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E-Portfolio Estefan André López Loaiza

Yachay Tech University English

Language Program

Yachay, Ecuador

Credits E-Portfolio Estefan AndrĂŠ LĂłpez Loaiza English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-005 Teacher: Hamilton Quezada January 13, 2016 Imbabura, Ecuador

Contents 1. Portfolio letter 2. Response essay 3. Literary Analysis 4. Interpretation essay 5. Argumentation essay 6. Final research project essay 7. Additional materials (pictures/videos/other works) 8. Thank you letter

Estefan André López Loiza

estefan.lopez @lopezloaiza

December 15st, 2016

Dear Portfolio Reader

It gives me pleasure to present you all my portfolio. In this portfolio I included a variety of pieces in order to display a wide breadth of my qualities, interests and experiences. In this work, I intend to identify myself and project myself into the future to recognize the main experiences of each stage of my university life by answering the questions: Who am I? And what I have done here? Finally, I will try to show all my work of the currently level six semester with Hamilton Quezada as my teacher. My name is Estefan André López Loaiza, who by his parents already knew that his first son was male, they decide to look for a name with respect to the man, reason why they chose the name of André, it is comes from the Griego, its meaning is brave and manly. My current age is 19, on Saturday at 8:50 pm, on May 6, 1995 at Carlos Andrade Marin Hospital, I received the arms of my aunt, Dr. Ana Lucía López. Something that characterizes me a lot is the ability to relate to other people and society, I consider myself a person free from mediocrity and cowardice. I have as my main purpose to be happy for the rest of my life, and so, being able to be in accordance with myself, I am humble, respectful, honest, intelligent and with noble feelings and intentions towards other people. I did my primary studies in the fiscal school San Francisco de Quito, my secondary studies realized in the school Theodore W. Anderson in Quito, being vice president of the student

council of the mentioned school, and obtaining the bachelor degree of the Republic of Ecuador in the Specialty Chemical-Biologist. In 2014, I took the ENES exam, I got the valuable opportunity to belong to the engineering level course in Yachay, and so my family and I feel very proud of it. When I was a kid I hated studying English so I did not have good grades in that subject from school until these last years. I always liked the chemistry and it was for this reason that I left my family and friends to be able to do what I like, chemistry. When I entered college, I realized that it was necessary to continue studying English and I the closest thing I was to English was when playing video games and watching movies. It is slightly easy to write and speak basic English. However, in college it is very different because you have to learn many things such as writing essays, making presentations, and reading too much. At the beginning, I was frustrated because I could not speak or write in English fluently and that sadness made me want to drop out of college. Nevertheless, with the passage of time, semester after semester, I began to notice a change in myself as a speaker of English. With the help of my classmates but above all with the help of my teachers I understood that the practice makes you better and better. Although English has been a long time in my calendar, I have known how to enjoy all the activities proposed by the English department of the university. Something that I will never forget will be my first English course, where everyone spoke funny and very slow. Unfortunately, the teacher had to leave the university, she is called Rebecca and she was my first North American teacher who taught me and much reason to continue chasing my dreams. I have met many teachers in the course of time. And I want to give you my sincere thanks not only for teaching the English language, I want to thank you for imparting good values and providing all the motivation to get away from our families and friends.

In a nutshell, my dream always has been achieved be a person respected and an excellent professional of the Republic of the Ecuador. Although the title University is what any person longs for, consider that it more important not is get it, but the road to achieve it is what you will form me as person, because in the course of this process called "Yachay", have learned to make several sacrifices, know people who me provide in its time, have teachers and teachers that surely provide much for end of form my character professional, and I will probably learn a lot from them, both in the field of books, as in my personal growth, others will remain as friends and mates. In this period, I have learned to have discipline, and I've taken various responsibilities having before them, now that I live alone, in other words, without my family I've become more organized, but above all I learned to help me by myself, and that has allowed me to evolve as a human being.

Response essay

Essay of Why Mandarin won´t be a Lingua Franca

André López

Yachay Tech

A Russian, a Korean and a Mexican student have to live together in a college residence, how they communicate? English is the most popular language of all time, but will there be the possibility that another dialect is named global language? One of the best candidates for this position is the Mandarin, because Mandarin is spoken by a lot of people around the world, it has some benefits in business area, and other advantages. Despite these advantages, English prevails as a Lingua Franca due to English has favorable aspects, and reasons which I completely agree with the author. English is not the native language of the world. However English is the universal language which two persons from different parts of the world use to communicate. Although Mandarin and English language share some benefits for the speaker, English language has a plenty of advantages not only in aspects of the language, also in academic and commercial terms. In addition, the English speakers are scattered very well around the globe, which causes English popular culture shares music, movies, even sports. Indeed, Mandarin dialect has no potential to acquire the universal tongue dominion. Mandarin is an important language but not enough like English, so it is considered the second tongue most spoken of the world. There are a lot of key points by the author that I agree with. One of them is, despite of whether China´s economic rise, Mandarin language could not be rival English as a Lingua Franca just because Mandarin speakers are concentrated in Asia region. Also, Mandarin is more used to make business, and it poses an advantage to do commerce across borders. In contrast, English poses not only business tool, but it poses general culture around the world for example, the author mention that movies, music and sports are constantly crossing the world. Even more, the world has coined terms for things like, “hashtag” or “bar tender” or “blog”. Why Mandarin won´t be a Lingua Franca.

Much people speaks English, the author mention an estimation of two billion of people will speak English by 2020, and most of them will speak English tongue as a second language. As a consequence, the number of English speakers grow faster than the Mandarins ones. I totally agree with this mention because actually is impossible that Mandarin achieve to be the Lingua Franca without a big amount of speakers of this Asiatic language. When the author shows the advantages, the inherency and structure of English language, I really support him because in practical terms, English has a neutral communication, in others words, English has no gender, it does not distinguish class, it has few and simpler conjugations. English makes communication easier due to it allows us say more in less words, and thanks to this, English has been consider a modern language because it has the feature of having flexibility and it is easy to learn. Finally, the main difference between English and Mandarin which I strongly agree with the author is why English is the number one. The benefits offered by English provides a lot, and yet the actual reason which any language could overcome English is because the industrial development of the EE.UU. Government has had history or background related with technology, and this has contributed with the superiority of English.

Literary analysis

The freedom has many points of view one of them is in the story. To achieve this freedom, Louise had a peculiar experience. The freedom she achieved had two parts, the first one was an emotional freedom, and the other one was a physical freedom. When the tragically event happened, Louise starts a trance. She went to her room and she locked the door. Suddenly she sat in her chair and crazy thoughts, absurd revelations carry her to another place where there is only pain. However, that point could be transformed into happiness. It seems to me that this change would be considered a victory, but in a specific way. Why could someone transfom pain to happiness? My logical reason is because the pain she feel about losing her husband disappears when she does not feel the pain he caused to her. The story can be interpreted like chauvinism she smiles when her husband died. She believes she has a goddless victory because she will not suffer anymore.She is, in the house all the time, is she a house keeper? Or her husband does not allowed her doing anything? I think she was suffering because the chauvinism. Finally, the story mentions Louise death. I believe it is incorrect that she has to die due to chauvinism just to get her deserved freedom. I disagree with chauvinism

Reference Chopin, K (1894) “The Story of an Hour�

Interpretative essay Ternura "My painting is to hurt, to scratch and to strike in the heart of people. To show what man does against man" Oswaldo Guayasamín

Oswaldo Guayasamín created the stage of “La Edad de la Ternura”, which has 103 artworks, including “Ternura”. This stage began since 1998 until the day of his death; it was inspired by his mother, and mestizo mothers. The transcendental artwork called “Ternura” portrays the strength bond between mother and son which reflects an endless sweetness and the purest love. Guayasamín tries to show tenderness through the innocent look of a son while his mother is hugging him. Oswaldo Guayasamín was born on July 6, 1919, and he died on March 10, 1999. He was an outstanding painter, sculptor, and muralist of Ecuadorian nationality. His paintings are influenced by two movements, Expressionism and Cubism, which were created by Picasso. Moreover, his work is a clear evidence of the pain and distress of mothers, which was caused by civil war. In this period of time, many men died and women were desolate with her children. Indeed, he depicts his thinking and emotions on

353 paintings approximately. Those pictures are divided on 3 stages called: “Huacayñán”, “La Edad de la ira” and “La Edad de la Ternura”. Guayasamin’s art is influenced by two artistic movements. One of them is expressionism that plays an important role to establish his style. It consists in representing more feelings and emotions than objective perspective. For this reason, this artwork expresses his feelings about Guayasamin’smother, he even uses warm colors to express his emotions and to catch the attention of the audience, such as yellow. It contrasts with the blue and green color of the picture background and it gives warmth to the bond between the mother and child. Another movement that persuades his paintings is The Cubism. It consists of representing the things of nature with geometry figures. Indeed, this artwork represents that because he painted disfigured faces with ridges, triangular eyes and lines in the skin. The pictures of Guayasamín transmit a protest against racism and poverty like his voice because he lived the pain of social discrimination. The society of that time had a lot of prejudices, for example if you had an indigenous last name, you were humiliated. His life was traumatic for indigenous discrimination and he could not paint because he did not have his father permission. So he decided to find justice. He thought that a way of achieving this goal was painting regardless his roots. This artwork represents the unbreakable bond of pure and noble love between mother and son. We observed clearly in the eyes of the mother all love and softness, while the child´s eyes are a symbol of ingenuity and fragility. This kind of looks are gestures that make a lasting impression, can inspire, motivate and light the world. In the eyes of both we could feel the hopelessness and the years gone by the mother, indicating that she does not want to know more about life worrying only about her son, which makes contrast

with his eyes open expressing his desire to observe, live and learn the rigors of what he do not know yet. The colors used for this piece are warm and delicate which gives a sense of peace because what we feel that it creates a sense of comfort and protection. Nevertheless, we think that the color of the skin expresses the inclemency of the climate, as well as the roughness of the agricultural work to which she was subjected. All this is related to the indigenous roots of the Andean people. The black background alludes to the darkness or pessimism that feels in adverse situations of survival, and despite everything, the mother will always be there. On the other hand, the little blue color is the slight hope of someday coming out of so many difficulties. We think that the thinness of the mother is a symbol of the complexity to survive because of the shortage she suffered at that time. Moreover, we believe it reflects the sacrifice that a mother had to face just to look after her family and so providing the opportunities her son deserves. To with mind, the author tries to point out the concept of life. However, the life brings sadness and happiness, so we can see preoccupation, restiveness, but accompanied with a lot of affection, protection, and love. To conclude, it seems to us that the idea is not to live forever. It is to create something that lives forever like a tribute to the mother, for example an artwork “Ternuraâ€? by Oswaldo GuayasamĂ­n.








Acoso textual. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Argumentative essay Many people think that the communication would be easier if everyone speaks a unique language in any part of the entire world, on the other hand, there are some people that prefer the language diversity to keep or save the history behind each language spoken in the world. Having a universal language is a arguable for a lot of people, and for this reason exist a common language spoken in almost the entire globe, this language is English. Nowadays English is used to communicate in any place, despite of English is not the Earth native language, it is used as a secondary language to bring abaout money doing business or English in academia area to improve the knowledge in developed countries. The question is why is English the Lingua Franca? There are plenty of languages that could be rivals of English and one of the best candidates is Mandarin. Currently, it is normal that one person wants to learn Mandarin and this is because of the whether China´s economic rise. Speakers around the world with commercial interests need to have fluency in Mandarin to do business, so this poses an advantage to do commerce in the most marked continent. The huge amount of people that live in Asia continent provide to Mandarin another advantage as a universal language. Taking account the Mandarin language is harder to learn than English; the humans skills are awesome and people out of Asia, from America or Europe have a dominion speaking Mandarin language. Nevertheless, the idea of having a global language is taking a language that many people speak at this moment, taking a language no complicated, it has to be simpler to learn and easy to use. Thanks to this idea, having fluency in English offers many more benefits than mastering Mandarin.

One of the reasons is that English speakers are scattered very well around the globe which causes English popular culture share music, movies, even sports. Also, English has plenty of advantages, not only for the ease of communication, in academic and commercial aspects too. There are a lot of opportunities to study if the students have fluency in English; even in Asia. As everyone knows the capital of the world located in the United States of America in that place there is a big investment of technology, and industries so there exist a lot of money movement due to the commercial development of this country. Truly, English achieves the title of number one language due to the history of this language. English is an special language because of the inherency of this language, Inherency mean that you can say more with less words, and that is the key why English is the Lingua Franca. In a nutshell, people should have a priority learning English instead of Mandarin just because English shows eases in all its language features for that reason why English is the simplest languages spoken in the world.

Research in Delayed development due to dropping out of school

AndrĂŠ LĂłpez

Yachay Tech


Since the sustainable development of a country depends on the skills or abilities that individuals learn in their academic and professional stage. The main cause that causes a country to delay in the development of the same is the lack of interest in studies, for example, school dropout. The reasons for this problem are a lack of motivation for learning, lack of investment in education and lack of ethical and moral education. This essay attempts to demonstrate that the balance between personal growth and professional growth results in better opportunities for a state to be more likely to achieve sustainable development. My brother always has been friendly, so when he came to Yachay it was easier to make a lot of friends here and that involves make friends in nearby towns like Urcuqui. An interesting fact was that most of his friends of the town did not finish high school which aroused his curiosity, and after researching and reading some statistics texts about Urcuqui he supposes the next conclusion: I believe the population of Urcuqui does not have the motivation to complete the high school studies. This experience made him realize the important problem that his country has and he believes that the main reason for the lack of development of some countries is the disinterest and bad investment is the academic area. It seems to me that the youth needs to arouse the desire to study by providing support, motivation, and creating awareness of the real value of the education to everybody because I am convinced that pursuing higher education involves personal and professional growth and that provide better opportunities to promote the sustainable development of the state or country. To achieve the development of the country requires two things: personal growth and professional growth. These two aspects are obtained in the course of the academic

stage and post academics, that is to say that while studying and working they gain personal and professional qualities to count the nation, in most cases, if there is no previous experience in the academic area you will not be able to easily get a job. Taking into account that without Delayed development due to dropping out of school education there is no professionalism, the only priority is education, but what impediments are presented in the education of a state? School dropout is a problem that implies a delay in society both culturally and professionally. Also, school desertion is the product of developmental delay in all its forms by the tradition of conformism given that mediocrity is born when the lack of motivation and support by the government and even by the parents becomes very usual when they do not promote the tools to develop a future for the society. To provide school motivation to learn something new it is necessary to have skills, knowledge and strategies to –can- and have sufficient disposition, intention, and motivation –to want- to reach the goals that are intended to be achieved. This idea that the learning is determinate by motivational variables but also cognitive variables in fully introduces into the complex range of processes and strategies involved in the act of learning. Aristóteles once said: “intelligence is not only knowledge but intelligence also means the ability to apply knowledge in practice. According to this the new strategies reflects a very different view of –can-, the capacity of the individual because it necessarily links with a will. These are motivational and dispositional aspects which condition the star-up of our capacity. Many years ago, Don P. Ausubel, one of the most important psychologists of the last decades, emphasized the interrelation between the cognitive and the motivational in stating the conditions of meaningful learning. The author indicated that a favorable disposition and attitude of the student to learn meaningfully, the logical and coherent

organization of the content, and the existence in the student's mind of relevant previous knowledge with which to relate the new learning content, it would be the three conditions of meaningful learning. The first of these conditions is directly related -to want-, while the other two refer to –can-. Although it is true, teachers and parents are responsible for the academic and moral education of students, however, the main actor who decides what to do with his own life depends on the student's disposition. Is intended to raise awareness of the true importance of having an education of excellence, but nevertheless the true goal that is required to achieve to improve the development of the state is to change the mind of youth by achieving a remarkable change in education, it is estimated that the traditional way of thinking of studies will also be changed. People who have a lot of power and a lot of money abuse education by turning it into a big business, when in fact, quality education is the tool to produce both student and professional growth and this way the odds increase for a country is scientifically and culturally developed. The possibilities of growth and the possibilities of growth and development of the countries are linked to their productive capacities (resources endowments, technology, and human capital). There is ample empirical evidence on the relevance of human capital in explaining the degree of development of societies. Higher levels of education are associated with both higher labor income of individuals and higher growth rates for society as a whole, this rate is the growth of the population. Professional development: Accumulation of knowledge, models, and experiences related to science: engineering, medicine, law, administration, economics, etc. The unique and systematic accumulation of this type of knowledge guarantee

neither the design nor the execution of an administrative management, nor much less of its success. It requires something more, a good profile in terms of leadership. Personal development: complementary integral structuring of the professional based on knowledge, understanding and management of the principles, models and administrative issues, as well as those that dignify and realize the person as such: ethics and values. The mere accumulation of administrative knowledge does not guarantee the obtaining and optimization of its benefits. It requires the input of large doses of the initiative, logic, cunning and a lot of commitment to the achievement of what is sought, logically under the absolute knowledge of those we have and offer, where we are, where we lead and how we will achieve, characteristics These of the great leaders. “Education is a fundamental right and the basis of progress in any country. Parents need to be knowledgeable about health and nutrition in order to provide their children with the children they deserve. To be prosperous, countries need skilled and educated workers. The challenges of poverty eradication, the fight against climate change and the achievement of a truly sustainable development in the coming decades mean that we must act together. With collaboration, leadership and successful investments in education we can transform the lives of people, the economies of the countries and our world in general.� (Ban Ki-Moom, Secretary-General of United Nations For more than half a century, the international community of nations has recognized that education is a fundamental human right. In 2000, it agreed on the Millennium Development Goals, which identified education as an indispensable means for people to develop their capacities and made the completion of a complete cycle of primary education a priority. An important step in this direction can be seen in the final document of the Open-ended Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals

(published in July 2014), which reiterates that education is not only an end in itself but also A means for the achievement of a broad global agenda for development. This policy document provides a brief overview, based on empirical evidence, of the ways in which education can advance the proposed sustainable development goals beyond 2015. “Major transformations will not be achieved with one person, but with committed leadership and mutually supportive communities. This document reminds us that only genuine collaboration will allow us to truly advance the achievement of the new global objectives of sustainable development. Midwives, teachers, politicians, economists and activists must find common ground in their quest for substantial and sustainable change.� (Amina J. Mohammed, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General of the United Nations) The benefits of education permeate all areas of life from the very moment of birth. If we want to eradicate poverty and hunger, improve health, protect our planet and build more inclusive, resilient and peaceful societies, we must give everyone access to a quality moral and ethical education throughout life. For many years, the concept of development used by nations was exclusively related to technological, scientific and economic aspects, which, as Morin (2000). However, this type of development has not been able to respond to the evident inequity that exists in the world today, since only certain perspectives (technological, scientific and economic) forget one of the most important aspects: the human. Kliksberg (1997) argues that without the human aspect, the economic advances do not possess the necessary sustainability to maintain in the time. Sustainable or sustainable development became a strategy in 1987, proposed by the World Commission on the Environment of the United Nations (UN), which Chavez (1997) poses an ethical principle that promotes the development of the present

generation without compromising the ability of generations to come in meeting their own needs. The development strategy requires for its viability the formation of individuals with an ethical conscience that forces them to think about the collective, the consequences of their actions and to take responsibility for them. An initiative is promoting the integration of educational curricula in the teaching of ethics for development and to promote systematic programs that make the University a true training place for socially responsible professionals, ethical leaders in their community. University Social Responsibility is the key to achieving a true change in higher education in Latin America so that future leaders and professionals in the region always have in mind ethics and participatory development as a compass in their working life. Taking into account the thoughts of plenty of people about education. One of them said: “I do not think that education is really that Important to a lot of us. Personally, I would like to be a musician. I'm in middle school, and I already own a band. But that's beside the point. Why should I care what the nucleus of a cell is and what it does to maintain my body status? Why can't I just let it be and move on with my life? Why do I care what happened in 1842? Why can't I believe in looking to the future instead of dwelling on the past? Of course, there are the exceptions of if you want to be a teacher, scientist, historian, etc. But is it really that important to the rest of us? I don't think so�. I have to acknowledge that his view point has a bit of logic and coherence. But I have more reason to create awareness about the best investment which is education because nowadays, education is just a business. Education is so important because education opens doors to people with all background and expands the human mind with knowledge to continue developing and improving the world we know, for that reason, the better-paid jobs are those that

contribute a lot. Having an education can get you into great college and college is a big part in determining the future. It is easier to get a good job with quality education. However, education helps you to reach your goals and that means education is not what you learn, it is what you do with what you learn. Everybody want to do great and unforgettable. To sum up this essay, the moral education and academic education have important roles implying a well previous scholar motivation. And then, the development of the state will increase notably.

References School Dropout Issues Research Paper Starter - (n.d.). Retrieved September 27, 2016, from

Level 6 013, December 2016

I want to express my appreciation for tanking a time for pay attention to this interesting work. I am grateful for spending time reading. Thank you all.

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