Michael Rosen is an English author who writes about "things". He doesn´t worry if you call them poems or not, but he likes writing about all the kinds of "things" that children enjoy reading. Rosen's parents were both teachers and many of his friends are teachers too. When he was young he believed that everybody was a teacher and those that weren’t "should be". Although this was the way he thought, he never became a teacher. This author has written many poetry anthologies and illustrated books. He writes everywhere: travelling on the bus or train, at the beach or in his garden. Rosen has won more than twenty awards for his works such as: National Association of Parenting Publications Best Book Award (USA), Japanese Picture Book Award (Japan), Children's Laureate. His bibliography is extensive, and his most important works are: Carrying the Elephant, Uncle Billy Being Silly, Even More Nonsense, We're Going On A Bear Hunt , Little Rabbit Foo Foo. It´s worth visiting his web page: http://www.michaelrosen.co.uk/index.html. There you can find more information about all his books, videos, photos and some radio and television programmes or interesting links.
Michael Rosen es un escritor inglés que escribe “cosas”. No le importa si se llaman poesías o no, pero le gusta escribir todo ese tipo de cosas y a los niños les gusta leerlas. Los padres de Michael eran maestros y también muchos de sus amigos. De hecho cuando Michael Rosen era joven decía que él creía que cualquier persona era maestro y si no lo eran ¡deberían serlo! A pesar de pensar así nunca llegó a ser maestro. Desde entonces, este autor ha escrito muchas antologías poéticas. También ha escrito libros ilustrados. Escribe en cualquier lugar, en el autobús, en el tren, en la playa, así como en su jardín. Michael Rosen cuenta con más de veinte premios por su obra entre ellos National Association of Parenting Publications Best Book Award (USA), Japanese Picture Book Award (Japan), Children's Laureate. Su bibliografía es muy extensa, algunos de los títulos de sus libros son: Carrying the Elephant, Uncle Billy Being Silly, Even More Nonsense, We're Going On A Bear Hunt , Little Rabbit Foo Foo. Visitar su página web merece la pena. Además de sus libros podéis encontrar vídeos, fotos, sus intervenciones en radio y televisión o enlaces interesantes. Esta es la dirección: http://www.michaelrosen.co.uk/index.html
We're Going on a Bear Hunt Follow the family's excitement as they wade through the grass, splash through the river and squelch through the mud in search of the bear. What a surprise awaits in the cave on the other side of the dark forest. Cuenta las más emocionantes actividades de una familia y la sorpresa que se llevaron en una cueva en la parte oscura del bosque. Little Rabbit Foo Foo He's wild, he's wicked, he's Little Rabbit FooFoo! The bully-boy bunny likes nothing better than to ride through the forest bopping everyone on the head. Es un pequeño conejo al que lo que más le gusta es montar en moto por el bosque y golpear a todo el mundo en la cabeza.
Even my ears are smiling Rosen’s wonderfully touching and witty poems take readers through many familiar family moments such as Dad losing his glasses in 'Where are his Glasses?' Colección de ingeniosos poemas que nos hablan de momentos de la vida cotidiana de una familia. Rover A funny story which turns to real drama when the little girl gets lost on the beach and the search is on to find her. This story is told from a dog's point of view. Todo es divertido, hasta que una niña se pierde en la playa y comienza su angustiosa búsqueda. Está contada desde el punto de vista del perro que la busca.
Even More Nonsense A reissue of Even More Nonsense with more wacky nonsense verse and wicked humour from the best-selling author of the Book of Nonsense. Reedición aumentada de “Even More Nonsense”, con más versos antitéticos y sin sentido, pero llenos de humor pícaro. Michael Rosen's Big Book of Bad Things Rosen brilliantly entertaining poems capture all kinds of moments of childhood – funny, sad, outrageous, tender, serious – many of which happened in his own childhood. Colección de amenos poemas, la mayoría autobiográficos, donde nos cuenta momentos de su infancia-divertidos, tristes, tiernos... Bear Flies High This is an exhilarating story about friends helping each other realise their dreams and, having great fun doing it. When bear wants to fly he’s helped by four little children to realise his dream. What fun they have. Historia llena de buen humor, donde unos amigos se ayudan mutuamente a realizar los proyectos más descabellados y disfrutan haciéndolo. The Kingfisher Book of Children's Poetry A collection of poems, which includes classic work by Virgil, Chaucer, Donne, Milton and Coleridge, as well as contemporary verse by poets including Roger McGough and John Hegley. It contains sections of ballads, limericks and nonsense verse. Colección de poemas de autores clásicos como Virgilio, Chaucer, Donne, Milton y Coleridge. Y también de algunos contemporáneos, con baladas y poemas sin sentido.
Even Stevens F.C. A comic picture book about a multicultural football team's unlikely success, by children's laureate Michael Rosen. Un comic sobre el improbable éxito de un equipo de fútbol multicultural.
A Spider Bought a Bicycle And Other Poems for Young Children An ideal introduction to the joys of poetry. Favourite children's poet Michael Rosen knows just what will appeal to most children. Un acercamiento a la alegría de la poesía, donde Rosen demuestra saber perfectamente lo que atrae a los niños.
Walking the Bridge of Your Nose Collection of poetry and rhymes turns the English language on its head, with tongue twisters, puns and nonsense verse. Colección de poemas con trabalenguas, juegos de palabras y versos sin sentido.
Tiny Little Fly Just how much chaos can one tiny fly cause? Plenty! The great big elephant, the great big hippo and the great big tiger are all determined to get that one tiny fly. ¿Cuánto caos puede organizar una diminuta mosca? ¡Bastante! Los grandes y enormes elefante, hipopótamo y tigre están decididos a atrapar a la diminuta mosca.