To your new workplace
This guide will help you navigate and make the most of our new work environment.
Clicking the right-hand tabs takes you directly to that section, and the upper right
Home button takes you to the Contents page.
For further information about the building, refer to DAR’s 150 Holborn User Guide, or reach out to Rosemary.
WOW! That stands for new Ways Of Working ;)
Here are a few key things that will help us work better and make our new workspace welcoming for all!
1. Wear your ID Card: We have to wear our ID Cards at all times when we are in the building. Make sure you have your black lanyard, so our colleagues know you are a Perkins&Will staff member.
2. Clean Desk Policy: As we do not have assigned seating, you will need to leave your desk as you found it, leaving no personal items behind. This includes....cups and plates!
3. Cups and plates: You are responsible for putting your cups and plates in the dishwasher at the end of the day. The building cleaners will not do this daily.
3. Library and Samples: We will have a small library in our studio, but we will not have space to store lots of samples. We encourage you to visit the vast array of suppliers and showrooms in the vicinity to check out the materials you need.
4. Benugo Discount: All staff will get a 30% discount on Benugo food and drink from the branches in the building. We also get an additional discount on hot drinks if you use a re-usable mug!
5. Agile Working: Our workplace design responds to current trends, and is perfectly equipped for the patterns and processes we currently have. It is also adaptable to any changes in future requirements.
Workplace Vision
Over the past eight years we have been creating this unique building specifically designed for us to come together and collaborate.
The space is going to be a test bed for ideas, a Living Lab where we get to experiment and show our clients our expertise as worldclass, award winning designers.

Our studio embraces the building’s philosophy, asserting its presence as an evolving creative lab, an inspiring destination that nourishes curiosity, the imagination, and fosters community. It is a fervent ground for experimentation encouraging risk taking, the testing of new ideas and showcasing the creative process.
It is an empowering place designed with inclusion at the heart, driven by individual agency and selforganisation, where design is the common language for connections. Just as the building transforms London’s urban landscape the new studio is a place that instils a sense of pride and belonging , ready to bring together creative minds to provide answers to some of our biggest world challenges.

An creativeevolving, lab
A beacon of innovation
Designed by our own team, this building is home to the Dar Group companies, and lives in harmony with the heritage assets nearby.
Gracefully hovering above the public realm with architectural vigour, this new addition to the city enlivens the streetscape improving the experience for city dwellers. A mixture of retail and amenity spaces, which include a Café and a public exhibition space, make this a place truly connected to its neighbourhood.
The building is a vibrant ecosystem for connections and knowledge sharing for tenants. Its awe-inspiring architecture, atrium and sculptural staircase, fuel interaction between the distinct businesses who will thrive on the exchange of expertise across disciplines and cement social bonds.

to OUR space
Level 8
Roof Terrace
Level 6
Level 7
Dar Group
150 Holborn Operations
Benugo Cafe
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Dar UK
Level 1
Shared meeting rooms
Benugo Cafe
Our new neigbours
Dar Group is a leading, privately-owned professional services group with a diverse history and a global presence. They bring together world-class planning, design, engineering, and project management firms that are dedicated to achieving clients’ ambitions and supporting sustainable communities worldwide.
Our network is united by a commitment to providing clients with multi-disciplinary solutions rooted in quality, innovation, collaboration, and sustainability, in the world.
Business Lounge
Bike storage Showers
Fin d out more here.
Making connections
Our design is a departure from the convention of a central core office. Instead, its heart is focused around an open atrium. A central staircase ascends across this atrium, together with scenic lifts, both of which serve to connect the businesses and the amenities throughout the building.
The sculptural staircase, which is an architectural and engineering feature, defines the journeys through the space and connects all four corners of the atrium. Its width allows people to meet and converse, without blocking other people’s journey.

Our values
Several ideals ignite our passions and keep us focused on what matters. These core values are the building blocks of who we are and what we stand for. They give us purpose. Our new workplace will be a living representation of our values, which we will be able to showcase with our colleagues, clients, and peers.
Your Workday
Our new workspace has been designed to support individuals and teams by offering lots of choice and flexibility. Find what works for you!
The following pages will give you the info you need to make the most of our new building and studio.
Our new office is served by a number of local transport routes. We are adjacent to Chancery Lane underground (Central Line), and a short walk from Holborn undergound (Piccadilly Line) and Farringdon (Circle, Hammersmith& City, Metropolitan and Elizabeth Lines, as well as National Rail). There are also a number of bus routes nearby. Check Google Maps for more info, here .

Getting to the office
Opening hours
Perkins&Will working hours are 9am-5.30pm, however the studio, and building, is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The main building entrance is open from 7am-10pm, Monday to Friday. If you require access outside of these times, you can enter the building via the rear entrance using your ID card.
Benugo on the ground floor is open from 7.30am-5pm, Monday to Friday, and accessible to Dar Group staff and the public.
A fully trained security team is onsite 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Cyclists must enter the building via the rear entrance. All bikes, including folding ones, are to be stored in the basement cycle storage facility, as they are not permitted on the office floors.
Access cards
All staff will be issued with photo ID cards and lanyards, which will allow you to come through the turnstiles.
If you forget your ID card, you can get a temporary one from the security office at the rear of the building.
ID cards for all staff and guests will have lanyards colour coded as follows:
Guest Arrival
Guest Arrival Journey
If you have guests coming to our studio, you must let the main reception know in advance.
When guests arrive, they will be welcomed by a concierge at the ground floor, given an access card, and directed up to Level 1 to check in. You will then be required to meet your guests at Level 1 and accompany them to a shared meeting room or up to our own floor.
While your guests are waiting, they will be offered refreshments and cloakroom services.
If you have not let main reception know a guest is arriving, or you have an unexpected visitor, the welcome team will contact you, and the guest will be asked to wait in the Benugo cafe seating area.
Booking Meeting Rooms

Please see page 19 for full details of booking and using all meeting rooms.

Where do I sit?
We invite everyone to explore the space and find spots to work across desks, desks-with-monitors, collaboration spaces, breakout areas, and shared locations around the building.

Free Address: We will have unallocated desks to support our hybrid working model. We have opted to not have a desk booking system so that we can remain agile and creative. This is a continuation of how many of us work now.
Sitting with my team: We invite teams to sit together within the space, please see the diagram for where to start your journey to find a desk depending on your practice group. There are no boundaries for practice areas, and we look forward to the opportunities that 150 gives us to create more inter-practice collaboration.

If you don’t need a dual screen for the day, use this as an opportunity to try one of our many other settings.
Making Models: We will have a model shop within our studio as well as a larger workshop in the basement of the building.
Studio spaces
Meeting Rooms
We have dedicated laptop shelves to store your laptop, keyboard, mouse, and charger safely overnight. There are 78 spaces and these will be available on a first-come-firstserve basis.

Personal Items

Some lockers are available for individual use, for those that request it. There will not be one locker allocated per person. Locker provision will be reviewed if there is increased demand.
Sports Wear
Lockers are available in the basement for use while staff are using the shower facilities. There is also a drying room where wet items, such as towels, can be stored during the day.
Where do I put my stuff?
Team Items
Teams can request a locker for securely storing items, for example camera equipment.

Project Material
Project teams will be allocated movable storage units and end of desk storage units. The amount of storage will be dependent on project stage.
We will have a small library in our studio, but we will have a limited post room facility. We encourage you to visit the many showrooms in the vicitinity. We have created an extensive list for you here.
IT and Tech
Connecting to the Wifi
150 Holborn has WiFi throughout the building, which you and your guests can connect to via the Dar Guest network. You will need to log in the first time you access this, and then you will be automatically connected whenever you are in the building.
PW Private and PW Mobile WiFi networks will operate as normal within our studio. If your laptop is not connecting when you enter the building, just re-enter the password.
Connecting to the PW Server
Once you are connected to the internet, you will be able to access the PW servers and all computer programmes as normal.
Your day-to-day work flow will not change.
You can sit anywhere in the studio or building with your laptop and connect to the WiFi and servers.
Don’t forget you will need your charger if you are moving around the space.
Desks with screens
Some desks will have the same docking system you are used to from the Whitechapel Building.
Some desks will have a new set up, with a USBC cable coming directly from the screens.
If you have a Lenovo laptop, the USBC cable will allow you to connect to the screens, have faster internet connection, and charge your laptop.
If you have an MSI laptop, the USBC cable will allow you to connect to the screens, have faster internet connection, but will not charge your laptop. MSI Chargers will be available at the desks.
Follow Me printing will be available throughout the building, and you will be able to print from any of the printers in communal spaces.
Printing facilities on our floor will include one A4/A3 printer and one A0 plotter.
The A4/A3 printer will use the Follow Me system.
The A0 plotter will use the existing system from the Whitechapel Building.
Booking Meeting Rooms
Communal meeting rooms for the building, e.g. Level 1, can be booked via the Planon app.
On our floor there are four meeting rooms:
Two are PW meeting rooms which can only be booked by us, and will be bookable in the same way as we booked meeting rooms at the Whitechapel Building.
Two are DAR meeting rooms, which can be booked by anyone in the building. They will be bookable via the Planon app, which you can use to book meeting rooms on Level 1.
IT/AV Issues
If you are having any general IT issues, please contact Perkins&Will IT support as normal, via a HelpDesk ticket.
Our team will support you, or will escalate the ticket to the dedicated building tech team if required.
If you have any immediate AV issues during meetings, you can ask the Level 1 support team, who will be happy to help.
Fire Wardens & First Aiders
Rosemary Rwezahura

Fire Warden / First Aider
Maria Papadopoulou
Fire Warden
Jackie Ferguson

First Aider
Eugenie Rice

Fire Warden / First Aider
Jonathan Taylor
Fire Warden
Selina Boufidis
Fire Warden / First Aider

Graziano D’Agostino
First Aider
Simon Stubbs

Fire Warden

Building Amenities and Operations
The member firms have their own unique offices, but all the building amenities are shared: ground floor reception and exhibition space; conferencing and client suites; meeting rooms and co-working spaces; café; roof garden and terrace.
The building generously provides for the Dar Group and member firms; the ample space, which could have been let to external companies; has been given back to the group and its own companies.

Showers and lockers
Shower facilities are available in the basement Monday to Friday, between 7am - 10pm. There will be no general access at weekends or on public holidays. A limited number of keyoperated lockers are provided within the shower blocks for short-term use
during showering or exercise. A drying room is provided in the basement area for staff use. This space is communal and should not be used as a long-term storage solution for personal items.
Wellness Room
The Wellness Room is located on Level 7. This is intended to be used as a multipurpose space. It is available for staff to use for their own wellness needs in a safe and private environment with the understanding that the room is prioritised for first aid needs.
Please look after this space, and keep it clean. The room is not bookable, and can be used as needed. If you need to make a private call, we kindly ask that you find an alternative location, so this room can be kept for wellness needs.
All staff will get a 30% discount at the Benugo cafes on the Ground Floor and Level 7. You will need your ID card to get this discount (it is not valid at Benugo locations outside 150 Holborn).
Benugo also offers additional incentive discounts for the use of sustainable 150 branded Keep-Cups when purchasing hot drinks.
The ground floor café is open from 7:30am until 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. There is no service at weekends or on public holidays.
As this space is open to the public, please:
• Do not leave access ID cards on tables or counters.
• Ensure personal items are not left unattended.
• Ensure sensitive conversations are not conducted in this area.
• Ensure any business laptops, tablets or phones are kept secure with all passwords and pin codes enabled.
The Level 7 staff café offers a wider selection of food and drinks, and is open from 7:30am until 5:00pm.
Staff must only use the Benugo managed enclosed space on Level 7 for consuming items purchased from the Benugo counter, the balcony space on Level 7 and Level 8 pavilion may be used for all other food.
Tea points
All staff are welcome to use the tea point facilities throughout floors 2 – 4. This is a great opportunity to meet other Dar Group colleagues across other floors, and welcome new faces on ours.
Each tea point with have refreshments including tea, coffee, and filtered drinking water, and facilities such as microwaves, fridges, dishwashers, and cupboards to store food.
Glasses, mugs, plates and cutlery are provided for general use. Please put any items you use in the dishwasher at the end of the day.
It is important that we look after these spaces, keeping them clean and tidy for everyone’s use.
Rooftop terrace and pavilion
We will have an amazing roof top terrace and pavilion at the top of the building, which will have wonderful views across London.

The roof terrace is a communal space for all Group staff to use and enjoy. The space is available to access from 7am-9pm, Monday to Friday. The roof terrace area will be closed at weekends and on public holidays.
Between 12noon - 2pm, Monday to Friday the space is blocked out for staff to eat lunch, acting as an overflow for the Level 7 café. Outside of 12noon - 2pm, the pavilion is available for adhoc work use by all staff unless there is a prior booking.
The Level 8 pavilion provides an additional flexible space for both staff and member firm event needs, including client events or wellbeing initiatives. Activities can be held between the hours of 7am-9pm, and reservations must be made in advance with the Client Services Manager. Contact details can be found on Page 27.
We kindly ask that staff clean up after themselves, do not take out loose furniture, and do not smoke/vape on the terrace.
Please do not touch the bat box or touch/feed any wildlife on the roof.
Post and Deliveries
The post room will be operated throughout the working day, Monday to Friday.
All deliveries will be received by the rear security office, and the Post Room Assistant will sort and log any letters or packages ready for collection, at their designated time. Each member firm will arrange their own distribution to individual employees and return the empty cage
to the mail room. Staff will not receive individual notifications.
As we won’t have as much space in our studio library, we encourage you not to get samples delivered to the building where possible, and instead visit the local showrooms.
Any outgoing mail must be dropped off to the mail room before 4pm to be
processed in time for same day collection. You will be required to bring your ID card, so the payment can be processed by Perkins&Will.
Food delivery orders will not be accepted by the main reception or rear entrance. Staff must use the tracking option provided by the ordering service to know when their food has arrived at the building.

Key Contacts
Building Manager Level 7 hein.muller@150holborn.com
IT Manager Level 7 danile.cope@150holborn.com
Operations Manager Level 7 emma.bentley@150holborn.com
Client Services Manager Level 1 kim.mcgunnigle@150holborn.com
Amplify Miguel Gutierrez Unitrust
Main Reception GF / Level 1 reception@150holborn.com
Service Desk Level 1 service.desk@150holborn.com
Security Office GF (Rear)
building.security@150holborn.com 07501 895 822
Post Room Basement post.room@150holborn.com
Thank you!
Take a moment to thank our colleagues who have helped bring our 150 Holborn to life, and coordinated the move to our new studio:
Luisa Agosto
Fahim Ahmed
Joel Amos
Katerina Archontaki
Laura Berman
Simon Bone
Robert Brown
Hannah Bradshaw
Colin Cambell
Nicolo Cammelli
Linzi Cassels
Chris Christophi
Graziano D’Agostino
Josemar Da Costa
Ian de Jongh
Sarah Drake
Kate Edmondson
Jackie Ferguson
Lucas de Payrebrune
Tim Eavis
Basma El Boussaki
Randy Forson
Gerry Giblin
Mijail Gutierrez
Kitty Heston
Katy Humphrey
Beliz Keser
Richard Jordan
Jordan Lane
Christopher Litherland
Josh McDermott
Dan McNulty
Jin Moon
Douglas Mothersole
Charlotte Nash
Graham Needham
Lisa-Marie Ottaway
Elena Panagiotidis
Daniel Parker
Fleur Praetorius
Rosemary Rwezahura
David Sewell
Ellie Sharpe
Natalie Smith
David Soro
Harrison Stammers
Vasiliki Vasilopoulou
Annika Visschers
Sofia Waern
Victoria White
George Williams
Jo Wright
Matt Wynn