Kingston Business Today, March 2014 Edition

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Your source for business and chamber news in the Greater Kingston Area March 11, 2014

Vol. 3 NO. 3

Building the future: CaraCo thrives on commitment to sustainability, choice and customer service

A short drive around town reveals that a lot of new homes are being built in Kingston. CaraCo Development Corporation is a major player in this industry thanks to their commitment to important factors like energy efficiency and choice, says designer and project manager Ken Dantzer. Currently, CaraCo is focused on building homes in several local subdivisions; a total of 20-25 houses are in construction at the moment. So where do all these new home customers come from? All walks of life, according to Dantzer. “There are new people moving into Kingston. There are people transferring in and out of CFB Kingston and there are people growing up here that are buying houses. There are people that are retiring from their larger home and downsizing to a more efficient home. Our purchasers really are quite broad. “ While there are many benefits to this wide customer base, the variety also comes with its own set of challenges. “It’s actually a challenging marketing plan because you’re advertising to so many different types of people and speaking to all those various groups,” Dantzer notes. Still, he adds that there are certain things pretty much everyone looks for, and even expects, in a new home. “I think they expect energy efficiency, which is a good thing. We have a strong corporate policy and corporate direction on all of our products [to make sure they’re] sustainable. We have been very aggressively seeking and renewing our environmental policies because technology changes very quickly, so we’ve taken on new and unique

projects every year to ensure that we’re moving forward.” This has included working on several LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified homes, as well as some original experimental housing CaraCo calls Performance 2020, meaning that the home is designed to meet the building codes that are projected to be in place by the year 2020. “Keeping those things moving forward is essential because if you stagnate your competitors all move ahead of you,” Dantzer says. “So we’re trying to lead the way as opposed to wait for things to come to us.” He explains that today’s customers also expect choice when purchasing a new home. “We’re there to suit the needs of the customer. We do have pre-determined plans, but we take all customer input and do exactly as the customer wishes within some parameters because we don’t want a customer to feel like they have to take the sample design exactly as it’s drawn. It’s a good starting point to start the conversation of square footage and rough layout of the house.” Making sure homes stays affordable is also key, says Dantzer. CaraCo homes start at under $300,000, and the sky is pretty much the limit as to how much people want to spend. “We have some product in between $300,000 and $400,000. The stuff that we do above $400,000, that’s not a very broad audience. The type of person that wants to buy a half-million dollar home is usually more of a custom customer.” Of course, quality and service are also essential, and Dantzer says that CaraCo not only produces top-of-the-line homes, but also stands by them post-production. “The product is done right, on time and on budget every time. We pride ourselves on award winning service post-construction and

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Above: CaraCo designer and project manager Ken Dantzer. Right: The exterior of one of CaraCo’s homes. we stand behind our product. Our [workers] all live in and amongst our own customers, so obviously we have our own selfish interests for why we want to make sure that our customers are happy, because they are our neighbours at the same time.” In addition to the home construction business, CaraCo also owns CJM Property Management and Access Storage. In total, the company employs over 80 people, and CaraCo itself between 20 and 30. For more information, visit www.caraco. net.

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By Hollie Pratt-Campbell

Addicted to Business in Kingston When Yolanda Thompson opened up Massage Addict in the fall of 2012, she could not have imagined a more successful start. “Business is crazy busy,” says Thompson. “We can’t hire fast enough to keep up with demands. It’s all word of mouth and it’s spreading like wildfire,” she jokes. Massage Addict is Ontario’s first member based massage therapy clinic, which offers competitive pricing that makes massage therapy a luxury everyone can afford. “There is no membership fee,” explains Thompson. “Our members just have to agree to come in at least once a month to receive preferential pricing.” Non-members can also enjoy a massage by one of the clinic’s registered massage therapists by paying the standard hourly rate. Thompson currently employs nine registered massage therapists, and she says it’s not just her clients that enjoy Massage Addict’s relaxing spa-like environment. “It’s a great environment for people who work here and for people that come in, and their reaction is ‘wow, this is really nice and relaxing.” Although Thompson’s business kicked off to an even better start than expected, she put in a lot of work and research prior to opening shop. Part of her research involved attending the Business Basics workshop run by the Kingston Economic Development Corporation’s (KEDCO) small business centre and conducted by Rebecca Darling, Senior Business Con-

sultant. This is where she gathered a lot of information about the steps it takes to start a business. “What stands out most about KEDCO’s small business services is that the small business centre always had a way to help. If not internally through Rebecca Darling or Mark Hanley, Manager, they had great suggestions or connections to refer me to. They put me in touch with newer business owners prior to my opening and put me in touch with someone who could help me with number crunching and forecasting. It didn’t seem to matter what I called about they always offered valuable feedback and suggestions.” “I benefitted a lot from my relationship with KEDCO. I attended the Business Basics workshop and also received valuable consultation advice through one-on-one appointments. We had an ongoing relationship even before opening Massage Addict,” explains Thompson. The small business centre at KEDCO offers free and confidential consultation to businesses in Kingston. The staff at the small business office is available for one-on-one consultations and is a resource of information for small business owners. “When you become an entrepreneur it is a lonely exhausting road that many family and friends don’t understand. They have no idea of the extreme hours, dedication or commitment it takes,” says Thompson. “Knowing KEDCO is always a phone call or email away is a comfort,” she adds.

Through confidential services and the Business Basics workshops the small business centre at KEDCO provides small business owners, or those interested in starting a business, with valuable information to help them make informed choices and deci-

sions. The Business Basics workshop is offered every month and covers all the basics of opening a business from registering a new business, to registering an HST number, as well as general information about identifying your

business’ target demographic. For more information about the small business centre at KEDCO visit: www.kingstonentrepreneurs. ca<> or call to schedule an appointment at 613 544-2725 ext. 7222.


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Ontario introduces mandatory health and safety awareness training Ontario is introducing new training to help protect workers and keep them safe on the job. The regulation that will mandate this training (Ontario Regulation 297/13) (http:// english/2013/elaws_src_regs_r13297_e. htm) will come into effect on July 1, 2014. The training will be mandatory for all workers and supervisors in the province who are covered by Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act. Mandatory basic health and safety awareness training was a key recommendation of the Expert Advisory Panel on Occupational Health and Safety led by Tony Dean in 2010. The Ontario government committed to implementing all of the recommendations of the Expert Advisory Panel. Employers will have to make sure workers have completed some basic occupational health and safety awareness training within a reasonable time frame and ensure supervisors have received training under the supervisory component within one week of working as a supervisor. Employers will also be responsible for maintaining records of this training and must be able to provide written proof if needed. There is an exemption. If workers and supervisors who have previously completed a worker or supervisor training program, either with their current or a former employer, and can provide proof that they completed the training, they do not have to take the training again.

As well, a supervisor who has completed a basic occupational health and safety awareness training program for supervisors, prior to the regulation coming into force, does not have to complete a worker training program in addition to the supervisor program. One way to complete the new health and safety awareness training will be for workers and supervisors to take part in a one-hour tutorial, either individually or in groups, using free e-learning tools or printed workbooks available from the Ministry of Labour (MOL). The training is designed to help prevent workplace incidents and injuries by making workers and supervisors aware of their roles, rights, and responsibilities in the workplace. Employers should review the new regulation as part of their preparation for this new change and determine if their current training options meet the new regulation or if additional training will be needed. To learn more about this training and the new regulation, visit the MOL website. Information for workers and supervisors is available in both French and English. ( ( For more information and assistance related to workplace health and safety refer to the appropriate Workplace Health and Safety System Partner or visit: http://www.labour.

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Finance Facts

with Susan Creasy

Become a better investor

By Sue Creasy

Individuals make better investment decisions if they understand what they are getting into. Warren Buffet and his investing partner suggested that one “invests within your circle of competence”. The statement suggests that you invest in companies you really understand. If one understands the company you invest in then you are not exposed to sectors that are unfamiliar and often more risky. Many times investors have invested in a particular industry they are familiar with or exposed to, however this should not be confused with or interpreted as competence. Research the company or investment fund first and do your due diligence before you purchase the investment. Emotions cause may investors to make poor or rash buy and sell decisions. A good example of this occurred when investors were offered extra yield provided by highly rated debt securities which were sliced, diced, repackaged and structured in a way that made

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the possibility of investment loss or default seem unlikely. In reality, when the subprime mortgage bubble burst, individuals left holding the worthless securities realized that they did not fully understand the risk and what they had actually invested in. Respect the boundaries of your circle of competence! Peter Lynch, an investor and author said “invest in what you know.” Mr. Lynch recommends that before making an investment, you should be able to describe the investment recommendation in three sentences or less to an 11 year old child. Be aware of your personal comfort level and understand the correlation between risk and return. The greater the return, the greater the risk. Ask questions before investing and work with a financial advisor who understands your entire financial picture! Financial and investment planning is similar to putting a puzzle together – all the pieces must fit!

Kingston’s inaugural Green Building Symposium takes place on May 6-7th. The symposium will offer unprecedented access to Kingston’s state-of-the-art LEED buildings, as well as tours of Kingston’s historic past. “This symposium is a great opportunity to showcase Kingston’s innovative buildings and to demonstrate the City’s dedication to becoming Canada’s most sustainable city. It will bring engineers, architects, city planners, academics and interested citizens together for a behind the scenes looks at our most sustainable buildsaid Sustainable Submitted by ings,” Susan M. Creasy CLU, B.P.H.E.,B.Ed. Kingston’s Executive DirecSusan Creasy Financial Inc. tor, John Johnson.

Registrants of the symposium will make a selection from a list of Kingston’s unique LEED building tours, ensuring that they can cater their experience to their interests and occupation. As a bonus, the Green Building Symposium will offer an opportunity for participants to tour Kingston’s historic landmarks and enjoy a dinner featuring local food in the Renaissance, Kingston’s oldest surviving, and beautifully restored church. Dinner the evening of May 6 will feature keynote, Chris Turner, who is one of Canada’s leading writers and speakers on sustainability and the global clean-tech boom. He draws on recent breakthroughs in renewable energy and urban design to paint a portrait of a sustain-

able world that thrives with renewed prosperity in the a list century. “The Green Building Symposium has been strategically designed to provide valuable information to professionals in the fields of planning, building and engineering. By attending the Symposium, participants will be better equipped with the tools, knowledge and networking opportunities necessary to become leaders in the industry,” continues Johnson. Sustainable Kingston is proud to be hosting this event, and we look forward to meeting participants at the conference. Please find details for the event, including registration and a listing of LEED building tours at www.sustainablekingston. ca


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4 Kingston Business Today - Tuesday, March 11, 2014


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Susan Creasy CLU, B.P.H.E, B.Ed. Chartered Life Underwriter

Out Standing in my field

Tales from the farm front

Making a living isn’t just about the bottom line prices for farm products. If you buy a box of breakfast cereal, the farmer who produces the corn or other commodities receives only a few cents; the rest of the money goes to the other companies along the chain. For our farm’s vegetable operation, the way around this problem is simple. We don’t sell commodities. We sell food. We use the community shared agriculture model. Each spring people buy a “membership” in the farm, like a vegetable subscription, and receive a box of vegetables once a week through the growing season. The people who eat our food are not “customers.” They are members. They value healthy, fresh, local food. They visit the farm for special events and sometimes work bees. They want to be part of a community that understands that ethically-produced food is important and that people should be able to make a living producing it. Part of the reason the CSA works is because it operates on a cost-of-production basis. We don’t try to produce food and then

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price it as low as possible to beat out other farmers. We are open with our members about how much things cost to produce, and at the end of the season they each get a report detailing how much we spent on what. Every March we open memberships up to new members, who buy a weekly vegetable share. They pay on a sliding scale, meaning people who have more money can choose to pay more and subsidize those with lower incomes. We want to make good food as affordable as possible. For us, making a living doesn’t just mean staring at the bottom line, or trying to race other farmers to the lowest price. It means looking at the big picture. We make a living because we bring the community to the farm, and the farm to the community.

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“Did you hear the one about the farmer who won the lottery?” dairy farmer Dianne Dowling asks. It’s a favourite joke of hers. “They asked him, ‘What are you going to do with your winnings?’ He answered: ‘Why, I’m going to farm until it’s all gone!’” It’s perfect farming joke; it combines a farmer’s persistence and hard work with a pinch of gallows humour. The idea that a person would need win the lottery to afford to keep farming is not entirely silly. Net farm incomes have been on the decline for nearly half a century. In the past decade the average Canadian farm has had a negative net income (accounting for depreciation). This means that farms either subsidize themselves through off-farm income (like having one spouse work in town), or they put off maintenance and upkeep, allowing their equipment and infrastructure to slowly fall apart. Sometimes it’s both. This fact is a major reason the average farmer in Canada is in their mid-fifties. Young people

want an occupation that’s going to pay them, not the other way around. There are exceptions to the trend, of course. There are farms that have a positive net income. And those farms are a window into the future. Dairy farms (such as ours) are in general the most financially stable. There’s a simple reason for that: supply management, the eminently sensible idea that farmers should produce the same amount of food as people actually want to eat. (Egg and poultry farms, which also benefit from supply management, rank second for net income.) Most of the loss in net farm income can be traced to one trend: the vertical, corporate integration of our food system. The vast majority of companies that make up our food system — from seed and agrochemical businesses to distribution firms to grocery stores — are now owned by a handful of corporations. Because of their corporate leverage they can squeeze farmers at both ends, hiking the prices for farm inputs while minimizing

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By Aric McBay

Aric McBay is a farmer and author. He lives and works at a mixed family farm with a dairy herd and a vegetable operation. For more about the vegetable CSA and getting a membership, visit

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Kingston Business Today - Tuesday, March 11, 2014 5

From the Chair

Many business owners and managers often shake their heads in disbelief when learning of a new law, regulation, or project from their municipal, provincial, or federal government. It is not uncommon for business people feel like decisions are made in secret and rolled out without concern or consideration of the needs of the business community. The reality is that most government officials do try to make good decisions but often have limited time and resources to do comprehensive research. They often rely on the organizations and individuals who speak up and provide information. The challenge then becomes how do time and resource constrained businesses have their needs and concerns heard by time and resource constrained government officials? One answer is your Chamber of Commerce. The Kingston Chamber has staff whose job it is to monitor issues that will impact our members. We have help from the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, both of whom maintain policy staff with subject matter experts. For example, consider the recent discussion related to minimum wage in Ontario. Our staff spoke with local employers that might be impacted by a change in the minimum wage. We then took their concerns the Ontario Chamber who regularly communicates with the Ontario Government. When the Chamber presents a well-reasoned and researched perspective to government, they listen. If there is an issue that impacts your business, get in touch with us at the Chamber. We

Member Information

New Members: Absolute Comedy

Absolute Comedy is a comedy club featuring the best live stand-up comedy from across North America. Website: C.A.R.L (Communication and Real Leadership)

Communication and Real Leadership is a consulting company focused on inspirational speaking and speech coaching. Website: Cumberland Private Wealth Management Inc.

Cumberland Private Wealth Management Inc. is one of Canada’s most prestigious discretionary private wealth management companies. Independent, employee-owned, head office located at 99 Yorkville Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Website: National Bank of Canada


Bill Hughes Kingston Chamber of Commerce Chair often can make a difference. In the future, instead of shaking your head in disbelief, you can smile knowing your input made a real difference.

Navigators Insurance

At Navigators Insurance Brokers, they take pride in providing top notch service for your auto, home, business, commercial, and life insurance needs. For over 40 years, the White family has provided thousands of local clients with quality protection and peace of mind. Website: Pattison Outdoor Advertising

At PATTISON, they are constantly developing our products to meet the changing lifestyles of Canadians and the evolving needs of advertisers and marketers. Outdoor advertising is their specialty. Website: Property Guys

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6 Kingston Business Today - Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Solar Signals

Solar Signals is a leader in designing and manufacturing remote site power systems with over 10 years of experience in designing systems specifically for harsh environments. Website: Spiral Into Control

Spiral Into Control is a full service company which offers customized organizing solutions for your Home, Office & Life. Website: Staples

Staples Business Depot is your one stop shop for all your personal and business needs. Drop in to either Kingston location or visit their. ‘THAT WAS EASY.’ Website: St. Lawrence College, Corporate Learning & Performance Improvements

Corporate Learning & Performance Improvement is committed to meeting the learning needs of businesses in our community. Their mandate is to meet the challenges their partners face with relevant, flexible, practical programs that offer on the job training to students / employees with the goal of increasing productivity and closing the skills gap while supporting the commercial growth and prosperity of Eastern Ontario. Website:

The Plant Doctor

The Plant Doctor specializes in interior landscaping. Whether your interior landscape involves a single plant or a total design, we offer a comprehensive service from Indoor tropical plant design & consultation to supply and plant maintenance. Website: Titan Cleaning Professionals

“We Do What We Say We Will Do” - their focus and mission is a simple one...maintain excellent cleaning services and ensure they provide the best customer service possible. To them, every customer is a precious one. Website: www.titancleaningprofessionals. com

Renewing Members: A World of Rentals Inc. Bahay CAREgiver Services Bergeron Clifford Injury Lawyers Boat Warehouse Bombardier Transportation Canada Inc. Boston Pizza (Kingston East) Canadian Linen & Uniform Service Cintas Canada Limited Coca Cola Bottling Ltd. Collins Bay Marina Inc. Comfort Inn Community Employment Resource Centre North Culligan of Kingston Dogs Vangroovin’ Doreta/Harford Apartments Drain-All Ltd., Kingston Branch Drapeau Automatic Sprinkler Corp ECHO Hair Studio Empire Life Events & Management Plus Inc. Frost the Mover Gorway Hickey and Hickey Jani King of Eastern Ontario Jiffy Grill Kingston Honda Kingston Laser & Cosmetic Clinic Kingston Mortgage Solutions, Part of Mortgage Alliance Kingston Online Services Kingston Symphony Association Kingston This Week Kingston Windows & Doors Kitchen Craft Cabinetry Lasik MD Kingston Lone Star Texas Grill Maritime Travel Marriott Courtyard Kingston McAdoo Piano & Organ Co. (1997) Ltd. McDonald’s Restaurants of Greater Kingston Area MicroAge My Team - Financial Ltd. Novari Health Corporation Ongwanada Pinchin Environmental Ltd. PrintFusion Inc. Profile Kingston Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd. Rogers Radio Group Kingston Sam Rogers Consulting Service Experts Heating & Air Conditioning ServiceMaster of Kingston Shoalts and Zaback Architects Ltd. St. Lawrence College Tallman Truck Centre Limited TD Bank Financial Group/TD Canada Trust (94 Princess St.) The Lung Association Triple D Linehaul V. Marques Construction Ltd. VIA Rail Canada Inc. Weehooey Inc. Westbrook Golf Club & Driving Range Wolfe Island Riverfront Golf Course WPBS - TV

By Jennifer Baker

Have you ever wondered why users choose to unfollow you on Twitter? Compiled by fellow Twitter users, this article will address the common reasons that your number of followers continues to slide. Don’t worry if you’re guilty of some of these‌ I provide simple solutions to improve your Twitter presence! 1. REPETITIVE CONTENT & EXCESSIVE RTs CoryQuaresma: “On Twitter: “pushyâ€? business content, excessive retweets, repetitive content. Most people are pretty good thoughâ€? Solution: Your Twitter followers follow you for a reason. It is okay to RT a message, highlighting your business’ commitment, or partnership, but retweeting 30 tweets in 10 minutes may overwhelm your followers. If they were interested in receiving the latest breaking basketball scores or a live-stream of political campaigns, they would follow those respective accounts. 2. IN-YOUR-FACE ADVERTISING @RobPurvis: “if it’s clear the only reason the account exists is for in-your-face advertising. Needs to be entertaining or interesting.â€? Solution: While it is okay to post content about your business’ products and services, it may be time to evaluate the ratio of business messages to alternative, entertaining, or interesting content. As yourself two questions: “Why do my Twitter followers choose to follow me?â€? and “What types of tweets garner the most interaction and engagement?â€? Try to take action on those two elements. 3. LACK OF GOOD & INTERESTING CONTENT @Matt_Bisson: “Content and courtesy. Simple as that. If they are not bringing relevant/interesting

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content, or if they are rude, UNFOLLOW!� Solution: Develop a simple social media strategy. This will outline the content, frequency, and voice of your Twitter account. This will ensure account managers adhere to internal policies to produce and share good content, when appropriate, as well as responding politely to any interaction. 4. SPAM DMs @YGKTraffic: “if there are multiple instances of spam DMs. I usually let them know if they’re sending out spam & hope they fix it.� Solution: If your account has been creating and sending unsolicited SPAM direct messages (DMs) change your Twitter password immediately. Visit > Click the gear (top right) > Select Passwords. This should solve your problem! 5. SOMEONE ELSE’S THOUGHTS @CJ_Parfitt: “If the tweeter doesn’t have any of their own thoughts or at least a sense to filter what they retweet, I’m not interested.� Solution: This problem echos some of the opinions above. Developing a social media strategy will ensure that your business produces good content that your followers will be interested in. Having guidelines about RTing (frequency and type) is also essential. Remember: Not everything that you are interested in is of interest to your followers. I hope that this article sheds light on Twitter do’s and don’ts. Thank you to those who submitted their thoughts and opinions.

Saturday, March 22, 2014 in support of:

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BREAK the stigma. JOIN the conversation. Let’s talk about something that is impacting our future: depression in youth. Six-time Olympic medallist Clara Hughes provides hope and inspiration for anyone battling depression. Join Clara and a handful of local experts for an evening of stories and sharing, with a focus on reaching out to support young people who are ÀJKWLQJ GHSUHVVLRQ right here in Kingston.

Jennifer Baker Consulting provides one-on-one personalized social media training, and corporate group training. Â Jennifer is located in Kingston and is a Director on the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce Board.

Get inspired by Clara and hear our expert panel talk about local mental health care services for youth. This event is in celebration of Clara’s Big Ride for Bell Let’s Talk.

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Why people unfollow your Twitter account

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Kingston Business Today - Tuesday, March 11, 2014 7

Preparing businesses for “the year of the cloud” By Hiba Kesebi

When it comes to technology, experts say 2014 will be the year of the cloud and the staff at Server Cloud Canada (SCC) could not agree more. SCC, whose headquarters are based in Kingston, provides dedicated private cloud infrastructure solutions to small and medium sized business across Canada. “What that means is, if a customer has a server in their closest, we provide a service that allows the customer to remove that server from their closest and access it remotely from our infrastructure,” says Dino Farinaccia, Vice-President of Marketing. With more companies starting to understand the benefits of cloud computing, SCC is looking to make their services more accessible for all small and medium sized businesses. “Before we were talking with specific companies who really understood cloud computing, now it’s becoming more mainstream so we decided to rebrand and are offering our service to small or medium sized businesses,” says Farinaccia, who notes there are many benefits to switching to cloud computing, like reduced up-front investments, lower labour costs, access to enterprise-grade infra-

structure, stability, scalability, and flexibility. With cloud computing, companies no longer need to buy their own servers so they eliminate the need to have to upgrade their services or their equipment and they have remote access to their office server. “So if you are an IT guy and you get some urgent request from your CEO that the network is down, instead of driving down to the office to fix the issue, you can actually log into your office from wherever you are and access your office server,” explains Farinaccia. “We invested a lot into infrastructure so that other companies don’t have to do that. We can help a company setup and maintain a cloud service relatively easily and for a low cost. In that sense we are truly the provider of providers,” he adds. According to SCC, businesses should think about switching to a cloud server if they are a new business or launching a new product, if their hardware or software is nearing the end of its life, if they require top-notch security or if they have a need for disaster recovery. Farinaccia also notes that SCC has relationships with all the major carriers in Kingston like Util-

ity Kingston, Cogeco, Bell and Rogers. “What that allows us to do is work with companies to ensure

that they connect to their infrastructure through a dedicated private secure line so they don’t have to go across the Internet,

since there is a security threat when doing that,” he explains. To learn more about SCC, visit:

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8 Kingston Business Today - Tuesday, March 11, 2014




Midtown business owners brace themselves for the big dig By Hiba Kesebi

The next phase of Kingston’s big dig is a bittersweet affair for midtown businesses. While the city prepares to commence construction on the section of Princess Street, spanning between Bath Road and Macdonnel Street, merchants in the area are bracing themselves for the impact that the second big dig may have on their businesses. “It’s bittersweet. We are going to have a nice new sidewalk and a nice leveled street, no more pot holes and the storm sewers are going to drain properly and the sanitary sewers are going to work properly and we are not going to have any more floods up here, but there is a cost to it,” explains Chris Power, owner of Speedy Auto Service on Princess Street. Power says the construction will affect traffic flow and the convenience of accessing his shop. “Their [the city’s] big thing was, we are going to keep the sidewalks open and put gates up so people can walk up and be safe…but we are in the automotive business, people can’t pick their car up and carry it on the sidewalk to us,” he says. Despite its potential impact on business, Power believes the construction is necessary to stay up to par and would not do anything differently. “It is what it is. They can’t move the street and they can’t do it in the evenings and close it back up in the morning so traffic can move through,” he explains. The project, which costs $8.3 million, will see 20 to 40 construction crews working on the upper section of Princess Street Monday to Friday to complete the rebuild on time. The projected time frame for the

construction is seven months. Corcoran Excavating, who handled last summer’s big dig of lower Princess Street, will also be handling the Williamsville dig. The firm promises to maintain communication with locals and work together with businesses to minimize disruption. Power attests they are keeping true to their promise and so does Star Diner co-owner, Ida-Mae Lowes. For Lowes and the Star Diner, it wasn’t so much the construction that caused the gravest of headaches; rather it was the proposed bike lanes that are to be put in place after the construction is complete. The bike lanes, spanning 1.7 kilometres from Bath Road to Division Street, will replace some of the diner’s parking spaces. After having 3,376 people sign a petition and lobby for the parking spaces, Lowes recently learned the city will widen Dayton Avenue and make room for 12 additional parking spots. Though Lowes does not support the addition of bike lines, she is satisfied with her parking space - and is grateful for the support of the Kingston community. When it comes to the construction phase, Lowes says the Star Diner will likely be affected, but the impact will be less felt at a restaurant than at the garage. “It’s a restaurant and I am counting on the construction people coming in for coffee or having lunch, but when you are a garage, they are not going in there to have coffee,” she explains. Power agrees, but adds his business is still open and customers are welcome to “come and watch the digging happen.”

The big dig prepares to come to midtown.

Downtown Kingston recovers from a hard winter.

Photo/Hollie Pratt-Campbell

Local entrepreneurs reflect on a difficult winter By Hiba Kesebi

This year’s harsh winter had a chilling effect on downtown businesses in Kingston. The ice, the snow and unusually cold temperatures made it difficult for people to leave their driveways on some days, let alone make the trip downtown, explains Michele Langlois, General Manager and Director of Marketing, Downtown Kingston! “There’s been some high and lows,” she says. “The weather impacted all of us. There have been concerns and different ones, depending on the business and location.” Justine Scala, Minotaur co-owner, says like many other businesses, their holiday sales were lower than expected due to the ice storm that hit the city the weekend before Christmas. “Being in retail is like being a farmer, because we are very weather dependent,” jokes Scala. “But although Christmas was difficult because of the weather, we’re happy to be here and feeling optimistic for 2014.” It wasn’t just the snow and the ice that raised concerns among merchants, rather the city’s approach for snow removal did too. “I was not remotely happy with the city’s approach of snow removal this year,” says Scala. “Although you can get around now, but before Christmas you couldn’t and it had an impact on business downtown.” Snow banks made it difficult to access the many businesses and restaurants on Princess Street and according to Scala, the city did a poor job of communiPhoto/Hollie Pratt-Campbell cating when the snow banks will be removed.

“It is something that we have to address with the city for next year, because we can’t have something like that happen again,” says Scala. “I think the snow banks should be removed from Princess Street first, and the city should have a schedule for removing snow in the area,” she adds. Like Scala, Don Sleeth, co-owner of Camera Kingston, says his business was impacted as a result of the ice storm that paralyzed the city with rolling blackouts. “Two of our best days didn’t happen because of the bad weather,” explains Sleeth. “People have been less mobile and less positive about their buying patterns because of the weather,” he adds, noting that although his sales haven’t been terrible in January and February, they were a “little bit weak” because of the weather. However, like Scala, he is looking forward to spring and says customers should keep their eyes open for aggressive sales promotions in March. For Paula Gibson, the owner of Sipps coffee shop, this winter brought “too much ice, too much snow and too much cold.” “It’s definitely understandable that people are not travelling.” Gibson says because the worst of the season’s cold weather tended to happen on Saturdays and Sundays it’s mostly the weekends that have let the shop down in terms of traffic. However, she says the activities and events organized by Downtown Kingston! did help business and increased traffic in the area. Gibson is eager to bid farewell to the winter chills and is welcoming spring with open arms.

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Kingston Business Today - Tuesday, March 11, 2014 9

News From the Ontario Chamber of Commerce Reforming Ontario’s Broken Interest Arbitration System

The OCC recently submitted a letter to Yasir Naqvi, Ministry of Labour, about the impact that the province’s interest arbitration system is having on Ontario’s competitiveness. Interest arbitration is the only legal mechanism available to municipalities to settle contract negotiation disputes with essential municipal workers such as police officers, firefighters, and some paramedics. Partly as a result of interest arbitration, emergency service costs are growing much more quickly than the Consumer Price Index, and faster than the average growth rate of other public sector workers’ wages, including nurses and teachers. As a result of the costly contract settlements created by the current interest arbitration system, there is significant pressure on municipalities to raise taxes and/or reduce services to compensate. Competitive tax rates and quality public services are key to economic development and prosperity in our communities. The current interest arbitration model is hurting municipalities’ economic competitiveness, and ultimately the competitiveness of the province. Read the submission: http://www. For additional Ontario Chamber of Commerce advocacy and activities, please visit their website: www.

Kathleen Wynne named Ontario’s next Premier. What’s her plan for ontario business? Read on... Kathleen Wynne was named Ontario’s 25th Premier, chosen by Ontario Liberal delegates at the Ontario Liberal Leadership Convention. Recently, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce asked Ms. Wynne to answer five questions on how she would advance the Emerging Stronger Agenda and help business grow and prosper in the province. Here’s what she said. 1. What specific policies will you put in place in order to foster a culture of innovation? I will work with small business by specifically proposing an increase in the Employer Health Tax (EHT) exemption threshold if this can be shown to accelerate job creation. I will also work with financial institutions and government agencies to ensure that small and mediumsized enterprises have ease of access to capital required for expansion and innovation. We also need to continue with our successful Southwest and Eastern Ontario Development Funds, which are supporting innovative companies in those regions. I will expand our economic development initiatives provincewide: build on our comprehensive regional economic development initiatives, focusing on specific communities to enhance opportunities at

10 Kingston Business Today - Tuesday, March 11, 2014

the very local level. This includes a rural and northern economic development strategy. Additionally, my education plan will support increased opportunities for graduate education and the entrepreneurial spirit of our undergraduate and graduate students.

2. What specific policies will you put in place in order to build a 21st century workforce? I’ll introduce community hubs for adult education and training - coordinating government, non-profit, and private sector resources to give recent graduates, new Canadians and the unemployed practical tools to participate in the workforce. We must also develop a sustainable model for wage negotiation - a structured dialogue with our partners in the broader public sector to create innovative models for engagement and negotiation. We cannot afford regular cycles of labour instability in the delivery of our valued public services. I will continue to build upon record McGuinty Liberal infrastructure investments. We will better prepare our students for the labour market by working with educators, colleges, business and industry to expand student work placements, internships, and co-op programs so more students gain valuable work experience. We’ll also promote better use of credits by increasing their transferability between institutions and expanding our dual credit system.

3. What specific steps will you take in order to restore fiscal balance? All Ontarians will prosper if we stay the course on our economic plan - eliminating the deficit by 2017-18 so we can get the province where it needs to be: deficit free, paying down debt, and ensuring Ontario is a prime environment for investment. I’m also committed to restricting overall spending increases to 1% below GDP growth after 2017-18 until Ontario’s debt-to-GDP ratio returns to 27% - the pre-recession, 2007 level.

4. What specific policies will you put in place that will enable Ontario to take advantage of new opportunities in the global economy? I will support the diversification of Ontario’s trade to global markets. I will follow Dalton McGuinty’s lead by leading trade missions to vital markets, including China and India. We also need to promote efficient cross-border movement through capacity improvements to the Detroit River Rail and Peace Bridge crossings. In order to attract investment from around the world, we need to build on our record investments in infrastructure and transportation. That means working with the federal government on a national transit strategy - including a dedicated national transit fund that includes investment for Ontario, particularly for the Metrolinx transit projects in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area.

I’ve also called on the federal government to support an OntarioQuebec Continental Gateway and Trade Corridor - an efficient and secure multimodal transportation system for access to US markets.

5. What specific steps will you take to ensure Ontario makes the most of its competitive advantages? I’m running because I believe that freedom and fairness and prosperity are indivisible. That’s the promise that I will keep as a Liberal, as Premier, as a mother and a grandmother: the promise of an economy that leaves no one behind. That’s why investing in the public services Ontario families rely on is the centerpiece of my campaign. Implementing my four part plan will create jobs and grow the economy: The Way We Grow - creating jobs, attracting investment, and supporting innovation The Way We Care - investing in health and long-term care, reducing poverty, and protecting the environment The Way We Learn - building on our success in primary, secondary, and postsecondary education The Way We Govern - Ontario’s fair share from the federal government and enabling Ontario communities to prosper Questions? Contact Josh Hjartarson, VP Policy & Government Relations, at 416-482-5222, ext 2320 or

U pcoming E vents Thank you to our partners Chamber Workshop: Communicating Effectively on Twitter Thursday, 11 March 2014, 09:00 AM – 10:30 AM

This seminar will introduce learners to best practices of communicating effectively on Twitter. Participants will also learn how to create a tweet on a desktop and mobile device, as well as how (and when!) to respond to interaction. Venue: Innovation Park, Front Board Room Facilitator: Jennifer Baker, Jennifer Baker Consulting Chamber Workshop: Business Contracts Wednesday, March 19th, 2014 from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The subject matter of the seminar will be a discussion of some of the basic criteria that must be included in all contracts, an explanation of some common

terms and best practices for several common contracts (sales contracts, employment contracts, and commercial leases) and a brief overview of effective methods of enforcing these agreements. The presentation will cover topics as they relate to both B2B and B2C businesses. Venue: Innovation Park, Front Board Room Facilitator: Pro Bono Students Canada, Queen’s Chapter Annual General Meeting Luncheon Tuesday, 25 March 2014, 11:30 AM – 02:00 PM

Join the Chamber for an update on the Chamber’s advocacy work and a presentation of our Audit Financial Statements. The guest speaker, Cody Sorensen, Canadian Bobsled Team 2014, is presented by RBC. Host: The Harbour Restaurant Sponsor: Altair Electronics Speaker Sponsor: RBC


Chamber Workshop: Anti-Spam Legislation Thursday, March 27th, 2014 from 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Learn How to Comply with Canada’s NEW Anti-Spam Legislation! Grow Your List the CASL Way - Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) will have a broad sweeping impact on all businesses and organizations who engage in any form of digital communication. At this workshop you will learn best practices, tips and tactics to help you be CASL - compliant and build your business with quality contacts. Venue: Innovation Park, Front Board Room Facilitator: Javed Khan, Constant Contact & Empression a Marketing Services Company Discover Success Breakfast Tuesday, 15 April 2014, 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM

Join CKWS Newswatch @ 6 cohosts, Bill Hutchins and Julie


Brown, as they interview local success stories in the business world. Learn how these visionary entrepreneurs have achieved their goals and the innovative ideas they practice which have helped them build internationally successful from right here in Kingston. This year’s guest speakers are Craig Clement, Co-Owner, Co-President and CFO, Hayabusa Fightwear Inc. and Chris Fountain, CEO, Pita Pit Canada. Host Venue: Donald Gordon Centre Member Showcase Chamber Mixer Thursday, 24 April 2014, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM

It’s better than a test-drive... Join the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce at Taylor Auto Mall for a Member Showcase Mixer. If you haven’t had a chance to step into the great new showroom, check out Kingston’s exclusive GM dealership. Set your sights on the great offers while networking with the city’s business leaders. You can win some



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25th Annual Chamber Classic Thursday, 19 June 2014

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Kingston Business Today - Tuesday, March 11, 2014 11

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