Alejandrosenges semester project

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PERSPECTIVES: MY ENGLISH JOURNEY Alejandro Sengés Bravo Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador

Credits PERSPECTIVES: MY ENGLISH JOURNEY Alejandro SengĂŠs Bravo English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-017 Teacher: David Montenegro December 20, 2016

Yachay, Ecuador

Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Portfolio letter Response essay Interpretation essay Argumentation essay Final research project essay Additional materials (pictures/videos/other works) Thank you letter

Alejandro SengĂŠs Bravo Universidad Yachay Tech Imbabura, Ecuador

November 2, 2015

Dear Portfolio Reader:

My name is Alejandro SengĂŠs. I expect you enjoy reading my English Language Portfolio. It is a set of all of my works in English during all this semester. This portfolio can show my improvement as an English language learner at Yachay Tech and demonstrate that I am ready to go the next step or move on. This work is composed of four essays, a reflection and a research project that I did with effort in my level 6 English course. Thank you for taking the time to read my portfolio.

I really think all the things I learned in this semester will help me in my career and life. My biggest accomplishment was that I really got better in talking, my fear disappeared. When I started level 6, I had a bit of difficult to talk in front of people. If I had a presentation, sometimes I got nervous and stuttered too much. It was hard for me to improvise. Then thanks to all of the presentations and speaking activities, I become a better English language user.

When I read my essays, I feel very proud of me. I can notice the change that I have been having in each work. It is easy to see that my ability to join ideas or organize paragraphs

was gradually improving; the mistake of “Run On Sentence” was eradicated. I learned to use phrasal verbs specially in academic writings. Even Though I am so close to finish the Academic Program of English, I know that I have still too much to learn. I will keep practicing English. I´ll never stop watching movies or reading in English. I am aware that I need to learn more vocabulary if I want to get to communicate through this language in my professional field.

This has been a great and magnificent stage of my life and without a doubt full of learning. I really believe in all the abilities that I had gotten as an English language user, and I am very sure you will agree with me and support me. As in each of my works, in this one I have tried to put my best effort. Thank you again for reading my portfolio.


Alejandro Sengés Bravo

Response Essay

The importance of Self-Care Alejandro SengĂŠs Yachay Tech University September 27, 2016

The importance of Self-Care

The importance of Self-Care is an article written by Rhonda Williams. It is common to hear that people who work with insane people, become a crazy. Probably most people have heard about school counselors. They are professionals who play an important role in high schools because, they help students resolve all issues they have, like organize their hours, problems that may arise between scholars etc. Moreover, in some cases they are linked to the personal life of the student. Rhonda Williams in her article explains that school counselors can get poor professional performance as a result of stress, something that looks accurate due to the inability to work properly when someone isn’t focused.

According to Rhonda Williams, school counseling is an overwhelming profession because they have to attend all the needs of the schools´ members. Adding their personal problems, is difficult for them to balance all the demands on time and stress in their life. Due to the consequences that a drained school counselor can create, the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors stipulated self-care as an ethical mandate. As a result, it is necessary that they have access to their physical and emotional problems and look for support to keep a good work performance. The ethical mandate also keeps the idea which school counselors should stop doing activities that affect their professional results (2011).

Williams tries to show the importance of having School counselors with a mindset relaxed and focused on their job, although it seems difficult. She made an emphasis on the consequences that an unfit counselor can make, but without saying any of those. With this technique, she incites the reader to make an analysis about what could happen. As student, I

can say that some activities can diminish my effectiveness; I assume that the same can happen with professionals. School Counselors should take seriously their self-care and the impact their impairment might have on students, families with whom they work with and on their personal life. If they work with impairment, instead of been a support for student, they will be like a load to them. On the other hand, even if this profession gives them satisfaction when they achieve something with one student, it also induces stress that can lead to burnout. The factors of that kind of stress according to researchers are: extraneous job assignments, interpersonal and professional conflicts, large caseloads, ineffective principal/school counselor relationship, and lack of decision-making authority. One factor mentioned is that the professional feels he is not effectively contributing to others well-being (Williams, 2011).

Something interesting is what Willian said about stress, because it is not weird to hear that stress is like an obstacle to achieve goals. Although the author doesn’t make an explicit relationship between self-care and stress, “when you don’t take the time to check into your body, you don’t notice that your body may be starting to flare up with pain or stress” (Experts, 2015) and as a result you get a bad performance at work.

Rhonda Williams exposes poor performance work, negativity, cynicism, social insolation like signs of burnout. One investigation shows that the range of school counselors who feel exhausted is between 30 and 66 percent. With a considerable number of people working under that condition, one solution is asking for supervision. Their coworkers should support them and help them to evaluate the state of each one. With this, if someone knows about the issues of his coworker he must say. As well as school counselors expect to develop prevention strategies for students, they can’t forget create intervention plans for self-care. It is

important that they work up in an honest emotional support system that can help them to work efficiently and let them know if they are doing inappropriately their work. Also others suggestions are periodic self-assessments, evaluation of life stressors and practice positive recreational activities (2011).

One of the interesting things of this section is the last part, because if we don’t accept that we are not well, no one can help us. In the original text, there are questions like “Is my personal life satisfying and rewarding? Are my relationships what I want them to be? Am I generally consistent in my practice?” (Williams, 2011); when I read this, it really makes me to start thinking on me, and induces me to a self-analysis.

Finally, School counselors live with a profession which it required much time because, they have to respond all needs of scholars. They must take seriously their self-care due to the impact their impairment might have on students´ life. When they start to feel stressed, they should have a system or the ability to know it. As a result of stress they can present a bad performance job. So, how do we expect support others if we can´t fight with our issues.

References Experts, Y. (2015). Don’t Forget Yourself: The Importance Of Self Care. Psych Central. Retrieved on September 24, 2016, from Williams, R. (2011). The Importance of Self-Care | American School Counselor Association (ASCA). Retrieved September 26, 2016, from

Interpretation Essay

Seaport with the embarkation of Saint Ursula Alejandro SengĂŠs Yachay Tech University November 11, 2016

Seaport with the embarkation of Saint Ursula

Incredible pieces of art have survived throughout the years and they have showed us how powerful, descriptive, graphic and imaginative the human mind can be. It is well known that in ancient times during many years, women were not recognized as member of the society. They were mistreated and discriminated because of their gender and also because there was the belief in men’s superiority. Women were considered as people who had to be at service of their husband, take care of her children and home chores. Seaport with the embarkation of Saint Ursula is a piece of art made by Claudio de Lorena that we believe shows a contradiction to what at that time people thought a society should be structured. The composition of this picture consists of gorgeous architecture, women in power, embarkations, men working, ships, bows, and the sea. All these elements triggered us and make us try to understand and comprehend what the painter is trying to say. We think that this piece of art represents the role and power of the women in this kind of strange society represented in the mentioned picture.

When we first saw this picture, we were astonished by one little detail: the presence of a lot of women that look like they are in power. This is strange because as we stated before, cultures at that time were ruled by men. We think the culture embodied in this work of art is totally against the role of the position women should have occupied. There is also another detail on the women in the painting and it is that all of them are wearing a bow on their shoulder. We think that the bows are symbols of strength and authority and also, we believe this means that those women were departing to war or maybe some type of diplomacy event. But again, this is exactly the opposite of what cultures used to think. Which we believe is the reason that catches the painter’s attention. Something curious is that men in the picture don’t

wear a bow or other gun, so can assumed that the painter assigned them a role of inferiority with respect to women. As said lines above men are at women’s service and they are loading the ships with what appears to be provisions to their journey. But we also believe this is not their first journey, because we think the painter chose a day where other ships were arriving to the seaport to show maybe that their trip was not successful. So, they have to sacrifice more women. But this time it looks like it is different, they have come to the decision of sending the “Queen” herself in order to stop this madness, this awful war. We can tell there is a “special” woman whom we called a “Queen” because this painting portrayed her carrying a flag. To us the flag gives her characteristics of leadership and control but also that she is willing to give her life if needed. We believe that the Queen is carrying the flag up high because she is not afraid, we feel her national pride because as she carries the flag she is also carrying the whole nation on her shoulders. Not only that but maybe the “Queen” is tired of this situation and wants to put an end. She does not want more blood on her hands, it has been enough. She cannot allow this any longer.

This picture is also composed of gorgeous architecture that we believe it is designed as some kind of castle/fortress. Its walls are high so that possible invasions would be harder to execute. But this fortress also plays really well with the environment. It combines beautifully with the sea. This is not peculiar because at that time many structures and cities were built around bays or near the ocean. Something that is a little odd is there isn’t ramparts, of course the walls of the castle are high but they are not ramparts. Which makes us believe that this city was pacific, or at least they had never had the necessity of building structures as such. But at this point we wonder if this castle really is a castle. What made us doubt is that in the background of the painting we appreciate there is another castle-shaped structure and this

is way bigger than the main structure before mentioned. Could this castle be the Queen’s home? Possibly, but we will not know for certain. Maybe that is why this “castle” does not look like it is weaponized.

Something interesting is the combination of colors used by the painter. It is not clear if the ambiance is set in sunset or dawn but we think is dawn. Thus, it supports the idea mentioned before that the queen is departing to war. We observe a mixture of soft and bright colors. We associate the bright colors with freedom and the rising of a nation but also with peace. We also believe the use of these colors shows audacity and positivism that connects with the supposed trip that would be done. There are two girls using green dresses on each side of the “Queen” and maybe at that time green was not associated with hope but it could be that is the reason why it started. The soft colors give us an idea of serenity and are perfectly related with the sea but not to the idea of war.

Argumentation Essay

Should there be one global language? Alejandro SengĂŠs Yachay Tech University December 05, 2016

Should there be one global language?

Imagine all the things that could be possible if everybody could communicate between each other. Years ago, a group a people introduced a global language, called Esperanto, with the aim of creating a world capable of sharing information, knowledge and improving learning. Even if this project failed, there is still hope that invades the minds of people linked to the world of science. Having a global language would allow breaking the barriers that exist in learning. This language would make accessible knowledge through culture and leisure.

The language of a nation is closely joined with culture and family. “It´s a link to our personal identity, and that´s much too important to lose” (Piccirillo, 2010). It is hard to think someone could leave or forget their origin. If they stop talking with their mother language it is like losing knowledge, because it is like forgetting the creation of that nation. Also, each tongue has specific words used for a particular activity.

When is talked about one global language, it doesn’t mean to lose one language; it is only having a specific tongue used for communication and so on. So, one nation would still talk his/her own language between them, but to talk with the rest of the people they should use the global language. This would eradicate the barriers of learning and avoid confusion; everybody could understand and learn from each culture. Moreover, the nations could show their culture around the world using words understood by everybody. So, it would be possible live in a multicultural world rich in knowledge.

A good way to learn is by playing or doing something you like. If someone dedicates his free time playing video games or watching movies that are in a language which is different to his mother tongue one part of his brain related with reasoning turns on. So, This person will have better skills compared to others, it will make it easier for him to understand and understand everything he wants

Watching television is the most popular activity done in free time strongly related with learning. So, when a movie or documentary is watched the message is really get it. On the other hand, if it is showed in one language that is not your mother tongue would be difficult to get the message. Although there were subtitles, the message is really lost or changed and as a result it is not possible learn correctly. Other activities done for free and lets a big learning is reading, but sometimes the wall of the language limits the book available for you because not all books are available in all languages.

Finally, one global language increases our capacity to learn. This can open a door full of success where there won’t be barriers to obtain knowledge. Having a single language makes it possible to learn through culture and even in your leisure time. A global language would keep people joined.


Piccirillo, R. A. (2010). "The Lockean Memory Theory of Personal Identity: Definition, Objection, Response." Inquiries Journal/Student Pulse, 2(08). Retrieved from

Final research project Essay

What is the impact of students’ discrimination in universities? Alejandro Sengés Yachay Tech University December 11, 2016

What is the impact of students’ discrimination in universities?

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself” Wayne W. Dyer It is well known discrimination exist yet, and looks like something impossible to eradicate. Discrimination is treating someone unfairly because of they don’t fit with stereotypes imposed by the society. Their race, sex, origin and sexual orientation are aspects that lead their insolation and put them in the line of being discriminated.

Discrimination is a problem that, although is considered as a violation of human rights, has been growing within universities and has had a big impact on students´ life. People who have been discriminated are at risk of becoming depressed and often get some mental problems that induce them to have a terrifying life. Thus, Discrimination in universities causes students to lose or lower their self -esteem. This research will focus on the impact of students’ discrimination in universities. This is going to be supported through three aspects that are originated as a result of discrimination: a poor academic performance, health problems and suicide. A poor academic performance is mediated by the fear of students. People discriminated tend to be repressed, and this can be seen in homosexuals and Afro Americans. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people (LGBT) live in a constant fight every day, the incessant discrimination that they receive limits their development within society.


university settings, their active participation is diminished. They feel so harassed that they prefer to disconnect from any university activity. A study carried out with 120 students at the university of Puerto Rico brought to light that 54% have been afraid to speak and participate in a classroom for fear that the group will think or notice that they are gay / lesbian / bisexual and make fun of or harass (Toro, Borrero, & Nieves, 2008). With this is possible to recognize the low self-esteem of them. They feel so unconfident and frightened that they prefer to go unnoticed regardless of their academic performance. The Afro Americans are a minority which is a perfect target of derision and contempt due to their skin color. On students, the experience of racial discrimination affect their mind and has been demonstrated that influences in their academic performance. It “can have profound and life-long effects on a multiplicity of developmental outcomes for

them�[ CITATION Eng14 \l 12298 ]. According to the 2009 National Assessment of educational Progress scales, white students averaged 26 points higher than African American students on each subject (NAEP; Vanneman, Hamilton, Anderson, & Rahman, 2009). It is clear that it is really strange see white people been treated unfairly, which makes it possible to deduce that blacks present a poor academic performance due to the constant discrimination they face. Something interesting is how big the impact can be. In some cases, it only affects their self-esteem, but in other cases their strength ceases and they leave the university. During 1900 to 2009 the increase in graduates completing a standard high school curriculum was greater for white than African American Students [ CITATION Eng14 \l 12298 ] Discrimination towards students in universities, not only infers in academic performance, also it is related with health problems. These issues are repercussions of stress generated by the suppressed anger and the feeling of incompetence by not being able to do something about the unfair treatment. This type of stress plays a role in the formation of cardiovascular response and contribute to high blood pressure [ CITATION Joh96 \l 12298 ]. It is linked with the diminish of self-esteem, and caused by racial and homosexual discrimination. The problem with the increasing of blood pressure is that this can trigger strokes, heart attacks, kidney failure and depression. Something interesting is that a study found that blacks get hypertension one-third more often than whites [ CITATION Joh96 \l 12298 ]. With this is easy to come to the idea that health problems result as a consequence of discrimination, because as was said before rarely white are discriminated. Also, it was shown that the highest levels of blood pressure were found in black women [ CITATION Joh96 \l 12298 ]. This sentence makes it possible to think depending on the sex of the person the effects could be better or worse; so, with this the discrimination against women comes to light. On the other hand, homosexuals are no

exception, the inequitable treatment received is so hard that it produces effects in their mental health (Toro, Borrero, & Nieves, 2008). These people are not being able to enjoy the life, and they start presenting a low self-esteem, even sometimes they could kill themselves. The rate of self-esteem of people discriminated is so low that they being to feel alone and as a result commit suicide. Nowadays, suicide is one of the most common causes of death and according to Centers for disease Control and Prevention, in the United States, more than 34,000 people die through this each year (2007). As always discriminated people, especially LGBT members, are those who lead this kind of surveys. Homosexual people really face verbal and physical abuse, rejection and isolation; this treatment even can come from family. Young lesbians, gays and bisexuals are up to four times more likely to commit suicide than their heterosexual peers[ CITATION Fei \l 12298 ]. They feel totally alone and harassed that they resort to taking their own lives. One example is the suicide case of a boy from Rutgers University who was recorded having sex with another guy. This boy had been treated badly for a long time and came to the time when he really felt desperate and finally he decided to die, he jumped off of the George Washington bridge (Schwartz, 2010). LGBT people are not the only ones who are at risk of committing suicide, blacks too. Due to the increase of discrimination, “a 2015 study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that for the first time, the suicide rate of blacks had been doubled between 1993 and 2013” (Storrs, 2015). So, these people in order to stop their suffering, they kill themselves. They don’t want to continue living the same tragedy every day. Something curious is that sometimes beneficial effects are supposed to exist. People who have been discriminated are at risk of becoming depressed and often get some mental problems that induce them to have a terrifying life. However, there are some studies which have showed that they have more desire to achieve their goals and get a better

life styles. A group of psychologist made a study which compared the psychological health of blacks and whites; finally, it was recognized that “blacks actually have better mental health than whites”. [ CITATION Oli10 \l 12298 ] Although many people have tried to explain the benefits of discrimination, the terrible things that this action entails cannot be hidden. When people are discriminated, most time it really reduces self-esteem and can increase the levels of sadness and insecurity. Depending on the circumstances in which it occurs there will be various consequences. They could present a poor academic performance, get ill, consume drugs, stay away from society, leave the university, even kill themselves. A survey conducted at the University of Puerto Rico showed the impact and how often homosexual people are discriminated. The results of this, was that they have lost their confidence and are filled with fear, so they don’t talk nor participate in classes [ CITATION Tor08 \l 12298 ]. Finally, discrimination in universities is a fact that really exists and is increasing every day. This unfair treatment has been the cause of several negative consequences in the student's life. Discriminated people are full of fear and as a result have poor academic performance. The verbal and physical abuse they constantly face causes them a type of stress that causes health problems like high blood pressure. The rejection and the insolation received generate a desire for suicide. It is possible to come to the idea that all these effects are related to the decrease or loss of self-esteem, because in all cases they begin to feel insignificant and even accept the situation. It should be noted that only homosexual, racial and sexual discrimination was taken into account.


English, D., Lambert, S., & Ialongo, N. (17 of December of 2014). Adding to the Education Debt: Depressive Symptoms Mediate the Association between Racial Discrimination and Academic Performance in African Americans. Washington, The United States. Feinleib. (n.d.). Eric. (R. Marcia, Ed.) Obtenido de Report of the Secretary's Task Force on Youth Suicide. Volume 3: Prevention and Interventions in Youth Suicide.: Johnson, J. (25 of November of 1996). Why discrimination is detrimental to the health of blacks. The United States. Olivarez, B. (2010). 123helpme. Obtenido de Discrimination Makes African-Americans Stronger: Schwartz, J. (2010, October 02). Bullying, Suicide, Punishment. Retrieved December 08, 2016, from Storrs, C. (2015, May 19). Suicide rates among young black boys on the rise. Retrieved December 08, 2016, from Toro, J., Borrero, N., & Nieves, K. (January of 2008). De la exclusiรณn al estilo universitario: La homofobia en la Universidad de Puerto Rico. Obtenido de researchgate: ersitario_La_homofobia_en_la_Universidad_de_Puerto_Rico

Vanneman, A., Hamilton, L., Anderson, J. B., & Rahman, T. (2009). Achievement

gaps: how black and white students in public schools perform in mathematics and reading on the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Statistical Analysis Report. NCES 2009-455. National Center for Education Statistics.

Additional materials (Photos and links to videos, etc)

Thank you for reading my portfolio. I hope you enjoyed reading my portfolio

Sincerely, Alejandro SengĂŠs Bravo

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