LAST UPDATED: 6/26/2014 7:42:44 PM
Sudanese Embassy Contact Info United States (202) 338-8565 2210 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC 20008
United Kingdom +44 20 7839 8080 3 Cleveland Row, St James London SW1A 1DD
Canada +1 613 235 4000 354 Stewart St Ottawa, Ontario
Belgium +32 2 647 9494 Ave Franklin Roosevelt 124 1050 Brussels
France +33 1 4225 5571 11 Rue Alfred Dehodencq 75016 Paris
Germany +49 30 8906980 Kurfürstendamm 151 10709 Berlin
Should you experience issues in reaching your embassy by phone, please feel free to write your embassy’s staff using their contact form on their respective site, or by mailing them at their physical addresses. Below, ICC has provided a template which you can feel free to copy and paste or modify in calling or emailing your respective Sudanese embassy. Please also know that ICC encourages you to speak or write your message to the government of Sudan in your own words. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL in stating why you believe Meriam should be allowed to leave the country in peace.
Dear Embassy Representative, I would like to bring to your government’s attention Meriam Yahia Ibrahim—a 27year-old mother of two and wife to an American citizen—who despite having been acquitted from all charges and released into the care of her husband, has been detained and is being held on charges of falsifying information and providing false information. I write today to respectfully ask the Government of Sudan to swiftly issue Meriam and her children all documentation necessary for their lawful departure from the country. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Your Name]
THANK YOU so much for joining ICC and the world in continuing to speak out #ForMeriam! We remain incredibly encouraged by the response of the international community, including impassioned global citizens just like you. No grassroots effort could ever see a woman acquitted of crimes against Islam by a Sharia-inspired court without the immense support you and millions of others have poured out, in word and action, since February 17th. Meriam has suffered 126 days behind bars, given birth in shackles and interrogated by Sudan’s “agents of fear,” but she has not been forgotten and SHE WILL NOT BE LEFT BEHIND.
International Christian Concern (ICC) is a human rights and faith-based organization, headquartered in Washington, D.C., that exists to help persecuted Christians worldwide. We provide assistance to those in need, lend a voice to the voiceless, and write the stories of the worldwide persecuted Church. For additional information, please contact us by phone at 800-422-5441, or by email at