Issue #1 7 June 2020
This MCO draws me closer to God
行管令让我更亲近神 Mdm Gan Hong Eng 顔风英
I wake up around 8.00 am everyday. After my breakfast, I will spend about an hour reading the Bible and especially “ Our Daily Bread ”. Then I will write down the good verses in my notebook. In the afternoon I will do sewing. I have sewn more than 100 face masks and around 10 patchwork blankets. I also just finished sewing a cloth bag for my grandson. At times I will make kuih or pau or some dishes and pass to neighbours and friends. Here are some pictures of the masks and blankets that I made. Thank and praise our Lord for the good health He gives me. 译:朱庭浩
每天早上我约8点起床。用过早餐后,我大概会用 一个小时读圣经及《灵命日粮》,并且把好经文抄写在 笔记本上。 下午,我就做缝纫。我已经缝制了超过100个口罩 和大约10张百衲被。最近,我也为孙子缝制了一个布袋。 有时候,我也会制作糕点、包子或是一些佳肴,与邻居 和朋友们共享。 在此,通过照片与大家分享我所制作的口罩和被单。 我要感谢和赞美神,因祂赐给我健康的身体。