A semester of experiences david altamirano

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The journey footprints: A semester of experiences.





Contents 1.

Portfolio letter


Response essay


Interpretation essay


Literary analysis


Final research project




Thank you letter

David Alejandro Altamirano Coello Yachay Tech University UrcuquĂ­, Imbabura, Ecuador.

Friday, December 9, 2016.

Dear Portfolio Reader:

First of all I must say that the semester has flown by. Now, I want to thank you for taking time to read my English Portfolio. It collects three essays, a research project and some reflections that demonstrates how I have been progressing during the English for Academic Purpose II course in Yachay Tech. When I reading my essays my face reflects so many emotions, despite of all I'm satisfied with them and I'm happy that you take some time to read them. Thank you. It is important say that this course have been the most demanding of all that I’ve spent in Yachay and it is really. When I finished reading a text, I already had to answer questions that helps in an essay. When I finished writing the essay, I must had to prepare the presentation about it. And also there were more presentations and essays to be done, and every time I was thinking in something of English classes. But all this, help me to be organized with my time and do not put off anything while you can do it at moment, because you can forget or by time pressure you do it wrong. During the course my teacher reminds me that do a work and deliver it does not mean that it well. I was forgetting this because how the system tells you to do things. It was a call of attention to doing things right. For example, now I dominate the APA rules, with every work I was improving to make it perfect. Also I improved in my speaking and listening, although much more is missing.

As for the writing I also improved and much, which can be evidenced in the final research, because I spent much more time doing it, between readings, videos and organization of ideas. The most interesting and laborious essay to do was in group essay because there were ideas of group members that crashing between them and we had should organized them in a text that represents what the group think. We had to interpret an artistic composition and we chose a painting of Vassily Kandinsky called "Distinct Connection" and it reminded me the existence of order and disorder in the universe, from basic conceptions of the world like colors and figures. But the essay I liked the most was the final research, because I read as information as I could, about mathematics, biology and physics. And that's exactly what I would liked about the course, because not only did we dedicate ourselves to learning English but to learning in English. All articles about language, ethics or education always showed me a new point of view and I had learn more about the society and the human brain. This have been the English course, and even though I've grown I think I need a lot more of practice to dominate the language. To finish this English course of Yachay doesn't mean that I'm okay, it's only the beginning. I will never stop to learn English, and now I think is time to improve my skills. I would like read rapidly and understand it at first. Also I would like keep my concentration when someone talks and I do not understand to try to do it. I want to be better every day. For this I plan to read a lot or see informative talks because they are things that improve our learning with practice. Thank you again for reading my portfolio and I hope that you enjoy it.


David Altamirano


Selfishness or empathy: What drives us to help? David Alejandro Altamirano Coello Yachay Tech University UrcuquĂ­ - September 30, 2016.


Recently, the world has evolved wildly fast, since the advent of the machines the human life has been increasingly easier. Then, this has led to people be less aware and society is based on false attitudes, unhappy lives, and hypocrites greetings. However among many societies that have walked the Earth, always has been extraordinary people with the desire to help others, people who change the world, but why do you help? What dictate your impulses? These are issues that occur in everyday life but no one notices the background of our actions, which really define the personality of each one. I used to think that there are just one way to help, with love. I had never thought that behind the act of helping there primitive impulses that control it in many different ways. According the text Unmasking the Motives of the Good Samaritan written by Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez, empathy moves us to act instantly when need helping, although also egotism is responsible for finding satisfaction in helping, however could be a little of both, selfishness like defense mechanism and empathy seeks the best solution. The essay propose two point of view that the original text describe with completely opposite ideas. The first is that people help to feel self-satisfaction, it helps by egotism in that everything it do is to feel better. In this environment it's difficult talk about ethics, however the second idea of ethics assumes that human beings can also put ambition and ego aside for a moment to reach out and help. This is due to an authentic empathy that feel when it sees the pain of someone else and it doesn't born by self-benefit (Andre and Velasquez, 1989). The essay aims to analyze this both points of view with a philosophical aspect. Human beings are the most complete and amazing machine, however still there are some secrets that can’t decipher, for example know what control your impulses? In general, every impulse is caused by the most primitive emotions, bad and good emotions that make act the moment it needs. Emotions like worry or grief normally leads people to escape the situation, leads people to try to calm these emotions. When the emotion belongs to someone else, maybe

they will help to reduce their pain, because that will also reduce anxiety or discomfort that feel. On the other hand, there are also positive emotions that control their impulses like sympathy or compassion. Imagine if someone falls in a public place, people around him surely will help because the action removes it being and moves to help willingly. It’s a human instinct. In the world there are billions of people and everyone have a different way to think, altruistic or selfish, individual or in society, optimistic or pessimistic, etc., and everything is right. Now, since a pessimistic perspective, why do you help? According by instinct, humans are motivated thanks to the selfishness and self-interest and everything that they do are to feel the glory or at least happiness, but if analyze with a realistic thinking everyone are alone in the world, there are people on the road that appears how company in some period of time, ultimately everyone defines themselves. For example, when someone have a bad day, everything went wrong and they see a beggar asking for money, maybe they will help because this scene remains them that there are many people with a life worse than their day. By helping they feel joy and sometimes they can feel better than others, always seeing and working for their benefit taking slice of a noble action. The above sounds bad, also ethically is wrong, because go to against the society say, candles for self-interest. But doesn’t badly in reality, morally is acceptable because every day the world create some bad emotions in everyone and we should find the way to throw aside all these, anyway everyone decides how to live. Help is one of them, because we could feel happy, you can comfort your soul, you can spend time meeting new people, improve your confidence and you work to be better. Also it’s true that there ambition and personal benefit in all this, but after all is not that what life is all about; help, be relatively happy and not hurt anyone. Since the optimistic point of view, it helps pushed by a great force called empathy. Besides that and very important is compassion because is something as the fountain of youth; it feels fresh, energetic and healthy, also it gives us peace and wisdom, to take the best decisions

in life. By helping, empathy helps to understand the pain of others, and since this situation help to solve the problem. In consequence I consider that it helps because it wants do it, it’s a primitive human instinct to progress in society and help the lagging, although with the passage of time it has faded considerably. From a crash, a flood, an earthquake or any accident everyone react immediately and willingness to call for help because they want do it, but really they would want do it or returning the previous guess and it does by fault or afraid. Ethically everyone are obligated to help other in any situation even when it isn’t in our own interests , because morally it thinks this is right and indeed it is, is as consistent as human being. But now imagine a situation where someone can help just one between an important person for you and an important person for society, it would not be ethically correct the same as morally acceptable and not always ethical or moral option will be correct. The emotions would be responsible for making the decision. Besides the primary impulses of human beings they are given by the emotions we feel at the time. It has been a wonderful experience to read about why we help, I discovered a new point of view. I believe that it helps other because it’s the human nature, we act instantly because is right, because we want help, then the act itself it does because it born within everyone, voluntarily and that corresponds to intelligent people. However the society has introduce in the people’s mind misconceptions, maybe selfish moves to help and feel satisfaction but could be a defense mechanism, somehow it should get love and acceptance in that ruthless world. Much depends on who you ask, nevertheless, it must help when can, to whoever needs it, wherever. It costs nothing and benefit around us, with that little detail begins to change the world.

REFERENCES C. Andre, M. Velasquez, “Unmasking the Motives of the Good Samaritan” Issues in Ethics, Vol. 2 (Winter 1989).


Opposing Points of View Related to Each Other Dalia Cabada, David Altamirano, Juan Laglaguano & Catalina Gordillo. Yachay Tech University November 18, 2016

OPPOSING POINTS OF VIEW RELATED TO EACH OTHER “Art is the mediator of the inexpressible” Wolfgang Von Goethe. Art is a way that artists use to express their emotions, their vision, and ideas about the world. There are some kinds of art. One of these kind of art is abstract art. This is one of the most free and beautiful art forms because it does not force the painter to represent something that already exists, but rather something that comes out of inside. Therefore, viewers of this kind of art also have to connect with themselves to give an interpretation about an abstract painting. It means that abstract art give them freedom of interpretation (La Galicia, 2016). Vasili Kandinsky, a painter of Russian origin, was the precursor of abstraction in painting. One of his famous painting is “Distinct Connection” Distinct refers to separate and connection means linking. This painting by Kandinsky give us the message that two contrary things can occur at the same time, it is order and disorder are really the same. First of all, “Distinct Connection” shows an order of the universe through geometric shapes. This painting is composed by geometric shapes like circles, squares, triangles, and others geometric elements such as curves and lines. All of these represents order. For example, circles mean perfection, stability, and equilibrium. Squares also represent perfection because they have the same angles and sides. Moreover, triangles means the connection between cosmos, God, and the being human. The lines represent the uniformity and continuity of the universe. The horizontal lines represent security and support because we relate the horizontal structures with points of support. The vertical lines represent the ascendance which means the relationship between the sky and earth. All of these geometric elements show universe in an ordered way (Bradley, 2010). Second of all, there are an ordered combination of colors used in the painting. The relationship among colors and the order is that colors help to make a concrete representation of shapes and feelings of the author. The black color helps to highlight in a non-scandalous

way the elements of painting, and it is related with order. The white color reflects purity, dignity, and unity. On the other side, the red color symbolizes power, action. It is a color associated with vitality, ambition, and passion. The blue represents the night. In antiquity, it was associated with infinity, immortality, royalty, and the sacred. Another color present in the painting is the yellow color (Olesen, 2016). This color has a curious meaning and symbolism, it is associated with happiness. This combination of colors present in the painting might produce in the viewers a sense of a quiet and ordered world. Finally, “Distinct Connection� shows that ordered things can be disordered. Disorder is expressed in many ways in the universe, in arts for example, it seeks to violate the forms of perception of the senses, stimulate them to a pleasurable visual orgasm. In the picture "Distinct Connection although this painting is composed by ordered things it looks disordered because of the spatial distribution of the figures on the plane. On the one side, a white plane harmonizes this disorder and gives rise importance to the figures resulting in a radiant geometric arrangement. It looks like a solar system with satellites orbiting, space and planets that benefit from the light of the sun. The disorder is based on the fact that none of the figures present would make sense on their own, or a correct meaning would not be interpreted because they are placed without a specific pattern. There is a black circle on the upper left of the painting, in context with the painting this circle looks like a black hole. This in itself represents the chaos of the universe because it does not radiate light, and it is a supermassive body that attracts to the others towards its definitive extinction. It breaks the order in the cosmos. And in the painting this element breaks the order because it is the most striking detail that does not have the primary colors. In the down part of the picture there is more black color contained in small stable squares that crosses like space debris, without order, just cross. In the planet instead there are curves lines

that looks like a set of antennas, represent the freedom and chaos because it does not maintain the aesthetic geometry of the painting, it incites to break the system and go against. In conclusion, order and disorder are related each other in order to give an ordered perception of the universe. The universe where we live is chaotic, every time becomes more disordered and takes an inexorable direction towards the chaos. However, nature fights with the hope to keep the order and in a way has achieved it, because even in the chaos we can find order, is its essence. The painting establishes a connection between order and disorder that is summarized in universal equilibrium. The equilibrium is something inherent in the universe, both order and disorder depend on one on each other, counteract each other. Therefore, the universe always tends to equilibrium. Moreover, it depends on the each one’s perception of order and disorder. It means that an ordered thing can be a disorder for another person who see it. In Kandinsky's painting can be seen that the disordered position of figures and colors form a relatively orderly, meaningful and agreeable picture. It shapes the beautiful disorder of the universe through figures and colors representing the ordered cosmos.

References Bradley, S. (2010, April 5). The Meaning of Shapes: Developing Visual Grammar. Retrieved from: http://vanseodesign.com/web-design/visual-grammar-shapes/ Galicia, L. (2016). Wassily Kandinsky. El artista que creo la abstracción lírica en la pintura. [Online] La voz de Galicia. Retrieved from: http://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/informacion/2014/12/15/wassily-kandinskyartista-creo-abstraccion-lirica-pintura/00031418644201785445423.htm [Accessed 18 Nov.2016] Olesen, J. (2016). Color Meanings – Learn about Colors and Symbolism. Retrieved from: http://www.color-meanings.com/


Freedom to sell everything David Altamirano. Yachay Tech University October 13, 2016

FREEDOM TO SELL EVERYTHING Imagine a place where you can do anything, a familiar place where you feel free and nobody judges. What would you do? In the text the man fix a place so when put his things to sale. He is a man that thanks the alcohol can break rules imposed by society and lead a light life with his “games”. In the short story Why don’t dance? by Raymond Corver, the garage sale represents the freedom we feel by stripping ourselves of everything and how pleasant it can be to meet right people. The man plays an important role in history because he is who sells all his things in a desperate act of getting rid of his past and renewing his life. Although in other aspect it does not know about his past and do not have sense though out an uncertainly life. Then the garage sale could symbolize a place where man makes friends, because when he saw the couple, he take a pleasure attitude and started a conversation, although he poured a glass cup of whiskey. In reality he take an attitude hoy if he had been hopping someone, as if his life were about that. Also it appreciates that he sold his things with a low cost, just expecting human interactions more than money. At the beginning of story when the couple arrived to the garage sale you see another perspective of what can symbolizes. It is like when you give a piece of bread to someone who is hungry, because the couple wanted change their apartment and in front there are a garage sale, Good luck! someone would think. In this case symbolize hope to find something better and become their house, become their lives. When they arrive, hope changes by peace and freedom, because in the garage sale they feel good, also show happiness to find a bed or TV. The garage become in a place where they can be free. The garage sale is not only a place, “It´s my yard. You can dance if you want to” (Carver). The garage sale creates confidence in everybody. This demonstrate that anybody can

do what they want to do with happiness and without hurt someone. Everybody is free to do, with their things, some wonderful or do nothing, and if it is within your property much better. To end, the garage sale is not just a place. First, because the whole story was developed there, and during the course of history had changed the perspective of the place. First symbolizes hope, then peace and happiness, to finally show freedom. A freedom that man finds to get rid of everything, to do what he wants, to meet people cool, in itself, the man finds freedom living without prejudices, enjoying the moment.

REFERENCES R. Carver, “Why don’t you dance”, 6 pages.


SCIENCE POTENTIAL TO CHANGE THE WORLD David Altamirano Yachay Tech University

Abstract This research presents the collection of examples in science that can change the world and society or at least their structure. These examples are proposed to defend different ethical points of view from the same situation, although science is limited only to tell proven facts. It is the fault of the misinterpretation of people who seek their benefit that originates these ethical questions of whether what I do is right or not. For this is indispensable the good training consciously of a scientist to make sure to transcend jointly. The proposed examples are genetic modifications, artificial intelligence and nuclear power. All this branches have enough potential to change the world and the way this is employed depends on the purpose and the ethics of whoever uses it, however everything is to the development of science.

SCIENCE POTENTIAL TO CHANGE THE WORLD Why is it important to commit with your work? Why should something so noble be used for evil? Science dominates the world. Anything that is being used as the laptop at this very moment, has a scientific implication behind. It has always tried to provide society with useful and simple things. On the other hand, it also has had mistakes that have claimed so many human lives, flora and fauna. But this is not the fault of science, since it merely reports on verifiable facts but does not make value judgments. This indicates that there is an ethical background, so science can be used for good or for evil, to heal or to kill, to liberate or to enslave. The real problem is when hegemonic political groups demonize the science and use it to their benefit, thereby satisfying just their interests and forcing scientists to break their objectivity, so they develop instruments that help to the upper class and not to the society in general as it should be. Despite all the science is taking the knowledge by the neck and wringing it, to make the most to learn, to grow, to understand and to help, as we saw it will not always be for charitable purposes. In recent times, for various reasons such as wars or the simple human ambition to transcend, they have caused an impressive advance that does not seems good for everyone in society. However knowledge is obtained thanks to the science and is also the knowledge that helps decision-makers aware of all our surroundings what gives them power. In fact, there are branches in science with enough potential to change the world, but the way this is achieved is not always ethically correct, however everything is for the development of science. The first branch and the least harmless of the three is Biology. It is a science that studies organisms, their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, identification and taxonomy. Over all and more obviously nowadays, the most important studies has turned to cells and their genetic manipulation. As stated before the science can be used to help or to

damage and biology with its genetic manipulation is no exception. A positive impact of genetic modification is on crops, because through it, variety, speed and efficiency is achieved. It’s so that some scientists think that in the year 2050 try to meet the needs of an 11 billion global population will not be achieved without biotechnology (James & Krattiger, 1996). On the other hand, someone could say that transgenic are harmful to health, but this is not completely true because there are entities regulating their use. Despite all this is no reason for panic, they should be only conscious and have caution (Union of Concerned Scientists). Genetic modifications on crops can reduce and even end the world famine, by creating agricultural products more resistant and suitable to develop in inhospitable places and in much less time. Likewise, genetic modification has its dark side when it tries to alter genes and to dominate cloning. Although nowadays doesn't represent a real problem seeing from this point of view: imagine a mad scientist who dominates cloning in all aspects and creates super soldiers to follow his orders. This would change the world for its benefit and would be bad because only one person will dominate it, and thereby destroying the system of 'democracy' that exists now, bringing society to an imperial system. However, this isn't an enough motive to stop, it's necessary to continue developing the science because both, the ethically right or wrong process are similar and consist in modification of genes. Then, the roads are the same and scientists should have caution and be conscious. But Biology itself doesn't have enough potential, however if it is used in combination with another science it can be dangerous. When the understanding of Biology fuses it with Math’s, it is obtained a new branch of science known as Artificial Intelligence (AI), which consist in giving consciousness to machines. One of the motives to make it is the human desire to facilitate the life, because now ‘machines can learn to do things that we actually sometime don’t know how to do ourselves, or maybe can do better than us’ (Howard, 2014). This progress leads to put our attention in banal stuff, but the worst of all is that people are agree with it, and little by little the society is

degrading rather than advancing, and all because of human conformity. Another motive is the human desire to perpetuate the consciousness in a machine and be eternal, at least the thinking. Another benefit of an ‘intelligent robot is in space exploration because have the ability to endure the hostile environment of the interplanetary space, adapting in such a way that planetary atmospheres do not affect their physical state and functioning’ (Fekety, 2015). And all this would lead to a development never seen before, and would also change the structure of society. But if no, the machines still can continue helping us in the Earth, and is now when it becomes an ethical dilemma. The smallest problem of this and is already evident today, is automation, which is leaving many people jobless. But the real problem is that machines will continue to learn and to accumulate information and at some point they will surpass us and humans can be a hindrance to their craving of freedom. ‘Suppose we give A.I. the goal to solve a difficult mathematical problem. When the A.I. becomes super intelligent, it realizes that the most effective way to get the solution to this problem is by transforming the planet into a giant computer, so as to increase its thinking capacity and that would be bad for humanity’ (Bostrom, 2015). According Bostrom in his talk, ‘the answer here is to figure out how to create super intelligent A.I. such that even if it escapes, it is still safe because it is fundamentally on our side because it shares our values’ (2015). And just as A.I. can change the social structure, there is a third science that can destroy the planet. This third science encompasses the two previous, because it could help us to put in motion the AI. Physics try to explain life itself, where are we? Where do we come from? What's beyond? But also there are another fields inside it with its own ethical discussion which are entangled with social problems. For example physics may have the key to ending with global warming, which is some that come exacerbating with time and is largely due to the contamination we produce by obtaining energy from either coal or other fossil remains. Then if we substitute all that by viable, cost-effective and scalable energy, as nuclear power we will

reduce the pollution in large scale. Ethically speaking this is good because everybody could reach similar living conditions and opportunities to excel would increase, these new energy could even bring hope to inhospitable places, because as say Joe Lassiter says ‘these new nuclear can deliver power for 5 cents a kilowatt hour; they can deliver it for 100 gigawatts a year; they can demo it by 2025, if only we give them a chance’ (2016). With energy so clear and easy to obtain, humanity can give themselves the pleasure of wasting it and so carry water to the desert or make infinite space travels yet (Lobos, 2016). But like all in sciences its use can be negative too and affect the planet. For example the possible creation of black holes in the Large Hadron Collider, because theoretically, ‘a high-speed collision between particles can concentrate enough mass and kinetic energy in one place that a black hole can form’ (East and Pretorius, 2013). To 2008 the collider’s energy is far too low for black hole formation, however exist the possibility to create it, but the ethical issue here is that every time that will turn on the LHC the conditions going to improve and can to obtain a better collision, as consequences there will be more energy created and therefore more mass every time, this will lead to create a black hole and is an ethical issue to which CERN scientists say that all is under control. And we should trust in them because we can't do nothing by now, they're the experts. So this give us all more confidence to continue developing science and daring to know. On the other hand, in the world there are a lot of conservative people that can't open their minds and they defend themselves with an empty and selfish argument, saying "We are okay like this!", showing their conformity and lack of feelings in their being or others, with the fear that this will destroy the world. But the one who don't take risks don't win. Many people defend positions that obstruct science and these people are precisely the ones who interfere in society, vain people who have nothing important to say. They are nothing more than the result of how society has used scientific advances, a careless and selfish society.

The difference lies precisely in that science is for strong thinking people, they who dares comes out of their ignorance and try to build a better world. And who wants to learn does it, others stay, knowledge is within everyone's reach. Equally the scientists behind each development have the obligation to analyze every detail minutely so that nothing goes wrong. Science must continue as it always has been for example the Industrial Revolution, the invention of the computer, cars, smartphones or the internet and everything lead us to a developing where the most intelligent and adaptable would survive. Just like Darwin's Law that now would apply over the humans. Finally one of the human instincts is the curiosity and wanting to stop it, it isn't good because it is our nature to be inquisitive. So, curiosity is the motor of knowledge and at the same time the knowledge is the motor of science, and the more we know the more aware we are of our surroundings. And this awareness is what will lead us to take ethical decisions about what are good and bad, this does not mean that science are good or bad, but that people who control it give a wring meaning for their benefit, misinterpreting and dirtying it. Examples of that are genetic modifications in biology, artificial intelligence in math or nuclear energy in physics, which were created in the foreground to facilitate human life and improving its conditions. However accelerated development have obligated to that not all what is created is for social benefit, and sometimes progress is limited only to people who dare to get out of their ignorance. But this desire is what raises the ethical questions about if what we do is good or it can destroy the world, and it is now when the dirty of the scientist is of paramount importance, because it can stop the development that we have obtained until now or to continue in the path, and the most logical thing is the second. For this there are branches in science with enough power and just prepared and ethically strong people should be conscious with it to don't damage anything and always searching the better to society, because at the end of the day we are on the right track and we should not stop.

References Bostrom, N. (2015). What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? [Online]. Ted.com. From: http://www.ted.com/talks/nick_bostrom_what_happens_when_our_ computers_get_smarter_than_we_are East, W. and Pretorius, F. (2013). Ultrarelativistic Black Hole Formation. APS Physics, Lett. 110. Fekety, M. (2015). Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence. Linkedin. From https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/pros-cons-artificial-intelligence-mike-fekety Howard, J. (2014). The wonderful and terrifying implications computers that can learn. [Online]. Ted.com. From: http://www.ted.com/talks/jeremy_howard_the_wonderful_ and_terrifying_implications_of_computers_that_can_learn James, C. and Krattiger, A. F. (1996). Global Review of the Field Testing and Commercialization of Transgenic Plants, 1986 to 1995: The First Decade of Crop Biotechnology. ISAAA Briefs N° 1. ISAAA: Ithaca, NY. Pp. 31. Lassister, J. (2016). We need nuclear power to solve climate change. [Online]. Ted.com. From: http://www.ted.com/talks/joe_lassiter_we_need_nuclear_power_to_ solve_climate_change Lobos, J. (2016). The life of stars. [Conference]. Astronomy club of Yachay Tech. Schulz, P. (2005). La ética en ciencia. Revista Iberoamericana de Polímeros, 6(2), 120-156. Union of Concerned Scientists. Genetic Engineering in Agriculture. Food & Agriculture. From http://www.ucsusa.org/our-work/food-agriculture/our-failing-foodsystem/genetic-engineering-agriculture#.WERy1ObhA2x

REFLECTION Some photos and other learning experiences from this semester

Thank you for taking the time and reading my portfolio. I hope you enjoyed it and have analyzed some passage that caught your attention.


David Altamirano

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