Daniela rochina level 6 portfolio

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Digital Portfolio Daniela Rochina Núñez Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador

Credits Digital Portfolio Daniela Rochina Núùez English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-001 Teacher: Gabriela Villavicencio July 25, 2016 Yachay, Ecuador

Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Portfolio letter Response essay Exploration/Investigation essay Interpretation essay Argumentation essay Final research project essay

Daniela Rochina Núùez Universidad Yachay Tech Imbabura, Ecuador July 07, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader:

I want to share my Digital Portfolio with you because all this semester I work hard. My objective was improve my English skills so, now I can present my Digital Portfolio that is a compilation of my principal tasks in English: four essays, a research project that I was working during to the level 6 English course, and some images of the work done. I believe that level 6 English course help me to be better in a second language but also be better person. Per day I worked on how to write in a formal way but, also I learnt to share my feelings and thinking with my classmates. My biggest growth has been become stronger because when I was an accident on a bike my teacher and classmates support me. The nature if human being is to look for yourself but no my English partners; everyone asked me if I need help feel free to ask.

Throughout this semester, I have learned and remind APA standard, the parts of an essay, how express properly, work in groups, the importance of keep mi position or thinking, among others. For that I am very proud of my portfolio and I will be practicing of speaking and writing skills because I have grown markedly since the beginning of the semester as an example we can see my first essay. This work was terrible I had forgotten how beginning a introduction, how put a quote, how do a good thesis statement, but I consider that all these problems I could solve during this semester. So I am ready to continue my academic career in English. As a student, I promise never stop learning and practicing English.

The purpose more interesting of the teacher was the opportunity of improve our abilities at home. We have to watch movies or series in English and without subtitles and pay attention to the pronunciation for be better in speaking ability also, we have to read a book to learn new vocabulary and try to use daily. About my works I prefer the group essay, I remind that the teacher explains about two points of view: objective and subjective. With my group decided work on “The Dream” of Frida Khalo, the idea of write an essay about the perspective of paint was difficult because each person think different and we need to reach an agreement. The English classes were very interesting and funny, each day I learnt something new.

Dear portfolio reader, one work I cannot share here but I enjoyed a lot when did that. Was an awesome video about Ecuadorian education, with my group search information and data and did an interview about that. I am proud of the growth that I get during the entire semester and I just hope that the next semester I can meet valuable people like I did this semester. I want to become an even better student. I know that I'll have to increase my communication, especially with professors. I put much effort into my portfolio so; I hope you can enjoy reading it. .

Thank you again for reading my portfolio.

Sincerely, Daniela Rochina Núñez


Benefits of learning a second language

Do you think how many languages exist? There are more than 7000 different and the language allows us talk about our feelings and thinking with others. Unfortunately, many people only speak one language so, cannot to communicate with persons that speak a different idiom. Bilingualism is a good option to ignore less about happen around the world because per day increase the knowledge and are not written on an unique language. Learning a new language takes time and dedication but it brings practical and intellectual benefits. Researches of United Kingdom University shows that exist a difference in the brain of people that only speak one language between people speak more languages. These is due to, more neurons connect between them and make synapsis. A language can be difficult of learning because you need to know some skills like: writing, speaking, reading and more but if you dominate them; you could get many benefits in society XXI century.

Learning a second language is beneficial at all ages. The principal advantage of learn a foreign language is get the skill of understanding things that are in other language. Nowadays, many people develop technology around the world and use English like international language, for example. So if you know other language, it will be an useful tool for the job. Many books are written on English, French, Chinese and some words do not have an accurate translation so is better read them in the original version. According with Latham (The advantages of bilingualism, 2002) the people who speak two languages have better mental abilities and a different way of appreciate the world also Latham believes that is positively related.


To know a second language is the perfect opportunity for improve your mental ability. In other words you can develop the capacity of solve problems, do tasks, remember thing and more. Thinking, beliefs or mentalities depend on the place where you are so, you should be careful when you visit other place for do not injure the citizens. A second language is a huge advantage in the work place for that reason is important to teach to yours children because is the best age for learning. Many people believe that children who are learning to speak two languages will have a speech problem but it is not true because if a child has a language problem, it will show in both languages (Association, 2016).

Education is very important for the people and learns a foreign language could help you when you want study for example. “Speaking two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world‌â€? (Matter, 2012). Language skills can also be key for service industries and you can get a better job if you speak more than two languages. This is due to the knowledge that you get with each idiom that you learn because you also learn the culture, religion and laws. So, that represent and advantage at the moment when you want to meet people and to do new friends.

To sum, the language is important for everybody because you can communicate with people that have different culture, customs and ways of thinking. To learn a second language brings positive effects such as: better awareness, mental abilities, to get easier meet people, among others. If you decide learn a new language an advice is that you need practice a lot. Remember that children should be exposed to two languages because is the best stage of learning.


References Association, A. S. (2016, January). The Advantages of Being Bilingual. Retrieved from http://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/The-Advantages-of-Being-Bilingual/ Latham, A. (2002). The advantages of bilingualism. United States of America: Educational Leadership. http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ575239 Matter, G. (2012, March 17). New York Times. Retrieved from Why bilinguals are smarter?: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/18/opinion/sunday/the-benefits-ofbilingualism.html?_r=0



In the conference on July 5th, Stephen Hawking said he does not believe human being could live more than a thousand years on the Earth, and that future for surviving is to explore the Universe and find a suitable planet. This research focuses on the possibility of finding and explores a planet that has habitable conditions. The ambitious of people to get power and money damage to Earth, there are a lot companies that contaminate the atmosphere, lakes, the environment; also we waste natural resources for example: We buy furniture of wood, but one year later we replaced the furniture. So, with the consumerist life we have, how long can bear the Earth? The idea of preserving our planet is impossible because human beings are destructive by nature. The solution is develop space technology that allows to explore planets in others galaxies in search of favorable conditions. Some privates companies have given economic support to scientists that analyze the probabilities of successful mission. All these years studying our solar system and we have one conclusion: In this galaxy, is not possible life in other planets. This is due to only inner planets have solid surface but do not have the essential conditions. There are four principal conditions that allow the development of eukaryotic life: temperature, atmosphere, liquid water and magnetic field. Actually we have nine candidate planets that follow some conditions like Earth but the distance and technology are our principal limitations. Key words: Inner planet, habitable conditions, spatial technology, astrobiology.


Over one hand, for my imagination or curiosity I decided to search about habitable planets because I watched on TV people that can visit and live in other planets without space suits or required equipment, and they could breathe and did anything normally. So, how far is the reality of science fiction movies? Nowadays, we do not have the enough technology yet but, many researches indicate that with adequate funding the humanity could someday achieve a space settlement. On the other hand, as Stephen Hawking affirms “The danger is that our power to harm or destroy the environment, or neighbor, increases much faster than our wisdom in using that power�, the humanity do not take care the planet Earth. Reason and intelligence led me to believe that human being is destructive with all that touch. The world per day has more pollution, dirtiness and darkness. On the planet, predominates: greed, famine, inequality, and injustice that is why that human being in less than a century will destroy to the Earth.


According with RAE the science that study the origin, evolution and distribution of the life in the universe outside Earth is the astrobiology. For astrobiology there is no data or some kind of evidence that can support the idea of extraterrestrial life and as there is no accurate information, much attention has been diverted to searching for planetary conditions favorable for life. That is why the human being has the wish and the opportunity to live in other planet due to the technology that is developed each day. Nowadays the society is dependent on science and technology for example: If someone lost in a forest, the person has useful tools to survive like: GPS, cellphone, among others and all of it were created with

science but, the humanity unknown yet a lot of science or technology. Return with the idea of live in other planet, there are many facts that affect this possibility and before think about a space trip we need to answer some important questions: Exist the enough technology for studying thee conditions that allow the life, exist suitable planets, how far are, how time is necessary? Spatial technologies According with an article of

Science magazine the purpose of improving this kind

of technology is develop new strategies to find habitable planets transiting near to this galaxy. Spatial technology outside of Earth is used to get information about how works the Universe and inside Earth is used to check the weather forecast, see TV satellite dish or use a GPS device. The first step to believe that live in other planet is possible, we need develop the technology as much as necessary. The search for planets outside this galaxy includes the possibility of finding and identifies habitable worlds. The planet candidates have different: masses or sizes, orbits, among others. The most important requirement is that the temperature of surface of the planet must be compatible with liquid water. Sara Seager affirms that planets very different from Earth may have the right conditions for life and the possibilities will increase the future chances of discovering an inhabited world (Exoplanet Habitability, 2013). Habitable conditions of a planet The book “Worlds beyond our own� states that although there is life may originate and survive under extreme environment, complex life such as: multicellular organisms require numerous favorable conditions to survive and to develop into large animals. The principal conditions to say that a planet is suitable for living are:


Atmosphere. - More known as air, the atmosphere surround the entire planet and this protects our planet of ultraviolet radiation also, reducing the variation of temperature

between For the research about habitable planets and possible life, I used an interview. This tool allowed me to gather information but I had to separate the real information over thinking of science fiction about life in other planets. The main objective was identify the thinking of the students, in others words, how much know about the plans of a future space colonization and the technology that we have. I sent an e-mail with the interview on May 9th to my classmates and recorded the answers of my Engineering Introduction Professor, Henry Pinto, on May 12th. The interview was applied over twenty students of third semester and a professor and could get helpful data; fourteen men and seven women were interviewed and the collected information was very interesting and you can see on Results section.

The interview applied: 1. - Do you think that exist life in other planet? 2. - Is possible, live in other planet? 3. - What are the principal conditions to live? 4. - If a planet has similar conditions; do you think that might have life? 5. - In our solar system; Mars has water what do you think that is the importance?

I decide make these questions because I believe that includes all the topics covered in my research. The importance of the interview was to encourage people to seek more information so, I hope that many people feel curiosity and try to teach more about the technology or the way that could be possible to explore other planet. Some respondents need to search information before answer the interview.


The expected result is that the reader after of reading this research wants asking several questions beyond the knowledge and understanding of this work. The interview does not have wrong answers because only measuring the level of knowledge about: the possibility of finding a planet where we could live, the necessary conditions for human being can be adapted and survive, the amount of money required to develop new technology, among others. However, the answers of PhD Henry Pinto helped me to confirm my research question because him field of study is Physic and Nano engineering have allowed him to get information about the search for extraterrestrial life from a scientific point of view.

Figure 1

Do you think that exist life in other planet? 5%

Believe Not believe 95%

For the first question, 20 people agreed that there is life in other planet. Henry Pinto states that the idea of being alone in a vast universe is egocentric. Although we have not evidence of life on other planets

Figure 2

Is possible, live in other planet? 14%

Believe Not believe 86%

For the second

question, I got

a similar answer. 18 people believe in the possibility of living in other planet. For Henry the challenge is that capacity of human being for solving some problems like: economy, wars and power. He adds that if we cannot become true this dream is due to the dangerous nature of humanity.

The third, fourth and fifth question s do not need figures because those are open questions. PhD Henry Pinto who is professor of Physic and Nano engineering states that the principal conditions to live cannot be numbered because the life is very complex (multicellular organisms) need a specific environment to survive. For example: the scorpion is a non-thermoregulatory animal, that is, if there is a sudden change in temperature this kind of animal could not survive because cannot regulate the internal temperature.

REFERENCES FAULKNER D., Can life exist on other planets? England, ICR, 2009 http://www.icr.org/article/can-life-exist-other-planets/ HABITABLE EXOPLANETS CATALOG (CEH). 2014. http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog

REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA. Madrid. 2016. http://dle.rae.es/?id=46BNq9k RT CANAL DE NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL (24 de Diciembre, 2014), Moscú. Recovered from https://actualidad.rt.com/ciencias/161589-director-esa-vivir-fuera-tierracolonizar-planetas-dordain SEGUPTA, S. (2015). Worlds beyond our own. India. Springer. pg116. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-09894-4_8/fulltext.html TELEAMAZONAS. Ecuador. 2016. http://www.teleamazonas.com/2016/07/stephenhawking-lanza-una-alerta-mundial-futuro-la-humanidad/

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