44 minute read
absolute power 77, 79 abuse of power see misuse of power accountability principle 157, 275–76 and accounting 157, 159 actors 167 administrative accountability 166 auditors, inspectors and controllers 166
Australia 217
Austria 36 boards of executive directors 51 bookkeeping origins 159 broad concept of accountability 159 civil liability 162–63 collective accountability 167
Commonwealth countries 161–62 concept of accountability 158–59 broad 159 narrow 159 specification of 160 constitutional accountability of ministers 142 constitutions 162 corporate accountability 159, 167 courts 160, 162 criminal liability 162–63 and democracy 158 development 157 efficiency audit 170 elections 160–61, 165 and good governance 5 hierarchical accountability 167 horizontal accountability 158 identity of actor 167 individual accountability 168 institutions involved 160–68 interest groups, charities and other stakeholders 166 internal and external accountability 157–58 legal accountability 160, 162 and liability 162 ministers and parliament 161 narrow concept 159
Netherlands 19, 25–26 organization as actor 167 parliamentary democracy 163 peers, professional 166 political accountability 160 principle 19, 20, 157 professional 166 public accountability 157–58, 170, 275–76 regularity audit 168–69 reporting 158 representatives and political parties 164 and responsibility 161 social accountability 166 sources 168–70
South Africa 240–41
United States 159
value for money auditing 157 vertical accountability 158 voters, elections and representation 165 administration/administrative law
ADJR (Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act) 1977 212, 213, 225
Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) 211–12, 213, 214, 225
New Administrative Law Reforms (NALs) 211, 225 challenge in designing a law on good administration for the EU 42 citizens, protection against the government 141 classical approach 141
Codes of Good Administrative Behaviour see Codes of Good Administrative Behaviour, European double meaning of administration 17 effectiveness principle 142
Europe 37 general trends 12 and governance 17, 19 human rights 173 just administration and good governance, South Africa 236 linking to theory of Dworkin 57 maladministration see maladministration meaning 17 national law, Europeanization 42
Netherlands administrative courts of law 29–30, 99–100, 162, 251 authorities 28 case law vs. policy 70 democratic administration 31 development of good governance principles in administrative law 29 formal and substantial principles 30, 31
General Administrative Law Act (GALA) see under Netherlands good administration and democratic rule of law 26 judicial interpretation of principles 30 legal dimension of principles in administrative law 31 parameters of good governance applying to administrative law 28–29, 31 principles of proper administration 30–31 theoretical basis of individual principles 30 norms of good administration 20 principles of good administration human rights 173–74 vs. proper administration 19 in reports 146
administration/administrative law (Cont.) principles of proper administration development in administrative law 30–31 vs. good administration 19 and principles of good governance 19 public administration see public administration public programmes and policies 60 rechtsstaat 88 right to good administration 7, 172–73, 179–81, 276 safeguard functions of law 149
South Africa enforcement 237 good governance and administrative law 237 just administration 236
PAJA (Promotion of Administrative Justice Act) 2000 237–39 traditions of administrative law in Europe 37 administration-cantered tradition 37–38 individual-centred tradition 38 legislator-centred tradition 38 ombudsman-centred tradition 38 administrative accountability principle 166 African Charter on Human and People’s
Rights 264–65 African Development Bank 53 African Development Foundation and public participation 129 Alexy, R 55, 56, 62, 63, 73–74 and Dworkin 63, 73, 271
Theory of Constitutional Rights 61–62 Allan, T 85–86 American Declaration of Independence (1776) human rights 172 rule of law 79, 82 Anwar, Dadan 71 applicability, legal norms effectiveness principle 143, 148 external and internal applicability 148 arbitrariness, prohibition on 103, 109, 273 codification 103 in European countries 103 manifestations of principle 103 as principle of proper administration 103 Aristotle 22, 77 Arnstein, S 95 Aroney, N 214 Arrowsmith, S 127 auditing audit explosion 166 auditors, inspectors and controllers 166
Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) 227 efficiency audit 170
National Audit Office the Netherlands 20–22, 27
United Kingdom 157
United States 20–22 offices, duties of 170
regularity audit 168–69 roles 170 value for money auditing 157 see also accountability principle Austin, J 56 Australia 278 accountability principle 214, 217, 221 administrative law
ADJR (Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act) 1977 212, 213, 225
Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) 211–12, 213, 214, 225
New Administrative Law Reforms (NALs) 211, 225 anti-terrorism legislation 215
Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) 227 balance of powers 77
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Charter) 216–17
Commissions 214
Constitution 135, 227
Crimes Commission 215
Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) 222, 223
Fair Work Australia legislation 211
Federal Court 211–12 fourth power, position of 214 freedom of information legislation administrative non-compliance 221–22 adversarialism 221–22
Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act (1982) 219, 220, 227–28 comparison between Commonwealth and New South Wales 220 compliance differing from entity to entity 222 conclusive certificates 219 exclusive certificates 219 malicious non-compliance 221–22
New South Wales Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 220
New Zealand contrasted 218
Ombudsman, role of 215 principles of good governance 217 and ‘structural imbalance’ 223 transparency and participation, enhancing 221 good governance and human rights 216 historical background and good governance approaches 210 human rights 216 implementation of good governance principles 209–27
Information Publication Scheme (IPS) 219–20 integrity issues 227 judicial review 212, 214, 227
Judicial Review Council 213–14
Kerr Committee Report (1971) 211–12 legal approach 210–11
legitimacy, government decision-making 212
Merits Review 213–14, 225
Office of the Information Commissioner (OAIC) 219–21
Ombudsmen 211–12, 213–14, 215, 227 participation principle 135–36, 217, 221 privative clauses 226–27 referenda 135 regulatory approach 210 research findings 227 rule of law 211, 213 separation of powers 18, 211 simples ultra vires principle 212–13 transparency principle 217, 221
Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities 2008 (Vic) 215, 227
Westminster System 217–18, 223–24 Austria accountability principle 36
Constitution 203
Court of Audit 203 effectiveness principle 36
Federal Constitutional Laws 180
Federal Ministry of Health 193–94
Federal Ombudsman 203 good governance in 35 implementation of good governance principles 193–94, 200, 203 public health policy 193–94 autopoiesis theory 60
background normative theory 60 balance of powers 22, 24, 270–71
Australia 77
Netherlands 26–27 and rule of law 83 and separation of powers 22, 77 Belgium
Administrative Court 36, 162 education policy and good governance 194 implementation of good governance principles 203 languages 203 Bentham, Jeremy 56 Berlin Wall, fall of 11 Birnie, PW 150 Bodansky, D 263 Bodin, Jean 79 Bolingbroke, Henry
Remarks on the History of England (1748) 77–78 Bovens, MAP 158, 170 Boyle, AE 150 bribery, active and passive 69 Britain see United Kingdom Bulgaria, implementation of good governance principles 205
Callinan, I 214 Canada accountability principle 234 administrative officials, accountability of 234 Centre for International Governance Innovation, Ottawa 229
Charter of Rights and Freedoms 228–29, 230–31, 234, 235
Constitution 228–29, 235, 241–42, 278
Criminal Code 231 good governance concept 229 implementation of principles 228–35 principles 228, 229–33 good government 229, 235 human rights principle 230–31
Information Commissioner 232 judicial independence 232–33 judicial review 234
Office of the Correctional Investigator 234–35
Ombudsmen 234–35 participation principle 233 properness principle 229 research findings 235
Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) 230–31, 232–33 transparency principle 231, 233
Treasury Board 234 carefulness principle 107, 110, 273 Central/Central Eastern Europe democracy in 11, 205, 277 implementation of good governance principles 189, 197, 200, 204 properness principle 277 rule of law 277 see also Bulgaria, implementation of good governance principles; Croatia, implementation of good governance principles; Czech Republic; Estonia, implementation of good governance principles; Hungary; Latvia; Lithuania; Poland; Romania, implementation of good governance principles; Slovakia, implementation of good governance principles; Slovenia charities, accountability principle 166 Charter of Fundamental Rights of
Citizenship 11–12 Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union and Charter of Good Governance 251, 252 and Court of Justice 246–47 distinction between rights and principles in 252 effectiveness principle and treaty interpretation 153 good administration, right to 7, 9 and good governance 250–52 implementation of principles 243–44 principles 253–55 right to 251 human rights 172–73 motivation principle 253 principles of good governance in 253–55 provisions (Art 1) 7–9 status 33 transparency principle 115, 120, 248
checks and balances framework 20, 24, 26–27 citizens’ initiatives 93, 95, 272–73 citizens’ panels 134, 138, 139 civil law tradition 4, 56 civil servants accountability principle 162–63 checks and balances framework 22 corruption and fraud 69–70 CJEU see European Court of Justice Codes of Good Administrative Behaviour,
European 10, 11–12, 39–40, 45, 244 application of principles by Ombudsman 40 of Commission
Code of Good Administrative Behaviour (2000) 45, 46, 146
Code of Good Administrative Behaviour for Staff of the European Commission (binding), 2004 244–45, 261, 278–79 draft Code (1999) 40, 44–45
European Parliament resolution (2001) 46, 256 of Ombudsman (2001) 33, 39–40, 44–45, 46, 251, 255, 261, 279 contents 46 fundamental rights of citizenship 46 implementation 257 parts 256–57 rationale for 39–40 collective accountability 167 Commissioner for Human Rights 34 common law tradition accountability principle 162–63 principles of good governance 56 rule of law 4, 80, 84, 272 concept of good governance 16–19, 270
Canada 229 and context 270 development 270 governance and administration 17 and integrity 187 international law 267 meta-concepts 19, 75 and modern state 13 and principles of good governance 18, 188, 191–92 confidence principle see legitimate expectation principle conflicts of interest 67–68, 166, 188 Connor, DM 95 consistency principle 104 constitutional rights theory 61 limiting of constitutional rights 61–62 optimization requirements, constitutional rights as 61, 62, 64, 271 principles and rules 62 principles and values 62 and proportionality 61 see also Alexy, R constitutions accountability mechanisms 162
Australia 135, 227
Canada 228–29, 235, 241–42, 278 constitutional states 81 early constitutions 79 elements identified by Aristotle 77
England 22
Finland 187, 266
Germany 9, 76–77, 106
Hungarian Republic 180
Italian Republic 179
Latvia 106
Lithuanian Republic 180 the Netherlands 20–22, 27–28, 106 perspectives from rule of law and rechtsstaat 82
Polish Republic 180
Portuguese Republic 181
ReNEUAL Model Rules, principles in 47
South Africa 106, 237–38, 239, 240, 278
Spain 133
United States 38, 82 written 76–77, 81, 82 continental law tradition 80, 272 Cornall, R 222 corporate accountability 167 corporate governance 18, 159 corruption civil servants 69–70 individual ministerial responsibility 161 integrity violations 69–70, 188
South Africa 236
Southern Europe 203–4 Council of Europe
‘Administration and You’ Handbook 34
Committee of Ministers 175 and Court of Human Rights 266–67, 279 founding of 34
Good Administration recommendation 34 good governance, main developments 9, 10 human rights 174 resolutions 33–34 system compared to EU system 33 Council of Ministers 11–12, 43, 252 acting in public 243, 252 resolution on Human Rights, Democracy and Development (1991) 146 transparency principle 118, 119, 123 Court of First Instance (CFI) 118–19 implementation of good governance principles 247–49, 253, 254–55 legal certainty principle 254 levels of good governance 39, 40, 41, 42 Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) see European Court of Justice courts accountability principle 160, 162 administrative, in the Netherlands 29–30, 99–100 civil 24, 162 voiding of decision on basis of principles of procedure 198 see also Court of First Instance (CFI); Courts of Audit; East African Court of Justice (EACJ); European Court of Human
Rights (ECtHR); European Court of Justice; Inter-American Court of Human Rights Courts of Audit administrative enforcement 24 effectiveness principle 150 efficiency audit 170 fourth power 4, 20–22 good governance documents 23 implementation of good governance principles 202
Netherlands 19, 25–26 principles of good governance, applying 191 regularity audit 168–69 reports 23 Craig, P 61, 86 criminal law
Australia 215 bribery, active and passive 69 corruption 69–70, 71, 161 enforcement 23–24 fraud 69–70 liability 162–63 national Penal Codes 69, 70 tapped telephone conversations 84 Croatia, implementation of good governance principles 205 Curtin, DM 45–46, 58, 137
Good Governance: The Concept and its Application by the European Union 55 Cyprus, implementation of good governance principles 204 Czech Republic
Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms 179
Deep Geological Repository case 194–95 good governance in 35 implementation of good governance principles 200, 205
data protection laws 121 Deep Geological Repository case, Czech
Republic 194–95 Dekker, IF 45–46, 58, 137
Good Governance: The Concept and its Application by the European Union 55 democracy 91, 272–73 and accountability principle 158 in Central and Eastern Europe 11, 205 characteristics 4–5 citizens’ initiatives 93, 95, 272–73 as cornerstone of the modern state 3–4, 75 deepening of concept 13 defining 91 deliberative 92–93 democratic administration, Netherlands 31 democratic governing systems 163 dialogue 92 direct see direct democracy
‘e-democracy,’ suggestions for 93 elements of 4–5 equal rights 92 forms of government 91 implementation of good governance principles 200 indirect 163 as ‘last form of government’ 4–5 liberal 92, 93–94, 95 majority rule 91
Northern Europe 277 origins 92 parliamentary 93, 163 participation principle 95 participatory 4–5, 95 people, importance of 92–93 pillar of modern state 4 referenda 93, 274–75 representative see representative democracy and rule of law 91 semi-direct 92–93 sovereignty 92 and transparency 94, 96
United Kingdom 92, 277 varieties 91
WTO, lack of transparency at 125 see also participation principle Denmark implementation of good governance principles 202
Ombudsman 39 dialogue, democratic 92 Dicey, AV 4–5, 76, 86–87 and Australia 210, 211–12 direct democracy 4–5, 91, 92, 272–73, 274–75 administration and law 142 lack of sufficient methodology on 139–40 and parliamentary democracy 163 participation principle 133, 139–40 and representative democracy 93, 96, 142 semi-direct 92–93 types 96 discretion, abuse of 102 discrimination 188 distribution of powers 22 Doha Development agenda (DDA) 127 Dworkin, Ronald 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64 and Alexy 63, 73, 271 and Hart 56–58, 73 on rule of law 85–86 theory 57 good governance in system 58 linking to administrative law 57
East African Court of Justice (EACJ) 264–65 economic policy, Denmark 195 economic recession, global 14 education policy, Belgium 194 effectiveness principle 19, 20, 141, 255, 275 acceptance 147 administration and law 142
Austria 36 circular definitions 146–47 concept of effectiveness 145 as actual observance 151, 156 dictionary definitions 144–45, 156 non-legal context 144, 145–46, 147
effectiveness principle (Cont.) principles of good governance 145–46 specification of 149
Court of Human Rights jurisprudence 151 development 143 economics 145 efficacy 144 efficiency 144
EU law 145–46, 147, 153–54, 155, 156 gap studies 148 good governance principles 5, 18, 156 institutions involved 150–53 in international law 150, 152 intertwining with other principles of good governance 156 law and administration 142 legal effectiveness 145–46, 147, 156 legal norms 143, 147 and applicability 143, 148 and facts 145, 151, 155, 156, 275 legal philosophy 142
Netherlands 19, 25–26 origins in ECJ interpretative techniques 153 public sector 145 social effectiveness 143 social science fields 145, 147, 148 sources 154–55 internationalization and interdisciplinary approach 154, 156 legal norms and facts 151, 155, 156, 275 transposition, implementation and execution at the national level 155
South Africa 240
Southern Europe 203–4 substantive and formal aspects 146 systems theory 147 terminology 144 theoretical and practical law 141 treaty interpretation rule 151, 156 violation 155
Western Europe 203 efficiency principle allocative efficiency 145 economics 145 effectiveness 144 efficiency audit 170 and good governance 18
Pareto criterion for allocative efficiency 145 public sector 145 elections and accountability 160–61, 165 enforcement administrative 24, 237 civil courts 24 criminal procedure 23–24 of good governance 23 international level 24 of legal norms 6 non-traditional 24 public 23–24 equality principle 105, 110, 273
Dicey on 210
Dutch Constitution 106
Grundgesetz 106 Latvian Constitution 106
South African Constitution 106
Western Europe 203 Estonia, implementation of good governance principles 204–5 ethical issues
Codes of Ethics 205
European Ombudsman, investigation by 259 and integrity/values 67 legal positivism and morality 57, 61 EU law 9, 255, 261, 278–79
Aarhus Regulation 153 adaptation pressure 153 direct effect concept 153 effectiveness principle 145–46, 147, 153–54, 155, 156 human rights 171, 175 impact of national administrative traditions 153 implementing 9, 155 at national level 194, 199 primacy concept 153 proportionality principle 107
ReNEUAL Model Rules on administrative procedure 48 secondary 255 treaty law 252 see also EU level of good governance; European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR); European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR); European Court of Justice; European Union EU level of good governance 43–48 challenge in designing a law on good administration 42
Charter of Fundamental Rights see Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Code of Good Administrative Behaviour see Codes of Good Administrative Behaviour, European
Commission White Paper (2001) 11–12, 17–18, 43, 45, 244, 245, 261 effectiveness principle 143, 146
Council of Europe see Council of Europe
Council of Ministers 43–44
Court of Justice implementation of good governance principles 245–49 jurisprudence on transparency/right of access to documents 248 role 246
General Principles of European Community Law conference (1999) 45 implementation of good governance principles 243
Charter of Fundamental Rights 250–52
Court of Justice 245–49 and defence principle 251
European institutions 244 and judiciary 249 by Ombudsman 255–57 treaty law 252
publication of Principes Généraux du droit en droit communautaire. Origines et concrétisation (1996) 44
ReNEUAL Model Rules on administrative procedure 47–48 background and aims 47–48 constitutional principles 47 organization into six ‘books’ 47 preamble 47 structure 48
Treaty of Lisbon 243 EU member states see European Union euro/euro zone 11 Eurogroup 258 European Charter of Local
Self-Government 33–34 European Coals and Steel Community 10–11 European Commission
Code of Good Administrative Behaviour (2000) 45, 46, 146
Code of Good Administrative Behaviour for Staff of the European Commission (binding), 2004 244–45, 261, 278–79
White Paper on Administrative Reform (2000) 45, 146
White Paper on European Governance (2001) 11–12, 17–18, 43, 143, 146, 244, 245, 261 European Commission for Democracy through
Law (Venice Commission) 34 European Convention on Human
Rights (ECHR) and Council of Europe 174 equality principle 106 need and practical relevance of good governance 187 principle of good administration 41, 173–74 privacy rights 265–66 property, violation of right to 265–66 and rule of law 85, 86 transparency principle 122 European countries see European Union European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) 34, 265 and Council of Europe 266–67, 279 effectiveness principle 151 implementation of good governance principles 266–67 principles of good administration 41 principles of good governance 23 rule of law 61 sources of human rights principle 176–77 transparency principle 121, 122 European Court of Justice case law 177 effectiveness principle and treaty interpretation 153 human rights 173–74 implementation of good governance principles 245–49 jurisprudence on transparency/right of access to documents 248
principles of good administration 11–12, 17–18, 41, 44–45 role 246 transparency principle 118–19 European External Action Service (EEAS) 258–59 European Medicines Agency (EMA) 259–60 European Ombudsman 17–18, 19, 39, 43, 176, 255–57
Code of Good Administrative Behaviour (2001) 39–40, 44–45, 251, 255, 261, 279 contents 46 fundamental rights of citizenship 46 implementation 257 parts 256–57 on maladministration effectiveness principle 146 human rights 171–72 levels of good governance 39–40, 44–45, 46
Maastricht Treaty (1992) 255–56 referrals 243–44 reports 146, 191 see also Ombudsmen European Parliament reforms 11–12 resolutions 11–12, 176 see also Codes of Good Administrative Behaviour, European European Union autonomy issues 154 challenge in designing a law on good administration 42 balance between citizens’ rights and public interest 43 current rules of administrative procedure, need to standardize 42 judges, numbers of 42 recommendations 43
Charter of Fundamental Rights see Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Code of Good Administrative Behaviour see Codes of Good Administrative Behaviour, European development of good governance norms 200 effectiveness principle 154, 155 enactment of administrative procedure codes 34
Europeanization of national law 41–42 founding of (1951) 10–11 good governance in 32–42 fairness principle 34 impartiality principle 33–34 lack of definition of concept 45–46 lists of conditions 37 objectivity principle 33–34 prior to Lisbon 33 similarities and differences 37
Sweden 32, 33
‘Good Governance in the EU Member States’ (2015) 34–35
European Union (Cont.) implementation of good governance principles within 189–92
Central Europe 189, 197, 200, 204
Northern Europe 189, 197, 200, 201
Southern Europe 189, 197, 200, 203
Western Europe 189, 197, 200, 202 lex specialis derogate lex generalis rule 34
Lisbon strategy (2000) 11
Maastricht Treaty (1992) 11 membership 11 national ombudsmen and good governance 38 principled-based development of policies in member states 200 traditions of administrative law 37 administration-cantered tradition 37–38 individual-centred tradition 38 legislator-centred tradition 38 ombudsman-centred tradition 38 transparency principle 123 unity in diversity, among member states 200 see also EU law; EU level of good governance; European Commission; European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR); European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR); European Court of Justice; European Ombudsman; European Parliament executive 4, 20
fairness principle 34 Femers, S 95 financial accounting, and accountability 157, 159 financial assistance 9–10 Finland
Constitution 187, 266 implementation of good governance principles 201–2 foreground normative theory 60 fourth power 270–71
Australia 214 checks and balances framework 20–22 examples 4
Netherlands 20–22, 24 relationship with other three existing powers 22 separation of powers 77 France administrative law 37–38, 41, 162 arbitrariness, prohibition on 103
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) 79, 82, 172 development of principles 9 education policy 194 implementation of good governance principles 203 volonté générale 82 fraud, integrity violations 69–70, 71, 188 freedom of expression 123 freedom of information legislation, Australia administrative non-compliance 221–22 adversarialism 221–22
Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act (1982) 219, 220, 227–28 comparison between Commonwealth and New South Wales 220 compliance differing from entity to entity 222 conclusive certificates 219 exclusive certificates 219 malicious non-compliance 221–22
New South Wales Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 220 and Freedom of Information Act (1982) 220
New Zealand contrasted 218 principles of good governance 217 and ‘structural imbalance’ 223 transparency and participation, enhancing 221 Fuller, L 85–86 functionalism 60 Fung, A 95
gap studies 148 Gerards, JH 107 Germany arbitrariness, prohibition on 103
Constitution 76–77 implementation of good governance principles 200, 203 rechtsstaat (rule of law) see rechtsstaat unification (1990) 11 written principles 9 Ginther, K 263 good governance citizen’s right 5 concept 3, 16–19 convergence 58 as cornerstone of the modern state 3, 75 elements of 5 enforcement 23 functional approach 16 human rights 5, 7, 19, 20, 172 see also human rights institutional approach 16 and integrity 64–70 internal effect, at international level 51 interpretative legal concept 58, 60 and judiciary 249 and law 5 legal positivism of 6 main developments 9 as a meta-concept 19, 75 as a multilevel concept 53–54, 271 need for 15 norms of see under norms origins of debate (1980s) 263 overview 15 pillar of modern state 4 principles see principles of good governance relevant sources 23 ‘Good Governance in the EU Member States’ (2015) 34–35
Gordon, RW 149 governance and administration 17, 19 corporate 18 economic perspective 18 and government 5–6 meaning/terminology 17 non-normative content 18–19 see also good governance government accountability principle 162–63 forms 91 and governance 5–6 meetings 94, 114 methodology 18 transparency principle 94–95 governmental acts 115 governmental information 115–17 notification and communication 115 transparent meetings of government 114
Westminster System 161, 164, 217–18, 223–24 see also accountability principle; state Greece, implementation of good governance principles 204
‘hard look’ doctrine 38 Hart, HLA 55, 57, 63 and Dworkin 56–58, 73 Herling, D 87 hierarchical accountability 167 Hobbes, Thomas 79 Huberts, LWJC 66, 70 human rights 171 adequate reasons for decisions 178–79
American Declaration of Independence (1776) 172
Annual Resolutions on the Situation of Fundamental Rights in the European Union 176
Australia 216
Austrian Republic, Federal Constitutional Laws 180 basic 172
Canada 230–31 civil and political 171 civil liberties 80 codification 80
Commissioner for Human Rights 34 compensation 179 concept 172 specification of 173
Convention on the Rights of the Child (1990) 226
Court of Justice, case law 177
Czech Republic, Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms 179 development of principle 171 economic, social and cultural 5, 80, 171
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) see European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) see European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR)
European Parliament resolutions 176
French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789) 172 generations of rights 80, 90, 121, 172 good governance 5, 7, 19, 20, 172 healthy environment 36 historical overview 79–80
American Declaration of Independence 79 early developments 79
French Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 79
Locke, views of 79 nineteenth century 79–80 post-Second World War 80 twentieth century 79–80 horizontal concept 92
Human Rights Reference Handbook 27
Hungarian Constitution 180 implementation of good governance principles 231, 239 information, access to 178 institutions involved 174–76
Council of Europe 174
EU law, relevant articles 174, 175 general sources 175
United Nations 174
International Court 187
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 106, 173–74, 226 text 174
Italian Constitution 179
Lithuanian Constitution 180 negative and positive obligations 80, 176–77
Netherlands 27 norms 173, 174 origins of concept 172 and participation principle 173, 175
Polish Constitution 180
Portuguese Constitution 181 principles of good governance 173 privacy rights 265–66 property, violation of right to 265–66 and rule of law/rechtsstaat 79, 82, 86 silent, right to remain 178 sources 176–81 case law, Court of Justice 177 national, of fundamental right to good administration 179–81
South Africa 239
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), preamble 86, 171 violations of 204
Western Europe 203, 277 Hungary
Constitution 180 implementation of good governance principles 205
identification of principles of good governance 6
impartiality principle 33–34 implementation of good governance principles at the European Union level see implementation of good governance principles at the European Union level evaluation of 276 at the international level see implementation of good governance principles at the international level at the national level see implementation of good governance principles at the national level implementation of good governance principles at the European Union level 278–79
Charter of Fundamental Rights see Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
Code of Good Administrative Behaviour see Codes of Good Administrative Behaviour, European
Court of Justice implementation of good governance principles 245–49 jurisprudence on transparency/right of access to documents 248 role 246 and defence principle 251
European institutions 244 and judiciary 249 by Ombudsman 255–57 implementation of good governance principles at the international level 263
European Court of Human Rights 265 international case law 264 international organizations 263 implementation of good governance principles at the national level 185, 276–78 cases 193 economic policy, Denmark 195 education policy, Belgium 194 environmental policy, Czech Republic 194–95 public health policy, Austria 193–94 countries within and outside Europe 189–92 different developments in practices of different countries 192 dimensions of good governance 196 in the European Union 200
Central Europe 189, 197, 200, 204 general 200
Northern Europe 189, 197, 200, 201
Southern Europe 189, 197, 200, 203
Western Europe 189, 197, 200, 202 general research question 195, 196 and integrity 187 interdisciplinary approach 196 need and practical relevance 186 outside the European Union 209
Australia 209–27
Canada 228–35 general 209
South Africa 236–41 practices and principles 191 studies 188 research questions 189 research steps 189 sub-questions 195, 196
United Kingdom and Ireland 189, 197, 206 individual accountability 168 information abuse and manipulation of 188 access to 111–12
Aarhus Convention 194–95
Court of Justice jurisprudence 248 environmental 121, 122 public 94, 121 see also transparency principle
Canadian Information Commissioner 232 human right to 178
Information Publication Scheme (IPS), Australia 219–20
Office of the Information Commissioner (OAIC), Australia 219–21 institutions accountability principle 160–68
Central Europe 277 checks and balances framework 20 implementation of good governance principles 200
Northern Europe 277 participation principle 136 properness principle 109 transparency principle 117
Western Europe 277 instrumentalism 148, 149 integrity 64–70 activities and situations relevant to 188
Australia 227 defining 65–66 and good governance 65, 68 implementation of good governance principles at the national level 187 from individual to institutional domain 66 legal approach to 65 principle of 68 principles and values of public law 64 relationship between integrity, ethics and values 67 terminology 65–66 violations of 70 corruption and fraud 70, 71, 188
Netherlands 196–97, 276–77 and principles of good governance 71 see also criminal law Inter-American Court on Human Rights (IACHR) 123, 279–80 Inter-American Development Bank 53 interest groups 166 International and Comparative Administrative
Law 55 International Commission of Jurists,
Declaration of Delhi (1959) 86 International Court of Justice (ICJ) 264 International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR) 106, 173–74 text 174
International Labour Organization 79–80 international law effectiveness principle in 150, 152 internationalization and interdisciplinary approach 154, 156 principles of, modern view 52 international level of good governance 48–53 definitions 49 different, relevance of 49 enforcement 24 global governance and good governance 53 implementation of good governance principles at 263 in case law of Court of Human Rights 265 in international case law 264 in international organizations 263 internal effect of good governance 51 international organizations 51 modern view of principles of international law and good governance 52 norms of good governance 50 policies 48 International Monetary Fund (IMF) 51, 186, 263
Office for Independent Evaluation 51 paper of 1997 49–50 Ireland democracy in 277 implementation of good governance principles 189, 197, 200, 206 institutions 277 Italy
Constitution 179 implementation of good governance principles 204
Jowell, J 85–86 judicial control 4, 232–33, 272 levels of good governance 25, 26–27, 28 properness principle 100–1, 109 rule of law 76, 78, 90 judicial independence 78, 83
Canada 232–33 judicial power 20, 83, 92, 226–27 transparency principle 113–14, 124 judicial review
Australia 212, 214, 227
Judicial Review Council 213–14
Canada 234 properness principle 101 judiciary 4, 249
Constitutional Courts 250 judicial control see judicial control judicial independence see judicial independence judicial review see judicial review
Supreme Courts 250 see also courts
Kant, I 76, 81, 83 Kearns, TR 149 Koopmans, T 32, 37, 59 Latvia
Constitution 106 implementation of good governance principles 204–5
law administrative see administration/ administrative law common and continental law traditions 80 debate on general principles in Europe 37 effectiveness principle 141–42 administration and law 142 legal philosophy 142 theoretical and practical law 141
European Union see EU law fundamental principles, judicial control over 78 gap studies 148 and good governance 5
‘hard’ and ‘soft’ 59 instrumentalist conception 148, 149 integrity, legal approach to 65 legal theory, nature of principles in 61–64 constitutional rights theory 61
Dworkin vs. Alexy 63 formal principles 62 generality criterion 64 and policies 63 prima facie character 62–63 principles applicable ex systema iuridica 62 principles as such and in the context of rules 62 and proportionality 64 radius of principles 63 rules and principles as reasons 63 weight of principles 62, 63, 271 legality principle, rule of law 76 mixed legal systems 81, 197 national
EU member states 208
Europeanization of 41–42
Netherlands 26–31 objective legal structuring by 88 position of, in relation to values 73 procedural and substantive principles 149 public 16, 60 and values 59–60 functionalism 60 lines of thought 60 normativism 60 public law 60, 64 red and green light 60 rules of law 60 see also rule of law Laws, J 85–86 League of Nations 79–80 legal accountability 160, 162 legal certainty principle 78, 104, 109–10, 254, 273 codification 104 dimensions 104 legal norms abstract 271
legal norms (Cont.) codification 9 concrete 271 development of principles as 6 effectiveness principle 143, 147, 151, 155 and applicability 143, 148 norms and facts 151, 155, 156, 275 enforcement 6 and facts interrelation between legal norms and facts 155 strong factual effect of effectiveness on legal norms 151, 156, 275 international level of good governance 49 moral content 56 legal philosophy 142 legal positivism founding fathers 56 of good governance 6
‘hermeneutical’ dimension 56 law and values 59–60 and morality 57, 61
Raz on 61 legal theory, nature of principles in 61–64, 271 constitutional rights theory 61
Dworkin vs. Alexy 63 formal principles 62 generality criterion 64 and policies 63 prima facie character 62–63 principles applicable ex systema iuridica 62 principles as such and in the context of rules 62 and proportionality 64 radius of principles 63 rules and principles as reasons 63 weight of principles 62, 63, 271 legality principle, rule of law 26, 76 legislator 4, 20 legitimate expectation principle 78, 104, 110, 273 leisure activities, misconduct 188 levels of good governance 25
European Union 32–42, 43–48
Europeanization of national law 41–42 ombudsmen and good governance 38
ReNEUAL Model Rules on administrative procedure 47–48 traditions of administrative law 37 international 48–53 definitions 49 global governance and good governance 53 internal effect of good governance 51 international organizations 51 modern view of principles of international law and good governance 52 norms of good governance 50 policies 48 relevance of different definitions 49 multilevel concept, good governance as 53–54, 271 national effectiveness principle 155
EU member states 32–42 implementation of principles at C13
Netherlands 25–31 in the Netherlands 25–31 good administration and democratic rule of law 26 good governance principles, development in administrative law 29 legal dimension of principles in administrative law 31 Leviathan concept of state 81 lex specialis derogate lex generalis rule 34 liberal democracy 92, 93–94, 95 Lipman, Z. 139 Lisbon, Treaty of see Treaty of Lisbon Lisbon strategy (2000) 11 Lithuania
Constitution 180 implementation of good governance principles 204–5 Lloyd George, D 164–65 Locke, John 81, 82
Second Treatise of Civil Government (1689) 77–78
Two Treaties of Government 79 London School of Economics Study Group on
European Administrative Law 17–18 Luxembourg, implementation of good governance principles 202, 203 Lyon, A 87
Maastricht Treaty (1992) see Treaty of
Maastricht (1992) Madison, J 91 Magna Carta 79 maladministration defining 46
European Ombudsman effectiveness principle 146 human rights 171–72 levels of good governance 39–40, 44–45, 46
Maastricht Treaty (1992) 255–56 referrals 243–44
South Africa 236
United Kingdom 39 Malta, implementation of good governance principles 204 McMillan, J 221, 223, 224 meta-concepts good governance 19, 75 interpretation 75 rule of law as 75, 76 metric value judgements 72 Mill, JS 91 misuse of power, prohibition on 101, 109, 273
Netherlands 102–3
United Kingdom 102 Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat 22
Spirit of Laws 77–78 motivation principle 252, 253, 254 Mutharika, P 263
national level of good governance effectiveness principle 155
EU member states 32–42 implementation of good governance principles outside the EU C15 implementation of good governance principles within the EU C14 ombudsmen and good governance 38 traditions of administrative law 37
Europeanization of national law 41–42 implementation of good governance principles 185 cases 193 countries within and outside Europe 185–86, 189–92 different developments in practices of different countries 192 in the EU C14 and integrity 187 outside the EU C15 practices and principles 191 studies 188
United Kingdom and Ireland 189, 197, 206 the Netherlands 25–31 good administration and democratic rule of law 26 good governance principles, development in administrative law 29 legal dimension of principles in administrative law 31 practices and principles of good governance 191 see also Netherlands, the NBN Co Limited, Australia 222–23 need for good governance 15 Netherlands, the
Academy of Science 67–68 administration administrative courts of law 29–30, 99–100, 162, 251 authorities 20 case law vs. policy 70 democratic 31 development of good governance principles in administrative law 29 formal and substantial principles 30 good administration and democratic rule of law 26 judicial interpretation of principles 30 legal dimension of principles in administrative law 31 parameters of good governance applying to administrative law 28–29, 31 principles of proper administration 30–31 sub-principles of proper administration 109–10 theoretical basis of individual principles 30
Administrative Legislation vs. Penal Code 70
Association of Universities 67–68 balance of powers 26–27
Central Appeals Tribunal 29–30, 99–100 checks and balances framework 26–27 civil and political rights 27
Codes of Good Governance 15–16, 187
Constitution 20–22, 27–28, 106
Council of State 20–22, 27, 110
Administrative Jurisdiction Division 99–100
Court of Audit 19, 25–26 fourth power 20–22, 24
General Administrative Law Act (GALA) 15–16 introduction of 110 legitimate expectation principle 104 parameters of good governance applying to administrative law 29 participation principle 135–36, 137–32 principles of good governance 20 properness principle 100–1, 103, 104, 106–7, 108–9 proportionality principle 106–7 reasoning principle 108–9 theoretical basis of individual principles 31 transparency principle 115 two faces of 110, 274 good governance in 25–31 housing shortage, post-War 102
Human Rights Reference Handbook 27 implementation of good governance principles 200, 203 integrity violations 196–97, 276–77 judicial control 28 liberation from German occupation (1945) 102
Ministry of Justice 132 misuse of power, prohibition on 102–3
National Audit Office 20–22, 27
National Ombudsman 20–22, 27, 28, 130 norms of good governance 15–16
Penal Code 70 principles of good governance 18 accountability 25–26 effectiveness 19, 25–26 participation 28, 31, 135–36 properness principle see below proportionality 106–7 transparency 28, 31 properness principle 31, 100–1 arbitrariness, prohibition on 103 and carefulness principle 108 institutions involved 109 and legal certainty principle 104 and legitimate expectations principle 104 and proportionality principle 106–7 and reasoning principle 108–9 rule of law 26, 35 social rights 28
Supreme Offices of State 26–27
Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal 99–100 unwritten principles of law 9 Netherlands Journal of Public
Administration 64
Nice Charter (2000) see Charter of
Fundamental Rights of the
European Union normativism 60 norms axiological 74, 271–72 deontological 74, 271–72 effectiveness 145–46 expected of governmental operation, compliance with 210 good governance efficiency principle 145–46
European Union 200 fragmentation of 15–16 governance and administration 18 government 5 human rights 173 international level 50 necessity for 24
Netherlands 20 private sector 18 specification of 9–10 human rights 173, 174 integrity (violations of) 69, 71 legal see legal norms
Raz on 61 Northern Europe democracy in 277 implementation of good governance principles 189, 197, 200, 201 institutions 277 rule of law 277 see also Denmark; Finland; Sweden
objectivity principle 33–34 O’Donnell, G 227 Ombudsmen accountability principle 168
Australia 211–12, 213–14, 215, 227
Canada 234–35
European see European Ombudsman fourth power 4, 20–22 implementation of good governance principles by 255–57 national, in EU member states 38
Netherlands 20–22, 27, 28, 130 reports 23, 168, 191
South Africa 237
United Kingdom 22 optimization requirements, constitutional rights as 61, 62, 64, 271 Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD) 51, 263
Development Assistance Committee (DAC) 50–51
parliamentary democracy 93, 163 participation principle 19, 20, 129
Aarhus Convention 137
Australia 135–36, 217, 221
Canada 233
Charter on Local Government 137 citizen participation 95 citizens’ panels 134, 138, 139 classification of participation 95
CLEAR model 136, 275 community-level participation 130, 133, 135, 139 concept 129, 131 specification of 132–35 degrees of participation 133 and democracy 95 development of 130 distinctions 132 distinguishing of forms of participation 131 effectiveness of participation 136 features 137 forms of participation 132, 133, 138–39, 272–73 and good governance 5 human rights 173, 175 institutions involved 136 ladders of participation 95 legitimacy erosion 132 local level participation 130 models 138 motives 132
Netherlands 28, 31 non-governmental organizations 137
Northern Europe 202 objectives of participation 95 and ownership 95 participation as a right 129 popular initiatives 133, 138, 139 public administration 129 public participation 129 referenda 134, 135, 138, 139 representative democracy 131–32, 139 sources 137–38
South Africa 240
Southern Europe 203–4 term 132 and transparency principle 130–31 type of participation pursued 129–30
Western Europe 203 see also democracy participatory democracy 4–5, 95 Pauly, LW 263 Poland
Constitution 180, 205
Constitutional Court 205 good governance in 35 implementation of good governance principles 200, 205 policing, improper methods 188 political accountability 160 Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement (EU and Cuba) 258–59 political parties 164 Portugal
Constitution 181 good governance in 35 implementation of good governance principles 200, 203–4
Ombudsman 39
positivism see legal positivism of good governance power absolute 77, 79
Constitutional Courts 250 fourth see fourth power judicial 20 prohibition on misuse of 101, 273 see also balance of powers; separation of powers precautionary principle 254, 255 principles, nature of in legal theory 61–64 applicable ex systema iuridica 62 constitutional rights theory 61
Dworkin vs. Alexy 63 generality criterion 64 and policies 63 prima facie character 62–63 principles as reasons 63 principles as such and in the context of rules 62 and proportionality 64 radius of principles 63 and rules as reasons 63 weight of principles 62, 63, 271 principles of good governance 270–71 absolute character of 64 accountability see accountability principle bottom-up approach to identifying 6 bottom-up approach to implementing 6
Canada 228 in Charter of Fundamental Rights 253–55 codification 6, 73
Commission White Paper (2001) 11–12, 17–18, 43, 45 effectiveness principle 143, 146 implementation of good governance principles 244, 245, 261 and concept of good governance 18, 188, 191–92 conditions for being legal principles 13 development as legal norms 6
Dworkin on 56–58 effectiveness see effectiveness principle enforcement of norms 6 as external field of normative reference 49 formal and substantial 30, 31 freedom of information legislation, Australia 217 fundamental aspects 55 and good governance 18
Hart on 56–58 human rights 173, 182 identification of 6 implementation at national level 185 cases 193 countries within and outside Europe 185–86, 189–92 different developments in practices of different countries 192 and integrity 187 need and practical relevance 186 practices and principles 191 studies 188
instrumental vs. protective functions 201 integrity 64–70, 187 defining 66 and good governance 65 from individual to institutional domain 66 legal approach to 65 principle of 68 principles and values of public law 64 relationship between integrity, ethics and values 67 violations of 70 international and regional institutions applying 23 international law 267 interpretation 20 law and values 59–60 lines of thought 60 public law, values in 60 legal certainty 78, 104, 254, 273 legal character 5–6, 17 meaning 17 motivation 252, 253, 254 network development 18 policy guidelines 17 precautionary 254, 255 principles as such and in the context of rules 62 and principles of proper administration 19 properness see properness principle and proportionality principle 64, 73–74 constitutional rights theory 61 sub-principles 61 public sector 159, 239, 263 right to be heard 254, 255 reasonable time 255 and rights 6, 73, 271 and rules 62 specification of 19, 273 sub-principles, dividing into 20 terminology 17 theoretical perspective 55 top-down approach to identifying 6 top-down approach to implementing 6 transparency see transparency principle treaty law 252 unwritten 191 and values 62, 72, 73, 74, 271–72 and violations of integrity norms 71 privative clauses, Australia 226–27 procedural fairness 4 professional accountability 166 properness principle 19, 20, 99, 239
Canada 229 and carefulness principle 107, 110, 273
Central Europe 277 concept of properness 100 decision-making 101 judicial review 101 specification of 101–9 written and unwritten principles 101 development 99
Dutch Constitution (Art 1) 106
properness principle (Cont.) elements of 99 and good governance 5
Grundgesetz 106 and human rights 175 institutions involved 109
Latvian Constitution 106 legal certainty 104, 109–10, 273 legitimate expectation 104, 110, 273 lines of development 99
Netherlands 31 prohibition on arbitrariness 103, 109, 273 prohibition on misuse of power 101, 109, 273 and proportionality principle 106–7, 110, 273 and reasoning principle 108–9, 274
South Africa 106, 239 sub-principles 99, 101
Western Europe 203, 277 see also equality principle proportionality principle and effectiveness 147 narrow sense 89
Netherlands 106–7 and principles of good governance 64, 73–74 constitutional rights theory 61 sub-principles 61 and properness 106–7, 110, 273 and reasonableness 89 rechtsstaat 78 public accountability 157–58, 170, 275–76 see also accountability principle public administration governance and administration 18 law in context of 142 legitimacy 132, 135 participation principle 129 public contracts 127 public health policy, Austria 193–94 public law, and values 60, 64 public sector efficiency and effectiveness 145 integrity 67, 68 principles of good governance 159, 239, 263 publication of information 119, 219–20 pure democracy see direct democracy
Raz, J 61, 84–85, 86 realization, legal philosophy 142–43 reasonableness arbitrariness, prohibition on 103 principle of 103 and proportionality 89 and rules 62
Wednesbury unreasonableness 103, 225 see also arbitrariness, prohibition on reasoning principle 108–9, 274 dimensions 108
General Administrative Law Act (GALA), Netherlands 108–9
reasons prima facie 63–64 rules and principles as 63 rechtsstaat administrative action 88 concept 76, 88 constitutional states 81 continental law tradition 83 defining 81 elements of 4, 272 emergence/rationale 76, 81, 83 formal 81 material 81 principles 76, 84 proportionality principle 78 and rule of law concepts of the state 81 constitution from both perspective 82 constitution from both perspectives 82 continental law perspective of rechtsstaat 83 distinctions between 81–82, 90 human rights from both perspectives 82 mixed legal systems 81, 197 overlaps between 81 shared basis 76 thick conception of 4 separation of powers 84 state concept 81 see also rule of law recognition, rule of 56 referenda democracy 93, 274–75 multiple-choice and single-choice 135 participation principle 134, 135, 138, 139
Switzerland 274–75
United Kingdom 135, 139–40, 274–75 regional trade agreements (RTAs) 127 regularity audit 168–69 ReNEUAL Model Rules on administrative procedure 36–37, 47–48 background and aims 47–48 constitutional principles 47 implementation of good governance principles in the EU 201 organization into six ‘books’ 47 preamble 47 structure 48 representative democracy 4–5, 91–92, 274–75 and direct democracy 93, 96, 142 parliamentary system 163 participation principle 131–32, 139 representatives and political parties 164 Research Network on EU Administrative Law (ReNEUAL)
Model Rules on EU administrative procedure see ReNEUAL Model Rules on administrative procedure responsibility accountability principle 161 corporate social responsibility 18 individual ministerial 161–62 see also accountability principle Rietiker, D 151
rights as concrete legal norms 271 and principles of good governance 6, 73, 271 right to be heard 254, 255 see also Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union; constitutional rights theory; European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR); European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR); human rights; Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), preamble Rocha, EM 95 Romania, implementation of good governance principles 205 Rousseau, JJ 82 rule of law
Anglo-American 76
Australia 213 and balance of powers 83 basic presumptions of 89
Central and Eastern Europe 11
Central Europe 277 civil law tradition 4 classical liberal tradition 75–79, 131 common law tradition 4, 80, 84, 272 concepts broadening, need for 89 deepening 13 development of 13 formal conceptions 83, 86 meta-concepts 75, 76 continental law tradition 80, 272 as cornerstone of the modern state 3–4, 75, 90 defining 144 and democracy 91 dictionary definitions 211 elements instead of a definition 75
Germany see rechtsstaat historical roots/traditional perspectives common and continental law traditions 80
English origins 81 rule of law distinguished from rechtsstaat 81–82 and human rights 79, 82, 86 human rights protection 79 implementation of good governance principles 200 judicial control 78 legality principle 26, 76
Netherlands 26, 35
Northern Europe 277 objective legal structuring by law 88 pillar of modern state 4 procedural or formal conceptions 84, 86 and rechtsstaat concepts of the state 81 constitution from both perspectives 82 continental law perspective 83 distinctions between 81–82, 90 human rights from both perspectives 82 mixed legal systems 81, 197
overlaps between 81 shared basis 76 thick conception of 4 role of good governance 88, 89 separation and balancing of powers 77 sharing of elements 76 subjective individual legal positions 88 substantive conceptions 85, 86 thick conception 4 thin conception 4 traditional, difficulties and developments 87 points of attention 88 role of good governance related to 89 two levels of development 88
United Kingdom 76, 81, 84, 86–87 uses in Western Europe 75 rules and principles 62 principle-dependent differentiated rule system 64 as reasons 63 see also principles of good governance Ryngaert, C 50
Saito, T 150 Sarat, A 148, 149 Sennett, R 148 separation of powers
Australia 18, 211 and balance of powers 22, 77 and distribution of powers 22
English Constitution 22 human rights principle 176–77
Montesquieu on 77–78 original meaning 77 origins 77 rechtsstaat 84 rule of law 77 and sovereignty 272–73 strict, impossibility of 77, 78
United States 18, 26–27, 92 sexual harassment 188 SGI Network 193–94 Slovakia, implementation of good governance principles 205 Slovenia good governance in 35 implementation of good governance principles 205 social accountability 166 South Africa accountability principle 240–41 administrative law 237 enforcement 237 and good governance 237 just administration 236
PAJA (Promotion of Administrative Justice Act) 2000 237–39
Apartheid rule 240
Constitution 106, 237–38, 239, 240, 250, 278
Constitutional Court 237
South Africa (Cont.) corruption 236 effectiveness principle 240 human rights principle 239 implementation of good governance principles 236–41 just administration 236 maladministration 236
Members of the Executive Council (MECs) 240–41
Ombudsman (Public Protector) 237 participation principle 240
Promotion of Justice Act (2000) 237 properness principle 106, 239 research findings 241 transparency principle 240 Southern Europe democracy in 277 implementation of good governance principles 189, 197, 200, 203 see also Cyprus, implementation of good governance principles; Greece, implementation of good governance principles; Italy; Malta, implementation of good governance principles; Portugal; Spain sovereignty parliamentary 92 popular 92 and separation of powers 272–73 of state 22, 55 Soviet Union, collapse of (1991) 11 Spain community-level participation 133
Constitution 133 good governance in 35 implementation of good governance principles 200, 203–4
Ombudsman 39 Spigelman, JJ 214, 226 stare decisis 56 state concepts of from rule of law and rechtsstaat 81 constitutional states 81 cornerstones of the modern state democracy 3–4, 75 good governance 75 rule of law 3–4, 75, 90
Hobbes’ Concept 81
Kant’s concept 81
Locke’s concept 81 mixed state doctrine 22 pillars 4 sovereignty 22, 55 Stiglitz, JE 223–24 Stokes, R 139 Stubbs, R 223–24 subsidiarity principle 147 Sweden
Good Administration in the Member States of the European Union (Swedish Agency for Public Management survey) 32 implementation of good governance principles 200, 202
Ombudsman 39
Principles of Good Administration 33 specification of good governance principles 35 transparency principle 95 Switzerland referenda 274–75
Taki, H
Encyclopaedia of Public International law 150 Terrill, G 223–24 theft 71 transparency principle 5, 19, 20, 111, 273 access to environmental information 121, 122 access to public information 94, 121 active and passive transparency 113 administrative actions 94
Australia 217, 221 breach of confidentiality 114
Canada 231, 233
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 115, 120, 248 concept of transparency 112 specification of 114–15
Convention on Fundamental Rights (2000) 120
Court of Justice jurisprudence 248 data protection laws 121 defining transparency 94 and democracy 94, 96 development 111 draft EU-Constitution (EUC) 119–20
European Central Bank 120
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) 122
European Council 119–20
European Court of Human Rights 121, 122
European Court of Justice 118–19, 120
European Union 123 exceptions and restrictions 116, 117 government 94–95 governmental acts 115 governmental information 115–17 notification and communication 115 transparent meetings of government 114 human rights 173 information, access to 111–12 institutions involved 117 meetings 94, 114 narrow sense 94
Netherlands 28, 31
Northern Europe 202 openness 111–12, 113, 248 and participation principle 130–31 public contracts 127 in regional trade agreements 127 sources 120–26
South Africa 240
Southern Europe 203–4
Sweden 95
Transparency Register 258 on WTO level 124 conciliation process 125, 127 and GATT 125, 126 implementation problems 124–25 improving at WTO level 126 lack of democracy 125 lack of transparency 124 reform, need for 124 Treaty establishing the East African
Community (EAC Treaty) 264–65 treaty interpretation conceptions of effectiveness of treaties 152 effectiveness as rule for 151, 156 international tribunals 152 liberal 152 restrictive 152 Treaty of Lisbon (2007) 243 and Court of Justice 246 entry into force 251 good governance concept 252 and EU Charter 250 prior to Treaty 33 Treaty of Maastricht (1992) background 11 maladministration 255–56 Tridimas, T
General Principles of EU Law 251 trust principle 78 ‘tyranny of the majority’ 91, 96
Uhr, J 227 United Kingdom arbitrariness, prohibition on 103 civil courts 162 country reports 35 democracy in 92, 277
English Constitution 22 good governance in 35 implementation of good governance principles 189, 197, 200, 206 individual ministerial responsibility 161–62 individual-centred tradition of administrative law 38 institutions 277 misuse of power, prohibition on 102
National Audit Office 157
National Ombudsman 22
Ombudsman 39 parliamentary sovereignty 92 political parties 164 referenda 135, 139–40, 274–75 rule of law in 76, 81, 84, 86–87 treaty interpretation 152 unwritten constitution 76–77
Westminster System 161, 164 United Nations (UN)
Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials (1979) 174
Convention Against Corruption (2003) 174
Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (2000) 174 definition of good governance 229, 230 and human rights 174 and implementation of good governance principles 171
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) 106, 173–74, 226 text 174
Refugee Convention (1951) 226 rule of law, defining 230
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) 50, 229
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNCHR) 50, 226–27 United States accountability principle 159
American Declaration of Independence (1776) human rights 172 rule of law 79, 82
Constitution 82 due process clause 38
Founding Father 91 fundamental rights and freedoms 79 effectiveness principle 145–46 fourth power 20–22 freedom of information legislation 219
Government Accountability Office 159
Inter-American Court on Human Rights (IACHR) 123, 279–80
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 20–22
National Audit Office 20–22 separation of powers 18, 26–27, 92 social accountability legislation 166
Supreme Court theory of liberal interpretation 152
validity, legal philosophy 142–43 value for money auditing 157 value judgements 72 values absolute 64–65 background and foreground 60 concepts of 71–73 anthropological 71–72 axiological 71–72 deontological 71–72 evaluation criteria 72 objects of evaluation 72 value judgements 72 conflicting 278 and ethics 67 and integrity 67 and law 59–60 functionalism 60 lines of thought 60 normativism 60 public law 60, 64 red and green light 60 rules of law 60 position of law 73 and principles 62, 72, 73, 74, 271–72 Van den Heuvel, JHJ 70 Van der Heijden, GMA 57–58
Van Gerven, W (Advocate General) 44 Van Oenen, G 56 violence, improper use of 188 Von Danwitz, Th 245 voting 165 defining 165 plurality voting 165 single vote per race 165
Werner, WG 55, 58 Western Europe democracy in 277 human rights 203, 277 implementation of good governance principles 189, 197, 200, 202 institutions 277 properness principle 277 rule of law 75 see also Austria; Belgium; France; Germany; Luxembourg, implementation of good governance principles; Netherlands Westminster System 161, 164
Australia 217–18, 223–24 Wiedemann, PM 95 World Bank 50, 51, 186, 263
Inspection Panel 51 World Trade Organization (WTO) 263 agreements 268
Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) 266–67, 268, 279
General Council (GC) 126
Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) 127
Ministerial Conference (MC) 126
Secretariat 126 transparency principle 124 conciliation process 125, 127 and GATT 125, 126 implementation problems 124–25 improving at WTO level 126 lack of democracy 125 lack of transparency 124 reform, need for 124 Wouters, JC 50
Young, AL 92