Andrea vaca oviedo Yachay teach university english
language program yachay, ecuador
Credits PERSPECTIVES : MY ENGLISH JOURNEY Andrea Vaca Oviedo English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-013 Teacher: Hamilton Quezada January 12, 2016
Campus Yachay
Contents 1. Portfolio letter 2. Response essay 3. Literary Analysis 4. Interpretation essay 5. Argumentation essay 6. Final research project essay 7. Additional materials (pictures/videos/other works) 8. Thank you letter
Andrea Vaca H 1-2 Yachay Tech University Urcuqui, Imbabura, Ecuador December 15, 2016 Dear Portafolio Reader My name is Andrea Vaca. Thank you very much for reading my English Language Portfolio, which has the writings done during Level 6 English course. During a long time (since elementary school), I have been trying to learn English, but I do not know the reason why it is very difficult to me. I remember that my brother learned this language only with one course. For this reason, many times I think that it was impossible to me. Nevertheless, time later I learn that there are some kinds of intelligence and I am sure that Linguistic Intelligence is not mine. However, some experiences and some words that my teachers said like this quote: “Just because something is difficult doesn´t mean you shouldn´t try. It means you should just try harder”, made me reflect and give more effort. At the present time, I can write and speak very well. Absolutely, all the writings in this portfolio are an example that the effort is always valued. They are not perfect, but I am sure that each one is understandable and they demonstrate my skills as an English language learner at Yachay Tech. This portfolio contain four essays, a reflection, and a research project, each one I made during this last level. Certainly, I have had to face many challenges, but they have contributed to make me a better English speaker, and I hope to continue learning more to continue growing as a professional. This semester was fundamental to improve my abilities and skills in this language. Since, the first day at this level I learned new things. For example, I could increase my vocabulary and express my ideas in a better way. Moreover, my essays improved more and more. I can remember when I had a low grade on my first essay in English. Furthermore, in this level we did a lot activities such as presentations and debates, even we played games and watched videos. At the beginning, I thought that this level was going to be difficult and frustrating, but each activity was enriching, entertaining and the games and videos relaxed me. Another thing that I should to mention is that this level made me a less nervous person. This is a problem that I have had since I remember and it is a huge obstacle because it prevents transmitting my ideas well. For this reason, all presentations that we made at this level helped me to be a better speaker, like the old adage says "practice makes perfect". Every essay that I have made in this course, I try to write about the importance of medical research or something related to this topic. For example, in this level I chose animal testing, a controversial issue, to do my research paper. The principal reason to focus on this area is because I like to read the articles about medical advances. I think that I should inform and read news to try to discover or invent something to help our society. Moreover, the environmental problems concern me, too. For this reason, I made a presentation about the importance of decreasing contamination. Humans are driving the
sixth mass extinction, and is necessary to create awareness in people, and a good way is to begin with my classmates, even you. Absolutely, this level not only made me a better English language user, but I also learned more about the topics that interest me. This program to learn English will finish, but it does not mean that I will stop to learn and practice this language. The principal reason is because I want to be a medical researcher and you know that the majority of papers are written in English. For this reason, it is very important to analyze my deficiencies in English and work on this to achieve this goal. Furthermore, I feel that I should put more effort to learn to speak with more fluency, and I really need to improve my listening because I want to understand conferences, videos and movies without subtitles. I hope to acquire these abilities through the time. Thank you for reading my portfolio. Remember that I made this portfolio with a lot of effort, I am sure you enjoy reading it. Gratefully,
Andrea Vaca
Response essay
The Ethics of Human Enhancement Andrea Vaca Oviedo Yachay Tech
The Ethics of Human Enhancement ‘‘Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is’’ (Camus, 1951). Drugs or genetic manipulation could be instruments to make possible the dreams of majority people, by cause of they are dissatisfied with themselves. Although, is it correct to do it? Science society had had many problems to research about enhancement human, because it involves having a cluster of debates in practical ethics. These debates are related with the preparation of humans to have the possibility to be stronger, smarter or healthier. In the article “The Ethics of Human Enhancement”, Andy Miah analysis the reasons why human beings seek to enhance themselves, although the writer did not give all aspects or consequences that entails the Human Enhancement, it needs more discussion. In this article, Andy Miah shows the reasons why people want to enhance their capacities and abilities. He begins to explain that some people want to make that because they want to achieve their goals, but it implies that undermines the achievement´s value. Another social concern is that by using substances and drugs, the patient converts in someone else. Additionally, he gives another inference that goes against preserving an “open future” because it provides short-term gain, having health risks. In addition, he highlights the issue about governance, saying that it will require another social system where everyone has access. In the same way, it will require that everybody accepts that. Moreover, it will need formulate a strategy for managing it. There are many good ideas by Andy Miah that I agree with. One of them is an ethical issue about the question of governance. Certainly, using the technology to make enhancements in humans leads to improve the lifestyle of humans, but it should have laws that guarantee a free access to everyone to obtain those benefits. It makes me think that many people will not have money to pay enormous amount of money to have the same
benefits than rich people. Obviously, the people who are “better” will want to govern others without the same possibilities. Consequently, I truly believe that creating social system to regulate this is a little impossible, but it is very necessary to avoid wars. However, just thinking on a model system can result difficult. Then, could it be possible to apply this model in the world one day? I believe that it is a utopia. Another idea that remarks Miah is health risk. To talk about “human enhancement” requires to take into account the advantages and disadvantages to accept researching this topic. The author points out that many people want to increase their abilities to achieve their goals. Currently, there are many procedures to improve personal appearance or boost their creativity. For example, there are many drugs like steroids that use many athletes to acquire super-strength or other abilities. Nevertheless, it is a controversial issue because those drugs could be harmful long-term and many deaths have been caused for the exaggerated use of these. In fact, International Olympic Committee put a law against “doping”. This law controls the consumption of stimulant substances with the objective of that an athlete does not have more advantages to win than other, and in the same way it avoid deaths for the excessive use. However, it continues being very difficult to this committee because some athletes do not follow the rules. Then, just imagine all problems will exist to control all practices or consumption of drugs to be "better than well" around the world. In fact, the article by Andy Miah is very clear and explicit, especially in the part of the text that says “if a person uses a technological shortcut to achieve a goal, that choice may decrease the accomplishment´s value” (Miah,2016). I strongly agree with her thinking because it means that any person could do all what they imagine. It sounds good but surely people will lose interest time later because they do not feel the pain that involves the effort to get something. For example, to go to the first refuge of Chimborazo
Mountain you can go driving a car or climbing, but if you go on car you will not feel the snow, see all landscapes or feel good for your effort. This example explains that taking the easier road can result boring and effectively decreases its value. In conclusion, the writer without doubt considers many reasons for what people sought a way to improve themselves. Effectively, it could have benefits on health human, but it brings many consequences and problems with ethics. Certainly, using technology to achieve your goals does not have sense because it loses its value. However, we cannot say if it is a good idea but is clear that it will need policies where everybody is comfortable with this change. Absolutely, this could be possible when humans find the way to control this. References: Camus, A. (1951). The Rebel: An essay on man in revolt .Vintage International edition. New York: Vintage International. Miah, A. (2016). MIT Technology Review. The Ethics of Human Enhancement. Retrieved
Literary analysis
Literary Analyses
Andrea Vaca Oviedo Yachay Tech
Literary Analyses Chauvinism has been a problem since the first woman appears in the world. Indeed, many stories or relates show us this problem was stranger in the past and the story written by Kate Chopin called “The story of an hour” published on 1894, by, illustrates this. It highlights a traditional marriage in XIX century, where only men have power to do anything and women should be housewives. Nevertheless, currently those things have changed in the majority of cases. Certainly, the struggle of many brave women against a macho system worked, having now many rights that support women. Absolutely, it is evident the change since XIX to XXI century. The story of Choping shows many problems about gender equality. One of them is the role of a woman like wife. In the XIX century almost all women did not go to university because the man had the obligation to work and the woman should stay in the house to clean and take care of children. Indeed, it illustrates the reading because Brently went out in the train to his job, and she was in the house. Currently, we can see the laws allow woman to work and study. For this reason many women take advantage of this and they get scholarships or very important jobs. The fights to gain the freedom to women has had success, and allows a woman to be independent. Another point is the role of a woman in the society. The writer points out implicitly this theme because in these years people were very conservative and the divorce were frowned upon. Almost always woman should be submissive and show that she had a good marriage. It has changed because the society has an “open mind” and the society is more liberal and the majority of people accept that in many cases the divorce is a better solution. The history does not say if she had not problems with his husband, but it could be the reason to say “Free, body and soul free”(Chopin, 1894) and feel good in a short time. Certainly, Chopin shows us the role of a women in the industry. In the story the people that are in the house when the accident happened were women. It points out that women did not had
possibility to obtain a job. It happened because in the past people thought that some jobs were only for men, assumption the woman did not have the same capacities as men. It was a big problem, but now days people regardless the gender, work in the place that they want, including the men are “housewives”, too. In conclusion women have the same capacities of men. Although the things that the story shows about marriage, we can find in these days, those cases are very strange because the women freedom have gains power through years and the traditional marriage has changed. Chopin shows us a marriage without violence, but chauvinism in marriage is implicit. Absolutely, women are intelligent and are not born to take care of children and clean the house. Reference: Chopin. K. (1894). “The story of an hour”.
Interpretation essay
Interpretation Essay Vaca Andrea, López André, Montenegro Pilar Yachay Tech
Ternura "My painting is to hurt, to scratch and to strike in the heart of people. To show what man does against man" Oswaldo Guayasamín
Oswaldo Guayasamín created the stage of “La Edad de la Ternura”, which has 103 artworks, including “Ternura”. This stage began since 1998 until the day of his death; it was inspired by his mother, and mestizo mothers. The transcendental artwork called “Ternura” portrays the strength bond between mother and son which reflects an endless sweetness and the purest love. Guayasamín tries to show tenderness through the innocent look of a son while his mother is hugging him. Oswaldo Guayasamín was born on July 6, 1919, and he died on March 10, 1999. He was an outstanding painter, sculptor, and muralist of Ecuadorian nationality. His paintings are influenced by two movements, Expressionism and Cubism, which were created by Picasso. Moreover, his work is a clear evidence of the pain and distress of mothers, which was caused by civil war. In this period of time, many men died and women were desolate with her children. Indeed, he depicts his thinking and emotions on
353 paintings approximately. Those pictures are divided on 3 stages called: “Huacayñán”, “La Edad de la ira” and “La Edad de la Ternura”. Guayasamin’s art is influenced by two artistic movements. One of them is expressionism that plays an important role to establish his style. It consists in representing more feelings and emotions than objective perspective. For this reason, this artwork expresses his feelings about Guayasamin’smother, he even uses warm colors to express his emotions and to catch the attention of the audience, such as yellow. It contrasts with the blue and green color of the picture background and it gives warmth to the bond between the mother and child. Another movement that persuades his paintings is The Cubism. It consists of representing the things of nature with geometry figures. Indeed, this artwork represents that because he painted disfigured faces with ridges, triangular eyes and lines in the skin. The pictures of Guayasamín transmit a protest against racism and poverty like his voice because he lived the pain of social discrimination. The society of that time had a lot of prejudices, for example if you had an indigenous last name, you were humiliated. His life was traumatic for indigenous discrimination and he could not paint because he did not have his father permission. So he decided to find justice. He thought that a way of achieving this goal was painting regardless his roots. This artwork represents the unbreakable bond of pure and noble love between mother and son. We observed clearly in the eyes of the mother all love and softness, while the child´s eyes are a symbol of ingenuity and fragility. This kind of looks are gestures that make a lasting impression, can inspire, motivate and light the world. In the eyes of both we could feel the hopelessness and the years gone by the mother, indicating that she does not want to know more about life worrying only about her son, which makes contrast
with his eyes open expressing his desire to observe, live and learn the rigors of what he do not know yet. The colors used for this piece are warm and delicate which gives a sense of peace because what we feel that it creates a sense of comfort and protection. Nevertheless, we think that the color of the skin expresses the inclemency of the climate, as well as the roughness of the agricultural work to which she was subjected. All this is related to the indigenous roots of the Andean people. The black background alludes to the darkness or pessimism that feels in adverse situations of survival, and despite everything, the mother will always be there. On the other hand, the little blue color is the slight hope of someday coming out of so many difficulties. We think that the thinness of the mother is a symbol of the complexity to survive because of the shortage she suffered at that time. Moreover, we believe it reflects the sacrifice that a mother had to face just to look after her family and so providing the opportunities her son deserves. To with mind, the author tries to point out the concept of life. However, the life brings sadness and happiness, so we can see preoccupation, restiveness, but accompanied with a lot of affection, protection, and love. To conclude, it seems to us that the idea is not to live forever. It is to create something that lives forever like a tribute to the mother, for example an artwork “Ternuraâ€? by Oswaldo GuayasamĂn.
Acoso textual. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Why mandarin won´t be a lingua franca Andrea Vaca Oviedo Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research
Why mandarin won´t be a lingua franca English is the most spoken language in the world. However, Mandarin is another language trying to become lingua franca. One reason to think that is possible is because China is becoming world’s major power. Although according to the article “Why mandarin won´t be a lingua franca” written by Andres Martinez (2004) English is the number one language because it has many characteristics that make it the language most used in the world. Even, when China replaces to United States like the first great power, English is easy to understand for more people and it entails a big importance in the world terms of business, science and communication. First of all, in the world of business, it is very important to know how to communicate with others. Absolutely, to learn English is a big step to get an advantage in this world. For example, if you want to get a job, the heads of business will prefer that you know English rather than Mandarin. It is because the majority multinationals in the world are from of United States. Indeed, to learn Mandarin is very useful, but like Martinez (2004) said: fluency in Mandarin gives to businessman more opportunities, much like mastery of Portuguese will give you a leg up in Brazil. For this reason, to learn English to make business is better to learn Mandarin to communicate with other companies in the world. Second, English is now used almost exclusively as language of science. It is the language that at least two thirds scientific publications are written, even the most famous magazines of science are written in English, like Nature. Moreover, you have to take into account that scientists write in English because they can to get more help with the grammar, syntax, etc. of their papers. Also, by learning English language they gain access to the vast scientific literature. This does not happen with Mandarin. For example, researching papers on Google written in Mandarin is almost impossible. For this reason, if you want to be a scientist, you would learn English. Third, communication is the most important part to know that English will remain to be lingua Franca. Every day many people, around the world watch movies, listen to music, read books,
etc. Nevertheless, a lot of people regardless at their nationality prefer movies, music and books in English. I t is because English speaker live in many countries around the world. As a result, they share those things in English with speakers of another languages. Moreover, filmmakers or singers upload their work in English to reach a much wider audience. On the other hand, many songs or books in Mandarin do not have much audience. We should take into account that it is very difficult to change the most important companies of movies and editorials of the United States with China´s companies. In conclusion, Mandarin won2t be a lingua franca because the majority of people around the world are familiarize with English language. There are many important aspects that in the world of business, science and communication show that Mandarin cannot replace English. If it will happen, the world will change a lot. Reference: Martinez, A.(2014,November4) Why Mandarin won2t be a lingua Franca. Retrieved from
Animal Testing should not be banned Andrea Vaca Oviedo Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research
Abstract This paper analyses the principal facts why experimentation with genetically modified animals should not to be banned in the scientific world, as long as other alternative research strategies are not found. Considering that some people are against animal testing knowing that these can save their lives. The principal aim is to explain that it is not negative and very necessary to discover new medical mechanisms, as long as there are laws that regulate unnecessary mistreatment. Moreover, this work tries to deny the myths about this topic and create awareness in people about the importance of to inform. Furthermore, it highlights that environmentalists do not have to concern about the consequences, such as the extinction of species. Because of the fact that investigation institutions can not do anything that the law does not allow.
Animal Testing Should Not Be Banned
“If we stop animal research, who'll stop the real killers such as viruses and lethal bacteria?� (Stevenson, 1989) . Animal research consists in using a live animal to prove the efficience of any scientific experiment or test that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system (Cruelty Free International, 2016). For many years we have read in magazines or newspapers about experimentation with genetically modified animals, but what do you think about that? The first idea that comes to the mind of the majority of people animals that are suffering in cages; for that reason these people are usually against this idea, especially the ecologists. But, is it really bad? Since the origins of the earth, humans have trying to discover vacuums or medicine to cure illnesses, like the flu that killed a million people in the past. Absolutely, since the first vacuum to smallpox was invented until the huge advances in immunology, neurobiology, physiology, and metabolism in humans would not have been possible without the use of those models (Henderson, 2008, p.140). Then, what is the principal reason for that some people are against experimentation with genetically modified animals? Do they inform or only hear rumors? People, who think or believe that it should be banned, do not know about this topic and they need information to avoid the myths. One of the reasons to be in favor that people should know is that it is necessary to find new drugs in order to improve human welfare. Moreover, scientists try to deny the myth about animal violence, because all science institutions have to follow some rules to avoid any cause of abuse. Additionally, environmentalists do not have to worry about the consequences that could bring these tests. The first and the most important reason is the necessity of animal models to search cures and process to help the human welfare. Many people against animal research do not go through HVI, cancer, etc. They do not know that there are people, with these illness, desperate to find a cure. For this reason, scientists try to find solutions to these problems,
but it is very important to prove these procedures. Nevertheless, the only tools available today to make these are cell cultures, non-invasive imaging, computer models, but none of them replicates the organism of humans (New Internationalist, 2011). Indeed, these alternative allows to reduce the number of laboratory animals and they also contribute to find better results, but now the use animal models in science is still necessary. Not only for that they share high percent of genes with us, but also they suffer similar diseases. Second, violence is another aspect to take into account because it is the principal argument that ecologists have. Absolutely, the application of three R's of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement as guiding principles, help to avoid animal suffering. Replacing consists in to changing animals with compute models, etc., when it is possible.
Figure 1: Evolution of laboratory animals since 2009 until 2014. Source: Bernardo, 2015.
replace higher order animals with lower ones. For this reason, more than one-third of the 3.1 million annual procedures uses mice. The second R means reduce, scientists should use only a minimum quantity of animals. For example, the use of animal models have decreased significantly in Spain, specifically 600.000 animals were reduced to 2014 (Figure 1) (Bernardo, 2015). Indeed, Refinement implies to decrease the degree of invasion and use tools and mechanisms to reduce the stress of animal (Latham, 2016). Absolutely, putting into practice all of these principles, animal suffering could decrease exponentially. Another point to tackle is about the role of each specie in the world. Some people are concerned about the future of the world if one of the species disappears. However, scientists manipulate the species genetically for the human welfare, taking into account that they cannot
abuse of these manipulations because it can produce an extinction. For example, malaria is one of the diseases that many people suffer and die each year. According to Alan Lopez, member of Public Health department of the University of Queensland (2014): “1.2 million of people died each year as a consequence for this illness”, but the biggest cause of death is not because there is not a treatment. It is because the most people that suffer malaria do not have the resources to pay the cure. For this reason, scientists manipulate the genome of the mosquito anopheles to make only that it does not transmit the virus. Nevertheless, this strategy has been rejected because it entails to change the mosquito for a genetically modified variety (Henderson, 2008, p.142). Having seen many pictures and heard rumors that show the violence of animals in laboratories, it is easier to accept the idea that animal research should be banned. Shirinam Naganbabu is one of the people against animal testing. He explains in his article that genetic manipulation of animals is not only unethical and cruel, but also it is dangerous and can be avoided. He argues that “Of the drugs tested on animals, ninety-two percent of them do not make it through Phase 1 of human clinical trials” (Naganbabu, s.f.). Also, he highlights that violence is evident and Welfare Act is the unique law that regulates this. Moreover, this law does not include protection to mice. Indeed, people against animal testing have certainly made a valid point, however, in science area it is unavoidable to use animals for testing the validity of the product and elude human deaths. One of the principal risks that entails animal experimentation that worries scientists is the probability that the product has to function in humans. Certainly, it does not exist an animal or product that has the same organism or react like a human, but it is very necessary to prove if its product will not cause several problems or death of people. Although it does not make sure that it will function, it avoids malformations or deaths. Another issue is the animal violence that each animal suffers in laboratories. It is totally true that there is only one law to protect them,
but this law definitely tries to avoid unnecessary suffering complying the three R´s (reduce, refine, replace) that I describe before. In addition, each institution has to include among its members a veterinarian, an expert in the scientific use of lab animals and two people of the community without knowledge of the experiment that represent the opinion of public (Liou,2010). Animal testing does not ensure the efficiency of the product, however it is important to elude human death, as long as scientists do not forget the animal welfare. In conclusion, animal research has played an important role in every medical area to find many ways to achieve a healthy lifestyle through the years. The necessity to use genetically modified animals to prove the efficiency of the process and drugs is the most important point because scientists do not find an alternative with the same organism of a human. Moreover, violence is another aspect to take into account because it is the principal argument that ecologists have to against animal testing. To attack this problem the application of three R’s (reduce, refine, replace) to sure the welfare of animals is the most important thing to implement in all the research institutions. In addition, the modification in animals is a good idea not only because they can save a million lives, but also it does not have an impact on the environment. Taking into account all of the myths about animal research are false, the people should say yes to animal testing. It can save many lives, even yours.
Bibliography Bernardo, A. (2015). La investigación española con animales de laboratorio en cifras. Retrieved from VIP: Cruelty Free International. (2016). What is animal testing? Retrieved from Cruelty Free International: Henderson. M. (2008). 50 Genetics Ideas You Really Need to Know. (2° ed). Ariel. Pages 140144
Latham, S. R. (2016). Ethics of Medical Research with Animals. Retrieved from The Hastings Center: Naganbabu, S. (s.f.). ANIMAL TESTING SHOULD BE BANNED. Retrieved from ACADEMIA: New Internationalist. (2011). Is animal testing necessary to advance medical research? Retrieved from New Internationalist magazine: Stevenson, R. (1989). A Campaign For Research On Animals. Retrieved from The New York Times: