Anthony Browne. Guía de lectura

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Anthony Browne nació en Sheffield, Inglaterra, el 11 de septiembre de 1946. Actualmente, Anthony Browne es considerado uno de los principales creadores de libros ilustrados a nivel mundial. Browne crea con sus acuarelas una narrativa fuerte, que mezcla el realismo con toques surrealistas y fantásticos y con efectos visuales humorísticos e ingeniosos. Su habilidoso uso del color, promueve la empatía con sus protagonistas. Los gorilas aparecen en muchos de los libros de Browne, quien afirma estar “fascinado por ellos” Entre sus obras podemos citar Little Beauty, The Tunnel, My Dad, My Mum, Into the Forest, Silly Billy, Voices in the Park, Gorilla, Through the Magic Mirror y la colección que dedica a su personaje Willy.

Anthony Browne was born in Sheffield, England, on 11th September 1946. Nowadays, he is considered to be one of the most important authors of illustrated albums all over the world. Browne creates a strong narrative with his watercolours, which mix realism with touches of surrealism and imagination, and comic and intelligent visual effects. He is a master using colours and promotes the empathy between his readers and his main characters. Gorillas usually appear in his books, because he said that he is fascinated by them. His most important books are Little Beauty, The Tunnel, My Dad, My Mum, Into the Forest, Silly Billy, Voices in the Park, Gorilla, Through the Magic Mirror and the collection dedicated to his main character called Willy.

My Dad. He's all right, my dad. He's as strong as a gorilla and as happy as a hippopotamus. He's a great dancer, a brilliant singer, he's fantastic at football and he makes me laugh a lot. This is a warm, hilarious, witty and very personal tribute to Dad (and to dads everywhere). Dad; es fuerte, siempre está contento, es un gran bailarín y cantante, juega muy bien al fútbol y me hace reír. Es un agradable, divertido, ingenioso y muy personal homenaje a Papá y a todos los padres.

My Mon. We first meet Mom over a cup of coffee, clad in a floral robe. The ultimate message that shines forth is: “I love my mom. And you know what? SHE LOVES ME! (And she always will.)”. Nos encontramos a mamá con una taza de café, y una bata de flores. El mensaje del libro es: "Amo a mi mamá. ¿Y sabes qué? ¡Ella me quiere! (Y siempre lo hará.) " Willy the Dreamer. Willy loves to dream. He dreams that he's a film star, a sumo wrestler, a ballet dancer, a painter, an explorer, a famous writer, a scuba diver... The pictures pay homage to famous paintings by the likes of Dali, Magritte and Henri Rousseau, as well as film and book characters and much more. A Willy le encanta soñar. Cree que se convertirá en una estrella de cine, del ballet... Las ilustraciones son un homenaje a Dalí, Magritte y Henry Rousseau. Willly the Wimp. Willy is kind and gentle, and bullied by the suburban gorilla gang who call him 'Willy the Wimp'. Desperate to do something about his situation, Willy answers a body-building advert and grows big and strong, determined no one will ever call him 'wimp' again. Willy es un gorila amable y gentil. Se ve acosado por una banda de gorilas que le apodan Willy, “El enclenque”. Desesperado, decide hacer lo necesario para que nadie vuelva a llamarle así.

Little Beauty. A very special gorilla is taught a very special skill: sign language. He appears to have everything he needs, but one day he signs that he is sad and needs a friend. His keepers bring him a tiny cat called Beauty and the two of them become inseparable. Un gorila aprende el leguaje de los signos. Parece tener todo lo que necesita; pero se da cuenta de que le falta algo, un amigo. Un pequeño gatito, Beauty, será la solución. Trough the Magic Mirror. Toby is fed up. Fed up with books, fed up with toys, fed up with everything. But when he walks through the magic mirror, things are amazingly different. Toby can hardly believe his eyes! Toby está harto de libros, juguetes y de todo. Pero cuando pasa al otro lado del espejo mágico, las cosas se tornan sorprendentes. Gorilla. Hannah wishes for a (real) gorilla for her birthday but gets a soft toy one from daddy. Not being too pleased about this she tosses it aside before going to bed where it changes into a real live one during the night. The story goes on to tell how this gorilla takes the little girl out on an adventure for a birthday treat. Gorilla does all the things that a daddy should. Hannah quería un gorila como regalo de cumpleaños, pero sólo recibió uno de peluche. Como no le gustaba, lo tiró. Pero, durante la noche, el gorila de peluche se convirtió en real e hizo con Hannah todas las cosas que su padre debería haber hecho. The Tunnel. Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister who were complete opposites and constantly fought and argued. One day they discovered the tunnel. The boy goes through it at once, dismissing his sister's fears. When he doesn't return his sister has to pluck up the courage to go through the tunnel too. She finds her brother in a mysterious forest where he has been turned to stone... Es la historia de dos hermanos que se llevan muy mal. Cierto día descubren un túnel y el niño se adentra en él. Cuando no regresa, su hermana se arma de valor para entrar a buscarle. Le encontró en un misterioso bosque convertido en una estatua de piedra.

Look what I´ve got! Jeremy, it seems, has everything: a new bicycle, a pirate outfit, an enormous bag of lollipops. But he won't share anything with Sam. Could it be, though, that Sam has something far more valuable? Parece que Jeremy lo tiene todo: una bici nueva, un traje de pirata, una enorme bolsa de piruletas, pero no va a compartir nada con Sam aunque quizá Sam tenga algo más valioso. How do you feel? Sometimes you feel happy, sometimes sad. Sometimes you even feel surprised. Anthony Browne brings all his understanding and skill to bear in this exploration of emotion for very young children. This book will reassure and help them understand how they feel, using simple words and pictures. ¿Cómo te sientes? A veces te sientes feliz, a veces triste. A veces incluso te sientes sorprendido. Anthony Browne nos lleva al mundo de las emociones infantiles. Con este libro los niños aprenderán a expresar cómo se sienten, con palabras sencillas e imágenes. Voices in the park. Four people go to the park, and through their eyes we see four different stories about what took place there. There's the bossy woman, the sad man, the lonely boy and the young girl whose warmth touches them all. Cuatro personas van al parque, y nos cuentan cuatro historias diferentes. Ahí está la mujer mandona, el hombre triste, el chico solitario y la muchacha cuyo calor toca a todos. Into the forest. A little boy walks into a scary black-and-white forest. The boy's father isn't home, and no one knows when he'll be returning. And it's in the forest that the boy will ultimately have to confront his feelings. Un niño entra en un enorme y terrorífico bosque Su padre no está en casa, y nadie sabe cuándo va a regresar. Y es en el bosque que donde el niño tendrá que enfrentarse a sus sentimientos.

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