MCO厨房初体验 文:卢凯欣 “阿girl!那是什么味道?” “哦,今天家里没有花生了,我尝试用番薯来做糯米糍的馅料。” “不是不是,好像是......” “烧焦味 ! 惨了惨了,我蒸番薯蒸到锅烧焦了啦!” 唉!说起行管令,我的原意是要增进一下厨艺,不过也因此付了不 少代价。虽然制作糕点的过程中状况百出,但我也从挑战中经历了 神的帮助。 前几天,我第一次尝试制作Kuih Talam,可电子秤却突然宕机了。眼 看Kuih Talam 就快变成Kuih 烂烂了,我简直欲哭无泪。换上新电芯并 且再三确认安装正确后,它的情况仍然没有好转。最终,我也只能 默默地听着妈妈一边数落我,一边宣布抢救失败。 非常时期得用非常手段,当时我把电子秤抱在怀里,双手合十向神 祷告,求神怜悯我昔日对电子秤不够温柔。 睁开眼,我茫茫然然地替电子秤换上旧电芯,然后再换上新电芯... ...刹那间,一股热血在我里头沸腾,我的电子秤起死回生啦!太神 奇了!这个小小的经历,让我领悟到即使我们的信心渺小得犹如一 颗芥菜种子,但我们总要记住我们的神是又真又活的神,是关心我 们的神。 因为,即使我们的信心再大,寻求的却是假神,那又有什么用呢? 朋友们,我所面对的只不过是电子秤坏掉的芝麻绿豆小事,但是神 都那么乐意帮助,更何况是我们所面临疫情风暴之际的恐慌,神又 怎么会不关心呢? 所以不要惧怕,只要我们凭信心祷告,我相信,祂必定垂听每一个 最微小的声音,并且愿意用笑脸帮助我们。
Issue #14
My First Kitchen Experience During MCO By: Lu Kai Xin “Girl, what’s that smell?” “Oh, we ran out of peanuts so I’m trying sweet potato as the stuffing for glutinous rice dumpling.” “No, girl. It smells like…” “Something burned! My steamed sweet potato is burned, my goodness!” Speaking of the Movement Control Order (MCO), I had the intention of polishing my cooking skills but had to pay the price, quite dearly, so to speak. Despite a variety of situations encountered throughout the process of making pastries, I experienced the help from God in tackling the challenges. A few days ago, I attempted to make “kuih talam”, but the electronic weighing scale broke down unexpectedly. It was so disheartening. I tried to replace its batteries and made sure that the scale had been correctly assembled, only to find the same outcome. Eventually, I had no choice but to declare it’s a failure, despite being teased by my mum. Nevertheless, as the saying “extraordinary measures for extraordinary times” goes, I carried the scale in my hands and prayed to God, asking for His mercy to forgive me for the “rough treatment” I had given to the machine in the past. As I opened my eyes, I alternately inserted the old batteries back into the scale, followed by the new batteries. It was then that I felt an adrenaline rush because the scale had “come back alive”! It was just amazing! This experience helped me to understand that even though we have faith the size of a mustard seed, our God is a true and living God who cares for us. After all, what’s the point if we had huge faith but sought after false gods? My dear friends, I was only faced with a trivial issue of a faulty electronic scale, yet God was willing to help. Wouldn’t He care when we were taken aback by the pandemic crisis? Therefore, do not be afraid. As long as we pray through our faith, I believe God will listen to even the weakest voice and is ready to help us with a smiley face.