July 2016 Persecution Magazine (1 of 5)

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JULY 2016


Finding God in the Graveyard of Hope ICC Journeys to India’s Notorious Orissa State



President’s Letter

In the graveyard of hope, I personally encountered the God who redeems time and life lost, the God that brings life from death. I found living proof of the verse that God works all things together for good. The Smile: Finding God in the Graveyard of Hope (page 14)

When you go to meet a brother who was falsely accused and sentenced to life imprisonment, what do you expect to find? You don’t expect his face to be plastered with a smile that lights up everything around it.

Jeff King, President International Christian Concern

Gurunath, though, is a living testament to the power of a life lived out of the power of the Holy Spirit. Temporarily released from prison for one month since his father is dying, we met with him to talk about his case and his experience. What we found will, I think, speak to your life, for all need to know how to bear up when life is too much. The suffering Church is full of shining examples of true devotion and life lived out in the power of the Spirit. They continually confront me in my weakness and fear. In the lives of Gurunath and so many other brothers and sisters like him, I am continually put back on track in my life. In short, they are a treasure and often a true picture of what the Church, and you and I can be! Please join with me to bandage and build these precious saints! As always, your donations will be used efficiently, effectively, and ethically. I promise!

Jeff King President International Christian Concern www.persecution.org




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Indonesia Canes Elderly Woman in Sharia-Controlled Aceh 1 | INDONESIA In an unprecedented case in Indonesia, a 60-year-old Christian woman was publicly caned 30 times for violating Sharia law. She was tried and convicted for selling alcohol in the conservative Islamic region of Aceh, Indonesia. The province of Aceh has maintained a standing agreement with the secular government of Indonesia since 2001, which allows the Islamic region to govern independently according to Sharia law. Under Sharia rules, Muslims are banned from adultery, gambling, homosexual activity, consuming alcohol, and more. However, recently enacted bylaws have broadened the reach of Sharia law, putting Christians and other religious minorities living in Aceh under its oppressive rule. This recent caning is an ominous indicator of what is likely to come for non-Muslims in the region. Unfortunately, persecution is not a new phenomenon for Christians in Aceh. Last October, Islamic extremists burned down a number of churches and pressured local


authorities to demolish ten more. More than 1,000 churches have been forced to close their doors since 2006 in Aceh alone. This persecution which continues to mount had led thousands of Christians and other religious minorities to flee Aceh to neighboring regions in search of safety and freedom elsewhere. Countless churches in Indonesia are being closed or destroyed for allegedly not obtaining the necessary building permits to operate their churches. However, reports indicate that even when these documents are obtained, the churches are then forcibly closed by radical Muslim groups regardless. Although freedom of religion is supposedly protected by Indonesia’s constitution, their government must take stronger actions in order to ensure that these rights are protected for all citizens equally.



North Korea is considered by many to be the worst place to be a Christian North Korea to Conduct Background Checks to Screen Citizens’ Religious Beliefs 2 | NORTH KOREA As North Korea’s 7th Party Congress approaches, it appears as if authorities are preparing for an intensive screening for the sake of protecting the ruling regime. During these “ideological re-examinations,” everyday citizens will be subjected to extensive background checks in order to confirm their family relations and allegiance to the regime. Those who fail to meet the necessary standards are relegated to the lowest rung in society: the “hostile class.” Those who live in this class are closely watched by authorities and have fewer opportunities and tighter restrictions on their freedoms than the average North Korean citizen. Families of Christians and defectors often fall into this category. According to Daily NK, having a relative as distant as a second cousin who is associated with the hostile class is grounds for termination from a government position. Experts expect that this round of background checks will be particularly harsh as the 7th Party Congress is an important step in uniting the regime. Due to the horrific human rights abuses, lack of personal freedom, and limited opportunity for mobility, North Korea is considered by many to be the worst place in the world to be a Christian. JULY 2016

Mali Arrests Islamic Bombing Mastermind 3 | MALI In November 2015, al-Qaeda affiliates attacked the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako, Mali, killing 21 people. Thankfully, authorities reported in April that they have arrested a suspect who they believe is the mastermind behind the deadly attack. Although this attack was not specifically targeting Christians, al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is Mali’s deadliest persecutor and is known for murdering Christians, destroying churches, and causing widespread displacement.

Attacks on Christians Reach Southeast Nigeria

500+ Civilians Killed in Air Raids in Sudan

4 | NIGERIA In late April, Fulani herdsmen killed at least 48 people in Nigeria’s Enugu State, storming villages with machetes and assault rifles in addition to burning down homes and churches. This attack sends a disturbing signal that Fulani attacks are spreading further into southern Nigeria, beyond the familiar “Middle-Belt” region where they usually operate. Local Christians fear that these spreading attacks represent a larger plan among Fulanis to take over the country of Nigeria as a whole.

5 | SUDAN According to reports, the military of Sudan killed more than 500 civilians throughout March and April through bombing raids in the Nuba Mountains. In the name of combatting separatist rebels, Sudan has carried out airstrikes in this region which is populated with a largely Christian indigenous group. Sudan is known as a major persecutor of the Church and on many occasions has been responsible for church destructions, arbitrary arrests, and perpetrating violence on churchgoers.

President of China Demands Adherence to Marxism 6 | CHINA In a recent meeting between the China’s President Xi Jinping and numerous religious groups, the president stated that religious groups “must adhere to the Communist Party of China.” Furthermore, he stressed that party members must identify as “unyielding Marxist atheists.” Although atheism has long been the primary belief system for many in China, this official acknowledgement by the president is a serious indicator of the beliefs and intentions of the ruling party. As a part of the Chinese government’s campaign to silence the Christian population and remove foreign influence, over 2,000 church crosses have been forcibly removed since 2013. In addition to the church destructions and cross removals, many pastors and activists have been detained for opposing this campaign against religious freedom. The public must speak out in order to protect the liberties of religious minorities throughout China.




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Nigeria’s Buhari Orders Crackdown on Deadly Fulani Herdsmen 1 | NIGERIA As attacks continue to mount, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has called on the country’s security forces in order to prevent future attacks at the hands of radical Fulani herders. Extremist Fulani cattle herdsmen have gained a reputation in Nigeria for ravaging Christian farming communities. The damage that they inflict is ruthless in nature, as they carry out violent murders, burn down homes, and destroy property. A recent attack in Enugu State led to the deaths of 45 people. Some sources tallied the death tolls as high as 100. This attack was particularly concerning as it indicated that these attacks are no longer contained to the “Middle-Belt” region. Rather, they continue to extend further and further into southern Nigeria. Unfortunately, despite the enormity of this issue, it has gone largely unrecognized by international mainstream media. Most media sources and governments that do report on Fulani attacks often misrepresent the issue, citing


cattle theft, land disputes, and tribal conflicts as the motivation for these attacks. All the while, the notion of religiously motivated violence remains ignored as attacks on Christian communities continue. It is clear that Fulani-led violence is one of the biggest threats to Christians in Nigeria. In February, hundreds were killed while thousands of others were displaced as Fulanis led a major raid on Benue State. People were killed, homes were destroyed, crops were razed; the damage was endless and only continues to grow. While the government response has been relatively quiet compared to the outrage against Boko Haram, Christians worldwide are grateful that the Nigerian government and media are beginning to acknowledge this issue and take action to ensure the safety of all Christian Nigerians.



“...the bombing was intended to target Christians...” Christians Are Still Suffering from the Easter Bombing in Pakistan 2 | PAKISTAN On March 27, Easter Sunday, a terrorist from a branch of the Pakistani Taliban attacked a public park in Lahore, killing more than 70 people. Later that day, the terror group claimed responsibility for the attack, explaining that the bombing was intended to target Christians celebrating the holiday. Although many Christians were indeed killed, many Muslims also lost their lives in the attack. Although Western media briefly covered the attack, many have since forgotten this tragedy in the midst of the daily distractions of life. However, months later, the Lahore Christian community is still suffering the repercussions of this attack. This bombing was the second deadliest attack on Christians in Pakistan’s history, falling second only to the 2013 attack on All Saints Church. Shortly after the attacks, Muslims and Christians gathered in solidarity throughout the country to hold memorial services for those who lost their lives. The government in Punjab also declared that there would be three days of mourning in commemoration of the victims. In recent months, the Pakistani government has taken steps forward to better ensure freedom of religion. Some believe that this suicide bombing may have been a public message in response to the government’s evolving attitude toward religious minorities. It is essential that the government continues in their positive growth in defending religious freedom and stand strong against ever present terror threats. JULY 2016

Woman Buried Alive While Blocking Church Demolition 3 | CHINA On April 14, a demolition team intended to begin tearing down Beitou Church in China’s Henan Province. In an effort to protect their church building, church leader Li Jiangong and his wife Ding Cuimei stood before the bulldozer. Unfortunately, the demolition team went forward with the demolition and buried the church leader and his wife in the rubble. Although Li Jiangong was able to dig himself out and reach the surface, Ding Cuimei suffocated under the weight of the dirt and lost her life as a result. Those responsible for her death were detained following media pressure. The death of Ding Cuimei represents a piece of the greater conflict between the communist Chinese government and the Christian community.

India Warned by USCIRF Regarding Christian Persecution

ISIS Attacks Christian Village North of Mosul

4 | INDIA The United States Commission for International Religious Freedom has issued a warning to India that they will consider recommending that India be labeled as a “Country of Particular Concern” if the country does not demonstrate improvement. India has denied the existence of religious discrimination and persecution numerous times, once dismissing specific incidents as “aberrations.” Countries that receive the title of “Country of Particular Concern” are characterized by religious freedom violations that are “systematic, ongoing, and egregious” in nature. The Catholic Secular Forum recorded 365 incidents of persecution last year, making 2015 the worst year for Christians in India’s independent history.

5 | IRAQ In an attack that took place in early May, ISIS militants launched an attack on a Christian village in Iraq, north of Mosul. This village called Teleskuf was initially taken into ISIS control in the summer of 2014, causing many Christians in the area to flee the region. However, the terror group left the village later that year. Christian security forces who were stationed to guard the village were injured during this recent attack and have since been taken to a nearby hospital. According to Asia News, this attack has church leaders worried that Christians will leave the region for fear of future attacks.

Iconic Mosul Church Destroyed by ISIS 6 | IRAQ Toward the end of April, the iconic Clock Church located in Mosul, Iraq was destroyed by ISIS militants. The attackers stripped the church of valuables before evacuating the area and demolishing the building with explosives. This church’s well-recognized clock tower was a gift to local Christians in Mosul by the wife of Napoleon III, given in appreciation for the church’s response to a typhoid outbreak in 1879. This recent demolition is yet another example of ISIS’ attempt to eliminate Christianity from modern culture, in addition to the history books. ISIS forces have found themselves under mounting pressure in the city of Mosul with Kurdish, government, and Shia forces closing in from every angle. While local Christians are devastated by this recent attack, Christian leaders around the world are condemning this senseless act of destruction.




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