下的生活经历 文:吴沭燕
因为疫情的关系,两个星期的行 管令不断地再延长。孩子们就像放了 一个无限期的“大假期”。第一个念头, 我该怎么让孩子在新常态下做些有意 义的事呢? 好吧!之前我在线上学习的扩香 石课程,可以派上用场了。当了两个 小娃的导师,孩子们很快就上手了。 当他们成功地制作出属于自己的成品 后,他们心中的那份满足感,是快乐 的。这,只是其中的一个手艺。 当然,每逢星期日,孩子们都会 参与线上主日学,这让他们明白到即 使现在不能去教会,也不能停止聚会。
曾经,我时常会带着两个小娃一 我是一名从事网卖营销者。在 起参与周二晚上的祷告会。后来,因 这期间,有很多线上营销课程,我都 着孩子上学的缘故,我无法再参与了。 会报名参加,以让自己有机会不断地 感谢神,教会在行管令期间也进行了 增值,充实自我。 线上祷告会,我又怎能错过呢? 我一直深深地相信,祷告的力量 非常大;为某些人、事、物来祷告更 是一件美好幸福的事情。
下的生活经历 (续) 文:吴沭燕
疫情期间,看了好多的报道,许多人 除了教会的查经班,我也参 与了其他查经班及家庭亲子课程。 活在痛苦中,有忧郁的,有自杀的。除了 为他们祷告之外,我也尽我能力所及,给 予小小的金钱帮助他们。如果这些人能够 在新常态下,我必须时时提 认识神的话,他们心中肯定会得到平安, 醒自己,一定要与神保持关系。 也不会是如此的下场。 这些线上课程,对我的家庭及生 活都带来大大的改善。
值得一提的是,在MCO之前, 每个月进行一次的妈妈小组,改 为每周六进行。意想不到的是, 在这个时候我依然可以事奉神。 我有机会在妈妈小组里学习领唱, 学习分享;即使在这之前,我是 感到害怕和担心的。可是,在线 上现场领唱与分享时,我并不感 到惧怕。当神要使用你的时侯, “爱要及时”。爱您的先生妻子、爱您 你便会从祂那里得到力量。 的父母、爱您的孩子、爱您的朋友、爱您 的邻舍。好好珍惜眼前人,时时感恩神每 我非常鼓励各位妈妈一起参 一天所给予我们的恩典。 与妈妈小组。我们会一起探讨不 同的课题,分享生活中的酸甜苦 辣。妈妈小组确实让我获益良多。 我原是那么的不配,那么的软弱;然 而这些年来祢都不曾离开我。我只求我的 这里的妈妈们,就是我的属 心对祢也一样坚定,永远保持单纯,也愿 灵同伴。感谢神,让我在妈妈小 我对祢的爱永不更改。 组里不断地成长。 神让我们体验这场疫情,一定有祂的旨意。
成长的路上,不缺鲜花,也少不了荆棘;充满了幸福,也一定有创伤。 但,不要只盯着不幸和痛苦,只要经过风雨的磨励,我们才能焕发出 生命的光彩和伟大。要知道,美丽的彩虹只会出现在雨后。- 摘自网络 -
Issue #15
L ife Experience Under The By: Natalie Goh, Translated by: Yap Kin Fai
Because of the pandemic, the initial two weeks of MCO had been extended for multiple times. For the kids, it was like an endless holiday. The first thing that came to my mind was: how am I going to let my kids do something meaningful under the new norm? Alright, I could make use of the online Aroma Stone course that I took last time. My two kids picked it up quickly after I taught them about it. Their hearts were filled with satisfaction and joy after they had successfully created a work of art of their own. This is one kind of craftsmanship for them. Of course, my kids would join the online Sunday school on each Sunday. This will let them understand that although we cannot attend church, we cannot stop the fellowship.
In the past, I would always bring my two kids along to join the Tuesday prayer meeting. But later on, I couldn’t continue joining as I needed to prepare my kids for school. Thank God that the church was holding online prayer meetings during the MCO period. How could I miss it this time? I have always believed deeply that prayer is very powerful, praying for certain people, happenings, or things is even more beautiful and happy.
I do online marketing for a living. During this period, there were many online marketing courses available, and I would register and join the courses as a chance to continuously improve and enrich myself.
Issue #15
L ife Experience Under The By: Natalie Goh, Translated by: Yap Kin Fai
Other than the church’s online Bible Expo, I have also participated in other bible study and family parenting courses. Under the new norm, I have to constantly remind myself to have a close relationship with God. These online courses have brought great improvement on my family and daily life.
During the pandemic, I have come through a lot of news stating that many were living in pain, some were depressed, suicidal, etc. Other than praying for them, I have also tried my best to donate a small amount of money to help them. If those in need get to know God, they will find peace in their hearts, and will not end up this way.
It is worth mentioning that the mother’s cell group which used to be held once every month before MCO, has been changed to a weekly activity on each Saturday. Unexpectedly, I still could serve God during this period. I had the opportunity to learn to lead the praise and worship and share in the mother’s cell group. Even though prior to this I was afraid of and worried about it, I had no fear when I led the praise and worship and shared live on the online gathering. When God wants to make use of you, He will grant you more strength. I strongly encourage every mother to join the mother’s cell group. We will explore different topics together and share the ups and downs of our lives. The mother’s group has really benefited me a lot. The mothers in the group are my spiritual companions. Praise to the Lord that I am able to learn and grow in the mother’s cell group.
“Love in time”. Love your husband or wife, love your parents, love your children, love your friends, love your neighbors. Treasure those who are around you, and always be grateful for the grace God has given us every day.
I was so unworthy and so weak; but You have never left me all these years. I just pray that my heart towards you will be as firm as yours to me, always remain pure, and may my love for you never change. God has His will for us as we experience the pandemic.
Along the journey of growth, there is no shortage of flowers and thorns; it is full of happiness, as well as hurts at the same time. However, don't just stare at the misfortune and pain, only if we can get through the hard time, then we can glow with the glory and greatness of life. Bearing in mind that, the beautiful rainbow will only appear after the rain. – taken from the internet -