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LIBRARY ACCESSION LIST NEW ARRIVAL BOOKS AND JOURNAL NO. 2; 2012 BOOKS CROWTHER, John R. The Elisa guidebook/by John R. Crowther.-- Second edition.-- New York: Humana,2010 xv, 566 p.: ill.; 26 cm.- (Methods in Molecular Biology no. 516) 8/BPV/2012 Beli T.A. 2012 ISBN: 978-1-61737-884-3 ELISA; MANUALS.


DUHON, Lauren E In Vitro and in vivo evaluation of a Brucella putative hemagglutinin/Lauren E. Duhon Computer data (1 file: 2.89 MB) Dissertations (Ph.D.)- B.S. Lousiana State University, 2010 9/BPV/2012 Download eTh.616.9/DISP2/12 BRUCELLA MELITENSIS; GOATS; BRUCELLA VACCINE RB51; PCR; PUTATIVE HEMAGGLUTININ; DISSERTATIONS. EARLY, Rapid and sensitive veterinary molecular diagnostics-real time PCR applications/Ericka A. Pestana [].-- London: Springer Derdrecht Heidelberg,2010 xiii, 310 p.: ill.; 24 cm. 10/BPV/2012 Beli T.A. 2012 ISBN: 978-90-481-3131-0 REAL-TIME PCR; MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS.


GUIDELINES on establishment of virology laboratory in developing countries.-- New Delhi: World Health Organization,2008 Computer data (1 file: 400 KB) 13/BPV/2012 Download ISBN: 978-92-9022-335-1 e616.988/GUI VIRAL DISEASES; DIAGNOSIS; LABORATORY TECHNIQUES; DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. KEMENTERIAN PERTANIAN Statistik pertanian 2011.-- Jakarta: Pusat Data dan Sistem Informasi Pertanian,2011 xxxviii, 303 p.: ill.; 27 cm. 11/BPV/2012 Hadiah I. ISBN: 979-8958-65-9 AGRICULTURE; STATISTICS; INDONESIA.

ŠPerpustakaanBBalitvet Februari 2012

31: 63/KEM/s.11


ROUX, Chantel Anne Le Real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay for rapid detection of Rift Valley Fever Virus/by Chantel Anne Le Roux Computer data (1 file: 3.03 MB) Thesis (M.Sc.)- Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Science University of Pretoria, 2010 12/BPV/2012 Download eTh.616.988/DISP2/12 RIFT VALLEY FEVER VIRUS; LOOP MEDIATED ISOTHERMAL AMPLIFICATION ASSAY; LAMP; THESIS. SAMBROOK, Joseph Molecular cloning : A Laboratory manual/Joseph Sambrook.-- Third edition; Vol. 1.-- New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,2001 xxvii, 723 p.: ill.; 28 cm. 14/BPV/2012 Beli T.A. 2012 ISBN: 978-087969-577-4 R.631.147/SAM/m4 MOLECULAR CLONING; BACTERIOPHAGES; GEL ELECTROPHORESIS; MANUALS. SAMBROOK, Joseph Molecular cloning : A Laboratory manual/Joseph Sambrook.-- Third edition; Vol. 2.-- New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,2001 xxvii, 735 p.: ill.; 28 cm. 15/BPV/2012 Beli T.A. 2012 ISBN: 978-087969-577-4 R.631.147/SAM/m5 MOLECULAR CLONING; PCR; DNA PROBES; RNA PROBES; OLIGONUCLEOTIDE PROBES; CDNA LIBRARIES; DNA SQUENCING; MUTAGENESIS; MANUALS. SAMBROOK, Joseph Molecular cloning : A Laboratory manual/Joseph Sambrook.-- Third edition; Vol. 3.-- New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,2001 xxvii, 723 p.: ill.; 28 cm.+ Appendices 16/BPV/2012 Beli T.A. 2012 ISBN: 978-087969-577-4 R.631.147/SAM/m6 MOLECULAR CLONING; BACTERIOPHAGE T7 PROMOTER; GENE CLONING; PROTEINS; PROTEIN INTERACTIONS; MANUALS.

©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Februari 2012



ACIAR Indonesia News Letter December 2011


BALABA : Berita dan Media Komunikasi Loka Litbang P2B2 Banjarnegara Vol. 7(1), 2011, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 2.a. Peran Air Dalam Penyebaran Penyakit. p.27-28 Vol. 7(2), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 2.b. Gambaran Distribusi Rabies di Kabupaten SIKK Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur 2004-2008. p.33-36 MEDICINAL PLANTS 2.c. Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Legundi (Virtex trifolia Linn) terhadap kematian Larva Aedes albopictus. p. 37-39 BACTERIOLOGY 2.d. Studi Fauna Tikus dan Cecurut di Daerah Ditemukan Kasus Leptospirosis di Kabupaten Klaten, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. p. 40-45 2.e. Kandidat Vaksin Sub Unit Untuk Leptospirosis. p.52-54 2.f. Diagnosis Leptospirosis dan Karakterisasi Leptospira Secara Molekuler. p. 59-61


BALAI Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian (BBBiogen). Laporan Tahunan 2009


BALAI Besar Penelitian Tanaman Padi (BBPADI). Laporan Bulanan. November 2011, Januari 2012


BULETIN Penetitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Vol. 22(1), 2011


BULETIN Plasma Nutfah Vol. 17(1), 2011


BULETIN Veteriner Vol. 23(78), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 7.a. Menyoroti Langkah Antisipatif Kebijakan Lokal Dengan Munculnya Hog Cholera di Kabupaten Lembata, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). p. 1-14 7.b. Distribusi Rabies di Bali : Sebuah Analisa Berdasarkan Hasil Pengujian Laboratorium. p. 26-35 7.c. Kajian Respon Antibodi Rabies pada Anjing Post Vaksinasi di Pulau Bali. p. 36-44 7.d. Epidemiologi Rabies di Bali : Analisis Kasus Rabies pada “Semi Free-Ranging Dog” dan Signifikansinya Dalam Siklus Penularan Rabies Dengan Pendekatan Ekosistem. p. 45-55 7.e. Epidemiologi Rabies di Bali : Hasil Vaksinasi Massal Rabies Pertama di Seluruh Bali dan Dampaknya Terhadap Status Desa Tertular danKejadian Rabies pada Hewan dan Manusia. p. 56-68 Vol. 23(79), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 7.f. Survei Serologi dan Molekuler Penyakit Jembrana di Provinsi Bali, Lampung dan Nangro Aceh Darussalam. p. 69-76 7.g. Respon seluler dan ekspresi Cytokines yang berperan dalam kesembuhan dari infeksi virus penyakit Jembrana pada sapi Bali. p. 77-93 7.h. Gambaran Spesifik Histologi dan Immunohistokimia Penyakit Jembrana pada Sapi Bali. p. 94110 BACTERIOLOGY 7.i. Laporan Kasus Antraks di Kabupaten Sabu Raijua Provinsi Nusatenggara Timur Tahun 2011. p.111-122 ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Februari 2012



BULETIN Veteriner Vol. 23(79), 2011, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 7.j. Prevalensi Antibodi Toxoplasmosis pada Ayam Buras di Provinsi Bali. p. 123-130 7.k. Seroprevalensi Trypanosomiasis di Pulau Sumbawa, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. p. 131-138


CELLULAR Microbiology Vol. 13 (7), 2011, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 8.a. Identification of a Brucella spp. secreted effector specifically interacting with human small GTPase Rab2. p. 1044-1058


CERMIN Dunia Kedokteran Vol. 39(1), 2012


EMERGING Health Threats Journal Vol. 4(7159), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 10.a. Bats, emerging infectious diseases, and the rabies paradigm revisited. p. 1-17


INFO ASOHI Desember; 2011


INFO Litbangtan November; Desember; 2011


INTERNATIONAL Dairy Topics : Practical Information for Progressive Dairy Professionals Vol. 10(5), 2011, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 13.a. Mastitis in Ukrainian cows – effective ways to solve the problem. p. 13, 15 & 17 Vol. 11(1), 2012, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 13.b. Performance of diry cows facing suspected mycotoxin problems. p. 13 & 15 MISCELLANEOUS 13.c. Footbath solution helps to reduce digital dermatitis. p. 17 TOXICOLOGY 13.d. Mycotoxins : a serious threat to the dairy industry. p. 23-24


INTERNATIONAL Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances Vol. 3(3), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 14.a. Histologic Lesions of Thymus and Bursa of Fabricius in Commercial Broiler Chickens Inoculated with H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus. p. 186-188


INTERNATIONAL Journal of Poultry Science Vol. 10(1), 2011, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 15.a. Evaluation of Autogenous Avibacterium paragallinarum Bacterins in Chickens. p. 56-61 VIROLOGY 15.b. The Political Economy of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Cambodia. p. 71-75 Vol. 10(2), 2011, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 15.c. Detection of Salmonella and Escherichia coli in Egg Shell and Egg Content from Different Housing Systems for Laying Hens. p. 93-97 VIROLOGY 15.d. Effects of Vaccination with Lentogenic Vaccine and Challenge with Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) on Egg Production in Commercial and SPF Chickens. p. 98-105 Vol. 10(5), 2011, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 15.e. Sequential Pathological and Immunohistochemical Study of Pullorum Disease in Experimentally Infected Chicks. p. 404-410 ©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Februari 2012



INTERNATIONAL Journal of Poultry Science Vol. 10(7), 2011, Contain : PARASITOLOGY 15.f. Comparative Biochemical Profile of Ascaridia galli Infected Broiler Chickens on Administration of Pineapple and Neem Leaves and Piperazine. p. 542-546 TOXICOLOGY 15.g. Experimental Afla and Ochratoxin Induced Mixed Mycotoxicosis in Broilers and its Amelioration with Herbomineral Toxin Binder ‘Toxiroak Gold’. p. 560-566


INTERNATIONAL Pig Topics : Independent Thoughts for Independent Minds Vol. 26(8), 2011


INTERNATIONAL Poultry Production : Practical Information for Progressive Poultry Professionals Vol. 19(5), 2011, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 17.a. Original in vivo model to test efficacy of aflatoxin B1 binders. p.41&43 Vol. 19(7,8), 2011


JAPAN Agricultural Research Quaterly Vol. 45(4), 2011


JAPANESE Journal of Veterinary Research Vol. 59(4), 2011


JIKEIKAI Medical Journal Vol. 57(4), 2010 Vol. 58(1,2,3), 2011


JOURNAL of Ethnopharmacology Vol. 127, 2010, Contain : VIROLOGY 21.a. Analysis of immunological enhancement of immunosuppressed chickens by Chinese herbal extracts. p. 251-256


JOURNAL of Reproduction and Development Vol. 56, 2010, Contain : MISCELLANEOUS 22.a. Infectious causes of reproductive disorders in cattle. p. 53-60


JOURNAL of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation Vol. 21, 2009, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 23.a. Using roquefortine C as a biomarker for penitrem A intoxication. p. 237-239


JOURNAL of Virological Methods Vol. 163, 2010, Contain : VIROLOGY 24.a. Multispecies detection of antibodies to influenza A viruses by a double-antigen sandwich ELISA. p. 238-243 Vol.179, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 24.b. Detection of highly pathogenic influenza and pandemic influenza virus in formalin fixed tissues by immunohistochemical methods. p. 409-413

©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Februari 2012



JOURNAL of Virology Vol. 85(4), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 25.a. NP Body Domain and PB2 Contribute to Increased Virulence of H5N1 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Chickens. p. 1834-1846


MEDIA HKI : Buletin Informasi dan Keragaman Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Vol. 8(5,6), 2011


MEDIA Peternakan Vol. 34(3), 2011, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY / MEDICINAL PLANTS 27.a. Antibacterial Activity of Garlic Extract against some Pathogenic Animal Bacteria. p. 155-158 VIROLOGY 27.b. Infectious Bronchitis Vaccination Protocols for Laying Hens. p. 159-164 27.c. Factors Determining Farmers’ Decision on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Vaccination at the Small Poultry Farms in Western Java. p.219-227 TOXICOLOGY 27.d. The Comparison of Doxycycline Residue in the Meat of Broiler Chickens Administered in Feed and Water. p. 175-178


MOLECULAR and Cellular Probes Vol. 25, 2011, Contain : BACTERIOLOGY 28.a. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay targeting the omp25 gene for rapid detection of Brucella spp. p. 126-129


PLOS ONE Vol. 6(1), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 29.a. Increased Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase Expression in Organs Is Associated with a Higher Severity of H5N1 Influenza Virus Infection. p. 1-12 Vol. 6 (3), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 29.b. Transmission of Avian Influenza A Viruses among Species in an Artificial Barnyard. p. 1-7


POULTRY Indonesia Januari, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 30.a. Mencermati Terjadinya Egg Drop Syndrome. p. 62-64 Februari, 2012


POULTRY Science Vol. 87, 2008, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 31.a. Fate of Fusarenon-X in Broilers and Ducks. p. 1510-1515


PREVENTIVE Veterinary Medicine Vol. 103, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 32.a. Molecular epidemiology of avian influenza viruses circulating among healthy poultry flocks in farms in northern Vietnam. 192-200


SINAR Tani No. 3442, 3443, 2012

©PerpustakaanBBalitvet Februari 2012



SWADAYA : Media Agribisnis, Pangan & Ternak Vol. 1(3,4), 2011 Vol. 2(5,6), 2012


TOXINS Vol. 3, 2011, Contain : TOXICOLOGY 35.a. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent-Assay for Deoxynivalenol (DON). p. 968-978


TRENDS in Microbiology Vol. 20(1), 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 36.a. The changing nature of avian influenza A virus (H5N1). p.11-20


VACCINE Vol. 28, 2010, Contain : VIROLOGY 37.a. Validation of diagnostic tests for detection of avian influenza in vaccinated chickens using Bayesian analysis. p. 1771-1777 doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.12.109, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 37.b. Cloned cDNA of A/swine/Iowa/15/1930 internal genes as a candidate backbone for reverse genetics vaccine against influenza A viruses. p. 1-7 Vol. 30, 2012, Contain : VIROLOGY 37.c. Safety and immunogenicity of two different doses of a Vero cell-derived, whole virus clade 2 H5N1 (A/Indonesia/05/2005) influenza vaccine. p. 329-335


VETERINARY Immunology and Immunopathology doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.05.031, 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 38.a. Identifying innate immune pathways of the chicken may lead to new antiviral therapies. p. 110 Vol. 141, 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 38.b. In vivo transcriptional cytokine responses and association with clinical and pathological outcomes in chickens infected with different Newcastle disease virus isolates using formalinfixed paraffin-embedded samples. p. 221-229 Vol. 144, 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 38.c. Host immune-related gene responses against highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection in vitro differ among chicken cell lines established from different organs. p. 187-199


VETERINARY Medicine International doi:10.4061/2011/905768, 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 39.a. A Brief Review on Diagnosis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease of Livestock: Conventional to Molecular Tools. p.1-17


VETERINARY Microbiology doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2011.09.016, 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 40.a. Transmission characteristics of low pathogenic avian influenza virus of H7N7 and H5N7 subtypes in layer chickens. p. 1-7 Vol. 140, 2010, Contain : VIROLOGY 40.b. (Highly pathogenic) avian influenza as a zoonotic agent. p. 237-245

ŠPerpustakaanBBalitvet Februari 2012



VETERINARY Pathology Vol. 46, 2009, Contain : VIROLOGY 41.a. Pathology and Virus Distribution in Chickens Naturally Infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A Virus (H7N7) During the 2003 Outbreak in The Netherlands. p. 971-976


VETERINARY Research Vol. 42(106), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 42.a. Neuropathogenesis of a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H7N1) in experimentally infected chickens. p. 1-12


VIROLOGY Vol. 401, 2010, Contain : VIROLOGY 43.a. Correlation between polymerase activity and pathogenicity in two duck H5N1 influenza viruses suggests that the polymerase contributes to pathogenicity. p. 96-106


VIROLOGY Journal Vol. 8(54), 2011, Contain : VIROLOGY 44.a. Protection from avian influenza H5N1 virus infection with antibody-impregnated filters. p. 1-3

ŠPerpustakaanBBalitvet Februari 2012


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