One of the biggest sources of frustration for patients is leaving a voicemail message at their healthcare provider’s office that is never returned. A professional healthcare answering service helps medical practices manage phone calls, and using a live answering service sends a clear message to patients that their needs are important and will be responded to shortly. Let’s take a look at the different tasks a professional live medical answering service can provide to improve your practice.
One of the most important functions a live answering service can provide is appointment setting services. Professional answering service representatives have the training and skills required to manage a provider’s or provider group’s busy schedule. Live answering service reps can also answer additional questions patients may have when they call to set an appointment, including whether the provider accepts their health insurance.
You may not always have the staff needed to handle inbound phone calls during the day—especially during busier times/seasons. Patients who are on hold for extended periods or whose calls go unreturned may become frustrated and move on to another provider. A live answering service can be a tremendous help with inbound call management, handling calls according to your practice’s specific scripts and guidelines.
A live answering service can be an invaluable tool for urgent patient issues. An answering service will appropriately screen and respond to calls, delivering instant SMS text messages to the appropriate person. Additional message delivery methods include IM (instant message), PDA, page, or phone call (if preferred).
Appointment reminders may seem superfluous, but they are highly valued by patients, many of whom rely on these calls to help manage their schedule. When patients miss appointments, your bottom line suffers. Major advantages of having a live operator initiate these calls versus an automated system is that patients can cancel or change their appointment on the spot, and the service is personalized.
Beyond appointment reminders, a live answering service can help providers reach out to patients in the following ways: •
Reminding patients of upcoming screenings/tests
Promoting flu shots or other vaccinations
Encouraging patients to use the provider’s patient portal to communicate, review test results, etc.
Surveying patients about their experience or level of satisfaction
Patients frequently need follow-up calls with test results and instructions. A professional answering service can provide HIPPA-compliant messages and follow-up instructions for patients, around the clock. When calls are customized for each patient, the number of “back-and-forth� communications are reduced, improving the efficiency of your practice.
Perhaps the most significant benefit of utilizing a live medical answering service is improved patient satisfaction. When patients are confident that their calls will be handled appropriately and professionally every time, you build essential trust that will help you forge long-lasting patient-provider relationships. A practice with high-quality patient care at its forefront is more likely to succeed over the long term.
Personalized Communications has been providing expert inbound call center and answering services for over 30 years. We serve businesses and organizations of every scope and size in a broad range of industries. We take pride in our highly trained, professional staff of phone representatives and state-of-the-art telecommunications equipment. Personalized Communications has helped countless clients improve their bottom lines with services tailored to meet their specific needs. Learn more about our services at