文: 陈芊瑾
在这行动管制期间,教育部下令关闭了所有学府,这也包括了大学。身 为大学生的我,也开始了线上学习。因每个讲师的教学系统不同,线上学习 的方式也会不同。有的,是事先录制,然后再把教学录影和幻灯片分享在 Google Classroom 或其它平台;有的,则是直接开启视屏,线上教课。每一 堂课结束后,讲师都会给予练习;而我们必须在限时内呈交,才算出席。所 以,上课的地点从大学搬到了我自己的房间里。当然,课业也跟着改变了。 以往的课业,都能和同学们肩并肩地坐在一起讨论,一起撰写。现在,只能 一个人在家完成。真的好怀念和朋友一起上课、吃饭、聊天的日子,可以如 此真实地感受到人体温度。
坦白说,我真的不擅长与电子有关的事物。 因着线上学习,让我摸索了许多新事物,如:怎 样用家具,盒子等来搭架子录影片,也学习了简 单的剪辑影片手法。但是,由于长时间面对电脑, 我有了不规律的睡眠习惯。这是因为长时间看着 荧幕,导致精神疲惫,就算眯着眼也难以入眠, 还会感到头疼。 因此,我呼吁大家,无论男女老少,都要自律,培养良好的自我管理 和健康的爱好。起床后,灵修赞美开始新的一天;睡前,祷告与神联络感情。 多阅读,多运动,好让身心都健康。
Issue #11
By: Tan Chien Chin
During the Movement Control Order (MCO), the Ministry of Education ordered the closure of all institutions, including universities. As a university student, I also started online learning. As the teaching system of each lecturer is different, the way of online learning will also be different. Some are pre-recorded, and then share the lecturing recordings and slides in Google Classroom or other platforms; some will directly turn on the video screen and hold lectures online. At the end of each class, the lecturer will give practice; and we must submit within the time limit to be considered for attendance. So, the location of the class moved from the campus to my own room. Of course, the coursework had also changed. Previously, I could sit down side by side with my classmates to discuss and write together. Now, it can only be done alone at home. I really miss the days attending classes, eating, and chatting with my friends, so I can feel the body warmth so truly. Frankly speaking, I am really not good at things related to electronics. Because of online learning, I explored many new things, such as how to use furniture, boxes, etc. to set up a stand for video recording, and also learn some simple methods of editing videos. However, due to the long hours facing the computer, I encountered irregular sleeping habits. This is because looking at the screen for long hours will lead to mental exhaustion, difficulty to fall asleep even with squinting, and you will also develop a headache. Therefore, I urge everyone, regardless of age or gender, one must be selfdisciplined, to develop good self-management and healthy hobbies. After getting up from bed, begin with devotion and praises for the new day; before getting to sleep, pray to connect with God. Read more and exercise more to keep your body and mind healthy.