In the club 009

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Issue 009 May 2014


t o ‘ I N T H E C L U b ’ , t he O F F I C I A L T U E S D A Y C L U B I N T E R A C T I V E M A G a z ine - B R O U G H T TO Y O U I N C O N J U N C T I O N w i t h T H E P E R F E C T P O P C O - O P and o ur friends

“May is the month that everyone seems to forget about... well, it is in my house. Oddly enough, it’s also my dad’s birthday month. I’m sure he’d like to forget about May too. Let’s list some reasons to remember May. Students like May; they have things like May Balls. Mayflies like May; they get to live for one whole month. May Day happens in May; Bankers get the day off - they need it. Mayday also probably happens somewhere off the Isle Of Wight in May; When the bankers get too sloshed on Bolly and can’t remember how to sail (drive?) the pleasure cruiser and need help, like, bloody pronto... yah. Daphne’s being sick into the Waitrose hamper... You get the picture. In the May edition of this esteemed tome, we have all the usual suspects and then some. Go leaf through and then write to me (J-Rod) and tell me what’s in it as I’ve written this intro without reading the damn thing again. Stay lucky.

J-Rod - Typing Mistake and Mistaken Guitarist” 7 - M A Y . . . Wha t The Tuesday C lu b are s t ic k ing in t heir eardrums !


Andreas Vanderbraindrain: Friends - I’m his girl The Minx: Royal Blood - Little Monster (Preview) Wasabi Penis: Kyuss - Whitewater J-Rod: The Scratch - Against The Grain Rogerio Marauder: Status Quo - Whatever You Want The Beautiful Wolf: Walter Schumann - Pearls Dream Tittybar Telski: Sniff N’ The Tears - Drivcr’s Seat WKygw&sa=U&ei=SrxPU8DdN_PA7AbbuoDwBA&ved=0CCkQtwIwAQ&usg=AFQj CNH6_Fo36IPtVUyEvGsaLifx3xmQdw

Thanks to: Design @8ecreative, Tiggy Pop. Editor: Reggie Mental. Photography: Neil Stephenson, Helene Monticone & Various Words: Denise Parsons, The Minx, Faye Don’tlikeitupum, Stuart Pidboy, Don Tellumpike, Don T. Panic, Sister Dolly, AVBD, Beautiful Wolf, J-Rodz

Upcoming gigs!

Contents Cover star:

Garden City Sat June 7 - The Green Room, Welwyn al, Dublin Magnificent 7 2-3 Fri/Sat June 13/14 - You Bloom Festiv What’s going on in our musical world nson’s Open Mic Weds June 18 - The Boot, Nick Stephe Who’s in the club? 4-5 Sat July 12 - Farmers Boy, St.Albans ble With Will Crewdson from nucopia Festival 2014, Burton Consta Cor 27 t Sep Sat She Made Me Do It Sat Nov 1 - Farmers Boy, St.Albans The Tuesday Club

(Club) Foot tappers


AVBD, J-Rod and The Beautiful Wolf trawl their record collections

Da Minx 8 The Chanteuse Speaks!

My Meal with Roger

Sat Nov 8 - Ant-Lib, London support) Sat Nov 22nd - Islington 02 (TOYAH Sat Dec 6 - Farmers Boy, St.Albans


J-Rod, gets into the mind of our Multi instrumentalist Rogerio!

The Parson’s Knows


Denise gives us all the news from Trestle Arts base.

! h t n o M t x e N g n i Com o t n r u t e r s ’ C T e h T ! y t i C r i a f s ’ n i Dubl @thetuesdayclub1 AVBD - @Vnderbraindrain The Minx - @TCTheMinx R. Marauder - @YTDS Dave Worm - @Roddamiser J-Rod - @JRod_TC

In the club with

Will Crewdson She

t I o D e M e d Ma

t son, his list of former and curren wd Cre ll Wi sy bu y usl ulo fab d usly talented an The bands and includes; Adam and This month we feature the fabulo ll ’ro k’n roc rs yea 20 t las the of the best of Do It - a fab projects reads like a who’s who d and new band She Made Me gar Re nt Sca ik, utn Sp ue Sig ue Lulu, Sig him. Ants, Rachel Stamp, Flesh For o we are delighted to welcome ad r the fur ut ho wit So g. an tw Wray fusion of electronica and Link s White of Adam Ant’s Dirk Wear e th in g tin sit e s ar 1) OK firstly, we s (we are all VERY jealou ow sh x So Punk rock dead or alive? Is d 4) an , iew rv te in is t th an g Sc in your cyber pub do btw!) and reunited with to nt wa u yo do t ha W d. un legend it’s our ro Regard Collaborator the mutated. hly hig t bu ared pe ive ap Al ho (w e, drink? rb Ba ve Da that is new band music to me. There is ic in our Feb issue with his us M . er rt two pa Cauldronated). This is a anberry juice. I am the ude to

Cr anti-toxic avenger.


e Do It’ 2) How did ‘She Made M looked come about, last time we at Paper you were playing with us gard, how Dress Vintage as Scant Re le? similar are the two in sty

Myself and Shaheena Dax (vocals) had some unfinished ideas for another project. We decided to knock them into shape ourselves and were really surprised how fast the songs started flowing. There’s an electronic element to both Scant Regard and SMMDI but with Scant I get to experiment a bit more being as they’re mostly instrumental tracks. SMMDI is more pop I guess but always with that dark edge nipping at your heels. ed as part

3) You recently perform

a) How did you come to m Adam?

Adam found out about Rachel Stamp back in the mid-90’s and came to see us at the Garage in London. There was a point where he was gonna make a video for us but for some reason that never happened. He then guested at another one of our gigs (there’s footage on YouTube somewhere). Then in 2010 when he started playing again I reconnected with him and helped put a band together. b) What is your fave track to play?

on Dirk

Tabletalk. Best riff, best groove, best atmos. Although Digital Tenderness is real fun too.

was a “punk” attit Elvis in the 50’s and it will always exist in every genre as long as certain people are true to themselves and give it their all. g you 5) What was the last thin so good heard/watched that was about it? you had to tell someone

Only Lovers Left Alive. Jim Jarmusch’s latest film. Style and immersability to die for. u think

6) As a man of style, do yo

Pic by Helene Monticone fashion still has a place in music? The gang mentality seems to be in short supply these days?

10) What question haven’t we asked

to be a part of something no you that you wish we had? matter how much involvement I think you’ve covered all It should do! Unfortunately very I’ve had in creating the actual bases. Excellent job! often it’s forgotten. I don’t think songs I’m playing. that’s necessarily a new thing 8) If you could be any character in a Where can we find you on t’internet? film, what film and who would it be? though. I never thought about the gang mentality but now Somewhere between Freak Storm www.scan you mention it that’s very true. and Johnny Suede in Johnny That’s why we need the Suede. Tuesday Club! 7) Would you see yourself as a gun for hire, or are you looking ultimately to settle down in one band?

Another thing I don’t really think about too much. As long as the music’s good and makes me feel something I’m happy

9) You are now In The Club, but what club do you actually wish it was?

Camden Palace. Back when it wasn’t Koko. That was the first club I ever went to. They had lasers which was very impressive to the young Crewdson.

B U L C Foot tappers

‘COS the Platters still matter.. .

Dear Club fans, welcome to AVBD and The Beautiful Wolf’s monthly round up of the new, the old, the signed, the unsigned and the inspirational, from our very own musical old curiosity shop, where we pick and podcast 10( ish) tracks that turn us on... with a little help from J-Rod! Here’s a selection of the featured tracks, but you’ll have to listen to find out more :-)

Clive Pig & The Hopeful Chinamen - Happy Birthday Sweet 16 Recorded way back in 1979 by Clive Pig & the Hopeful Chinamen at Gooseberry Studios and featuring our mate Gary M An as yet unreleased’ Hawkins on Drums. This track has featured on numerous She Made Me Podcasts that AVBD and The Do It - Console Beautiful Wolf have hosted over yourself Our the last couple of years, a long lost new fave duo, gem of teen angst and back seats She Made Me Do of cars. Clive from St.Albans was It from their ltd championed by John Peel and 5 track ep that worked with a host of local talent. came out in late 2013. A snip at Today he is billed as Clive Pig £3.50! The Storyfella - an International Storyteller, Performance Poet and Singer-songwriter. Nick & The Sun Machine - Acid Rain Cloud Taken from Nick’s magnificent Clan of Xymox - 7th Time album ‘Wide From the self titled 1985 album Lying Smiles’, released on the 4AD label. Alt, Folk Rock at It’s finest. Nick as featured in a previous ‘In The Club (as you all Bauhaus - Kick know of course!) is one of St.Albans in The Eye hardest working musicians and a Best known regular host of our goodselves at for their cover his excellent Open Mic at The Boot of Bowie’s St.Albans, every Wednesday Night. Ziggy Stardust (Although AVBD, prefers their skewed mastery of Telegram Sam)... Kick in the Eye comes from This month’s featured track from ‘See You Next Tuesday’, is - our new single ‘This Cities Alive’

their 1981 album - Mask. Had it not been for Siouxsie, Bauhaus would have invented Goth. Peter Murphy (lead singer) releases his 10th studio album this month. Nice one Pete. 5 or 6 - Another Reason Five or Six was a UK post-punk band, originally signed to Cherry Red Records by A&R head Mike Alway, who deemed them to be the act with the most potential from the scene he had helped create around the Snoopies club in southwest London. Walter Schumann - Pearls Dream aka Little Fly Disturbingly beautiful song from the brilliantly creepy black and white movie Night of the Hunter Teenage Fanclub - Sparky’s Dream From 1995’s album Grand Prix. It’s a song AVBD admits to playing 60 times in a row during a long bike ride. “It’s the Byrds, Big Star,

Primal Scream all rolled into one delicious perfect psychedelic pop swoonage” Adam and The Ants - Digital Tenderness From 1980’s Classic Album Dirk Wears White Sox - so raptuously re-envisioned by Adam and his new band last month at Hammersmith Apollo. (That features none other than Will from She Made Me Do it) As previously stated, it’s AVBD’s fave album of all time.



of the month!

ub feature, we In a brand new In the Cl month. It can choose our album of the unsigned local be brand new, very old, tting more talent that should be ge atinum selling exposure, or a triple pl have been... masterpiece that should Here’s a link to the best track on the night from the above gig (according to AVBD) by way of a little bonus ;-) Nine Plan Failed. We hope you enjoy this months podcast, don’t forget you can subsribe to them and listen again at:

For our first album, we plunder the legendary St.Albans label Waldos Records. And the live 1988 album by The Bears Insane. Side 1: 1. Motoron 2. Whacky Scout 3. Outasight 4. Frank Nitty 5. On the Beach 6. Beer ‘n’ Drugs 7. On Me Catalogue Number: Format: LP Released: 1988

ore To find out m d about these an n our other tracks o d show downloa ast... your FREE podc



Side 2: 1. Fun, Fun, Fun 2. Wot’s Up Mate? 3. IInnssaannee 4. Motoronandon 5. On Me (Studio Version)

Growl 001

Band Line Up: John Entrails: Vocals George Gill: Guitar Ron West: Bass Chris Kershaw: Sax Cally Cameron: Drums The album contains their full live set recorded in 1977 as a ‘warm up’ in the studio before recording their debut 45 ‘On Me’ (which is included as a bonus track). The album also includes the track ‘Insane’ which two members recorded later as a single for the Good Vibrations label.

DAMinx It’s not always easy to know who you are talking to at Tuesday Club gig. Looking for the cowbell ... Don’t get minxed up! Monday (Monday) Have man want to be another minion. He come to collect rubbish every Monday and always say hello. I normal ignore. Today I tell him he not good enough to be minion, he only be binion, which he seem happy with. The Minx never take rubbish out anyway. Everyone knows is man job. то есть, как это

Tuesday (Tuesday) Builder minion sulking at possibility of new binion. Him laze good for nothing. 2 sack of Ugg and Crocs and detest shoe sit in hallway ready for regular disposal. Have persuade number one minion to take out but even he refuse. Minion (plural) on strike! Who would believe. Minx minion strike! Is like miners. Is wrong. Is not democracy. Minion choose life of minion. Happy to be minion. Must accept other minion and free for Minx to take other minion. Like Mormon. Mormon minion. More minion. More cowbell.

Wednesday (Wednesday) Is Wednesday. Play small pub called Boot in Saint of Damon Albarns. Ceiling very low. Not good for proud Russian cap. (not Dutch cap as had been joke) or for play cowbell. Most difficult. Ladder seam tights on bench. Not please. Binion tell me he like to climb ladder. He fool. He sack for make bad pun joke. Have other minions for make those. Builder minion very happy. Even have tear in eye though think that may be from stiletto I put in his foot on last cheek. But he seem happy life is back to normal.

Thursday (Thursday) Is Thursday. Nothing of note happen on Thursday. скучный

Friday (Friday) Am most pleased that favourite shoes are place front of single cover for New Glamour. Is only fitting for most important person in band. Andreas shoes are black, flat and bore but at least not flip, Croc or Ugg. The keyboard player in band (Rog something) say he get some two-tone brogue. Most impress for man to

interesting in shoe. May make effort and learn name of keyboard man. (Note: none of band are minion. Different league of man for minion.)

Saturday (Saturday) Ego twin insipid Minki insist on going see Adam Ant at Hamstersmith. Is rubbish as have no cowbell, though man in uniform is most delectable. Maybe he like to be art minion, musician minion. He a little old for Minx but could be use for carry cowbell to gig. Yes. Minx roadie. Is new job for new minion. Must find uniform chap (new word for week) and invite to be music minion. (would also annoy Minki that her man Adam Ant is Minx’ new music minion. ха ха ха)

Sunday (Sunday) Notice that rubbish bin not been collected for week. Binion must be sulk since sack. Sigh. Will ring council and create merry hell. (see English phrase work well for Minx!) Is not good enough when pay council tax and road tax and bin tax and all tax that demands come through door. Minx very good at cross t’s and dot I’s and always pay bill on time. Do not need bin men to play strike like a game. Now all neighbours cross that no bin been collected. Rats think it one big game, like big playground. Neighbour from number 24 come over and ask what is all rubbish. He kick bag and large number of detest shoe fall out. I kick him. Mainly because he wearing flips. I order builder minion to take his neighbour flip and add to pile. Kindly provide neighbour with proper shoe to go home. Neighbour speechless, which is good as he need to shut. Good end to good week.

My BRUNCH with ROGER By Jordan Thomas


always been into music, ever since I can remember. My uncle Colin who was a musician - used to sing Proud Mary to me and I knew that song before I knew any nursery rhyme.

My first musical performance on stage was during my first nativity play and I was a little drummer boy! (Look out, TB Telski... Ed). From there, it was the recorder... then the piano... However, I didn’t want to be a musician... I wanted to be a pilot! When I was 8, I started wearing glasses, so that scuppered that dream! Piano wasn’t my first choice of instrument; I got home from school one day and my mum said ‘You’re to have piano lessons, starting tonight.’ Naturally, I didn’t want to go but I was a good boy and did as I was told; I’m glad I did as I loved it. My tutor was very strict but very good and a lot of what she taught me I still use today.My teacher in primary school encouraged me too – she still keeps abreast of my musical endeavours via Facebook and she last taught me when I was 9!I was always listening to music outside of my years – while my friends were listening to the Smurfs, I was listening to the Sex Pistols and John Peel on Radio 1. Many people see my role in The Tuesday Club as more of a synth player; however, in my mind, I’m still a pianist. The downside is that my piano technique is shite and I would have to sit down and work hard to get back to how I used to be. I did make a decision quite early on to stop having lessons though, as I realised I wasn’t too fussed on classical piano and wanted to learn to play songs that I liked. I would sit down at

the piano with the stereo by the side of me and play along to songs until I knew them. This is where my love of Gary Numan comes from; in 1982 I was listening to a lot of his records and working them out and I suppose this is where the transition from pianist to synth player came in. However, I absolutely love Booker T and The MGs, so many of their keyboard parts have crept into my playing over the years, along with other people like Jerry Lee-Lewis and Fats Domino. I can see similarities between all of those artists and I try to take a little from each. Oddly, until I joined The Tuesday Club, I didn’t play keys in the bands I was in; I used to play bass and 6-string, both of which I am completely self taught and play in a weird open tuning (open C, if you’re wondering... Ed). Both of those instruments are quite instinctive for me – keys is different. Due to my training when I was a kid, I’m a lot more logical and analytical in my approach but even so, I still have those impulses where if it sounds right, I’ll just do it again... even if the theory side of things isn’t correct! As I’ve come to the band within the last year, some might think it’s a bit daunting to take on many established key parts. It’s actually been very easy; my brief was ‘do what you want!’. I have tried to stay reasonably faithful to the original key parts of the older songs but have added a few small flourishes of my own. What also makes it easy is that I’m working with a nice bunch of people! That always helps! I’ve been told by the band that I have added a lot to the sound but that’s easy for me, as I’ve been given good material to work with in the first place. I indulge myself these days by using two keyboards, one stacked above the other. One is usually set to piano and the other to make synth sounds. I initially used just the one but I found that I couldn’t do all the things I wanted quickly enough so I decided to use the two. At home, I have three keyboards stacked up... not quite Rick Wakeman yet but who knows?! There’s a running joke in the band that I should get a keytar... but I’m not so sure as it’s only got a four octave keyboard – I find five octaves on a standard keyboard restricting! My next purchase will probably be a Roland Fantom FA-06. They’ve only been out a few months, so watch this space! No vintage synths here!


s n o s r a P Knows

THIS MONTH’S TOP 4 BANDS/ARTISTS! Summer is around the corner and I am still basking in the warm fuzzy glow from The Live Music Project’s 1st year anniversary bash! And what a party it was!! Topped off by none other than the endlessly entertaining ‘The Tuesday Club’ introducing some great new material and wowing us with our favourites too! A winning combination in my book. So a big thanks to all the guys & the rather tall Russian beauty for headlining our party with style. I also had the proud pleasure to introduce ‘The Live Music Project’ Vol 1 2014. This is a compilation CD featuring some of the very best acts to have performed for us over the last year. Never having produced a CD before, I found the whole process extremely exciting and rewarding. The CD is available to buy from Trestle Arts Base or Empire Records for £6.00 and all profits from the CD go straight back into running the Project. 12 tracks for £6.00 = bargain! So if you didn’t get a copy at the last gig then please support your local music scene and buy one now! You won’t be disappointed! It’s a limited edition so don’t delay.. buy today! So onwards to the next 12 months for the project and we kick off on 31st May with another great line up of local bands and artists. Don’t forget to check out our website for full gig information. Before I get going on this month’s recommendations, have a listen to this little

By Denise Parsons – Music Promoter – ‘The Live Music Project’ Trestle Arts Base, St.Albans

feature by a friend & supporter of the Project, Mr Mikey D’Souza . Mikey is a freelance radio presenter (formerly of Crush Radio)working for Radio Verulam & Rugby Christmas Cracker , who very much supports the local music scene and has been kind enough to feature some Project artists in his feature. Worth a listen!

Grae J Wall & The Trailer Trash Orchestra


HubCap Moon

This rough & tough collective of local talented musicians headed up by Grae J Wall, a local artist of some renown, has several disguises! Sometimes playing as the full orchestra & sometimes as the scaled down version known as ‘Los Chicos de Muertas’ with other members also playing in ‘The Metatrons’. When the full ensemble gets together you are in for a treat! Rock n Roots n Country with a side order of punk attitude and always great fun! Infectious rhythms of double bass, mandolins & pedal steel, with some classy drumming from Steve Finch . Any band that pen a track called ‘SAD in Fleetville’ get my vote. I am delighted to finally get these guys pinned down for the Project gig on 31st May.


HubCap Moon

Keeping the country/roots feel are is this Harpenden based band. Describing themselves as ‘Boot stompin-beer swillin-country rockinbluegrass-folk-punk’. They certainly look the part! I have not had the pleasure of seeing them live yet but am expecting good things when they support Trailer Trash in May!


Stolen Horse

Really liking what this young band is doing at the moment! Three young, very personable guys from Hatfield University with a lovely folk/roots sound. They’ve got the talent and are keen to play! They played for us at Trestle last year and since then have been involved with a great collaboration between University of Herts & Grand Chapel

Studios, a project called ‘InFuse InSession. I recently went to the launch as was very impressed by the quality of work produced. Check out the video. They also have a new single out soon ‘Two Ravens’. Needless to say I’ve booked them back to Trestle in August!


Harry Phillips

More young emerging talent to definitely have a look at! Harry contacted me on the off chance one day to introduce himself and ask for some help. Something I am always happy to do. So we had a chat & I had a quick listen to his music and liked it! But he then took the trouble to pop in to Trestle & drop off his EP ‘Coming Home’ which I promptly played in the Trestle café, and as it was very busy day ended up on repeat!! Only 3 tracks but it really, really, impressed me! And he got a gig out of it and I was introduced to another great artist. Things like this make my job an absolute pleasure.

Trestle Arts Base, Russet Drive, St.Albans, AL4 OJQ 01727 850950 e: @trestletheatre

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