2 minute read
Your Food and Beverage Business To onTario, Canada: CulTivaTe suCCess in one oF norTh ameriC a’s leading regional ClusTers
The food and beverage processing industry in Ontario offers many advantages for businesses. With an abundant agricultural base, manufacturers can access a wide variety of raw materials as well as local farmers for direct sourcing. The large consumer base in the province provides an opportunity to gain exposure and reach potential customers easier than other regions. Additionally, the educated workforce in Ontario ensures that businesses have access to skilled and knowledgeable staff who are able to keep up with the demands of the industry.
Ontario has also invested heavily in its infrastructure over recent years, making it one of the most reliable transport networks in Canada. This reliable transport network allows goods produced by food and beverage manufacturing companies to reliably reach their destination quickly, ensuring timely delivery of products. Furthermore, operating costs tend to be lower in Ontario due to the competitive tax and wage structures, giving businesses an added incentive to open or expand their operations here.
E Asy Access To Markets
Ontario is an ideal destination for foreign investment, especially to the food and beverage sector. With access to an impressive 460 million North American consumers, Ontario provides unique business opportunities from various geographical locations. Over 40 percent of those consumers live within a day’s drive of Toronto, the largest city in Canada. Ontario offers both the availability and proximity of customers that companies need to be successful in the global market.
integrated Transportation ne tworks
Ontario is the ideal place for food and beverage companies to invest and grow. The province’s efficient transportation infrastructure helps transport their products quickly and conveniently to different markets, domestically, as well as internationally.
Ontario has access to four international airports as well as many regional airports, high-speed highways, and rail and marine crossings that contribute to Ontario’s success in reaching global markets. As a part of Ontario’s economy, having access to these modern transportation systems is integral for businesses operating within the food and beverage sector, allowing them to attract foreign investors with ease.
sk illed Talent pool
Ontario’s Food and Beverage Sector is highly sought after, making it a popular destination for foreign investment. The sector has the second-largest cluster in North America, with a deep talent pool of post-secondary graduates who hold degrees in engineering, engineering technologies/related fields, and agriculture and agricultural sciences. Over 58% of Ontario’s population holds some form of post-secondary education – the highest percentage in the OECD – while
Ontario’s incredible diversity gives employers access to over 200 languages. Ontario also offers an excellent immigration program that helps employers attract and retain global talent.
This unique combination makes Ontario a fantastic place to set up business in the Food and Beverage Sector.
The food and beverage processing industry in Ontario has many advantages that make it an attractive option for businesses. With access to local farmers and raw materials, businesses can ensure consistent quality and freshness of their products. The abundance of consumers provides quick and wide exposure for companies entering the market.

Furthermore, the educated and skilled workforce in the province provides employees that are knowledgeable and able to keep up with demands. All these aspects mean that Ontario is an excellent region for businesses wanting to enter the food and beverage processing industry.

Perspective TM
1464 Cornwall Rd, Suite 5, Oakville, ON L6J 7W5 Canada L6J 7W5
1-866-779-7712 | info@perspective.ca | perspective.ca
Publisher, CeO Steve Montague
ViCe-PresiDeNT Ed Martin eDiTOrial CONTribuTOrs Meredith MacLeod, Sheetal Pinto, Catherine Gaudreau, Aurora Orchard, Nayha Hamid
PerspectiveTM Ontario was produced independently of the Province of Ontario. Contents are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the written consent of Perspective Marketing Inc. The publisher is not liable for any views expressed in the articles and opinions do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or the Province of Ontario.
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