LIBRARY ACCESSION LIST NEW ARRIVAL BOOKS AND JOURNAL NO. 1; 2012 BOOKS BUNACIU, Dana-Maria Developing an HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method for simultaneous determination of Mycotoxins in noize flour and other matrices/Dana-Maria Bunaciu Computer data (1 file: 4.89 KB) Thesis (MSc.)-University of Tartu Institute of Chemistry, 2010 1/BPV/2012 Download eTh.615.9/DISP1/12 HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY TANDEM MASS SPECTROMETRY; ELECTROSPRAY IONISATION; HPLC-MS/MS; AFLATOXINS; OCHRATOXINS; ZEARALENONE; T-2 TOXIN; HT-2 TOXIN; THESIS. KOKKONEN, Meri The Challenge LC/MS/MS MULTI-Mycotoxin analysis-Heracles battling the hyara?/Meri Kokkonen Computer data (1 file: 627 KB) Dissertations (Ph.D.)-Fakulty of Agriculture and Forestry-University of Helsinki, 2011 2/BPV/2012 Download eTh.615.9/DISP1/12 LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY/TANDEM MASS SPECTROMETRY; MYCOTOXIN ANALYSIS; FOOD SAFETY; DISSERTATIONS. KRISNAYANA, I. Made Pradipta Pengaruh infeksi larva-3 Haemonchus contortus terhadap potensi kekebalan dan gambaran darah domba ekor tipis/I. Made Pradipta Krisnayana vii, 8 p.: ill.; 29 cm. Thesis (SSi..)-Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam-IPB, 2011 4/BPV/2012 Hadiah Penulis Th.616.993.1/KRI/p SHEEP; HAEMONCHUS CONTORTUS; BLOOD VALVES; ANEMIA; RESISTANCE TO DISEASE; THESIS. LAPORAN magang Profesi pilihan Balai Besar Penelitian Veteriner Bogor, Indonesia 6 Juni - 1 Juli 2011 (Agung S. Mukti, Isnia Nurul Azmy dan Rahmawati Dwi P.).-- Bogor: Program Pendidikan Profesi Dokter Hewan FKH IPB,2012 viii, 67 p.: ill.; 29 cm. 5/BPV/2012 Hadiah I. 619/LAP VETERINARY INSTITUTE; APPRENTICESHIP. NGUYEN, Quang Thieu Mycotoxins in Vietnamese Pig Feeds : Contamination, excretion in Pig urine and reduction of Aflatoxins by adsorbents/Nguyen Quang Thieu Computer data (1 file: 316 KB) Dissertations (Ph.D.)-Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Uppsala, 2008 3/BPV/2012 Download eTh.615.9/DISP1/12 FEEDS; MYCOTOXINS; AFLATOXINS; ADSORBENTS; BIOMARKER; VIETNAM; DISSERTATIONS.
ŠPerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2012
ABSTRAK Hasil Penelitian Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 28 (1), 2011
BACTERIOPHAGE Vol. 1(3), 2011, Contain : FOOD SAFETY 2.a. Phage-based biocontrol strategies to reduce foodborne pathogens in foods. p. 130-137
BALAI Besar Penelitian Veteriner (BBalitvet). Laporan Bulanan Januari 2012
BALAI Besar Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian (BBP2TP). Laporan Bulanan. Januari 2012
BERITA Biologi Vol. 10(4), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 5.a. Status Infeksi Virus Influenza A pada Beberapa Spesies Hewan Sebelum Wabah Avian Influenza H5N1 pada Unggas di Indonesia. p.431-440 BACTERIOLOGY 5.b. Patogenisitas Salmonella enterica Serotipe Enteritidis Isolat Lokal pada Anak Ayam dan Mencit. p.463-469
BULETIN Teknologi Pasca Panen Pertanian Vol. 5 (1), 2009 Vol. 6 (1), 2010
CERMIN Dunia Kedokteran Vol. 38 (7), 2011
INDEKS Biologi dan Pertanian Indonesia Vol. 41 (1, 2, 3), 2011
INFO Litbangtan Juli, Agustus, September, Oktober, 2011
INTERNATIONAL Dairy Topics : Practical Information for Progressive Dairy Professionals Vol. 10(4), 2011, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 10.a. Milk fever-quick, preventative action is the key to control. p.15&17 BACTERIOLOGY 10.b. Relevance of NSAIDs for the treatment of metritis in cattle. p.25&27 TOXICOLOGY 10.c. Vasoconstriction and heat stress caused by ergot alkaloids and fescue toxins. p.29&31
INTERNATIONAL Pig Topics : Independent Thoughts for Independent Minds Vol. 26(5), 2011 Vol. 26(7), 2011, Contain :MISCELLANEOUS 11.a. Probiotics can act as enhancers of immune response to vaccination. p.11
IPM Research Brief Vol. 7, 2009, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 12.a. Advances in Preventing and Managing Contaminants in Foods, Feeds, and the Environment. p. 1-44 ŠPerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2012
IRANIAN Journal of Veterinary Research Vol. 12(3), 2011, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 13.a. Comparing various attributes of prolactin hormones in different species: application of bioinformatics tools. p. 205-213 13.b. Congenital hepatic fibrosis in an aborted calf. p. 262-264 VIROLOGY 13.c. Effectiveness of two H9N2 low pathogenic avian influenza conventional inactivated oil emulsion vaccines on H9N2 viral replication and shedding in broiler chickens. p. 214-221 13.d. Feline herpesvirus 1 infections in a domestic cat population in Ahvaz, Iran. p. 242-246 BACTERIOLOGY 13.e. The prevalence of clinical and subclinical mastitis in dairy cows in the central region of Fars province, south of Iran. p. 236-241 13.f. Isolation of enterotoxigenic and enteroaggregative straines of Escherichia coli from chicken carcasses by PCR. p. 252-255 MYCOLOGY 13.g. Effects of Zataria multiflora and Geranium pelargonium essential oils on growth-inhibiting of some toxigenic fungi. p. 247-251
ITALIAN Journal of Animal Science Vol. 10 (3), 2011, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 14.a. Comparative efficacy of herbal and allopathy drugs against coccidiosis in poultry. p. 14-16 Vol. 10 (36), 2011, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 14.b. Effects of different levels of Aloe vera gel as an alternative to antibiotic on performance and ileum morphology in broilers. p.189-194 Vol. 11 (1), 2012, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 14.c. Effects of vaccination against coccidiosis, with and without a specific herbal essential oil blend, on performance, oocyst excretion and serum IBD titers of broilers reared on litter. p.1-8
JAPAN Agricultural Research Quarterly Vol. 45 (3), 2011
JAPAN International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences. Annual Report 2009
JOURNAL of Cell and Animal Biology Vol. 4 (6), 2010, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 17.a. In-vitro and -vivo anti-Trypanosoma evansi activities of extracts from different parts of Khaya senegalensis. p. 91-95
JOURNAL of Equine Science Vol. 22 (3), 2011
JOURNAL of Food and Drug Analysis Vol. 19 (3), 2011, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 19.a. Simultaneous Quantification of Aflatoxins, Ochratoxin A and Zearalenone in Cereals by LCMS/MS. p. 259-268
JOURNAL of Medicinal Plants Research Vol. 4 (14), 2010, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 20.a. Comparative in vitro trypanocidal activities of water and methanol extracts of three parts of Khaya senegalensis on Trypanosoma evansi. p. 1365-1369
ŠPerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2012
JURNAL Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Vol. 30 (2), 2011
LIBRARY of Congress. Information Bulletin Vol. 70 (11-12), 2011
MEDIA HKI : Buletin Informasi dan Keragaman Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Vol. 7 (3), 2010 Vol. 8 (2, 3, 4), 2011
MICROBIAL Cell Factories Vol. 10(1), 2011, Contain : FOOD SAFETY 24.a. Inhibitory activity of Lactobacillus plantarum LMG P-26358 against Listeria innocua when used as an adjunct starter in the manufacture of cheese. p. 1-11
MYCOTOXINS in Food, Feed and Bioweapons DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-00725-5_2 © Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 25.a. Molecular Mechanism of Detection of Aflatoxins and Other Mycotoxins. p. 21-37
NATURAL Resources Vol. 2, 2011, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 26.a. Effect of Matrix Clean-Up for Aflatoxin Analysis in Corn and Dried Distillers Grains. p. 250-257
PARTNERS in Research for Development June-August, 2011
PENGEMBANGAN Inovasi Pertanian Vol. 4 (2), 2011 Tema : Kedaulatan Pangan dan Pengentasan Kemiskinan : Reorientasi Paradigma dan Revitalisasi Pembangunan Pertanian Vol. 4 (3), 2011 Tema : Pengembangan Produksi Ternak Ruminansia : Teknologi Inovatif Berbasis Sumber Daya Lokal
POULTRY Science Vol. 89, 2010, Contain : FOOD SAFETY 29.a. Bacteriocins to control Campylobacter spp. in poultry—A review. p. 1763-1768
PUSAT Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hortikultura (PUSLITBANGHOR). Laporan Bulanan Januari 2012
PUSAT Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan (PUSLITBANGNAK). Laporan Bulanan Januari 2012
PUSAT Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian (PSEKP). Laporan Bulanan. Januari 2012
RESEARCH Journal of Medicinal Plant Vol. 5 (6), 2011, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 33.a. Trypanocidal Activity of Some Sudanese Medicinal Plants against Experimental Trypanosoma evansi Infection. p. 756-763
©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2012
SINAR Tani No. 3438, 3439, 3440,3441; 2011
TOXINS Vol. 2, 2010, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 35.a. Biodegradation of Ochratoxin A for Food and Feed Decontamination. p. 1078-1099
TROPICAL Animal Health and Production Vol. (43), 2011, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 36.a. Fat-tailed sheep in Indonesia; an essential resource for smallholders. p. 1411-1418
WARTA Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Vol. 33 (3, 4), 2011
ŠPerpustakaanBBalitvet Januari 2012