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Portugal: The Protection of the Whistleblower
Jan Pichrt Jan Pichrt is a head of the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law at the Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague. He has lectured in labor law more than 20 years. Jan Pichrt decides disputes as an arbitrator entered into the list of arbitrators of the Arbitration Court attached to the Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic and Agricultural Chamber of the Czech Republic. He works too as an advocate. Jan Pichrt is an author or coauthor of numerous monographs and articles in the fi eld of labor law and a coauthor of a prestigious commentary on the Czech Labour Code and some textbooks on labor law.
University v Praze, Právincká Fakulta , Praha 1 , Czech Republic
Björn Rohde-Liebenau Lecturer for integrity management and corruption prevention, Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung, Bremen; founder of Risk Communication Concepts (RCC), ombudsman, mediator, and compliance counsel. Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung , Bremen , Germany
Desmond Ryan Trinity College Dublin , Law School , Dublin 2 , Ireland
Dagmara Skupień Faculty of Law and Administration , University of Lodz , Łodź , Poland
Vanja Smokvina Faculty of Law , University of Rijeka (Pravni fakultet) , Rijeka , Croatia
Morgan Sweeney Associate professor at the University of Paris Dauphine; specialized in national and European labor law, especially in discrimination law; and contributes to biannual reports on the French judiciary supreme court’s implementation of European law. Also published an article on the European strategy to fi ght child poverty (in La symphonie discordante de l’Europe Sociale, L’aube, dir. N. KERSCHEN, M. LEGRAND, M.MESSU, 2013, p.265). University of Paris Dauphine , Paris , France Levallois Perret , France
Gregor Thüsing Professor for civil, labour, and employment law, Institut für Arbeitsrecht und Recht der Sozialen Sicherheit, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University of Bonn (Germany).