Camilla velastegui level 6 porfolio

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My English Growing by

Camila Velastegui English Language Program Yachay Tech University level 6 004 teacher:

Matthew Mackey July 25, 2016

Imbabura, Ecuador

Table of Contents 1. Portfolio Letter 2.Response Essay 3.Exploration Essay 4.Interpretation Essay 5.Argumentation Essay 6.Final Research Project Essay 7. Reflections 8.Thank you letter

Portfolio Letter

Camila Velastegui Universidad de Investigacion de Tecnologia Experimental Yachay Had. San Jose s/n y Proyecto Yachay Imbabura, Ecuador

July 12, 2016 Dear portfolio Reader, My name is Camila Velastegui. I am a student of level 6 English course. Thank you for reading my portfolio, which have my progress as an English learner at Yachay Tech. My portfolio includes four essays and a final research project, all these represents my work, mistakes, and successes at this semester that help me to grown. I hope that you enjoyed it. I remember that the first day I believed that this level will be very difficult, because I have to write and speak a lot. Then the first week was great because, I did different activities and dynamics for the topic of our initial essay. I believe that in these weeks I was learning in English and not learning English. My expectations for this level was that I will learn grammar, speak fluency and learn new vocabulary. However, I had learned more than this, I learned to manage time and don’t wait until the last day to work. One of things that helped me to growing was doing essays, and presentations because in each one I learned something about English or about me. My fist essay was

the response

essay and it had a lot of mistakes, and mainly I learn how to apply correctly APA norms. When I receive back corrections of my essay, I noticed a lot of things about my grammar, like putting the article “the” in a lot of unnecessary places. At the presentation of this essay I didn’t prepared very well, so when my teacher asked me about my essay, I answered porrly and repeated the same idea many times. This experience helped me to do better in the next essay. The exploration essay was the second bog work, in this essay I learned how to do a thesis statement, at the beginning my thesis was “The power of the words in publicity” but with some instructions my final thesis was “Language that it is used in a food commercial

influences you to eat more, thus it covers in an overweight factor.” You can notice the big difference between them. At presentation of exploration essay y learn that I have to smile to public, have proper body language and intonation because, before I only said my exposition and didn’t have interaction with public. One of my favorite essays was the third essay, although I discuss a lot with my classmate, it was a good experience. I believe that as this essay was an interpretation essays, discussing with your partners is an important part part of what? for we had different perspectives of the essay. My final essay was an argumentation but this was doing in class, so at the beginning I was very frightening because I don’t feel confident about my grammar, but at the moment to write you have to focus at structure of essay and you will be fine. Finally, all knowledge that you learned is collected at final research paper, one thing that will help you is that you need to work wuth time, and every assignment try to do in time. When you arrive at final of semester you notice that you have learned a lot, and one of the thigs that I learned very well is the structure of an essay. I felt proud about my growing and I know that I have to learn more English because there is never is enough, so I probably will able to read some books in English and this will help me to be a better English user Thank you again for reading my portfolio. I hope that you didn’t get bored. I believe that level 6 is one of better semesters for practicing all that you had learned before and it is very nice. The professor is one of important parts of your development because their correction helped me to grown. I enjoyed level 6 and learned English very well. Gratefully,

Camila Velastegui

Response Essay

Language influence the way we think Camila Velastegui Yachay Tech

May 30, 2016

Language influences the way we think

Language is an important part of humanity. “Life like we know would not be the same” if language did not exist. Language is more that an idiom which you use to communicate. Language is a form that gives shape our thoughts, but why does language give us different thoughts depending on the language we speak. It is a controversial topic that many people try to answer.


Borodisky’s article titled “How does our language shape the way we think?” shows clearly how it is possible. When you learn a language you are entering into a world with new words, grammar and new way to speak that is included in the new language. Every language gives us different ways to see the world and consequently a new way of thinking.

Grammar can influence how you talk, write and the way you think. It is not only how to formulate a sentence or how to express, it is also about what is included in each sentence, the information that is transmitted. Borodisky’s article gives the example of how different languages conjugate the verb depending on the tense, how the information acquired, gender, number, completion, etc. All this changes had an important consequence on how we think (2009). We didn’t notice these changes; however, in each sentence, you keep certain information, that influences how you memorize. The language is changing your mind little by little. When you express your thoughts in a different manner or words, you are saving different knowledge and maybe you are abstracting knowledge in different ways. When we learn new things, our brain works in other ways. Language is an intrinsic part of culture, so it includes some differences in the way that they speak, such as the Kuuk Thaayorre community who use cardinal points instead “right” or “left,” so they need to know where is the north and the south. Therefore, they have a better sense of orientation that normal people. It gives

them an advantage over others, because due to they did not lose easily and have a better perception of space. It is an important part of our thoughts (Boroditsky, 2009). Another aspect that language influence is the perception of time. Depending of how we write or metaphors that we use, we will have various perceptions of time. Borodisky’s article said that Chinese speakers think in time vertically and English speakers think about time in horizontal ways (2009). Why do we have these changes? How does this influences the way we think? It is an important question owing to how is it possible that one situation, like how we see time, can interfere with our perception of the world? Why does this create differences? The answer of all these questions is the linguistic because as you understand the world, you will see them. Language is one important part of how you understand the world. Every word that we learn and the form that we write changes our perception and little changes like the perceptions of time can change profoundly our mind. The article has good points that express clearly how a language cans influence how you see the world. Borodisky’s article presents that changes in some languages are small, although significant. The author’s point is very good because you cannot imagine how one word can change how you see the world and the way you think. Our brain is awesome in many ways, such as it related the things. One example of this is that in Japanese culture the number four means bad luck. Its origin is that the number four sounds and is written like “death,” so in many cases, the number four is replaced by a letter or does not exist (Aya, 2013). People in other parts of the world did not think the same, so they see the number four like a simple number. Even someone can believe that it is a lucky number, instead in Japan is bad luck. This is a great example, of how the language changes how we see the world, one number can mean dead or lucky.

In fact, every experience changes the way we think and shapes our thoughts. Borodisky’s article gives us a new way of thinking about language. I had read that in language there exists many differences, so sometimes is impossible to determinate the meaning of a word in other language and consequently many words did not have translation in this language. The meaning of a word is changing in each language. Indeed, many translations are not possible because, you cannot define the meaning of a word in each language, for the sense of this. If you learn a new language, you will probably see different things that you could not see before. You will mostly note the dissimilar and this gives us a new way of thinking. As we see, language is an important part of our lives. Borodisky’s article can be useful to understand this point, due to its use of a lot of examples. Grammar, the way we speak and vocabulary influences many things in our lives like perception of time, space and consequently, the way we think. These changes are very important to understand the world, because to our brain relates things. It is incredible that simple words can change how you see the world, how we understand many things, therefore a new way of thinking.


Borodisky, L. (2009). How does our language shape the way we think? From WHAT'S NEXT. Dataset. Retrived April 25,2016from: languageshapethewaywethink

Aya, F. (2012). Japanese Superstitions That Will Fill You with FEAR! Retrieved April 25, 2016, from

Exploration Essay

Language used in food advertising Camila Velastegui Yachay Tech May 16, 2016

The language used in food advertising

Many times when you see television appears an advertising in which someone is eating an ice cream, that looks so delicious! The first thing that you think is “I want to eat that”. Although you do not get the product immediately, you will buy it in future. So, you can say that the advertisement is good because, advertisement is the best way to communicate with consumer. However, this commercial is not only for communicating the product, the advertisement is influencing your behavior. When you see the commercial, you felt hungry and consequently you will eat more, thus probably you will gain weight. Nowadays the number of people that had overweight has increased, therefore people who had associate diseases increase too. The language that it is used in a food commercial influences you to eat more, thus it covers in an overweight factor. So, are you claiming that food commercials are directly responsible for obesity? When you see food advertisements, you want to eat more and more, and it becomes a problem of obesity. You go and buy something for eliminating cravings for food. Little by little your body is adapting to eat more, and increase your capacity. Although this doesn’t mean that you metabolize all food, it means that you feel full with more food and your body begin to keep all the excessive things as fat or cholesterol (Solomon, Linda, & Martin). Hence if you eat more than you need, you will have overweight. Food companies invest a lot of money in marketing. In one advertisement nothing is random. The Kinds of color, background, people who are appearing, words used are all matters in advertisement’s language. All these things make you want the product. The problem of seeing commercials is not only the overweight, but also brings more consequences that you can image. Let say that you buy a product more and more and you get overweight. Your body covers all food in fat or sugars. This becomes health problems that

would make you need a doctor. So, you are buying food and you will pay the medicine for eating a lot of food. In addition, overweigth creates low-self esteem for someone, causing social problems. Consequently, he will probably begin to eat more. Subsequently, excess of food advertisements produce that people achieved more diseases. That kind of publicity wasn’t any problem for a long time. However, food commercials begins to take importance when increased rates of diabetes, heart attack, hypertension, triglycerides, among others and all this became an economic problem. Language that was intrinsic at each commercial started to take more relevance as the simple like mixed of colors. Everyone knows that colors evoke different emotions in us. According to Allen, “Most food franchises like McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Wendy’s, KFC, Chipolte, and Popeye’s use red prominently in their branding uses a bright red for its corporate color—to spur your ‘appetite’ for quality advertising and marketing services from a dynamic, stimulating, and passionate” (Allen, 2013). All the publicity that we pass unnoticed, our subconscious takes them and keeps information until the buying moment. Visual language uses appetizing photos of candies, junk food, meat and others, if you see intensively you're going to consume. One solution of this problem was to put tags saying how much salt, sugar and fat processed products contain. This measure was effective in one moment, however, it only qualifies for standards of high, medium or low. How can people know the meaning of high, medium or low? In addition, people frequently ignore these tags because “ I don’t matter healthy, satisfied hungry is important”. Likewise, governments tried to control what’s said food advertisements, but many times they use weasel words. Lutz said that “Advertisers use weasel words to appear to be making a claim for a product when in fact they are making not claim of all” (Lutz). So, weasel words say nothing but imply many things. A clear example of this is when in a fried chips advertisement said cholesterol free chips. This is true, but when you eat them fried chips, it will become cholesterol. You can not control language because it

depends how a person understand. Carrol Todd, said that “Many people use language to conceal the truth, to mislead, confuse, or deceive us. They do not use language to communicate ideas or feelings; they use it to control thought and behavior” (Carroll, 2004, pág. 1). This can be considered true in many aspects. So what is the solution? Critical thinking is a fundamental part of creating a solution to this problem, because only controlling our thoughts, you can better discern what said advertisement and ads. Our mind can be tricked, but it is inside everyone thinking about real meaning of each thing, look the truth in ads, decrypt the message of a sentence, and you will see behind a commercial. Developing a critical thinking is fundamental to form our personality. Thus, when you have a defined personality, you will know what is the better option for you. The solution is to educate, not only teach concepts but also thinking for ourselves. At the moment of seeing an advertisement you will know that it is only a good use of language and you won’t be tricked. Language is a fundamental part of our thoughts, therefore, it influences how we see or hear. The use of language persuasively and even excessive by food companies brings many consequences. The advertisements make people want to eat more and more, Making them overweight. Therefore becomes a problem of public character, affecting health, economy and social aspects. The excess food advertisements are one of the mainly factors which causes that many people die by diabetes, heart attack, or other problems associated with obesity. Government is trying to create a solution for this problem, but the real solution is teaching how to think critically at the moment of seeing a commercial.

References Carroll, R. T. (2004). Chapter Two -Language and Critical Thinking. 28.

Lutz, W. (n.d.). With these words I can sell you anything.

Allen, K. (2013, December 19). Pr daily. Retrieved May 15, 2016, from Why marketers choose certain colors:

Solomon, E., Linda, B., & Martin, D. Biologia (Novena Edicion ed.). Mexico D.F., Mexico: Cengage Learning.

Interpretation Essay

Interpretation of the poem O Captain! My Captain! Cocha Carlos, Crespo Fabricio, Velastegui Camila Yachay Tech June17, 2016

Interpretation of poem “O Captain! My Captain!” by Walt Whitman

What happens if some day you wake up and the person who you love is dying and you could not tell him how much you value his actions? Maybe the best way to express your feelings is to write a poem which has a strong meaning. It is what Walt Whitman made. Through the beauty of literature, he found the best form to pay tribute to Abraham Lincoln and express the commotion of all Americans caused by the death of his president. This character is remembered for his great changes he made as the president of the United States in the politics and American society, such as the abolition of slavery. (Thomas, 2008). Whitman wrote the poem for this reason, but this poem could have more address than Abraham Lincoln. Walt Whitman’s poem, “O captain, my captain” express the feelings of unexpected loss of a respected person, Whitman wants us to appreciate people before it is too late. When someone unexpected dies, you have a mixture of feelings. The poem “O Captain, my Captain” tries to express the feeling of unexpected loss. The first feeling that you have when someone surprisingly die is the negation, you can’t believe it and after that, you feel all the pain. This description is present in Whitman’s poem. We can notice these feelings in many parts of it. The surprise of death is present in verse five when he said “But O heart! heart! heart!”. The repetition of word “heart” gives us the connotation that like a heart attack, this was surprisingly and someone begins to felt pain in the heart. After that verse, the poet said that her captain is “cold and dead”. Negation is present too, when in verse seven and eight at second strophe he expresses, “It is some dream that on the deck - You’ve fallen cold and dead” In these phrases you understand that when you want believe that everything is only a dream, you are wrong and all is the reality. Finally, you accept the dead of the person with great sadness. You can see this feeling in the poem on the third strophe when he accepts that his captain is dead and he has a pain inside.

The short verses of each strophe enhance the feelings of acceptance and resignation by the death of the Captain whom people love and admire. In the poem, the captain had led his people to good port but, unfortunately, he paid his good actions with his own life. In the first strophe, the atmosphere of joy ("the people all exulting", verse four) disappears gradually, step by step, leading to the reader to the terrible reality of the death. This fact is also evidenced with the use of metaphors on the verse seven: "the bleeding drops of red". With the use of verse seventeen that says "It is some dream you cannot really are on the bridge fallen cold and dead" and with others, the author represents the suffering, pain and impotence for not being able to do anything for the one who you love. Whitman through this poem express gratitude in different ways. But the true message behind this poem is that we should appreciate people who are around us, their actions and the value of each one of them because we do not know if this person will be there tomorrow. Nobody has purchased life and nobody knows what will happen because the future is uncertain. The message communicated by this poem is deep. It makes us think about how many times when a person die, newly his family beginning to remember every good action, every learning that this person left but is too late because this person cannot hear, feel or say something. In this poem, Whitman honors Abraham Lincoln for his great actions for the American community, especially for the United States because in his two periods as President, he did great changes in politics and society and he fought shoulder to shoulder with his followers to get the improvements that the country needed. (Thomas, 2008) Finally, this poem gives a set of feelings that are, in turn, felt by the reader and identify with the writer. The universality of content and message of the poem make this identification real and alive. The pain produced by the death of a friend is communicated through an expression of helplessness caused by the void left, and the good actions performed in life by the person who has died. How we saw before at the analysis, the true meaning expressed by

Walt Whitman in the poem “O Captain, my Captain” is give the message that we have to value the people, because we didn’t know when they left this world and maybe, we could not said thank you for all. This poem is a great tribute for Abraham Lincoln that express very well how American country felt with the die of its president but this poem not only has this meaning. Today the poem “O Captain, my Captain” can be considerate to express mixed feelings about the unexpected departure of parent, a counselor, a friend, who is died but left life lessons and did noble actions that remain in the minds and hearts of each person that feel gratitude and has a debt with him.

References Whitman, Walt. O Captain! My Captain! San Francisco: Printed for Albert M. Bender by Cecil & James Johnson at the Windsor, 1935. Print. Thomas, B. P. (2008). Abraham Lincoln: a biography. SIU Press.

Argumentation Essay

Should censorship be practiced in schools? Camila Velastegui Yachay Tech June 30, 2016

Should censorship be practiced in schools? Do you prefer live “safe” or to know all the dangers that can happening the world? This question frequently has various answers. You can think If I know all the danger that can happening in the world, you will live safe. This is not necessary true, because if you knew certain information, you will probably change your way of thinking. Before you see “peace and love” everywhere, but know you see a “dark world”. Some school communities believe that kids, teenagers and students need to have a positive perception of live. This perception can be influenced by some information. So, it is necessary to practice censorship in school. What exactly is censorship? Censorship is defined as “the forbidding, blocking, limiting, or obstructing access to information for whatever reason” (Petress, 2005). Thus, should censorship be practiced in schools? The answer is yes, because you need some defined thinking to know some things, and this can be preventing bullying to some minority students too. Learning thing without a age determined can affect your understanding of the world. Let’s say that when you was a child you read a book about drugs or sex. Your mind changed, because you noticed that nothing is as the school community tells you. As a child, you could do crazy things because you didn’t know very well how works the world, You didn’t have enough maturity to accept a new knowledge. One clear example is when some kids sais “bad words” the first things that parents ask is where do you learn this? And kinds said in the school. So, parent’s will think that you are having a cad teaching and this will create a big problem. So, how we can prevent this? School community need censorship certain things according to some criteria like age. Furthermore, when you learn new things you can easily judge and creates stereotypes, that in many cases can affect the rights of other people. How it is possible? Well, let’s take an example. Racial issue is many times censured in schools like the case of “Little House on the

Prairie”. This book “contains racially offensive material about native Americans” (Petress, 2015). This content can affect how students see Native Americans and maybe create a racism or follow some behaviors that are present in the book. Children can read this book and maybe begin to follow some behavior, about one one the characters. How this child will difference what is good or what is bad to do. He is learning, yet. So he can offend a Native American because he read it in a book. This will create problems like bulling or depression for both parts and have academy problems. So, one more time it is necessary to put censorship to determined books How you will learn if all things are censured? How you can learn about eradicate racism if you didn’t know about it? The information can’t be saved forever. If kids didn’t learn in school about topics like sex or drugs, they will search information in other sources like the internet and it can be wrong and to the final censorship will do harmful. They need to learn these topics in the schools because there are professional that can help to orient a child. Kids can’t live in a perfect bubble forever. They need to know how world works. They need to be safe and they can be safe with knowledge we can’t forbidding the information. It is necessary to talk and treat this themes in school. Censorship can be good or wrong in many cases. Censorship doesn’t want that a person believe in wrong things. It is necessary at basic cases. We have to notice that “censorship is not forever it is transitory” (Petress, 2015). So, if you can’t read a book when you were child, doesn’t mean that you can’t read it after. We need to have a maturity to understand some themes. The censorship in schools is necessary In conclusion, censorship in schools should be practiced because it is a form to control what are learning? If censorship in schools didn’t exist many kids will have a bad perception of the world. They will do crazy things or believe unreal facts. They can follow many behaviors, so it is important to control what are their perceptions. Censorship is not forever,

thus is doesn’t imply that if you didn’t learn this knowledge in one determinate time, you never will learn. Censorship need to be carefully thinking because you can affect the right of other person. Kids need to know how is the world, but they need to learn this in a measured way and censorship helps to do this.

References Petress, K. (2005).The Role of Censorship in School. Journal of Instructional Psychology. 32, 248-252.



Project Essay

Ethics involved in genetic technologies Camila Velastegui Yachay Tech July 7, 2016

Ethics involved in genetic technologies What happen if you have a baby? You want that he or she will be healthy, be smart, polite, and others attributes. What happen if nowadays it is possible? Scientist try to create the cure of all illness that affect the life, thus they are trying to create a kind of “perfect� humans. Genetic technologies are now the solution of all diseases and many problems of society, hence life will be easier. Genetic technologies are the key for all. It had many applications since modifying gene of corn until create a designer baby. This new technology will change the life as everyone knows. Therefore, many perceptions of what is right or what is wrong will change too. Ethics is changing at each step of humanity, thus how ethics will be involved at genetic technologies? Ethics is an important part of human being and it needs to go at the hand of technologies. Genetic technologies are improving all the time, they could be dangerous for society because they change our perception of humanity, and we need ethics to limit the development of these genetic technologies. Genetic technologies are all the techniques that involve the manipulation of genes, it can be for alter, introduce or eliminate some sequence of DNA. These changes will alter behavior of a cell. The engineering of DNA is the process of altering DNA. The DNA is a long molecule that had a unique genetic code, and it is constituted of genes. The gene is a specific part of DNA that have the instructions for the development of an organism and for life (Solomon, Linda, & Martin, 2013). Genetic technologies are developing in many fields like crops, animal growing, human cloning, stem cell research, genetic trait selection, genetic modifications. According to Ardenaki Alli (2009) a professor of Department of Reproductive Genetics & Biotechnology there are three main categories of concern regarding the application of genetic technologies: 1) Human cloning 2) Genetic trait selection 3) Genetic modification.

Genetic technologies are improving every time. Since Human Genome Project was published in 2003 many scientists around the world began to work in genetic technologies. Nowadays, many advances are being like clonation, gene selection, gene modifications. Science never stops to grown, so in future is possible that other genetic technologies will appear. There exist different applications to modify DNA. According with Meisenberg (2009) engineering DNA could 1)delete recessive disease-causing mutations including cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease and others 2)modify genetic risk factors for common diseases including diabetes, asthma, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. and 3)modify physical conditions like beauty or athletic ability; genetic variants causing normal variation in psychological traits, such as intelligence, conscientiousness, empathy and antisocial personality (Meisenberg, 2009). If scientists can modify DNA, they can modify many aspects of life. Engineering of DNA could be dangerous in some aspects. How we see genetic technologies give to humanity many advantages to get a perfect life without diseases and maybe immortality. This doesn’t imply that all resources of earth could support all these people. What happen if genetic technology go out of control and genetics going in contrary of ethics? This could begin with a simple fact like allowing clonation, and only with this fact is creating problems because the exclusive of DNA would change. Immortality of one person isn’t normal, we have to get change to other generations. The sense of live is giving because it is unique. If scientist create a kind of super humans what happens with genetic variability, and the rest of population that is not genetic modified. Nature is perfect like it is, every change had consequences. When someone changes something, this will affect others around. Other consequences that could is that all variability will disappear. People tend to follow patterns and cover in uniformity, so if modify DNA is popular, they will think that is normal. If all people like to be “normal”, they will disapprove differences, so talents like musicians, sportsman drawing, photographers, and others will end up disappearing. All the

nature things will be eradicated, consequently, genetic technologies will create stereotypes. If someone has de gene of scientist, he cannot do music because is not in his genes. Freedom will be limited and every person will be consider as a machine, in which all are programed because to the final of the day if you designed your baby you are covering in machine that is the baby of your dreams. Genetic technologies will change our perception of humanity. Humanity implies felt sympathy with others and experiment some feelings, like love compassion, friendship, solidarity and others values. What will happen if genetic technologies went so far. Many perceptions about normality would change. Today changing genes is unaccepted in many cities, but if it changes genes for cure some disease it is socially acceptable, due to it is for save a life. In the future, it will be normal, and perceptions of what is wrong or good will change. Some things will be normal and social acceptable because the normality will affect how people see the world. Therefore, humanity will change, because if all people are machines, where are feelings? the main characteristics of being humans. We need ethics to limit the development of genetic technologies. All things must have a limit and in genetic technologies limits will be given by ethics. If people have a defined point of what is good or wrong, they will know what step in genetics must be done. Ethics is different according the person, religion, education, so it is transforms in many part of the world. Genetics technologies could be useful and helpful for humanity, but at the same time they could be destructive. People do not notice the changes around the world but every day the conceptions are changing. Some things that before were unacceptable today are social acceptable. What is looking for the future? We do not know what awaits the future, the only thing that we know is that big changes are coming. Ethics will be our principal tool to control this changes, because our humanity is in it. Every step that science do will be acceptable by ethics. Some person can save a life by killing others, and we have to notice that for the

development of genetic technologies many lives are involved, not all science is pure and not all experiments respect the life. Some people will think that genetic engineering will be a great tool in the future. The science is focus in genetic engineering to eradicate all diseases that are inheritance of parents. If modifying genetic engineering is possible many risks as cancer, Alzheimer or heart attack can be prevented or eradicated from the life. The life can be enjoyable, people will live more and without diseases getting a better quality of life. It is only the next step of medicine to get more stable humans and to keep the race alive. (Christenson, 1998) While this might sound like a nice idea, genetic engineering is good for the advantages of medicine but it goes further than this, it can be very dangerous. DNA was the part of cells that can’t be change, but nowadays DNA is a complete new camp of research, in which everything is possible. People believe that science won’t stop only at curing diseases. It could change physical characteristics and aptitudes like intelligence, sociality, and others. It will bring into existence a sort of “super” humans. After this what happens with the rest of the population? Only rich people would have access to this new technology because the prices will be expensive, while poor people won’t access and all their offspring will be underrated. The inequity will be between rich and poor people, will incease even more. Genetics technologies are all techniques that involves change DNA, they can be applied in many fields and will be helpful for many diseases and for having an excellent life, but this means that many changes in society will occur. Genetic technologies keep growing every time, and one day something that people see impossible can be possible. This changes could be dangerous for society, because this will change perceptions of what is right or wrong. If perceptions change, ethics will be affected. Ethics is a fundamental part of development of genetic technologies, due to it limit development and it try to respect life above science.. How we know genetic technologies could be improved our lives?, but what it means if all diseases

disappear?. It will be good for humanity or it could deliver more problems. Genetic technologies are improving all time and they could be dangerous for society, because they change our perceptions of humanity and we need ethics.

References Christenson, S. (1998). The Ethical Considerations of Genetic Screening: North Dakota State University . Retrived from july 19, 2016 plsc431/students98/christenson.htm Ardenaki, A. A. ( 2009). Genetic Technologies and Ethics. Journal of Medical ethics and history of medicine. 11(2) Retrived july 3, 2016 from: pmc/articles/PMC3714136/ Meisenberg, G. (2008). Designer babies on tap? Medical students' attitudes to preimplantation genetic screening. Public Understanding of Science, 18(2), 149-166. doi: 10.1177/0963662507079374 Solomon, E., Linda, B., & Martin, D. (2013). Biologia. Mexico D.F., Mexico: Cengage Learning.

Reflections Some photos from class

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