Peribo - Book Cow Library Event

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Spirit of the Warriors

ISBN: 9781763571006


It’sthestartofanAustraliansummer,andadroughtisraginginthebush.Forstrappingfarm boy,JackRiordan,swingingacricketbatishisfavouriteescapefromdailyhardships.Butwhat happenswhenanIndianfamilyarrivesinthesmalltownofStonyCreektobeginanewlife? Suddenly,Jackisnolongerthetopplayerinthedistrict ThathonourbelongstoAjeetSharma whoquicklybecomesthestarofthelocalschool. Despitejealousiesandmisunderstandings,theboysmustsomehowworktogetheronthefield. Astheirjourneyprogresses,theylearneachhaspainfulsecretsthathaveaffectedtheirlives. Whatarethey?Andwhatcantheboyslearnfromthem?Theanswerscomefromthestrength ofhumanspirit.

FromtheauthorofMyLife:BrettLeecomesthestoryofAjeetandJack,andtheunpredictable fortunesoftheStonyCreekPublicSchoolcricketteam.

Wheredoeseconomicscomefrom? Whydoweuseit?Andhowcanit affecttheworldaroundus?Aspartof theMyWorldseries,Economicsisa bookdesignedtoprovideaneasy-tounderstandexplanationaboutthe complexworldofeconomicsthat childrenmayoftenhearaboutonnews wheneverthetopicsof'inflation'and the'risingcostofliving'arementioned

What is the Metaverse? What is the story of the wheel? Will computers ever be smarter than people? How is technology relevant to recycling and alternative energy? Superbly illustrated thematic spreads answer these questions and much more


ThePaper-flowerGirlcreateselaborate flowersoutofpaper,butshehasfew customers WhentheGiantfromthe Hillbringshertoworkforhim,they soondiscovertheywantverydifferent things Sheisforcedtocreatethings shenolongerrecognisesasflowers Eventuallysheisthrownfromthehill butgoesontoevengreatersuccess

What is War?

Why do countries or different ideological groups fight? What are the key points between different types of conflict? Is there such a thing as a just war? What are the tools used to wage war, from weapons to propaganda? How can we end wars, and who are the real winners and losers?

An action-packed overview of the Age of Dinosaurs arranged chronologically from the rise of reptiles in the early Triassic to the catastrophic event that ended dinosaur life at the end of the Cretaceous

The 3D illustrations are so realistic it's like stepping back in time!

She will make the most magnificent thing! She knows just how it will look She knows just how it will work All she has to do is make it, and sheknows it will be easy-peasy! But making her magnificent thing is anything but easy, and the girl tries and fails, repeatedly Eventually, the girl gets really, mad She is so mad, in fact, that she quits But after her dog convinces her, she comes back to her project with renewed enthusiasm and manages to get it just right

The Most Magnificent Thing

ISBN: 9781554537044 - (HB)

Mappingthehumanbodyfromits tiniestcomponent-thecell-toallits largestbodysystemsliketheskin anddigestivesystem Learnabout theskeleton muscles,respiratory systemandtheheart,aswellasthe skin,immunesystemand reproduction

Takeatriptotheoriginsofthe UniverseVisittheSunandtheMoon Flyacrossgalaxiesandseestarsborn anddieVisitBlackHolesandfindout abouttheBigBangThisbookgives youallthelatest,mostup-to-date informationontheUniverseand spaceexploration

Answers to 200 of the most-asked dinosaur-related questions Stimulating information for avid learners on fearsome carnivores and huge herbivores, exciting archaeological discoveries, and more! Use these questions to learn with your child, or, to quiz each other during family game night and long car rides

The long-awaited sequel to the runaway bestseller The Most Magnificent Thing that readers have been clamoring for!The girl in this story, with her dog at her side, loves to make things Her brain she says is an "idea machine," so full of ideas that she can hardly keep up But then one day it isn't All of a sudden, the girl can't come up with a single idea for what to make

Dinosaurs just keep getting more amazing! Scientists discover a new species every week Meet the new ones and get the latest on your old favourites See how these hulking creatures ruled every corner of the planet Find out how they became extinct

Find out how modern humans left Africa and when they settled in each continent Learn about the origins of farming and how it led to the formation of wealthy cities and large empires Discover amazing civilisations from around the world, from the ancient Egyptians and Greeks, to the earliest African and Australian cultures


Theantsareheadingoutonavery importantexpedition Whatwillthey needtotakewiththem? It'sawild journey!Andintheend, it'sthelittlest antwholeadstheotherstodiscover themostimportantthingofall Abook aboutaveryspecialbook

Bosch to Basquiat, this richly illustrated introduction to art though the centuries introduces young readers to a hugely diverse collection of works, genres and genius Brimming with colour, information, and inspiration, this beautifully designed volume spans five centuries, highlighting forty-two of the most influential and important artists of all time

ThestoryofClassicalMusicinpicture, wordandsound,fromHildegardof BingentoSaariahoIntroducesthe greatestcomposersandletsreaders heartheirmostfamousworksasthey readShowstheinstrumentsandhow theyareplayedandcombinedtomake musicPresentsaselectionofthemost well-knownoperas,symphonies, balletsandconcertos

The Atlas of the Incredible Human Body
The Atlas of the Space Adventures
The Atlas of the Diabolical Dinosaurs
The March of the Ants

WatchthemGrow!isafun,rhyming textexploringsomeofnature’s uniquelifecycles,includingfrogs, starlings,moths,turtlesandmore

Whatisscience?asksquestions suchas:howcansciencehelpus? whyisscienceimportant?whatcan youdowithscience?andprovides theanswersinasimpleandclear way Featuringillustrationsfrom KatieRewsethatengagethereader andarebasedinfamiliarsettings, thisisaperfectintroductiontothe theoryofscienceatKeyStage1

Nine years ago, two princes waged a bloody civil war for the right to rule Arngard The younger prince took the throne and outlawed the ancient beliefs, but some wounds don’t heal New religion replaced the barbaric traditions and finally, there’s peace Torny and Ebba are friends Sent away by their families, they work together and watch out for each other

ThelongawaitedsequeltoTheHarm Tree Exiledfromabrokenland,two friendstrytoescapethedarknessthey leftbehindthem Togetheragain Torny andEbbareachVellsberg,anoutpostof theSouthernEmpire,hopingforasafe haven

KFactology:Robots&AIisafactpackedintroductiontothisiconic timeinhistory,presentedinmaps, timelines,diagramsandstatistics DidyouknowthatEnglishengineer ProfessorKevinWarwickbecamethe world'sfirstcyborgin1998?Plugin andexploreadawningdigitalageof sophisticatedrobotsandadvanced AI

ISBN: 9781802586633

Watch Them Grow - (PB)

In2015,17Sustainable DevelopmentGoals(SDGs)were adoptedbyallUnitedNations MemberStatesaspartofthe2030 AgendaforSustainable DevelopmentEachgoaladdresses aspecificaspectofglobal challengesandaimstopromote social,economic,and environmentalsustainability

ISBN: 9783791375601 - (HB)

Flagsrepresentthesoulofthe nationsoftheworldEach combinationofcoloursandsymbols hasastorytotell,builtfromthe experiencesandfeelingsofthe peoplesofdifferentcountries Knowingtheflagsandtheirhidden languageisthereforeawayto understandthehistory,cultureand roleofnationsThisbook,organised bycontinent,presentsalltheflags oftheworld

A Irian,UlanaandtheirClanhavemade thecavetheirhomeeversincethey usedfiretodriveofftheBeast–a sabre-toothedtigerthathadbeen preyingonthemProtectedbyan ongoingfireatthecavemouth,they continuetokeeptheBeastatbay until onefatefulnightwhenthefiregoesout! WhathappensnextshatterstheClan andleavesUlanabadlyinjuredandIrian tootraumatisedeventospeak

Harm Tree: Book 1

Nine-year-oldHazelBirdishappiest onherown,photographingthetiny wildworldsinherneighbourhood bushlandButthenshemeetsCole,a boywithahundredpocketsanda strangeandmarvellouswayof talkingTogethertheyfindhidden treasureandahandwrittenbookof secretcodes

A captivating and educational comic chapter book chock-full of information about meteorological phenomena and earth physics What is atmospheric pressure? How does a downburst form? What is the difference between a cyclone, a typhoon, and a hurricane? All these answers and more when you follow the adventures of Neil, Flor, Akin, and Jin Social networks are a breeding ground for fake news – and scientific research has observed how online content shapes children’s opinions and thoughts This timely book provides young digital users with the tools they need to distinguish fact from fiction An indispensable resource for parents and teachers on the unignorable topic of misinformation

The weather seems to be getting worse these days But is it just the weather, or is it the result of a rapidly changing climate? Author Rachel Salt answers five key questions about climate change: What is climate change? What causes it? How do we know it's real? Does climate change cause extreme weather? And can we still prevent the worst impacts?

to navigate problems and deduce logical solutions in order to get home Each chapter offers activities from different phases in problem solving based on the research of

The heroine of this beautifully illustrated story feels her anger like a storm in a dark forest It sweeps her away, and she thunders and howls She pours down her emotions like sheets of rain; rage surges like a wind whipping angry waves Her anger takes her on a wild ride
Like Alice falling into Wonderland, readers of this book will find themselves travelling through wonderous mathematical worlds Adventures will test their abilities
mathematician George Polya

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