Briana Rupel - Wisconsin native and proud service industry lifer, Briana writes about food, beverages, and foodservice creativity With more than 15 years of professional writing experience and a wealth of knowledge in the bar service industry, Briana is our go-to writer for trends.
It'stimetoputwintertobed.Say goodnighttoheavy,cream-laden carbsandrichslabsofgraviedmeat. Springisarenewalreminiscentofthe bright,freshflavorsofearlyonions andaromaticherbs Itbeckonsfor popsofcolorandthecomplementary zingthatcitrusandchilesbring.What betterwaytocelebrateaseasonal rejuvenationthanwithHispanic cuisine?
ThoughthelovewehaveforMexican foodisundeniable,Hispaniccuisine goesbeyondtacosandguac Mexico alonehassomanyregional differencesthatareoftenoverlooked asdishesgetAmericanized.Central America,SouthAmerica,andthe
Caribbeanalsohavetheirown uniqueingredientsanddishesworth payinghomagetoontoday'smenus. Withfolksstillnottravelinglikethey usedto youhavetheopportunity totakethemtonewplaces,while alsohonoringtheimpactofLatin cultureintheUnitedStates,with somesimplemenuadditions.
It'sacommonassumptionthatall Hispanicdishesarespicy,yetwhile Mexicanfarehasalotofchile-based sauces,foodgetsmilderasyoumove intoCentralAmerica.Inthe Caribbean,you'remorelikelytofind flavorsofgarlicandcilantro even tropicalfruitslikemangoandguava overhotpeppers.Takeatipfrom
SouthAmericaandmakeamild sofrito,abaseofsweetbellpeppers, onions,garlic,andtomatoesthatyou canbuildupon.Tryaddingbriny capersandolivesforaclassicCuban ropavieja.Ifyoudoopttocrankup theheat,offeracitrusormilkdessert we'relookingatyoutresleches cake forapalate-calmingcourse dinerscan'tturndown
There'sgoingtobethatoneperson reluctanttobepriedawayfromtheir chickenquesadilla.Nudgethe cautiouseatersintouncharted territorybyintroducingthemto internationalfoodswithafamiliar presentation Theyucarootisthe russetpotatoofLatinAmerican
cuisine,sogiveitapeelandturnit intocrispyoven-bakedfriesalongside achipotlecrema.Gratedyucacan alsobepattiedupandfriedlike potatopancakes.Heapascoopof freshpicodegalloandslicedpapaya ontopforafunkytwist Thestarchy plantainisn'tassweetasitsbanana cousin,soithasavarietyofenticing applications,frombeingfriedupfor sturdytortillachipalternatives,to beingcaramel-glazedandserved alongsidesucculentseafood.
EmbracetheEccentric Whileyoucatertothelessadventurouseater,don'tforgetto enticethoseguestswholivefortrying newthings.Porkbellyusedto impress;nowit'sascommonas chickenwings.Thatjustmeans "boneless/skinless"ismovingover forthetastierbitsothercountries knewaboutallalong Fryupporkskin
orchicharrones foracrispy toppingtoanysavorydish.Marinade liverorheartinredwinevinegarand ajipepperandserveupskewersof thebelovedstreetfoodofPerunext toacobofcorn.Thepossibilitiesare endlesswhenyourmenubecomesa passport
While you cater to the less-
What began as a small family business has become THE signature name in pizza and Italian food With thousands of options to choose from and 70 years of experience perfecting the craft, ROMA sets the standard for Italian ingredients. And now, we’re going platinum. Join us in celebrating an inspiring legacy of quality, passion, and culinary excellence, with a look at ROMA through the decades.
Roma is the dream of Louis G. Piancone, a young Italian immigrant from Corato, Bari, who carries a passion for his homeland’s culinary richness and a vision to share it with the world. In 1955, Piancone pursues his American dream, opening an authentic Italian delicatessen in Bradley Beach, N.J. to serve the local community.
Piancone identifies a need among the neighborhood restaurants, who often run short on supplies and are without weekend distributors. With a small panel truck, he begins delivering goods to restaurants from his deli and ultimately registers the name Roma Food with the state of New Jersey 1964
Having experienced tremendous growth out of the South Plainfield facility in Jersey, Roma is ready to expand The family of brands is established, starting with the eponymous Piancone® name and later Luigi®, and the first large-scale distribution center opens in Jacksonville, FL.
Roma continues to grow, expanding out west to Dallas in the early 80's and becoming an internationally recognized phenomenon. In 1989, outside of Tallahassee, FL, Roma makes history by creating “The World’s Largest Pizza” and sets a Guinness World Record.
The previous year, Mr. P is the recipient of the prestigious Kennedy Center Alliance Award for Distinguished Corporate Leadership through Arts in Education. And in ’91, Roma sets its second “World’s Largest Pizza” record, topping the mark recently set in Singapore. Later, Roma expands further west to California, and the Assoluti!® brand is added to the Roma family
Roma celebrates its 50th anniversary with a blowout event at the original Piscataway, N J headquarters But the even bigger news is still to come Roma merges with Vistar, doubling its distribution capabilities from eight to a whopping 16 operating companies across the country
Roma becomes the crown jewel of Performance Foodservice, headquartered in Richmond, VA, which launches Roma products nationwide, fulfilling Mr. P’s dream of becoming the dominant name in America’s pizza and Italian foodservice industry.
Roma turns 70, as it plays a central role in Performance Food Group’s rise to #84 on the Fortune 500 list Today, pizza makers from coast-to-coast work with quality products under the Roma family of brands, including Roma, Piancone, Luigi, Assoluti!, and Piancone Epicureo, among others
Celebrate this milestone with us in Las Vegas, March 25 - 27 in booth #1532 at the
1 cup cheese, cotija
2 cups Hellmann’s® Real Mayonnaise, light
2 limes, zested and juiced
Kosher salt, to taste
2 1/2 lbs. Maine Lobster, cooked and diced
4 tbsp. butter
1/4 cup cilantro, fresh, chopped
3 ea. jalapeños, minced
1 ea. lime juice, fresh squeezed
1/4 cup oil, olive
salt and pepper, to taste
1/4 cup dill, fresh, chopped
6 cups Watermelon radish, julienned
30 ea Corn Tortillas, small
Cotija Lime Mayonnaise, prepared
3 slices ea. avocado
Watermelon Radish Slaw, prepared
Succulent, buttery lobster nestled in warm corn tortillas meets the zesty kick of Cotija lime mayonnaise, creating a rich and tangy explosion of flavor. Crisp watermelon radish slaw and creamy avocado add a refreshing crunch, making every bite a vibrant celebration of fresh, bold ingredients!
Place crumbled cotija cheese in a bowl Add mayonnaise, lime juice and lime zest Mix well while still leaving the cotija cheese crumbled Season to taste with salt and thin with a small amount of water if necessary.
Quickly grill or sauté the lobster with butter to warm through. Set aside.
To prepare Watermelon Radish Slaw, combine cilantro, minced jalapeno, lime juice, olive oil, dill and watermelon radish Toss well to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
Warm 3 corn tortillas. Spread with 1 tbsp. of Cotija Lime Mayonnaise. Top with a slice of avocado and 2 ounces of lobster per taco. Finish with the watermelon radish slaw.
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Stephanie Ganz - A freelance writer based in Richmond, VA, Stephanie’s work has appeared in The Local Palate, Virginia Living, Eater, and Bon Appétit. With an appetite for life and literature, she’s always on the lookout for the next adventure, whether within a book or diving into the flavors of a great meal
Springbreakisalmosthere,andit’sa greattimetofocusonattracting touristsandlocalswhileplayingup thevacationvibes
Nowisthetimetostartplanningyour approachtospringbreak menu, staffing,andmarketing whether youwanttointroducenewlimitedtimeoffers(LTOs),bringinnew patronswithcrowd-pleasingmenus andto-gooptions,orsimplyshare yourhigh-quality,value-focused disheswithguests.
Afteralong,coldwinter,guestswill bedelightedtowelcomethe sunshine,andthey’llbelookingfor springaroundeverycorner Takethe timetofreshenupyourdiningroom andrestaurantbydoingsomespring cleaning.Evaluateyourexistingdecor toidentifywhetherornotit’ssending
themessageyouwanttosend This timeofyear,guestswantitlightand bright,butstillcozy Consideradding someplantsforalittlepopofgreen awelcomesightinearlyspring.
Startestablishingthespringbreak vibesonsocialmediaandinyourenewsletter.Teaseyourseasonal specials,perhapsevencreatingyour ownweek-long(orlonger)Spring Break,featuringexcitingLTOmenu itemsandin-houseeventslikelive music,filmscreenings,gamenights, orothereventsthatarerelevantto yourbrand.
Springistheperfecttimetorevamp yourmenu Useyourexisting inventoryasaspringboard,andthen
lookforwaystobringinafewnew productstocreateLTOsthatwill attractguests.Seafoodisabigseller thistimeofyear.Consideroffering brothyshellfishdishesusingclams andmussels,likeWorldDockClams® inBeerBrothorMoulesFrites
Addanalways-popularLobsterRoll toyourLTOmenuwithjuicyand tenderBayWinds®LobsterMeat. Keepinmindthatresearchshowsthe mostpopularseafoodintheU.S.(by far)isshrimp,soaddingshrimpapps andmainstoyourmenuisagood waytodrawacrowd Lookforways toincorporateshrimpintopasta, salads,andshareableplates.
Focusonportioncontroland presentationtoprovideagoodvalue
foryourguests.Anothergoodwayto stretchseafoodtocreatebudgetfriendlyofferingsiswithshareables suchascreamyEmpire’sTreasure® PreparedSeafoodDips likemahi mahismokeddip oronpizzalike thisClamandMusselsPizzaPiquant orevensmallbite-styleplates featuringtheseClamStuffed Arancini.
Thistimeofyear,alotoffolksare traveling,whetherthey’revisiting yourcityastouristsorleavingyour locationfortheirownvacationspots. Youcanappealtobothgroupswith affordablegrab-and-goofferingsthat holdupwellfortravel.Think sandwichesandsaladsandadd-ons, likesoupandchips
DelanceyStreetDeli®hasoptionsfor theon-the-gocrowd,includingprepared delisalads,pickles,sauerkraut,and condimentsthatwillhelpyoucreatea crowd-pleasingpick-upmenu
Considerofferingsomehottakeaway breakfastitemsforearly-morning travelers.HotTakeCraveAway™hasa varietyofbiscuitsandwichesthatcan provideajumpingoffpointforadding saucesandcondimentstomakethem unique,whileDelanceyStreetDelioffers GourmetNewYorkStyleBagelsforthe
morningcrowds.Bundletheseitems withsidesandadrinktofurtherdrive homethemessageofvalue Createa simple,graphic,one-pagemenuto sharewithyournetwork,andshareit often.Sendittolocalinfluencerswitha notelettingthemknowthattheseare travel-friendlyoptionsandbesureto indicatethebestwaytoplaceanorder onlineoroverthephone andany otherrelevantinfo,likepricingornotes aboutdailyavailability
This time of year, a lot of folks are traveling appeal to these groups with affordable graband-go offerings that hold up well for travel.
1 tbsp Asian Pride® Five Spice Blend
1 each Heritage Ovens® Buns, Brioche, sliced 4in
1 oz Peak Fresh Produce® Cabbage, sep color
1/2 oz Peak Fresh Produce® Carrots, shredded
3 sprigs Peak Fresh Produce® Cilantro
2 oz Asian Pride® Hoisin Sauce
1/2 tsp Ascend® Juice, Lime
1 tbsp West Creek® Mayonnaise, whole egg, gluten free
3 oz Kayem Pork Belly
1 tsp Huy Fong Sriracha sauce
1 7oz Fossil Farm Turkey burger Organic
This burger is a bold fusion of flavors, stacking juicy beef with crispy, melt-in-your-mouth pork belly and a crunchy carrotcabbage slaw. A drizzle of fiery sriracha aioli and a handful of fresh cilantro bring a zesty, herbaceous kick, all nestled between a perfectly toasted bun.
Season burger with s&p and rub with small amount of hoisin sauce. Grill to 165 degrees internal temp.
Coat pork belly in 5 spice and remaining hoisin sauce, roast at 350 until crisp and glazed, allow to cool and slice thin
In bowl, mix mayo, sriracha and lime juice, stir to combine, place in squeeze bottle
Mix together carrot and cabbage
Place burger on toasted bottom bun. Top with sliced pork belly. Add carrot, cabbage mixture. Paint with sriracha aioli. Top with fresh cilantro sprigs
Chef Lonnie Varisco - Corporate Executive Chef, Performance Foodservice
Wingsareoneofthemostpopular handheldfoods WithMarch basketballexcitementaroundthe corner,let’slookatsomefunwaysto addapunchofflavortoyourwings. We’llalsoexploredifferentwaysto cookwingsforastandout performance.Whenitcomesto choosingtheperfectcooking method,considershowcasingyour culinaryprowessbyofferingwings cookedbyafewdifferentmethods Flavorburstscancomefrom marinades,brines,andsauce ingredients,addinglayersoftastebudtinglingfun.
Thisisagreatwaytoaddmoisture andseasoningtopoultry Beer,wine, orbourbonwilladdagreatflavor profiletoyourbrine Aromatic ingredientssuchasginger,garlic,and onion,aswellastheadditionofherbs andspices,canalsoprovidemore depth.Ifyouloveheat,pureeing roastedhabaneropeppersintoa brinewillcreateafoundationoffire
Ifyou’relookingforanalternativeto brining,marinadescanbekey Usingacid inamarinade,suchascitrusorvinegars willaddpunch,butbecarefulnottoleave thewingsinfortoolong,asitwillstartto cookthewings,leavingthemtough.Thirty to45minutesisperfectforahigh-acid marinade.Intermsofotherflavor alternatives,wine,beer,bourbon,and brandyaremarinadenaturals,andfruit juiceisalsoagreataddition Aromatic vegetablesandherbsremainagreat naturalchoice,whilespicesandhot sauceswiththebalanceofagaveorhoney canbeaniceparing.
Za’atar–spiceblendfromtheMiddle Eastfeaturingamixtureoforegano, sumac,sesameseeds,thyme,and marjoram
Raselhanout–Moroccanblend combiningamixtureofcumin,sumac, hotpaprika,nutmeg,clove, cinnamon,mace,allspice,cardamon, peppercorns,fenugreek,andturmeric Periperi–African-basedsaucemade
Redcurrypaste–popularinThai cuisine,spicierthanitsgreen cousin
Greencurrypaste–popularin Thaicuisine
Havesomefunandexplorehow poultryiscookedandflavored aroundtheworldtocreateanewand memorableeatingexperience.Layers offlavorsandflavorfusionisalwaysa win
ChefLonnie- A New Orleans native, Lonnie honed his culinary skills at the New England Culinary Institute. He has served as an Executive Chef in top New Orleans kitchens, operated a gourmet food and wine store, and led a restaurant consulting company His expertise spans menu creation, cost control, kitchen design, and staff training, with clients from the U.S. to China. For ten years, he hosted PBS’s Jazz Brunch and has also appeared on the Food Network.
From the queso blanco and tortillas to the chimichurri and hot sauces, Contigo helps to elevate culinary experiences with confidence.
1-2 tsp. garlic, minced
1/2 cups Peak Fresh Produce®
Mushrooms, sliced
1/2 cups Peak Fresh Produce® Onions, chopped
Peak Fresh Produce® Parsley, Fresh, chopped, to taste
Roma® Cheese Grated, Parmesan, to taste
4 oz Roma® Cheese, Mozzarella, grated
4-6 oz Roma® Marinara Sauce
1 Tbsp Roma® Oil, Olive
6 oz. Roma® Sausage, Italian, cooked and diced
6 West Creek® Eggs Medium, beaten
Packed with a flavorful sausage and medley of mushrooms, this satisfying frittata, an Italian-style crustless quiche cooked stove-top in a skillet, can be served for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Heat a 10-12 inch egg pan over moderate heat. While the pan is heating, whip the eggs with a wire whisk until blended, but not frothy
When the pan is hot enough to make a drop of water sizzle, add the olive oil.
Add sausage, mushrooms, onions and garlic and heat for 2 minutes Add eggs and turn the heat to low and let sit without stirring until eggs are set To save a little time, lift edges of eggs and tip pan to allow liquid to run underneath. Repeat until top is thickening and very little liquid egg remains.
Sprinkle Mozzarella cheese on top and finish under a heated broiler about 3-4 inches below the heat Remove from the heat when the frittata is puffed up and cheese is just beginning to brown.
Top with marinara sauce, Parmesan cheese and parsley. Cut into wedges to serve.
*Study conducted without packaging Lamb Weston Crispy on Delivery fries are crispy up to 30 minutes* *High-quality
Ellie Woolet - Ellie is the Digital Content Manager at Performance Foodservice. Always intrigued by food and drink pairings, she is also a Certified Specialist of Wine (CSW), having spent eight years in the wine industry before pivoting into foodservice
Meet Chef David McGurn CertifiedExecutive Chef(CEC),CertifiedCulinaryAdministrator (CCA),BrandsManagerandChefat PerformanceFoodservice Florence. Withyearsofexperienceleading kitchensandhelpingoperators succeed,ChefMcGurnispassionate aboutcraftingunforgettabledishes Knownforhisinnovativeapproachto seasonalandregionalcuisine,heemphasizes creativitywhilestayingtruetotheclassics.
Ihadthepleasureofsittingdownandchattingwithhimaboutallthings meatless,includinghowLentinspiresinnovationinmenuplanning
TheseasonofLent,spanning40daysfromAshWednesdaytoEaster, bringsuniqueopportunitiesforspicingupmenus.Withmanydiners abstainingfrommeatonFridays,thedemandforcreativemeatless menuoptionssurgesduringLent Researchshowsthatrestaurantssee a20%increaseinseafoodsalesduringthisperiod,with24%ofdiners observingLenttraditions ChefMcGurnnotesthatoperatorswhocan balancetraditionalflavorswhileintroducinginnovativeLentenrecipe offeringsaremorelikelytocapturethisseasonalaudienceandboost profitability.
Q: What are some ways operators can balance creativitywithtraditionduringLent?
A: “The classics are classics for a reason, but that doesn’tmeanyoucan’tputyourownspinonthem.For seafood, it’s essential to consider the type of fish its flavor,texture,andevenfatcontent Forexample,tuna is considered lean, and pairs beautifully with rich sauces, glazes, or compound butters that add depth withoutoverpoweringthedishandtakingawayfroma beautifulpieceoffish.”
-- You can boost your Lenten menu by weaving seafood and plant-based dishes throughout your main menu, rat placing them in a seasonal section.
Q:Arethereanyplant-based proteinsyourecommendfor meatlessmeals?
A:“Legumes,nuts,andseedsare fantasticoptions Theycanbeused creativelyinpurées,spreads, emulsifiedintosauces,oraddedto stewsfortextureandabumpof protein.Vegetableslikepeas, broccoli,spinach,andedamame, whichcontainsomeprotein,canalso addvibrantcolor,flavor,andtexture. Tofuislikeaspongeforaddedflavors andcanbegrilled,smoked,crisped, orpan-seared,absorbingflavors effectivelytocreateanexciting center-of-the-platefeature.”
Q:Whataresomevegetablesthat standoutforLent?
A:“Seasonalvegetablesshouldbe prioritized ForLent,considersweet potatoes,avarietyofgreens,early asparagus,artichokes,freshpeas,or Brusselssprouts.Themethodof preparation suchasroasted, seared,glazed,orstir-friedtoadd depthandtexture canelevate thesevegetablesintostandout componentsofadish.Versatilityis reallythenameofthegame”
Q:Anytipsforcreatingflavorful vegetariansaucesorbroths?
A:“Usingbeanpuréesorlentilsas thickenersinsteadoftraditional butter,cornstarch,orrouxnotonly addsnutritionalvaluebutalso introducesuniquetexturesand colors Forpasta,somethingas simpleasincorporatingroasted vegetableslikebroccoliorasparagus
canelevateandaddflavor Witha classiclikeAlfredo,tryusingdeepfriedgnocchitossedinParmesanand freshsage,servedonabaseof Alfredosaucetomodernizethedish withaddedcrunch,depth,and complexity”
Q:Whataresomeadvantagesof usingfrozenversusfreshseafood?
A:“Considerusingskin-onfishfora uniquepresentationandtoretain nutrientslikeomega-3s.Whole roasted,grilled,ordeep-friedwhole fisharealsotrending.And restaurantscanalsobenefitfrom usingfrozenseafoodoptionsfor consistency,easeofpreparation,and portioncontrol,withzerowasteand minimalprep.
“Ourexclusivebrandsstandoutby offeringvariety,quality,and convenienceatdifferentpricepoints.
BrandslikeWorldDock®and Empire’sTreasure®providevalue andquality,whileBayWinds®offers premiumoptionslikeskin-onfillets Frozenseafoodisidealforoperators seekingeaseofhandlingandcostefficiency.”
Q:Whatinternationalflavorsmight workwellforLentenmenus?
A:“Internationalflavorsaredefinitely excitingandcaneasilybeintegrated Forexample,youcouldpaira shakshuka-inspiredtomatosauce withpan-searedseabassoruseLatin spicecombinationstocrustfish beforesearing.MiddleEasternspices likeraselhanout,za’atar,and baharatareperfectforroastedand
grilledvegetables.Thesetouches bringfreshenergytofamiliardishes.”
YoucanboostyourLentenmenuby weavingseafoodandplant-based dishesthroughoutyourmainmenu, ratherthanjustplacingthemina seasonalsection Thisapproachnot onlyattractsguestsduringLentbut alsobuildsloyaltyforyear-round dining.ChefMcGurnsuggests leveragingsocialmediaandin-house marketingtoolslikeserver suggestions,tabletents,and chalkboardstohighlightfeatured dishes “Astrongvisualpresence drivesinterestandcansubtlydirect gueststohigher-marginitems,”he explained.
AsChefMcGurnputit,“There’sno reasonwhymeatlessdishescan’t standontheirown”Byfocusingon seasonality,creativity,andquality, youcannotonlyhonorLenten traditions,butalsoelevateyour menuswithexcitingnewoptions.
1 cup frozen sliced strawberries
1 large ripe banana, peeled