Perkins&Will Workplace Consultancy

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― London Studio

Workplace Consultancy


Who we are ― 4 Workplace Consultancy ― 12 Our approach & methodology ― 18 Net-Zero pledge ― 26 Selected projects ― 30

Since 1935, we’ve believed that design has the power to make the world a better, more beautiful place.


―Our London Studio

Who we are



About Us

Welcome to our London Studio

London has long been considered the design capital of the world, and our studio is perfectly placed in the heart of the action. Sitting at the boundary between the fast-paced City of London and the eclectic melting pot of the East, our studio is a microcosm of the city itself. We bring the energy and flair of London through our doors—it’s a place where diversity thrives, collaboration is key, and design excellence leads the way.

In 2019, award winning architecture firm Penoyre & Prasad joined Perkns&Will as a studio of the London office. We also collaborate with our sister company, branding and experience design studio Portland.


About Us

“We are curious, experimental and we place research and knowledge sharing at the heart of our design practice. We believe true, meaningful innovation is achieved when the power of imagination is combined with robust technical expertise, in depth knowledge and the support of the latest technologies.” ― MIJAIL GUTIERREZ, PRINCIPAL

← You see work everywhere and our people love having spaces to collaborate, think and create.

→ The model shop is located in the visitor area behind a fully glazed wall, exposing and showcasing our design processes through the use of physical modelmaking.

Our firm at a glance #2 Architecture Firm Architectural Record and Interior Design Magazine

100+ Design Awards In the last 5 years


Fast Company Most Innovative Companies in Architecture

With studio cultures unique to their place and people, we’re the smallest “big firm” out there.

IDeA Network


Founded in

1935 Continents




London staff


Total staff

2000+ 11


―Our London Studio

Workplace Consultancy


Workplace Consultancy


Workplace Consultancy is about defining the relationship between a business, its space and the people that use it, creating experiences through environments that are built on empirical data and sound business cases. Our Workplace Consultancy teams deliver solutions as innovative as our clients; solutions that support long-term, sustainable change. It is through aligning our strategy with clients’ most critical assets — people, process, place — that we are able to achieve the unique objectives of each project. Our process is based on understanding how a business and its component parts currently work and how they aspire to work in the future in order to create an environment and experience that not only supports the business operations but also promotes, supports and is sympathetic to the organisational culture whilst ensuring that space is used in the most efficient and suited manner. We do this by combining qualitative and quantitative research techniques testing perception against reality. Underpinning our process would be the regular client review and touchpoints that we build in after each activity, ensuring that the strategy is something we create with you and move through the journey together. By the time we present back our final recommendations the majority of the strategy would have been discussed, understood and agreed.



Evidence needed to make

Process and outputs

Data needed to measure

with which to engage

informed decisions on the

critical success factors

future of your workspace.

including staff satisfaction.

staff on making the new workspace a success.


Quicker and higher

requirements for the

certainty of success,

design brief such as the

from agreeing the

type, number, size, location

case for change to

and importance of work

demonstrating ROI.

spaces needed.


Workplace Consultancy

About our team

Natalie Smith, Associate Principal

We are a multidisciplinary workplace strategy team, brining expertise from data analytics and psychology through to architecture and design. To help you optimise your workplace—whether that means increasing efficiency, planning for growth, or improving organizational culture—we take the journey with you. This means we begin by understanding how your business works and assessing where you are now—and where you want to be. We then use a human-centered and data-driven process to help guide informed decisions about your future workplace. We believe that innovation starts with inquiry. In our never-ending quest for knowledge, we push limits, take risks, investigate, and discover. We constantly ask ourselves, “What if?” “What’s next?” This makes our ideas clearer, our designs smarter, our teams happier, and our clients more satisfied. At our heart, we are problem solvers and we know that workplace is a powerful tool for boosting innovation, increasing employee engagement and in turn, achieving organisational goals. We listen carefully to your needs to craft a winning strategy that aligns people, process, and place.




Why Perkins&Will?

Our approach


Our approach

Why Perkins&Will?

A design focused firm

Our services are tailored to your needs

We see eye to eye

Over 400 people strong and spanning

Perkins&Will has been at the

When it comes to our clients, we

17 offices, our workplace practice

forefront of research for Workplace

know that great isn’t good enough.

encompasses designers, planners,

Consultancy and Interior Architecture

Fortunately, challenging the status

data analysts, interior designers,

for 30 years. Our interdisciplinary

quo is in our DNA. By fully embracing

strategists and psychologists. As

team of specialists are informed by

the unknown, we reach new heights

clients are increasingly keen to

best practices in the work we do

without breaking stride.

leverage workplace design as a

across multiple market sectors and

business asset, we strive to design

regions. In each of these areas, we

Like our clients, we believe that end

smarter, with each project informing

enable you to clearly articulate your

users come first and last. Today’s

a body of research that includes the

vision, evaluate your options and

employees spend a significant

world’s most reputable and innovative

make informed decisions that support

amount of time at work, and we


sustainable planning. The future of

consider design a remarkable

design must embrace deeper levels of

opportunity to improve individual

authenticity and humanity.

health and well-being. We’re also

In each project, our teams immerse themselves in our client’s culture,

crazy about data and understand

mission, values and objectives.

that in order to be effective, we must

Rigorous information gathering

continually test, not only the data,

establishes a solid platform for the

but also our abilities, perspectives,

project, and defines the shared

processes and solutions.

metrics by which we will gauge our successes. Our portfolio is not distinguished by a single design style or strategy but driven and defined by our client’s specific needs and culture. We blend research, planning and programming seamlessly to create award-winning spaces that nurture people and the environment and promote strategic business objectives.


Real Estate Analysis

Workplace Consultancy

Change Management

Real Estate Analysis and Portfolio

Workplace Consultancy ensures

Projects are six times more likely to

Planning helps you to develop

that you achieve the highest

achieve or exceed their objectives if

occupancy scenarios, address

and best return on real estate

a structured change management

consolidations and reorganisations

investments, approach workplace

strategy is applied to the project.

and provide optimisation strategies.

with consistency and rigor to improve

Change Management is the process

We evaluate multi-building and/

cost effectiveness, performance and

tools and techniques to manage

or multi-site real estate portfolios;

employee satisfaction. This requires

the people side of a business or

assess overall programmatic

a high level of integration and

workplace change. Like all important

demand, portfolio capacity and

collaboration from all facets of the

business initiatives, a successful

resource management; examine

workplace in order to:

change begins with a thoughtful and

short term adaptability vs long term flexibility; identify potential portfolio shortfalls or excesses; optimise

- Align your facilities with organisational goals.

relevant strategy. At Perkins&Will our change management toolkit is built on the foundations of the

standards to save time and capital;

- Bridge organisational strategic

internationally recognised Prosci

and proactively plan for growth or

objectives with the core elements of

ADKAR model. ADKAR is a research


people, process and place.

based, individual change model that

- Transform your workplace-specific

represents the five key milestones

conditions into advantages.

an individual must achieve in order

- Improve sustainability and

Desire, Knowledge, Ability and

flexibility, resulting in lower absenteeism, improved health, lowered insurance premiums and turnover costs. 21

to change successfully - Awareness, Reinforcement.

Our methodology

How we do it

The workplace is more than a place of work; it is a space providing physical and emotional wellbeing, environmental sustainability and a place of interaction and innovation. Our workplace strategy process is based on understanding how an organisation currently works and aspires to in the future. We do this by undertaking activities in 4 phases; Mobilisation, Data Collection, Analysis and Workplace Strategy. We have a number of tools which we use for data collection to ensure that information gathered is robust, manageable and reliable. These activities are outlined on the following pages and we propose to undertake with each company.




Introduces options that satisfy the priorities and meet stakeholders’ stated goals.

Data Collection Engages stakeholders


to build awareness of planning issues and to

Provides clear directions

determine priorities.

for the next steps in the design process.


Mobilisation Orients the team to the client’s vision and establishes clear goals and success metrics.



Phase I. Mobilisation Key to being able to assess the feasibility of future estate scenarios is a firm grasp and understanding of the existing estate. We will work with the project team to establish what information is required, what is available and suggest any further investigations or surveys to be undertaken by ourselves or third party consultants. During this phase we will also identify project stakeholders, outline project roles and responsibilities, agree key milestone and diarise meetings. Our process is underpinned by regular client reviews that we undertake after each activity, ensuring the development of a workplace strategy is collaborative, not dictatorial.


Our methodology



Data Driven Design





Phase 2. Data Collection

for the future in terms of working

will enable us to accurately gauge

Our data collection tools aim to

practices, headcount and potential

the workstation usage for each group

capture both quantitative and

trends, as well as any specialist

/ department and determine the

qualitative information in order to


right number of the right size meeting

provide the most robust evidence for our design solutions.

The interviews are semi structured, where we ask a series of pre-set

Desktop Space review of Existing

questions but may ask further


questions to clarify or further explore

We carry out a desktop space review

themes and ideas.

of your existing premises to ensure we have a comprehensive understanding of the existing state. During this initial review of the collected data we will report on the existing spaces, including quantities, sizes and ratios. Visioning Workshop Run with key business stakeholders it’s fundamental in defining a collective vision for the project. Topics will be discussed to invite discussion and provide an output which will continually be referred to throughout all milestones to ensure the strategy is in line with the vision. Departmental Head Interviews These interviews are designed to further our understanding on how your organisation operates and departmental groups within them. It explores each departments vision

Operational Workshops To ensure we capture the functionality and aspirations for operational services, workshops with key stakeholders from the

rooms, breakout, collaborative settings and workstations for optimum use. This understanding will provide the building blocks for a work setting menu that will be tailored to support the business. Staff Survey We are experienced in preparing, managing, reporting and analysing staff surveys.

core support services of HR, IT and

Our Wellbeing & Effectiveness

Facilities Management.

survey, developed in collaboration

Observational Study By embedding a member of our team within the workplace we will capture first-hand experience of the how the current environment performs, how your staff work. This is another data source to cross reference with that already collected. Space Utilisation Study (SUS) We recommend a two week space utilisation study to provide the reality of how the space is actually being used. The data gathered during SUS 24

with our Strategy, Interiors and Global Research teams, provides quantifiable results on design drivers that positively impact peoples wellbeing and effectiveness at work. A Neuro-Architectural framework is used to evaluate the outcomes of the survey which inform deeper topics for focus group discussions. We have a long standing relationship with the LEESMAN Index Online Staff Survey, and also create bespoke surveys on our Qualtrics platform, or analyse Client formulated surveys.

Phase 3. Analyse and Test

Phase 4. Recommendation

Once we have gathered the data on

Menu of Workplace Settings

Workplace Strategy Report

the current state and the aspirational

Based on our learned understanding

Finally, we will bring all the

future state we are able to analyse

of how you want to work in the future

deliverables together into a

this information and identify space

we will develop a menu of different

comprehensive report and

occupation scenarios, which we can

workplace settings that can easily be

presentation that will detail our

test against the building framework.

tailored to suit varying departmental

recommendation and the processes

There are many ways to develop a

work profiles. This menu of settings

we have undertaken and key findings

workspace and we believe it is our

will be carried through into the space

that feed into the recommended

role to ensure that the strategies

modelling and space planning.

workplace strategy.

Headcount Analysis and Space

The strategy will make firm

Budget Creation

recommendations on the spatial

Our space modelling tool has been

requirement and scenarios for future

developed to determine future

occupation models and reflect this

space requirements, including

test fitted into floorplates.

developed align with your business vision and are an enabler for curating your desired employee and client experience, whilst aligning with the operational management parameters. Throughout, we will be leveraging our experience and benchmarking to verify our proposals.

accommodation of future headcount changes. Using your existing space allocation data, the workshop outputs and your business vision we

Defining Work Style Profiles

will overlay proposed working models

Understanding the different work

to produce a detailed space take

styles within your organisation is

budget. This tool clearly illustrates

key to developing a flexible working

the spatial requirement of different

environment should that be a

working scenarios, such as levels

relevant solution. By cross analysing

of mobility, size and number of

the interview outputs, the space

presentation focussed spaces or level

utilisation study and staff survey

of staff amenities provided.

data, we gain an understanding of how the teams work currently and the opportunities for flexible furniture and working solutions in support of new ways of working.

Space Planning Test Fits Based on the space budget and zoning considerations identified, we develop layouts for a selection of different floors to validate the space

Using a series of work profiles we

model occupation scenarios. Office

propose levels of mobility and

standards applied will be dependent

sharing ratios across the business

on the outputs from earlier visioning

that respond to the analysed data

and objective setting sessions and

and align with your working vision.

can be used to inform standalone workplace standards documentation.



― Thought Leadership

Net Zero pledge


Thought Leadership


Net-Zero Now : Interiors The impact of climate change is being felt globally. To protect our planet, and meet government targets, we have to act now. But the interiors, fit out, and refurbishment industry is already behind. For the majority of interiors projects it is currently not possible to deliver a net-zero embodied carbon scheme, but we need to figure out how we can. In October 2020, we launched Net-Zero Now, our pledge to deliver net-zero interiors and a manifesto for change. The report sets out our journey to achieving the net-zero embodied carbon targets for interiors projects, and the key milestones we will use to track our progress along the way. We must be agents for change, and take an inclusive approach to engage with our industry to see how, together, we can deliver net-zero interiors. 28

We pledge that: ✓ In Q4 2020 we will launch a consultation process with our key contractors, subcontractors and supplier partners to ensure that our supply chain will meet our net-zero targets.

We will report progress every 6 months to the industry against the following criteria:

✓ By the end 2021 half of our projects will be designed to be 100% Circular. By 2025 all of our projects will be designed to be 100% Circular.

✓ =




✓ By 2035 all of our projects will be Net-Zero Embodied Carbon as demonstrated through a Whole Life Carbon Assessment


% of target achieved


How we will get there:

1. Focus on one element in every project

4. Report on every project

6. Interior Circular Design Guidelines

8. All projects will be 100% circular

10. All projects will be Net-Zero Embodied Carbon


Nov 2020

Jun 2021




2030 Q4 2020

2. Launch supply chain consultation

3. Mandate EPDs

Jan 2021

Dec 2021


5. LCA on every project

7. Half of studio projects will be 100% circular

9. 100% recyclable and 75% recycled



―Our London Studio

Selected projects


Confidential Fintech Client Multiple Locations Local Partner: Viador Atrium ― Client: Confidential ― Size: 61,000 square feet ― Completion Date: 2018 ― Sustainability: LEED Platinum®


Having worked in partnership for a decade, Perkins&Will have

nj  Evaluation of Existing Way of Working

worked alongside our client in evolving their workplace to respond

nj  New Ways of Working Strategy

to changing needs, this includes piloting ‘iWork’ in London – a new

nj  Agile Working (Agile Management Methodology) nj  Leadership and Staff Interviews

way of working. In addition to designing the pilot workspace and measuring the performance of the space, we developed a workplace strategy and change management approach which set a structure for the course of the project and future roll outs. In addition to change

nj  Space Utilisation Study

champion workshops, town halls and furniture mock ups were also

nj  Co-design and User Engagement

run for all employees working within the pilot space. An online staff

Workshop nj  Furniture Mock-up and Evaluation nj  Change Management

survey developed by Perkins and Will gave staff an opportunity to select their preferred furniture settings from the furniture mock-up. Drop in education sessions also provided a platform for two way communication.


→ Custom made triangular booths are incorporated to support teamwork, and were originally inspired by the Logiface Puzzle. The structures can be adapted in a number of configurations and provide comfortable settings for collaboration.


EdCity London, United Kingdom Client: Ark ― Size: 97,000 square feet ― Completion Date: 2020 ― Sustainability: LEED Platinum®



Our client is an education charity that exists to make sure that all

nj  User Profiles

children, regardless of their background, have access to a great

nj  Leadership and Staff Interviews

education and real choices in life.

nj  Observation and Anthropology

As part of their commitment to improving opportunities for young

Studies nj  Co-working strategy

people and local communities, they were seeking to redevelop the site of Ark Swift primary school in White City, London to provide a new mixed use development which will include: 2 form of entry primary school, day nursery, Youth Zone, adult education centre, 132 residential units including both affordable and PRS and a 100,000 sqft (NIA)office hub. The proposed scheme incorporates a significant provision of public realm and landscaping across the site in the form of a public square and boulevard connecting White City Estate to the Media City Development site and beyond. The development will also utilise a central energy centre and CHP. Perkins and Will are working in the role of workplace consultant and interior designer. 36


An ambitious non-profit project that will create an education and charity hub in White City.


User Profiles


Tenant Options


Confidential Client Dublin, Ireland


This project is an opportunity to shape the future of an organisation.

nj  Building Search and Due Diligence

Perkins and Will have been appointed since the beginning of the

Evaluation nj  Leadership and Staff Interviews nj  Space Utilisation Study nj  Accommodation Scheduling nj  Data Gathering and Analysis

journey, working with the partnership firm to define their vision, future ways of working, and how that will manifest itself in a new HQ. Extensive data gathering and analysis activities have been carried out to ensure that decisions are data supported. Our journey will continue with a detailed RFP and building selection process, running alongside piloting new of ways of working.


Visioning workshop with partners and staff to understand the aspiration for the future.


Confidential Client


Employee Satisfaction Survey


Confidential Financial Client London, United Kingdom Client: Confidential ― Size: 250,000 square feet

Planning Principles


Our team was appointed to provide workplace consultancy,

nj  Business Strategic Visioning

architectural and space planning services for the London HQ of this

nj  Evalutation of Existing Way of

major international Bank.


We led the consultant team with the objective to accommodate

nj  Leadership and Staff Interviews

a dramatic increase of staff and traders. This included a number

nj  Space Utilisation Study

of space planning options and scenario modelling, supported

nj  Accommodation Scheduling nj  Departmental Planning

by a Time Utilisation Survey of meeting facilities and filing audit, technical assessments. Requirements were defined through constant engagement with end users in workshops and interviews leading to successful implementation of change management strategies. Revised workplace planning standards and guidelines were developed to maximise efficiency and flexibility, working with the building’s structural grid. The new planning standards increased capacity for the headquarters facility by 13%, delaying any need for expansion. Since then, our relationship has expanded to offer full design services on an international level through our network of offices and expertise. 44

Balanced Scorecard

Building Fit Analysis


UBS Krakow, Poland Local Partner: Kreativa Architekci ― Client: UBS Krakow ― Size: 200,000 square feet ― Completion Date: 2020


The UBS Krakow project presents an exciting opportunity to unite

nj  Evaluation of existing ways of working

employees working in four separate buildings in their new home

nj  Business Strategic Visioning

in Fabryczna Business Park. The project vision pertains to creating

nj  Leadership Workshops nj  Leadership Interviews

a future-proof, wellbeing-oriented and collaborative workplace that acts as a hub for employees and fosters attraction and retention. To support the move to a new ways of working, we were

nj  Space Utilisation Study

appointed to carry out a strategic evaluation and benchmarking

nj  Departmental Planning

of the current ways of working in order to build a gap analysis

nj  Accommodation Scheduling

and workplace strategy that will hold solid for years to come. This includes departmental strategies towards desk sharing ratios, blocking and stacking, as well as a strategic space budget.



Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) London, United Kingdom Client: Financial Conduct Authority ― Size: 425,120 square feet ― Completion Date: 2018 ― Sustainability: BREEAM Excellent ― Awards: Finalist, Property Awards, Wellbeing Category, 2019; Finalist, BCO Awards, Fit out of Workplace Category, 2019; Shortlisted, Mixology19, Large Commercial Interiors Project of the Year, 2019; Shortlisted, INSIDE/Offices, 2019


Close collaboration throughout the team was key to the project’s

nj  Building Search and Due Diligence

success. We worked closely with the developer’s architects to produce

Evaluation nj  Business Strategic Visioning

a next-generation office design that supports the FCA’s efficient, agile and collaborative work style with countless stimulating interior spaces. It was our shared objective to ensure we were thinking, planning and designing for the future and not the present. Change was managed very closely to ensure key decisions weren’t revisited, and the design constantly move forward. We engaged with groups from throughout the organisation, including the diversity and accessibility groups. The result is a considered, inclusive environment that has suits a diverse body of staff. One key feature output is a suite of non-gender-specific WCs, available to both staff and visitors.


→ The central teapoint is the heart of the working floor and a key feature in the staff journey

↑ The building design is encouraging informal conversations, this has improved connectivity and is contributing to wellbeing. The introduction of a connecting staircase was a major architectural intervention to the base build scheme. This feature activates the atrium and attracts staff to the front of the building.


Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

Perkins&Will Studio London, United Kingdom Client: Perkins&Will ― Size: 21,000 square feet ― Completion Date: 2017 ― Sustainability: LEED Gold, Fitwel


Our new office designed by ourselves for ourselves is an exemplary

nj  Change Management

showcase of our interiors and workplace practice. We brought our

nj  Space Utilisation Study

business on to one large floorplate from three different locations with

nj  Leesman Staff Survey nj  A Move to Activity Based Working nj  Post Occupancy Study

the brief in order to provide a studio environment where creativity and teamwork can thrive and excel. We followed an evidence-based strategy throughout, collecting data derived from space utilisation measures, design charrettes, staff and operational focus groups and interviews and the Leesman online staff survey to inform our strategic direction. To ensure a seamless transition into Activity Based Working, we ran our our own staff engagement and change process, underpinned by LEED and Fitwel certification. This allowed us to design an office which is fit for purpose, now and in the future. We introduced large scale projection to display our work, wireless collaboration tools, model shop, VR cave, an endless supply of spaces for pin up and brainstorming.


Our new office has given us a renewed sense of energy and purpose. The studio fizzes with energy - you see work everywhere and our people love having spaces to collaborate, think and create. Magic happens here! We’re so proud of what we’ve achieved and love our clients and our office space. We live and breathe the change. However, being the data-driven people we are, we conducted a post-occupancy study to make sure these positive developments were quantifiable. We conducted a space utilisation study and a postoccupancy Leesman survey three months to a year after moving into the new office space. Our Leesman score following our post occupancy survey puts us in the top 10% of all companies surveyed. The results of the post-occpuancy survey have fed into our iterative feeback loop, allowing us to continue to make improvements to the office, such as the introduction of plants and greenery to improve wellbeing. 53

The White Chapel Building 10 Whitechapel High Street London, E1 8QS

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