The Sound of the Suburbs

Page 1

issue 012 December 2012

20 Q’s


California diner

O on. O H .



Simon Says!

A-Z of Minki brought to you by

Perfect Pop Co-Op

and the



So, the erstwhile Jamie Tayler and I recently had a debate on air about how multi-effect pedals are naff for live use and individual pedals are cool. Also, anyone who plays in a band is a nerd and upon seeing another band, goes Gear Spotting (which I’m sure Michelin have a spotters guide for - 100 points for a first production batch Les Paul, for example). There’s nothing better than seeing a pedal you own and someone else using it, as you can go ‘Hey! I’ve got one of them! Ain’t it cool?!’ and then both of you descend into talking in models and numbers and spec and wattage etc., etc. So, on that note, pedals being little things for the most part, they make the most excellent stocking fillers! Here’s a small list of interesting last minute Xmas gifts for your pet guitarist... First up, the TC Electronic Polytune (£71.49) Instead of having to go through the rigmarole of tuning each string individually, The Polytune allows you to (via a clever LED display) see which strings need tuning and which don’t, after one single strum. For those who are now saying ‘it’s a toy, I have ears’ - well, yes, it looks pretty but makes your life easy and efficient. Anything that detracts from playing is a pain in the arse in my opinion! Second on the list is a bit of a classic - the Ibanez TS-808 Tube Screamer. I confess, I have one of these little green boxes and swear by it. You can buy the standard Ibanez model but for a bit of extra kick, go for the Robert Keeley mod. Yes, it costs a little more (£274 vs £150 for the standard model) but it’s definitely worth it. You can check it out here

Third, is something every guitarist should have as part of their pedalboard - the Dunlop Wah. At £105 less a few pennies, it a bit cheaper than the Morley equivalent (which I use) but having used both over time, the Dunlop one is probably the better buy. It’s slimmer and also, seems more robust than the deceptively tank-like Morley wah. And finally, the list wouldn’t be complete without a loop pedal and the Digitech JamMan is a pretty solid offering: At 160 quid, it’s one of the more expensive ones but anything made by Digitech is worth the money (to boot around a stage). Loop pedals have become very popular of late and to be frank, are becoming a bit of a cliché on the solo performer live scene. That said, there are still interesting things you can do with them as far as performances go, so don’t be put off by someone boring the audience to the bar building up super complex loops involving a full orchestra and various kitchen instruments. Everything in it’s place. While writing this article, I’ve come to realise that most things on this list might constitute as ‘Main Christmas Present’ on price alone. However, they will still fit inside a stocking... so that bit’s still accurate. One pedal I have left off though, is the Moog MF-104 analogue delay ( because they cost as much as many amplifiers. It’s on my Christmas list but I doubt Santa’s budgets run that far, what with austerity and such (even Rudolph is on Tesco Value Hay this year). So, that’s that. Merry Christmas one and all and here’s to lots of weird noises coming from many stages in 2013! Jord (or J-Rod from the Tuesday Club, or just simply jrod if you type my name quickly).


Fancy making a contribution? Dear readers, if anyone would like to contribute to the mag, by way of photos, articles, reviews or ads. simply drop us an email to If you want to supply imagery it needs to be either 300dpi or larger than 20cm square if 72dpi, just so the imagery is of a decent quality if we want to blow it up. For copy we need 250 for a half page, 600 for a full page and 1200 for a double spread.

Fancy taking out an advert? Simply email for a price list Thanks to: Design @8ecreative. Photography: 8ecreative, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzWords: @simonj68, Pete Renzullo, Molloy Hitchcock, Jord, Minki, Jamie Tayler, Archie Deacon, Mike Lidskin




Cover star: Santa’s Balls

Welcome and Schedule


Minki’s Magic Moments


California Diner


Recharged Xmas bash!


Simon Says


Christmas Compendium of Conundrums Mike Lidskin

Is the glass half full or half empty? by @simonj68

Sound of the Suburbs December Parts 1 & 2


Podcasts of all shows available FOR FREE 48 hours from broadcast time Mondays

00.01 - 20.00 Best of: Music and show repeats 20:00 - 21.00 Crawling Home Monday Edition

21.00 - 22.00 Wireless Storytime Extravangaza 22.00 - 00.00 Best of: Music and show repeats


00.01 - 20.00 Best of: Music and show repeats 20:00 - 21:00 California Diner

21:00 - 22.00 Sound of the Suburbs (*check schedule for which version)

22.00 - 00.00 Best of: Music and show repeats

20 QUESTIONS in 20 MINS 12-13


Ooh Matron


00.01 - 19.00 Best of: Music and show repeats


19:00 - 20.00 Metal Mumin

Pete Renzullo





Xmas one liners!

Peleken Records Part 4

20.00 - 00:00 Best of: Music and show repeats 00.01 - 19:00 Best of: Music and show repeats


00:01 - 20:00 Best of: Music and show repeats 20.00 - 21.00 Crawling Home on a Friday 21.00 - 22.00 Close To Nowhere 22.00 - 23.00 I Land Music

23.00 - 00:00 Best of: Music and show repeats

Saturdays Try our new easy to use PODCAST buttons, just click and download your fave show! @rechargedradio

00:01 - 11:00 Best of: Music and show repeats 11.00 - 12:00 Crawling Home on a Friday (rpt)

12.00 - 00.00 Best of: Music and show repeats


00:01 - 19:00 Best of: Music and show repeats 19:00 - 20:00 The Music Unleashed Top 40

20.00 - 00:00 Best of: Music and show repeats Check the website schedule page for timings of: The monthly Hits of the Near Future, Discovery 2 Previews, and other one off Specials

eak 3. Peerless Pirates 4. The Lovely Eggs - WORD BY WORD: The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing (and the song was Victoria’s Secret). Have you got a crick in your neck yet? Have another mince pie.

Minki’s Christmas Compendium of Conundrums

Ok folks, as it’s the festive issue, what better way to celebrate than an end of year puzzle section instead of my usual rant and rave article. In the best cheesy sense of puzzledom there is something for everyone, and as usual, the answers (if you need to cheat) are at the bottom of the page. This should while away that time when granny is asleep, you are full of turkey and yet again, there is no snow to run outside and build a snowman. Have fun kids!! I’ll be back with my usual unfestive self in the New Year. Oh and if you miss me before then, you can always listen to my Christmas Special which is probably already snuggled nicely in the Listen Again player.


Dingbats Find the 3 band names by working out the picture clue!

A to Z of MMM Facebook – a necessary evil. I much prefer Twitter and thankfully due to the jots of technology, I can tweet away to my heart’s content knowing that it is also populating Facebook. One of the downsides of being a musician is HAVING to have a presence on every damn social media site AND keep up with it. Fairies – I DO believe in fairies. Fancy Dress – any excuse. I mean, really, ANY excuse. Love it. Please invite me to your next party J Father Christmas - of course! Ok I can be quite facist about Christmas being kept in December, but when it comes to it, I’m a kid at heart. In fact, I think my Mum was a bit shocked that I still believed in Santa way after most kids. It still upsets me how I found out .. but that’s another story. Football – always say I hate football then end up glued to the World Cup or the Euros. I don’t support a football team but when pushed I say Leeds as it’s the team my Dad supports. I say I’ve ‘inherited’ them. Ford – one of my favourite cars EVER. Ford Shelby Mustang GT500 – ‘Eleanor’. I think it just sums up all I love about car design. So if I win the lottery you know what’s first on the list. (see Euromillions) Formula One – now here is a sport I DO love. Regular listeners to my show will know this already. I am a proper F1 geek, I love the preambles to each race and taking in all the stats and regulation changes, but I HATE the fact that most of the TV coverage has now gone to SKY. Really bad for the sport in my opinion, no matter how good the new SKY coverage is. Fun – I don’t actually think I’m very good at having fun (or so I’ve been told). I’m way too sensible. Some would say boring. All I know is I’m the least rock ‘n’ roll person I know.

Cryptic Teasers Can you work out these Recharged bands using the cryptic clues? 1. Granny Smith bunnies 2. Real wood it ain’t 3. These bucaneers are incomparable 4. Charming chicken embryos!

DINGBATS: Long Bone Trio, 50ft Woman (!), The Furbelows - CRYPTIC TEASERS: 1. Apple Rabbits 2. Fake

Califor Greetings from California! December: The holidays are upon us! Hooray! Some folks here in the U.S. get all bent out of shape when you say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. Aside from the fact that there are such holidays as Chanukah and Kwanzaa, and I’m trying to be inclusive-what if I were simply being efficient by saying Happy Holidays? For instance--let’s say it’s December 20th, and I might not see you again until January--I might wish you Happy Holidays--to cover both Christmas and New Years? Get it? Conversely, I’m thrilled when somebody wishes me a “Merry” or “Happy” anything. To take the time to say something nice, and to extend the good tidings of the season makes the world that much more bearable. Now supposing for just a minute that you were good this year. And I were to get you a gift. What would I get you? Well, music, of course! Usually, you hear CDs advertised as “stocking stuffers”. I say skip the stocking. Make music THE gift. Get lots of it, for everybody on your list. Make them all happy. And here are a few gift suggestions. I’m thinking that you should buy lots of each of these for your friends and family. And don’t forget yourself. You’re very important, and deserve gifts as well. Nelson Bragg: “We Get What We Want”. Pure pop goodness from the Los Angeles-based percussionist for Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. Throwback Suburbia: “Shot Glass Souvenir”. Power pop perfection, with inspired, evocative keyboards. Melissa Phillips: “Fits & Starts”. Sweet Americana vocals and songwriting on Melissa’s debut album. www.melissaphillipsmusic. com. The JAC (Joe Algeri Collective): “Faux Pas”. Quirky, fun, rockin’ songs from Perth, Australia, plus a bonus disc of covers which are even quirkier than the main album.

Melissa Phillips Lannie Flowers: “New Songs Old Stories”. More perfect power pop with jangly guitars and a Texas drawl, hearkens back to the “old days”, only better sounding. Kevin Seconds: “Don’t Let Me Lose Ya”. Folk with a punk heart of gold, and a cello rounding out the sound, from right here in Sacramento, California. Poplord: “Poplord vs the Universe”. Fresno, California pop stalwarts in their most well-rounded effort to date travel throughout the pop spectrum with this one. Jet Electro: “Jet Electro”. Spun off from Poplord, Jet Electro romps through Americana and soul without even breaking a sweat. This one sticks to your ribs. Felsen: “Breaking Up With Loneliness”. Alternative rock that veers between rockin’ and introspective, and done better than most. Braam Brothers: “Hail Violet”. Excellent album that treads both the Americana and alternative genres. Tasty vocals and sublime instrumentation throughout. David Houston and String Theory: “Night”. Dark, gentle symphonic pop from one of the longtime pillars of the Sacramento music scene. Ruby Free: “Introducing Ruby Free”. Husband and wife team Rick Hromadka and Lisa Cavaliere create a rustic, Paul and Linda McCartney kind of vibe on most of the album. A few tracks delve

rnia diner Debora Iyall: “Singing Until Sunrise”. Legendary Romeo Void frontwoman is back with a nice little EP that showcases her sophisticated songwriting and vocals. Features an updated remake of her big 1984 hit “A Girl In Trouble (Is A Temporary Thing). John York: “Fanfare For 2”. Former Byrds member was “Americana” before the term even existed. This is a fine example of his magnificent solo career. Faraway Brothers: “Hand Me That Cow”. This surprise recent addition to my music library was handed to me by bassistsongwriter Ed Ivey at a gig this month in San Francisco. The album careens between country, Tex-Mex, and jazz with great aplomb. And here’s what you can start thinking about now, for next year’s gift giving. These folks are scheduled to put out new albums in 2013:

Three Minute Tease (with Anton Barbeau): into the spacey, psychedelic world of Rick’s other band Maple Mars.

Maxi Dunn. Sparklejet. Laurie Biagini. Vegas With Randolph. And an Elvis Costello tribute compilation, “Beyond Belief”. All proceeds going to benefit the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation.

Nushu: “Joystick”. One of the few all female power pop bands I can think of, Hillary Burton and Lisa Mychols pay tribute to some of the best-loved 70’s and 80’s power pop and New Wave songs on this upbeat EP.

So give the gift of music. Not just for Christmas, but all year long. Thanks for all your support over the past year. It’s been fun, and here’s to a happy, healthy, and musical 2013 ahead. Cheers!

Three Minute Tease (with Anton Barbeau): “Three Minute Tease”. Sacramento native Anton Barbeau and Robyn Hitchcock’s Egyptians Andy Metcalfe and Morris Windsor create some great psychedelia.

“Chef” Mike Lidskin

Corner Laughers: “Poppy Seeds”. Longtime Recharged Radio favorites in their finest album to date, a sunny pop love letter to California. A Band Called Mithras: “2”. Detroit band led by Bob Wilson takes a definitive tour through all aspects of alternative. Skip Heller: “Foolish Me”. Straight up country from Los Angeles. Skip is a guitarist’s guitarist and a storyteller’s storyteller.

“Is the glass half full or half empty? The point is that you can always reload the glass and surely sometimes “half” is more than enough. It certainly is when you find yourself lucky enough to fill half the moon with a night of fantastic music at The Half Moon, Putney.

up of an amorphous medley of songs encapsulating the second half my life was a huge honour and resulted in a massive tick off the “bucket list”. Being joined by old friends on stage for a couple of covers performed with zero rehearsal was a joyous, punk-infused moment. Clint and Mark, now both members of The Marksman (who joined Recharged at The Half Moon in October), ooze the type of natural talent and intuitive musicality that make them stand out like a naked chick seductively leaning on the Kaaba at Mecca with her hands unashamedly positioned on her hips à la Panto Peter Pan.

It was a day of halves; the general disparity between the hours of light and the ever-drawing night were not lost on a man accepting that he was hurtling ever swiftly towards his expiry. A day, a twin, separated by an ocean, considered that half a lifetime ago he had contemplated his first legal pint. Half a day spent at work, half a journey spent listening to the drawl of half a conversation that couldn’t be masked by music as the mp3 player had lied; it wasn’t half full. It needed to be Recharged.....

Ben Drake, sealed for freshness by the cold, took to the stage for a solo set of material from his debut album Repercussions. Having played with his full band at The Great Escape earlier this year for Recharged Radio, seeing the songs stripped down showed you just how fantastic a songwriter Ben has become; the songs have long been a staple at “The Bunker” and hearing them live, with the charm and fun Ben exudes when he is on stage, lights up the room - much like when I stole some magnesium from the chemistry lab at school and inserted it into my best mate’s Marlborough Light. His rendition of the Christmas classic, the white powder-fueled “What’s the Story (Morning Glory?) Christmas” was a comedy moment worthy of any “Night at the Apollo”.

It wasn’t a night for “indoor shoes”, and the onset of curling toes, as if rigor mortis had set in below the ankles, was an unforgiving reminder that this was indeed a bitter night. Wandering into the welcoming doors of one of London’s most valued and relevant venues, the ever-young Half Moon, which incidentally celebrates it’s semicentennial next year, warms you from the inside out. If you could control spontaneous combustion, without the unnecessary flaming death (like an inverted Baked Alaska), that’s how I imagine it would feel. Recharged Radio Presents.... A Very Recharged Radio Xmas was a night to celebrate a fantastic year for the station. All of the bands on the bill had been an integral part of the fun and success of all the shows on Recharged in 2012 and a night of live music felt an incredibly fitting tribute to end the year. Beyond Crawling Home, I have been a musician for even longer than I’ve been able to hold a pen. To have the opportunity to play on the same stage as The Yardbirds, the Stones, The Who, The Small Faces and, more recently, my absolute musical hero, Shawn Smith, was something I just couldn’t let pass; after all, it was my birthday!

Hair-chameleon, Abby Holden, was next up and her fresh set of beautifully crafted songs, effortless melodies and stunningly consistent vocals was a joy. The sparkle in her eyes was something that every band on the evening really appeared to share. It was also a performance that produced an international, modern-day Christmas classic involving ginger pubes and a rare guest spot from tambourine-extraordinaire “Miss Nicky”. Highlights also included a rendition of her current single “Strange Affection”, which I’m still pretty sure should be retitled “Stranger Fiction”. Pepper & Shepherd (who have invariably been called a variety of things over at RR heights including “Peckham & Shepherd’s Bush”) continued to completely hold the audience in their own wonderful and definitive style. Their set included a rather lovely version of Silent Night (although James was visibly disappointed that they didn’t have the chance to play Mistletoe & Wine) and a brand new song which was incredibly stunning. Pepper & Shepherd possess an almost immeasurable talent, although if it had to be measured, it would probably be at least twice as tall as the 1985 Blue Peter Appeal thermometer (just remembering Janet Ellis on that step ladder sends me all aquiver). The Tuesday Club finished their residency at The Half Moon in style; rarely does any venue have the opportunity to witness those early stages in a band’s formation. It has almost been like witnessing the group finding their voice and their set was undeniably their best performance in Putney to date. Swaggering the stage, looking like the offspring of Dad’s Army if they’d been locked away in Barbarella’s sex dungeon for their seed, The Tuesday Club are “off genre”, and I for one hope that they never get pigeon-holed. Following were unquestionably the most rock ‘n’ roll band on the RR roster; the ever-mighty The Dash. On a rather wet early afternoon at the Queens Hotel in Brighton on May 10th, the boys took to the stage with a warm belly-full of booze having managed to acquire alcohol in the morning. To these guys, rockin’ is a full time commitment; as they launched up the stairs to take their place on the plateau, I was reminded of a lyric by Scroobius Pip which I feel sums up their whole ethos: “you see a mousetrap, I see free cheese and f*ckin challenge”. Undeniably, they Topped the Trumps with their magnificent cover of “Fairy Tale of New York”. Venturing back into the toe-curling cold, I was Recharged; in an age of decimals, on Monday 10 December 2012 at a venue in Putney, if things have to be divided, you were definitely in the right half.

Simon Says blog and twitter legend @simonj68’s column in Sound of The Suburbs

I am not really a “Christmas” person. This won’t come as a shock to those who know me, or the regular reader. Enforced jollity and office parties are not my thing and never have been. But as it is inescapably the season I thought I had better at least try and get some form of festive references into the magazine. So, after trying to find a theme that did not involve Cliff Richard or The Pogues, or me moaning about things were better in the past, I gave up and realised that my Christmas gift to you all would be just that. Back in the day, Christmas meant one thing; not being able to buy the albums I wanted for a month as they all had to go on the dreaded “list” so that various family members could buy them for me. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but when I knew exactly what every bit of vinyl under the tree was, the present opening session was a bit of a let-down - apart from the one year when my mum had ventured into Oven Ready Records (the local indie shop at the time) and the guy looked at the list and said “this must be for Simon, give him this instead”: a Norwegian import of a Dead Kennedys 12”, with lyrics – not a lot of people would have unwrapped that at home for Christmas 1981. But the gift of albums was part of musical Christmas, along with the before-lunch Christmas Top of the Pops. The 70s and 80s was when music meant something to most people, It wasn’t disposable and the fact that one of the key shows of the TV schedules was music based is something that drifted away, the same way that record shops did. While it has had a few resurrections these have been almost an ironic gesture at the knowing youngsters, far from the days when millions would watch to see the top bands from the year perform. There was just something about it that worked, it was the only TV we were allowed before dinner, on at exactly 11 and off at 12. The end of the show was always the coveted Christmas Number 1 spot; an area where music and bands drifted into some very odd jumpers and songs that everyone knew all the words to. Much like hearing Summertime by Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince means summer has started, hearing Noddy Holder bellow “It’s Chriiiisssstttmmmaaaassss” means it is December and the jollities can begin. There are few songs as festive as that. Last Christmas by Wham was in a different vein, and played at a different part of the office party. This number 1, like Top of the Pops itself, drifted into irrelevance as time moved on. Cliff Richard kept releasing religious and traditional songs, and then the advent of the reality TV show meant that the number 1 would be a foregone conclusion. Apart from the one year when Rage Against The Machine hit the top following a social media campaign the recent lists I looked at drew a blank from me. I guess the end came when the Spice Girls had three in a row (insert your own joke here) , And then there have always been novelty and specific Christmas hits; Mr Blobby, Bob The Builder, Queen, St Winifreds School Choir; they all had their moment of fame and the once a year privilege of headlining the Christmas TotP special.

So what happens now?

Do families and friends all sit around exchanging iTunes vouchers? How do you spend an hour trying to work out the Norwegian for some of the more interestingly named tracks on a 12” if all you have is a voucher? Instead of TotP on the TV it seems that an endless stream of soap opera depressing storylines come to a head (it won’t end well for someone in Albert Square this year as usual I am sure). Like the move from singing around the piano, the family watching TotP has passed into memory only, and that is not a good thing in my view. It is another step in making music temporary for many people; the meaning and memories are not created. Like trying to name albums by winners of the X Factor, trying to remember what tracks you bought with a gift card online is a feat beyond the realms of possibility. It is memories that make music meaningful; the song playing the first time I went in a pub; songs on Israeli radio while avocado picking; the first record I played on my latest turntable; I can name them all, because the music was key to the event. For years it was the case. Even Elvis had a Blue Christmas and a White Christmas, Bowie & Bing Crosby in one of the stranger Christmas songs, there are more memories associated with Christmas and music than anything else I would guess. I am going to guess that one of Cowells protégés or a charity single will be Christmas number 1 this year. I’m not saying that is all bad, but I would also bet that you sang in your head almost every track I mentioned up to now. If you can even name Shayne Ward’s chart topper from 2005 I would be amazed. However, there is one song that is so linked to Christmas now it is impossible to miss, and the only one that doesn’t have me reaching to change the channel. It’s also probably one of the most depressing songs ever made, but Fairy Tale Of New York by The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl is what Christmas means to me. From the opening line “It was Christmas Eve babe, in the drunk tank” to the famous “you scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lousy faggot” there is nothing wrong in this song at all. So, if I have to celebrate Christmas and all that comes with it, it has to have this as its soundtrack. Seasons Greetings to all, and I hope that 2103 brings some musical memories for all of us.

Web: Twitter: @SimonJ68 Skype: rumblesandgrumbles

4) VINYL - Astronuats - Getting Things Done - (July SOTS)

THE RADIO SHOW TUESDAY’s 10pm with Andy Scratch and John ‘Vintage’ Viney Dear Suburbanites, welcome to our now familiar (for those who read last month’s issue) extended and more in depth Sound of the Suburbs column. We decided that it may be good to expand a little on the show ethos and more importantly the great bands and people out there keeping the dream alive and helping to expand the DIY ethic’s legacy for great and interesting music. We know this is backwards compatible, but it means if you missed the show, you NEED the podcast to match up with the text... (we’re not as dumb as I look :-)) ... ahem anyway, happy hunting...

Sound of the Suburbs DECEMBER PART 1 One Eyed - Intro theme by The Reverse Family:

5) VINYL - Clive Pig? - Happy Birthday Sweet 16 - (January SOTS) - MP3 One of our most played tracks of 2012. Dub, vinyl, demo, mp3, you name it, we’ve played it. How it wasn’t a hit, we shall never know! It features our mate and guest on the June show, Gary M. Hawkins on drums. the Old Gold City (February SOTS)

6) Vekta Sigma - In

7) Probing Cranks - Queen Of The Nile - (March SOTS) A classic pixies-esque grunge-a-roar from the sadly now defunkt Probing Cranks, this track dates back to the mid 90’s and a support to my pre-Scratch obsession Mamajamas 8) Molloy - Tracey (March SOTS) Great track by Molloy. (now called Yeah And She Has Red Lips Too) I saw them supporting The Wolfmen, upstairs at Mother Bar in 2009 and have loved this since I bought it. 9) VINYL - Parry Thomas - Tea Set

1) 50ft Woman - (Strictly) Only Swinging (1st track of 1st show December 2011) How could we do a ‘Best Of ’ without our fave gal Minki? Here in her 50ft prime, from her debut EP, Menáge á Trois.

10) VINYL - Basczax - Carlean Photography - (Feb SOTS)

2) Innocent Vicars - Antimatter (79’UK) - (May SOTS) One of, if not THE find of SOTS so far, Innocent Vicars led by the mighty and multi faceted RICHARD NORRIS; journalist, songwriter, singer, label owner. Steeped in St. Albanian suburbanism, still writing classics today, Time and Space Machine (his current projects album), sits proudly in my top 2 of 2012 alongside Flash Fiktion.

12) - Professor Elemental - Fighting Trousers (Aug SOTS) This was the pick of my early year trouser tracks that sadly ran dry in early April. Fabulously eccentric from the Brighton based prof!

3) VINYL - Perfect Zebras - Man or Machine (June SOTS)

DEMO 11) Boys Cry Too - Stern Bops - The Original from 1981, covered recently by Minki and friends in an all star 50ft Woman line-up.

13) VINYL - Comast Angels - Independence Day

be the ‘fans’ fave. Released in May this year. www.thescratch.

14) The Tuesday Club - True Sex Appeal - The freebie ‘Christmas ‘ element to the band’s second single released 3rd December 2012.

5) Flash Fiktion - Me and Mr E


6) VINYL - Track Eating Baby - Janitors (Just A Mish Mash)

One Eyed - Intro theme by The Reverse Family:

7) VINYL - World of Twist She’s a Rainbow

1) T-Rex - Christmas Bop - By the evergreen and ever wonderful Marc Bolan, slated for release in Christmas 1975, pressed, but never hit the shops, rarer than England World Cup wins, this

8) The Time and Space Machine - Hiding in the Light. From the excellent Taste the Lazar album 9) Plugs - Bat Brain Moon Man Boiler Boy - My fave song title of the year, a track from the much played Rupert Preaching at a Picnic compilation from 1981 version is from my T.Rex Christmas Box, Japanese import from 1991.

10) VINYL - The Icicle Works - Love is a Wonderful Colour 11) VINYL - The Membranes - Spaceships - (Just a Mish Mash) DEMO section: 12) Virgin on Vanity - It’s Christmas Time - recorded in Muswell Hill in 1986, it also features Carl Clampit and Richard Crisp on backing vocals. 13) The Space Zombie - Space Zombie Xmas 2) VINYL - Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses 3) VINYL - The Weeds China Doll (Just a Mish Mash LP, Various - on the In Tape label – IT 47. Released in 1987 The_Weeds_%28UK_ band%29 4) Great Adventure The Scratch. Missing in action since the release of the album of the same name. This proved to

14) The Tuesday Club - True Sex Appeal. As ever, a very BIG thanks for listening and for all your support. Please don’t forget to send us your old demos and we’ll see you again for our new year shows on Have a superfunk Christmas and a groovy yule as Mr. Bolan would’ve said. Andy Scratch and Vintage Viney xx

20 Questions in 20 Minutes: We pinned down Gregster from Kamp David (quite literally, as we got Matron to sit on him. As far as we know he’s still, quite happily, there). When he’s not sitting under our voluptuous head nurse he’s busy recording Kamp David’s follow up to Red Hotel. Kamp David are a Recharged favourite and their track ‘Limousine’, if we played it as vinyl, would now look like a large black melted doughnut. See what you think; 1. If you could look like anyone else, who would it be? You

2. Favourite flavour of Pot Noodle? Just plain pot

3. Stoned, drunk or sober? All three

4. You are a puppy, what breed are you and why? A little Chihuahua so I can sit on your lap

5. Shoes, trainers or boots? Creepers

6. What would you have been called if you were born a girl? Gregorina

7. Everybody wants some … what? WTF

8. Which monopoly playing piece are you and why? Silver top hat - free parking and Red Hotels

9. Favourite word and why? Syzygy- three in one.

10. Boiled sprouts, cabbage or spinach? None of the three

Like my bedroom

12. You have hit random on your i-pod – what’s the first song that comes up? Glitter in Their Eyes - Patti Smith

13. And what was the last track you deleted in disgust? All, by mistake

14. What would you like to have total control of? Don’t you mean who? If so, myself I’m sooo out of control

15. What is at the top of your To Do List today? Everything

16. Favourite insult? Kiss my Art

17. Perfect night in? In what?

18. Perfect night out? Zipper catches skin.

19. Who would win a fight between deer, a goat and a boar? The boar

20. Describe yourself using three words...

11. What does your Red Hotel honeymoon suite look like? Gregory Paco Radcliffe



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“The art of performance lies in The Tuesday Club! They are a must see band” Prettyxcentric

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“Now this is a cheeky little track isn’t it?” Q Radio’s @carolinethedj

OOOOOH Matron...

Matron’s One Liners Christmas Special

Dear Matron

night? ive you home, to Who’s going to dr Ric, Carsdale

a really bicycle. I used to have al tic ac pr ra ult my on me l I’ll be toddling off ho it. No one dearie. As usua Gwyneth Paltrow stole but flower, a d Dear Matron an it, on t ke bas a lovely one with

Do you come from a land down unde r? Colin, Australia

Dear Matron Didn’t we have a lovely time, the day we went to Bangor? Mr Fiddler, Dram

Yes we did indeed Mr Fiddler. I would have needed my wellies had it been last month though. I did enjoy your gift of the Llanfair PG embroidery you had done on my knickers. It did take them a long time but it’s a lovely reminder of how to spell it, though looking at them in the mirror is a bit tricky.

No dear, Kent. Dear Matron at? What’s new Pussyc T Jones

me flirting. And don’t send op st e as Ple u. yo s it’ Dear Tom, I know embarrassing. anymore gifts, it’s getting Dearest Matron

ron Dear Mat

be C t could I wish i am Birmingh R Wood,

y every da hristmas

stive und in a fe o ar e li o t chance iding een and avo so do I. A u , Q ar e e d h t , I o t o So d gh. If it has u rry, listening o e h h t s n g e in h t k n ri ars nded by Onesie, d might have e I like *swe d at rl h o w w ay e s h T I can sprouts. ing this and ad re be ’t n o tmas ... you w Merry Chris r* e p o ro t a like

our on the bed Does your chewing gum lose its flav post overnight? Lonny, Donnegan

rolling around No Lonny, chewing gum is a filthy habit. All that sure you spit your mouth. It never lasts long enough. And make and not swallow. For once.

Dear Matron

Do You Want to Kn ow A Secret? J Lennon & P McCa rtney, Liverpool

Yes .. *waits*

Australian Independent Music Scene

Peleken Records – The true story… as told by the man who was there PART FOUR – Deck the Halls… By Pete Renzullo

“You coming tonight?” Lez asked Dee. “I am, yep. It’s my first one so I should probably make an appearance.” Dee replied, feeling a mixture of excitement at the prospect of her first Christmas party at Peleken Records, and dread at the prospect of being at a party with Garny. She’d heard stories of Garny’s antics at work functions and wasn’t keen to be on the receiving end of a proposition. They were heading to dinner first, and then for drinks afterwards at a local pub. At least Peleken Records was paying for the event. Dee had been to Christmas parties at other companies she worked for and had to fork out the bulk of the expense. Nonetheless, Garny’s generosity always came at a price. “Alright you lot! Let’s make this the best Chrissy party ever! I don’t want any sober sods by 9pm, otherwise I’ll bend ya over my knee and spank ya, ha! And that offer is only open to the ladies!” Garny boomed from the head of the table. “Jesus” Lez muttered, as his girlfriend beside him had a look of amusement on her face – obviously she was used to this calibre of discussion at Garny’s functions. But Lez’s embarrassment wasn’t for her benefit, it was the fact that Garny had other guests in this restaurant – a family restaurant with children around – looking over in disgust. The table was full of Peleken Records employees and their partners. Dee knew only a handful of them, as most were reps that were on the road scouting for work. She was sat next to the new guy Moss, and Lez’s partner. “Have you been to many of these?” She asked her. “Yyyyyep.” she replied, as if saying ‘kill me!’. Dee laughed. “It’s that bad is it?” Dee asked, half laughing. “Well, you know better than me what that animal is like” “I’m afraid only too well. Did Lez tell you about the condom I found in the toilets?” Dee asked. “Ha! He did, and how it turns out he was in there alone!” They both had a good long laugh at that. Dee was starting to loosen up a bit, finding it a relief that she wasn’t the only woman who found Garny so repulsive. “By the way, my name’s Dee” she put out her hand. “Hi Dee, I’m’ Evelyn. Lez has told me all about your ventures with Garny. You poor thing!” “Oh, it’s frustrating but I can handle him. He’s just such a boaster, I’ve never met anyone like him.” “And you never will again, he’s definitely one of a kind.” As the night rolled merrily forward, so did the alcohol. The table was full of conversations, all flooding into each other making it impossible to work out what anyone was saying. Dee could see Lez talking quietly into Garny’s ear. “I’ll bet he’s telling Garny that we should move onto the pub.” Evelyn whispered to Dee.

“... Let’s go to the pub! The toilet stalls are bigger anyway, so I can fit TWO of you lovely girls in there with me!” “Oh god, kill me!” Evelyn whispered to Dee. They both laughed and stood up. The rest of the table got to their feet, which was an experience in itself – three or four couples were absolutely legless, needing to lean on each other just to stay upright, and Garny waddled over to the front desk to pay. Something told Dee the night had just begun. “Come on get into it!!!” Garny yelled from the dance floor in front of the Jukebox. It was tragic. All the Peleken Records employees were sitting around in booths and on bar stools looking over at Garny – the ONLY one dancing in the empty pub – as he started to unbutton his shirt and strip down. “Garny, Garny!” Dee could hear Lez shouting. “Shut up Lez! You’re not my mum, I wanna turn things up a notch!” Garny then started unbuckling his pants. “Oh no…” Evelyn looked genuinely worried now, even though she had a smile on her face. “He’s not…” She turned and looked at Dee. “He’s not!” And with that, the pub erupted into a flurry of wolf whistles and laughter as Garny stripped right down to his underwear, dancing like a lunatic in front of the Jukebox. A couple of women jumped onto the dance floor laughing hysterically, but they didn’t get close enough to actually touch him. When he noticed the women, he did try to get close but they quickly ran away back to their partners. “Come on! Let’s do it! Merry Christmas everyone! Merry fucking Christmas!!!” Garny yelled. Everyone yelled and cheered. Moss, the new guy, walked over to Dee and Evelyn looking rather amused. “Has he done this before?” he asked. “No, not like this!” Evelyn replied. “He must be absolutely smashed! How much has he had to drink?” “No idea Moss,” Dee replied. “But at the restaurant he always had a glass in his hand so … Oh my God…” Dee suddenly stopped. Evelyn looked over at Garny. People were groaning, shouting “No!! Oh my God!” There was laughter, people screaming and turning away. “GARNY!!! STOP IT!!” Dee heard Lez yell. Most of the women were turned away in disgust and the men were hunched over laughing. All Dee could do was look in horror as she saw Garny standing there, pants down to his knees, facing everyone, one hand pumping in the air, the other hand pumping something else. “Oh my God, oh my God…” She could hear Evelyn chant.

“That’s a very good idea.” Dee replied, as she scanned the room and saw a few families looking disapprovingly at Peleken Records table.

“No way, he can’t be…” Moss added. It was difficult to believe, but standing on the dance floor in the middle of an empty pub with all his employees around him – AND their partners – Garny was masturbating.

“Alright you lot!” Garny suddenly boomed. He was clearly very drunk. “Now that you’re well lubricated ... ha!” He stopped to wait for a response from people, but didn’t get one.


“GARNY!” Lez screamed.

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