Herbarium: Sugar cane

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Sugar Cane, Caña

Saccharum Andropogoneae | Familiy: Poaceae





Challenge: -

Substratum: On many soils ranging

Fertilisation: Chicken manure

Temp.: Tropical and subtropical Companion: -


Spacing: In rows 1.80 m aside to create probable cultivation and

employ of weed killers for earlier weed control. img:

Description: A tall perennial true grass and used for sugar production. It has stout jointed fibrous stalks that are rich in the sugar sucrose, which accumulates in the stalk internodes. The plant is two to six metres tall. Sucrose, extracted and purified in specialized mill factories, is used as raw material in human food industries or is fermented to produce ethanol. Ethanol is produced on a large scale by the Brazilian sugarcane industry. Sugarcane is the world‘s largest crop by production quantity. Other than sugar, products derived from sugarcane include falernum, molasses, rum, cachaça (a traditional spirit from Brazil), bagasse and ethanol. In some regions, people use sugarcane reeds to make pens, mats, screens, and thatch. Sugarcane is a cash crop, but it is also used as livestock fodder. It is one of the most efficient photosynthesizers in the plant kingdom. It is a C4 plant, able to convert up to one percent of incident solar energy into biomass. It can be used as a biofuel alternative to gasoline, and is widely used in cars in Brazil. A greener alternative to burning bagasse for the production of electricity is to convert bagasse into biogas. Technologies are being developed to use enzymes to transform bagasse into advanced biofuel and biogas. Stalk: A mature stalk is typically composed of 11–16% fiber, 12–16% soluble sugars, 2–3% non-sugars, and 63–73% water. Sugarcane crops can produce over 15 kilograms of cane per square meter of sunshine.

Medicine: Both roots as well as stems are utilized in Ayurvedic medication to deal with skin as well as urinary tract infections, along with bronchitis, heart conditions, lack of milk production, cough, anaemia, as well as constipation. Several texts suggest its use for jaundice as well as low blood pressure level. Sugar paste have been traditionally used to pack wounds and help restorative healing. Native: To South Asia and Melanesia Cultivars: Cultivated in 120 nations all over the world, with Australia and Brazil being the leading suppliers. A sugarcane crop is sensitive to the climate, soil type, irrigation, fertilizers, insects, disease control, varieties, and the harvest period. The average yield of cane stalk is 60–70 tonnes per hectare per year. Different species likely originated in different locations, with Saccharum barberi originating in India and Saccharum edule and Saccharum officinarum in New Guinea. The genus Saccharum has got five essential varieties viz., Saccharum Officinarum, S.Sinense, S.barberi, S.robustum, S.spontanuem.

img: www.m.wikihow.com

Source: web; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugarcane, www.healthbenefitstimes.com

Sowing: Although sugarcanes produce seeds, modern stem cutting has become the most common reproduction method. Each cutting must contain at least one bud. Sugar cane plants are spread by planting parts of the stem. Water: With a plentiful supply of water, for a continuous period of more than six to seven months each year, either from natural rainfall or through irrigation. Climate: Grows in the tropical and subtropical regions with a minimum of 60 centimetres of annual moisture. The crop does not tolerate severe frosts. sugarcane crop is found up to 1,600 m close to the equator in countries such as Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Both plentiful sunshine and water supplies increase cane production. This has made desert countries with good irrigation facilities such as Egypt as some of the highest yielding sugarcane cultivating regions. Soil: Sugarcane can be grown on many soils ranging from highly fertile well drained mollisols, through heavy cracking vertisols, infertile acid oxisols, peaty histosols to rocky andisols. Fertilisation: Fertilize the sugar cane with nitrogen. Since sugar cane is a type of grass, it thrives on nitrogen-rich fertilizers. You can fertilize the sugar cane plants with standard grass fertilizer, or go for an organic www.PermaTree.org, Herbarium Page 14

option: chicken manure. Fertilizing just once, when the sprouts first emerge, will help the sugar cane grow strong and healthy so you‘ll have a good harvest in the fall. Cut/Harvesting: Sugarcane is usually harvested by cutting stems close to the ground 12 –18 months after planting. Once planted, a stand can be harvested several times; after each harvest, the cane sends up new stalks, called ratoons. Successive harvests give decreasing yields, eventually justifying replanting. Two to 10 harvests are usually made depending on the type of culture. In hand harvesting, the field is first set on fire. The fire burns dry leaves, and chases away or kills any lurking venomous snakes, without harming the stalks and roots. Harvesters then cut the cane just above ground-level using cane knives or machetes. Sexes: Sex is oftenen determined by aceto-carmine staining to determine the viability of pollen. Clones with <10% pollen viability are designated as female, clones with >25% viable pollen are designated as male. Clones with intermediate levels of viable pollen (10-20%) are classified as bisexual. its characteristic non-synchronous flowering and low sexual seed viability . The ability of sugarcane to reproduce sexually was not recognised until 1888. Viruses, Fungi and Pests: The cane beetle reduce crop yield by eating roots. the larvae of some butterfly/ moth species, including the turnip moth, the sugarcane borer, the Mexican rice borer, leaf-cutting ants, termites, spittlebugs and the beetle Migdolus fryanus. The planthopper insect Eumetopina flavipes acts as a virus vector, which causes the sugarcane disease ramu stunt.Numerous pathogens infect sugarcane, such as sugarcane grassy shoot disease caused by Phytoplasma, whiptail disease or sugarcane smut, caused by Fusarium moniliforme, Xanthomonas axonopodis bacteria causes Gumming Disease, and red rot disease caused by Colletotrichum falcatum. Viral diseases affecting sugarcane include sugarcane mosaic virus, maize streak virus, and sugarcane yellow leaf virus. Food-facts: The juice from sugarcane is additionally extremely healthy and balanced and is also packed with a variety of important nourishment. Sugarcane is abundant with Phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium as well as potassium. Sugarcane is undoubtedly

an alkalizing material, and for that reason is advantageous at combating cancer. it not just cools the body but in addition stimulates with a higher quantity of beneficial carbohydrates as well as protein. The vitamins and minerals present in sugarcane

functioning and blocked bile ducts causes jaundice. To speed recuperation, have two glasses of fresh new sugarcane juice along with lime as well as salt. A number of bacterial infections just like dysuira, urinary

img: www.laylita.com

are good for internal organ functioning, such as the kidneys, heart as well as brain. Because of presence of massive amount of glucose (energy source), sugarcane juice is www.nutritionistclinic.blogspot an excellent source of immediate energy. tract infections, sexually transmitted diA medical problem referred to as renal co- seases as well as inflammation within the lic (pain due to kidney stones) can usually stomach (digestive tract) or even heart is be treated by ingesting sugarcane juice on usually quite curable with a glass of sufrequent bases. It’s really a diuretic in na- garcane juice. Sugar cane is a well-liked ture. It not just assists in eliminating the cooking component within Asian as well stones but in addition nourishes the ur- as Hispanic cuisines. Boil the sugar cane inary system of the entire body. It keeps pieces in a large stockpot filled with water. the urinary flow clear and enables the The sugar is extracted through a long prokidneys to execute their characteristics cess of boiling the pieces down for about effectively. For better results, it needs to two hours. The sugar water is ready when be combined with lime juice, ginger juice it has the same flavor as a piece of raw suas well as coconut water. In current studies gar cane. You‘ll have to taste-test it to deit’s been discovered that sugarcane juice is termine when it‘s ready. Another clue is to packed with a lot of anti-oxidant which it look at the sugar cane pieces. After a few assists in delaying the aging process of the hours, the color will turn to a light brown, body rendering it young as well as lively which indicates the sugar has been extracfor extended period. Febrile disorders are ted. Check the pot every half hour or so to accountable for resulting in fevers, which make sure that the pieces are still covered can lead to an abundance of protein loss with water; if not, add more. through the body. Liberal usage of sugar cane juice offers the necessary protein Preservation: along with other food elements towards Sugar cane could be kept in the refrigerathe body. It provides a kind of physical tor for approximately 6 months. exercise to the teeth as well as causes them to be powerful. Ad100g contains: ditionally, it keeps mg Vitamins mg the teeth clean and Minerals - improves their life. Sodium - Vitamin A Vitamin B1 - Jaundice is defini- Potassium 162.86 Vitamin B2 - tely the yellow pig- Magnesium 2.49 32.57 Vitamin B3 - mentation within Calcium Vitamin B5 the skin and mem- Manganese 0.09 Vitamin B6 - branes which are Iron - brought on by the Copper 0.09 Folate Vitamin E - existence of billi- Zinc 0.01 Vitamin C rubin within the Phosphorus Vitmain K blood. Poor liver Selenium -

Source: web; www.m.wikihow.com, www.biologysugarcane.com

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