New England Health Racquet Sportclub Association

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Spring Conference Wednesday - Thursday, May 14 & 15, 2014 Omni Hotel in Providence, RI

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Our Sponsors continuously provide us with cutting edge products/services to attract/retain members. You’ll see the Conference Sponsors throughout the 2 days and you’ll have the opportunity to visit with them and learn how they can help you win big at your club. Please join the NEHRSA Board of Directors in thanking the following Conference Sponsors:

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Visit to learn more about the presenters & for a full description of their session.


W e l come to 2014 NEHRSA Conference Join Us for the Region’s Premier Annual Industry Learning & Networking Event May 14-15, 2014 at the Omni Hotel in Providence, RI! W h et h e r yo u a re n ew to yo u r fa c i l i t y o r a n i n d u st r y vete ra n , yo u wo n ’ t wa n t to m i s s o u t o n t h e n ew e d u c a t i o n a l o f fe r i n g s we h ave to o f fe r:

• Owner/GM Roundtable Seminars • Sales/Marketing Roundtable Seminars • 2 NEW Hands-On Certifications for Personal Trainers • Off-site Networking Reception T h i s ye a r, d ay o n e o f t h e N E H R SA S p r i n g C o n fe re n c e w i l l o f fe r a l l - d ay i n te n s i ve t ra i n i n g fo r o u r p e r s o n a l t ra i n e r s , s a l e s & m a r ket i n g p ro fe s s i o n a l s a n d o u r O w n e r s & G M ’ s . At te n d e e s s h o u l d b e p re p a re d to re c e i ve re a l h a n d s o n t ra i n i n g w i t h n ew a n d u n i q u e m a te r i a l t h ro u g h d y n a m i c a n d p owe r f u l p re s e n t a t i o n s . Yo u w i l l l e ave w i t h p l e n t y o f g re a t i n fo r m a t i o n to h e l p s p a r k n ew l i fe i n yo u r c l u b a n d re a l l y s et yo u r s e l f a p a r t f ro m t h e c o m p et i t i o n !

Two Day Agenda

at a glance

We d n e s d ay, M ay 14 t h 7:00AM - 5:00PM 7:00AM - 9:00PM 8:00AM - 5:00PM 12:00PM - 5:00 PM

Registration Continental Breakfast DVRT Level 1 Certification Animal Flow Certification

Marketing, Sales & Personal Training Roundtable Seminars

Owner / GM Roundtable Seminars

9:00AM - 1 0:00PM 10:15AM - 12:15PM 1:00PM - 3:00PM 3:15PM - 5:00PM

9:00AM - 1 0:00AM 10:15AM -12:15AM 1:00PM - 3:00 PM 3:15PM - 5:00 PM

Creating Members and Clients for Life Top Prospecting Strategies for Driving Sales How To Generate, Sell & Integrate Your Customers Feeder Systems that Break the Bank

5:15pm -7:00pm

Leadership Mastery 50 Ways to Save on Costs Operations & Member Experience Magic Designing to Sell

Networking Reception

T h u r s d ay, M ay 15 t h 9 : 0 0 A M - 10 : 15 A M C O N C U R R E N T S E S S I O N S ( A - 1 ) O w n e rs , S e n i o r Sta f f L e a d e rs h i p - I t Ta ke s A V i l l a g e : B u i l d i n g & C r e a t i n g L e a d e r s i n 2 014 ( A - 2 ) F i t n e s s & Pe rs o n a l Tra i n e rs - H u m a n M ove m e n t I n t e g r a t i o n fo r t h e H i p & K n e e C o m p l ex ( A - 3 ) S a l e s , C u sto m e r S e r v i c e , M a rket i n g & Tra i n e rs - Customer Service, the Gateway to Consistent Sales Performance

10 : 3 0 A M - 12 : 0 0 P M C O N C U R R E N T S E S S I O N S ( B - 1 ) O w n e rs , G e n e ra l M a n a g e rs - I n d u s t r y M a c r o Tr e n d s & M i c r o I m p l e m e n t a t i o n s ( B - 2 ) F i t n e s s & Pe rs o n a l Tra i n e rs , S a l e s - St r e n g t h To S e l l ( B - 3 ) O w n e r, G M , S a l e s , Pe rs o n a l Tra i n e rs & M a rket i n g - T h e S e c r et S a u c e o f H e i g h t Pe r fo r m e r s

12:00pm – 1:15pm Networking Lunch 1 : 15 P M – 3 : 15 P M C O N C U R R E N T S E S S I O N S (C-1) Owners, General Manag ers, Senior Staf f Leadership - Scale & Leverag e: Critical Success Factor s ( C - 2 ) F i t n e s s & Pe rs o n a l Tra i n e rs - Fr o m F i t n e s s F l o p t o To p ( C - 3 ) S a l e s , M a rket i n g , C u sto m e r S e r v i c e , R ete n t i o n - S e l l i n g S u c c e s s


NEHRSA• Seaport Center - 70 Fargo Street • Boston, MA • 617. 951.0055

Check Out Our

H ot N ew Certifications!

Animal Flow Certification Wednesday 12pm – 5pm Thursday 8am - 1pm

The Animal Flow® Coach Two-Day Workshop Instructor: Mike Fitch, President, Global Bodyweight Training & Creator of Animal Flow Join us for an incredibly fun two days and be a part of our growing Animal Flow community! The Animal Flow® Coach Workshop provides fitness professionals with in-depth instruction on Animal Flow, a fitness program that combines quadrupedal and ground based movement with elements from various bodyweight-training disciplines to create a fun, challenging workout emphasizing multi-planar, fluid movement. During this intensive two-day workshop, you’ll master the moves, delve into the science behind Animal Flow®, learn how to coach others and regress or progress the movements, and learn how to incorporate AF into an overall fitness training program. This workshop is targeted toward fitness professionals who want to learn how to incorporate Animal Flow® into their own teaching, training and coaching practices. This includes personal trainers, group fitness instructors, physical education teachers, coaches, MMA trainers and even physical therapists.

Visit for more details about the workshop.

DVRT Level 1 Certification Wednesday 8am - 5pm

DVRT Level 1 Certification Instructor: Joshua Henkin, CSCS, Founder & CEO, Ultimate Sandbag Training and DVRT Fitness. Want to discover what is the best method of integrating corrective exercise and strength training? Want to DRAMATICALLY boost your power and effectiveness as a personal trainer or sports coach? Then master the essential of the Dynamic Variable Resistance Training System™ (DVRT™). In creating the D.V.R.T. ™, Josh Henkin drew on his 20-plus years of coaching to develop the current Level I and Level II DVRT programs, his authoring of the widely acclaimed books, teaching at some of the top fitness and performance US conferences and programs, as well as developing implementing the D.V.R.T. ™ program for Special Forces training, SWAT teams, and Fire Departments from around the country. With his deep skill at identifying what is truly essential for effective Dynamic Variable Resistance Training™, Josh has created, with the D.V.R.T. ™, an opportunity to build a superb and rock-solid foundation as a sandbag professional.

In the DVRT Level 1 Certification, you will: • Understand functional movement patterns and the progressions for programming these variables. • Learn how to identify movement compensations and how to quickly address them in one on one and group formats. • Develop functional movement programs based on individual needs through the various strategies of progressive overload. • Understand how to move beyond load and the most commonly missed training variables in body position, stability, plane of motion, and x-patterns. • Learn how to create progressive instability based upon the DVRT principles in order to address specific needs.

Visit to learn more about the presenters & for a full description of their session.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014 MARKETING, SALES & PT - Roundtable Seminars 9:00AM - 10:00AM Creating Members and Clients for Life The lifeblood for every Club, Manager, Director and Trainer is a facility filled with satisfied members and clients who are committed to long-term success. In today’s competitive environment it’s critical to attract members and clients and, even more importantly, to retain them over time. In this thought-provoking session, we’ll cover a five-step process for creating members and clients for life from building trust, to delivering outstanding results, to creating stellar advocates for your club and Trainers. Packed with useful ideas, this session is for the Owner, Manager, Director, Trainer and everyone in between. Let’s kick off spring of 2014 with new ways to create members and clients for life!

Steve Satin Exercise Physiologist, Founder and President, Satin Wellness Inc.

In this session, participants will learn the five-step methodology of Creating Members and Clients for Life, how to: • L eve ra g e K n ow l e d g e • C re a te At t ra c t i o n • D e l i ve r O u t st a n d i n g R e s u l t s • B u i l d Tr u st & C re d i b i l i t y • B u i l d R e l a t i o n s h i p s t h a t M a t te r

10:15am – 12:15pm Top Prospecting Strategies for Driving Sales Whether you are selling memberships, personal training or ancillary products, you need leads before you can make a sale! And prospecting is a numbers game; the more prospects you have the more sales you generate.

CA S E Y C O N R A D P re s i d e n t , C o m m u n i c a t i o n Consultants WBS, Inc.

In this session participants will learn: • H ow to i d e n t i f y key c a te g o r i e s o f p ro s p e c t s fo r m a x i m u m s u c c e s s . • G u e r r i l l a m a r ket i n g a c t i v i t i e s t h a t g e n e ra te h i g h n u m b e r s . • Key st ra te g i e s to i d e n t i f y m e m b e r- p ro s p e c t s fo r a n c i l l a r y s a l e s ( P T, s p a , et c . . . ) • H ow to i d e n t i f y p ro s p e c t i n g p a r t n e r s a n d e st a b l i s h j o i n t - m a r ket i n g re l a t i o n s h i p s . • B ra i n sto r m i n g / S h a r i n g s e s s i o n to i d e n t i f y n ew, s u c c e s s f u l t re n d s .

1:00pm – 3:00pm How To Generate, Sell & Integrate Your Customers

Maria Parrella-Turco E n t re p re n e u r C o n s u l t a n t & S p e a ke r, N ew Pa ra d i g m Pa r t n e r s

I n a n e ra o f m i c ro g y m s a n d n i c h e m a r ket i n g , o n e m e s s a g e fo r a l l i s n ot g o i n g to g row yo u r b u s i n e s s . I n t h i s s e s s i o n we w i l l ex p l o re h ow to t u r n p ro s p e c t s i n to c l i e n t s . W h et h e r yo u ’ re t r y i n g to g row m e m b e r s h i p , p e r s o n a l t ra i n i n g o r a n ot h e r d e p a r t m e n t yo u w i l l l e a r n key st ra te g i e s to h e l p yo u t u r n yo u r p ro s p e c t i n to a c u sto m e r. T h i s s e s s i o n i s p a c ke d w i t h j u i c y i n fo r m a t i o n o n t h e l a te st m a r ket i n g te c h n i q u e s i n c l u d i n g s o c i a l m e d i a . Yo u w i l l l e a r n key e l e m e n t s t h a t m u st b e d e p l oye d b eyo n d t h e s a l e i n o rd e r to e n s u re l o n g ev i t y o f yo u r c l i e n te l e b a s e . L e a r n i n g O b j e c t i ve s : • H ow to c re a te s p e c i f i c m e s s a g i n g fo r s p e c i f i c p ro s p e c t t y p e s • O rg a n i z e yo u r l e a d p i p e l i n e • W h a t to m e a s u re a s i t re l a te s to b e n c h m a r ks a n d t ra c k i n g s h e et s • 10 ste p s to m a k i n g a s a l e • S i x ste p s o f ove rc o m i n g b u ye r c o n c e r n s • M e m b e r i n te g ra t i o n a n d fo l l ow u p s p e c i f i c to yo u r d e p a r t m e n t

3:15pm – 5:00pm Feeder Systems that Break the Bank G et re a d y fo r t h e r u s h o f n ew m e m b e rs a n d c l i e n t s w h e n yo u l i ve n u p yo u r f i t n e s s b u s i n e s s w i t h p re - p a c ka g e d , re s u l t s - o r i e n te d p ro g ra m s t h a t yo u c a n p l u g i n to yo u r m a r ket i n g c a l e n d a r a n d r u n w i t h i n 2 014 . Yo u ’ l l b r i n g n ew e n e rg y i n to yo u r fa c i l i t y w h i l e ke e p i n g c u r re n t m e m b e rs a c t i ve a n d e n g a g e d . Fe e d e r s yste m s m a ke i t e a s y fo r p e o p l e to d o b u s i n e s s w i t h yo u . Yo u i nv i te t h e m to “ d a te ” yo u r fa c i l i t y b e fo re yo u a s k fo r a c o m m i t m e n t . O n c e t h ey a re c o m m i t te d , t h ey a re a rav i n g fa n .

T rina G ray O w n e r, B ay At h l et i c C l u b

I n t h i s s e s s i o n , yo u ’ l l l e a r n to : • C re a te b u z z i n yo u r b u s i n e s s to g row yo u r b ot to m l i n e • I m p l e m e n t s p e c i a l t y p ro g ra m s l i ke Fa t B l a st i n g B o ot C a m p s , T h i n n e r W i n n e r c o n te st s , a n d C o r p o ra te F i t C h a l l e n g e s • O rg a n i z e yo u r a n n u a l c a l e n d a r w i t h f re s h eve n t s a n d s i m p l e s yste m s t h a t y i e l d b i g re s u l t s

6 Visit to learn more about the presenters & for a full description of their session.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

OWNER / GM - Roundtable Seminars 9:00am – 10:00am Leadership Mastery T h i s d y n a m i c s e s s i o n w i l l s h ow h ow l e a d e rs h i p - t r u e l e a d e rs h i p m a n i fe st s i t s e l f i n o u r p ro fe s s i o n a l a n d p e rs o n a l l i ve s . L e a d e rs h i p i s l e a rn e d a n d c a n b e fo ste re d . T h e p e r fo rm a n c e o f o rg a n i z a t i o n s b u i l t a ro u n d l e a d e rs h i p d wa r f t h e re s u l t s o f t h o s e st u c k s o l e l y i n m a n a g e m e n t w i t h l e a d e rs h i p vo i d s .

Bill McBride,

President & Chief Executive Officer, Active Sports Clubs & BMC3 and Ex-Officio Board of Director, IHRSA

This session will explore the types, situations, and learned skills involved in Leadership Mastery: • I n s p i ra t i o n a l L e a d e r s h i p • O rg a n i z a t i o n a l L e a d e r s h i p • Situational Leadership

• Pe r s o n a l L e a d e r s h i p • D eve l o p i n g L e a d e r s h i p i n f l a t o rg a n i z a t i o n s

10:15am – 12:15pm 50 Ways to Save on Costs Grant Gamble Vice President of Training & Development, ACAC Fitness & Wellness Centers

Explore 50 strategies to reduce costs and drop every cent of it to the bottom line. From Marketing to Taxes, Healthcare to Utilities there will be something for you as Grant outlines a myriad of cost savings strategies and opens the forum up to explore some of these in greater depth. Please bring your best cost saving strategies to share as this will be a collaborative forum aimed at giving you real, tangible, cost savings ideas to implement in your club.

1:00pm – 3:00pm Operations and Member Experience Magic How we design our operations delivery ensures the safety and satisfaction of our members, but it goes a lot further. Designing how to create service magic is a key component of operational management. It requires a well thought out and integrated approach. This session will review operations and how to create an ideal member experience.

Bill McBride,

President & Chief Executive Officer, Active Sports Clubs & BMC3 and Ex-Officio Board of Director, IHRSA

Session Objectives: • O p e ra t i o n a l S ys te m D e s i g n • Member Experience Management • C l o s e d L o o p Fe e d b a c k L o o p s

• O p e ra t i o n a l Ac c o u n t a b i l i t y • H ow I m p rove d O p e ra t i o n s a n d M e m b e r E x p e r i e n c e M a n a g e m e n t D e l i ve r s I m p rove d P ro f i t

3:15pm – 5:00pm Designing to Sell Design can be a powerful tool in selling. Using key factors that have been proven in retail and hospitality research, this presentation will focus on how we can design, organize, and present our clubs for increased sales, retention, and overall customer satisfaction. Recognizing a real consumer shift in expectation and purchasing trends, we have the opportunity to move from the current model of selling what we want, to selling what our customers want to buy. The presentation will also track the hottest fitness trends, and how we can effectively design and present these programs in a “retail based” environment to drive profits and expand your market base.

R udy Fabiano President, Fabiano Designs

The many layers of Designing to Sell: • E x p l o re t h e p s yc h o l o g y o f t h e m e m b e r • L e a r n i n g f ro m R et a i l • P rov i d i n g a c o m p l ete ex p e r i e n c e

Networking Reception 5:15pm – 7:00pm

Opening Reception Ri Ra Irish Pub

• S o c i a l C u l t u re • Build a tribe • C re a te a l ove m a r k . . . w h a t ’ s a l ove m a r k ?


There is no better way to end a great day of education than to share some pints with your colleagues! Join us for a COMPLIMENTARY social at the RI RA Irish Pub on Wednesday evening. This is your opportunity to network and exchange ideas!

Visit to learn more about the presenters & for a full description of their session.


Thursday, May 15, 2014 9 : 0 0 am – 10 : 15 am | C oncurrent S essions ( A - 1 ) Owner s, Senior St af f Leader ship It Takes A Village: Building & Creating Leaders in 2014 Frank Ancharski Chief Coac hing Of ficer, Club Coac h Ser vices

Key Learning Objectives: • Common to raising children in all types of communities &environments, this phrase captures best practice leadership trends in a digital world from 2013 & 2014 • Learn just how to get on board with leading your real customers and your staff • Understand the nuances between Collaboration, Directing and Multi-Generational Collisions • Share leadership case studies, and articulate the business case for needing new skills to L.E.A.D. • Share tactics & skills in which leaders are partnering with their teams throughout the country, including fellow NEHRSA attendees

( A - 2 ) Fitness & Per sonal Trainer s Human Movement Integration for the Hip & Knee Complex

Chris Gellert PT, MMusc & Sports Physio, MPT, CSCS, President & CEO, Pinnacle Training & Consulting Systems

This hands-on session will address the functional anatomy of the hip and knee and explore useful assessment techniques you can successfully use to determine the action of the hip and its chain reaction throughout the body. Gain an understanding of the expected biomechanical reactions of movement and common compensations through these assessment tools. Learn about the “weak links” of the hip and knee complex and evidenced based application training strategies targeting these specifically. After attending this session, you will view movement from an entirely different perspective and develop a new thought process for program design and exercise prescription. Session objectives: • To learn and understand the functional anatomy behind the hip and knee complex • To gain a deeper understanding of how the hip and knee biomechanically move and affect movement • To learn and practice assessment techniques of both the hip and knee complex • To understand the research where the “weak links” of the hip and knee complex are and training strategies to prevent injuries • To learn and practice dynamic, effective strengthening, core strengthening and sport specific exercises of the hip and knee

(A -3) Sales, Customer Service, Marketing & Trainers Customer Service, the Gateway to Consistent Sales Performance Michael Boyes Executive Director, Healthtrax Fitness & Wellness East Providence

Gone are the days where traditional salesmanship alone can guarantee consistency and growth in personal sales. With a more educated consumer and ever growing choices for fitness, customer service has come to the forefront regarding differentiation, value, and trust as it relates to sales success. In this session you will learn customer service techniques that you can incorporate into all phases of the sales process including the pre-sale, sale, and post-sale.

10 : 3 0 am – 12 : 0 0 pm | C oncurrent S essions (B-1) Owner s, General Manag er s Industry Macro Trends & Micro Implementations As the world around us evolves and changes, we must not only adapt, but be looking for opportunities to thrive with our business approach and business models. This session will discuss the macro trends facing our industry in the near term and an exploration of how micro im plementations are occurring already as a result. This session will also stimulate ideas of what you can do in the face of changes that occurring with technologies, business models consumer behavior.

Bill McBride,

President & Chief Executive Officer, Active Sports Clubs & BMC3 and Ex-Officio Board of Director, IHRSA

Session objectives: • Review of Industry Trending • Discussion about the Proliferation of newer industry business models • Observations on the “missing pieces” within traditional club offerings • Idea share on what we can do to increase traditional club relevance • Summary of potential new paradigms

( B - 2 ) Fitness & Per sonal Trainer s, Sales Strength To Sell

Steve Satin Exercise Physiologist, Founder and President, Satin Wellness Inc.

This session will help you create opportunities, convert opportunities into clients, and learn to deliver top-notch client service. The lifeblood of your business will always be referrals, and that comes from your first dozen clients and every one after. This program not only shows the way for personal trainers to sell; this program helps you build a sustainable business that you can be proud of. Strength to Sell covers the six key aspects of building a personal training business. In this session, you will learn: • How to create new opportunities – 8 ways to build your business that work! • Ways to meet people – learn how to make and leverage contacts • The proper questions to ask – the best Personal Trainers listen more than they talk • How to differentiate and build value – clients have options, be their best choice • Ways to get to yes – decision making is about working together and good fit, not pressure • How to deliver client service that creates referrals – the fun part

8 Visit to learn more about the presenters & for a full description of their session.

Thursday, May 15, 2014 (B-3) Owner, GM, Sales, Personal Trainers & Marketing T h e S e c ret S a u c e o f H i g h Pe r fo r m e r s

T rina G ray O w n e r, B ay At h l et i c C l u b

To become a high performer, you must learn the habits of other high performers. One area that can make or break your success is time management. Managing time is N OT just having a Calendar, a Smart Phone or a To-Do List. You must think and act strategically -- learning to determine what is im portant, what is not im portant, what is urgent, what is not urgent and most of all, what matters most to your success. In this session you will learn to: • Perform better in your key roles in life • Organize your day to be successful and accom plished • Minimize distractions and maximize results • Level up your life to be a high performer

12 : 0 0 pm – 1 : 15 pm | N etworking L u nch 1 : 15 pm – 3 : 15 pm | C oncurrent S essions ( C - 1 ) Owners, General Managers, Senior Staff Leadership Scale & Leverage: Critical Success Factors Needed to Beat the Competition, Save on Costs & Improve Operational Efficiencies

Frank Ancharski Chief Coac hing Of ficer, Club Coac h Ser vices

The Strength to Sell program guides you through a proven methodology designed by an experienced personal trainer for personal trainers. Built with you in mind, the process is clear, concise and effective. No aggressive sales tactics here. That doesn’t belong in our business and it doesn’t work. This session will help you create opportunities, convert opportunities into clients, and learn to deliver top-notch client service. The lifeblood of your business will always be referrals, and that comes from your first dozen clients and every one after. This program not only shows the way for personal trainers to sell; this program helps you build a sustainable business that you can be proud of. Strength to Sell covers the six key aspects of building a personal training business. Key Learning Objectives: • Define Scale & Leverage in the Club Business • Answering the question: Just how does Scale & Leverage work utilizing Six Degrees of Separation? • Learn Best Practices and Avoid Worst Practices in Club Management • Understand the nuances between Cost Savings/Cost Efficiencies, Payroll “Creep” & BIG cost drains, including opportunities to pool resources with NEHRSA clubs and it’s vendors • Share ideas with each other in an Executive Roundtable fashion, what works and what doesn’t work

( C - 2 ) Fitness & Personal Trainers From Fit ness Flop to To p Jason Mason Fitness Director, Beverly Athletic Club

Fitness has many avenues of success, but it can easily bring you down as well. Come and discuss with your peers what experiences they’ve had that has helped them create their “niche” and where they are today. What were some of their failures and obstacles and how did they overcome them? What successes are they achieving that continue their business on a steady growth/profit? In this session, you will learn: • What separates “you from them” • How do you manage time while training the “stars” • Goals / Retention why both are great for your paycheck

( C - 3 ) Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Retention Selling Success

CA S E Y C O N R A D P re s i d e n t , C o m m u n i c a t i o n Consultants WBS, Inc.

Success leaves clues . . . and so does failure! So, why reproduce the wheel when you can learn from your peers. In this open forum roundtable discussion we will focus on sales, marketing and customer service strategies and specific promotions that have actually produced results. Come join in and discover: • What are the best marketing promotions that make the door swing • What type of membership structure keeps prospects happy and revenue strong • What are your biggest customer service challenges and how other clubs have handled the situation

Visit to learn more about the presenters & for a full description of their session.


Hotel & Registration Information Hotel Accommodations All NEHRSA attendees will receive a special reduced rate at the Omni Providence Hotel. Online and phone reservations must be made by Monday, April 21, 2014 to receive the special conference rate of $159 single/double occupancy. To make reservations by phone, call: 800-843-6664 and reference the NEHRSA Annual Spring Conference to receive the discounted rate. You may also book directly online by going to: and entering 051014NEHRSASPR for the group code.

Omni Providence Hotel One West Exchange St. • Providence, RI 02903 • 401.598.8000 For directions and more information on the Omni Providence Hotel,


Registration Savings! Register the same person for both days of the Conference and receive 10% off the two-day price! (This 10% savings is already included in the price listed on the registration form.)

Register 2 or more people and the cost per person goes down. Register a 5th person and you save even more! This special pricing is offered so you can bring your fitness and sales teams since the more people attending makes for greater impact in your organization!

In fact, if you register a group of 10 or more people,

call Casey Murphy at NEHRSA for special savings! Watch for price breaks - the earlier you register, the more you save!

There are 4 ways you can register: Mali: Complete and mail the registration form along with full payment to: NEHRSA, Seaport Center, 70 Fargo Street, Boston, MA 02210. Online: Visit the NEHRSA website, and pay online using PayPal. Phone: Contact NEHRSA at (617) 951-0055 Ext. 115 or (800) 228-4772 Ext. 115. Fax: Complete the registration form and fax to: NEHRSA at (617) 951-0056 (Credit Card Required)

Please adhere to the instructions listed on the registration form. Payment is required at the time of registration.

Conference Registration Refund Policy All Conference registration cancellations must be requested in writing. A 50% refund may be obtained up to 10 business days prior to the event. No refunds will be granted after April 30, 2014. Substitutions are allowed. No-shows will be charged.

You Deserve All The Credit! Continuing Education Credit, that is! NEHRSA is recognized by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and will offer Continuing Education Credits for those attending the conference. The exact number of CECs from each organization will be announced on our website soon.


NEHRSA• Seaport Center - 70 Fargo Street • Boston, MA • 617. 951.0055

NEHRSA ANNUAL SPRING CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Please complete one registration form per person, circle the appropriate registration fee REGISTRANT INFORMATION (Complete one form per attendee. ALL information MUST be provided; please print) Attendee Name: ________________________________________ Title: ________________________________ ___ Club or Organization: _____________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________ State_________________ Zip_____________________ Phone (____ )_______________ Fax (____ )_______________ E-mail: ______________________________________ PACKAGE SELECTION AND FEES Some sessions may have space/attendee limitations. Early registration is recommended, as requests will be processed on a first-received, first-served basis. DVRT Certification r Animal Flow Workshop r Owner / GM Roundtable r Sales, Marketing & Personal Trainer Roundtable r ! e! at Early Bird R Postmarked by: March 21, 2014 Conference Member Rates r 1st Person 2 days $299 r 1st Person 1 day $169 r 2nd – 4th Person 2 days $285 r 2nd – 4th Person 1 day $159 r r r r


Thursday Sessions Animal Flow Workshop A-1 r B-1 A-2 r B-2 A-3 r B-3 Postmarked by: April 30, 2014 $340 $189 $322 $179

r C-1 r C-2 r C-3


Wednesday Sessions

Postmarked after: April 30, 2014 or On-Site

$412 $229 $393 $219

Certification Rates r DVRT Certification (Per Person, 1 Day) r Animal Flow 2-Day Workshop (Per Person, 2 Days)

$359 $475

$399 $495

Groups of 5 or more, please contact for special pricing!

$450 $515

Total Amount: ___________

NON-MEMBER RATES: Please add $65 per person to each of the price categories listed above. Please make check payable to NEHRSA and mail your payment and registration form to: NEHRSA, Seaport Center, 70 Fargo Street, Boston, MA 02210. Credit card payments are accepted on the NEHRSA website, through PayPal. Phone registrations must be paid by a credit card through PayPal. No-shows will be charged. A 50% refund may be obtained when reservations are cancelled 10 days prior to the event. No refunds will be made after April 30, 2014. Substitutions are allowed. FAX your registration to NEHRSA at (617) 951-0056 send payment by credit card through PayPal. You may also register online – For additional information, contact Casey Murphy, NEHRSA, at (617) 951-0055 or (800) 228-4772 Ext. 115. ACCEPTANCE: As a member, invitee or guest of NEHRSA, I intend to and will engage in physical activities and classes at the Omni Providence Hotel while attending the meeting referenced above in Providence, RI over the dates of May 14-15, 2014. I assume and accept full responsibility for any and all injuries or damages that may occur to myself and any member of my family, including children, or the property of any member of my family, in or about the Omni Providence Hotel and forever fully release, remise, indemnify, and agree to defend and hold harmless, NEHRSA, the Omni Providence Hotel and ALL CONTRACTED VENDORS (hereafter referred to as the “Participating Parties”); these terms include the Participating Parties’ owners, employees, agents and assigns from any and all causes of actions, costs, damages, expenses, and liability whatsoever. By registering, I accept the terms outlined above and represent that I am in good physical condition and that I have no impairment or ailment that would prevent or make it medically unwise for me to engage in physical activities. Registration or attendance at, or participation in, NEHRSA meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant or attendee to consent to NEHRSA use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in marketing materials, photographs, videotapes, electronic or digital reproductions, NEHRSA & website content, and audiotapes of such events and activities and to waive any right to compensation or remuneration for the use of such images or voice recordings.

Signature _____________________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________________

Visit to learn more about the presenters & for a full description of their session.




May 14 - May 15, 2014 Providence, RI

Register today!

Seaport Center 70 Fargo St. • Boston, MA 02210

A Special Thank You

A g e n c y of Record

to Susan K. Bailey Marketing & Design for their assistance and support in our annual conference!





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