with bearded lady singing. She quite good, though make me much confuse. Lady or man, lady or man? Am most disturb to find might like lady who look like man. Have to go for lie down before end of competition semi-final of Eurovision.
Friday (Friday) Am plan outfit for Dublin and instruct minion pack suitcase. He think very funny to pack pair of Croc in suitcase. Cannot decide if more angry he buy Croc or that he put in case as if I would even TOUCH rubber shoe of devil. He hang head in shame when berate for stupidity. He sleep in dog house and Kalashnikov sleep at end of bed in minion place. Get builder minion to fumigate house from top to bottom. House smell of Dettol and Febreeze and Hydrochloric acid. Offending Crocs given to Perestroika in dog house (while minion watch, whining on dog bed). Croc last 2 seconds until become tiny bit of bubblegum (тьфу) pink rubber disgust. Minion then realise whole of dog floor in dog house made of tiny bit of flip, Croc and Ugg. Dog very comfy. Even minion comfy. Minion too comfy. Is not punishment enough. Instruct him to separate tiny bits of disgust shoe into components of Uggs, flips and Croc. He make face. I make smile.
Saturday (Saturday) Is final of Eurovision. Bearded love lady win. May need move Austria.
In the club with
Dan K Brown
image from:
The Fixx
d musicians. From the humble This month we welcome one of St.Albans most highly respecte ugh to BIG success across ‘The Pond’ beginnings of St.Albans’ fledgling Punk scene of the 70’s, thro ia regularly with them today!), in the 1980’s with The Fixx... (And still touring American stad We welcome bassist Dan K. Brown. Hi Dan and welcome to The Club! Firstly, we are sitting in the cyber pub doing this interview, and it’s our round. What do you want to drink?
I’ll have some form of ‘Golden Ale’ or how about a Hefeweizen? But If you don’t have either of those. I’m happy with whatever you’re having!
the right time - we initially supported flock of Seagulls and then started selling more than they did, then we opened for The Police and the rest is history. Over the last thirty years, we’ve gradually become part of the furniture. Despite this, we all still continue to live in England.
The Fixx are a true 80’s original band and still going strong, to what do you attribute such staying power in a notoriously hard industry?
Having been an active musician in St.Albans since the 70’s, how do you feel the local musical landscape has changed?
I guess luck played its part. We had some relatively quick success, which made it viable to keep going as a band... But thankfully it wasn’t too meteoric, as sometimes happens - thus limiting the chance of ego’s getting out of hand! You could say we were able to grow into each other!
I think there are definitely more pubs doing live music these days. When I started, St.Albans City Hall used to be the place to aspire to, they’d have many headline acts such as The Who and Dire Straits, it was a recognised part of the touring circuit... So much so, you used to have to wear a tie to get in! There was of course (and still is) the Horn. When I first played there, I used to do up to three nights a week (all with different bands as
The Fixx consistently tour stadiums across America, but are comparatively unknown in the UK, how come?
Again it was probably a case of being in the right place at
there was a shortage of bass players!) But these days it seems half of the pubs, feature some kind of weekly show... I’d say Live music still definitely thrives in the old place. What was the last piece of music you heard/watched that was so good you had to tell someone about it?
Voz de Mando. When I was touring recently I visited some local shops near the hotel we were staying in and stumbled upon a place selling Mexican Cds. I bought one based purely on the cover (as you do!) Which featured an
accordion and a tuba (which I also play) Voz de Mando was the featured band! Here’s a link in case you’re curious... watch?v=K5wrpQ04Ugs
s player, Though you’re famous as a bas strings to you have many other musical rite other your bow... What is your favou instrument to play?
OK, Where am I in the picture at the top of this interview?...
I’d say the Tuba. I took it up when playing for a band called Er, The U.S. of A? lly ipa nc pri y’, az Cr Go ns dio cor ‘Ac h due to a lack amp power at our Correct! The answer is the beac at The Santa Cruz Boardwalk... gigs! ver On a musical level... They say ne en u? meet your heroes, but have yo Cruz_Beach_Boardwalk Not to speak to no... Luckily... ... You do two sets, one in the blazing sun and the other in the You are now In The Club, but it what club do you actually wish freezing cold when the sun’s gone was? down! The Mansion Owners Club. The pic above is from the first set... I had to buy the hat to stop What question haven’t we asked you that you wish we had? my head burning! What’s my favourite colour?
our Dan?
OK... What’s your favourite col
Blue of course! ... Oh and I just thought of another one... Go for it!
Where can we find The Fixx on t’internet?
You can find all you need at... Thanks Dan!
B U L C Foot tappers
‘COS the Platters still matter.. .
Dear Club fans, welcome to AVBD and The Beautiful Wolf’s monthly round up of the new, the old, the signed, the unsigned and the inspirational, from our very own musical old curiosity shop, where we pick and podcast 10( ish) tracks that turn us on... with a little help from J-Rod! Here’s a selection of the featured tracks, but you’ll have to listen to find out more :-)
This month’s featured track from ‘See You Next Tuesday’, is - our new single ‘This Cities Alive’ available for one weekend only for FREE! B-Movie - Refuge Wiki say...B-Movie are a new wave band from Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England, active in the first half of the 1980s. They were featured on the original Some Bizzare Album and released three classic singles Remembrance Day, Marilyn Dreams and Nowhere Girl. We recently supported them at The Slimelight in Angel and thoroughly decent chaps they were. Felt - Space Blues According to ‘Pilmer’ on Discogs. Space Blues. Sparkling gem of an EP from the very end of Lawrence’s Felt project, featuring the inimitable John Leckie (Stone
Roses s/t) at the helm. The arrangements and production are beautiful, and the cascading “Tuesday’s Secret” may be my favourite Felt song. An amazing send-off for a timeless band.
remember watching Pat cut the vocals in the kitchen, and having to go home and change David Bowie - Lady Grinning Soul clothes because I pissed in my This track is AVBD’s fave ballad of pants from laughing so hard.” all time, hugely evocative, classic Bowie lyrics from his album Aladdin Sane, that post Ziggy broke The Correspondents - Oh no America. What’s happened to Soho Released The Correspondents consist of a in 1973. singer by the name of Mr Bruce According and a producer called Chucks. Both to Wiki growing up in South London, they - “The formed in 2007 and within two composer’s years had first taken their meeting hi-octane with American soul singer Claudia genreLennear in 1972 is often cited blending as the inspiration for the song. dance music The style of the piece has been from house compared to a James Bond theme. parties to [3] Pianist Mike Garson described festival main stages. his own performance as “about as romantic as it gets … French with a little Franz Liszt thrown in there”. The Pixies - Blue Eyed Hexe Wiki say: Black Francis described his inspiration for the song “Blue Eyed Hexe”: “The song took on The Randoms - Lets get rid of different forms, different music New York and different sets of lyrics. It went First discovered by us on Jon through a lot Savages excellent Punk 45. Kill The of changes Hippies! Kill Yourself! Album... before it Killed by Death records’ website settled gives a little insight: “He recorded where it is the other side, “Let’s Get Rid Of now. It’s a New York” in different rooms of his tale from the Hollywood house on four track. I northwest of
the country and it’s a witch-woman kind of a song. That’s what a hexe is. And she’s a blueeyed hexe!”
Means of Production - My Exes Excitement Another side project, this one dating back from 2004. A bedroom ep, recorded in around 4 hours using analogue synthns ala The Human League - Travelogue era. As yet unreleased by The M.O.P.S, but did feature on the 2006 Ponyland Records Compilation album called Problem Children that featured in Rough Trade Shops.
Slint - Good Morning Captain I first heard this track on Elizabeth Alker’s morning show on BBC 6 and was taken in by how lazily and fabulously it evolved. Nonsensical and Bi-Polar... Slint Originally formed in 1986 and produced by Steve Albini, but disbanded in 1990. They have reunited sporadically since, most recently in 2013. “Good Morning, Captain”, is perhaps their most recognized track (and features on the soundtrack to the Larry Clark film Kids). We hope you enjoy this months podcast, don’t forget you can subscribe to them and listen again at:
To find out more about these and other tracks on our show download your FREE podcast...
of the month!
e Club feature, we In this, our latest In th month. It can be choose our album of the signed local talent brand new, very old, un more exposure, or a that should be getting masterpiece that triple platinum selling should have been...
‘lost legendary This month we tweak the remit too tors,from artist!’ Tanya Hyde and the TormenSt.Albans 1977 - 1978 featured once more on k if you fancy label Waldos Records. Here’s a lin 7”! tracking it down and buying the
Pete Sutton on guitar, vocals and songwriting, Steve Wilcock on drums and Dan Brown on bass at the beginning - followed by Nick Biggins and then Manny. Vocals by Tanya Hyde. The band blazed an erratic trail through the usual punk venues, locally, notably The Horn of Plenty. Bob and Jan Andrews, the proprietors of The Horn let the band rehearse there every Sunday lunchtime in return for free gigs. Their up-tempo high energy rock was the soundtrack to the Andrews children’s Sunday afternoons, notably their signature tune “Til it Stings.” After three weeks of rehearsals the band played their first gig, then the next day cut their demo tape which gained the interest of 19 record labels, all wanting a punk act on their label, Virgin looked favourites to get their signature, unfortunately nothing happened! like many 77 acts they soon faded away...... their only vinyl legacy was a few years later when Tanya Hyde released a solo sub-disco single called “Herr Wunderbar”..........Punk Rock it was not!
s n o s r a P Knows
By Denise Parsons – Music Promoter – ‘The Live Music Project’ Trestle Arts Base, St.Albans
THIS MONTH’S TOP 4 BANDS/ARTISTS! Hello June!! Isn’t it wonderful to have some warm weather and long light nights!! At last you can sit outside the pub with your pint and watch the world go by!! Well, a lot has been happening in my world just recently!! I organised ‘Busking Day’ in aid of ‘Save The Crescent’ campaign featuring a host of St. Albans finest musicians busking all around The Clock Tower raising funds and awareness for local HIV charity The Crescent! And what a fantastic day it was! Totally exhausting but so worthwhile! Not only did I get to be involved with and hear some of my favourite Live Music Project musicians but we managed to raise some much needed funds! If you were there I thank you! Especially those businesses who took my ‘Sponsor the Mic’ challenge and coughed up a good donation! So thank you Empire Records for always supporting local music and to The Boot for providing free soft drinks and nibbles all day! The best pub! And to Astrid from and to my mate Dani from ! (Dani is my top volunteer and bucket shaker at The Live Music Project & huge TTC fan! - the best kind of people I find!!) If you didn’t make it along you can still donate here So onwards and we have our last Live Music Project gig on 28th June before we take a break in July ( & me a much needed rest!) but don’t worry we are back at the end of August!
Plus, I have just been asked to guest compare the live music stage outside Jack Wills as part of the Alban Street Festival on 22nd June!! I am so chuffed about this!! Some great live music featuring none other than a St Albans legend Mr. Clive Pig…(drumroll…) Of ‘Happy Birthday Sweet 16’ fame & as featured on last month’s Club Foot!! Howz about that for coincidence then!!!! I have not had the pleasure of seeing Clive perform for many many years so, incase you can’t tell… I’M EXCITED...!!!! Some great fuzzy pop from ‘The Metatrons’ who are doing an acoustic set along with the infectious song writing duo known as Starseedz! Whose songs just will not leave my head for days after hearing! Plus a couple of artists I’ve not had the pleasure of seeing before so will update you when I have. So that will be a fantastic afternoon of local music. See you there!! Oh & it’s free & outside!! Yay... So please don’t get bored and do carry on reading coz I’ve got some great bands for you!
The Vulz
Supported TTC at our Big Birthday Bash in April and went down a storm! They’ve still got that good old punk rock attitude but now mixed with some maturity and some dam good songs!! As soon as they hit their first note they went for it!! Great band to have a bop
to and I couldn’t help but notice at Trestle that all the men who usually never dance where up on their feet!! It may not have been dancing per se but they were a moving and grooving! And that was just great to see!! I asked one of then how come he got up to dance and he just said he knew he could just move around to this sort of music and not look out of place as they didn’t require any dancing skills!! Interesting!!
The Vaulted Skies
Vol. 1 that I love!! James Scott has got one powerful voice!! The band has that big wonderful rock sound that makes you wanna move your head to the beat. More of a goth rock band influenced by the likes of The Cure & Radiohead. I have seen them play an acoustic set at Empire Records last year and loved it so really looking forward to the full band blasting out with our great sound system and acoustics!!
Bright Conclusions
A young indie ska/punk band that have been playing These guys are our headline band for 28th June The Pioneer & more recently The Horn. Not and I cant wait to see them!! They have a track on our recently released CD ‘The Live Music Project’
seen them yet but I do hear they are good! And at Trestle we always like to support young upcoming bands! Think they might be loud!!
4. George Smith
So that rounds things up for this month. Thanks for dropping by and please come & support The Live Music Project and the next gig! I’ll even let you buy Young and talented acoustic singer songwriter from me a drink!!! Bedfordshire. He’s only 15 and I am delighted to be able to support another young artist at Trestle. “A girl should be two things – who and what He’s apparently been playing since he was 11 and she wants” – Coco Chanel he seems to get out there and gig as much as he can Thank you and goodnight. which I admire in one so young so really looking forward to hearing what he can do! He will be starting of the evening on 28th June rather quietly I imagine compared to the rest of the bill!!
Trestle Arts Base, Russet Drive, St.Albans, AL4 OJQ 01727 850950 e: @trestletheatre