Howaregovernmentsformed?How dopoliticalideasshapesociety?What ispropaganda?
AspartoftheMyWorldseriesPolitics succinctlyexplainstochildreninafun andengagingwaythefundamental conceptsofpoliticsandhowitplaysa massiveroleinourlivesandculture
Children are taken on a journey into the year 2070, to a world transformed by technology, sustainability, and global initiatives From traffic-free cities and carbon-free energy to ecofriendly homes and developments in space exploration, readers are invited to imagine the possibilities that lie ahead
WhendidlifefirstappearonEarth? Howdidhumansevolve?Howdid giraffe’snecksgetlonger?Are humansnowperfectlydesigned?
MyFirstBookofEvolutionanswers theseandmanymorequestions aboutevolutionandhowitworksina funandentertainingway
Twenty-onepictorialmaps,each accompaniedbyfact-packed accessibletext,showlandformsand cultural,industrialandagricultural featuresforeachcountry
Childrenwillloveporingoverthese busymapsandsearchingthedetailed picturestodiscovermoreabouteach country
of today’s top NBA players, from legends like Steph Curry and Nikolia
Young readers will learn about their favorite players’ life stories, unique styles of play, and defining moments on the court
9781787081505 - (PB)
- (HB) ISBN: 9781787081512 - (PB)
Join the brilliant Holmes and his loyal friend Dr Watson as they unravel five seemingly impossible mysteries using Holmes’s legendary powers of deduction Discover the true identity of the masked man, learn the secrets of the Red-Headed League and join the adventure of the speckled band
Shakespeare’s tragic play about a young couple from two warring families is perhaps the greatest love story ever told Manga Classics retells the tale with bold illustrations, making it easy to follow yet still introducing some of Shakespeare’s timeless poetry
• Fascinating facts
• Engaging activities
And other extraordinary achievements of this ancient civilisation internal images
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
ISBN: 9781787081673 - (PB)
ThePaper-flowerGirlcreateselaborate flowersoutofpaper,butshehasfew customers WhentheGiantfromthe Hillbringshertoworkforhim,they soondiscovertheywantverydifferent things Sheisforcedtocreatethings shenolongerrecognisesasflowers Eventuallysheisthrownfromthehill butgoesontoevengreatersuccess
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
9781787081666 - (PB)
She will make the most magnificent thing! She knows just how it will look She knows just how it will work All she has to do is make it, and sheknows it will be easy-peasy! But making her magnificent thing is anything but easy, and the girl tries and fails, repeatedly Eventually, the girl gets really, mad She is so mad, in fact, that she quits But after her dog convinces her, she comes back to her project with renewed enthusiasm and manages to get it just right
Most Magnificent Thing
9781787081659 - (PB)
Theantsareheadingoutonavery importantexpedition Whatwillthey needtotakewiththem? It'sawild journey!Andintheend, it'sthelittlest antwholeadstheotherstodiscover themostimportantthingofall Abook aboutaveryspecialbook
ISBN: 9780648498926 - (PB)
ISBN: 9781787081567 - (HB) - (HB) ISBN: 9781787081543
This handy guide starts with skill development, like hand-eye coordination, rope tying, and card shuffling exercises It then provides step-by-step directions for a variety of magic tricks that go from simple to harder Included are short biographies of famous illusionists throughout time, like Adelaide Herrmann and Harry Houdini
School of Magic
Everyjourneyisanadventureeven moresoifdoneinfantasticplaces createdinourimaginationsThisbook isacollectionofsomeunmissable placesfromclassicliterature: TreasureIsland,Atlantis,OzThere are10inallThischarmingguide highlightsthemainsightsandfacts abouteachlocationandfeatures captivatingillustrations
Joinadaycareclassastheycount from1to10throughouttheday
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Joinadaycareclassastheyfind shapesatplaytime
Inourdaycareclass,it'stimeto play Let'sfindshapesalongthe way!Therearetriangles,squares, diamonds,andothershapesinthe paintings,blocks,anddolls What othershapescanyoufind?The bilingualversionofthisbeloved bookisperfectforearlyspanishand englishlanguagelearning
Ten-year-old Georgina 'George' Doherty lives a free-and-easy life with her father, Seamus, in the coastal town of Mirmouth, Western Australia Together with her best friend Mac, she spends her time seeking buccaneers, buried treasure and people in need of saving When a cyclone devastates Mirmouth, a secret is unearthed
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Sho y e, wereturntothecoastalMidwesttown ofMirmouth,WesternAustralia George refusestogotothepoliceaboutthe creatureTumblagoodadespiteher fatherSeamus’sappeals Sheisalso worriedaboutschoolbullyJedOstler Willhekeepquietaboutthe“alien”who savedhimfromdrowningatRedCliff Beach?
Katrinais alaughinghyenawho yearnstobeastand-upcomedian Whenthespottedhyenasin Katrina’sclanlaugh,it’smeantasa warningtoalerttheclanthatdanger isnear Butthat’snotwhyKatrina laughs Katrinalaughsbecauseshe thinksworldisjustsooooofunny!
ISBN: 9798888592250
First Friends - Numbers - (BO)
Getting young children to think about careers can broaden their horizons and make them aware of job opportunities outside their usual frame of reference It can boost their aspirations and help them to bust stereotypes in their future lives
You Want to... Work with Animals?
Tumblagooda: Book 1
Tumblagoods: Book 2
9781763552500 - (PB) First Friends - Shapes
9798888592274 - (BO)
Gettingyoungchildrentothinkabout careerscanbroadentheirhorizonsand makethemawareofjobopportunities outsidetheirusualframeofreference Itcanboosttheiraspirationsandhelp themtobuststereotypesabouttheir futurelives
You Want to...
9780645595369- (PB)
Doyouknowhowitfeelstorunfor 1900miles?Ortolookdownatthe earthfromaspacestation?Orto swimalongsideahungryshark?
FantasticFemaleAdventurersbyLily Dyuisacollectionoffourteenexciting andinspirationalstoriesaboutthe womenthatdoFollowthemontheir incrediblejourneysaroundtheglobe
Female Adventurers
This book is designed for young readers with an interest in computer science and logical thinking skills It will serve as an introduction to algorithms-what they are, how computers use them to handle data, and how they can be used to solve problems
whipping angry waves Her anger takes her on a wild ride
A Kumon
g , e notices that the animals in the big backyard are acting odd Flea is uncharacteristically sleepy, the yard is strangely quiet, and then there’s the commotion at the compost heap a huge, round, orange object is looming over the earthworms!
9781771476102 ISBN: 9781916781054 - (BO)
A little girl and her family are emigrating to a new country As they say goodbye to their home and move to an unfamiliar place, the girl is full of questions: Will they ever return? What if she doesn’t make new friends? Why does she look different than the other kids? Her mother’s supportive refrain encourages her to voice her curiosity: It’s okay, just ask!
ISBN: 9781912560172 - (PB) ISBN: 9781953845153 - (PB)
Miserable Reuben Kilchaffinch is going to fill in Froglet Pond and he won't let anything, or anyone, get in his way The Outfit are desperate to save the pond and its wildlife and they plan to stop Kilchaffinch – at any cost!
Eve y y grieves But grief is as unique as a thumbprint not everyone grieves the same losses or in the same way A Guide to Grief covers everything you need to know about death and loss t including:
• What to expect in the days,
a virus and the owner of the swamp appears to be a child hating, beard growing, mud loving creep of a professor