Gartner Calendar 2025 - 75th Anniversary

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Josef Gartner GmbH

Gartnerstraße 20 89423 Gundelfingen phone +49 9073 84-0

Cover Page/Titelblatt

Excerpts from past calendar covers

Gartner published the first calendar in its history in 1951. Unlike today's issues, it mainly contained landscape and portrait shots. Just one year later, in 1952, the first edition appeared with selected Gartner reference projects, thus establishing the tradition of designing the calendar as a showcase for our projects. From year to year, it has become a comprehensive compendium of our work.

Gartner veröffentlichte 1951 den ersten Kalender in seiner Geschichte. Anders als die heutigen Ausgaben enthielt dieser vor allem Landschaftsund Porträtaufnahmen. Bereits ein Jahr später, 1952, erschien die erste Ausgabe mit ausgewählten Referenzprojekten von Gartner und begründete damit die Tradition, den Kalender als Schaufenster unserer Projekte zu gestalten. So wurde er von Jahr zu Jahr mehr zu einem umfassenden Kompendium unseres Schaffens.

Member of

The year 2025 marks not only a special anniversary – 75 years of publishing our Gartner calendar – but it is also an opportunity to look back on many years of innovation and partnership.

In times when businesses are confronted with ever more complex challenges, change is our guide to the future. The 75th Gartner Calendar honours this tradition and highlights projects that reflect the commitment, creativity and consistency of our teams and par tners. Our way of working continues to be shaped by the principles of ‘People First’ and ‘Sustainability & Innovation’ – values that we embed in every facet of our work.

As part of the Permasteelisa Group, consisting of the three worldclass brands Permasteelisa, Scheldebouw and Gartner, we benefit from strong synergies. With our combined expertise and a total of over 2,500 highly qualified specialists in 23 offices on 4 continents, we jointly stand for the highest standards of quality and safety, complex design and excellence in execution. This makes us perfectly positioned to further explore the limits of what is possible in façade construction.

Our work is centred around the markets and our customers, who continuously challenge us to develop and apply our strengths. These include sustainability and innovation in bespoke façade construction, whether for new buildings or for extensive renovations in cities such as Frankfurt, London or New York. We place a high value on resource-efficient approaches and are increasingly working on decarbonisation projects that focus on materials and processes with a low or even negative carbon footprint. Our solutions are specifically tailored to the growing refurbishment segment and include the reuse of materials and components, which not only protects the environment but also helps to shape the future of the construction industry in a sustainable way.

We are proud to strengthen the Gartner brand as a synonym for highest quality and stability and to toast with you to a successful year that strengthens our long-standing partnership. With the anniversary calendar, we would like to take you on a journey through our history and at the same time set impulses for the future.

Your sincerely,

75th Edition

Das Jahr 2025 markiert nicht nur ein besonderes Jubiläum – 75 Jahre Gartner-Kalender – es ist zugleich eine Gelegenheit, auf viele Jahre voller Innovation und partnerschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit zurückzublicken.

In Zeiten, in denen Unternehmen mit stetig komplexeren Herausforderungen konfrontiert sind, ist der Wandel unser Wegbereiter für die Zukunft. Der 75. Gartner Kalender würdigt diese Tradition und hebt Projekte hervor, die das Engagement, die Kreativität und die Beständigkeit unserer Teams und Partner widerspiegeln. Unsere Arbeitsweise bleibt von den Prinzipien „People First“ und „Sustainability & Innovation“ geprägt – Werte, die wir in jeder Facette unserer Arbeit verankern.

Als Teil der Permasteelisa Gruppe, bestehend aus den drei Weltklasse- Marken Permasteelisa, Scheldebouw und Gartner, profitieren wir von starken Synergien. Mit unserem vereinten Knowhow und insgesamt über 2.500 hochqualifizierten Fachkräften in 23 Niederlassungen auf 4 Kontinenten stehen wir gemeinsam für höchste Ansprüche an Qualität und Sicherheit, komplexes Design und Exzellenz in der Ausführung. Damit sind wir perfekt aufgestellt, um die Grenzen des Machbaren im Fassadenbau weiter auszuloten.

Im Zentrum unserer Arbeit stehen die Märkte und unsere Kunden, die uns kontinuierlich zur Weiterentwicklung und zur Einbringung unserer Stärken herausfordern. Dazu gehören Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation im maßgeschneiderten Fassadenbau, sei es bei Neubauten oder bei umfassenden Sanierungen in Städten wie Frankfurt, London, oder New York. Wir legen großen Wert auf ressourcenschonende Ansätze und arbeiten verstärkt an Dekarbonisierungsprojekten, die auf Materialien und Prozesse mit geringem oder gar negativem CO2-Fußabdruck setzen. Unsere Lösungen sind speziell auf das wachsende Sanierungssegment zugeschnitten und schließen die Wiederverwendung von Materialien und Komponenten ein, was nicht nur die Umwelt schont, sondern auch die Zukunft der Bauindustrie nachhaltig mitgestalten soll.

Wir sind stolz darauf, die Marke Gartner als Synonym für höchste Qualität und Beständigkeit zu festigen und mit Ihnen gemeinsam auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr anzustoßen, das unsere langjährige Partnerschaft stärkt. Mit dem Jubiläumskalender möchten wir Sie auf eine Reise durch unsere Geschichte mitnehmen und zugleich Impulse für die Zukunft setzen.

Ihr Geschäftsführer der Josef Gartner GmbH


Jürgen Wax

Special door

Gundelfingen (Germany)

Project Data

Special door, anodized aluminum in bronze, construction and realization Gartner

Completion: 1951


Stuttgart (Germany)

Architects   Hochbauamt der Stadt Stuttgart

Project Data

Electrically welded, construction and realization Gartner

Function and Use: Exhibition hall

Completion: 1951

City Hall Ulm (Germany)

Architects   Hochbauamt der Stadt Ulm

Project Data

Double window wall, construction and realization


Completion: 1951

Administration Building

Stuttgart (Germany)

Architect   Gutbrod

Project Data

Aluminum coupled-window, patent Gartner

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1951

Photo: Lazi jr.
Photo: Weber
Photo: Siegel

Exhibition Hall of the City of Stuttgart (Germany)

Porsche-Werk Stuttgart (Germany)

Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich (Germany)

Eingangsportal der Europahalle

Düsseldorf (Germany)

Architect   Hochbauamt der Stadt Düsseldorf, Professor Schulte-Frohlinde, Baurat Dietrichsweiler

Project Data

Aluminum windows with five double-leaf entrance doors, construction and realization Gartner

Surfaces: partially anodized

Height window: 20 m

Function and Use: Exhibition hall

Completion: 1952

Akademie der Bildenden Künste Munich (Germany)

Project Data

Refurbishment for the complete building, aluminum single and coupled-window, patent Gartner

Function and Use: Academy

Completion: 1952

Exhibition Hall of the City of Düsseldorf (Germany)

Architects   Hochbauamt der Stadt Stuttgart und Hellmut Weber

Project Data

Glass walls, gates, doors and aluminum coupledwindow patent Gartner

Function and Use: Exhibition hall

Completion: 1952

Porsche-Werk Stuttgart (Germany)

Architect   Gutbrod

Project Data

Building in saw roof construction with three-storey office building, electrically welded, construction and realization Gartner

Function and Use: Production hall

Completion: 1952

Photo: Eimke
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Anker

Office Building of Government of Upper Bavaria Munich (Germany)

New Vocational School and Sports Hall Singen/Hohentwiel (Germany)

Office Build. Siemens-ReinigerWerke Munich (Germany)

Stuttgart e.V., Dienststelle Ulm (Germany)

Office Building of Government of Upper Bavaria Munich (Germany)

Architect   Landbauamt München, Regierungsbaurat Rothenfusser, Regierungsbaumeister Sauerbier

Project Data

Main entrance in aluminum construction, Gartner design

Surfaces: partially anodized Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1953

New Vocational School and Sports Hall Singen/Hohentwiel (Germany)

TÜV Stuttgart e.V., Dienststelle Ulm (Germany)

Architect   Heilbronner, Ulm

Project Data

Aluminum coupled-window, entrances, vestibules and stairwell windows in aluminum construction, patent Gartner

Surfaces: partially anodized Function and Use: technical inspection

Completion: 1953

Architect Dr.-lng. Habil. K. F. Bozenhardt, Tuttlingen/ Donau

Project Data

Aluminum windows with installed doors, Gartner design

Function and Use: school

Completion: 1953

Office Building of the SiemensReiniger-Werke Munich (Germany)

Architect   Professor Hertlein

Project Data

Aluminum coupled-window, patent Gartner

Function and Use: commercial building

Completion: 1953

Photo: Anker
Photo: Benner
Photo: Anker
Photo: Benner

Kaufhof AG Köln (Germany)

Architect   Professor Dr. Ing. Wunderlich, Köln

Project Data

Façade in aluminum construction (DBP ang.), technically anodized with installed tilt/turn window, construction and realization Gartner Function and Use: head office

Completion: 1954

In 1954 Kaufhof AG built a new head office in the city centre of Cologne. The new building, which was erected in the immediate vicinity of the company’s executive board building, had to accommodate both the administration and the central purchasing department in a relatively confined space.

Viktor Papak stated: ‘Finally, it can be said that this administration building, whose outer appearance represents a harmonious connection between glass and aluminum, has found the full satisfaction and approval of both the customer and the architect. It will act as a trailblazer for many other buildings of a similar design which will now be built in Germany.’ Today, the building is under a historic preservation.

1954 baute die Kaufhof AG im Kölner Stadtzentrum eine neue Hauptverwaltung. Im Neubau, der in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Vorstandsgebäude der Gesellschaft entstand, mussten Verwaltung und Zentraleinkauf auf verhältnismäßig engem Raum untergebracht werden.

Dazu Viktor Papak: „Zum Abschluß kann gesagt werden, daß dieses Verwaltungsgebäude, dessen äußeres Bild eine harmonische Verbindung zwischen Glas und Aluminum darstellt, die vollste Zufriedenheit und Anerkennung des Bauherrn und Architekten gefunden hat. Es bildet einen Wegbereiter für viele Bauwerke, die jetzt in ähnlicher Art in Deutschland entstehen.“ Das Gebäude steht heute unter Denkmalschutz.

Photos: Benner

Tulla-Bad of the City Karlsruhe (Germany)

Station Heidelberg (Germany)

Kreissparkasse Zweibrücken (Germany)

Kaufhof Kassel (Germany)

Kaufhof Kassel (Germany)

Architect   Professor Dr. Ing. Wunderlich, Köln

Project Data

Façade in aluminum construction (DBP ang. and foreign Par. ang.) with built-in tilt wing for Thermopane glazing, construction and design Gartner

Glazing: Thermopane

Surfaces: technically anodized Function and Use: store

Completion: 1955

Kreissparkasse Zweibrücken (Germany)

Architects   August Pirrmann BDA und Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang Pirrmann, Zweibrücken

Project Data

Façade Area total: 11,840 sqm

Aluminum reversible casement windows (180° rotatable), four-sided window ribbon in the bay window; lifting doors and entrances in aluminum construction, Gartner design (DBP ang. and foreign Pat ang.)

Surfaces: anodized

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1955

Tulla-Bad of the City of Karlsruhe Karlsruhe (Germany)

Architects   Hochbauamt Karlsruhe – Stadtoberbaurat Stephan

Project Data

Aluminum window type Gartner, main entrance, vestibule, glass walls and glass doors in aluminum construction, Gartner design

Glazing: Thermopane

Surfaces: technically anodized

Function and Use: public swimming pool

Completion: 1955

Station Heidelberg (Germany)

Architects   Bundesbahndirektion Stuttgart

Project Data

Façade Area total: 1,600 sqm

Entrances, glass walls, sales stands (with vertical and horizontal sliding windows), doors, lifting doors, lighting ceilings in aluminum construction, Gartner design

Surfaces: anodized

Height windows

Function and Use: train station

Completion: 1955

Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner

BASF AG Office Tower Ludwigshafen/Rhein (Germany)

Architects   Architekt BDA Dr.-Ing. H. Hentrich, Dipl.-Ing. Petschnigg, Düsseldorf

Project Data

1,200 aluminum windows, Gartner design, with fixed Thermopane glazing and vent Glazing: Thermopane glazing

Surfaces: anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1956

Advertising House of Henkel & Cie GmbH Munich (Germany)

Architect   Joint Venture E. Petersen nd W. Kongeter, Düsseldorf

Project Data

Glass wall in steel construction type Gartner, 21.10 m x 6.60 m, aluminum windows and ribbon windows, with thermopane glazing, entrances, glass walls, showcases in aluminum construction, entrance gates in steel, type Gartner

Glazing: thermopane glazing

Surfaces: anodized

Height: 21.10 m

Function and Use: Advertising agency

Completion: 1956

Thermal Power Plant Müllerstraße Munich (Germany)

Projekt   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hencky

Architects   Baudirektor Zametzer und Oberbaurat Heichlinger

City Planning Office Munich   Architekt BDA Issel, Wiesbaden

Project Data

Façade Area: 3,300 sqm

Aluminum façade patent Gartner, (DBP and foreign patents), technically anodized with built-in turn and tilting window, entrance in aluminum design Gartner

Surfaces: anodized

Function and Use: Heating power station

Completion: 1956


Vöhringen a. d. Iller (Germany)

Architect   Dipl.-Ing. Hans Kling, Krumbach/Schw.

Project Data

Aluminum windows type Gartner, tilting window (180° rotatable) DBP ang. and foreign-Pat. ang. in composite design, staircase windows, entrance doors in aluminum construction

Function and Use: school

Completion: 1956

Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner

Girozentrale Ravensburg (Germany)

Office Building of the AEG Factory

Stuttgart (Germany)

Architects   Architekt BDA Regierungsbaumeister Alfred Gunzenhauser, Stuttgart Dipl.-Ing Gerhard Schmieder AEG, Frankfurt/Main

Project Data

Connecting building aluminum façade patent Gartner (DBP and foreign patents), convex bent with side hung window, entrance systems on the west and east sides in aluminum, with canopies in electrically welded steel construction, Gartner design

Glazing: single glazing

Surfaces: technically anodized Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1957

Find out more in the 2024 calendar!


Siemens & Halske AG

Munich (Germany)

Architect   BDA Hans Maurer, München-Obermenzing und Siemens & Halske AG, Bauabteilung

Project Data

Sawing roof hall in electrically welded steel construction Gartner system

Function and Use: production hall

Completion: 1957

Find out more in the 2024 calendar!

Ravensburg (Germany)

Architects   Architekt BDA A. Locher, Dipl.-Ing Schliessmann, Dipl.-Ing. K. Sihler, Ravensburg

Project Data

Two aluminum façades patent Gartner (DBP and foreign patents) with installed double sash window (180° rotatable) with Cudo glazing and internally installed louvre blinds, which can be turned outwards with the reversible sashes. Spandrel infill: Enameled spandrel panels

Glazing: Cudo

Surfaces: technically anodized

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1957


Stuttgart (Germany)

Architects   Adolf Bregler und Dipl.-Ing. Hans Bregler, Stuttgart

Project Data

Windows, window walls and skylight strips of the gymnasium in aluminum construction type Gartner

Glazing: single glazing

Function and Use: school

Completion: 1957

Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Evi Sesselmann

Exhibition Hall "F" of the City of Düsseldorf Düsseldorf (Germany)

Architects   Professor Schulte-Frohlinde, Herbert Heyne, Heinz Machut; Site Management Oberbaurat Karl Knoop, Architekt Otto Esser

Project Data

Façade glass walls in aluminum (DBP. foreign patents), size of glass panes 4.2 m x 3.2 m, representative entrance systems in aluminum with roof and ceiling cladding, free-standing screwless and rivetless aluminum frame (size 28.0 m 4.0 m 1.76 m); four-leaf, self-supporting aluminum doors (4.2 m x 4.4 m)

Surfaces: anodized

Function and Use: exhibition hall

Completion: 1958

Photos: Harz

University of Tübingen, Seminar

Building Faculty of Philosophy Tübingen (Germany)

Design   Oberfinanzdirektion Stuttgart

Site Management   Staatliches Hochbauamt, Tübingen

Project Data

Aluminum façades patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents) and aluminum windows, on Wilhelmstrasse, design Gartner, with turn and tilt/turn wing

Glazing: double-pane insulating glass

Surfaces: technically anodized

Function and Use: university

Completion: 1959

Water Tower

Lousberg-Aachen (Germany)

Architect   Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm K. Fischer BDA, Aachen, finishing work in collaboration with Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Glunz, Architekt Aachen

Project Data

Aluminum glass wall on the café floor, installed at an angle, with column cladding, aluminum windows with tilt and turn wing and entrance doors, Gartner design

Surfaces: technically anodized

Function and Use: water tower

Completion: 1959

Daimler-Benz AG

Stuttgart-Untertürkheim (Germany)

Aluminum-Senkglaswand (Germany)

Architects   Architekt BDA Professor Rolf Gutbier und Dipl.-lng, Hans Kammerer, Stuttgart, Mitarbeiter

Dipl.-lng. Walter Betz, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Baubüro der Daimler-Benz AG, Management Architekt

Prokurist C. Braun

Project Data

Façade Area total: 5,000 sqm

Aluminum façades patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents), window walls on the ground and first floor

Surfaces: technically anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1959

Project Data

Aluminum retractable glass wall (9.70 m x 3.20 m) in the picture about 1/3 open and horizontal sliding glass wall, 9.10 m x 3.20 m, both systems electrically operated, design Gartner

Glazing: single glazing

Surfaces: anodized

Height: 30 m

Completion: 1959

Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner

Main Station Building Munich (Germany)

Margarete Steiff GmbH Höchstädt/Donau (Germany)

Kaufhof AG Köln, Extension Köln (Germany)

SAS-Haus with Royal Hotel Copenhagen (Denmark)

Architect   MAA Professor Arne Jacobsen, Kopenhagen Site Management   Kampsax A/S, Kopenhagen

Project Data

Aluminum façade with installed side-hung wings

Surfaces: two-tone technical anodized natural and silicon grey

Function and Use: hotel

The first design hotel worldwide

Completion: 1960

Kaufhof AG Köln, Extension Köln (Germany)

Architects   Prof. Dr.-lng. Wunderlich, Dipl.-Architekt BDA

R. Klüser, Köln

Project Data

Aluminum façades, patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents), with installed tilting wings

Surfaces: technically anodized Function and Use: head office

Completion: 1960

Main Station Building Munich (Germany)

Architect   Bundesbahnoberrat H. J. Gerbl, Bundesbahndirektion München

Project Data

Aluminum façades, patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents), with installed turn and tilt leaves and adjustable aluminum slats in the parquet floors, glass wall in the central hall with clock face in aluminum construction, glass walls and doors type Gartner

Surfaces: technically anodized

Function and Use: train station

Completion: 1960

Margarete Steiff GmbH, Branch plant Höchstädt/Donau (Germany)

Architect   Dipl.-Ing. Adolf Raichle, freier Architekt BDA, Heidenheim/Brenz

Project Data

Saw roof hall made of European profiles, electrically welded steel construction, Gartner system

Function and Use: production hall

Completion: 1960

Photo: Strüwing
Photo Thudichum
Photo: Gabriele Christ
Photo: Benner
Photos: Benner

BASF Sales Office Stuttgart (Germany)

High-rise Building Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG Erlangen (Germany)

Skyscrapers in the center

Stockholm (Sweden)

Architects   Highrise 2 Architekt SAR Anders Tengbom, Stockholm; Highrise 3 Architekt SAR Sven Markelius, Stockholm; Highrise 4 Architekt SAR Lars-Erik Lallerstedt, Stockholm

Project Data

Aluminum façades, Gartner patent (DBP, foreign patents), with built-in tilt/turn wings; cladding of the gable walls with white enamelled Gartner aluminum panels

Surfaces: technically anodized, natural and silicon grey

Height: 72 m

Completion: 1962

BASF Sales Office

Stuttgart (Germany)

Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH

Munich (Germany)

Project Data

Aluminum façades made of deep-drawn aluminum sheet with the required subconstructure, design and execution Gartner

Gate system in steel construction, with single-leaf sliding gate, size 9.00 m x 1.45 m, electrically operated

Surfaces: technically anodized (silicon grey)

Function and Use: factory

Completion: 1962

Architect   BDA Professor Hans Volkart with Erika Albat and Kurt Höschele, Stuttgart

Site Management   Willy Motsch, Kurt Voegele

Project Data

Aluminum façade, patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents) with built-in Gartner aluminum panels, ground floor glass walls with entrance doors canopy with white enamelled panel soffit

Surfaces: technically anodized in natural colour

Function and Use: sales office

Completion: 1962

High-rise Building SiemensSchuckertwerke AG Erlangen (Germany)

Joint Venture   Architect BDA Hans Maurer, Munich, operating office Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG, Erlangen

Project Data

Aluminum façade, patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents), aluminum glass walls for low-rise buildings, with sunscreen louvres in front, type Gartner, 180° rotatable (DBP pending, foreign patents pending), electromechanically operated

Surfaces: technically anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1962

Photo: Dahlström
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Thudichum

Bayer AG Paint Ractory High-rise Building, Leverkusen (Germany)

Joint Venture   Architects BDA Prof. Dr.-lng. H. Hentrich, Dipl.-Ing. H. Petschnigg, Dipl.-Ing. Fritz Eller. Dipl.-Ing. Erich Moser, Dipl.-Ing. Robert Walter, Architect Hans Köllges, Architect Hans J. Stutz

Site Management   Bau-Ing. Josel Ruping

Project Data

Aluminum glass walls, with suspended glazing (pane size 2.70 m x 7.20 m) grounded and anodized silicon grey, and entrance systems in aluminum construction type Gartner

Surfaces: anodized silicon grey

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1963

Department Store Breuninger Stuttgart (Germany)

Planning   Rainer R. Czermak, freier Architekt, Stuttgart

Site Management   Baubüro Breuninger, Architect Rainer R. Czermak, Architect Dipl.-Ing. W. Foerster, Architect Herbert Hamann

Project Data

Aluminum façades made of deep-drawn shaped sheet metal panels, with window strips, installation of panes with neoprene profiles, aluminum façades made of fixed louvered panels, aluminum staircase doors, wall and column cladding, anodized and enamelled canopy cladding

Surfaces: technically anodized Function and Use: store

Completion: 1963

Hoffmann La Roche AG Wien (Austria)

Architect   Professor Dipl.-Ing. Georg Lippert, Wien

Project Data

Aluminum façade, Gartner patent (DBP. foreign patents), with built-in side-hung window Manufactured by our licensee Johann Sommer, Stahl-und Metallbau Komm. Ges., Vienna

Surfaces: spandrels grey enameled Gartner aluminum panels, technically anodized in natural Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1963

Commerzbank AG, Kasernenstraße Düsseldorf (Germany)

Architect   BDA Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Paul Schneider-Esleben, Düsseldorf; Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Ringel und Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Hoor

Project Data

Façade made of 600 identical storey-high and flat wall elements, natural anodized, in sandwich construction, with neoprene-glazed pivoted window. Window openings are deep-drawn from the aluminum sheets. The elements are connected to the building with neoprene sealing profiles

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1963

Photo: Hopfer
Photo: Glawatsch
Photo: Inge Goertz-Bauer
Photo: Benner

Siemens & Halske AG Office Tower Munich (Germany)

Architect   BDA Hans Maurer, Munich together with Siemens & Halske AG, Munich, building department

Project Data

Aluminum façade patent Gartner (BDA, foreign pat.), glazing with neoprene seals

Surfaces: anodized in natural

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1964

New Building AEG Dortmund (Germany)

Architects   Dipl.-lng. Gerhard Sehmieder with Dipl.-lng. Karl Heinz Jennebach AEG·Bauplanung, Frankfurt/Main

Project Data

Aluminum façade consisting of horizontal continuous ribbon window with built-in tilting wings and column cladding, Gartner design

Glazing: spandrels Polycolor glass

Surfaces: all aluminum profiles anodized silicon grey

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1964

„Nationalhaus" Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Owner   Schweizerische National-Versicherungsgesellschaft

Architect   BDA Dipl.-Ing. Max Meid, Helmut Romeick, Frankfurt/Main

Project Data

Aluminum façade, construction and design Gartner, glazing with neoprene seals, column cladding made of sheet copper by others, spandrels opal glass elements

Surfaces: anodized on the outside in bronze

Duranodic 300

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1964

„Europa-Haus“ Bochum (Germany)

Owner   Gebr. Kufus OHG

Architect   Dipl.-Ing. Roman Reiser, Bochum

Project Data

Ribbon window of the high-rise building aluminum construction design Gartner, with turn and tilt wings

Surfaces: anodized in natural

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1964

Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Physics Building Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG  Erlangen (Germany)
Police Building Heerlen (Netherlands)
Dr. August Oetker Bielefeld (Germany)
Kaufhof Kapfenberg (Austria)


Kapfenberg (Austria)

Architect   Dipl.-Ing. E. M. Donau, Leoben

Project Data

Aluminum façade patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents), si-grey anodized, with built-in side-hung window. Manufactured by our licensee Johann Sommer, Stahlund Metallbau Komm.-Ges., Vienna; spandrels: Gartner aluminum panels anodized in natural Surfaces: aluminum façade in si-grey anodized, spandrels anodized in natural Function and Use: store

Completion: 1965

Warehouse and Production Building

Dr. August Oetker

Bielefeld (Germany)

Planning and Site Management   Baugesellschaft

Sparrenberg Rudolf A. Oetker

Bielefeld Management   Baurat a. D. Dipl.-Ing.

Willy Kirchner

Employees   E. Schmidt, G. Vordemvenne, G. Burgard, D. Lottermoser

Project Data

Aluminum sunblinds, fixed, overhang

1.40 m, entrance systems, pivoting casement windows (180° rotatable, DBP, foreign patents), single-pane, 3.80 m x 1.75 m, and interior glass walls in aluminum construction, Gartner design

Surfaces: anodized

Function and Use: Warehouse and production building

Completion: 1965

Police Building Heerlen (Netherlands)

Architects   Boosten, Maastricht/Holland Bouwmaatschappij Melchior NV, Maastricht/Holland

Project Data

Aluminum windows with built-in bottom-hung and side-hung casements; aluminum façade for the roof structure (DBP, foreign patents), entrance system, finely ground; manufactured by our subsidiary Internationale

Constructie Bedrijven ICB NV, Heerlen/Holland

Surfaces: technically anodized in natural Function and Use: Police station

Completion: 1965

Physics Building in the New Research Center of the Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG Erlangen (Germany)

Joint Venture   Architect BDA Hans Maurer, Munich, and operating office of Siemens-Schuckertwerke AG, Erlangen

Project Data

Aluminum façade patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents), with pivoted window (180° rotatable) and fixed sunblinds in front (blind width 1.00 m); glazing with neoprene sealing profiles

Surfaces: technically anodized in natural Function and Use: research center

Completion: 1965

Photo: Ritter
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner

Office Building Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft, Bockenh. Landstraße Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Administration Building OSRAM Munich (Germany)

State School of Engineering Konstanz (Germany)

Papierfabrik Scheufelen Oberlenningen (Germany)

Office Building Berliner Handels-Gesellschaft, Bockenheimer Landstraße Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Planning and Overhead Line   Professor Sep Ruf, Munich

Business and Technical Overhead Line with Local Construction Management   Baurat a. D. Josef Bischof, Frankfurt/Main

Project Data

Aluminum façades patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents) for high-rise, long building and atrium, ground and anodized in natural, high-rise building façade with fixed glazing, long building and atrium building with built-in sliding windows

Surfaces: anodized in natural

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1966

Papierfabrik Scheufelen Oberlenningen (Germany)

Architect   BDA Josef v. Lamatsch, Frankfurt/Main and in-house construction department

Project Data

Ribbon windows in Gartner aluminum construction, natural anodized, with built-in tilt/turn wings and enamelled Gartner aluminum panels

Function and Use: Factory Completion: 1966

Administration Building OSRAM Munich (Germany)

State School of Engineering Konstanz (Germany)

Owner   Grundstücksgesellschaft CANDID mbH, Hamburg

Architect   Prof. Dr.-lng. Walter Henn. Braunschweig, in Cooperation with Dieter Ströbel, Munich the construction department of OSRAM GmbH and Hans-Heinz

Bälge Hauptunternehmer

Ingenieurplanning and Site Management

Fried. Krupp Universalbau, Essen

Project Data

Aluminum façade patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents), with fixed glazing and external louvre stores with electro-mechanical drive, spandrels outside 8 mm thick aluminum panels, inside Gartner panels, in between the blinds, stairwell glass wall and metal sheet cladding on the east side as well as entrance systems in aluminum type Gartner

Surfaces: aluminum façade technically anodized in natural, aluminum panels anodized si-grey

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1966

Architect   Professor Dipl.-Ing. Max Barth, Konstanz

Project Data

Aluminum façades patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents) with built-in pivoted window (180° rotatable), spandrels Gartner aluminum panels, aluminium windows and entrance systems

Œ Surfaces: aluminum façades technically anodized in natural, spandrels, anodized in medium si-grey

Function and Use: school of engineering

Completion: 1966

Photo: Benner
Photo: Heidersberger
Photo: Benner
Photo: Benner

Gartner-Pavillon at BAU 68 Munich (Germany)

Opel AG Rüsselsheim (Germany)

Hamburg (Germany)

Dorlandhaus – Haus der Werbung, An der Urania, Dreieckshaus" Berlin (Germany)

Dorlandhaus – Haus der Werbung, An der Urania, "Dreieckshaus" Berlin (Germany)

Architects   Professor Gutbrod-Schwaderer-Kiess, Berlin-Stuttgart

Project Data

Three façade glass walls, each twelve storeys high, with aluminum window hinges, technically anodized in a natural anodized finish, with pivoting and hinged sashes, Gartner parapet panels, stainless steel sheet on the panel outer shells

Surfaces: technically anodized in natural Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1967

Hamburg-Mannheimer VersicherungsAG, Alsterufer/Warburgstraße Hamburg (Germany)

Architect   BDA Harald Peters, Hamburg

Project Data

Two-storey extension to the high-rise building with Gartner aluminum façade, extension also with aluminum façade patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents), polished and anodized in natural, fixed glazing with neoprene sealing profiles, also windows and panel fields for gatehouse

Surfaces: anodized in natural Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1967

Gartner-Pavillon at BAU 68 Munich (Germany)

Architect   BDA Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Haberbosch, Lauingen-München

Project Data

The external supports are designed as rectangular mullions supports (60 mm x 120 mm) and included in the hot water heating circuit, the pavilion is air-conditioned, washed fresh air is heated by convectors, the exhaust air is extracted through the ceiling, roof waterproofing with Gartner Eutyl, 2 mm thick, roof drainage through the rectangular interior supports

Function and Use: pavilion

Completion: 1967

Adam Opel AG Rüsselsheim (Germany)

In-house Planning and Site Management   Adam Opel AG, Rüsselsheim

Project Data

Aluminum façades patent Gartner (DBP, foreign patents), natural anodized, partly fixed glazing as insulating construction, partly with concealed tilting wings, spandrels Gartner aluminum panels, white enameled, main entrance system with all-glass sliding doors with electropneumatic drive, contact carpet control, canopy cladding and soffit made of 4 or 8 mm aluminum panels, natural anodized

Surfaces: aluminum façades natural anodized, aluminum panels natural anodized

Function and Use: development and construction building

Completion: 1967

Photo: Titzenthaler
Photo: Weißmann
Photo: Benner
Photo: Meyer-Veden

Commercial Union Assurance Building,

Great St. Helens

London (Great Britain)

Project Data

Façade Area total: approx. 20,000 sqm

High-rise building with 28 standard storeys and two installation storeys; the standard storeys are suspended from the supporting structures of the installation storeys. Aluminium façade, anodized silicon grey, fixed glazing with grey tinted glass, glazing from floor to ceiling with flush transition to the transom; transom designed as a smoke extraction flap with invisible fittings and automatic opening mechanism

Manufacture and assembly: C-H Aluminum Ltd, Braintree, England

Surfaces: anodized silicon grey

Height: 118 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1968

This was Gartner’s first project in the British capital. The aluminum façade, which was silicon grey anodized, had fixed glazing and was mounted without a framework from the top down. Before that, the units, which had a size of up to 2 m x 10 m, had been glazed with neoprene at the plant. In addition, the façade construction was tested under extreme conditions by means of a full-scale model built across two floors: statically in a pressurized chamber and dynamically with an aircraft engine while being sprinkled at the same time. Moreover, depending on the incidence of light, the colour shade of the façade alternates between dark grey and dark bronze.

Für Gartner war dies das erste Projekt in der britischen Hauptstadt. Die Montage der festverglasten und siliziumgrau eloxierten Aluminumfassade erfolgte ohne Gerüst von oben nach unten. Zuvor waren die bis zu 2 m x 10 m großen Elemente im Werk mit Neoprene verglast worden. Zudem wurde anhand eines im Originalmaßstab über zwei Geschosse aufgebauten Modells die Fassadenkonstruktion statisch in einer Druckkammer und dynamisch mit einem Flugzeugmotor bei gleichzeitiger Beregnung unter extremen Bedingungen geprüft. Außerdem wechselt je nach Lichteinfall der Farbton der Fassade zwischen dunklem Grau und dunkler Bronze.

E. J. Studios


Essen (Germany)

Planning and Site Management   OPD Düsseldorf, Gutachter: Prof. Dr.-lng. R. Schaal, Stuttgart

Project Data

Curtain wall, fully insulated aluminum façade on the high-rise and low-rise building as well as glass walls on the ground floor, brushed and anodized in natural, with fixed glazing, all gaskets with neoprene profiles. External, rigid aluminum sunscreen louvres frames with stainless steel tension rods coupled on top of each other and guided in the façade mullions. Wind and weatherproof solar shading! Electromechanical drive of our own design, fully encapsulated with stainless steel tension spindles and high-performance gears

Surfaces: anodized in natural

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1969


Frankenwald (Germany)

Planning and Site Management   Autobahnbauamt Nürnberg

Project Data

Aluminum façade, ribbon windows dark grey, closed surfaces anodized in natural colour, aluminum windows, glass walls and doors

Surfaces: anodized in natural Function and Use: restaurant

Completion: 1969

Kantoorgebouw Schinkel Amsterdam-West (Netherlands)

Architect   Architektenbureau Arthur Staal. B.N.A., Amsterdam, L. van der Vliet Aanneming Mij. N V. Amsterdam

Project Data

Aluminum top hung window opening outwards and fixed-glazed window elements, ground-floor glass walls with vestibule anodized in natural

Manufactured by our subsidiary Internationale Constructie Bedrijven ICB NV, Heerlen/Holland

Surfaces: anodized in natural

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1969

State School of Engineering Aalen (Germany)

Architect   Professor Behnisch & Partner, Stuttgart

Project Data

Approx. 8,000 sqm of Gartner aluminum ribbon windows, doors and glass wall elements, with built-in horizontal sliding windows, sliding doors and tilting wings, glass walls up to heights of 9.00 m, as well as interior glass walls and doors. All constructions made of Al Si 5 medium grey anodized alloy, with double-pane insulating glass in neoprene, double-walled, soundinsulating, powder coated finish steel doors for the classrooms, with aluminum frames automatically operated, double-leaf swing door systems, 3.75 m x 4.95 m

Surfaces: medium grey anodized, powder coated finish

Function and Use: school of engineering

Completion: 1969

Photo: Goertz-Bauer
Photo: Grempel
Photo: Benner
Photo: Mader

Robert Bosch GmbH, Headquarters Gerlingen-Schillerhöhe (Germany)

Planning and Site Management   Baugruppe der Robert Bosch GmbH

Project Data

7,000 sqm of aluminum ribbon windows in unitized construction, fixed glazing as well as glass walls, doors and entrance systems, profiles are thermally insulated to prevent condensation

Surfaces: duranodic dark bronze anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1970

Photos: Benner

Raiffeisen-und VolksbankenVersicherung Wiesbaden (Germany)

Architects   BDA Ernst-Fischer-Krüder-Rathai,

Project Data

Aluminum curtain walls, spandrel unit made of 4 mm thick aluminum hot-bonded to the entire surface of a honeycomb, façade walls of the low-rise building and first floor, cladding of the gables and soffits, round column cladding, skirting railing constructions made of aluminum, connecting bridges with built-in sliding windows, the entrance systems

Surfaces: Duranodic bronze anodized

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1971

Administration Building AllianzVersicherung

Hamburg (Germany)

Architect   Professor Bernhard Hermkes with Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Stössner, Hamburg

Project Data

Storey-high, recessed and fully insulated façade walls made of aluminum, with large-area partitioning, thick-walled insulating glass panes with high sound insulation, glazing in neoprene profiles, cantilevered balconies for façade cleaning and as escape routes, front sides of the balconies clad with patterned stainless steel composite panels, railings are made of stainless steel tube profiles, vertically movable storm and weatherproof sun protection in the balconies, with electromechanical drive, glass walls with built-in fully insulated aluminum doors, stairwells with remote-controlled smoke extraction flaps with invisibly installed fittings, column cladding, ground floor with shop window and entrance systems.

Surfaces: Duranodic dark grey anodized, Duranodic grey anodized panels

Use: office building

Administration Building "West" FAG Kugelfischer Schweinfurt (Germany)

Architect   FAG Kugelfischer, Schweinfurt

Project Data

Façade glass walls with built-in spandrel panels, glass units made of Cudo-Auresin glass, vertical mullions of the façade also serve as guide profiles for the window cleaning system, glass walls and aluminum cladding of the ground floor with two main entrance systems and soffits

Glazing: Cudo-Auresin

Surfaces: Duranodic anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1971

Postamt 2 Würzburg (Germany)

Project Data

Ten 6-leaf outward opening folding sliding gates in steel construction, manually operated, size 6.90 m x 3.70 m

Function and Use: post office

Completion: 1971

Architect   OPD Nürnberg Ref. 46 D

Bank- and Administration Building

Heilbronner Straße

Stuttgart (Germany)

Planning and Site Management   Architects Prof. H. Kammerer, Prof. W.

Project Data

Façade Area total: 13,200 sqm

Façade consists of exposed concrete spandrel and aluminum ribbon windows as well as surrounding maintenance balconies, fixed-glazed windows with solar control insulating glass panes, frame construction thermally separated, vertical mullions are designed in such a way that a wall connection with good sound insulation is possible in each axis, crossbars also serve to guide the blinds, vertical and transverse mullions with the same construction depth, glazing and connections with neoprene, ribbon window corners without glazing bars, balconies in the corner area with bracing in lightweight construction, ground floor glass walls, curved entrance systems, convector cladding, storey height 3.65 m, axial dimension 1.80 m

Surface: windows and balcony profiles Duranodic dark bronze anodized, entrance areas and ground floor glass walls color-coated PURAL

Function and Use: bank and office building

Completion: 1972

Photos: Gartner


Stuttgart (Germany)

Owner   Kaufhof AG, Köln

Architects   Bauabteilung Kaufhof AG, Köln

Management   Dipl.-Ing. Hans Spoelgen with Dipl.-Ing. M. Gold, Architectsbüro Klüser, Köln, Employees Architekt Finé

Site Management   Bau-Ing. Günther Kramer

Project Data

Façade Area total: 1,562 sqm

Façade mullions made of PE profiles, with threaded strips, neoprene seals and neoprene-covered aluminum pressure strips, horizontal intermediate ribs made of aluminum T-profiles, with neoprene-covered, 30 mm wide aluminum pressure strips, panels, made of 1.5 mm thick aluminum sheets, white enameled on the outside, hot-bonded to honeycomb body, profile strip fields, made of aluminum sheets, folded, rear side insulated and covered with Eutyl, aluminum side-hung or fixed windows

Surfaces: aluminum sheets Duranodic D 313 dark bronze anodized

Function and Use: store

Completion: 1973

Hoesch Werke AG, Residential Construction Dortmund (Germany)

Owner    Hoesch Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH, Gemeinnütziges Wohnungsunternehmen Dortmund

Architects   Dipl.-Ing. E. A Burghartz, Dipl.-Ing.

H. G. Fuss, Essen, in connection with Hoesch Liegenschaftswesen

Site Management   Schroerbau - Wilh. Bernh. Schroer, Dortmund

Heating   Gebr. Sulzer, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik GmbH, Dortmund

Project Data

Façade Area without eternit-clad solid walls: 4,953 sqm

Façade frame made of rectangular steel pipes connected to the hot water heating system, panels made of galvanized steel sheets, pivoted and tilt-and-turn windows with aluminum profiles, roof edge and balcony cladding

Function and Use: residential building

Completion: 1973

Deutsche Bundesbank

Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Owner   Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt/Main

Planning   Architectsbüro Apel-Beckert-Becker, Frankfurt/Main

Constructive consulting, façade   Joint Venture

Professor Dr.-lng. R. Sehaal and Ing. G. Brecht

Site Management   Bauabteilung der Deutschen Bundesbank, Frankfurt/Main

Project Data

1,200 aluminum ribbon windows, axis width 4.00 m, two lift-and-slide sashes, aluminum sheet sill panel, vertical and transverse mullions

Surfaces: Duranodic grey anodized ribbon windows

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1973

ADAC-Headquarters Munich (Germany)

Planning   Dipl.-Ing. C. Th. Horn, Dipl.-Ing. P. Eggendorfer, Munich

Site Management   J. Dobler KG, Kaufbeuren

Project Data

Aluminum window hinges, fixed glazing, element size 3330 mm x 2150 mm, aluminum profiles, glass walls of the entrance hall and the connecting corridor in fireretardant steel construction, windows and exterior doors of the canteen building, glazing with neoprene profiles

Surfaces: Duranodic 300 aluminum profiles, dark grey anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1973


University of Tübingen

Natural Science Institutes Tübingen (Germany)

Owner   Land Baden-Württemberg

Design and Execution   1st building phase Architect Joint Venture Holstein, Frowein. Kiefner, Dr. Zabel, 2nd building phase – Universitätsbauamt Tübingen

Project Data

Aluminum window elements in insulated construction, partly with fillings made of composite panels, windows and glass walls in combined steel-aluminum construction, the type buildings consist of aluminum window elements in insulated construction, partly with fillings made of composite panels, entrance systems for components E and F, connecting doors between the type buildings and the PN, windows and glass walls in combined steel-aluminum construction for the physics annex (PN)

Surfaces: outer profiles Duranodic medium grey anodized, the inner frame parts were plastic-coated Function and Use: University

Completion: 1974

Photos: Gartner

Fläkt Milieucentrum

Amersfoort (Netherlands)

Owner   Fläkt Luchttechniek B. V.

Architect   P. J. Gerssen, Rotterdam

Planning   lntarco B. V., Eindhoven

Contractor   B. V. Schokbeton Bouwbedrijf, Zeist

Project Data

4 mm thick, round-rolled (r = 10.70 m) aluminum sheet metal cladding, screwed onto a previously installed steel substructure, grith 3,600 x 2,600 mm, with 1,000 mm high fixed-glazed windows in insulating construction above, intended for double glazing, using neoprene profiles.

Surfaces: Anodized in accordance with DIN 17611/17612 - E6-1 EV

Function and Use: Environmental Center Completion 1975

Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG Stuttgart (Germany)

Planning and Overhead Line   Professor Harald Deilmann, Dipl.-Ing. Architect; Architects Regierungsbaumeister Dipl.-Ing. Alfred Gunzenhauser and Dipl.Ing. Hans-Jörg Gunzenhauser, Stuttgart

Technical, Business Management and Site Management   Architect Dipl.-Ing. Alfred Aldinger, Stuttgart

Project Data

1,500 storey-high aluminum ribbon windows in natural anodized finish, axis width 1.705 m, each with one built-in turn/tilt and one skylight/tilt wing, profiles thermally broken and insulated, aluminum profiles and sheet metal, with built-in store systems, glass walls and entrance systems on the ground floor with 3.40 m x 7.50 m single-pane glazed elements in the entrance hall, canopy cladding, emergency staircase railings and cladding, spiral staircase

Surfaces: Duranodic grey anodized profiles

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1975

Max-Planck-Institute for History Göttingen (Germany)

Architects   Baudirektor a. D. Dipl.-Ing. G. Brütt, Baurat a. D. Heinrich W. Matthies, Göttingen

Project Data

Curtain wall façade, 1.50 m grid, with built-in vertical sliding windows, closed elements with Eternit panel infill, exterior with Glasal surface. The façade has 0.50 m projecting plaster balconies on two sides, which run around the terraces on the other two sides. 0.65 m high curtain wall panels serve as support for the hot-dip galvanized gratings at the top, vertical balusters made of 50 mm round tubes, horizontal handrails made of 40 mm rods. Protection in the spandrel area made of three horizontal stainless steel cables, main entrance system with vestibule

Surfaces: Duranodic medium bronze anodized

Completion: 1975

Student Residence of the German Sport University

Köln (Germany)

Architects   Prof. Dr.-lng. W. Henn and Dr.-Ing. C. Wiechmann, Braunschweig.

Project Data

Window elements with full-surface pivoting sashes for the individual apartments, stairwell glass walls with built-in balcony doors and ground floor glass walls with entrances, glazing and panel installation with neoprene profiles from our own production, windows and glass walls are stove-enamelled in the Pural-E process in the color RAL 8014

Surfaces: side-hung window in RAL 2002 and RAL 1007 powder coated finish, windows and glass walls Pural-E RAL 8014

Function and Use: student residence

Completion: 1975


Gateway-House Basingstoke (Great Britain)

Architect   Arup Associates, London

Main Contractor   Bovis Construction Ltd., Basingstoke

Project Data

single-skin panel elements, column cladding, roof superstructures in steel construction

Surfaces: Duranodic medium bronze anodized Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1976

Aluminum façade constructions, consisting of floor-to-ceiling glass walls and large-format single-skin panel elements (7.10 m x 2.00 m). All column cladding and plant room in steel structures.

Aluminum-Fassadenkonstruktionen, bestehend aus stockwerkshohen Glaswänden und großformatigen einschaligen Paneelelementen (7,10 m X 2,00 m). Sämtliche Stützenverkleidungen und die Dachaufbauten in Stahlkonstruktionen.

Photos: Gartner


Bush Lane House

London (Great Britain)

Owner   Trafalgar House Development Ltd., London

Architects   Arup Associates Engineers & Quantity

Surveyors, London

Site Management   Trollope & Colls Ltd., London

Project Data

Special aluminum and stainless steel pressings for node caps and cowlings of the external lattice, panel claddings (honey comb panels) at soffits stairs and roof plant room, casings of structural twin columns, suspended walk-way bridge, main entrances and steel walkway and railings.

Surfaces: aluminum grey anodized

Œ Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1977

Südwestbank Stuttgart (Germany)

Planning   Architekt Rolf Lechler and J. Herzberg, Stuttgart

Technical Overhead Line   Deutsche Bauent wicklung GmbH, Stuttgart

Site Management   WLZ Raiffeisen Bauabteilung

H. Schickler, Stuttgart

Project Data

Stepped 9-storey administration building, façade in stick system construction, axial dimension 1.875 or 1.625 mm, there is a steel construction in the lintel and spandrel area, with special fire protection requirements of the spandrel panels, inside sun protection, soffits with aluminum panels, stairwell and machine superstructure cladding, sound-absorbing insulating glazing in neoprene profiles, outer pane parsol gray

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1977

Public Indoor Swimming Pool with Medicinal Baths and Saunas Sindelfingen (Germany)

Owner   Stadt Sindelfingen

Architects   Friedrich Tober & Partner Paul Nagler + Heinz Sailer, Freelance Architects, Sindelfingen

Structural Engineer   lng.-Büro für Bauwesen Ulrich Otto, Stuttgart; Prof. Dr.-lng. F. Leonhardt and Dr.-lng. Wolfhart Andrä, Stuttgart

Site Management   Stadt Sindelfingen, Hochbauamt Façade Consultant   Gerhard Brecht, Stuttgart

Project Data

Window screens in steel framing with integrated heating and ventilation (DBP Gartner), structural steel columns had been welded together out of C-shaped sections and flat bars, all visible surfaces machined.

Surfaces: all aluminum duranodic bronze anodized, wall and ceiling panels powder-coated

Function and Use: public swimming pool

Completion: 1977

ESTEL NV Hoesch-Hoogovens Kantoorgebouw Nijmegen (Netherlands)

Architects   DSBV Ingenieurs-en Architectenbureau

Drexhage, Sterkenburg, Bodon, Venstra, Rotterdam

Architect   A. Bodon Architekt BNA

Management and Technology   lntegraal lngenieursbureau pvba, Genk

Contractor   Aannemingsmaatschappij Tiemstra b.v. Nijmegen

Advice on Ventilation and Heating Installation   Andre Z. Wasowski, Dipl.-Ing. SIA, Zürich

Project Data

lntegrated curtain wall system DBP Gartner with maintenance balconies and ventilation system inclusive recycling of energy. All welded steel framings are connected to the warm water heating system and are separated from all external aluminum beads and claddings by thermal breaks

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1977





Owner   Gisela Allgemeine Lebens- und Aussteuerversicherungs AG., Munich

Planning and Overhead Line   Architects G. H. und Claus Winkler und Partner, Munich

Project Manager   Claus Bellmann, Munich

Local Site Management   Architekturbüro Bittenbinder + Stoller, Munich

Project Data

Façade Area total: 3,500 sqm

insulated curtain walling including integrated heating/ventilation system in the frame work, external balconies are forming part of the curtain wall and have been fixed to the vertical mullions.

Surfaces: anodizing Duranodic dark bronze; balconies natural silver

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1978

The curtain-type, thermally insulated aluminum façade is designed as a stick system construction with integrated air guidance. The vertical façade mullions guide the supply air into the horizontal cross profiles and into the interior spaces through slots parallel to the panes. At the same time, the vertical mullion is also used to attach the suspended balconies. The fixed triple insulating glazing and the thermally and acoustically insulated panels are integrated into the construction with neoprene profiles.

Die vorgehängte, wärmegedämmte Aluminumfassade ist in einer Pfosten-Riegel-Konstruktion mit integrierter Luftführung ausgeführt. Über die senkrechten Fassadenpfosten wird die Zuluft in die waagrechten Querprofile geleitet und durch Schlitze parallel zu den Scheiben in die Innenräume geleitet. Gleichzeitig dient der senkrechte Pfosten auch zur Befestigung der vorgehängten Balkone. Die feststehende DreifachIsolierverglasung sowie die wärme- und schallgedämmten Paneele sind mit Neoprenprofilen in die Konstruktion integriert.

Photos: Gartner

Swimming Pool Paracelsusbad Salzburg (Austria)

Caxton House, Tothill Street London (Great Britain)
City Hall Göttingen (Germany)

High-rise Building Dresdner Bank AG

Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Planning and Site Management   Architekturbüro

Beckert + Becker+ Partner, Frankfurt/ Main

Main Contractor   Bilfinger + Berger, Bauaktiengesellschaft Niederlassung Frankfurt/Main

Façade Consulting   Ing.-Büro Gerhard Brecht, Stuttgart

Project Data

Façade Area total: 36,000 sqm

Insulated aluminum curtain walling in pre-made units, aluminum window screens, column claddings and revolving doors at Groundfloor; cladding of link bridge between high rise building, existing building and entrance hall, soloscreen mesh blinds power operated.

Glazing: double glazed units (toughened glass) type

Calorex IRA 0

Surfaces: natural silver anodized

Height: 166 m

Function and Use: bank building

Completion 1979

Public Indoor Swimming Pool

Paracelsusbad Salzburg (Austria)

Owner   Kurhausbetriebe Salzburg

Planning and Site Management    Ingenieurbüro Margreiter, Hallein-Rehhof Executing company   Ferd Salier, Stahlbau, Bischofshofen

Project Data

Window screens in welded steel construction with integrated heating system, patent Gartner, replacing the original window walls in conventional design, stick system façade out of rectangular steel sections 140 x 70 x 5, connected to the warm water heating system

Glazing: heat absorbing double glazed unit Function and Use: public swimming pool Completion: 1979

Caxton House, Tothill Street

London (Great Britain)

Owner   Commercial Union Properties (UK Ltd., London

Architect   Chapman Taylor Partners, London Contractor   Trollope & Goll: Ltd., London

Project Data

Aluminum façade with incorporating fire panels, clad with 6 mm thick ventilated aluminum sheet cladding, windows to stairs, ground floor entrances, claddings to the 6th and 7th floor, and to the roof plant rooms

Surfaces: Duranodic grey and silver anodizing Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1979

City Hall Göttingen (Germany)

Planning   Architect Joint Venture Dipl.-Ing. Brütt, Matthies, Wagener, Göttingen, Employees: Dipl.-Ing. von Samson, Ing. grad. Thielemann, Ing. grad. Albrecht Site Management   Hochbauamt der Stadt Göttingen, Baudirektor a. D. Wille, Bauoberamtsrat Schlüter, Bauamtsrat Geisler, Ing. grad. Schenk

Project Data

Window walls at Tower with side hung und vertical sliding windows, podium with horizontal sliding windows with lifting-up mechanism, aluminum cladding in the casino, glass walls on the ground floor partly two-storey, courtyard cladding, entrance systems, windows in the conference room

Surfaces: Duranodic dark bronze anodized and powdercoated

Function and Use: town hall

Completion: 1979


55-61 St. Mary Axe

London EC3 (Great Britain)

Architects   Fitzroy Robinson Partnership, London Shell Construction   Costain Construction Ltd., London

Project Data

Curtain-type aluminum façade in stick system construction, including the ground floor glass walls

Surfaces: DURANDOIC medium bronze anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1980

Photos: Gartner

Bayerische Hypotheken- und Wechsel-Bank Munich (Germany)

Architects   Architekturbüro Walther+Bea Betz - Dr.-lng. Walther Betz, Dipl.-Ing. Bea Betz, Eberhard Mehner, Munich Main Contractor   Arbeitsgemeinsch. HypoVerwaltungszentrum, Munich/Arabellapark

Project Data

8500 panels for parapets and closed wall surfaces, double-glazed insulating glass units, soffits connecting individual structures, entrance systems, façades with integrated heating, Gartner patent, in social areas, sunblind systems, 4-leaf folding doors, T 30 fire protection folding doors

Glazing: INFRASTOP heat-insulating glazing

Surfaces: natural anodized

Height: 114 m

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1981

Development and execution of all façades by Gartner. A total of 8,500 panels were used for spandrels and closed wall surfaces in addition to the same number of double-glazed insulating glass units. In addition to the total façade area, 1,500 sqm of soffits were used to connect individual structures on the floors. The tower cladding of the five elevator and stairwell towers is clad with 10,000 and 35 cm wide and 4.0 m high shaped sheets. These metal sheets provide a further area of 12,500 sqm.

Entwicklung und Ausführung aller Fassaden durch Gartner. 8.500 Paneele für Brüstungen und geschlossene Wandflächen neben ebenso vielen Doppelscheiben-Isoliergläsern wurden verbaut. Zur Gesamtfassadenfläche kommen Untersichten als Verbindung einzelner Baukörper in den Geschossen mit 1.500 m2 hinzu. Die Turmverkleidungen der fünf Aufzugs- und Treppenhaustürme sind mit 10.000 and 35 cm breiten und je 4,0 m hohen Formblechen verkleidet. Diese Bleche ergeben nochmals eine Fläche von 12.500 m2

Photos: Gartner

Finwell House

London (Great Britain)

Architect   Elsarn, Pack & Roberts, Partnership, London

Main Contractor   R. Costain Ltd., Chelmsford, Essex

Project Data

Fixed glazed ribbon windows, thermally insulated, aluminum cladding on spandrels and supports of the upper floors as well as the roof superstructures, ground floor walls and entrances

Surface: DURANODIC bronze anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion 1982

Bayerische Landesbank

Munich (Germany)

Planning and Direction   Dipl.-Ing. Beck-Enz-Yelin, Architects BDA, Munich

Building Implemention and Site Management   Cronauer, Burkei und Partner, Munich

Project Data

Façade Area total: 20,000 sqm

Fhermally insulated ribbon window construction with pilaster strips on the upper floor, built-in top-hung casement windows and internal cladding profiles, parapet surfaces with aluminum frames suspended and clad in the natural stone slabs, ground floor to 1st floor as thermally insulated curtain wall façade, window walls on the 5th floor, meeting rooms with connecting corridor, domes and roof superstructures in steel construction with integrated heating, Gartner patent, balcony construction including cladding, steel connecting bridge between the buildings

Surfaces: PURAL coated RAL 7144 and RAL 5087

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1982

Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik

1st Construction Phase Murnau (Germany)

Owner   Berufsgenossenschaftlicher Verein für Heilbehandlung und Berufshilfe Murnau e. V., Munich

Architect   Architekten Arbeitsgemeinschaft Unfallklinik Murnau, Stumpf/Haedicke mit E. Köhler, B. Peck, H.Türmer, Rappmannsberger/Zemsky/Rehle/Hermann mit P.Brinkmann, R. Funk, R. Raeithel

Project Data

Façade Area total: 5,500 sqm

Integrated steel-glass façades, Gartner patent, threestorey ward block with aluminum elements with integrated heating, glazing down to the floor, built-in lift-and-slide window elements, threshold-free, built-in tilt-and-turn vents with stepless opening option, heated integrated glass walls in the roof area of the sports hall, all exterior doors partly with automatic door closers, soffit cladding of the projecting components

Glazing: double-glazed insulating glass

Surfaces: PURAL colour coated RAL 9001

Function and Use: accident hospital

Completion: 1982

Equitable Life Insurance

Aylesbury (Great Britain)

Architect   GMW-Partnership, Berkhamsted, Hertfortshire

Main Contractor   Y. J. Lovell (Midlands) Ltd., Aylesbury, Bucks

Project Data

Cantilevered, fully glazed, heated aluminum façade, Gartner patent, all outer sides inclined at an angle, atrium façades, heated atrium roof, entrance systems and manually operated folding door systems

Surfaces: anodized SANDALOR blue

Function and Use: customer centre

Completion: 1982


Connaught Centre

Hong Kong (HKG)

Owner   The Hong Kong Land Company Ltd., Hong Kong

Architect   Palmer & Turner, Hong Kong

Quantity Surveyor   The Quantity Surveying Department; The Hong Kong Land Company Ltd., Hong Kong

Project Data

Façade Area total: 4,200 sqm

4 mm aluminum panels, roof structure cladding, podium soffits and ground floor support cladding

Surfaces: Natural silver anodized

Height: 200 m

Function and Use: office building

The First Project in Asia

Completion: 1983

The Connaught Center, today better known as Jardine House, was built in the 1970s. It was Asia’s tallest building at the time and, at the same time, Hong Kong’s first modern office high-rise. 1983 was the remedation of the façade which was realised by Gartner.

Gartner clad the building with 4 mm thick, clad aluminum panels, including the rounded window openings and conical reveals. Roof structure cladding, podium soffits and ground floor column cladding. The round windows installed by Gartner were completed with sheet metal cladding that were specially prepared for large building tolerances.

In den 1970er Jahren entstand mit dem Connaught Center, heute besser bekannt als Jardine House, das seinerzeit höchste Gebäude Asiens und gleichsam das erste moderne Bürohochhaus Hongkongs. 1983 stand die Sanierung der Fassade an, die von Gartner durchgeführt wurde.

Gartner verkleidete das Gebäudes mit 4 mm starken, plattierten Aluminum-Paneelen, einschließlich der gerundeten Fensteröffnungen und konusförmigen Leibungen, Dachaufbauverkleidungen, Podiumuntersichten und EG-Stützenverkleidungen. Die von Gartner eingebauten runden Fenster wurden mit speziell auf hohe Rohbautoleranzen vorbereiteten Blechverkleidungen komplettiert.

Deutsche Bank Taunusanlage

Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Owner   Dt. Grundbesitz-Beteiligungs- Gesellschaft

Dr. Fischer-Dieskau & Co., Anlagenfonds 1-KG, Frankfurt/Main

Planning and Object Supervision   ABB Architects BDA Hanig, Scheid, Schmidt, Frankfurt/ Main

Execution in Joint Venture   Technical and commercial management Josef Gartner & Co.

Project Data

Façade are total: High-rise towers 50,000 sqm, Base building 10,000 sqm

Thermally broken prefabricated aluminum curtain wall cladding for twin towers, windows as extract air windows double glazing externally and single glazed inner leaf. Base building sloping aluminum walls and entrance hall connected to integrated heating system

Glazing: double-glazed insulating glass units INFRASTOP Silver 48/48, spandrel panels Silver 48/28- E020

Surfaces: aluminum profiles dark bronze anodized, interior aluminum cladding coated in RAL 9001 PURAL

Height: 155 m

Function and Use: bank building

Completion 1984

Finsbury Avenue

London (Great Britain)

Client   Laing Management Contracting Ltd., Luton, Beds

Architect   Arup Associates, London

Project Data

Façade Area total: 8,700 sqm

Integrated façade construction, Gartner patent, made of hollow steel profiles 120 x 60 x 4 mm double-pane insulating glazing in the window area outside, parapet area with rear-ventilated single glazing with insulation and aluminum sheet metal cladding on the inside, installation of glazing and aluminum sheet metal cladding in the support and ceiling area with neoprene profiles and aluminum pressure strips, aluminum attachment construction as sun protection and maintenance balcony

Glazing: insulating glazing, toughened outer pane, toughened safety glass parsol bronze in the sill area

Surfaces: E6/C504/505 dark bronze anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1984

Staatsgalerie und Kammertheater Stuttgart (Germany)

Owner   Land Baden-Württemberg represented by Staatliches Hochbauamt I Stuttgart

Architect   J. Stirling & Partner, London

Site Management   Staatliches Hochbauamt I


Project Data

Curved glass wall of the entrance hall, consisting of a self-supporting steel construction with external aluminum pressure trims, glazing installed in prefabricated neoprene profile frames

Glazing: double-pane insulating glass, outer pane CALOREX A 1.

Surfaces: PURAL RAL 6018 coated

Function and Use: Gallery and Theater

Completion: 1984


Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Owner   Stadt Frankfurt/M., Palmengarten

Design   Dipl.-Architekt Hermann Blomeier, Konstanz

Work Planning   Dipl.-Ing. Horst Koerth, Weinstadt, Employees: Othmar Beck

Statics   Dipl.-Ing. Horst Koerth, Weinstadt

Project Management   Hochbauamt der Stadt Frankfurt, Amtsleiter Dipl.-Ing. Jochen Kirchberg, Baudirektor Dipl.-Ing. Roland Burgard, Architect Wilhelm Pfeiffer (Site Management), Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Ganß (Statics) Gartenarchitekt   Heinz Eckebrecht, Kelkheim

Project Data

Façade Area total: 4,000 sqm

Star-shaped greenhouses over an area of 3.500 sqm, aluminum framework connected to heating system, integrated ventilation and cooling system, double glazed, entrances, gates, glass screens in link way

Surfaces: natural silver anodized

Function and Use: greenhouse

Completion: 1984


Exchange Square

Hong Kong (HKG)

Owner   The Hong Kong Land Property Co. Ltd., Hong Kong

Architect   P + T Architects and Engineers HK, Hong Kong

Structural Engineer   Ove Arup & Partners HK Ltd., Hong Kong

Project Management   The Hong Kong Land Property Co. Ltd.

Projects Department

General-Contractor   Gammon Building Construction Ltd., Hong Kong

Project Data

Façade Area total: 4,200 sqm

prefabricated units, including glass and granite to spandrels, total nos of units, 10,000 in varying sizes and types, flat and curved

Height: 200 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1985

Curtain walling to twin tower blocks. The claddings were designed as prefabricated units, including glass and granite to spandrels, total nos of units, 10,000 in varying sizes and types, flat and curved. Installation of the cladding units was carried out, by special, purpose designed and built lifting and installation equipment. Design and prefabrication of curtain walling by Gartner. Assembly and installation in Hong Kong by Joint Venture, Gartner and Builders Federal, Hong Kong.

Vorhangfassade an beiden Türmen aus vorgefertigten Elementen mit Verglasung und eingesetzten Granit-Brüstungen. Insgesamt ca. 10.000 Elemente unterschiedlicher Größen und Typen, flache und gerundete Elemente. Die Montage erfolgte mit eigens konstruierten Vorrichtungen, ohne Gerüste. Konstruktion und Vorfertigung Gartner, Zusammenbau und Montage in Hong Kong - durchgeführt von Joint Venture Gartner - Builders Federal, Hong Kong.

Photos: Kerun Jp./Jane Mont

Lloyd's Redevelopment

London (Gartner)

Owner   Corporation of Lloyd's

Architect   Richard Rogers Partnership Ltd.

Main Contractor   Bovis Construction Ltd.

Project Data

Main Building

Galleries 1–12: storey height thermally broken aluminum curtain wall units at 1,8 m modules which are glazed with double glazed units externally and single glazed openable inner leaves. An integrated heating system incorporated with the design allows warm air to pass between the cavity created by the external glazing and the inner leaves, room level 7,5 m high, thermally broken aluminum curtain walling, glazed with triple glazed units.

Atrium: Aluminum framed thermally broken double glazed atrium comprising vertical walls and barrel vault roof.

Canopy: polished and perforated stainless steel beam supports were specially constructed and glazed with curved/toughened clear glass satellites

Textured stainless steel faced composite fire rating panels, storey height, were fixed to an RHS frame on both the stairs and the lift lobbies of all 6 no. towers.

lnternally natural anodized lining panels were fitted. The links were glazed with Contraflam F30 fire resisting double glazed units. Internal fire rating steel doors were finished powder coat, metallic silver.

Surfaces: grey hardcoat anodizing, patterned glass was specially developed for Lloyds Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1986

Photos: Gartner

Sun Life of Canada

Basingstoke (Great Britain)

Architect   Elsom Pack Roberts, Partnership, London

Contractor   John Laing Construction Ltd., Luton

Project Data

Façade Area total: 13,000 sqm

Thermally broken external curtain wall, plant room cladding and atrium roof with external soffits, main entrance doors, screens, inner atrium walls, atrium roof glazing and link bridges

Surfaces: external column, lift and staircase cladding in grey anodized aluminum

Œ Function and Use: office building

Completion 1987

Bürogebäude CTS-House

Hong Kong (HKG)

Owner   China Travel Service Holdings (HK) Ltd.

Architects   Kung + Lee, Architects, Designers, Hong Kong

Project Data

Façade Area total: 4,500 sqm

Tall building consisting of horizontal ribbon windows, with built-in top-hung sashes, and parapet cladding made of 4 mm aluminum sheet, ribbon windows as horizontal glass strips, entrance glass walls, entrance doors and canopy cladding on the ground floor, stainless steel handrails for the roof terraces

Glazing of tall building: single panes, the panes at the top and bottom mechanically held, vertical with structural silicone sealant (“structural glazing”)

Surfaces: natural anodizing finish, spandrel cladding light bronze anodized

Height: 92 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1987

Extension Centre de Calcul Europeen Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

Owner   Caisse de Pension des Employes Prives, Luxembourg

Client   Paul Würth S.A., Luxembourg

Architect   Atelier d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme Theo Worre et Jo Schiltz, Luxembourg

Execution of the Metal Façade in Joint Venture

Technical and Commercial Management by our subsidiary   N.V. Internationale Constructie Bedrijven, I.C.B., Heerlen

Project Data

Façade Area total: 850 sqm

Thermally broken aluminum curtain wall with double glazed tilt/turn wing, ventilated aluminum spandrel panels, 2-leaf entrance doors

Glazing: sun-reflecting double glazed unit


Surfaces: E6-C34 anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1987

19-24 Ropemaker Street

London (Great Britain)

Architect   Beaver Associates, London

Owner   Co-operative lnsurance Society Ltd., Manchester

Contractor   Bovis Construction Ltd., London

Project Data

Suspended, prefabricated façade construction in storey-high elements with balconies in aluminum staircase cladding, ground floor walls, entrances with revolving door system and soffits

Surfaces: natural anodized

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1987

Photo: Jo Reid & John Peck, Gartner
Photo: Gartner
Photo: Gartner
Photo: Eddie Chan; Julian Smalley

Administration Center Stadtsparkasse, Ungererstraße

Munich (Germany)

Owner   Immobilien-und Baugesellschaft der Stadtsparkasse Munich mbH & Co., Immobilienverwaltung KG, Munich

Architects   Herbert Kochta • Bernd Obersteiner, BOA, Munich with Ulrich Foellbach, Munich, Project manager Dietrich Otto, Grünplanung: Dierk Evert

Site Management   Dorsch Consult, lng.-Gesellschaft mbH, Munich

Project Data

Aluminum curtain wall with double glazed tilt/turn windows, partly fixed glazing, ventilated spandrel panels, 20 m high sound resistant glass walls in three inner courtyards, double glazed atrium manufactured from welded 120/60/5 RHS, connected to warm water heating system, smoke vents, connecting walkways, glass screens to stair cases, barrel roof, roof lights, main entrance, porter's lodge, folding gates

Surfaces: PURAL coated, RAL 5285

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1988

Photo: Gartner
Photo: Industrie-Luftbild, freigegeben durch Reg. v. Obb. G 93/4227
Photo front + right: Gartner
Breuninger Stuttgart (Germany)

Bank of China

Hong Kong (HKG)

Client:   Bank for China

Architect   I.M. Pei & Partners, New York; Kung & Lee, HK

Statics   Leslie E. Robertson & Associates, New York; Valentine Laurie & Davis, HK

Home Automation   Jaros Baum & Boues, New York, Associated Consulting Engineers, HK

Quantity Surveyor   Levett & Bailey, HK

Project Management   Sun Chung Building Man., HK

Main Contractor   Kumagai Gumi, HK

Manufacture and Installation Curtain wall    Consortium Josef Gartner & Co., Builders Federal HK Ltd., HK

Project Data

Façade Area total: 62,250 sqm

Prefabricated units, atrium, top hung windows opening outwards with structural glazing, special problems are the height of the building and high wind loads

(6.6 kPa) in connection with its geographical position.

Glazing: heat strengthened silver reflective glass

Height: 365 m, 1990 the tallest building in Asia

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1989


Stuttgart (Germany)

Owner   E. Breuninger GmbH & Co., Stuttgart

Planning and Site Management   Architekten Kammerer + Belz, Kucher und Partner, Stuttgart

Project Data

Self-supporting steel framed glass dome, 15.40 diameter, manufactured from RHS sections connected to warm water heating system, power operated smoke vents

Glazing: Climasol solar control glass 52/38

Surfaces: Natural anodizing finish, stainless steel, PURAL coated, RAL 9010

Function and Use: store

Completion: 1989

World Trade Center Stockholm (Sweden)

Owner   Vasaterminalen AB

Architect, Design   Arken, Erskine, Tengboms with Bengt Ahlquist, Boris Culjat, Ralph Erskine, Stefan

Salamon, Anders Tengbom, Michel Vogt

Employees   Mike Linnett, Lena Paulsson, FreddyZinsli

Architect, Planning   AET, Arken Arkitekter AB, Ahlquist und Culjat Arkitekter AB, Ralph Erskine

Architect Planner AB, Tengboms Arkitektkontor AB

Construction   Terminalbyggarna, Siab - LE

Lundbergbyggen KB

Project Data

Façade Area total: 8,000 sqm

Double glazed aluminum atrium, power operated tilt windows, steel framed glass walls connected to integrated warm water heating system

Glazing: double-pane insulating glass

Surfaces: Natural anodizing finish on inside, dark bronze C34 on the outside

Function and Use: station

Completion: 1989

GELSENWASSER AG Gelsenkirchen (Germany)

Owner   GELSENWASSER AG, Gelsenkirchen

Architect   Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Harald Deilmann, Münster

Employee Carl Schagemann, Knud Jensen

Site Management   Bauabteilung GELSENWASSER AG, Gelsenkirchen

Project Data

Façade Area total: 4,300 sqm

Refurbishment of existing building, integrated aluminum curtain wall connected to heating and cooling systems, storey high units with integrated aluminum tilt/turn windows, aluminum spandrels, storey high roof extension, new steel framed sawtooth shaped stair case connected to integrated heating and cooling system

Glazing: Thermoplus neutral

Surfaces: PURAL coated RAL 9010, special Gelsenwasser green and blue

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1989

Photo: John Nye
Photo: Gartner
Photo: Gartner
Photo: Gartner


Frankfurt (Germany)

Owner   Tishman Speyer GmbH & Co. Messeturm KG, Frankfurt/Main

Architect   Murphy/Jahn, Chicago

Main Contractor   Hochtief AG, Frankfurt/Main

Project Data

Façade Area total: 40,000 sqm

Aluminum curtain wall in prefabricated units, incorporating double glazing and red/brown coloured flamed and polished granite, 4-leaf folding door, 6.70 m x 5.48 m, in steel profile design with aluminum cladding, for increased wind load, manual operation

Glazing: double glazing

Surfaces: granite red/brown coloured flamed and polished Height: 256.50 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1990

The scope of work includes the glazing of the entrance lobby with a diameter of 39 m and a height of 18 m in parts as an all-glass construction, the cladding of the base floor up to a height of +26 m as a cold façade, the standard façade elements with stone and glass balustrades up to the 43rd floor, the façade elements of the circular façade up to the 54th floor and the glass pyramid with a height of 40 m.

Die Leistungen beinhalten die Verglasung der Eingangslobby mit 39 m Durchmesser und 18 m Höhe in Teilen als Ganzglaskonstruktion, die Verkleidung des Sockelgeschosses bis auf Höhe +26 m als Kaltfassade, die Normalfassadenelemente mit Stein und Glasbrüstungen bis zum 43. OG, die Fassadenelemente der Rundfassade bis zum 54. OG und die Glaspyramide mit einer Höhe von 40 m.

Photos: Gartner
„Goldener Käfig" Kunstpfad Ulm (Germany)
ITN Building, Grays Inn Road London (Great Britain)
Perlan á Öskjuhlid Reykjavik (Iceland)
Hang Seng Bank Hong Kong (HKG)

Hang Seng Bank

Hong Kong (HKG)

Client   Hang Seng Bank Limited, Hong Kong

Architect   Wong & Quyang, (HK) LTD, Architects and Engineers

Main Contractor   Hip Hing Construction Company Ltd., Hong Kong

Project Manager   C-Fin Projects Management LTD

Project Data

Façade Area total: 22,500 sqm

Aluminum curtain wall, with single two sided “structural glazing” and aluminum panels in sizes up to 2.20 m x 4.70 m, curved in parts, 2 storey-high panels, internal aluminum cladding for ground floor and podium with curved corners, suspended ceilings, link bridges

Glazing: single two sided “structural glazing”

Surfaces: natural anodized A6-C0 anodized suspended ceilings white powder-coated

Height: 137 m

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1991

„Goldener Käfig" Kunstpfad Ulm (Germany)

Dorothea Frigo, Munich

Location   Kunstpfad der Universität Ulm

Purchase of the Landes Baden-Württemberg

Project Data

Cube-shaped cage, with side lengths of 3 m, is divided into 4 tower segments. The frame construction of 70 mm x 70 mm profile tube and the 25 mm diameter bars are made of gold anodized aluminum

Œ Function and Use: sculpture

Completion: 1991

Perlan á Öskjuhlid Reykjavik (Iceland)

Owner   Hitaveita Rekjavikur, Reykjavik Municipal district Heating Service, Reykjavik; Projectmanger Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Zoega

Architect   Ingimundur Sveinsson, Dipl.-Ing., Architect FAI DSA, Reykjavik

Statics and Planning Engineering Services   Fjarhitun hf., Consulting Engineers, Reykjavik

Project Data

Façade Area total: 2,000 sqm

Steel and glass dome in self-supporting construction, as an integrated façade for heating, the construction of the dome is made of hollow steel sections, glass walls, installation of the glazing with neoprene or silicone seals and aluminum pre-screw strips, diameter 21.20 m. Constructed to withstand wind speeds of 200 km/h

Glazing: Insulating glass INFRASTOP silver 36/22

Height: 13 m

Function and Use: viewing and leisure center, hot water storage

Completion: 1991

ITN Building, Grays Inn Road

London (Great Britain)

Architect   Foster Associates, London

Owner   Stanhope Properties Pie

Client   Bovis Construction Ltd, London

Project Data

Project Data

Aluminum façade consisting of prefabricated units, sizes 9.00 m x 4.10 m inclusive of glazing, horizontal grid 3 m, single glazing on the outside, horizontal sliding leaves with parsol grey glass on the inside, smoke vents incorporated in curtain walling, screen printed double glazed units and terrace doors, 7 m high glass wall in entrance hall, two revolving doors, escape doors, aluminum sheet cladding, end caps

Glazing: parsol grey glass

Surfaces: natural anodized, sheet cladding inside PURAL RAL 7004 and RAL 9010 coated

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1991

Photo: IMYND Photostudios
Photo: Gartner
Photo: Gartner

Airport Munich - Zentralbereich, Tower und Terminal 1

Munich (Germany)

Owner   Flughafen Munich GmbH

General Planning   Prof. v. Busse & Partner Blees, Büch, Kampmann, Architects BDA, Munich

Project Data

Various types of curtain wall construction were used with special attention to strength and durability, fire protection, sun screens, acoustic and thermal insulation, storey-high units mainly connected by RHS sections to integrated heating system, incorporating thermally broken double glazed aluminum windows and doors, fire rated and laminated panels, bullet-proof walls, walkways, porches with sliding doors, gates.

Glazing: Thermal control glazing

Surfaces: RAL 9016 coated

Function and Use: airport

Completion: 1992

Construction with various requirements, e. g. G30 construction; bullet resistance classes, with infills made of glass, panels, doors in aluminum or stainless steel.

This year, Gartner celebrated its 125th anniversary.

Bauweise mit verschiedenen Anforderungen, z. B. G30-Konstruktion; Beschuss-Widerstandsklassen, mit Füllungen aus Glas, Paneelen, Türen in Aluminum oder Edelstahl.

In diesem Jahr feierte Gartner sein 125-jähriges Bestehen.

Photos: Gartner

TRIANON, Mainzer Landstraße 16

Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Owner   Büroh. Mainzer Landstraße 16-28 GbR, Eschborn

Main Contractor   FVH Frankfurter Vermögensholding

GmbH, Mainzer Landstraße 46, Frankfurt/Main

Planning and Site Management   Architekten-Gemeinschaft BfG Bankhaus Frankfurt/Main

Lead Management   HPP International Architects & Engineers GmbH, Frankfurt/Main Novotny, Mähner & Assoziierte GmbH, Offenbach; Albert Speer & Partner

GmbH, Frankfurt/Main

Façade Consultant   Institut für Fassadentechnik Karlotto Schott, Frankfurt/Main

Project Data

Façade Area total: 39,000 sqm

Thermally broken aluminum curtain wall, solar control glazing, toughened glass spandrels, airflow windows, RHS connected to warm water heating system

Glazing: CLIMASOL 49/30

Surfaces: PURAL powder coated, steel wet coated

Height: 186 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1993

Stadthaus Münsterplatz

Ulm (Germany)

Owner   Stadt Ulm

Project Management   Hochbauamt der Stadt Ulm, Axel Kruppa, Peter Ebenhoch

Architect   Richard Meier & Partners, New York

Projectarchitect   Bernhard Lutz; Employees Mary Buttrick, Martin Falke, Beat Küttel, Siobhan Mdnerney, Gunter R. Standke, Wolfram Wöhr

Site Management   Becker + Partner, Architects BDA, Ulm; Employees Paul Fuchslocher, Susanne Hirschkorn

Project Data

Thermally broken aluminum curtain wall incorporating curved glass walls, flat glass roofs, 13 m high glass walls for entrance and staircase, porches, outer doors, smoke vents, curved steel/glass wall and roofs for restaurant connected to heating system

Glazing: Thermal control glazing as PHONSTOP, roof LUXGUARD neutral 52/40 as PHONSTOP

Surfaces: PURAL powder coated RAL 9010

Function and Use: building for exhibitions, events

Completion: 1993

54 Lombard Street

London (Great Britain)

Owner   Barclays Bank PLC, London

Architect   GMW Partnership, London

Contractor   Costain Construction Ltd. London

Project Data

Thermally broken aluminum curtain wall constructed from prefabricated factory glazed and stone clad units, maximum sizes 8.4 m x 4.1 m, ventilated granite cladding to corners and gables, top barrel vault, glazed atria cross vaults, shaped ends of lower barrel vaults, entrances, Gris Pearl polished and flamed granite

Glazing: INFRASTOP Neutral 12/26 grey, PHONSTOP 29/45

Surfaces: PURAL powder coated PES 54.71052 S

Function and Use: office building Completion: 1993

DZ-Bank, Westendstraße 1

Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Owner   AGIMA Aktiengesellschaft für Immobilienanlagen, Frankfurt/Main

Architect   Kohn, Pederson, Fox Associates, New York; Nägele-Hofmann-Tiedemann+Partner, Frankfurt/Main

Client   Hochtief AG, Frankfurt/Main

Technical Construction Management and Site Management   FAAG – Frankfurter Aufbau AG, Frankfurt/Main

Façade Surveyor   IFFT – Institut für Fassadentechnik, Frankfurt/Main

Project Data

Façade Area total: 50,000 sqm

Storey-high factory glazed and stone-clad units, installed by specially developed fast hoisting/fixing devices, prefabricated units with solar control glazed airflow windows for polygonal walls, steel/glass curtain wall of entrance hall

Glazing: INFRASTOP Silver 50/30, THERMOPLUS Neutral

Height: 208 m

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1993

Photo: Gartner
Photo: Gartner
Photo: Gartner
Photo: Duckek, Ulm

Profilfertigungszentrum Gartner Gundelfingen (Germany)

Architect and Site Management   Prof. Dipl. Ing. Harald Deilmann, Münster

Employees   Carl Schagemann, Knud Jensen, Markus Müller, Norbert Wilhelms, Emanuel Droste zu Senden

Project Data

Façade Area total: 13,000 sqm

Steel/aluminum integrated façade, system Gartner®, electronic thermostat valves for temperature control, solar control double glazed units and aluminum glass panels, clinker stair towers with power-driven bottom-hung open out windows, funnel-shaped Integrated Façade, system Gartner®, 4-leaf glazed folding steel gates, fire-proof gates.

Glazing: Solar control glazing CLIMASOL silver 44/27

Surfaces: E6-1 EV anodized finish, 32-7254 coated Height: 27 m

Function and Use: production hall

Completion: 1994

4-storey high centre, sizes 172.5 m long, 70 m wide, 27 m ridge hight. The building houses two extrusion presses for the production of aluminum profiles, a coating plant for PURAL surface treatment plant and an anodizing plant.

Viergeschoßiges Gebäude, Gebäudeabmessung 172,5 m lang, 70 m breit, Firsthöhe 27 m. In dem Gebäude wurden zwei Strangpressen zur Erstellung von Aluminumprofilen, eine Beschichtungsanlage zur PURAL-Oberflächenbeschichtung und eine Eloxalanlage untergebracht.

Photos: Gartner

Stadhuis-/Bibliotheekcomplex Den Haag (Netherlands)

Münchener Rückversicherungs-Ges. Munich (Germany)

Quartier 205 Friedrichstadt Berlin (Germany)

Möbel Neubert, Glass Tower Würzburg (Germany)

Möbel Neubert, Glass Tower Würzburg (Germany)

Owner and Client   Möbel Neubert, Würzburg

Architect   Fritz und Christoph Hierl, Architects und Ingenieure, Murnau a. St.

Other participants   Subplanning Architect Hans Höldrich, Oberammergau

Site Management   Helmut Schöne, Würzburg Statics   Waldbröl und Schleinkofer, Würzburg

Project Data

Façade Area total: 1,800 sqm

34 m high self-supporting steel/glass wall as Integrated Façade System Gartner® connected to heating and cooling systems, vertical panel façade, ventilated aluminum sheet façade, sheet cladding, 2-leaf door, power operated top hung vents

Glazing: thermal control glazing IPLUS neutral R, solar control glazing IPASOL silver 48/28, glass panel from single toughened glazed spandrel IPACOLOR 1001

Surfaces: inside RAL 9016 powder coated, outside A6-C0 anodized finish

Height: 34 m

Function and Use: furniture store

Completion: 1995

Quartier 205 Friedrichstadt Berlin (Germany)

Owner   Tishman Speyer Berlin GmbH & Co. Friedrichstraße KG, Berlin

Client, Site Management and Main Contractor   Steiner Infratec GmbH, Paderborn

Architect   Prof. O. M. Ungers + Partner Berlin GmbH

Façade Consultant   Institut für Fassadentechnik, Karlotto Schott, Frankfurt

Project Controlling   TishmanSpeyer Properties

Deutschland GmbH

Project Data

Façade Area total: 22,870 sqm

Stick system façade, unitized façades with tilt-and-turn window glazing, spandrels Jura sand-lime brick "Val de Not", technical superstructures as cold façade on steel construction with cassette sheet and curtain wall stone cladding


Surfaces: powder-coated RAL 23-8019 or 32-9010, architectural bronze, artificially aged

Height: 35 m

Function and Use: shopping mall

Stadhuis-/Bibliotheekcomplex Den Haag (Netherlands)

Owner and Client   Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds, Heerlen, Niederlande

Architect   Richard Meier & Partners, New York

Site Management   Ingenieurbüro Grabowsky & Poort

BV Management, Den Haag

Project Data

Façade Area total: 60,000 sqm

Aluminum curtain wall, ribbon windows, aluminum spandrel panels, hidden power driven sunblinds, thermally broken staircase façade and atrium, aluminum sheet cladding, entrance screen with revolving doors, plant room on roof

Glazing: sound absorbing and heat proof insulated double glazed unit

Surfaces: RAL 9010 powder coated

Function and Use: Townhouse and library

Completion: 1995

Completion: 1995

Münchener Rückversicherungs-Ges. Munich (Germany)

Owner and Client   Münchener RückversicherungsGesellschaft, Munich

Architect   Denk, Mauder, Wisiol & Partner, Munich

Site Management   Denk, Mauder & Büttgen, Munich

Walking Man   Jonathan Borofsky, Boston, Massachusetts

Japanischer Garten   Yoshikuni Araki, Osaka

Coordination   Karl Bengs, Düsseldorf

Project Data

Façade Area total: 5,500 sqm

Thermally broken curtain wall with integrated side-bottom hung windows, factory installed, natural stone, ventilated by open joints, external louvered sunblinds. Glazed cylinder with circular cross section, gable roof, heated frames, heated North and South staircases, conference rooms and plant rooms on sandwich paneled roof, self-supporting, cable braced link bridges in the entrance hall, safety door screens, main entrance revolving door, point glazed canopies

Surfaces: DURANODIC grey anodized finish

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1995


Group Headquarters RWE AG Essen (Germany)

Owner   Hochtief-Projektentwicklung GmbH & Co., DLZ Stern OHG, Essen (i. A. der RWA AG)

Main Contractor   Hochtief AG, Niederlassung Essen

Architects   Ingenhoven, Overdiek und Partner, Architects BDA, Düsseldorf

Project Data

Façade Area total: 17,000 sqm

0ffice tower includes 7,000 sqm double-skin façade and surrounding buildings, weather protected sunscreens, internal skin storey-high manually operated sliding windows with individual ventilation, in parts with louvres, naturally ventilated façade corridors, glazed lift shaft with sloping aluminum louvres, polygonal steel façade with various angles and grids, aluminum/steel glass walls, roof lights, aluminum glass walls, sheet and louvre cladding, heated steel/glass roof light with internal sun shading, slanted circular columns, aluminum sunscreen louvres

Surfaces: natural anodized finish, RAL 9006

Height: 127 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1996

The façade of the high-rise building was developed as a double-skin ventilation façade. The feature of this type of façade is the continuous glass front, which is positioned in front of a conventional, thermally insulated building envelope. The high-rise is therefore the first ecological high-rise to be designed and constructed according to these principles.

Die Fassade des Hochhauses wurde als doppelschalige Lüftungsfassade entwickelt. Das Merkmal dieses Fassadentypes ist die durchgehende Glasfront, die einer konventionellen, wärmegedämmten Gebaudehülle vorgelagert ist. Das Hochhaus ist somit das erste ökologische Hochhaus, das nach diesen Prinzipien konzipiert und ausgeführt wurde.

Photos: Gartner

Extension der Commerzbank Headquarters Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Deutsche Bank, Unter d. Linden 13-15 Berlin (Germany)

Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg (Germany)

Ammonhof Dresden (Germany)

Extension Commerzbank Headquarters Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Owner   Immobilien-Vermietungsgesellschaft Alpha/Beta, Dr. Gubelt-Objekt Hauptverwaltung Frankfurt KG, Düsseld. Client and Project Management   NERVUS Generalübernehmer GmbH

Main Contractor   HOCHTIEF Aktiengesellschaft, Niederlassung Frankfurt/Main

Architect   Sir Norman Foster+Partners, London

Project Data

Façade Area total: 62,392 sqm

Double skin façade for the extension, in front of the internal façade lies the naturally ventilated, mainly single glazed external skin, the external skin includes for openings is constructed to avoid any rainwater inlet, to allow air from the outside to enter the façade corridor, internal skin with double glazed power operated openable side-bottom hung windows, through the Atrium natural daylight illuminates the internal triangular core down to the entrance hall

Height: 259 m

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1997

Ammonhof Dresden (Germany)

Owner   AMMONHOF Frank Weickert, Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Dresden

Architect and Planning   IOP Ingenhoven, Overdiek und Partner, Düsseldorf

Planning, Authorization   VEBAU Bau- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft GmbH, Frankfurt/Main

Project Development   PHILIPP HOLZMANN Bau

Projekt AG, Niederlassung Dresden

Construction work   PHILIPP HOLZMANN AG, Direktion Ost, Niederlassung Leipzig

Façade Consultant   Theodor Flemisch, Munich

Project Data

Façade Area total: 1,200 sqm

Parabolic curved, pear-shaped 53 m long glass roof, radius 14.5 m narrowing to radius 4.7 m, manufactured from RHS, circumference frame made from aluminum hollow profiles with integrated sound proof louvres and bird mesh grilles, internal access equipment

Glazing: laminated glass made of heat strengthened gl. Surfaces: RAL 7016 wet coated

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 1997

Deutsche Bank, Unter d. Linden 13-15 Berlin (Germany) Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg (Germany)

Owner   DEBEKO Immobilien GmbH, Eschborn

Architects   Prof. Tonon, Berlin; Novotny, Mähner & Assoziierte, Offenbach am Main; Putman (Ecart), Paris

Client   Main Contractor Joint Venture Unter den Linden 13-15, Philipp Holzmann AG, Hauptniederlassung Berlin, Hochtief AG, Hauptniederlassung Berlin, STRABAG, Hauptniederlassung Frankfurt

Technical Consulting and Statics Glass Roofs   Schlaich, Bergermann und Partner, Stuttgart

Project Data

Façade dimension: 20 m x 30 m

Stainless steel cable braced glass roofs, faceted roof for internal courtyard with extremely shallow slope, specially manufactured T-profiles, point fixed glazing, additional storey to existing canteen, ground floor windows, curtain walling for extension and parts of existing façade, porches, venting grilles, gates, sunscreens

Glazing: CLIMASOL 66/38

Surfaces: DB 703 wet coated finish

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1997

Owner and Client   Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg

Architect, Planning and Site Management   Freie Architekten Rümelin-Schoch-Zabel, Stuttgart, Projektarchitekt Prof. Dr. Zabel

Supervision Western Component   DAL Bautec, Projektmanagement und Beratung GmbH, Mainz Façade Surveyor   Beratungsbüro für Fenster- und Fassadentechnik Stephan Schiller, Kornwestheim

Project Data

Steel/glass façade as Integrated Façade System Gartner® for casino, staircase, meeting room and conference room, manufactured from 100/60/5 RHS connected to warm water heating system with thermally broken aluminum doors, polygonal aluminum curtain wall in stick system above main entrance, aluminum windows

Glazing: double glazed unit partly IPLUS neutral R

Surfaces: DB 703 wet coated finish

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 1997

Jin Mao Building Shanghai (PR China)

Jin Mao Building

Shanghai (PR China)

Owner and Client   China Shanghai Foreign Trade Centre Co. Ltd., Shanghai

Architect   Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, Chicago

Main Contractor   Shanghai Jin Mao Contractors, Shanghai

Quantity Surveyors   David Langdon & Seah China Limited

Project Data

Façade Area total: 83,000 sqm

Ground floor to level 3–thermally broken stick system façade with coated insulated steel sheets, ventilated outer skin with aluminum sheets and stepped offset granite slabs with stainless steel grilles and aluminum fins, Levels 4-88–unitised façade including "silver reflective" coated double glazed units for windows, toughened glass and stainless steel sheet cladding for spandrel units and vertical mullions in various widths with aluminum fins and stainless steel rods Ø 50 mm, podium stick system with fixed glazing, sloped, curved kidney wall, stepped window wall at link, elevator tower, straight and sloped clerestory window wall, roof structure of fixed glazed skylight at link, fixed glazed barrel vault, roof deck and stainless steel roof and chimney stack cladding, glass canopies, stepped stone façade ground floor to level 3, aluminum and stainless steel entrance doors, porches and doors, partly revolving Glazing: Solar control silver reflective double glazed units, silver reflective screen printed toughened glass

Surfaces: A6-C0 natural anodizing Height: 420.5 m; 1999–2008 China's highest building Function and Use: offices, hotel Completion: 1998

Photos: Shanghai Renjie
Photo Co.,
Niyan Design
Photo Studio

DZ-Bank, Pariser Platz 3

Berlin-Mitte (Germany)

Owner   Pariser Platz 3 Grundbesitzgesellschaft mbH & Co. Bau KG, Berlin

Design Architect   Frank O. Gehry & Associates Inc., Santa Monica, California

Contact Architect   Plannings AG für Bauwesen Neufert Mittmann Graf Partner, Köln

General Tenant   DG BANK Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank AG, Frankfurt/Main

Structural Engineering   Ingenieur-Büro Schlaich, Bergermann & Partner, Stuttgart

Main Contractor and Site Management   Müller-Altvatter, Bauunternehmung GmbH & Co., Stuttgart

Project Data

Façade Area total: 5,725 sqm

Atrium skylight 1,856 sqm, level 6 – glazing 175 sqm, glass floors 1.126 sqm, north shell with triangular units similar to atrium, 570 different members and 190 junction points, conference hall

270 sqm, section B – 28 m high and 27 m wide curtain wall over 10 storeys 650 sqm, housing skylight 175 sqm – roof is curved and asymmetric in all directions

Function and Use: bank building

Completion: 2000

Photo: Felix Löchner
Photo front + below: Felix Löchner
Avaya Atlas Denver (USA)

Avaya Atlas

Denver (USA)

Owner   Avaya Communication, Inc., Basking Ridge, New Jersey

Architects   Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates, Hamden, Connecticut

Contractor   Swinerton & Walberg Co., Denver, Colorado

Project Data

Façade area total: 18,400 sqm

Side annex 14,500 sqm stick system façade with external protruding stainless steel sunscreens and connecting walkways and link bridge, 1,350 sqm polygonal stick system façade in central building and lobby, 1,200 sqm roof for lobby and 400 sqm selfsupporting steel roof over central hall, 900 sqm polygonal stick system for multi-storey car park stairs

Function and Use: research and development center

Completion: 2001

The façade is equipped with double glazing, some of which is screenprinted. The use of concealed pressure beads and silicone joints gives the construction the elegant appearance of a structural glazing façade. The surfaces are anodized in a natural A6-C0 tone, adding a high-quality aesthetic to the overall design.

Die Fassade ist mit einer Isolierverglasung ausgestattet, die teilweise siebbedruckt ist. Durch den Einsatz rückversetzter Pressleisten und Silikonfugen erhält die Konstruktion das elegante Erscheinungsbild einer Structural-Glazing-Fassade. Die Oberflächen sind im Naturton A6-C0 eloxiert, was der Fassade zusätzlich eine hochwertige Optik verleiht.

: Jim Johnson Photography, Denver –Please note photographs were taken in November 2000 before completion
Gehry Tower Hannover (Germany)
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center St. Louis, Missouri (USA)

Gare d’Avignon TGV Avignon (France)

Owner, Architect, Client, Planning, Site Management   SNCF/LN5 Délégation à la ligne nouvelle TGV Méditerranée, Marseille

Leadership   ARGE Josef Gartner & Co. France S.A.R.L/ Josef Gartner & Co. Nederland NV

Façade Consultant   RFR Ingénieurs, Paris

Project Data

Façade Area total: 3,500 sqm

Three dimensionally curved steel façade with aluminium glass skin, entrances with automatic door, sliding door, curved cleaning equipment

Glazing: internal laminated 4.4/2 low-E-coated, external 6 mm toughened screen-printed glass, filter vented air space

Surfaces: RAL 9016 powder coated

Function and Use: railway station

Completion: 2002

Sparkasse 2000 Pforzheim (Germany)


Idea and Concept   Eberhard Geiss, Freelance Architect BDA, Pforzheim

Draft Design and Planning   Architectsgemeinschaft Geiss + archis

Planning and Object Monitoring   a r c h i s Architekten + Ingenieure GmbH, Karlsruhe

Façade Planning   Schiller + Partner Unabhängige Berater für Fenster- und Fassadentechnik, Kornwestheim

Project Management   Drees & Sommer AG, Stuttgart

Project Data

Façade Area total: 3,350 sqm

3,350 sqm panellised double skin façade, internal wall as Integrated Facade System Gartner®, fire proofing with Conlit® of load bearing steel frame by others, 900 m² stone cladding, 15 kW photovoltaic installation, 300 m² ventilated aluminium sheet cladding, louvres, roof light, vertical strip façade, plant rooms

Height: 75 m

Function and Use: main headquarter, bank building

Completion: 2001

Donald Danforth Plant Science Center St. Louis, Missouri


Owner   Donald Danforth Plant Science Center St. Louis, Missouri

Design Architects   Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners Ltd, Architects, Planners & Industrial Designers, London

Architect of Record   Hellmuth, Obata + Kassabaum, Inc., Architecture, Engineering, Planning, Interiors

Graphics Consulting, St. Louis, Missouri

Client   McCarthy, St. Louis, Missouri

Engineers   Ove Arup & Partners, San Francisco, California

Façade Consultant   Heitmann & Associates, Inc., Building Enclosure Consultants, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Project Data

Façade Area total: 3,750 sqm

2,800 sqm terracotta façade, 530 sqm atrium façade, skylights & clerestory windows, south elevation sunscreen louvres for canopy

Height: 42 m

Function and Use: independent, not-for-profit research institute

Completion: 2001

Gehry Tower



Client   Archimedes Bauplanungsgesellschaft mbH, Herford

Owner   Gehry Tower Objektgesellschaft mbH, Hannover

Design Architect   Gehry Partners, LLP, Santa Monica, Kalifornien in Kooperation mit:

Executive Architect   Archimedes Bauplanungsgesellschaft mbH, Herford

Static supervision of construction   Prüf.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Kurt G. Vogel

Project Data

Façade Area total: 1,600 sqm

1,250 sqm of insulated, ventilated stainless steel façade with single slanting tilt/turn windows and hand polished, scaled stainless steel sheets; annex with an area of 350 sqm as insulated, ventilated stainless steel façade with single tilt/turn windows; each sheet (2800 pieces in all) has an individual shape and size because of the geometric design of the building

Height: 30 m

Function and Use: office and administration building

Completion: 2001

Photos: Holger Knauf, Düsseldor
Photos: Robert Pettus, Architectural Photography, Saint Louis, Missouri
Photos: Fotodesign Andreas Braun, Hameln
Photos: Atelier Altenkirch, Karlsruhe

Premier Tower

Nei-Hu, Taipei (Taiwan, R.O.C.)

Owner   Premier Camera Technologies Corp., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Architect   ARTECH-INC, Architects & Designers, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Client, Site Management and Lead Management   Fu Tsu Construction Co. Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Façade Consultant   ALT CLADDING & DESIGN INC. Sanchung, Taipei County, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Project Data

Façade area total: 13,200 sqm

2,200 sqm free standing entrance atrium and glazed roof, glass fin wall, 5,000 sqm of two types of unitized curtain wall system, 6,000 sqm principally opaque unitized panel wall Function and Use: headquarter and development department of Premier Camera Technologies Corp. Taiwan

Completion: 2002

The building’s façade is created utilizing 4 principal wall applications, each wall type is designed to withstand windloads up to 4kpa and to absorb and distribute seismic energy generated at high levels from frequent tremors and quakes.

The focal point of the building is its 50 m tall, free standing Entrance Atrium and Glazed Roof. The glazed wall is supported from 350 tonnes of grade 50 steel trusses and a stainless steel tension rod grid. The glass is directly restrained by cast bead blasted stainless steel spiders. This challenging construction was completely engineered by Gartner.

Vier Hauptfassadentypen hüllen die Struktur ein, alle entwickelt, um Windlasten bis zu 4kpa standzuhalten und auch seismische Energie hohen Niveaus aufnehmen und ausgleichen zu können.

Die 50 m hohe Atriumfassade mit verglastem Dach ist der auffälligste Bereich des Gebäudes. Die Glasscheiben werden von 350 Tonnen Stahlträgern und einem Gittersystem getragen. Das Glas wird direkt von sandgestrahlten Edelstahlspidern gehalten. Diese anspruchsvolle Konstruktion wurde vollständig von Gartner entworfen.

Photos: : PRECIOUS Jeffrey Cheng, Taipei; JOIN David Chen, Taipei (left bottom)

Taipei 101

Taipei (Taiwan)

Prada Aoyama Epicenter Tokyo (Japan)

Taipei 101

Taipei (Taiwan)

Owner   Taipei Financial Center Corp., Taipei Taiwan

Architect   C.Y. Lee & Partners, Taipei

Project Manager   Turner International, New York

Main Contractor   K.T.R.T (Kumagai Gumi Co LTD; Taiwan Kumagai Co LTD; RSEA Engineering Corporation; Ta-Yo-Wei Construction Co.) J.V., Taipei Taiwan

Strength Calculation   Evergreen Consulting Eng., INC., Taipei Taiwan

Façade Consultant   ALT CLADDING & DESIGN INC.

Sanchung, Taipei County, Taipei Taiwan

Project Data

Façade Area total: 120,000 sqm

Pressure equalized, unitised system engineered to withstand seismic and typhoon loadings (+/-10 Kpa) resulting in large aluminium sections 300 mm in depth; the podium consists of many different systems

Height: 508 m, 2004–2010 world tallest building

Function and Use: office Building and 5 storey retail podium

Completion: 2004

Prada Aoyama Epicenter Tokyo (Japan)

Owner   Prada Japan Co. Ltd, Minami Aoyama, Tokyo

Design Architect   Herzog & de Meuron, Basel

Associate Architect   Takenaka Corporation, Tokyo

Façade Consultant   Emmer Pfenninger & Partner, Münchenstein

Project Data

Façade Area total: 2,320 sqm

Rhombus-shaped glass panes, aluminium mullion/ transom system structure, electrically operated smoke extraction vents and fire escape windows

Glazing: partially spherically convex and concave double glazed panes (gauge for bore holes 150 mm), the internal panes as laminated glass; partially plane double glazing with coating 67/34, the internal panes as laminated glass and partially with pyroswiss fireproof glass

Surfaces: natural anodising E6-C0

Height: 32 m

Function and Use: store Completion: 2003

One London Wall London (Great Britain)

Employer   The London Wall Limited Partnership, London

Architect   Foster and Partners, London

Main Contractor   Sir Robert McAlpine, London

Façade Consultant   Emmer Pfenniger Partner AG, Münchenstein, Schweiz

Project Data

Façade Area total: 7,561 sqm

Main façade (storeys 2 to 12) made of approx. 1.5 m wide, storey-high, glazed panels, with external horizontal sunscreen profiles; the façades are largely made up of faceted flat glazed panels although the corners of the building have curved panels in various radii, curved aluminium column cladding from the ground floor up to 2nd storey; 2 footbridges with stainless steel and glass balustrades

Height: 75 m

Function and Use: office building, incorporate the Plaisterer’s Hall

Completion: 2003

Westhafen Tower Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

Owner   Westhafen Tower GmbH & Co. Projektentwicklungs-KG, Frankfurt/Main

Architects   schneider + schumacher, Frankfurt/Main

Curtain Wall Design   IFFT Institut für Fassadentechnik

Karlotto Schott, Frankfurt/Main

Site Management   Fini Produktions Architects, Mainz

Project Data

Façade Area total: outer skin façade area approx. 12,640 sqm, inner skin approx. 7,000 sqm

Polygonal division into 58 triangular elements per storey, fixed glazing and/or with motorised tilt windows; conservatory elements single and double-axis fixed glazing and with motorised turn/tilt windows, in addition to spandrel panels with perforated plates and fins, two-storey main entrance system in steel framework structure with pressure trims

Height: 109 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2004

Photo front: Lieser
Photos: Daniele Domenicali
Photo: Gardin&Mazzoli
Photo: Gardin&Mazzoli

Mercedes-Benz Museum

Stuttgart-Untertürkheim (Germany)

Main Contractor   DaimlerChrysler Immobilien (DCI) GmbH, Berlin

Architect   UN Studio van Berkel & Bos, Amsterdam, Niederlande

Site Management   Wenzel + Wenzel, Dipl.-Ing. Freie Architects, Karlsruhe

Façade Consultant   DS-Plan GmbH, Stuttgart

Project Data

Façade Area total: 14,800 sqm

6,200 steel stick system units of widely varying geometrical form, 8,000 sqm sheet cladding between the individual levels with mainly radially curved metal panels, 600 sqm of glazing in the roof

Height: almost 50 m

Function and Use: museum

Completion: 2006

SWR Television Tower Stuttgart (Germany)

Owner and Client   SWR Südwestrundfunk, Stuttgart

Architect   AIC Planungsbüro Haibt und Büchin, Stuttgart

Structural Engineering   Leonhard, Andrä und Partner, Stuttgart

Site Management   Drees & Sommer GmbH, Stuttgart

Façade Consultant   DS-Plan GmbH, Stuttgart

Project Data

Façade Area total: 700 sqm

600 sqm unitized curtain wall system, 100 sqm stick system façade

Surfaces: internally natural anodized in E6-EV1, externally two-colour natural anodized in E6-EV1 and powder-coated, Duraflon RAL 9011

Height Tower: 217

Installation Height: 140–160 m

Function and Use: television tower, gastronomy

Completion: 2005

80 and 100 Victoria Street London (Great Britain)

Owner   Land Securities Plc, London Architect   EPR Architects Ltd., London

Main Contractor   Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd., London

Project Data

Façade Area total: 38,500 sqm

11,500 sqm main elevation of single-skin, storeyheight, unitized curtain walling; 4,800 sqm external atrium façade partly double-height steel façade; steel/ glass roof; 7,500 sqm internal atrium façade; 4,000 sqm four different bridge façades; 1,700 sqm internal cladding

Glazing: Planilux COOL LITE SKN 175 highperformance coating and Planitherm Futur N low-E soft coating

Surfaces: natural anodizing E6-C0

Height: approx. 46 m

Function and Use: ground floor with retail and restaurant facilities, upper storeys provide office accommodation

Completion: 2006

LAC – Lufthansa Aviation Center Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Frankfurt/Main (GER)

Owner   MARDU Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Objektgesellschaft der Deutschen Lufthansa AG, Projekleitung Deutsche Lufthansa AG, FRA KB/N Flughafen Bereich West-Geb. 356, Frankfurt/Main Architects and Planning   Ingenhoven Architects, Düsseldorf

Client   ARGE Neu Verwaltungsgebäude Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Gartner-Hörnig-ABB-Arge DIG/Bautec, Gundelfingen

Site Management   Technical management ARGE NVL Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Gundelfingen

Façade Consultant   DS-Plan GmbH, Stuttgart (Vaihingen)

Structural Design   Werner Sobek Ingenieure Frankfurt GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart

Project Data

Atrium roofs, timber façade, rope cladding, passageway façades, double-skin façade

Function and Use: administration building

Completion: 2005

Photos: Gardin&Mazzoli
Photo: Gardin&Mazzoli
Photo: Gardin&Mazzoli
Photo: Gardin&Mazzoli

Manchester Civil Justice Centre

Gartside Street, Manchester (Great Britain)

Owner   Allied London Properties Limited, London

Architect   Denton Corker Marshall, Melbourne, Australia

Client   Bovis Lend Lease Limited, Manchester

Project Management   GVA Second London Wall Project Management, Manchester

Façade Consultant   Connell Mott MacDonald, London

Project Data

Façade area total: 31,824 sqm

Atrium wall as a suspended, double-skin all-glass façade; spine-wallfaçade partly as unitised façade and partly as cold façade; fingerwall as a double-skin façade; east wall as unitised façade with curtain type perforated sheet units; ground floor façade (ground floor east) as a recessed unitised façade with powder coated aluminium sheets, motorized top-hung windows opening outwards and a glazed skylight; entrance façade with automatic sliding door systems, folding door system, all-glass doors, soffit cladding

Height: approx. 80 m

Function and Use: courthouse building

Completion: 2006

Photos: Gardin&Mazzoli
The Michael Lee Chin Crystal, ROM Toronto, Ontario (Canada)
Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard Washington DC (USA)

BMW Welt München (Germany)

Owner   Bayerische Motoren Werke BMW AG, München

Architect and General Planning   COOP Himmelb(l)au

Wolf D. Prix / W. Dreibholz & Partner ZT GmbH, Wien

Site Management   Schmidt Stumpf Frühauf und Partner, München

Façade Consultant   Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, Münchenstein

Project Management   Hans Lechner Ziviltechniker GmbH, Wien

Project Data

Façade Area total: 40,000 sqm

Double cone made of steel and glass, INTEGRATED FAÇADE System GARTNER®, entrance building on the north and south/east side made of a structural steel construction with an external stainless steel sheet cladding, 3,100 sqm roof faces as ventilated insulated construction, stick system façade

Height: 28 m

Function and Use: delivery and experience centre

Completion: 2008

Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard Washington DC (USA)

Architect and Planner   Foster & Partners, London

Client, Lead Management and Site Management   Hensel Phelps Construction Co., Mid Atlantic District Office, Chantilly, Virginia

Façade Consultant   Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, Münchenstein

Project Data

Façade Area total: 3,200 sqm

Free standing, three dimensional, courtyard canopy as lattice diagrid glazed with insulated glass units; column cladding made of curved and anodized aluminium sheet; cooling tower cladding with acoustic panels and stainless steel acoustic louvers; fixing provision for antifall-guard and lightning protection

Glazing: double glazing with low iron glass, coating Ipasol 60/31, screen printing RAL 9016 BDG65%

Height: 21 m

Function and Use: museum

Completion: 2007

The Michael Lee Chin Crystal, ROM Toronto, Ontario (Canada)

Owner und Client   Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto Architect   Studio Daniel Libeskind with B + H Architects, a Joint Venture, New York Engineer of Record   Halsall Associates Limited, Toronto

Project Data

Façade Area total: 11,000 sqm

The main structure of the individual crystals is built with rolled steel sections in skeleton construction; 8,500 sqm stick system façade; 2,500 sqm ribbon windows

Function and Use: museum

Completion: 2007

DEXIA-BIL Belval-Quest (Luxemburg)

Owner and Client   Dexia BIL, Luxemburg

Architect, Planning, Site Management and Lead Management   Claude Vasconi, Architecte, Paris; Jean Petit, Architecte, Luxemburg

Façade Consultant   AMP, Albrecht Memmert + Partner GbR, Neuss

Project Data

Façade Area total: 20,300 sqm

3,800 sqm double-skin façade as unitised construction, 5,500 sqm box-type windows, 11,000 sqm cold façade/ panel façade

Height: high-rise building A: 75

Function and Use:

Completion: 2007


Photo: BAUBILD, Stephan Falk, Berlin
Photo: Gardin&Mazzoli
Photo: Gardin&Mazzoli
Photo: Chuck Choi Architectural Photography, Brooklyn, NY

The Broadgate Tower

London (Great Britain)

Owner   BRITISH LAND, London

Representative of Owner   M3 Consulting, London Architect   Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP, Chicago Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Inc, London Site Management   BOVIS LEND LEASE, London

Project Data

Façade Area total: 33,780 sqm

Main cladding with regular sized standard unit modules

combined with over-sized triangular units, and spandrel units forming the diagrid of the building, stainless steel cladding; blinds, doors, revolving doors, speed gates, aluminium soffit panels, interior and exterior stainless steel column claddings

Height: 161 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2009

Novartis Pharma AG

Basel (Switzerland)

Owner   Novartis Pharma AG, Basel

Architect   Gehry Partners, LLP Los Angeles

Façade Consultant   Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, Ingenieur-Zentrum für Bauphysik, Metallbau-, Fenster-, Fassadentechnik, Münchenstein

Site Management   Arcoplan Nissen & Wentzlaff, Planergemeinschaft, Basel

Project Data

Façade Area total: 8,550 sqm

Steel stick system façade, aluminium panel façade, photovoltaic cells integrated in the glass build-ups

Height: 35 m

Function and Use: research and development centre

Completion: 2009

California Academy of Sciences

San Francisco


Owner   California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA

Design Architect   Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Paris

Executive Architect   Chong Partners Architecture, San Francisco, CA

General Contractor   WEBCOR Builders, San Mateo Engineer of Record and Façade Consultant   ARUP

Ove Arup and Partners California Ltd., San Francisco, CA

Project Data

Façade Area total: 11,556 sqm

Aluminium curtain wall, 1,850 sqm steel window walls, 4,800 sqm all surrounding steel/glass canopy, piazza skylight, circular skylights, Bolla is a spherical fully glazed steel-pipe dome construction with a diameter of approx. 27 m

Function and Use: museum

Completion: 2008

The New Indianapolis Airport Indianapolis (USA)

Owner   The Indianapolis Airport Authority

Architect   HOK Inc., St. Louis, MO

Architect of Record   Aero Design Group, Indianapolis

Project Management   Aviation Capital Management, Indianapolis

Main Contractor   Hunt-Smoot Midfield Builders J.V., Indianapolis

Project Data

Façade Area total: 10,050 sqm

Stick system façade, atrium and atrium roof as standard aluminium façade

Glazing: 6 mm heat strengthened, 16 mm cavity, 6 mm heat strengthened, 1,52 mm foil, 6 mm heat strengthened

Surfaces: Wet paint, RAL 9016 matt

Function and Use: airport terminal

Completion: 2008

Photo: Holger Knauf, Düsseldorf
Photo: Chuck Choi Architectural Photography, Brooklyn, NY
Photo: Gardin&Mazzoli
Photos: Thomas Mayer

The Art Institute of Chicago: The Modern Wing

Chicago (USA)

Owner   The Art Institute of Chicago

Architect   RPBW, Renzo Piano Building Workshop, 34, Paris; Interactive Design Inc., Chicago

Client and Site Management   Turner Construction Co., Chicago, IL

Project Data

Façade area total: 8,000 sqm

Double-skin façades as exhaust air façade, classical double-skin façades, double-glazed single-skin façades or with a bracing of louver profiles, several skylights as steel construction system Gartner, the so-called „flying carpet“– a rigid sunscreen made of 600 mm deep aluminium louvers, louver cladding, door, systems, canopy construction, stainless steel, ladders, grille construction as rigid sunscreen

Function and Use: art museum

Completion: 2009

In the centre of Chicago on the banks of Lake Michigan an elegant extension, the Modern Wing, of the popular art museum “Art Institute of Chicago” has been developed. Over 40 different curtain wall types with a total façade area exceeding 8,000 sqm have been installed in the threestorey building complex, roughly structured in East Pavilion and West Building.

Im Zentrum von Chicago am Ufer des Lake Michigan ist mit dem Modern Wing ein eleganter Erweiterungsbau des bekannten Kunstmuseums „Art Institute of Chicago“ entstanden. Über 40 verschiedene Fassadentypen mit insgesamt über 8.000 m2 Fassadenfläche erschließen den dreigeschossigen Gebäudekomplex, grob strukturiert in East-Pavillon und Westbuilding.

Photos: Chuck Choi Architectural Photography, Brooklyn, NY

Deutsche Bank

Frankfurt (Germany)

Owner and Client   Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main

Architect   MBA, Mario Bellini Architects, Mailand; gmp, Architects von Gerkan, Marg und Partner, Frankfurt/Main

Façade Engineer   DS-Plan, Ingenieurgesellschaft für ganzheitliche Bauberatung und Generalfachplanung mbH, Stuttgart; IFFT Institut f. Fassadentechnik, Karl Otto Schott, Frankfurt/Main

Façade Consultant   Emmer Pfenninger und Partner AG, Münchenstein Site Management   gmp, Generalplanungsgesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt/Main

Project Data

Façade Area total: 51,000 sqm

Cold façade, steel-glass roof

Height: 155 m

Function and Use: head office "Deutsche Bank" (German bank)

Completion: 2011

Deutsche Bank’s Head office in Frankfurt/Main, Germany, with its two towers has been transformed into a visible symbol for an energy efficient and high-quality working environment. In the context of Europe’s largest refurbishment one of the world’s most environment-friendly high-rise buildings has been created. Both towers of the building and the foot of the building are clad with a new breathing façade whilst almost retaining the original exterior appearance.

Die Zentrale der Deutschen Bank in Frankfurt/Main mit ihren 155 Meter hohen Doppeltürmen hat sich nach einer dreijährigen Komplettsanierung in ein sichtbares Zeichen für eine energiebewusste und zugleich hochwertige Arbeitswelt gewandelt. Im Rahmen der größten Gebäudesanierung Europas entstand eines der umweltfreundlichsten Hochhäuser der Welt. Bei nahezu unverändertem äußerem Erscheinungsbild wurde das Gebäude mit einer neuen atmenden Fassade an den beiden Türmen und dem Breitfuß eingekleidet.

Photos: Stephan

Tamar Development Project Hong Kong (HKG)

New Building ADAC Headquarters München (Germany)

Owner   Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club e. V., München

Client   ARGE Neubau ADAC Zentrale, München

Site Management   Ed. Züblin AG Direktion Zentrale Technik, Stuttgart

Project Data

Façade Area total: 19,880 sqm

Vertical building envelope for the high-rise as double skin façade, for the low-rise building single skin curtain wall, grid elements, roof coping, blind boxes and window ledges made of aluminium, steel stick system façade, foyer roof and bridges

Height: 87 m

Function and Use: office building, head office

Completion: 2011

Find out more in the 2012 calendar!

Tamar Development Project Hong Kong (HKG)


Building 5 Roche Diagnostics AG Rotkreuz/ZG (Switzerland)

Owner and User   Roche Diagnostics AG, Rotkreuz, represented by projektrosenberg, Zürich

Architect and General Planning   Burckhardt + Partner AG Architects, Basel

Management of Works   Demmel Site Management + Beratungen, Wagen

Specialist Planning   PPEngineering, Philippe Petignat, Basel

Project Data

Façade Area total: 7,800 sqm

First building with Closed Cavity Façade (CCF), structural system reduced to both cores and to V-shaped concrete columns, sunshading installed in the cavity of the CCF

Height: 68 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2012

Owner and Client   The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Project Manager   Architectural Services Department; The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Design and Building Contractor   Gammon - Hip Hing Joint Venture, HK

Design and Build Consultant (Architectural)   Rocco

Design Architects Ltd., HK

Façade Consultant   ALT Cladding Consultant, HK

Project Data

Façade Area total: 103,850 sqm

42,000 sqm unitized tower curtain wall; 28,850 sqm alu cladding; 5,700 sqm unitized curtain wall; 3,500 sqm louvers; 4,200 sqm glass wall; 3,000 sqm steel glass wall; 3,600 sqm stone cladding; 4,200 sqm alu soffit panels; 3,500 sqm canopies with cladding; 800 sqm of skylights; 2,800 sqm canopy

Height: 120 m

Function and Use: government office building

Completion: 2011

20 Air Street

London (Great Britain)

Owner   The Crown Estate Developer   Stanhope PLC, London Architect   Dixon Jones, London

Main Contractor   Sir Robert McAlpine

Façade Consultant   Arup Façade Engineering, London

Project Data

Façade Area total: 400 sqm

400 sqm triangular atrium, primary structure is made of steel, accessible grid with guard rail around the outer edge of the glass roof to facilitate cleaning and maintenance works

Glazing: roof glazing iplus neutral E, screen print BDG 40%, RAL 9010, 10 mm toughened glass, 16 mm air space, laminated glass made of 2 x 6 mm heat strengthened glass; the glazing has been point fixed

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2011

Photo: Stephan Liebl, Eichstätt
Photo: Stuart Woods
Photo: Simon Kennedy
Photo: Thomas Mayer
Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum Michigan State University

Eli and Edythe

Broad Art Museum Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (USA)

Owner   Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan

Architect   Zaha Hadid Architects, London, U.K.

Client and Main Contractor   Barton Malow Company, East Circle Drive East Lansing, Michigan

Façade Cosultant   Front Inc., Brooklyn, New York

Project Data

Façade area total: 4,600 sqm

4,000 sqm stainless steel curtain wall, 600 sqm glass façades with fins in front, doors, canopies

Function and Use: museum

Completion: 2012

The museum designed by Zaha Hadid is a significant centre of international and contemporary art. The concept of the building envelope envisages a folded stainless steel skin which shall provide insights and light flow into as well as out of the building. In every direction the folded skin is interrupted by steel-glass façades. In principle, the mullions have been inclined and rotated relative to the glazing units.

Der von Zaha Hadid entworfene Museumsbau ist ein wichtiger Schauplatz der internationalen zeitgenössischen Kunst. Das Konzept der Gebäudehülle sieht eine gefaltete Edelstahlhaut vor, die Einblicke und Lichtfluss in das Gebäude hinein und ebenso auch hinaus ermöglichen soll. In jeder Himmelsrichtung ist die Falthaut durch Stahl-Glas-Fassaden unterbrochen. Die Pfosten sind grundsätzlich geneigt und teilweise stark verdreht.

You can find more information about the project in the 2013 calendar:

Photos: Copyright by ROCKET-PHOTOS

Richti-Areal Construction Field 1 and 7 Wallisellen (Switzerland)

Behörde f. Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt Hamburg (GER)

The Coronation Hong Kong (China)

Harvard Art Museums

Cambridge, MA (USA)

Owner   The President and Fellows of Harvard College acting by and through Harvard Capital Planning and Project Management (HCPPM), Cambridge Architect and Planning   RPBW Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Genova; Payette Associates, Boston

Main Contractor and Site Management   Skanska USA Building Inc., Boston

Façade Consultant   Arup Façade Engineering, New York

Project Data

Façade Area total: 2,900 sqm

1,530 sqm sloped roof incl. louvres and sun shading device, steel and glass construction, stick system, aluminium louvre frames with glass louvres, primary sloped steel rafters plus, secondary steel stick system framing for insulated glass units, exterior aluminium cassettes with glass louvres, sliding doors, 16 sqm glass canopy, 29 skylights, interior and exterior motorized sun shading devices

Height: 33 m

Function and Use: museum

Completion: 2014

The Coronation

Hong Kong (HKG)

Owner   Sino Land, Nan Fung Group, K. Wah International Holdings Ltd. & China Estates Holding Ltd. JV Architect   Wong Tung & Partners Limited, Hong Kong

Main Contractor   Hong Kong Construction Co. Ltd., Hong Kong

Project Data

Façade Area total: 20,000 sqm

Glass/glass fin balustrades for balconies and utility platforms, aluminium cladding and glass cladding

Surfaces: PVDF coating for aluminium cladding and extruded frame, UCT82606XL(A) champagne gold

Function and Use: residential towers, stores

Completion: 2012

Find out more in the 2014 calendar!

Richti-Areal Construction Field 1 and 7 Wallisellen (Switzerland)

Owner   Allreal-Gruppe, Zürich

Client   Allreal Generalunternehmung AG, Zürich

Architect   Wiel Arets Architects, Zürich

Façade Planning   gkp Fassadentechnik ag, Aadorf

Project Data

Façade Area total: 26,600 sqm

Closed Cavity Façade (CCF), motor driven aluminized curtain for sun shading

Height: construction site 1 about 25 m, construction site 7 about 70 m

Function and Use: mainly office and residential building

Completion: 2013

Behörde für Stadtentwicklung und Umwelt, Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg (GER)

Client   Sprinkenhof AG, Hamburg Design Planning   Arge Sauerbruch Hutton Generalplanungsgesellschaft mbH/Berlin und Reuter Rührgartner Planungsgesellschaft für Gebäudetechnik/Rosbach Realisation Planning   Obermeyer Planen + Beraten GmbH, Hamburg

Façade Planning   Priedemann Fassadenberatung GmbH, Großbeeren bei Berlin

Project Data

Façade Area total: 29,000 sqm

20,000 sqm single-skin unitised aluminium façade, 9,000 sqm ventilated ceramic and aluminium sheet

façade, steel stick system with welded box sections with fixed glazing and motordriven openable windows and doors, inclined steel-glass roof, suspended canopy with ceramic cladding, steel-glass bridge, external and internal building cradle, revolving door

Height: low-rise buildings 23 m, high-rise building round 54 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2014

Photo: Edua Wilde Photography
Photo: Stephan Liebl, Eichstätt
Photo: Copyright by Karin Jobst
Photo: Sino Land Company Limited

Musée des Confluences

Lyon (France)

Owner   Département du Rhône

Client   SERL, Société d’Equipment du Rhône et de Lyon

Planning   COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Wolf D. Prix & Partner, Wien

Main Contractor   Vinci Construction France

Façade Consultant   Van Santen VS-A Group, Lille

Structural Consultant   Coyne et Bellier, Lyon

Project Data

Façade area total: 6,000 sqm

Steel structure at the entrance foyer with 32 variously inclined partial areas was manufactured with around 650 tons of steel, highly complex spherically curved glass

Height: 37 m

Function and Use: museum

Completion: 2015

For the Crystal highly complex spherically curved glass was manufactured, pushing the limits of technical feasibility. Each pane is 3D curved. The four lower panes on the Cone in the Crystal were manufactured with radii of less than 500 mm, a curvature which can be compared with the cockpit windscreen of a jet plane.

Für den Kristall mussten sphärisch gebogene Gläser mit einer Krümmung hergestellt werden, die technisch an die Grenze des Machbaren geht. Jede Scheibe ist in zwei Achsen gekrümmt. Die vier unteren Scheiben des Trichters im Kristall mussten beispielsweise mit Radien von unter 500 mm gefertigt werden, einer Krümmung, die mit der einer Cockpitscheibe eines Düsenjets vergleichbar ist.

You can find more information about the project in the 2015 calendar:

Copyright by Karin Jobst

20 Fenchurch Street London (Great Britain)
The Francis Crick Institute London (Great Britain) Roche Building

Center for Character and Leadership Development, United States Air Force Academy  Colorado Springs (USA)

Owner   U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs

Architect   Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP, New York

Client, Site Management and Lead Management   Environmental Chemical Corporation (ECC), Burlingame, CA

Project Data

Façade Area total: 2,900 sqm

2,000 sqm large steel construction with a total weight of approx. 350 tons, 944 triangular double glazed units with a high-quality triple silver coating on the outer pane as protection from direct sunlight

Height: 32 m

Function and Use: educational institution for academic leading officers

Completion: 2015

Find out more in the 2016 calendar!

Roche Building 1 Basel (Switzerland)

Owner and Client   F. Hoffmann – La Roche AG, Basel

Architect   Herzog & de Meuron, Basel

Site Management   omniCon Gesellschaft für innovatives Bauen mbH, Basel

Façade Consultant   Drees & Sommer Schweiz GmbH, Zürich

Façade Consultant Owner   Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, Münchenstein

Project Data

Façade Area total: 38,800 sqm

37,600 sqm Closed Cavity Façade (CCF) with diverse typologies, highly transparent glazing and highly efficient sunshading, 950 sqm partly unitised façade units with no vertical mullions, 250 sqm EI30 fire protection façade as stick system

Height: 178 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2015

The Francis Crick Institute London (Great Britain)

Owner and Client   The Francis Crick Institute, London

Architect   HOK with PLP Architecture, London

Massing and Façade Architect   PLP Architecture, London

Façade Consultant   Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, EPPAG, Münchenstein

Planning Consultant   CB Richard Ellis, London

Project Manager   Arup Project Management, London

Main Contractor   Laing O’Rourke, Dartford, Kent

Project Data

Façade Area total: 24,550 sqm

2,750 sqm atrium façade made by Gartner, 20,000 sqm stick system façade and terracotta clad façades made by Scheldebouw

Height: approx. 40 m

Function and Use: centre for biomedical research

Completion: 2016

20 Fenchurch Street London (Great Britain)

Owner   20 Fenchurch Street (GP) Limited, London

Design Architect   Rafael Viñoly Architects, New York

Executive Architect   Adamson Associates, London

Client   Canary Wharf Group and Land Securities, London

Site Management   Canary Wharf Contractors Limited, London

Structural Engineer   Halcrow Yolles, Toronto

Project Data

Façade Area total: 32,715 sqm

27,000 sqm aluminium glass façade with front-mounted fins made by Permasteelisa; Sky Garden with 5,715 sqm façade made by Gartner: 3,000 sqm glass roof and side walls, 450 sqm high performance louvre side walls, 1,100 sqm glazed end wall façade south + north, 500 sqm insulated plant room façades,665 sqm high performance louvres on the north side

Height: 177 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2016

Photo: Rich Douglas Photo, Colorado
Photo: Simon Kennedy
Photo: Simon Kennedy
Photo: Johannes Marburg, Genf

University Irving Medical Center  New York (USA)


Baha’i Temple of South America

Santiago de Chile (Chile)

Owner and Client   The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Canada, Thornhill, Ontario The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Chile

Architect   Hariri Pontarini Architects, Toronto, Ontario

Façade Consultant   SIMPSON GUMPERTZ & HEGER, Los Angeles, California

Project Data

Façade Area total: 5,037 sqm

Support structure with rectangular steel hollow sections and mechanically processed steel nodes, 3,022 sqm translucent cast glass units, 2,015 sqm of marble inside the temple; undercut anchors were used to connect the individual glass panes with an aluminium subconstruction which is directly fixed to the steel construction Height: 30 m

Function and Use: temple of Baha’is religious community

Œ Completion: 2016


Hamburg (Germany)

Owner   Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg represented by Elbphilharmonie Hamburg Bau GmbH & Co. KG

Client   Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg represented by ReGe Hamburg Projektrealisierungsgesellschaft GmbH, Hamburg

Joint Venture Planning Elbphilharmonie   Herzog & de Meuron GmbH, Hamburg; H+P Planningsgesellschaft mbH & Co KG, Aachen; Hochtief Solutions AG, Essen

Main Contractor   Hochtief Solutions AG, Essen

Façade Planning   R+R Fuchs Ingenieurbüro für Fassadentechnik GmbH, München

Project Data

Façade Area total: 21,440 sqm

16,000 sqm unitized façade, 1,900 sqm void façade, 2,100 sqm stick system steel façade, 400 sqm glazed wind deflectors, 1,400 sqm loggia façades with sliding doors

Height: 110 m

Function and Use: building with concert, residential and hotel area

Columbia University Irving Medical Center  New York (USA)

Owner   Columbia University Medical Center, New York

Architect   Diller Scofidio + Renfro, New York

Executive Archtitect   Gensler, New York

Client and Main Contractor   Sciame Construction, LLC, New York

Site Management   Josef Gartner USA – a division of Permasteelisa North America Corp., New York

Lead Management   Josef Gartner GmbH, Würzburg

Façade Consultant   Buro Happold, New York

Planning and Management   Permasteelisa North America, Windsor

Structural Consulting Engineer   Lera/Leslie E. Robertson Associates, New York

Project Data

Façade Area total: 5,700 sqm

4,000 sqm large unitized aluminum façade by Permasteelisa North America, 1,700 highly transparent glass-fin façade by Gartner

Œ Function and Use: medical and graduate education building

Completion: 2016

Completion: 2016

1 New Burlington Place London (Great Britain)

Owner   The Crown Estate, London

Architect   Allford Hall Monaghan Morris Associate, London

Client und Main Contractor   Mace Group Limited, London

Façade Consultant   ARUP, London

Structural Engineer   Waterman Structures Limited, London

Project Data

Façade Area total: 1,933 sqm

1,600 sqm closed cavity façade (CCF), 154 sqm aluminium stick system façade, 179 sqm steel stick system façade

Height: 29 m

Function and Use: retail store and office area

Completion: 2016


Photo: Jose Luis Stephens/
Photo: Copyright by Karin Jobst
Photo: Peter Otto, London
Photo: Adobe Stock, Sina Ettmer

Bloomberg London (Great Britain)

Architect   Foster&Partners, London

Client   Walbrook Square, Jersey

Site Management   Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd., London

Façade Consultant   FMDC Ltd., Façade & Materials Design Consultants, London

Main Contractor   Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd., London

Project Data

Façade area total: 41,700 sqm

Curved steel stick system façade, brass sheet metal and curved insulating glass, lifts, printed insulating glass, sheet metal cladding with reflecting stainless steel sheet metal panes, 2,580 sqm steel ramp made of brass sheet metal, three panoramic glass lifts, 1,500 sqm arcades, glass façade and glass roofs with a shed-type roof constructed of saddle roofs and cladding made of stainless steel mirror sheeting and brass

Height: 44 m

Function and Use: office buildings with three public rooms

Completion: 2017

Façades with curved insulating glazing and specially polished brass sheet metal in bronze hues harmonise perfectly with the surrounding historic buildings. Large vertical wings with brass sheet metal surfaces create the building´s structure and also serve to shade the approx. 46,500 sqm of provided office space. The ventilation flaps integrated into the façade ensure a natural air flow into the building.

Fassaden mit gebogenen Isoliergläsern und speziell geschliffenen Messingblechen in Bronze harmonieren mit den umgebenden historischen Gebäuden. Große vertikale Flügel mit Messingblechen strukturieren das Gebäude und dienen zur Beschattung der rund 46.500 m2 großen Bürofläche. In die Fassade integrierte Lüftungsklappen sorgen für eine natürliche Belüftung.

You can find more information about the project in the 2018 calendar:

Photos: Foster & Partners

Lakhta Center

St. Petersburg (Russia)

Owner   JSC „Lakhta Center“, St. Petersburg Architect   Designed by RMJM under the guidance of Tony Kettle and adapted by the Russian Architects ZAO Gorproject

Project Data

Façade area total: around 100,000 sqm

73,240 sqm exterior façade made of parallelogram shaped units with cold-bent glass panes, tower spire made of steel and with a stainless steel mesh and stainless steel profiles, interior façade highly reflecting for visual protection

Height: 462 m

Function and Use: office building with a free public observation deck

Completion: 2019

With its height of 462 meters, the Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg is the tallest skyscraper in Europe. Like a needle, the curved glass façade of the tower uniformly spirals towards the sky. The two-storey atria at the five building corners serve as so called buffer zone comprising around a fifth of the exterior area. In winter, this area serves as a heat buffer while in summer this area can be naturally ventilated with four large windows (1,188 mm high and 938 mm large) which are integrated in the exterior façade.

Mit einer Höhe von 462 Metern ist das Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg der höchste Wolkenkratzer Europas. Die gebogene Glasfassade dreht sich wie eine Nadel gleichmäßig in die Höhe. Die zweigeschossigen Atrien an den fünf Gebäudeecken fungieren als sogenannte Pufferzone und umfassen etwa ein Fünftel der Außenfläche. Im Winter dient dieser Bereich als Wärmepuffer. Im Sommer kann er über vier 1.188 mm hohe und 938 mm breite Flügel in der Außenfassade natürlich belüftet werden.

Find out more in the 2019 calendar!

Photo: TimeLab

SoHo Tower

New York, NY (USA)

Owner   Broome Property JV LLC

Design Architect   Renzo Piano Building Workshop, New York, NY

Executive Architect   SLCE Architects, LLP, New York, NY

Client   Triton Construction, LLC, New York, NY

Façade Consultant   Building Envelope Consultants, Corona, CA

Project Data

Façade Area total: 15,710 sqm

10,942 sqm aluminium façade, 913 sqm point-fixed cablenet façade, approx. 320 sqm atrium façade and atrium roof

Height: 88 m

Function and Use: residential building

Completion: 2019

West Kowloon Station

Hong Kong (HKG)

Owner and Client   MTR Corporation Limited, Hong Kong

Architect   Aedas, Hong Kong

Façade Consultants   Inhabit HK, Hong Kong; Burohappold Engineering Hong Kong

Main Contractor   Leighton – Gammon Joint Venture, Hong Kong

Project Data

Façade Area total: 64,000 sqm

Semi-unitised curtain wall system with smoke vent utilizing a single laminated IGU glass make-up and secondary steel support sub-frame system clerestory, glass fin wall, skylight, light box, tertiary fins, lift

Function and Use: high-speed rail station

Completion: 2018


Owner   Freedom Plaza LLC, Washington, D.C.

Architect   Jahn, Chicago, IL

Client, Site Management,

Main Contractor and Lead   Management Hensel

Phelps Construction Co., Chantilly, VA

Façade Consultant   Werner Sobek, New York, NY

Project Data

Façade Area total: 9,840 sqm

Lobby façade, unitised façade

Height: 54 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2019

3 World Trade Center

New York (USA)

Developer   Silverstein Properties, Inc., New York, NY

Architect   Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, London Architect of Record   Adamson Associates, New York, NY

Client and Main Contractor   Tishman Construction Corp. of New York, NY

Façade Consultant   Israel Berger & Associates, New York, NY

Project Data

Façade Area total: podium façade 1,620 sqm, façade high rise Permasteelisa

20 m high cable net glass construction of the podium,

100 t stainless steel portals were manufactured exclusively from welded profiles, 268 sqm canopies, 150 sqm inner wall

Height: 329 m, podium façade 20 m

Function and Use: office building, retail

Award/Certification: Gold standard under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) by the U.S. Green Building Council

Completion: 2019

Photo: Francis Dzikowski Photography
Photo: © Jim Tetro
Photo: Francis Dzikowski Photography
Photos: Photography by Kris Provoost
Find out more in the 2020 calendar!


San Francisco, (USA)

Owner   UBER, San Francisco, CA

General Contractor   TRUEBECK CONSTRUCTION, San Mateo, CA

Architect   SHoP Architects, New York; Quezada Architecture, San Francisco, CA

Façade   Joint venture between Permasteelisa North America Corp. and Josef Gartner GmbH Gundelfingen

Project Data

Façade Area Permasteelisa Group total: 29,700 sqm

From Gartner 8,720 sqm: aluminium façade partly with motorized operable windows, heat-insulating interior façade, earthquake-proof steel-glass bridges, aluminium glass skylights

Height: 55 m and 33 m

Function and Use: office building

Award/Certification: the building aims to achieve LEED 2009 Platinum certification

Completion: 2020

The Circle at Zurich Airport

Zurich (Switzerland)

Owner   Flughafen Zürich AG, Kloten und Swiss Life AG, Zurich

Client, Planning and Site Management   HRS Real Estate AG, Zurich

Design Architect   Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop, Japan

Executive Architects   Richter Dahl Rocha & Associés

architects SA, Lausanne; Fischer Architects AG, Zurich; RLC Architects AG, Rheineck

Façade Planning   Neuschwander + Morf AG, Basel; ap3 Atelier P3 AG, Zurich

Project Data

Façade Area total: 83,900 sqm

Closed cavity façade (CCF) – 23,000 sqm ring façade, 52,200 sqm hill façade, approx. 8,600 units, 7,900 sqm courtyard façade, 800 sqm pedestrian bridges

Height: 38 m

Function and Use: convention, hotel, health, retail, offices, restaurants

Award/Certification: the development aims to obtain LEED Platinum sustainability label as well as MINERGIE certification.

Completion: 2020

Academy Museum of Motion Pictures

Los Angeles, CA (USA)

Owner   Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Beverly Hills, CA

Architect   Renzo Piano Building Workshop in collaboration with Gensler

Client and Main Contractor   MATT Construction, Santa Fe Springs, CA

Façade Engineer   Knippers Helbig (dome) and BuroHappold (bridges)

Project Data

Façade Area Dome: 2,185 sqm; three bridges total 360 sqm

Lobby façade, unitised façade

Height Dome: 36 m; diameter: 45 m

Function and Use: exhibition spaces, theaters, dining, retail, education, conservation, and public spaces

Completion: 2020

22 Bishopsgate


(Great Britain)

Developer   Lipton Rogers Developments, London

Architect   PLP Architecture, London

Client   22 Bishopsgate (DEVCO) Ltd, London

Main Contractor   Multiplex Construction Europe Ltd., London

Façade Consultant   Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, Münchenstein

Investment Manager   AXA I.M. – Real Assets

Project Data

Façade Area total: 72,500 sqm

67,000 sqm closed cavity façade (CCF), 5,500 sqm steel stick system

Height: 278 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2020

Photo: © Alex Nye
Photo: Photography by Simon Kennedy
Photo: Flughafen Zürich AG
Find out more in the 2021 calendar!

Harvard University Science and Engineering Complex, Boston (USA)

Owner   President and Fellows of Harvard, Cambridge, MA

Representative of the Owner   Harvard Planning & Project Management (HPPM), Cambridge, MA

Architect   Behnisch Architects, Boston, MA

Site Management   Turner Construction Company, Boston, MA

Façade Consultant   Knippers Helbig, Stuttgart/New York; Wiss, Janney Elstner Associates Engineering, Boston, MA

Project Data

Façade area total: 21,150 sqm

1,000 sqm stick system steel façade (entrance), 9,100 sqm aluminium façade (garden), 480 windows, 3,000 sqm atrium façade, approx. 7,600 sqm steel screen façade with 12,900 stainless steel sheets (600 mm x 600 mm)

Height: 41 m

Function and Use: research laboratories and teaching rooms

Award/Certification: LEED Platinum certification; Living Building Challenge (LBC), Petal certification in Materials, Beauty, and Equity

Completion: 2021

The new building has been clad with highly efficient steel and aluminium façades which are nested within each other. The solar heat input is regulated by geometrically optimized shading with special stainless steel sheets. Light screens direct the daylight into the interior rooms.

Verkleidet wurde der Neubau mit hocheffizienten und ineinander verschachtelten Stahl- und Aluminiumfassaden. Über eine geometrisch optimierte Verschattung mit speziellen Edelstahlblechen wird der solare Wärmeeintrag reguliert. Lichtblenden lenken das Tageslicht zudem in die Innenräume.

Photos: © Steve Dunwell
Find out more in the 2022 calendar!


Visions on


ein Projekt

der CODIC Development GmbH Düsseldorf (Germany)

Developer CODIC Development GmbH, Düsseldorf

Architect Eller + Eller Architects GmbH, Düsseldorf

Project Controlling G+N Consult Baumanagement GmbH, Düsseldorf

Structural Work Hochtief Infrastructure GmbH, Düsseldorf

Fully Automatic Parking System Lödige Fördertechnik GmbH

Special Civil Engineering Implenia

Project Data

Façade Area total: 17,630 sqm

16,700 sqm closed cavity façade (CCF), 820 sqm aluminum stick system, 170 sqm steel stick system

Height: high-rise building 44 m, low-rise building 22 m

Function and Use: office building

Award/Certification: MIZAL aims to achieve a DGNB Gold Certification (German Sustainable Building Council)

Œ Completion: 2022

Institut de Recherche et Développement Servier Paris-Saclay (France)


Representative of Owner   JLL, Paris

Architect and Planning   WILMOTTE & ASSOCIÉS SAS d'ARCHITECTURE, Paris

Execution Management   Builders & Partners, Sèvres Façade Consultant   Schlaich Bergermann Partner, Paris

Project Data

Façade Area total: 11,355 sqm

3,584 sqm curved glass façade, 3,750 sqm closed cavity façade (CCF), 4,021 sqm double-skin façade

Height: 21 m

Function and Use: pharmaceutical research centre

Completion: 2024

Find out more in the 2023 calendar!

Research and Development Center

Roche (pRed) Building 4 , 5, 6 and 7 Basel (Switzerland)

Owner and Client   F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel

Architect   Herzog & de Meuron Basel Ltd., Basel

Main and Façade Planning   Drees & Sommer

Schweiz AG, Basel

Construction Management   ARGE SB+IB S+B Baumanagement, Itten+Brechbühl AG, Basel

Project Data

Façade Area total: 40,924 sqm

3,227 sqm wooden windows and 5,305 sqm aluminum façade on building 4 and 5, 12,385 sqm closed cavity façade (CCF) on building 6 and 20,007 sqm closed cavity façade (CCF) on building 7

Height: building 4 = 18 m, building 5 = 27 m, building 6 = 71 m, building 7 = 114 m

Function and Use: research & development center

Completion: 2024

One Vanderbilt Avenue New York (USA)

Owner   SL Green Realty Corp. and Hines; National Pension Service of Korea

Main Contractor   AECOM Tishman

Architect   Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, New York

Architect Interiors   Snøhetta, New York

Façade Consultant   Vidaris

Project Data

Façade Area Permasteelisa North America – exterior

façade: 70,000 sqm;

Façade Area Gartner – SUMMIT One Vanderbilt: 90 sqm

SUMMIT One Vanderbilt – Levitation's skyboxes are 5.3 m high and 3.7 m wide, the floor glass is 1.55 m wide, structural bonding and specific novel mortise-andtenon glass joints were used to attach the floor glass, to protect the floor glass from breakage, the glass surface is protected by an additional glass wear-layer

Height: building 427 m, levitation at a height of 305 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: building 2020, levitation 2021

Photo: Beat Ernst, © Roche Ltd.
Photo: Photography by Evan Joseph
Photos: Jared Chulski Photography

Perelman Performing Arts Center

New York (USA)

Owner   Perelman Performing Arts Center at the World Trade Center, New York

Client   Sciame Construction, LLC, New York, NY

Design Architect   REX, New York, NY

Executive Architect   Davis Brody Bond, LLC, New York, NY

Façade Consultant   Front, New York, NY

Project Data

Façade Area total: 6,960 sqm

Unitized stone and glass façade with translucent marble

Height: 42 m

Function and Use: performing arts center

Completion: 2023

The Perelman Performing Arts Center (PAC NYC) is located at the World Trade Center Site in Manhattan, across the street from the 9/11 memorial and One World Trade Center.

The 42 m high, cube-shaped building features a one-of-a-kind translucent glass façade made of Portuguese marble. During the day, the façade appears a solid stone while at night, the façade is lit from within, emitting a warm glow that is visible from afar.

Das Perelman Performing Arts Center (PAC NYC) befindet sich auf dem Gelände des World Trade Center in Manhattan, direkt gegenüber dem 9/11 Memorial und dem One World Trade Center.

Das 42 m hohe, kubische Gebäude wurde mit einer einzigartigen, transluzenten Glasfassade aus portugiesischem Marmor ausgestattet. Bei Tag sieht die Fassade wie ein massiver Steinblock aus, bei Nacht wird sie von innen beleuchtet und strahlt ein warmes Licht aus.

Find out more in the 2024 calendar!

Photos: Iwan Baan
One Leadenhall London (Great Britain)
Mulva Cultural Center De Pere WI (USA)
HQ Partners Group Baar (Switzerland)
Pathé Capucines Paris (France)

Pathé Capucines Paris (France)

Owner   Les cinémas Gaumont Pathé, Paris

Main Contractor   BOUYGUES BATIMENT Ile de France

Rénovation Privée, Paris

Architect   Renzo Piano Building Workshop, Paris

Façade Planning   AIA INGENIERIE, Lyon

Project Data

Façade Area total: 1,183 sqm

Interior façade of the atrium made of steel and glass, atrium featuring opening units for natural ventilation, glass roof designed as a stick system structure held up by a secondary structure made of brightly painted steel, smoke extraction vents, glass balustrades

Height Atrium: 29 m

Function and Use: cinema

Completion: 2024

HQ Partners Group Baar (Switzerland)

Owner and Client   Partners Group AG, Baar-Zug Architect and Site Management   axess architekten ag, Zug

Façade Consultant   Emmer Pfenninger Partner AG, Münchenstein

Project Data

Façade Area total: 5,215 sqm

994 Closed Cavity Façades (CCF) units as unitized façades, designed as ribbon windows in a faceted arrangement. CCF façade made of thermally separated aluminium profiles, exterior impact pane made of laminated safety glass, interior triple heat absorbing double glazed unit with security properties, motorized sun protection in the cavity, 282 sqm entrance façades and doors as well as a 32 sqm skylight

Height: 16 m

Function and Use: office building

Completion: 2024

One Leadenhall London (Great Britain)

Owner   Brookfield Properties, London


Executive Architect   Adamson Associates Ltd., London

Design Architect   Make Architects, London

Façade Consultant   FMDC Ltd., Façade & Materials

Design Consultants, London

Site Management   Multiplex Construction Europe Ltd., London

Intercompany-Partner   Permasteelisa UK (Montage), Permasteelisa S.p.a. (Produktion)

Project Data

Façade Area total: 27,080 sqm

stick system façade with special fabricated welded post and transoms, double glazing is fixed with toggles, unitized façade aluminium cladding, with structural silicone glazing (SSG) made of double insulated glass, external vertical and horizontal features of GFRC

Height: 176.6 m

Function and Use: office and retail

Completion: ongoing

Mulva Cultural Center De Pere,WI (USA)

Owner   De Pere Cultural Foundation Inc., De Pere, WI Client and Main Contractor   Mortenson, Milwaukee, WI Architect   Skidmore, Owings & Merill, Chicago

Project Data

Façade Area total: 1,900 sqm

Approx. extensive glazing without of horizontal transoms, cantilevered steel roof structure, façade with glass glazing joints, inside a spacious and naturally lit atrium extends up to the roof, outside 1,840 sqm steel and glass stick system façade with horizontal glass glazing joints, natural stone façade, the load-bearing components of the façade are T-profiles welded from sheet metal with a 330 mm deep web and an 80 mm wide flange, aluminum nose is flush with the glass on the outside, 7 m long vertical steel T-profiles and 80 glass panes

Height: 16 m

Function and Use: cultural center, gallery, event spaces

Completion: 2023

Photos: Jared Chulski Photography
Photo: Christof Moeri I
Photos: Francis Dzikowski Photography
Photo: © Peter Otto, London

105 Victoria Street, London Architect: KPF, London

270 Park Avenue, New York

Design Architect:

Foster + Partners, New York

Executive Architect: Aai Architects, P.C., New York

SSD Court, London

Architect: Eric Parry Architects, London

National Medal of Honour Museum, Arlington Architect: Rafael Viñoly & Associates, New York

Google, London Architects: BIG–Bjarke Ingels Group; Heatherwick Studio; BDP, London

One Liverpool Street, London Architect:

Eric Parry Architects, London

Lansdowne House (Aleph), London

Architect: ALLFROD HALL MONAGHAN MORRIS, Architects, London

New Zealand House, London (early stage review/PCSA)

Architect: Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands, London

One Leadenhall, London

Executive Architect: Adamson Associates Ltd., London

Design Architect: Make Architects, London

Ismaili Center, Houston

Design Architect: Farshid Moussavi Architecture, London

Executive Architect: DLR Group, Cultural Performing Arts studio

Wesleyan University, Middletown Architects: Payette Associates Inc., Boston



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