Danna Castillo Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research English Language Program
Yachay, Ecuador
English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-019 TEACHER: Ercilia Delancer
January 10, 2017 UrcuquÃ, Imbabura, Ecuador
Portfolio letter
Response essay
essay 4.
Interpretation essay
Argumentation essay
Final research project
essay 7.
Additional materials
(pictures/videos/other works) 8.
Thank you letter
Danna Castillo Six Yachay Way, Yachay Tech University Urcuqui, Imbabura, Ecuador December 8, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader, My name is Danna Castillo. Thank you very much for reading my English Language Portfolio. It is a collection of my work in English and to show my ability as English language learner at Yachay Tech. My portfolio consists of four essays, a reflection, and a research project that I designed and developed in my level six English course. I am very proud of my portfolio, and I am ready to continue my academic career in chemistry. My first contact with English was at the public high school, but my English classes were more similar to Spanish classes because teachers always spoke in Spanish. Thus, when I entered Yachay Tech University; where the English teachers spoke and explained the classes 100% in this language, I was shocked. I still remember the first English class at Yachay Tech University with Professor Monica Vinueza. My mind was blank because I could not understand anything. At that time, I was attending the leveling course and my classmates helped me to understand the classes. When finished the leveling courses, I had progressed so much compared to the beginning the semester. In the first and the second semesters, I could not finish level three due to an incompatibility of English class schedule with lab schedule. So, in the third semester, I finished level three with Professor Diane McDowell; with her, I learned to have some more confidence in myself to speak. In level four my English teacher was Shelly Camba with her I learned grammar point. Because I was going to enter to university major, and all classes would in English, so one of the requirements is all students must have approved minimum level five. As I had no passed that level, I had to take crash course. In it course I learned many things about to write and to make presentation. Nowadays, I am studying level six with Professor Ercilia Delancer. Classes with her began on September 5, 2016. A response essay was the first essay that I did in this level (Week 4). When I wrote this essay. I learned to express my viewpoint on a certain topic, but giving my viewpoint with arguments to support my position and so that it cannot be refuted. To write this essay in week two, Professor Ercilia taught us writing techniques and some elements as author’s purpose and author’s tone. These were necessary to elaborate any essay. Some interesting things that I learned at this level was to do literary analysis. I love it to read, but I never in my life had do one it, so this assignment was a contribution to my daily life. My first presentation was about a grammar lesson. The topic of my group was narrative tense. I believe that the most difficult thing for me in this level were the presentations. When I was in front to my classmates, I forget the structure of the sentences and mix past, present and future tense. It is terrible, but I attempt to improve this factors through trust and forgetting the nerves that I feel in that moment. I believe that in each presentation, I felt more comfortable with my classmates and especially with the professor. When started this level, sincerely I felt like my first classes in the leveling course. I even thought about not attending classes anymore, but I remembered that I do not like to give up. I do not have regrets having continued because I learned to be more organized to capture on paper my ideas. Always when I had written an essay, for my mind crossed a million of ideas
and I want writing all them. So, the final result was a disaster with many things and ideas that do not follow a sequence and people could not understand it. In level six, it has been more rigid with respect to the structure that must have an essay. I forced my mind to keep calm and organizing the ideas before wrote. I do not want to seem like a teacher’s pet, but I believe that the professor put a lot emphasis in teaching us to write correctly. Another factor that helped me to improve my writing was thinking about my professional life. Scientists need to have a good performance writing if we want to publish our research, which is my motivation to learn English. A scientist also should give good presentations. This point I still work to improve. Maybe today I am not a great speaker, but I will continue working hard to eliminate any traces of nervousness. My listening and reading are better than my writing and speaking. Maybe it is because my classes in the chemistry major are dictated in English and since leveling course, all material (even more in the major) used by professors like papers or books are in this language. Of course, my vocabulary is larger in science words (chemistry, biology, and physics) than “normal and everyday� words. Although to learn a vocabulary of common words, it is useful me watch TV series and listening music in English. This technique was suggest me Monica Vinueza, my first English teacher at Yachay Tech. I think this method helped me so much because when teachers took us English test to put in the different levels, I was able to get level three considering that I did not know anything when I entered the university. I am proud myself because in almost two years I had a great progress learning this language. Although I have many things that I must follow until to reach perfection. I feel grateful to all English teachers that I have at Yachay Tech and contributed in my development to learn English. Thank you again for reading my portfolio. I put in a great deal of effort into my portfolio, and I hope you enjoy reading it. Sincerely,
Danna Castillo
Ecuador and America Confront Prejudice in Education Danna Castillo Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research
Ecuador and America Confront Prejudice in Education “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela. Education has been restricted to a certain group such as poor people, Afro people, Indian people and all group “different” or that represented a danger. Groups such as rich people or white people always have had access to the education and they did not want to share the knowledge with everybody. Share the knowledge with “different people” was a way to limit and to put hierarchies in the society. In the past, education was a privilege and we should suppose that social injustice disappeared. But, it is awesome as during the 21st century the education is still a privilege. No everybody has the same quality of education. Problems to have access a good education usually is the color your skin, place where you live, social status and among others things that put to the education as inaccessible and somebody unachievable. In the article by Linda Darling- Hammond exposes the big differences in American educative system and she presents some factors that help to improve perform of the student like: educated in smaller schools, smaller class size, challenging curriculum and qualified teachers. Points made in that article not only problem of US, some problems are global. It is possible that racial segregation in United State was more terrible and it has many historical backgrounds, but in our past Ecuador indirectly also we had put some barriers for ethnic group. It is when we think that the racism do not have disappeared and it follows been an obstacle in the development of any nation that directed toward to the progress or already considered as industrialized. In America there a kind of schools for black people, such as receive less state support and hence less money to invest in the needs of the student like textbooks, virtual material and infrastructure. It put in disadvantage people who belong ethnic
minority group. The same society is responsible of slowing their intellectual skills and behavior like a good citizen (Hammond, 1998). Some similar occurs in the Ecuador, the schools of ethnic minority groups was relegated to conform to the minimal amount of money that entered in their treasury. Its schools have that do miracles with this money, such as students receiving class outdoors or have one teacher for two or three courses in the case of elementary school. Although in the high school live a similar situation. Hammond suggests that receive in smaller school and smaller class size can do the difference in the education because the classes are more personalized. It is, therefore, American schools tends a send the minority group at very big schools where the class size are 15 percent bigger than another “white classes”. It affects school performance by the fact is difficult that only one teacher have to control many students and he cannot satisfy the needed of learning of each student. Big class size also is a problem in Ecuador, especially in public school in rural places. This schools can have more fifty students in one classroom, where the teachers do matter if all their students learn or not. They enter the classroom and they dictated their subject and after they go other class without know if their students understand. Their favorite phrase them is “I only do my job”. It is a fatal mistake! Dictated a class is not “only their job”, their job is doing well and to get excellent results. Another factor that makes a difference in the education between for privileges groups and minority are the challenging curriculum. By the fact that schools with minority students have few materials to work, the curriculum to elaborate the teachers having little difficulty and these are very simple. This situation with minorities groups marks a great contrast with privileges groups, because to the privileges group (It have privileges to be in urban areas or students have a white skin) have to access more money and hence they elaborate a curriculum to appropriate level for students. Ecuador has the same problems about curriculum, public education have a poor curriculum. Ecuadorian public schools have curriculums that
sometimes not even the basic topics and the English class are not included in the system. Different situation that exists in private schools or some public schools of important cities as Quito and Guayaquil; they try to give an education with international standards. Next important factor is the lack of qualified teachers is a great problem, because deteriorates the quality of learning that receiving the students. This situation that is lived in America where new teachers hired without meeting certification standards are assigned to teach the most disadvantaged students, while the most highly educated new teachers are hired largely by wealthier schools leave a great disparity gap between good education and mediocre education in a country where it situation should not give (Hammond, 1998). In Ecuador also there not good rules to regulate the teacher recruitment and especially in the public education. I said that from personal experience, because I studied in a public high school. In this place, I had teachers that one scholar year given music class and other scholar year was given biology class or language class. It occurs for the shortage of specialized teachers in the field and missing teachers for cover great amounts of students. As Nelson Mandela Said the education is a powerful weapon because it has the power of changing the world. It is because of that some groups do not allow the free access to it. They fear that people the “minority group� rouse of it bitter lethargy and they break the chains of ignorance. Education prejudices exist in everywhere, both in America and Ecuador. But while there are people like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Malala Yousafzai and any person that believe that the education should be accessible to everyone I believe that in a near future the education prejudices will end.
References Hammond, L. D. (1998). Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education. Brookings. The Starfish Foundation, I. (2014). Education in Ecuador: Enter Starfish. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfD0mdSzAXQ
Exploration Essay
The Story of an Hour Danna Castillo Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research
The Story of an Hour “The Story of An Hour” was written by Kate Chopin. In this story took with irony the horror and impact news about death of a family member. The woman of the story has a great confusion about what she feels for the husband’s death. This confusion is reflected when she said herself that she was free. She asked her love that she felt in her husband and she began to see her life since other perspective. But she also thought about the consequences her behavior in a century where women were an object and not a human. Confusion in this woman we can see since the start of the story, when she did not have a behavior like a common widow. But if we consider that is a marriage built with ideas and rules of the nineteenth century, the confusion that she felt is almost habitual. It was normal that she thought in her freedom. There the possibility that her marriage was a jail and it will be the reason for “happy attitude”. Sometimes the marriage only is not a jail for the body sometimes can be a jail for the soul and mind. it is for that the woman’s behavior was in a new widow, but is totally acceptable in a woman who wants to live. After in the story we can see that she asked her love that she felt in her husband. If we consider that in that century sometimes the marriages were arranged by the parents, it will be the reason of the little love that the woman felt for her husband. Woman of the story could felt like an object of her husband, it is for that she did not develop some feel for him. It is great her emotion that after she did not care if she loved him or not. The most important for the widow was the moment that she living after the husband’s death. The death her husband made that she begin to see her life with a different perspective. She realized that in the past she lived for her husband. She forget herself in her marriage. Now, she want to be free and happy with a new life. Although, she have present her behavior is not acceptable for the society where she live. The story have some elements that show that sometimes it is better take decision
soon. The woman do not lived and when she decided live for herself like consequence of husband’s death; she had a heart disease. This heart disease to provoke her early death and she does not enjoy of her freedom.
References Chopin. K (1894). The Story an Hour : Race and Education. Retrieved from October 13,2016 https://www.katechopin.org
Interpretation Essay
Art Interpretation of Starry Night by Van Gogh as the Main Piece of Post-impressionism Danna Castillo, Sergio Hidalgo YACHAY University of Experimental Technological Research
Art Interpretation of Starry Night by Van Gogh as the Main Piece of Post-impressionism “I dream my painting and I paint my dream”(1985) said Van Gogh in his infinite artistic mind, finishing his work ‘Potato Eaters’. Nowadays, the Masterpiece of postimpressionism is Starry Night. Starry Night was painted in 1889 by Van Gogh while he was in the Saint-Rémy-de-Provence sanatorium in France, where he was hospitalized by himself 13 months before his death. Van Gogh was born in Zundert, Netherlands in 30th March, 1853. He was one the principal post-impressionist painters. Although he sold only one painting in his time, nowadays this painting have become the Masterpiece of Van Gogh and post-impressionism, have been reproduced a lot of times, and has been object of study by many experts in the topic. From 1941 it is in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The measures of this work are 73cm high and 92 cm wide (Van Gogh Gallery, 2015). The elements of this painting represent the best of the post-impressionism using oil techniques and imagination as his main sense to paint, which give the beauty and perfection until the last detail to the paintings. Starry night was painted using a technique called oil on canvas, the most used technique from Renacement. To use this technique artists mix paint and oil to obtain a firm mixing. They use linen and cotton canvas, because they are more consistent and keep the paint adhered from the first moment. Van Gogh used fine brushes to get all the details in the painting taking care about not damage the others details made but without getting to the excesses. Another great reason why this technique is one of the most used in painting word is because the materials have a better portability and avoid the disadvantages of the other materials’ textures, such as wood (Berger, 1961).
In one letter to his brother that he sent from the sanatorium, he said that he was thinking about nature. Also, Van Gogh painted his work from his room in the sanatorium where there was a window but he could not see any city from there but mountains. This make sense that he painted Starry night by rote and he had just imaginate the picture to make his painting (Paulson, 2016). This is one of the most interesting things about this painting, he did not see in that moment while he was painting to make a Masterpiece, his imagination was enough. The message left by this part is that sometimes our imagination can be most important and powerful that our physical senses. Starry night is a painting that has a combination between real and unreal in the elements that composes it as sky, rolling hills, and dark structure. Vincent van Gogh is characterized by his impressionist painting because impressionism is very creative. In particular, Starry Night is some unreal because he painted while he was resting in the psychiatric hospital. It is possible this painting is partly a figment of Van Gogh's imagination when he looks outside his window. (Shabi, 2013) Elements can be or not figment his imagination had generated intrigue. One of them and main is the sky, it is filled with swirling clouds, stars ablaze with their luminescence and bright crescent moon. Although the features are exaggerated, the most individuals feel comfortable. The sky keeps the viewer’s eyes moving about the painting, following the curves and creating dot to dot with the stars. Next element is rolling hills of the horizon lies a small town. There is a peaceful scene flowing from the structures. The center of the town is a church. This church gives a sense of stability to town and also creates a sense of size and seclusion. Rolling hills spark memories of our own warm childhood years filled with imagination of what exists in the night and dark starry skies. The last main element is a massive dark structure that develops an even greater sense of size and isolation. This structure is magnificent and creates the sensation of depth in the painting, allowing to the
audience to interpret different things since a tower until a tree. (Gallery, 2015) A curious aspect of Starry Night is that a group of art critics gives to this picture a religious connotation doubt they found a biblical meaning in the number of stars painted on it that allude to specific Bible verse which says “Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, saying, Look, I have dreamed another dream. And this time, the sun, the moon and the eleven stars bowed down to me.� GENESIS 37:9. Some art critics think that Vincent identified with Joseph because, like him, he did not receive the recognition of the art critics of his time. (Shabi, 2013) Starry Night is a painting very curious because it evokes a mix of emotions. It has negative emotions, but also it has feelings of hope. This work have the capacity touches your heart, soul and convey the passion with it was made. Work was done by Vincent Van Gogh also have simplicity, honesty, and elements to contain life. After his death, he got the glory he wanted so much. Vincent Van Gogh was the forerunner of a style artistic.
References Shabi, K. (2013, June 3). Starry Night: Meaning of the Vincent Van Gogh Landscape Painting. Retrieved November 15, 2016, from: http://legomenon.com/starry-nightmeaning-of-vincent-van-gogh-painting.html Starry Night – Vincent Van Gogh’s Painting of Hope & Despair. (2009, June 15). Retrieved November 17, 2016, from: http://wanderingmist.com/inspiration/starry-night-vincentvan-gogh-painting-of-hope-and-despair/ Vincent van Gogh: Starry Night. (2015). Retrieved November 15, 2016, from: http://www.vangoghgallery.com/painting/starry-night.html Vincent Van Gogh Gallery. Vincent Van Gogh Biography (2015). Retrieved November 17, 2016, from: http://www.vangoghgallery.com/misc/biography.html Berger, E (1961). History of the Art of Oil Painting. Moscow. Retrieved November 16, 2016, from: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Oil-on-canvas Paulson, N (2016). Van Gogh, The Starry Night. Khan Academy. Retrieved November 17, 2016, from: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/becoming-modern/avant-gardefrance/post-impressionism/a/van-gogh-the-starry-night
Argumentation Essay
Legalize it all: Destructive measure Danna Castillo Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research
Legalize it all: Destructive measure Death, jail, gang faith are the bad results distributing drugs. Distributing and addictions that believe it to generate serious social problems. Drugs create a problem for the government, public health and even it is a problem for families and friends of addicted person. For this reason, to legalize all drugs had been a topic of debate between who think that it is a solution to all problems that generated the drugs and who think that legalize it all only will generate more problems. Taking a position about legalization all drug is difficult, but I am against legalization of all drugs. It is true that not legalization generate problems to the governments. For example, in the United State of America, addition mean $40 billion a year on enforcement, half million in incarcerating and quashing the civil liberties of everybody (Baum, 2016). People in favor of legalization all drugs say that is so much money to give the government to combat violence, criminality. They thank it is better that this money be used for treatment of addict people. But, it is not a good solution because legalize all not eliminate these problems. It increase the problems to the government. If the number of drug addicts is relatively small, the reason is the most addictive drugs are illegal (Baum, 2016). People in favor legalize all drugs only think about the economic benefits bring to the government. But, what happened with to generate more drug users? Only United State of America death from heroin overdose rose 500 percent from 2001 to 2004, and death from perspective drugs shot up almost 300 percent (Baum,2016) So, is it really solution legalize it all drugs? If death from prescription drugs shot up in almost 300 percent, which is a legal and regulated action. It is important evidence that legalize it all drugs only will generate a public health deserter. Now, people in favor legalize all drugs are not take account and for me is the most important, is the strong impact on family. Addiction is a chronic illness that causes afflicting
on them. Legalize all drugs will make more accessible dangerous drugs. Into people to the group of addicts, people who before were healthy and happy. We should think in children. Sometimes the children consume alcohol and cigarettes out of curiosity. But, it is not need cause on them a drug dependence since early years old. Decriminalization does not do enough. We cannot think in a legalizing without thinking about improving a system that licensing, standardizing, inspecting, distributing, and taxing dangerous drugs (Baum, 2016). Putting all drugs with easy access like alcohol and cigarettes could increase crime, thieves and suffer on the family. We cannot think in a legalization without thinking in solutions of the problem will come after.
References Baum, D. (2016). Legalize it all: How to win the war on drugs . Harper Megazine .
Final Research Project Essay
The dilemmas of science and technology: Positive and negative aspects Danna Castillo Yachay University of Experimental Technology and Research
Abstract Science and technology have positive and negative aspects. The position they take will depend on how people use these. These two areas have had new and great advances in health, ways of communication and the impact they have had in our daily lives. The present paper shows the improvements that have been made in the field of stem cells and in turn the problems it has with ethical and moral laws. It also details the benefits that we have obtained by improving our ways of communication and spreading knowledge with the eagerness to make it reproduce. Lastly, it deals with the astounding achievements that our civilization has obtained from chemistry, although it also has some ethical-environmental problems and in some cases risks to the health of the human being. But above all, the paper emphasizes that society must take some risks (some more dangerous than others) if we want to see our civilization to advance towards a utopian community. Keywords: Science, technology, stem cell, communication, chemistry, civilization
The dilemmas of science and technology: Positive and negative aspects Knowledge is the light in our lives, although sometimes the knowledge also can meaning darkness. “Science never solves a problem without creating ten more” George Bernard Shaw. It is the big problem that the science, it never found the final answer a problem without creating a million of questions more. The human race has always been in need going beyond their expectations, exceed their capabilities. At this point is when our thirst for knowledge make us commit “disastrous” and “abominable” actions. Although the popular phrase “you cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs” result rough but really certain this phrase because every invention of man had been wonderful and it has had a specific purpose of improving our life in society. Sometimes we must take drastic measures if we want to walk towards an advanced civilization. Some benefits that we got of advances in science and technology are: improve the health of humans through the use of stem cells and another medical care, technology has improved in the ways the communicating and new advances in chemistry in different areas like agricultural, food, medical or armamentarium. But all benefits that we can get these advances in science and technology have some problems as the environment as with ethical laws. First I will address the issue of stem cells. Stem cells differ from other kinds are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods, they are unspecialized and they can give rise to specialized cell types (EuroStemCell, 2015). In this area, the scientists are doing a great investigation with the objective to found the way to specialized in any cell’s human body. Their unique regenerative abilities have a potential to treat diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. It is for that scientists and doctors work in developing a regenerative and reparative medicine (Health, s.f.). Usually, these are taken from human embryos and it is at this point is when ethical dilemma begins between respecting or not the life of embryos and prevent or alleviate human suffering. Conduct researches and using stem
cells is necessary to destroy the embryo, but if we do not do we could be leaving a great discovery. It could be the difference between life and death. The biggest opponent for the development of stem cell research is the ethical laws. People against this medical process have the argument that a human embryo is a human in an embryonic stage and any attempt to pinpoint when personhood begins is arbitrary. For these reasons, they should be given the respect and dignity of a person. But an embryo has not been implanted into the uterus does not have the psychological, emotional or physical properties that we associate with being a person. Therefore, does not have any interest to be protected and these are used for the benefit of patients that they are considered persons. We must begin to differentiate between defending respect to life and not defending moral interest. An embryo does not possess a nervous system with a developed personality that dictates its conditions of living human being. In vitro fertilization process, more fifty percent of the embryos that are implanted in the uterus are lost. Then why cannot use some embryos for the wellness of living humans and we give them a better quality of life (EuroStemCell, 2015) . Second I will address the issue is about improve in the ways the communicating and electronic devices. For sure technology has generated a great impact in our lives. We use technology every day accomplished multiple tasks. One of the most important things that technology has achieved are the different ways we have to communicate and obtain information. Starting with one of the most "ancient", the radio, it sends through its wave’s information of all kinds; from commercials to news of great relevance. Television also had its golden age just like radio, but it is still a device by which we can access information and the advantage they have over the radio is that we can visualize what we want to transmit. This changed the way you received news. Then there will appear the device that would change the way we receive information, the cell phone. This device caused a great impact on the way we communicate. Starting with the possibility of making calls at great distances and with the
advances that the scientists of that area have made. They incorporated access to the different social networks, websites, and online newspapers. We can access to almost anything on the palm of your hand. Technology has made a great contribution to our lives in different ways. Although sometimes we use technologies to harming up our lives or the society we live. An example of this is access to information such as a privilege, but also is one of the most dangerous privileges. If we take into account that any person, without distinction of any characteristics they can have access to the different social networks, then it is worrisome that the information can be manipulated. And considering that the information to which the users have access generates some reaction on themselves, it is disturbing what could cause on the society the false information with bad intentions. Perhaps at this point, the morality and ethics about access and distribution of something of information should be on the scene. But we cannot deny that without the invention of the radio, television, cellphone and especially the internet our civilization continued in the time of parchment and pen. And although certain risks are run, these media are very useful for sharing knowledge, so that we can generate more. After all, that is the goal. Third and last issue I will address is about advances in chemistry. Chemistry is hugely important for all humanity. Without chemistry’s contributions we would live in precarious conditions and our lives would be short and painful. Chemistry is one of the sciences that has the power to transform the world and it is one of the main ones that has taken in hand our civilization towards progress. It can make changes in the materials and turn them into what society needs. For example, one of its main contributions of chemistry for the development of life are methods for the purification of water through chlorine, but its next step is to purify and purify water from any source. Another area where chemistry has made his contribution has been in agriculture through the invention of fertilizers. Because the growing world
population has increased demand for food and the traditional way of cultivating does not give the same results. Not to mention the immense contribution that chemistry has made in the pharmacological industry for the elaboration of an extensive variety of agents that combat pain and disease (Atkins, 2011). Although chemistry is an amazing science and a solution to our lives, it cannot be so perfect. Chemistry has some negative consequences, especially on the environment. Proof of this is the exploitation of the chlorine that we use for purification of water, when it rises to the atmosphere destroys the ozone layer and contributes to the formation of acid rain. Another negative point that the chemistry has is about elaboration of fertilizers, the use and abuse of these can interfere with hereditary factors and transfer it to the following species; hurting a species and ourselves. In the pharmaceutical industry, the negative aspects are the tolerance generated by some drugs on the patient or the resistance of microorganisms, which forced the industry to develop stronger drugs (Atkins, 2011). “Risks" or negative aspects in which chemistry is involved, these are situations that the same science is trying to solve with the eagerness not to destroy any kind of living being and even more our environment that is where we develop. Chemistry is life and therefore all of us who are compromised with this wonderful science, the only that we seek is to minimize the negative consequences and lead civilization to the next echelon. Science and technology as everything in life have positive and negative aspects. But beyond that, what we must take into account is all the benefits we can get if it is manipulated in the right way. We must take into account that in nowadays, we should cultivating, sharing and making to reproduce the knowledge. Because we are right at that stage of history where the bad or good decisions we make will determine the future of our civilization. It is therefore we must be cautious and truthful with the information to which we have access and disseminate. A false step could cause our society to remain stuck in this stretch and not
progress towards progress. We have not reached the fullness of knowledge, we are midway where many obstacles have to be crossed such as exaggerated ethical laws out of context or paranoia. Knowledge is light and that is what we must keep in mind if we want to convert our civilization into a utopia. Although the road must "break some eggs".
References Atkins, P. (2011, March ). Where Would We Be without Chemistry? Retrieved from December 3, 2016 https://www.iupac.org/publications/ci/2011/3302/1_atkins.html EuroStemCell. (2015, November 5). Embryonic stem cell research: an ethical dilemma. Retrieved from December 3, 2016 http://www.eurostemcell.org/factsheet/embryonic-stem-cell-research-ethical-dilemma NIH Stem Cell Information Home Page. In Stem Cell Information [World Wide Web site]. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Retrieved from December 3, 2016 //stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/1.htm Szpak, A. (n.d.). Types of Communication Technology. Retrieved from December 3, 2016 https://www.techwalla.com/articles/types-of-communication-technology
Additional materials
Presentation of the research
Some photos form research presentations
Gloria and Nathy the funny girls of the course.
SINCERELY, Danna Castillo