谢 谢
祢 ,
擦 干 我 眼 泪
打工一族的我,原以为随着3月16日政府宣布的 行管令(MCO),我可以享有14天的假期,好好在家休 息,做我想要做的事情,真的好期待啊!但后来却得 知我的公司不受影响,只须减少一半的员工及继续生 产主要的牛奶产品,跟着政府的SOP就能营业了。我 主要负责出口公司的饮料,因此我必需照旧上班。当 下,我是抱着一种不是很愿意的心态上班。 这期间,上下班的日子很不好受,那感觉是无法 形容的。我竟没意识到这冠状病毒的影响力会这么大。 大概有一个月的时间,我的心情与情绪是波动的、是 不安不稳的。心中没有平安,也一直听到不满或消极 的声音。放工回家的路上,高速公路上没什么车辆, 所经过的店铺也是紧闭的。随之而来的心情是担忧和 恐慌,犹如进入了一个死城。 记得3月25日,当政府宣布第二阶段的MCO延长了 14天时,我很无奈,无意中也掉下眼泪,脑海里出现 许许多多手上还未完成的工作:要赶着出口文件、赶 船期、赶银行文件、赶下班回家煮饭等等……心中的 压力和压抑,只能用眼泪來宣泄,我的无助与无奈, 也没人了解,消沉的情绪促使眼泪直往心里流
文: 陈美娟
忽然,一句话出现在我的脑海里 :“我在保护 你,我在保护你。” 当下,我不明白这句话的意思。 仔细地思考,然后很自然默默地问了上帝,祢在保护 我什么?当我静下心来,我知道了答案。这期间,我 丈夫Michael没有工作,而我是在一家商业基础很 稳固的公司上班,能够营业,也是件值得开心的事儿。 祂在保护我的工作、保护我一家的经济来源、保护我 远离成为手停口停的一族。 在这艰辛的时刻,我依然有工作,且不受经济的 影响,这是多么大的祝福呀!衪让我明白了“不要只 羡慕人人Stay At Home而我却要工作” 。我开始学 习感恩、开始寻找正能量、开始用不同的角度去了解 一件事情,也与同事之间彼此鼓励。接下来的一两个 星期中,工作也慢慢完成,心情也慢慢地适应了。 感谢上帝,祂真的保护我和我的家人。
Issue #23
Written by: Tan Bee Kien Translated by: Choo Ting Hou
Being an employee, I anticipated for a 14-day holiday after the Government announced the Movement Control Order (MCO) on March 16. The holiday was something I highly looked forward to because I really wanted to get a good rest at home and do things that I enjoyed the most. However, I later realised that the company I worked for was not affected by the MCO because it was only required to reduce the number of workforce by half, and abide by the Government’s standard operating procedures (SOP) to carry on with the production of primary dairy products. As I was mainly tasked to handle the exports of beverages, I had to work as usual. Frankly speaking, I was reluctant to work at that time. Nevertheless, little did I expect the tremendous impact of Covid-19, which caused me experiencing fluctuating mood swings and feeling anxious for about a month. I was emotionally disturbed on my working days with an indescribable feeling. There was no peace in me and my mind was filled with negativity. I travelled on desolated highways and saw closed shops as I returned home from work. As a result, I was filled with anxiety and fear having the delusion that I was in a ghost town. I still remember that the Government announced to extend the MCO for 14 days on March 25. I felt helpless and tears came rolling down without me realizing it as my mind recalled the countless incomplete tasks at work – I had to meet deadlines for export documents and sea
freight schedules, expedite bank documents, rush back home to cook after work, and many more. I could only release my emotional stress through tears. No one could understand how helpless I was, so I could only hide my grievances. It was then when I heard a voice in my mind saying, “I am protecting you. I am protecting you.” I couldn’t understand what it meant at that moment. After thinking twice, I asked God, “Is it You protecting me?” I found the answer as I quieted down. During that time, Michael, my husband, had no job during the MCO period, so it was indeed something worth being thankful about as I still had a job at a company still operating on firm business foundation. God was safeguarding my job and my family’s source of income, so that we would not end up in financial distress. After all, what a huge blessing when I still had a job and was unaffected financially during the hardship. God helped me to realise that I should not have admired others who could “stay at home” while I had to work. I started learning to be grateful, adopt a positive mindset, view matters in different perspectives and encourage my colleagues. I also began to adapt emotionally in the subsequent weeks when the outstanding tasks were gradually completed. I want to thank God for He has truly given the necessary protection to me and my family.