July 2015 Persecution Magazine

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JULY 2015



Plight of Pakistani


A mother and father remember their son who saved hundreds by detaining a suicide bomber



Table of Contents

In This Issue: FEATURE

16 | Trip to Persecution Central An ICC staffer visits Pakistan days after twin suicide bombings devastate the Christian community in Lahore. FEATURE

18 | Faith and Sacrifice

On our trip to Lahore, we learned of the sacrifice of heroes who lost their lives saving others during the two bombings. FEATURE

20 | Horror of Forced Conversion Pakistani women tell horrific stories of being raped, kidnapped, forcefully converted to Islam and forcefully married. FEATURE

22 | Brick Kiln Murders

Shouting “blasphemy,” a mob of more than 1,000 Muslims burned a Christian couple alive on the fires of a brick kiln. ADVOCACY

24 | Let Freedom Ring

ICC held meetings with 17 leaders on Capitol Hill to address the needs of persecuted Christians in Pakistan.

17 23


26 | Shouting from the Rooftops A press conference hosted by ICC on Christian persecution in Pakistan receives broad media coverage. Regular Features

3 Letter from the President A few words from ICC’s president. 4 Impact Report A look at the impact your support has had on the persecuted Church in the second quarter of 2015.



6 World News A snapshot of the persecution that impacts our brothers and sisters daily. 10 West Watch News on the growing opposition to Christianity in the U.S. and the West. 12 Your Dollars at Work Learn how your gifts are providing for the persecuted Church around the world.




JULY 2015

President’s Letter

Pakistan. . . It truly is “Persecution Central.” There are other bloodier spots currently, but year-in, year-out, this country is the poster boy for Islamic persecution of Christians. I have been to almost 60 countries, and it is the only place I’ve visited where I walked around in fear. I was on edge the whole time. You could feel something in the air … a presence. It was the opposite of what you encounter when you walk into a room or church and the presence of God is there. The Word talks about the evil spirits controlling large regions of the earth. I am convinced the presence I and others have sensed is that controlling spirit of the region.

Jeff King, President International Christian Concern

Christians have been brutalized there for 1,000 years, ever since the Muslim kings traveled eastward in their campaigns starting around the year 1,000. Reaching India and Pakistan, their firsthand accounts tell of mind-boggling numbers of deaths as they slashed their way through these lands. Reputable historians have estimated they may have killed as many as 70,000,000 people in an attempt to subjugate these lands. It is hard to describe the culture of extreme oppression and subjugation that Christians live under in Pakistan. Think of the old South on steroids, with the hatred fueled by religious zeal, and you will begin to get a feel for the place. This is why we work extensively in Pakistan, and you should target it in prayer and with your giving. I can tell you that there are some very exciting large-scale developments going on there that must stay private. Let me just say that I feel “Aslan is on the move” there. Until He comes, let us take up the sword of righteousness on behalf of those behind enemy lines. We will bandage the victims and attack the gates of Hell with the Gospel because … They will fall!!! Your donations will be used efficiently, effectively, and ethically. I promise!

Jeff King President, International Christian Concern www.persecution.org




Impact Report















2015 Q2

2015 Q2

2015 Q2

ICC Assisted:

ICC Assisted:

ICC Assisted:














ICC participated in a joint initiative with Amnesty International that led to calls by 67 members of Congress for King Salman to improve human rights and religious freedom in Saudi Arabia. ICC sent staff to Pakistan using funds from the Where Most Needed fund. ICC staff spent three weeks in Pakistan meeting with dozens of persecuted Christians across the country, recording their testimonies and developing projects to meet their needs. ICC held high-level talks with U.S. Embassy officials in Cairo on behalf of Bishoy Armia Boulous, an Egyptian Christian jailed on blasphemy charges, and delivered a letter from 18 human rights organizations calling for the Egyptian government to release Bishoy.

• • •

ICC partnered with China Aid to support 10 families of church pastors or human rights lawyers working on behalf of persecuted Christians in China.


Ten families of imprisoned church leaders in Vietnam were each given a drove of piglets to start a small business. ICC provided vital food aid to 28 Christian families affected by the bombings of Christ Church and St. John’s Catholic Church in Youhanabad, Pakistan. ICC is planning on following up this initial aid with other projects aimed at assisting these families in the long term. Children who lost a parent in the All Saints Church bombing in Pakistan received assistance to attend school.



For the Christian communities of Iraq and Syria, the growth of Islamic jihadists has forced them from their homes and left them in need of everything — from basic needs like food, water and shelter to seasonal needs like warm coats in the winter or increased access to water and cool shelter as the summer heat sets in on the region. Your donations continue to help us care for these suffering brothers and sisters as they struggle to survive as people displaced from their homes. Using funds from its Community Rebuild fund, ICC was able to help repair two churches in India damaged in attacks by Hindu radicals. With these funds, ICC was able to replace many of the items damaged by the radicals, including sound systems, musical instruments and chairs.

JULY 2015

Impact Report














2015 Q2



ICC Assisted:









ICC Assisted:

ICC Assisted:



2015 Q2

2015 Q2


Through supporting follow-up teams working with evangelistic satellite ministries, ICC is helping to see true transformation happen across the Middle East. Every day, people from some of the world’s most difficult to reach places, including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Yemen, are hearing the Gospel preached over television and radio, and, with your help, have someone they can call and talk to who is able to explain to them what it means. ICC has continued to fulfill its commitment to spreading the Gospel to all corners of the earth by using funds from its Broadcast fund. ICC support to various radio and television ministries in South Asia continues to bring many to Christ who would otherwise have no access to Christianity.

Through your donations, ICC continues to support Pastor Yoel for his ministry with other pastors of Christian congregations facing persecution by bands of radical Muslims. Pastor Yoel is now working as a part-time representative in Indonesia and receives support to continue his ministry. ICC supports Yayasan Terang Nusa, a church-planting ministry in eastern Indonesia’s Sulawesi. Donations to ICC’s Underground Pastors fund support five church planters with food assistance, housing and other necessities. ICC has continued to support many pastors facing persecution across South Asia. In Bangladesh, ICC has continued to fund four pastors willing to reach out to the country’s Muslim-majority population.


ICC partnered with Autumn Rain International, based in Hong Kong, for their delivery of Bibles and teaching materials primarily into China, as well as Vietnam and Laos. ARI has reported the continued need for Bibles in China, despite official pronouncements to the contrary. ICC’s project to provide a printing press to produce the Scriptures in a closed North African country is producing great results. More than 25,000 copies of the Gospels have been printed and distributed to churches across the country. ICC provided 50 Urdu Bibles to persecuted Christians in Pakistan. Many of these Christians are unable to afford purchasing a Bible of their own due to poverty caused by persecution and discrimination.





Religious Conflict in Southeast Asia

Assyrian Christians protest, demanding the release of 230 Christians held captive by ISIS.

ISIS Continues to Hold Hundreds of Christians Hostage in Syria 1 | SYRIA More than 230 Christians in northeastern Syria are still being held captive by ISIS militants. Abducted in February, negotiations for their release between church leaders, local Muslim leaders and the jihadist group are ongoing, but ISIS has rejected an offer of more than $1.1 million for their freedom. The jihadist group is demanding more than $23 million for their release, an average of more than $100,000 USD per person. ISIS says that the demand is the jizya, a tax required of religious minorities if they are to live under Islamic control. The war in Syria has been ongoing for nearly four and a half years, and Islamic jihadists, especially ISIS, have capitalized on the chaos and gained control of large portions of the country. When ISIS militants swept into the Khabour River region of Tel-Tamar, they captured dozens of villages, sending more than 3,000 of the remaining residents fleeing and abducting at least 230 more.


2 | SOUTHEAST ASIA A study conducted last year in all 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) found that blurred lines between religion and nationalism, weak rule of law and politicization of religion have fueled religious persecution in 8 of the 10 ASEAN countries. The report specifically noted that violent religious conflicts had been documented in Malaysia, Myanmar and Indonesia, where persecution often manifests in the form of bodily attacks, forced conversions and arbitrary detention. Lead researcher Jaclyn Neo, assistant professor at the National University of Singapore’s law faculty, noted that conflation of national identity with one religion in certain states had reinforced animosity toward minority groups, who are seen as “national traitors” or “outside the nation.” In Myanmar, a Buddhist nationalist movement is responsible for promoting legislation against religious conversion, while in Indonesia, democratization and corresponding weakening of the state have been exploited by religious majorities to exert violence against minorities. In Malaysia, coercive practices have been used against religious minorities under the guise of protecting Islam. The Court of Appeals has upheld the government’s decision to prohibit the use of the word “Allah” in publications released by Christians.



Sudanese Pastors Could Face Death Penalty 3 | SUDAN Two South Sudanese pastors who have been imprisoned in Khartoum, Sudan, since December and January, respectively, could face the death penalty for charges related to their Christian faith. Yat Michael Ruot and Peter Yein Reith have been charged with undermining the constitutional code, waging war against the state, and spying. Under Sudanese law, these offenses carry the possibility of the death penalty or life in prison, according to their attorney. They also stand charged with inciting organized forces to complain and assaulting religious beliefs, charges that also carry prison sentences, if convicted. Rev. Ruot was arrested on December 21 when he left Juba to visit Khartoum to preach at the Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church. Rev. Reith was detained the following month while returning from a prayer meeting at the El Jereif West Bible school in Khartoum.

JULY 2015

ISIS Releases Video Depicting the Beheading and Execution of 30 Ethiopian Christians 4 | ETHIOPIA Militant Islamic terror group ISIS released a shocking video April 19, reportedly showing the gruesome murder of 30 men ISIS claimed were Ethiopian Christians in Libya. The footage alternates between two scenes: one in northern Libya on a Mediterranean beach, where 15 men were beheaded, and one in the desert in southern Libya, where another 15 men were shot in the head, execution style.

Released Christian in Eritrea Still Suffers in Silence, Trapped in Home

5 | ERITREA “Alice” spent more than six years locked in an Eritrean prison for her faith in Christ under one of the most repressive regimes against Christians on the globe. She was arrested in January 2009 and held without charge. She was finally released this February, but her voice has been silenced, her mind has been traumatized, and she is left trapped in her own home under the ever-present eyes of the government that jailed her. “When she came out, she said everything was wonderful and good, because she’s being controlled. Now she can’t say anything,” said “Jane,” an Eritrean friend of Alice who now lives in the United States.

Assyrian Christian Refugees Continue to Lose Hope 6 | SYRIA “We are searching for the quickest way to go to Europe or Canada, maybe America,” said Jack Zayya, an Assyrian Christian refugee from Syria who arrived in Beirut in February. As many as half a million Christians are believed to be living as refugees across the region, but now many of them are seeking not just to escape the country, but to leave the region entirely. They are losing hope of ever being able to return home.

Egyptian Christian Convicted of Blasphemy Over Facebook Video

7 | EGYPT On May 5, Michael Mounir Beshay was convicted of blasphemy for “ridiculing or insulting a heavenly religion” in violation of Article 98 (f) of the Egyptian penal code. In November 2014, he shared a video on Facebook of two Islamic scholars debating a controversial passage in the Islamic Hadith. Some of his neighbors discovered the post and became upset. They set fire to his motorcycle and demonstrated, demanding his arrest. The local officials gave in, and Michael was arrested in February, charged with blasphemy and convicted.





Children rescued from Boko Haram were described by witnesses as “little skeletons.”

Hundreds of Hostages Rescued 1 | NIGERIA During the last few weeks of April, the Nigerian military rescued nearly 700 hostages from the clutches of Islamic terror group Boko Haram (BH). Most of the people rescued were girls and women, but none of them were identified as the girls kidnapped from Chibok in April 2014. Soldiers stumbled upon groups of females during military raids against some of the last strongholds of BH in the Sambisa Forest in Borno State, northern Nigeria. Most of the women rescued were pregnant because of the repeated gang rape they endured, in addition to beatings, forced marriage and pressure to recant their faith. The women were then taken to a refugee camp in Yola, Nigeria, where they were tested for sexually-transmitted diseases, provided prenatal care and given emergency food aid. The initial images emerging from Yola were shocking. Many of the children rescued from Sambisa were so emaciated that witnesses described them as “little skel-


etons.” Scores of kids and their traumatized mothers packed into trucks to embark on the three-day journey to Yola, where many required urgent medical care. For many BH victims, the psychological scars of their experience in captivity are even more severe than the physical pain they endured. BH has reportedly kidnapped more than 2,000 women over the last 18 months. Over the last several years, the group has terrorized northern Nigeria, ransacking towns and targeting Christians in their quest to establish an Islamic state in Africa. Their barbarism is extreme, especially toward women. The group has used women as human shields and employed them as suicide bombers to attack northern Nigerian cities. Some former BH hostages reported that fighters murdered their wives before engaging in battle so they would not marry non-Muslims if the militants died during battle.



“[Violations] are systematic, egregious and ongoing.” Four African Nations Named CRCs 2 | COUNTRIES OF PARTICULAR CONCERN The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) listed Eritrea, Nigeria, Sudan and the Central African Republic (CAR) as “Countries of Particular Concern” in its 2015 Annual Report. This means that these nations exhibit conditions “where particularly severe violations of religious freedom are tolerated or perpetrated” and where violations are “systematic, egregious, and ongoing.” In Eritrea, the authoritarian state considers anyone who practices faith outside of the country’s four government-sanctioned religions to be a spy and an enemy of the state. Christians are regularly jailed for their faith without charge and for indefinite periods of time. In jail, they face torture and coercion to deny Christ. In Sudan, the Islamist government led by President Omar al-Bashir oppresses Christians, detaining pastors and threatening them with the death penalty for trumped-up “crimes against the state.” Bashir is wanted by the International Criminal Court for genocide and crimes against humanity perpetrated against Christians in Darfur. In Nigeria, while the government itself does not perpetuate religious persecution, it has not displayed the will or the capacity to stop it. Christians in Nigeria face violence from militant Islamists, like Boko Haram, all across the country’s north, and Christian farmers in central Nigeria are routinely killed by Muslim Fulani herdsmen. In CAR, warring factions of both Christian and Muslim majorities have targeted civilians because of their faith. JULY 2015

Laotian Christians to Appeal Conviction of “Practicing Medicine Without a License” 3 | LAOS Five Laotian Christians convicted of practicing medicine without a license after they prayed for a new Christian convert have confirmed that they will appeal the court’s decision. A false document was submitted to the Appeals Court without their knowledge stating that the five had decided to withdraw their appeal. However, on April 24, they confirmed with the prosecutors’ office in Savannakhet province that they intended to move ahead with the appeal, asserting that the signatures on the document were not theirs. The prosecutors’ office accepted that the document was false. The five were originally accused of murdering the Christian convert, but they had not used any material remedy. They had only prayed for her healing, in accordance with the woman’s request.

USCIRF calls for the full recognition of religious freedom.

Churches in China continue to face raids and persecution.

Religious Conflicts Continue to Sweep Nations

Raided Church to Have Sentence Reconsidered

4 | WORLD Across the world, millions of people have fled conflicts fueled by religion. From Syria and Iraq to Nigeria, Central African Republic, Eritrea and Burma, religious identity can prove deadly as both governments and non-state actors are pursuing agendas of religious cleansing. “Humanitarian crises fueled by waves of terror, intimidation, and violence have engulfed an alarming number of countries over the past year,” said Katrina Lantos Swett, chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. “In the long run, there is only one permanent guarantor of the safety, security and survival of the persecuted and vulnerable. It is the full recognition of religious freedom.”

5 | CHINA Members of the Candlelight Church in China’s far western Xinjiang Province recently won an administrative reconsideration lodged against the Hami Public Security Bureau. The municipal government decision said the original punishment issued after the conflict in January must be revoked, but also gave 60 days for a new punishment to be invoked, provided it followed all legal stipulations. On January 10, more than 20 officers from the local Religious Affairs and Public Security Bureaus disrupted a gathering at Candlelight Church, without showing identification or producing a warrant. Agents have now interrogated the pastor of the church on several occasions.

Egyptian Court Sentences 71 Persecutors to Life in Prison 6 | EGYPT In August 2013, Egypt witnessed the most intense period of persecution in the last 1,400 years. Dozens of churches were torched in attacks across the country. Hundreds of homes, schools, businesses and vehicles were destroyed. After more than a year and a half, an Egyptian court in April convicted and sentenced 71 people to life in prison for their role in attacks on the St. Mary Church in Giza, Egypt. Two minors were also convicted, fined and sentenced to a ten year period in prison. The attacks on churches came after public protests forced Muslim Brotherhood-backed President Mohammed Morsi out of office in June 2013. Egyptian police forces had cracked down on protests in Cairo when attacks were launched against churches across the country. Christians are still rebuilding from the destruction of these attacks.

Standing in the aftermath of a bombed church.




est atch “Bible Man” Expelled from Tennessee School Assemblies


n Tennessee’s Grundy County school district, assemblies led by a character called “Bible Man” have officially been banned. Horace Turner, better known by his pseudonym, has led assemblies within the school district for nearly 40 years by singing, presenting Bible stories and passing out Christian literature to students. Due to the faith-based nature of the assemblies, attendance has always been voluntary for students.

In March, a parent complained to the atheist organization Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), which sent an official letter of complaint to the school district stating the assemblies were unconstitutional. In the letter, FFRF called the presentations “explicit” and referred to Turner as a “wolf.” The assemblies have since been halted as the school district looks for religious alternatives for students that would not be implemented school-wide, such as after-school clubs.

Atheist Group Demands Investigation of Christian Speaker

T Support Albert Hardison

A young boy rallies with students and parents to support a principal condemned for quoting Scripture in a school newsletter.

he atheist group Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) has requested an investigation into a recent speaking engagement at a public high school in Georgia. The speaker was Eric Hovind, the widely known speaker and debater in the sphere of biblical creation. In spite of the fact that Hovind claims that he did not once men-

Louisiana Principal Under Fire for Citing Scripture


fter a Louisiana elementary and middle school principal, Albert Hardison, publicly quoted Scripture in a newsletter to the school’s parents and on the school district’s website, he quickly felt the repercussions of his actions. Hardison quoted from Philippians 4:13, which states, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” as students were getting ready to take their state exams. Shortly after, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wrote an open letter to the superintendent, condemning Hardison’s words as unconstitutional. While the school district announced that they would be conducting an investigation into the matter, thousands of students, parents and other community members have spoken out in support of the principal. Hundreds attended a public prayer rally in early April, and a “Support Albert Hardison” Facebook page was created that has already garnered over 8,500 likes.


tion his religious beliefs or perspective on creation, the request for an investigation still stands. Rather, Hovind has stated that his presentation to the school’s debate class was a general presentation about critical thinking. However, the FFRF has expressed concerns about Hovind’s mere presence in addressing the students due to his background, rather than the actual content of his discussion. When they were informed of the incident, the FFRF sent a letter to the school district’s superintendent requesting the investigation and implying a violation of the First Amendment. Shortly after learning of this interaction, the Center for Religious Expression, located in Tennessee, sent a follow-up letter to district officials advising them to ignore the demands of the atheist group.

New Jersey School Keeps “Under God” in Pledge


n 2014, the atheist legal group American Humanist Association (AHA) filed a lawsuit against a New Jersey school district for the use of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. After being informed of the situation, high school student Samantha Jones reached out to the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty. The Becket Fund has long been outspoken in its efforts to protect the presence of this phrase in the pledge. After the matter was brought to court, Judge David Bauman granted the motion to dismiss the case in February, stating that the words were not being used in a religious manner, but rather as part of a patriotic prac-



tice. On April 13, 2015, the Becket Fund announced that the AHA officially dropped the lawsuit, resulting in the school allowing the words to remain.

JULY 2015

Professor Fails Student for Christian Answers

Public Library Denies Lecture Space to Christian Group

race Lewis, a teenage student taking virtual classes from Polk State College, has found herself in the middle of controversy surrounding her humanities course. Lewis, despite having a 3.9 GPA, received four consecutive zeroes for answering the professor’s open-ended assignments according to her beliefs. The questions ranged from the morality of homosexuality to the divinity of Jesus to the purpose of the Reformation. When Lewis answered the questions according to her Christian faith, she received a failing grade on the assignments. While her professor has stated that he is simply grading her essays according to the course guidelines, Lewis believes that his anti-Christian perspective led him to give her failing grades. When Lewis decided to take the matter to her dean, she was told that the professor’s actions were acceptable and that the class shouldn’t be seen as a challenge to her faith because it was not being taught from a religious perspective. Shortly after, Lewis contacted the Christian legal group, Liberty Counsel, who has since demanded an apology, an investigation and assurance that students will not be discriminated against for their faith in the future.

he Christian legal group, Liberty Counsel, has filed a lawsuit against North Carolina’s Cameron Village Regional Library. After trying twice to obtain lecture space within the library, Liberty Counsel was denied solely because their presentation would be categorized as “religious instruction.” Liberty Counsel offers presentations across the country primarily focused on the influence of Christianity on the origins of the United States. Even after clarifying the subject matter of the lecture for fear of being disrupted by library staff, the library’s representative rejected the reservation. The first instance occurred in early 2013, and the second took place at the end of 2014, when Liberty Counsel applied again, hoping the policies had changed since the initial rejection. The legal group has since taken the issue to court by filing a federal lawsuit, claiming neglect of their rights found in the First and Fourteenth Amendments.


Grace Lewis

A Christian student sought legal help when she received failing grades for answering assignments and essays according to her faith.


Chaplain Threatened with Discharge from Navy for Sharing Christian Beliefs


n December 2014, United States Navy Chaplain Wes Modder received complaints and was threatened with discharge after allegedly voicing his beliefs on sexual morality during counseling sessions. During these sessions, Modder spoke out against homosexuality and sex outside of marriage. In February, Navy Captain Jon Fahs stated in a detachment for cause letter that Modder was intolerant and would not be able to “function in the diverse and pluralistic environment.” Fahs then made a recommendation that Modder be officially removed from his position. When Modder submitted a request for religious accommodation, he was denied when he was told that his freedom to practice his religion was not infringed upon. Rather, he was told that he was not being sensitive enough during his counseling sessions. In response to the matter, 35 members of Congress signed a letter defending Modder and stating that he should not be punished for voicing his faith. The letter argues that even if the counselees do not agree with the chaplain, the chaplain is still entitled to preach according to his or her denomination’s doctrine.

Discrimination Against Christians Grows in Europe


ccording to various reports, discrimination against Christians throughout Europe is increasingly overlooked by legal officials. Multiple cases have involved Christians being forced into positions in which they seemingly condone homosexuality, including one in which a woman was asked to read a story about a homosexual couple to young children and another in which a marriage registrar was forced to carry out duties condoning same-sex marriage. Another workplace incident of discrimination occurred when Shirley Chaplin, a British nurse and Christian, was banned from wearing her cross while at work. The Council of Europe has since issued a statement calling for “reasonable accommodation” for the beliefs of Christians on controversial subjects such as homosexuality. In spite of an ironic demand for “tolerance” and political correctness, Christians throughout Europe are facing intolerance simply for defending their beliefs.




Your Dollar$ at Work Victim of Abuse Uses Sewing Machine to Change Future for Other Girls Save our Sisters


hile traveling in Pakistan, ICC’s staff visited with Shafila, a Christian woman ICC had completed a project with in 2013. In 2013, Shafila was still traumatized by the persecution she had faced because of both her religious identity and her gender. Back then, a Muslim man had taken notice of Shafila and asked her to have sex with him. When Shafila refused his advances, the Muslim man became angry because he was being refused by a Christian woman, an individual he believed was beneath him. Because of this, the Muslim man abducted Shafila and kept her drugged and hidden away in a place where he was able to rape her repeatedly. By God’s mercy and provision, one day, the Muslim man left the door of his hideout open and Shafila was able to escape. Months after the incident, ICC assisted Shafila by providing her with counseling and with a single sewing machine. Since then, Shafila has taken the small assistance ICC provided her and turned it into a great success. Upon receiving the sewing machine, Shafila immediately began filling orders around her neighborhood. When she had enough profits saved away, she bought a second sewing machine and hired a Christian friend to help her fill even more orders. Now, Shafila is a co-owner of a sewing operation that fills industrial orders, employing herself and eight other employees. When ICC’s staff visited her, she said, “I really want to continue to expand. I want to hire more Christian girls who faced persecution like me so that I can give them a dignified living and counsel.” Shafila’s story is just one of many that prove how a simple gift like a sewing machine can change the lives of many who are facing persecution around the world.




JULY 2015

Barber Shop Bringing Hope


Hand of Hope

n 2013, Anwar was working as a barber in Pakistan. Being a Christian, he enjoyed listening to Christian music while he worked. One day, he was told by local Muslims that he could no longer play his Christian music because the barbershop was located too close to a mosque, and his music was defiling the area. Despite this, Anwar continued to listen to his Christian music. When local Muslims discovered this, they attacked Anwar, beat him and damaged his barbering business. In 2013, ICC assisted Anwar by opening up a new barbershop in a new location. Anwar has been so successful that he has been able to hire five other Christians to work at his shop, including several Christian boys who could no longer go to school. “We are working really hard to improve the shop and help employ other Christian boys who need jobs,” Anwar told ICC. Please keep Anwar and his shop in your prayers!

Remembering Educating the Those in Prison Next Generation


Suffering Wives & Children

ritrea is one of the most difficult places on earth to live as a Christian. Brothers and sisters are arbitrarily jailed and face unspeakable torture. Prisoners endure extreme hot and cold temperatures, are crowded into small cells and metal shipping containers, and pressured to recant their faith in Christ. That’s why ICC is partnering with the Nehemiah Project, a Christian ministry that works in Eritrea to provide financial support to 15 families of imprisoned Christians. Though they remain under constant persecution, the families ICC has assisted praise God for His provision. “We are always thankful for the gifts and thank you for your caring provision in this time of trouble,” said the “Johannes” family. Please pray continually for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Eritrea and “remember those who are in prison, as in prison with them” (Hebrews 13:3).


Kids Care

n September 22, 2013, two suicide bombers from the Pakistani Taliban attacked one of the oldest churches in Peshawar as local Christians exited the church following the normal Sunday service. Over 100 Christians were killed and an estimated 250 more were injured. ICC stepped in and initiated the All Saints Church Schooling Project. After identifying 30 of the most vulnerable Christian children, ICC, in partnership with Voice of the Martyrs USA, committed to providing these children with Christian education until they graduate from high school. Without this vital assistance, many of these children would have been forced to drop out of school. While there have been positive strides taken by the children in the program, many still suffer psychologically from the bombing. In response, ICC has provided trauma counseling for all of these children in an effort to see them emotionally whole.




Your Dollar$ at Work

Rebuilding in a Devastated Kenyan Village Community Rebuild


he same Islamic terrorists that perpetrated the deadly attack on Garissa University College on April 2 have been targeting Christians since well before that tragedy. On the night of July 5, 2014, gunmen from the Somali jihadist group al-Shabaab assaulted Hindi, a village in eastern Kenya, murdering every man in sight and setting the town ablaze. Since the attack, ICC has been working to rebuild Hindi and restore hope for 15 families that lost their homes, many of whom also lost fathers and husbands. Battling the season’s heavy rains, ICC has assisted six widows, one pastor and nine other families devastated in the attack by constructing new houses for them. We also helped seven families to plant new crops to provide food for their future.

Providing Sustained Medical Care Hand of Hope


he Christian community of Peshawar, Pakistan, continues to deal with many issues caused by the bombing of All Saints Church. One of those issues is the continued medical care of many Christians permanently maimed by the suicide blasts. Meriam (right), a young Christian girl in kindergarten, is one of these Christians. Due to the bombing, Meriam’s body is covered in burns. She requires a great deal of medication and has had several skin grafts in the past year and a half. Sadly, she will likely need more as her body continues to grow. While visiting Peshawar, ICC was able to provide Meriam and her family with vital medicine that Meriam requires as she continues to heal. ICC is committed to helping Christians like Meriam and the many others who were injured in the All Saints Church Bombing and require long term medical care.




JULY 2015

Your Dollar$ at Work

Fifty Urdu Bibles to Pakistan

F Two SOS Center Graduates Start Beauty Salon


Bibles to the Persecuted

or many Christians in Pakistan, owning a personal copy of the Word of God is something out of reach. Due to widespread discrimination and persecution, Christians are stuck in the lowest economic classes in Pakistan. While on a recent trip to Pakistan, ICC gave Urdu Bibles to 50 Pakistani Christians who

wouldn’t have otherwise been able to afford a copy of their own. These Bibles were distributed as part of the Easter morning service in several small churches located outside of Lahore. “We are so thankful for ICC’s wonderful project providing the precious gift of the Bible for many in our area,” a local pastor told ICC. Thank you to all who donate to ICC’s Bible fund.

Save Our Sisters

ince establishing the Save Our Sisters (SOS) Vocational Training Centers in 2013, ICC has helped train over 150 Christian girls and young women to become skilled seamstresses and beauticians. Many are from poor families and were forced to help earn money by working as domestic workers in Muslim homes, as day laborers in fields or at brick kilns. For many, harassment and sexual abuse were constant threats. While in Pakistan, ICC visited two Christian girls, Sarah and Alisha, who graduated from the first class ICC trained to become beauticians. After graduating, Sarah and Alisha decided to pool their resources together and have opened their own beauty salon. Using the training ICC provided, these girls are now able to earn enough to support their families and avoid working in high-risk situations. “We are now able to make 5,000 rupees each month,” Sarah and Alisha told ICC. “We are very happy with the training we have received at the SOS Centers.”

Firewood Business Sustains Family


Hand of Hope

n a trip to Pakistan in 2013, ICC met Shahbaz, a Christian who had been accused of blasphemy. At that time, Shahbaz was living in hiding due to the accusation made against him. Forced to live separated from his family for his and their security, Shahbaz often missed out on important family affairs, including his sister’s funeral.

In 2013, ICC helped relocate Shahbaz and his family so they could live together in peace and security. As a part of the relocation, ICC helped Shahbaz start a firewood business to help support the family financially. Shahbaz is just one of many Christians accused of blasphemy who ICC has assisted in Pakistan. Please pray for his continued success and for ICC as we continue to try to meet the needs of Christians in Pakistan.




Feature Article

INTO THE FIRE: A TRIP TO “PERSECUTION CENTRAL” ‘Christians are not just being persecuted in Punjab, but [in Karachi and Hyderabad], as well. It is very good that you have come here to see for yourself.’


By William Stark remember

sitting in church in March of this year, praying for God’s protection on my upcoming trip to Pakistan. I was scheduled to leave in just a few days and spend the next three weeks in Pakistan working with one of the most persecuted Christian communities in the world. It’s never easy preparing to travel to a dangerous place like Pakistan because, like many of my contacts say, “anything can happen.” As I reflected on the trip, especially on being in Pakistan over Easter, my cell phone vibrated. A co-worker had texted me, saying, “Sad news from Lahore.” Immediately, I stepped out of church and reached out to my contacts in Lahore to see what happened. My contacts told me suicide bombers had attacked two churches in a Christian neighborhood of Lahore called Youhanabad, a neighborhood I was planning to visit in the next week, and many had died. I told my wife what happened, and she asked me sol-


emnly, “Are you still going?” Without hesitation, I replied, “Yes, especially now that this has happened. There is more need for me to be on the ground now than before.” Five days later, I was on a plane to Islamabad.

North to South

Over the following three weeks, I visited the locations of many incidents of Christian persecution, including spending several days in Youhanabad. I listened to the testimonies of many Christian families whose lives have been destroyed by false blasphemy accusations, attempted forced conversions, abductions, rapes, church bombings and antiChristian mob violence — the many forms persecution takes in Pakistan. The trip started by traveling from Islamabad to Peshawar, a city many are unwilling to venture to due to security concerns. In Peshawar, I met with many Christians still affected by the bombing of All Saints Church, which occurred in September 2013 and remains the single deadliest attack on Christians in Pakistan’s history. From Peshawar, I traveled back to Islamabad and then on to Faisalabad.

From Faisalabad, I traveled to Lahore, spending several days in the Youhanabad neighborhood listening to the testimonies of Christians affected by the recent church bombings. Many of the Christians I met in Youhanabad were still coming to grips with the attack. Following the bombings, after decades of increasing persecution and injustice, men in the Christian area of Youhanabad rioted and murdered two Muslims in police custody who were thought to be involved in the bombing. These murders led to the mass arrest of Christian men in Youhanabad. Reports of Christian men being arrested and tortured by police were spreading in the Christian community during my time in Youhanabad. This led many Christian families to abandon their homes and go into hiding. Read more about these events in the “Secret Arrests” section on page 19. While in Lahore, I visited the site where a Christian couple was burned alive at a brick kiln after being accused of blasphemy. As I stood at the brick kiln where the horrific murders took place, I was stunned by the violence and the speed at which 1,000 Muslims gathered so quickly



Photos Top: A young girl prays in remembrance

of lives lost to suicide bombers at two churches in Youhanabad this March.

Middle: A historic site once considered a safe haven for many, the All Saints Church in Peshawar, is now remembered as the scene of the single deadliest attack on Christians in Pakistan’s history. Bottom: A man looks up at the All Saints Church in Peshawar, where suicide bombers claimed the lives of more than 80 Christians in a 2013 attack on the church. to murder an innocent couple. After celebrating Easter in Lahore, I traveled south to Karachi and Hyderabad, two major cities in Pakistan’s Sindh Province. This was my first time to Sindh, and my time there helped me understand that Christians are truly being persecuted across Pakistan. “Christians are not just being persecuted in Punjab,” an influential church leader said. “They are being persecuted here, as well. It is very good that you have come here to see yourself.”

Just the Beginning

After three weeks in Pakistan and meeting with as many as 65 Christian families suffering persecution, I was ready to return home. Not because I was tired or missed the comforts of home, although that is something always in the back of my mind when traveling, but because I was ready to begin working on helping the Christian communities I had visited. After finishing my final meeting in Pakistan, my contact shook my hand and said, “Congratulations, your work here is finally done.” I smiled and replied, “No, meeting with these families is the easy part. Now comes the real challenge of finding a way to help all of them.”

JULY 2015

Recent Major Incidents Youhanabad Church Bombings — March 2015 — Lahore: Suicide bombers attack Christ Church and St. John’s Catholic Church in the majority Christian neighborhood of Youhanabad in Lahore, killing 19 and injuring another 70. The bombers were prevented from entering the churches due to security measures taken following the All Saints Church bombing. Christian Couple Burned in Brick Kiln for Blasphemy — November 2014 — Kot Radha Kishan, Chak 59, Kasur: Shehzad Masih and Shama Bibi, a married Christian couple, were burned alive by a mob of enraged Muslims after they were accused of committing blasphemy. Reports claimed over 1,000 Muslims participated in the murders that shocked both Pakistan and the world.

All Saints Church Bombing — September 2013 — Peshawar: Suicide bombers attack All Saints Church following a Sunday worship service, killing over 80 and wounding another 130. The attack is still considered the single deadliest attack on Christians in Pakistan’s history and has left a lasting mark on the Christian community of Peshawar. Joseph’s Colony Blasphemy Riots — March 2013 — Lahore: A mob of enraged Muslims attack and destroy the entire Christian neighborhood of Joseph’s Colony in Lahore following news that a Christian from there was accused of committing blasphemy. Christian witnesses claim police helped evacuate the Christians, but did nothing to protect their homes or property. The Christian was sentenced to death for blasphemy while the perpetrators of the mob violence remain at large. “The Innocence of Muslims” Riots — September 2012 — Hyderabad:

Muslim mobs target Christians and their places of worship following the release of “The Innocence of Muslims” film considered blasphemous in Pakistan. Muslim mobs shout anti-Christian slogans throughout the streets and open fire on several churches in the city, wounding at least one Christian.

Rimsha Masih Blasphemy Accusation — August 2012 — Islamabad/ Rawalpindi: Rimsha Masih, a young Christian girl, was accused of blasphemy, a crime punishable by death in Pakistan, after a radical imam planted burned pages of the Quran in her backpack. Due to intense international pressure, Rimsha was released from prison and moved out of Pakistan with her family due to threats to her life.

Assassinations of Salmaan Taseer & Shahbaz Bhatti — January & March 2011 — Islamabad: In 2011, the Governor of Punjab, Salmaan Taseer, and the Federal Minister of Minority Affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti, were assassinated for their role in advocating for the release of Asia Bibi and for reform of the country’s blasphemy laws.

Gojra Blasphemy Riots — August 2009 — Gojra: Seven Christians are burned alive by a Muslim mob, along with 40 Christian houses and a church, following an accusation that several Christians in the area had desecrated a Quran. Local Christians claim police did little to protect them from the mob despite the clear threat to both life and property. Asia Bibi Blasphemy Accusation — June 2009 — Sheikhupura: Asia Bibi, a Christian woman, was accused of blasphemy, for which she later was sentenced to death, after she got into a dispute with Muslim co-workers for taking a drink of water from a “Muslim well.” Asia’s case has come to epitomize the abuse of Pakistan’s laws, and Asia remains on death row despite numerous international advocacy efforts.




Faith and Sacrifice

The Real Story in the Aftermath of S



A worker labors to repair damage left in one of the two churches attacked by suicide bombers in March.

By William Stark he suicide bombers

came to the churches on March 15 during morning services. Connected to the Pakistani Taliban, they attacked St. John’s Catholic Church and Christ Church, located in a Christian neighborhood of Lahore called Youhanabad. They left 19 people dead and another 80 wounded. These are the basic facts, the who, what, when, and where, that I reported in a press release days before I departed on my trip to Pakistan. When I arrived in Youhanabad, I discovered the basic facts were insufficient to truly tell the story of the Christian community in Youhanabad following the church bombings.


Extreme fear, intense anger and devastating grief were ever-present emotions for many of the Christians I met in Youhanabad, yet there were still glimmers of hope mixed with pride in each person’s testimony. These glimmers of hope and pride were something I didn’t fully understand or fully appreciate until I had time to reflect upon my time in Youhanabad.

Twin Church Bombings

“I was leading the church in a song during the offering when we were attacked,” Fr. Francis recalled. “At first, I heard [gun]shots fired outside the church. The church members didn’t hear the shots because of the music, so I kept leading the song so that no one would panic. Then, seconds later, we heard the blast outside the main gate.” “Church members were afraid of a second bomber and fled the church from differ-



ent places,” Fr. Francis continued. “Some climbed over the wall, and others ran out the back gate. I went to the main gate to see what had happened. I saw the gate had been blasted 35 yards back, and the ground was covered in blood and body parts.” I heard an eerily similar story when I talked to Rev. Irshad Ashknaz, head pastor of Christ Church. “We were just about to take communion when we heard gunshots outside,” Rev. Ashknaz said. “Then we heard two blasts. The first blast, we just heard. The second blast, we felt the impact and saw the smoke.” “I didn’t think two churches had been attacked at first,” Rev. Ashknaz recalled. “When I came out of the church, I saw people running both to our church and to St. John’s. That’s when I heard both churches were attacked.”

JULY 2015

Feature Article

f Suicide Bombings

Secret Arrests Shrapnel from a suicide bomber’s vest blasted holes into the wall.

Sacrifice At St. John’s, people kept telling me that Akash Bashir, a young Christian man, had saved everyone inside the church. “When the bomber shot at the church security, Akash stood firm,” Fr. Francis said. “He stopped the bomber from getting inside the church, where he could have killed many more.” “When the bomber tried to enter the church gate, Akash and Sikandar threw the gate door at the bomber and hit him,” a security volunteer at St. John’s said. “The bomber fell down, and when he got back up and tried to enter the church again, Akash hugged him, holding down the bombers arms, and pushed him away from the church.” “As Akash pushed the bomber away, Sikandar threw the gate door closed again,” the volunteer continued. “The bomber then blasted himself with Akash still hugging him.” “We are feeling two things,” Akash’s mother told me. “We are depressed because we have lost our son. But we are also proud of his sacrifice. He saved hundreds. I didn’t like that Akash volunteered for security at the church — the terrorists always attack security first — but Akash insisted. He told me he was willing to sacrifice himself to save others. I am happy God has given him the crown of martyrdom.” Similarly, Christians at Christ Church were able keep the bomber from entering the church. When the bomber opened fire on the security volunteers at Christ Church,



a Christian named Zahid Yousaf, nicknamed “Goga,” apprehended the bomber and pushed him 20 feet away from the church.

The Real Story

Even with the heroic sacrifices of both Akash and Goga, tragedy still visited many Christian families in Youhanabad. “Abishey left the church to purchase something,” Abishey’s mother told me. “He was only 10 years old and was going into 4th grade. He was outside the church gate when the bomb went off and was killed on the spot. I can’t express how much I miss him.” “Since the beginning of our faith, the blood of the martyrs has been the seed of the church,” Fr. Francis said. “More young people have volunteered for security than before, and thousands came to our church when we held a memorial service for those killed. People are looking to Akash’s sacrifice and finding strength despite this tragedy.” When I left Youhanabad, I found I also had two feelings. I was filled with intense grief for those who had lost friends and family, but also with awe as I thought about the incredible sacrifices both Akash and Goga made. Later, I realized how the basic facts didn’t tell the most important story about the Youhanabad church bombings. The story of sacrifice, faith, pride and hope were missing in just a factual telling of the events. The Church globally still needs to hear stories about Christians willing to sacrifice for their faith. That’s the real story of Youhanabad.

Following the bombings of St. John’s Catholic Church and Christ Church in Youhanabad, enraged Christians took to the streets in protest. These protests quickly turned deadly when Christians discovered two Muslims in police custody. Protesters, who accused the Muslims of being involved in the attacks on the churches, beat the Muslims to death and burned their bodies. “It was an inhumane thing they did,” Fr. Francis said. “The scene of the bomb blasts, with all the blood and body parts drove the people mad.” The murder of the two Muslims dominated both national and international headlines, overshadowing the bombing of the two churches. It also initiated a campaign of terror led by police. Mass arrests of Christian men followed in the days after the bombings. As many as 111 Christian men were rounded up by police in Youhanabad, in many cases only on the basis of being male and a Christian. Reports of torture in police custody and rumors of reprisal attacks by the Muslim community quickly spread through the Christian community, prompting many families to abandon their homes and leave Youhanabad. “Many were scared they would be next to be grabbed, so they left,” Fr. Francis said. “Many didn’t even know their relatives had been arrested. They just went missing. The families came to church leaders to report their missing relatives, and then we asked the police officials to confirm whether or not they had them.” Since then, many of the Christians arrested have either been released or charged with participating in the murder of the two Muslims. Many of the Christian prisoners are still scared of the police and remain unwilling to give testimony about the torture they endured in police custody.


THE HORROR OF FORCED CONVERSION Pakistani women tell horrific stories of being raped, kidnapped, forcefully converted to Islam and married to Muslim men.


By William Stark

arah was working in a

field in a village outside of Lahore with her sister. “When we finished up our work harvesting, two men attacked me,” Farah said. “They covered my face with a sheet and covered my mouth so I couldn’t scream. They hit me and took me back out to the fields and raped me in turns.” “After that, they forced me to take some tablets that made me unconscious,” Farah continued. “When I woke up, I was inside another place, tied up and blindfolded. They kept me there for two weeks, drugged most of the time, and used me again and again.” While Farah was abducted, her abductors forcefully converted her to Islam and had her married to one of them. “I remember that they took my thumb prints while I was drugged,” Farah said. These thumb prints were used to sign both a false marriage and conversion certificate after she was forced to convert to Islam. “I remember they held a phone up to my ear,” Farah recalled. “I was talking to an imam who asked me if I wanted to convert to Islam. Because of the drugs and the torture, I said yes.”


When Farah’s parents discovered she was abducted, they pleaded for her return. The abductors, who were known to the family, told them that it was too late and that Farah had already converted to Islam. Despite this, Farah’s parents pursued the matter with their village leaders and were able to secure Farah’s return. Since then, Farah’s parents have been

‘When I woke up, I was inside another place, tied up and blindfolded. They kept me there for weeks, drugged most of the time, and used me again and again.’ PERSECU ION.org


forced to send her away with other family members to keep her safe from her abductors. Forced conversion to Islam remains one of the top issues faced by Pakistan’s Christian community. As noted in the 2015 Annual Report by U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), “Forced conversion of Christian and Hindu girls and young women into Islam and forced marriage remains a systemic problem. The Movement for Solidarity and Peace in Pakistan estimates that hundreds of Christians and Hindus are victimized each year.” On my trip, I met with many young Christian girls who experienced forced conversion and forced marriages. For me, this has always been one of the most frustrating and heartbreaking issues to work on in Pakistan. Christian girls and young women in Pakistan encounter horJULY 2015

William Stark interviews a victim of a forced conversion attempt in Pakistan. rific persecution for being Christian and for being female.

‘Holy Work’

Incredibly, many of the perpetrators believe their activities are ultimately good, as they are “converting” women into Islam. This mentality is part of the culture and a key reason that it is nearly impossible for victims to attain justice from the system. One woman I interviewed (see photo) told me that she had been harassed for years by a Muslim man who tried to force her to convert to Islam. From 2007 to 2011, this Muslim man had been her co-worker and would often tell her that he was going to forcefully marry her, even though she was already married to a Christian man, and forcefully convert her to Islam. The situation eventually turned violent,

‘He told me it was because he was doing holy work.’ forcing the Christian woman to quit her job after the man attempted to rape her at work. Despite this, the man followed her to her next workplace. When she again refused his advances, he became enraged and pushed her down a stairwell. As a result, the Christian woman suffered a severe head injury and continues to have difficulty speaking. When asked why she thought the man was so aggressive in pursuing her, she said, “He told me it was because he was doing ‘holy work’ by converting me to Islam.”

Elusive Justice This kind of understanding has also permeated into the justice system in Pakistan. In several cases, the relatives of victims of abduction, forced conversion and forced marriage told me that the police are extremely unhelpful. In one case, I was told that the police officer actually congratulated a father on his daughter becoming a Muslim. Although forced conversions and forced marriages continue to be a major concern for Christians in Pakistan, it remains an issue rarely talked about or confronted either nationally or internationally. If this continues, hundreds more Christian girls and women will be victimized like Farah. USCIRF’s recognition is a great start, but more must be done to start pursuing justice for these victims of persecution.





A Muslim Mob Burns a Christian Couple to Death


By William Stark t’s hard to imagine over 1,000

people could even make it here so quickly,” I said as I surveyed the rural scenery surrounding a brick kiln where a Christian couple was burned alive in November 2014. “It just doesn’t feel like 1,000 people even live in this area.” On November 5, 2014, a mob of over 1,000 Muslims gathered at a brick kiln in Kot Radha Kishan, a village about an hour south of Lahore, Pakistan. At the brick kiln, the mob brutally murdered Shehzad Masih and Shama Bibi, a married Christian couple, by burning them alive.

A Brother’s Testimony

Before visiting the brick kiln itself, I interviewed Shehzad’s brothers who witnessed the murders. “At 6 a.m. I heard my brother and wife crying out as they were dragged out of their house near the brick kiln by their hair,” Iqbal Masih, Shehzad’s older brother, said. “They were taken to a building by the brick kiln, where they were confronted by three mullahs. The mullahs decided they should be tied up and locked in the building.” The mullahs then announced the ‘crime’ the Christian couple had committed. “The mullahs shouted over the loudspeakers at the mosque,” Iqbal continued. “They said that all their Muslim brothers must come and teach these Christians a lesson. In about 15 or 20 minutes, thousands had gathered at the brick kiln, shouting that they wanted to kill my brother and his wife.” When I asked Iqbal how so many had gathered so fast, he replied, “The Muslims heard the news through the loudspeakers, they called their friends and relatives through their


mobiles and shouted the news as they came to the brick kiln. When they heard what happened, they came.” “We tried to reason with the mob and begged for mercy for Shehzad and his wife,” Iqbal said. “They threatened that we would be treated the same and abused us both verbally and physically. The police came and tried to rescue them from the mob, but there were only five officers against thousands. The police were beaten and they ran away.” “The mob broke into the building,” Iqbal continued. “First, they stoned Shehzad and his wife, then they broke their legs and beat them until they were unconscious. The mob then tied ropes around their necks and dragged them to the brick kiln.” “The mob put them over holes on top of the brick kiln where the flames were coming out,” Iqbal recalled. “They were so badly beaten that they were unable to get away from the flames. Shehzad’s wife tried to escape the flames, but the mob prevented her.”

‘The mob put [the couple] … where the flames were coming out. They were so badly beaten, they were unable to get away.’ PERSECU ION.org


When police finally returned with reinforcements, it was too late. All they were able to recover were the burnt bones of the Christian couple. When reports of the gruesome murders hit both national and international headlines, both Pakistan and the world were shocked.

A Deadly Accusation

Many ask, what would cause a mob of over 1,000 to gather so quickly and to commit something so appalling? The answer is simple: the Christian couple was accused of blasphemy against Islam. Pakistan’s blasphemy laws continue to be frequently abused to settle personal scores, eliminate rivals and persecute Pakistan’s religious minorities. False accusations of blasphemy turn particularly deadly when the accused belong to a religious minority. In 2009, anti-Christian riots in Gojra were sparked by accusations that three Christians had burned pages of the Quran and led to seven Christians being burned alive and entire Christian areas being destroyed. Again, in 2013, the Christian neighborhood of Joseph Colony in Lahore was burned by a mob of enraged Muslims after a Christian from that area was accused of making derogatory comments against the Prophet Muhammad. Little has been done to prevent these deadly incidents of mob violence sparked by blasphemy accusations, despite their frequency and predictability. Too often, police responses to these incidents are inadequate to protect either the lives or properties of those under threat. This has allowed blasphemy to continue to be one of the deadliest weapons in the hands of Pakistan’s radicals. Without reform, it is likely Shehzad and Shama will not be the last Christians to be killed by mob violence sparked by false blasphemy accusations.

JULY 2015

On Death Row for “Blasphemy” Asia Bibi A 37-year-old mother of five, Asia Bibi was arrested in Lahore on June 19, 2009, after an argument with Muslim co-workers. Accused of blasphemy, she was sentenced to death by hanging in November 2010, despite little evidence against her. Her case has garnered international attention, including calls from Pope Francis and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for her release. In December 2014, Asia’s appeal for clemency at the appellate level was rejected. Her case currently rests with the Supreme Court of Pakistan. To date, the court has rejected two requests for an early hearing.

Sawan Masih Sawan Masih, of Lahore, was convicted and sentenced to death in April 2014 for allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad during an argument with a Muslim friend. The 26-year-old father of three has repeatedly said the blasphemy allegation came after a property dispute between he and a Muslim friend. After the allegations surfaced, more than 3,000 Muslims attacked his neighborhood, torching over 100 homes. Sawan’s attorney has stated that the blasphemy allegations “were fabricated by the elements who wanted to occupy the property of Joseph Colony.”

Shafgat & Shagufta In April 2014, an illiterate Christian couple were sentenced to death for committing blasphemy after allegedly sending a text message insulting the Prophet Muhammad to a local imam (Islamic leader). The couple, Shafgat Emmanuel, who is disabled, and his wife, Shagufta Kausar, who works as a waitress, were arrested in Gojra in July 2013 after the local imam reported the text messages to the police. Following the couple’s arrest, it is alleged that Shafgat was tortured by police and forced to confess to the crime. According to the lawyer who is appealing the ruling, the text messages were sent from a cell phone never registered to the Christian couple.







ICC and Naeem Shakir, a Supreme Court lawyer from Pakistan, meet with Rep. Doug Collins to share the stories of the persecuted.

“Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” Proverbs 31:9 (NIV)

T 24

christian homes burned down in Joseph Colony. Nineteen churchgoers killed in the latest suicide bomb attack. Four Christians facing death by hanging in Pakistan because of their faith in Jesus. wo hundred

These statistics taken by themselves seem almost cold and meaningless. They can be found in any report or news headline. It is the stories behind these numbers, the stories of the almost unfathomable suffering of the brothers, sisters, fathers and mothers, that carry meaning. In April, ICC took these numbers and the tragic stories behind them to the halls of power in Washington, D.C. and asked the



world to pay attention to what is one of the darkest places on earth for Christians.


Utilizing our extensive relationships on Capitol Hill, ICC held 17 meetings in just three days. These meetings included visiting with members of Congress, their staff and the State Department to tell the stories of those suffering for their faith in Pakistan. Our mission was not only to shine light on the terrible anguish of those facing persecution, but also to encourage U.S. leaders to take action on their behalf. We focused primarily on the four Christians who, at time of writing, are sitting on death row for the charge of “blasphemy against the Prophet,” a charge oft frivolously used against Christians and other religious minorities for any type of petty grievance.

JULY 2015

“No one should be killed only for drinking a glass of water.” Asia Bibi’s husband writes a letter thanking ICC for their support and describing his family’s life since his wife was sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan. ICC visits the office of Rep. Robert Pittenger.

Rep. Joe Pitts receives ICC and Naeem Shakir.


To help us accomplish our mission, we brought in the High Court lawyer for Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of five who is the first woman to have been sentenced to death for blasphemy. Together, we urged members of Congress to act on behalf of the persecuted. Before our three days of meetings had concluded, action was already being taken. Several members agreed to meet with the Pakistani ambassador and to bring up the cases of the death row prisoners and other concerns, including the arrest of over 100 Christians in Lahore. More than a dozen offices also agreed to put pressure on the State Department to make the treatment of Christians and the release of those on death row for blasphemy a priority



of the administration. A letter sent by several senators to Secretary of State John Kerry shortly thereafter specifically mentioned the arrest of Christians in Lahore as one of the religious freedom issues in Pakistan that must be addressed. In addition, ICC held several high-level briefings with senior U.S. officials ahead of these meetings, highlighting the tremendous challenges faced by the Pakistani Christian community and providing concrete policy recommendations to take on these challenges. While there is little doubt that serious trials remain for the Christians of Pakistan, we can at the very least tell them not to despair of hope. Their stories are being told, and slowly but surely those in positions of influence are moving on their behalf.

“Since Asia Bibi was sentenced to death in November 2010 for drinking a glass of water from our village during her job, my family has lived in constant fear and under death threats. I live in hiding with my five children as near as possible. She needs us very much to help keep her alive. She is the only hope of my own and my children’s life. I love my wife very much, and every day comes to my life with the hope that she will be free one day… …After my wife had spent six long years in prison in terrible conditions, we were hoping that the High Court of Lahore would free my wife, as she did not commit blasphemy, never. Since the High Court confirmed the death sentence on October 16, 2014, we do not understand why our Muslim brothers are so against us in our own beloved Pakistan… …We are now trying our best to present the final case to the Supreme Court. But we are convinced that Asia will only be saved from being hanged if the honourable Prime Minister Sharif and President Hussain grant her a pardon. No one should be killed only for drinking a glass of water… …I would like to offer my sincere thanks to [ICC Representative], and I hope that one day we will visit you alive, and not dead.” — Ashiq Masih, Pakistan




from the Rooftops A press conference on “The Hope and Peril of Religious Minorities in Pakistan,” hosted by ICC at the National Press Club in April, resulted in media coverage from dozens of news outlets and over 1,100 radio stations across the United States. By ICC’s Advocacy Director


rawing attention

to a part of the world that few people can place on a map is never easy. Drawing attention to religious persecution taking place in that part of the world can be an even bigger challenge. That’s why ICC decided it was time, once again, to draw global attention to the tremendous suffering of the Christian community in


Pakistan. We enlisted the help of some of the top speakers and experts in their field and held a press conference at one of the highest profile venues in the nation. On April 14, ICC hosted “The Hope and Peril of Religious Minorities in Pakistan,” at the National Press Club in downtown Washington, D.C. Our speakers included Congressman Robert Pittenger, chairman of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism, Baroness Elizabeth Berridge, chair of the All-Parliamentary Group for International Religion and Belief and T. Kumar, the international advocacy director for Amnesty



International. In case having the United States, the United Kingdom and the world’s largest human rights organization represented alongside ICC wasn’t enough, we also asked Naeem Shakir, a Pakistani Supreme Court lawyer and the former attorney of imprisoned Christian Asia Bibi, to speak at the conference. Statements by Asia’s husband, Ashiq, as well as Congressman Trent Franks, cochair of the International Religious Freedom Caucus, were also read. Throughout the conference, not only was the horrendous situation of religious minoriJULY 2015

Congressman Robert Pittenger

speaks at ICC’s Pakistan press conference as ICC president, Jeff King, prepares to address the press.

ties in Pakistan brought to light, but the recent arrest of more than 100 Christian men and boys in a crackdown across the city of Lahore was announced. ICC used the conference to urge supporters to take action and call the Pakistani embassy regarding the arrests. The result? The one-hour event attracted coverage from more than a dozen news outlets, including air time on radio networks reaching over 1,100 stations in the United States (see media coverage list at right) alone. From this one event, millions of viewers and listeners heard, some no doubt for the first time, of the plight of the persecuted in Pakistan.

Media Coverage “The Hope and Peril of Religious Minorities in Pakistan” press conference was covered by the following outlets: Voice of America, the Christian Broadcasting Network, AP Radio, Christianity Today, USA Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, American Family Radio, In the Market with Janet Parshall, the Christian Post, the Jim Bakker Show, CNS News, BelieversStandUnited. com, ChristiansInPakistan.com and WorthyNews.com. In addition, radio coverage for the conference included more than 1,100 affiliate stations, and both CNN and Fox News expressed interest in the issue and asked to be informed of future ICC press events.




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