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Diagnoses Awareness Cont.


A neurological disorder that primarily impacts the skills related to written expression, spelling and putting thoughts on paper.

Meares-Irlen Syndrome

A perceptual process disorder characterized by difficulties with vision tasks due to visual stress due to the brains ability to process visual information.


A syndrome characterized by an advanced self-taught skill to read words occurring early and far above their expected level. It can also present as an obsession with numbers, letters, maps or visual patterns.

Tourette’s Syndrome

A neurological condition characterized by tics including involuntary and uncontrollable sounds and movements.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

A disorder characterized by reoccurring and obsessive thoughts or fears resulting in compulsive repetitive behaviors.


A condition characterized when one sense simultaneously stimulates another sense due to connections between the cognitive pathways.

Trauma Disorders

Mental health conditions due to neurological challenges resulting from brain injury, traumatic or stressful events or other environmental causes.

Mental Health Disorders

Includes a range of conditions characterized by impacts to emotions, thinking, or behavior.

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