11 minute read
Table 7.2 Regression analysis of EPI with globalization and CPI (Dependent = EPI)
Variables Unstandardized regression coefficients Standard error Standardized coefficients Significance
Constant Economic globalization Social globalization Political globalization Corruption perception index 9.343 6.097
0.129 0.489 0.089 0.424 0.000
0.002 0.003 0.036 0.606
0.236 0.061 0.279 0.000
0.274 0.070 0.315 0.000
R Square = 0.53 Adjusted R Square = 0.51
corruption, are also successful in terms of environmental performance. Environmental sustainability is a vital element in the development and survival of the world. Each country can contribute to environmental sustainability by taking positive steps. “The number of people who lack access to clean water has been cut nearly in half since 2000, though at 550 million, or around 8 percent of the world’s population, there is still much room for improvement. Yet in other areas, environmental progress has stalled, and some issues have shown troubling declines. Twenty-three percent of countries lack any kind of wastewater treatment. Air pollution has worsened and today accounts for 10 percent of all deaths, compared with 2 percent claimed by foul water. More than 3.5 billion people—half of the world’s population—live in nations with unsafe levels of air pollution” (EPI Report 2016, p. 29). Public administrators are responsible for the protection of the environment, meaning that they should take the initiative in maintaining the sustainability programs in every aspects of their work.
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The book analyzes the challenges for public administration as a result of globalization. Despite the current backlash in the United States and Europe, the tide of globalization will continue. There may be short-term protests against globalization spurred by the refugee crisis in Europe and the loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States. The forces of the Internet and communication technology will continue to play a crucial role in the process. The book argues that public administration faces several challenges in a globalized world. Despite the insistence by some authors to use the term “governance” to understand the involvement of the formal and informal actors, the use of public administration is sufficient to understand the processes and operations of the government. Public administration does incorporate both formal and informal actors in the delivery of services. As an open system, public administration needs to interact with both the internal and the external environment. Public administration is not limited solely to bureaucracy for the delivery of services.
Accordingly, the book analyzes the challenges of human resources management (HRM), leadership, ethics and accountability, e-governance, and sustainability. The major challenges for HRM are recruitment and compensation in an environment characterized by the loss of prestige and increased competition from the private sector. The other challenges for public administration are maintaining diversity and cultural competence.
© The Author(s) 2018 H.A. Khan, Globalization and the Challenges of Public Administration, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-69587-7_8 193