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文: 郑慧茹


当行动管制令(MCO)开始时,所有 的事情都开始转变。回想这段时间,曾 经历低落的时刻,但想想这也是于事无 䃼啊。既然如此,为何不想开点儿,让 自己好过些。调整自己的心态,往好方 面想,才能有正能量,让生活变得更有 趣。

由于天气炎热,我硬着头皮为家人 剪头发。这起初是应老二的要求,效果 甚是不错。随之,我便为丈夫及大儿子 修剪头发。

因着科技的发达与进步,我在线上 与分别住在古晋和新加坡的兄弟姐们视 频互动。以往只能在农历新年见面,现 平日里,我丈夫非常忙碌。但在行 在方便多了,这可贵的亲情连结让我心 管令期间,他所从事的驾驶学院行业暂 灵满足。 不被允复工,所以只能等待下一步的指 示。在这期间,他有更多的时间留在家 当然,生活中的挑战也是有的。因 里,可以更了解孩子,也培养一了些新 着行管令使家里面对经济短缺,有点措 的兴趣。他喜欢烹饪,常研究点心及小 手不及。随着行管令的延长,每个月除 食。因此,他常常下㕑,为我们煮喜爱 了要应付伙食费,还有一堆高昂的费用 的面食及家乡小食,味道甚是美味,一 要缴付,这让我们吃不消。 家人口福不浅。 尽管如此,我仍感谢神赐下有爱心 为了自我提升,我们夫妻俩一起上 的老师,引导我们正面地管理情绪。感 网学习亲子课程及圣经知识,让彼此能 谢神也看顾我们的需求,垂听我们的祷 够更好地沟通及交流。同时,我们也参 告,在缺乏的部分供应我们。这也包括 加每个主日的线上崇拜。当然,我还有 让一些贷款延期了、与邻居和主内弟兄 属于自己的妈妈小组及姐妹查经班,让 彼此分享食物、及收到干粮祝福等等。 我有一个舒解压力的空间。 整个疫情期间,情况不算太糟糕,因为 我们依然有平安、喜乐。 感谢神,儿子也因着神的引导,各 方面都有进步及不错的表现。老大比以 我要感谢赞美主!主的恩典,夠我 前更懂得掌控自己的情绪。老二的生活 们用! 较为规律,充分地利用时间;除了上网 课,也常运动。此外,他也愿意在厨房 学习与帮忙。

Issue #17

MY LIFE DURING MCO By: Annie Chiang/ Translated by: Chloe Woo The moment when MCO was imposed, everything began to change. Although there were moments when I felt down during this period of time, I realized that negative feelings would not be of any help. Hence, I began to change my mentality and set it in a more positive direction. On normal days, my husband would usually be very busy. However, the driving academy that he worked in was not allowed to operate during MCO, hence he could only stay at home and await further instructions. During this period of time, he had more time to spend at home, to get to know his children better, and to cultivate new interests. He loved to cook and often learned new recipes. Hence, he cooked us our favourite noodle dishes and hometown snacks frequently. For self-improvement, my husband and I had been participating in parenting courses and Bible classes online for better communication and communion. At the same time, we also participated in online worship every Sunday. Moreover, I also have my Mother Group fellowship and bible study session with the sisters, providing me a comfortable space to relieve my stress. I thank God for His guidance as my sons had made great progress and performed well in many aspects. My elder son had learned to regulate his emotions even better than before, and my younger son’s life was more disciplined as he would make full use of time. Aside from attending online classes, he would also exercise regularly. In addition, he was also willing to learn and help in the kitchen.

Due to the hot weather, I was obliged to trim my family’s hair. This started initially as a request from my younger son, and the result turned out to be rather good. Hence, I continued to trim the hair of my husband and my elder son. Due to the development and advancement of technology, I had been having online video calls with my brothers and sisters who lived in Kuching and Singapore. We used to only be able to meet during the Lunar New Year, but now everything was much more convenient. This precious family connection gave me great contentment. Of course, there were also challenges in our daily lives. My family was slightly caught off guard by the financial difficulties arising from the MCO. Amidst the extension of the MCO, there were also other high expenses in addition to the monthly food expenses that greatly exhausted our financial abilities. Nonetheless, I still thank God for His providence of loving teachers who guided us to regulate our emotions positively. I also thank God for taking care of our needs, listening to our prayers, and supplying us where we were lacking. Some of our loans were extended, and we also shared with and received plenty of food from neighbors and brothers in Christ. During the pandemic, our situation was not too unbearable because we still have peace and joy from the Lord. I want to thank and praise the Lord! The grace of the Lord is enough for us!

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