so SEEDuctive simple. fresh. delicious.
A branding experience by Perfect Salt Paperie & Design All information and material copyright Perfect Salt Paperie & Design 2014. For more information, please contact: Carli Rohner, Owner Email:
OUR STARTING POINT Here, we identified final elements that needed to be fixed regarding font and layout. Next, two color palettes (derived from a fabulous Pinterest board!) were created to choose from. These palettes serve to hone the look and feel we want associated with the brand.
NOW, THE FUN STARTS From the font, layout and palette chosen in the last step, 3 unique logos were created, each with a slightly different feel from the rest. These logos were created to feel modern, organic, clean and natural. Turn the pages to view each logo on it’s own. From here, we move on to incorporating the chosen logo into marketing pieces perfect for So Seeductive!