Alexis eras portfolio

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BRUSH STROKES: each trace is a step ALEXIS ERAS Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador

BRUSH STROKES: each trace is a step ALEXIS ERAS Yachay Tech University English Language Program Level 6 - 004 Teacher: Daniel Beall JANUARY 9th, 2017 IMBABURA, ECUADOR

Contents 1. Portfolio letter 2. Response essay 3. Interpretation essay 4. Argumentation essay 5. Final research project essay 6. Additional materials (pictures/videos/other works) 7. Thank you letter

Alexis Eras University Yachay Tech Imbabura,Ecuador December 12, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader, My name is Alexis Eras. Thank you very much for reading my English Language Portfolio. This portfolio will show you the abilities developed in those assignments, how our skills have been improving, how our weaknesses turn into strengths, and indeed how our best strengths improved. Those assignments let me identify things that I can implement, improve and discard. More than identify certain things, it helps us to realize that of what it is about the assignment and what abilities are requested for it. My portfolio consists of four essays, a research project which I designed and developed during my level 6 English course with professor’s assessment, and some essays very interesting for me. I am very proud of my progress and the work done in this course. I have learned in this semester three important things which include improving public speaking skills, enhancing writing skills, and encouraging the use of my critical thinking. First, I have learned to improving my public speaking skills by doing presentations, debates and speaking time. Speaking time help me to gain confidence to talk in front of anyone. The practice of speaking help me to talk more fluently and be prepared to establish a simple conversation, which can be difficult if we do not practice. Moreover, The presentations of 7 minutes and debates let me focus on my main points to announce and to explain in a simple and concise way the content of that I want to express. Furthermore, I have learned that presentation and debates are not only speaking in a memoristic way, it is about

the understanding of the deep meaning of things and then express your ideas in your own words. However, it takes time to get it because you polish your skills with practice and modifying your speaking as much as you can in order to found the best way for you to say something. For example, I use keywords in my slides to remember the ideas of my presentation. It is very useful for me to summarize a large content in the main points of its. Also, for these assignments and for the essays I used to do diagrams to organize the content and see the important details. Additionally, I remember that for the conversation assignment in which he will see the speaking skills. So, my strategy was if I did not a word, I can expressed it in other word. Second, I have learned to enhance my writing skills and learning vocabulary by articles and videos . On one hand, a part of writing is having vocabulary, but the challenge is how we can increase our vocabulary. I think that a good way to do it is reading and listening anything. The readings given by my teacher content a diversity of styles of writings and vocabulary. For example, the video of Lizzie Velasquez talk about the value of each one and recognize that everyone is unique; the article “How does our language shape the way we think” shows a scientific writing style and words, and expose a thesis of our language influence our concepts and beliefs that is proved by different tests; “Happy Endings” which is a story about different endings of a same situation, some of them more interesting than others; and the article “Arguing is easy; persuasion is hard: what Donald Trump teaches us about debate” has a great amount of vocabulary of USA and reflects the fallacies in Trump’s arguments.This is a great factor to the writing time because the more vocabulary you have, you could express your own ideas in a better way with different styles. Moreover, reading not only help us to obtain more vocabulary, it also help us to be able to write sentences with

different structures. We have to practice the use of different English tenses in our writings, but it could be a difficulty. It can be hard because we have to understand when we have to use it in an appropriate way and this is one of my difficulties too. Third, I have learned to think in a deeply way, it is known like critical thinking, through the writing of essays, analyzing multiple. When you will write about any topic, you firstly have to understand and analyze the content because in that way you could define what points you are going to write in your essay.Then, you could sketch your outline or structure of your writing. The organization is fundamental to know the direction of your ideas. Furthermore, it is necessary that you show your power of interpretation. It means how you assimilate the new knowledge and how you integrate it in your mindset. This show your ability or capacity to see in diverse ways something that another person cannot see. Our diverse approaches do that our writing differs to another writing. For example, the interpretation assignment was an excellent tool to do these processes. It consisted in choose an artwork and interpret it. Finally, after you understood the topic and identified you approach. You have to be able to put your ideas in understandable, simple and concise sentences to announce your claims to the world. A evidence of our progress of learnings of these English program is showed in the final project in which we have to begin of zero to create an entire essay with the respectives arguments and counter arguments, and the most important thing a thesis, our perspective of something. You never give up in this process because when you have finished this process, you will very proud of your effort.

Best wishes for your future,

Alexis Eras

Response to “Forget University? 4 Steps to Design Our Education” by Till H. Gross Alexis Eras Yachay Tech

Response to “Forget university? 4 steps to design our education” by Till H. Gross

Many people have asked what are the benefits and disadvantages which imply going to college in order to be successful? In the TED talk, “Forget University: 4 Steps to Design Your Own Education,” Till H​. ​Gross (2014) states his expectation and real expectations about going to college, some tips or steps to design our learning which he applied to his experience. Moreover, he added some suggestion to achieve each step and the possible obstacles that could appear in life. So, as till Gross pointed out, that we have to create our own stages to control and automotive our curiosity in knowledge. I agree with 4 steps proposed by Gross because we have to think in what we have to do apart of being in university in order to complement our schooling with our learning. However, we have to understand that our schooling and our learning are like a whole and not like separated components. To begin the discussion, we have to know more about the video. In his video, ​Groß (2014) points out some “steps to design our own education” and some components that we have to add to each one, and some obstacles that we have to overcome to achieve the success. First, the steps to design our education were: “develop skill”, “learn from the best”, “learning is more important than making money”, and “hustle comes first”. The first step tries to show audience that some abilities are necessary requirements, like some techniques and methods, in the field that people want to occupy. So, to achieve this, people have to add some tips like deep work, the understanding of the real meaning of things, and feedback. The second step has the objective of fostering people to be better and better. People have to realize that they have to overcome them day by day. The suggestions to accomplish this step is include work

habits and take an active role despite the obstacles and mistakes. The third step allow audience to identify that the experience is more valuable than money. It means, the best thing is what people learn of every opportunity in each work. The fourth step helps people to understand that there is a hard work to do to discover what thing we love. It is a gradual process which takes a lot of effort and time. Finally, he referred to some obstacles that could appear in the way. One of these obstacles are naysayers, people who do not want that you achieve your goals.Another is the fear of rejection which affects our way; instead of being disoriented, people have to try and try until they get their goals(​GroĂ&#x;, 2014​). I partially agree with the first step because to be good at something we have to develop some requested skills, techniques and methods, but how can students know what skills are demanded? For this reason, I consider that students need a direction, a qualified person who guide student to the right way and indicate some abilities that they have to achieve. Also, a very important component of any learning is the process of feedback which help us to understand what things are wrong and bad, what things we have to improve and what thing is missing. This feedback has to be controlled for an appropriate person who knows about the field that each student is interested in. Moreover, I agree with the second step because learning from the best is a way to identify things that I can implement, improve and discard. More than identify certain things, it helps us to realize that we have to discover what thing is the motor of our enhancements and scale to a new level. So, to achieve this step, people must take an active role of this change. Also, We have to realize that we do not have to wait that someone else tell us what we have to do. We have to discover by ourselves because each individual knows their own qualities, strengths, weaknesses and boundaries.

Furthermore, I agree with the third step because I think that people never stop to learn something new. We have to gain experience of any opportunity that we have because each one has a hidden message for us. Each moment has a lesson to be learned and applied to different aspects of our life. Though, some people think that somethings are disconnected, rather they share a lot of similarities between them. For example, to be a scientist is necessary know how resolve certain problems, as the same way we can apply in our daily life. Situations can take many shades but if we see in detail what is the real problem of them, we will solve them. Additionally, I agree with the fourth step that hustle come first and passion comes behind because I think that the first thing to achieve something is find the motives and reason which promote our curiosity in something and to do something. The hustle is the base of any movement until the success. We have to search that force to pushes us to follow to the future and toward our dreams, goals and illusions. The hustle is the motor that keep in movement of a system like the heart in human body that pushes the blood in our body and feed all organs which are important too for the correct function of human body. Finally, we have to realise that our schooling complement our learning. As ​Groß (2014) claims ​with a Mark Twain phrase “ I have never let schooling interfere with my education”​. This phrase is a good explanation of that the education should be in the real life. For the evaluation of this video, I have to take into account some features to classify this video like a good video. First at all, resources which he used to support his thesis are experiences, citations and exemplary people. Each resource allowed the audience to understand the deeper meaning of what he was saying. The best way for accomplishing its goals is using the own experience to explain something because the speaker can show his

emotions, concerns, questions, life lessons and beliefs that he found in specific situations. In general, he tries to foster that we have to found these things and with a critical thinking in our experiences. Another resource that he used citations of some phrases that have a message hidden in them. In this way, he has showed the similar ideas and thinking with another people. Moreover, the using of exemplary people was used to demonstrate to people that he is the unique person who achieve the success. Second, the purpose of this video was more than give people some steps to design their learning path, the purpose was to engage people to be willing to search their own design through their own means. This message was directed to students, professors, businessmen and businesswomen, entrepreneurs and other people who have passed through the education system or live in that situation. Third, he had a good organization of his ideas because he has structured his ideas like steps of a gradual process that we have to apply to life. Also, in each point, he added some specifications to get each stage of his design of learning. For this reason, it was easy to follow authors’ ideas. Fourth, the language of this video is appropriate for this motivational speech because he based their speech in experiences, examples and a personal point of view. His language reflected his feeling of those situations. The language is informal, but it is no impolite to the situation. Finally, I think that this speech does not have any kind of bias because he announced at the beginning that his message could help to some people to design our own techniques and methods of learning, it is only a recommendation. In conclusion, As we seen previously, each step allows audience to understand each message like acquiring the needed abilities, to learn as much as you can, discovering the motor of our goals and dreams, and learning from the best person than we in order to acknowledge what we have to keep, improve or discard something. Also, the importance of

searching or sniffing out every lesson which life could give us. We have to see in detail every learning and apply to our lives. It can be hard or we can have a lot of mistakes. The importance is in the creation of our own step of learning.

References GroĂ&#x;, T. [TEDx talks]. (2014, October 20th). Forget university? 4 steps to design your own education [Video file]. Retrieved from

Interpretation to Sculpture “Psyche revived by the Cupid’s Kiss” by Antonio Canova:When the Love Can be Portrayed Daniel Darquea Alexis Eras Leonardo Sanchez Yachay Tech

Fig. 1 Psyche revived by the Cupid’s Kiss (Louvre Museum, 2016)

INTERPRETATION OF SCULPTURE “PSYCHE REVIVED BY THE CUPID'S KISS� BY ANTONIO CANOVA: WHEN THE LOVE CAN BE PORTRAYED Have you ever fallen in love by only seeing a sculpture? Imagine a sculpture so realistic due to its gestures, its depth in details and the sensation of aliveness which can transport you to that moment and that you are the witness of that moment. Well, you will fall in love with the sculpture that will be described here. Art has always served as an instrument for understanding feelings. Several schools of art have emerged throughout history and one of them has been Neoclassicism. Classical art has always had something special being the birth of art. That is why neoclassicism emerged in more modern times as an attempt to recreate that beauty. Neoclassicism is a school of art that is responsible for recreating ancient works, an example of these works are Greek sculptures. The Greek sculptures represented legends of gods and humans, the stories behind these sculptures always represented the feelings(Roble, 2016; Louvre Museum, 2016). In the 18th century, the Venetian sculptor Antonio Canova created a sculpture using the Greek style. This neoclassical sculpture was called Eros and Psyche, representing the ancient Greek legend about the Greek God Eros and his beloved Psyche. This sculpture represents the love immortalized in two lovers who show all the feelings contained in an act of love. First of all, we have to describe the sculpture to start the analysis and interpretation. The sculpture is sculpted in marble being appreciable that the details were chiseled using brushes. The god Eros is represented with wings and approaches the lips of Psyche without touching them while he embraces her. On the other hand, Psyche embraces Eros with the intention of kissing him. To make this sculpture Canova is based on a Roman painting found

in Herculaneum, the painting shows a position very similar to the sculpture that served as inspiration to Canova to recreate the kiss between Eros and Psyche. Another reason to choose this position of lovers in sculpture is that their shapes serve as pillars to stabilize the sculpture. The detail shown in the sculpture is the fruit of several weeks of planning. Several models of clay and sketches made by Canova allow to complete the perfection of this sculpture. The different techniques of chiseling allowed to create different textures, the skin of Eros and Psyche is much more fine and shining with great emphasis on details, on the other hand the objects and the base of the sculpture has a firmer and more opaque texture.The forms of the sculpture are very important ,in certain occasions the shadows show to the sculpture of different forms, the wings of Eros become thinner with certain angles of light(Louvre Museum, 2016). Moreover, the legend of Eros and Psyche is very old. Psyche was a very beautiful woman who lived in a remote kingdom joined her sisters. The beauty of Psyche provoked the envy of the goddess Aphrodite. Who sent his son Eros, the god of love, to punish her. However the god Eros fell in love with Psyche as well. For this reason Eros planned the way to be with Psyche. He talks with the oracle that Psyche would marry an ugly beast whose face she would never be able to see, and he would wait for her at the top of the mountain. Upon hearing this from the oracle, the parents of Psyche decided to go on and arranged the wedding of their beloved daughter with the beast. What they did not know was that the beast was really Eros. After the wedding, Psyche was able to be with her husband only at night. She was very sad when she could not see the face of her husband. So one night I try to see him, Eros gets very angry and escapes. Psyche then try to find Eros everywhere, even she begged

Aphrodite to see Eros. She told Psyche to perform some tasks in order to see Eros, one of them was to capture the beauty of the goddess of the underworld and close it in a vase. Psyche was able to do so, but on the way she was curious to open the vase that contained the beauty of the goddess. She opened the vase and fell into a deep sleep. Eros learned of what had happened and went to the underworld to see Psyche. Upon arriving, Eros embraced Psyche and kissed her, the kiss awakened to Psyche. At the end, Eros made Psyche immortal so he could always be with her(Hernandez, 2016; Louvre Museum, 2016). Another important point is identifying all the elements, which it will help us to discover a message in the sculpture. First, we have Cupid’s wings and quiver, that represent his divine origin and his superiority, for he possesses the qualities of a god. Second, girl's hair represents the movement in the sculpture because the sculpture show a frozen piece of time of passion and love caught in an eternal instant full of feelings.Third, Nudity and whiteness of the sculpture represents purity of love that two lovers reflect when they expose their maximum expression of their beings . Fourth, the look between Psyche and Cupid represents passion, love and warmth of the previous moment of the kiss. The exact moment when two lovers establish a connection between them to merge into a thought. Fifth, the way in what they touch them represents respect, kindness and softness that Cupid and Psyche feel one for the other similar when a mother holds in her arms her baby. Sixth, the posture of both bodies represents the focal view of the sculpture and a point of the sculpture, which is the joy of a person to find to his/her lover, in order to transmit audience the feelings immersed between the lovers. Finally, the vase is hard to interpret because there is a story behind the sculpture, but if we remember the story represents the obstacles of a love affair to show her

really feelings to Cupid. It means, all the troubles that lovers have to overpass to prove their love and realize that they are two parts separated intended for be together. More than straightforward symbols, they hide deep emotions keep it in their details like the followings. warmth and joy because we have to look in detail the way in that they are touching and seeing one to another. They transmit a deep feeling of happiness and peace when finally, they realize the mutual affection and that they are crazy in love despite that they are represented in a solid and cold sculpture. Moreover, passion and love because the naked body also represents the sensuality. It is a kind of desire of delivery between two souls to feel for an instant all the love that the other person feel and then convert into a whole. Their mutual desire can transport them to another dimension when all other things do not exist. Also, it is a reason because people close their eyes when they kiss. When we do not use the sight, the other senses sharpen to feel in another way, in a deep way. Furthermore, softness and impetus because at the same time that they are touching in a kind way, the message of love between them is strong. He depicted a rapid action like a reflex action, and she shows a grateful moment when she realizes the presence of her lover. Therefore, we can suppose that the sculpture’s interpretation is the true love immortalized in one moment because the sculpture portrayed describe the special moment before a kiss, a memory to refresh love. That moment which interconnect two persons trigger looks and smiles between them. Smiles which spontaneously emerge from their lips caught audience in a calm and warm atmosphere. Harmonious gazes of happiness which sparkle with subtlety of one for another show a mutual loving desire while hours pass and their hearts beat louder and louder. The sculpture represents when two persons demonstrate in a

kiss, the purest essence of love, in order to turn into one piece. Moreover, that moment allows to transport lovers to another dimension of the infinite universe in which surroundings do not matter and just the presence of both humans emboldened by the affection. That affection can overcome any circumstances, any trouble and any challenge in order to keep the love between lovers. Also, it is so powerful that can achieve the impossible and breaks rules despite the consequences and can survive to hardness of live. In contrast, as we can see there are many interpretations about Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss. This famous sculpture cause different types of feelings in the people because each person denote a different perspective of it. On one hand, people define the meaning of this sculpture in multiple ways. The most commons interpretations between the people are the follow reflections. A platonic love between an angel and a human trying to express the strongest ties between the angel and the human trying to stay together but they try to do impossible things to stay near despite the obstacle. It transmits hope for some people because the angel means help for humans and the woman means the weakness, sadness and pain that humanity suffer inside the earth. For religious people, this transmit hope and strength to continue supporting the “narrow road”. And The last common meaning was something related with our dreams, the women means the sacrifice that we need to do to complete our goals and transmit an idea of never give up go hard to follow your dreams. On the other hand, there is an interpretation given to it by the museum of Louvre. They said: “The story of Psyche symbolizes the ordeals the soul must undergo in order to achieve happiness and immortality (Louvre Museum, 2016).” because Psyche means soul in Greek which is the part of human beings that does not die and achieve a superior state.

In conclusion, as we can see either symbolism, emotions, the context, and the different interpretation we can infer that this sculpture try to express one of most strongest degrees of affection, which is the love, because it is the connection that keep peace and union. Affection is the bridge between relationships and allow humanity be social beings. Also, as we can see , love is the most highlighted kind of affection depicted by the sculpture. That affection allow lovers reaffirm their feeling to stay together and indeed share their strengths and weakness. Also, they are willing to do anything one for another because they search a mutual happiness. The sculpture is more than a scene of sensuality and passion, it is a scene of pure love which show audience the essence that defines love.

References Hernandez, J. (2016). Psique reanimada por el beso del amor, por Antonio Cánova, Mármol blanco, (Neoclasicismo), Museo del Louvre, París, Francia, 1786-1793. Jmhdezhdez. Retrieved November 16, 2016, from: Louvre Museum (.).A closer look at Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss. Retrieved November 16, 2016, from​ ​ Roble. (2016). El.Neoclasicismo. Retrieved November 16, 2016 from:

Alexis Eras Daniel Beall L6-004 Argumentative assignment November 8th,2016

Drugs should not be legalized

Do you know if people realize about the really consequences about drugs consumption? Why is penalized by the major countries? So, to talk about drugs, we will use the article “Legalize it All� by Don Baum, who is in the position or agree to legalize all drugs because he considered that prohibition makes other problems emerge. Also, he sees a potential market to earn revenues either for people or for governments. Finally, he only points out like the main problem to solve when drugs could be legalized. However, I disagree with the legalization of drugs because they are dangerous and pervasive for human health ; generate more outcomes than profits; and they increase the levels of crime and violence First at all. drugs have negative effects by drug abuse and addiction. As we know, drugs are powerful chemicals which have the property to change how our brain performs and how people perceive their surroundings. Drugs cause injuries, health problems and behavioral problems. Injuries caused by drugs include deaths, illnesses and disabilities. The administration of Substance abuse and Mental Health reports “Today, one in four deaths is attributable to illicit drug use. People who live with substance dependence have a high risk of all bad outcomes includings unintentional injuries, accidents, risk of violence, medical

problem and death”(Substance abuse and Mental Health Administration, 2006). Moreover, drugs cause health and psychological problems. The impact of drugs consumption is strong because they can damage the majority of organs of human body. For example, they can cause “weaken the immune system”, heart diseases, significant damage to live, and brain damage. We have to realize that for an instant of pleasure we expose us to several risks. Furthermore, drugs affects all people around the consumer because they trigger paranoia, aggressiveness, loss of self control, hallucinations and other. Moreover, he believes that “Addiction is a hideous condition, but it is rare. Mos of what we hate and fear about drugs-the violence, the overdoses, the criminality/ derives from prohibition, not drugs”(Baum, 2016). In response to this belief , I totally disagree because violence, overdoses and criminality are caused by the context in that people live. Also, they are caused by the inequity and injustices that exist in the society. The prohibition or ban against them have the object to prevent that people take this harmful way. Furthermore, legalization of drugs is not the appropriate response against crime and violence. As we can see in the article which tell us about “the effect of drug decriminalization on crime in Portugal”(Baum,2016). The results show a high increase in robberies and thefts. Also, people who consume these kind of chemicals are more prone to suffer violence either the consumer and family members. An study demonstrate that “ More than 75 percent of domestic violence victims report that their assailant had been drinking or using illicit drug at the time of the incident”. Now, we have to imagine if all kind of drug could be used, the levels fos violence will increase. Also, we have to remember that drugs are the responsible of the great amounts of inmates in jail. Only for be awareness of the situation, the same administration of Substance abuse and Mental Health writes that “drugs offenders account

for more than one third of the growth state prison population and more than 80 percent of the increase in the number of federal prison inmates since 1985”(Substance abuse and Mental Health Administration, 2006). Finally, while he sees a potential market, I can see more outcomes that profits for governments and people who paid their taxes. Baum proposes that the salve of drugs will increase the revenues or incomes for a government. However, we have to take into account that “One dollar out of every $14 of nation health care bill is spent to treat those suffering from substance abuse and addiction”(Substance abuse and Mental Health Administration, 2006). People have to realize that in long term, the legalization should be ended in a great trouble instead of an important resource to earn money and also it can trigger the loss of confidence in governments. In conclusion, I disagree with the legalization of drugs because they damage the quality of life of people either in mental and physical health. Moreover, drugs cause that crime and violence increase due the capacity of confusion our judgment and mind triggering in acts of violence in a unconscious state. Finally, drug give more outcomes due the consequences of addiction, which is the most dangerous threat faced by the governments. We have to think if worth exposing yourself to unnecessary risks, despite we know that this way, at the same time, can lead us to death.


Baum, D.(April,2016). Legalize it all. Harper’s Magazine. pp.(2-16). Substance abuse and Mental Health Administration. Results from 2006 National Survey on Drug use and Health: National Findings=Office of Applied studies, NSNull series H/32, DHIFS. Publication No. SMA 07-4293 g-200

The Relationship Between Multiple Intelligence and Learning Styles and its Consequences in Language or Expression Alexis Eras Yachay Tech

Abstract There is a relationship between styles of learning and multiple intelligences and thus, there are consequences in our process of learning in our language or expressions. ​Multiple intelligences allow us to know the diverse abilities or intelligences that a person possesses. Learning styles help to join all the different abilities that we possess and take advantage of them. At the same time both components have implications in our way to express our ideas because depending on our ability to build abstract concepts we will express based on those structures of our mindset. On the other hand, this relationship has implications in education. Teachers have to apply some instructional models and approaches to see in detail student’s abilities and styles of learning​. ​This research could give a reason about why each person have a different opinion, understanding and comprehension of something despite we perceive the same information but we process it based on our conceptions and belief which are concepts called abstract components in our cycle of learning. Keywords: ​multiple intelligences, learning styles, abstract concepts, learning process.

The Relationship Multiple Intelligences-Learning Styles and its Consequences in Language or Expression Maybe you have asked yourself: why does each person learn, express and understand same information differently? People live in a world full of information and stimuli of surroundings, like images, sounds, textures, patterns, and others ways; as a result they have a response to these stimuli. However, each person is different, thus they tend to learn through different tools and senses. So, there is a relationship between how we understand and integrate the information and how we express our ideas. It means how we learn and assimilate the information provided for the external world; what methods we use to learn and what abilities are more sensible to different stimuli in each person. But how does this process affect the way we think and we transmit our ideas to someone else? This is important to consider because it could give a reason about why each person has a different opinion and understanding of something despite the fact that we read or receive the same information as another person. This can lead us to discover strengths and weaknesses in the learning process.Thus, there is a relationship between language styles and multiple intelligences, which has consequences in language or expression. One part of the learning process of each one is the perception of information depending on the abilities, which is depicted by the theory of multiple intelligences. Multiple intelligences allow to recognize the diverse abilities or intelligences that a person possesses. Multiple intelligences are the follow intelligences. “Verbal-Linguistic intelligence” allows understand and use word and language. This ability includes all the types of ways of communication. People with this ability show “strong rhetorical and oratory skills”.

“Logical-Mathematical intelligence” gives a great ability to do or use data. It includes collecting, organizing, analysis, interpreting, and conclude claims about a subject or an idea. People with this ability tend to think deductively or inductively, to do a system of numbering, to detect patterns. “Visual-Spatial intelligence” aids people to create, manipulate and imagine a model. They often express their ideas through art because they like make paintings or sculptures in order to shape and do visual presentation of their ideas. “Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence”help us to process the information through sensation in the body. They tend to transmit through movements like dance. Persons who have this ability have motor skills and enjoy physical activities. “Naturalistic intelligence” is not only relation with nature, it enables to identify, recognize and classify a great variety of things. People with this kind of intelligence tend to be “holistic thinkers” because they can detect little differences and value the little things. “Musical Intelligence” give the ability to understand all the aspects of the sound created by multiple instruments. Also, people who have this intelligence can create and interpret new lyrics or sounds to a new musical piece. “Interpersonal intelligence” lets us interpret, understand and give a response to “the moods, emotions, motivations and actions of another person”. A person with this intelligence requires a great ability to communicate and interact in an appropriate way with another person. And “Intrapersonal intelligence” which is the opposite to the previous intelligence consists in know who she/he is. Persons with this intelligence more developed understand their “own emotions, motivations and are aware of their own strengths and weaknesses” (Giles, Pitre, Womack, 2003). People have to acknowledge that everyone possesses all these intelligences, only that some of these are stronger than other, and each person has a certain composition of these intelligences that define each one like DNA in our body. Also, people have to take into account that these

intelligences can act independently or work together in order to complement one to another. It is important because when people can identify which abilities are more developed in them, they can improve those abilities because they will discover their strengths, preferences, needs and means for learning. Moreover, people not only receive information, they also integrate it into their mindset. This process is called learning styles. Learning styles are” the composite of characteristic cognitive, affective, and physiological factors that serve as relatively stable indicators of how a learner perceives, interacts with, and responds to the learning environment” (Giles et al., 2003).​ There are a lot of learning styles depending on the viewpoint of classification. However, from the perspective of the learning process, Kolb’s experiential learning model is the best to explain the objective of this paper. This model is based on the cycle of learning which includes experiencing, reflecting, thinking and acting. The cycle of learning includes first the experiences of some situations in our lives that allow us to do “observations and reflections” and at the same time these conclusions helped us to integrate into our mindset in form of “abstract components” which can be proved in order to create new experiences. For this cycle, Kolb creates the four levels of learning, which are concrete experience or feeling(CE), reflective observation or watching(RO), abstract conceptualization or thinking(AC), and active experimentation or doing(AE). The combination of these four levels create the Kolb’s four types of learning follow styles.First, people who adopt the diverging style(CE/RO) can see different perspectives to solve a problem, they prefer watching instead of doing. Also, they tend to collect information and use it with their imagination to figure out problems. Second, the assimilating style(AC/RO) is for a logical perspective. Persons with this style request clear explanation instead of practical

activities, and are proficient in the comprehension of a great amount of information and indeed organize it in a logical way. Third, people who prefer the converging style (AC/AE) tend to solve practical issues. They preferred technical assignments and finding usefulness in ideas and theories. Fourth, persons with the accommodating style trust in their intuition instead of logical thinking. Thus, they used to use “another’s personal analysis” in order to take an experiential experience, they need to feel by themselves ​(McLeod, 2013)​. However, Kolb considered that the factors that lead people to choose between these four styles depends on feeling or thinking and doing or watching in our stages of growth, but there is something more deep. it is though, the reasons for these positions is the developing of our abilities or intelligences along our lives. L​earning styles help people to join all their abilities to work together in order to give a response, in this case for the analysis of this paper, our expression. People acquire a learning style depending on their major abilities that they identify during their growth in order to assimilate information in a certain structure of their mindset. However, some people think that learning styles do not exist and this concept is considered a neuromyth. This though is reflected in the Quartz article, “The concept of different learning styles is one of the greatest neuroscience myths”, Olivia Goldhill (2016) that states that learning styles do not exist because there is not the sufficient evidence to prove it. Despite the great amount of research about learning styles, it says that even it could have a negative impact on students. Another reason proposed is that few studies use experimental methodology in order to prove the validity of this concept. Also, it argues that the cause of the spreading of this myth is the “uniformed interpretation of genuine scientific facts” and it is the reason of why is the most influential myth in society (Goldhill, 2016). But, we have to think, the first idea is a logical fallacy because evidence which support a thesis

unproven, this does not mean that the thesis must also incorrect or does not exist. Moreover, when the article claims that it could have a negative impact, the learning styles was created in order to recognize the best ways to learn and foster the learning process. This fact can be proved with a study of the evolution of learning in the classroom. Fact which lead us to think that when the article states that there are few studies which use experimental tests. They are using the burden of proof fallacy because they state that another person has to probe the validity of the concept. On the other side, the last idea of “uniformed interpretation of genuine scientific facts” (Goldhill, 2016), it means that believers in learning styles are based in arguments misrepresented, but it is not the reality. Finally, it could not be a myth because the same article says that “the 94 per cent of teachers of UK and Netherlands teachers believed it was true” (Goldhill, 2016) which is an inconsistency of what unbelievers think. Maybe, they are misunderstanding the meaning of this result because they do not trust in teacher’s professionalism. However, teachers are the ones who prove the best strategies or methods of learning to teach in the best way that they can. And if they think is true, it is because it gave them results in its application. Furthermore, we have to consider that the application of this concept goes beyond education and it can even help in the workplace. So, how a person learns and receives information from their surroundings implies some consequences in how people express their ideas with language. Lera Boroditsky claims (2009) that language affects the way of thinking, thinking also affects the way that we express something because concepts and beliefs created in our language we tend to talk based on that primary structures or abstract components. In concrete, she described how languages of each person is an important factor to shape our thinking about space, time, colors and objects. The most of people think about space in terms of right, left, up and down, but a

community of Australia called the Kuuk Thaayorre thinks in term of cardinal points. The tests to examine the spatial knowledge in different direction not only demonstrate that they possess a great ability of the orientation, they also show their thinking in their expressions based on their abstract concepts created for their experiences. The same effect affects the conception of time, Mandarin speakers think in time in a vertically way instead of horizontal; the shades of color, some speakers include a great amount of colors in one shade and some speakers can identify the variation between colors and their boundaries; the gender in objects, some speakers tend to distinguish between female and male. This classification differs depending on the speaker and indeed cause an effect in the adjectives or qualities that people give to those objects. All these “abstract concepts” which are build them during our growth and permanent learning imply some consequences in the way that the speakers say their thoughts and ideas about something. Even Boroditsky claims: Other studies have found effects of language on how people construe events, reason about causality, keep track of number, understand material substance, perceive and experience emotion, reason about other people's minds, choose to take risks, and even in the way they choose professions and spouses. (Boroditsky,2009) So, when we construct our observations, reflection and abstract components suppose an influence in our way to express through better abilities. Each one depending on how he/she perceives and processes the information, he/she will transmit an answer through his/her base of knowledge and developed abilities. Furthermore, it is known that for every action, in this case the information and knowledge, there is an equal and opposite reaction, which is a response to this information. So, this relation can have implications and benefits in educational system.​ ​ Teacher have to

apply some instructional models and approaches to see in detail student’s abilities and styles of learning. Instructional models like “project based and collaborative learning” can aids to design works to improve intelligences. While, approaches like “teacher centered lessons” and “student centered lessons” give each actor the opportunity to actively use their abilities and share their ideas in varied way. For example, a teacher called Ms. Cunningham developed a program which include these approaches and instructional models in order to identify abilities, achieve a better understanding of subjects and also it provided different tool of expression to her students. She arranged a series of lessons to foster student’s understanding of the facts of a subject. The unit of class was divided in three principal lessons or activities which have the main objectives to discover what student know about the topic, what they want to know and what they will learn. The first step was developed in order to see the students’ previous knowledge and share it with all; the second step is giving lectures of the topic and doing a feedback student-instructor; and the third step consists in a final project in which students can perform a variety of options with their respective rubrics like writing, dancing, acting, playing music, doing graphical murals, speeches, do consults with specialist and then share with the class, and others (Giles et al., 2003). Each activity allows students the opportunity to explore abilities in order to reflect their understanding through their best intelligences in them. Teachers can lead their students towards better tools of learning and cultivating their unique qualities instead of only considering one type of intelligence. It is necessary that educational system and teachers carefully select the best ways to motivate all the kinds of intelligences. In conclusion, multiple intelligences allow people to understand their major abilities and how they can benefit of their intelligences. Learning styles help us to choose the better

way to interconnect the different levels of intelligences in order to apply to our life, and like a direct consequence, it will help people to a better expression of their ideas in order to transmit to another person. This research not only will benefit to students in primary schools, it will allow students to structure their own scheme of learning. Thus, it is important to recognize what are the best intelligences hidden in each person then decode that information through learning preferences and indeed those two factors will influence our student’s expression skills. We have to think that we should have to discover our best abilities or intelligences in order to complement our schooling with our learning because a part depend on us. It is in us to become better and polish our intelligences.

References Boroditsky, L. (2009). How does our language shape the way we think? [PDF document] Retrieved from: Giles, E., Pitre, S., Womack, S. (2003). Multiple intelligences and learning styles: Emerging. perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from Learning_Styles_Section Goldhill, O. (2016). The concept of different “learning styles” is one of the greatest neuroscience myths. Quartz. Retrieved from​-styles-is-one -of-thegreatest-neuroscience-myths/ McLeod, S. (2013). Kolb - Learning styles. Retrieved from

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Photos from the reflective exposition, Halloween photo, link of the multimodal presentation and the script of drama assignment.

Drama Assignment Five minutes mistery Director​: Alexis Eras Writers:​ Bryan Herrera, David Pozo, John Goyes, Alexis Eras Conflicts of Thrones Character list: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Script

Narrator-played by Alexis Eras King’s friend: Pascual -played by Jhon Detective: Sherlock- played by Alexis Eras Prince: Richard- played by David Pozo Minister: Daniell - played by Jhon Goyes Police -played by Bryan Herrera Servant: Carl- played by Bryan Herrera

Narrator: ​In recent news, king Edward of the Republic of Urcuqui passed away this

morning. the faithful king’s friend Pascual has called to Sherlock who is the best and most famous detective for resolving the most difficult cases. Sherlock: Good Morning, Sherlock speaking. How can i help you?

Pascual: Hello, my name is Mr. Pascual from the Republic of Urcuquí and I’m calling to request your detective services. Sherlock: Okay, What is the case? Pascual: My king was murdered this morning and its causes are unclear. Can you help us with this mystery? Sherlock: Yes, I can. I'll be there, Narrator: When the detective arrived, he talked with the police. Sherlock: Hello, Mr. Policeman. What are the events? Policeman: It is believed so far that the king died because He may have ingested a medication.. and he’s been stabbed in the chest, too Sherlock: Interesting!. thank you. Narrator: Sherlock began investigation of the case and he realized that the first minister Daniell, his son, Richard, and one of the servants lamented the death of the king. The detective started to interrogate the witnesses, mostly because they were the last persons who were with the king. Sherlock- What is your version on the events? Daniell- “ we were having dinner with the king and Richard, we were arguing about government schemes; suddenly, the servant joined in the room and he offered us a cup of wine. The king didn’t want it, but his son insisted because the wine was from his new wine cellar. Two hours ago the king started to feel sick, we took him to his bedroom; I went out to find a doctor. When the doctor came, the king had died. But, there was a bloody

knife. I think that the servant had put something in the drink and at the moment when I went out for the doctor, the servant killed to the king”. Narrator: “The next in the interrogation was the son of the king Richard, his account of the event was:” Richard: “We were sitting in the living room with my father and the minister, when Carl came in” Sherlock: “Who is Carl?” Richard: “One of the servants, and he brought a bottle of wine. My father didn't want drink because he already drank too much, but the minister insisted because it was new wine from his cellar. About one hour later my father fainted, we took him to his room and I order to brought a doctor. When the doctor had arrived, my father was already dead, but in his side was a bloody knife…………………………………. Sherlock: “Who think it might be the murderer?” Richard: “ I think that it was the servant who killed my father” Narrator: Sherlock thought that the statement of the servant was a key piece to find the killer because it was the servant who brought the wine to the table. Therefore, Sherlock called him and began the interrogation: ……………………... Sherlock: “Hi, Carl. What can you tell me about the murder” Carl: “ That night, before to the dinner, I saw the Minister discussing with the prince. After dessert, the prince gave me a bottle of wine to serve to everyone. After a while, came the Minister and said me that he wanted to serve the wine. The strange thing about this, was that when I removed the food of the table, the wine of the Minister and the prince were full. One hour later, the prince asked me that I called to a doctor. When the doctor came here, I went with him to the King’s bedroom. I got in and I saw the King lying bloodied on the floor. Just in this moment, the Minister and the prince blamed me but I wasn’t the guilty one” Sherlock: “Why not, Carl?”

Carl: “ Because it’s a secret that I can’t reveal. But I liked very much to the King” Sherlock: “Do you know that the secret can save you?” Carl: “Yes, but I promised to my mom that I would never talk about this” But, Who was the killer? Piano song.. Narrator: After interrogation, Sherlock did some investigation apart. Then, He fired his pipe and sat in his chair to reflect about clues which he had. Sherlock: “let’s see, the doctor told me that the kings has ingested a powerful sleeping draught that must have been in the wine, but the three are suspects. Also, he said that the person who accompanied him to the king’s room was Carl.” Narrator: Suddenly, in the middle of the analysis of the case, Sherlock received a secret information about some rumors of secrets meetings between the minister and the prince. However, Sherlock couldn’t join all the information. But suddenly, he exclaimed​: Sherlock: “Bingo!!! How I didn’t think of this before. Neither the prince nor the minister drunk the wine. They are the murderers!!” Narrator: Sherlock discovered the murderers and believed in the Carl innocence, but he wondered about Carl’s secret. Several weeks later, Sherlock knew the truth that Carl was the king’s firstborn, and thus he ought to assume the position of new King. End



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