My journey through level 6
David Carriรณn Yachay tech
My journey through level 6
By David carriรณn English language program Yachay tech Level 6
Table of content Portafolio letter Response essay Exploration essay Interpretation essay Argumentation essay Final Research Project essay Reflections Thank you letter
David Carrión Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental Hda. San José s/n Y Proyecto Yachay Imbabura, Ecuador 13, July, 2016 Dear Portfolio Reader, My first day in Level six was full of emotions and feelings, I was very excited to start learning but a little bit scared because of that this level is the last English level. In my first day of Level 6, I expected to have a very serious professor who was going to make us work a lot and also, that Level six was going to be just hard work. My expectations were wrong, my professor was very kind and nice and it was fun and enjoyable to work at classes, assignments and essays. In the second class, our professor make groups of four students and make us to describe each one in one word, also to discuss some topics about what education means to us, that activity made me and my classmates to know each other and became friends rapidly. The next classes were about the writing process and our first assignment did not was a completely essay, it was just a brief summary of what is an essay; that assignment was very helpful to us, because it familiarizes us to how to make a real essay . Through the passing of time, the classes were not the traditional classes. The classes were doing through different types of activities, such us, making groups, watching videos, drawing in groups, making cartels in class, laughing or listening to music. For example,
when we were talking about the language, we saw an interesting video called “Bond or Barrier, Language and social Identity”, which talked about meanings and impacts of denotation and connotation; we discuss the video by making groups and answering some questions. What I love the most to learned, was to make essays and real presentations. When I did my Investigation and Exploration Essay I experienced a lot of things. The title of my essay was “Actual Society use Education to get Money, not Skills”, I loved to do it because I investigated about a topic that I think is affecting a lot the society and it was, the impacts of traditional education in today‟s workers, that was that people work for money and not for skills. I also felt a little sad because I realize that I could not search to reliable sources at all, but I learned to search for confidence sources and the structure for a real essay. After I finished my Investigation and explorations essay, presented it to my classmates and answer the questions that they had. I loved writing essays, but the one that I liked the most was the Final Research Project. The title was simple, “The importance of language”, in that essay speak about how different languages can affect our way to see the world and ourselves. I loved to search about this topic because language is a part of our lives and without it, we weren´t able to live, and it is a very broad field to learn. In this semester In the Level 6, I learned to make real essays and presentations, to share ideas and express myself ideas in group works, to search for reliable and confidence sources, to speak confidence in front of a class, to write attractive texts, new vocabulary, to hear and understand complex language, to share with my partners and my professors not only ideas, also thoughts, feelings, emotions and friendship. Sincerely, David Carrion
Response essay
People Perspectives of the World Change According to the Language They Use David Carriรณn Yachay Tech April, 29, 2016
Around the world exist several array of languages, each one have different kind of characteristics. It is a topic that not only includes a determinate way to talk or communicate; it also is an important factor that affects a person culture, perspectives, his thought, his points of view and others psychology behavior. Each language uses different patterns of grammatical, idioms, gestures, tone, perspectives and others particularities that make each language different from the others. In other words, people perspectives of the world changes according to the language they use. Life experiences such as reunion with friends or family, a job interview, a conference, a speech, a sport game, the activities we do through the day, our thoughts of art, science, economy, society or any other activity involve communication which include language fundamentally. Is like to say that language is the central thing we need to our experience of being human, because our daily living is shaped by language; even, if this is not talked. Those are the reasons why we should have a good language; because, in the way that language shapes the way we think, with good language, we will have good thoughts about life. People who talk other languages would have different perspectives about life aspects like space, colors, time and objects. This influence can be seen in lot of places; for example, in an art gallery. An artwork doing by a German speaker is more likely to paint death as a man; whereas, Russian painters are more likely to paint death as a woman. As we have already said, in life, there are aspects like the space, time, colors and the objects that are viewed according to the language says. Talking about time, English speakers think in time as an amount thing; Greek speakers think in time as a length matter; English speakers think that time is vertical stuff and Mandarin speakers learned that the time is a vertical issue. Other aspect that has been affected by language is the color, Russian
speakers talk about color as if it were different, they say “goluboy” (light blue) and “siniy” (dark blue);instead, English speakers says there are only one color called blue. For other side, the objects are an aspect that has been affected the gender. For example, German speakers think a key is “masculine” and “hard”; whereas, Spanish speakers think it is “feminine” and “lovely”. German think a bridge is “feminine” and “beautiful”; however, Spanish think it is “masculine” and “dangerous”. Russian says a chair is masculine and a bed is feminine. Spanish and Romance speakers also think that objects have gender. Other of thousands of aspects that language affects is space. English says that space is left and right, and Kuuk Thaytorre people (an Australian aborigine group) think about space in terms of North, South, East and West. (Boroditsky, 2016) The examples in the last paragraph and other millions can explain the influence of language in society. For that, we conclude that languages are not just another way to communication with other persons; they are another way to living the life. All the languages have their own ways to see the world in order that, people perspectives of the world changes according to their language they use.
Boroditsky, L. (2016). How does our language shape the way we think. Retrieved April 28, 2016, from
Esploration essay
Actual Society use Education to get Money, not Skills David Carriรณn Yachay Tech May, 20,2016
Actual Society use Education to get Money, not Skills Today, a major percent of college students, are following their career as a way to ensure a job to win money for themselves or their families. The major of future bachelors not necessarily study to work at what they love to do. The fact that people work in something that they hate, can be worse than we think. The money and time that hate-job workers spend in education is a big amount of dollars, which one can be invested in some other thing that they really love. The actual society, does not count with workers that do their best, because nobody like to be the best in some tedious job. Today, people are accustomed to services from workers who perform their job in an ineffective way, without passion. In society, also exist persons that are very good at their job, in fact, some good workers became famous for their really good job. Many of the best workers say that the only way to be the best at your job, is to really love what you do. “Those ones that really love their work can persevere, even if it puts really tough, and the ones that don´t love it, quit, because they are insane with something that they don´t like” (Jobs, 2009). Majority of today employees work for money and not for fun. The principal motivation of today´s workers is the money. The persons who work for the money follow the “rat race”. “The rat race goes through these steps: work, winning money, consume equals to “felicity”, need more money and start again”.(Kiyosaki & Letcher, 1997). The “rat race” cycle is accomplished by every worker who does not really like to work. Workers that don´t like what they do, can be easily motivated with a job that offers a lot of money, but treat their employees in unworthy ways. Unworthy jobs can imply: too much work hours, bad behavior of employers to workers, thankless jobs and the
worst, to hate their job. “The fact that you work at what you love to, can be translated into more money that you didn´t expect” (Trump, 2015) The current educational system is the main cause of today bad workers. The current system was designed and conceived for the intellectual culture of enlightenment, at eight century. This actual educational system try to “improve the future” doing the same things that education did in the past. System train students to study, do it well, go to college, earn a degree and work hard; then, they get trapped into the “rat race”. The future won‟t be similar to the past for many college students, because everyday day exist improvements that make science better than yesterday. Today, students are required to learn very complex knowledge and it is not a good idea to learn it through the same ways that our grandpas learned. “A consequence of the system is that a lot of students that come out of the university do not get out with hardly any skill that they can apply in their lives”. (Groß, 2014). This problem affects all the aspects of a country like: economics, politics, educational, moral, social cultural and others. Some general examples of people that work for money are: a government authority that work at their job in a wrong way, seeking for state money, affects the country; a financial assessor who work only for money, can leads a company to bankruptcy, affecting economy; a football coach that don‟t like his work, makes his team lose. The person that earns a degree to win money and not to enjoy his job, affects society directly. The traditional system education has to change in order that the future workers of the society really love their jobs. System has to stop telling young people that college will
be a good investment. “In truth, going to college isnâ€&#x;t an investment at allâ€? (Leef, 2013). Improve develop of the society, implies to improve the educational system. Actual students cannot learn the same things that years ago students learned. The world is constantly changing and improving, for that, educational system has to improve too. Actually, there are some countries like Netherland that are changing educational system to improve the develop of the country. All the countries in the world should start to change traditional educational system, to decrease bad workers. If we want a better country, we do not have to teach to next generations to work for money, we have to teach them to work for dreams, fun, joy and specially, for passion.
References Groß, T. H. (2014). Forget university? 4 steps to design your own education | TEDxKlagenfurt.
from [14/05/2016] Jobs, S. (2015). Steve Jobs's Top 10 Rules For Success. Retrieved 2016, from [14/05/2016] Kiyosaki, R., & Letcher, S. (1997). Rich Dad Poor Dad. Retrieved 2016, from [14/05/2016] Leef, G. (2013). Don´t buy the hype, college education is not a good investment at all. Retrieved
from notaninvestment/# [14/05/2016] Robinson,
from [14/05/2016] Trump, D. (2015). Donald Trump's Top 10 Rules For Success. Retrieved from [14/05/2016]
interpretation essay
Interpretation of: The Road not Taken David Carrion, Roberto Andrade, Esteban Orozco, and Francisco Leรณn Yachay Tech June, 2016
Interpretation of: The Road not Taken
Have you ever asked yourself what should have happened if you would have taken another decision?. Life sometimes puts us in hard situations, and the actions that we choose to deal with such problems, defines our destiny. Sometimes we spend more time worried about our problems, then trying to solve it easy and faster. In this poem we can see how the author use some literary figures for explain his main point. Robert Frost tells us in the poem, “The Road Not Taken� that the decisions we make define our destiny and shape our future.
In the first paragraph uses words like "forest" to show that life is a path not defined and asymmetrical, not as a road that is symmetrical and has a fixed final destination; also shows us that we are alone when making our decisions, especially those that will define our future as what career follow or what work accept, because no one will decide for us. In the second line explains that we only have one chance to choose because we can not choose two paths at the same time, so in the end, using the "And Looked down one as far as I could. To where it bent in the undergrowth ", it shows that a person analyzes each decision which can more, since we can never know exactly what will happen to take one or another decision, all decisions have hidden and unexpected things we fail to see.
The poem through metaphors tries to explain how humans confronted in your life difficult decisions. From the first line Robert Frost used metaphors like a: “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood “ , with this metaphor we can relate the two roads with difficult
decisions and the yellow forest with our life. Maybe the author chose a forest, because it is easier for the reader to relate life with a natural space instead of an artificial one. Other metaphor that we can analyze is: (Frost, 1920) “Because it was grassy and wanted wear” With this metaphor the author shows, how the decision that we choose can be have a lot of obstacles , but we can't come back.
In the life you must not have to look back and turn around. “And both roads, that morning equally lay” said Robert Frost. With this statement, hes is explaining that when you take the hardest way to solve the problems, you maybe can be tented to go back and go for the easy way. “In leaves no step had trodden black” in this verse we can understand that one of the road was never taken, because there was not signs of steps. We you took the less easy road, you maybe can realize that almost anyone has passed through the things that you are experiencing. “Yet knowing how way leads on to way”, said the author to explain the courage you must have to take the difficult road despite of knowing it is going to put harder in the future. And finally “I doubted if I should ever come back”, author explain that you must not retire in your life, because when you doubt, you are doubting about yourself capacity.
Your decisions in life can have a considerable change to your life. Robert tries to say and compare about the two different ways, that in any part of your, life have to choose. When you chose the “a” option, and after that you see what was the results, you think and say “What should have happened if I chose the „b‟ option?” This is an issue that everyone has to deal with in his life. The consequence of each way maybe is very different to the other, but you never know how should have been the other results. When you see the results that you have after a case, maybe you have bad results, so then you think the other option would be better.
With a variety of literary figures the author presents how humans always is facing different decisions, that will build your future. In each paragraph Robert Frost shows clearly the different factors that exist in the moment to choose a decision. For example when to take one road to can not come back. This poem helps to emphasize how important decisions make differences in the life.
David CarriĂłn L6-004 Professor Mackey 20, July, 2016 Should Censorship be practiced in School? Have you wondered what type of information, content or visual your sun, brother or any of your family members are exposed to? Nowadays, all members of society including students obviously have access to internet and libraries, and so, access to any type of information content. Furthermore, all the content and information gotten by a person is not only perceived by books or computers, the information spreader by the persons around you or the activities you do, make you perceive information. The fact that an authority eliminate or limit information that is consider harmful to the society, especially in child is called censorship. Academic censorship is a fact that involves situations that, according to (Petress, 2005) censorship in textbook content, teacher classrooms presentations style and comment, assigned readings and extracurricular school activities. But, is it okay to practice censorship in academic issues? Not all information in the books are harmful but in the same way, not all information spreader by the students or professors can be benefit, for that, we can con conclude that censorship in the school is benefit
in the way that not limit
information that only the board school consider “harmful�. Censorship should be practiced in school and censorship decisions have to involve school board, students, professors and students parents in order to get a common deal. Censorship decisions must involve school and parents, not only the school board. The freedom of expression of students involves behavior that authorities cannot take it well.
Students have rights to choose what they want to do, express or manifest. The fact that students and authorities make okay censorship deal can prevent negative consequences, for example, according to (Petress, 2005) a book called “Tinker vs des moines school district� manifest student ideas, it was censored and students were isolated and punish because of their intentions to protest against the censorship. This fact is an example of the consequences if there is not a deal between authorities and students. School board not has to be the only in charge to take the decisions about censorship and not embarrassment or inconvenience students. The differences between school officials and students can mean a case in the court. Students will lose confidence and respect in their teachers, principal or any school authority if they are against to their own students, and so, students will become rebel and low academic students. Censorship is not a taboo issue it is a common situation that needs to be discussed. According to (Petress, 2005), in Bethel High School a student gave a nominating speech for a fellow student, it was through sexual metaphor and double meanings. In the last example, an student who had his own rights to express whatever ideas, went against to an student because teacher or his parents not teach him the boundaries of socially appropriate behavior. Censorship manifest if exist any valid arguments that can damage any person physical, social or emotionally in the way that, discomfort, embarrassment, our personal emotions. Censorship rules needs to be practiced by all the members in community and students are not an exception. Students, professors, school officials, school board, school members and parents not deserve to be physical, social or emotional affected but also they deserve to have their freedom of expression in the ideal way. Censorship in school needs to be practice but not in all the cases.
Some school censors believe, in the most cases, that censorship is the most expedient, safe and familiar way to keep salacious, frightening, inciting, titillating, overwhelming or seditious words content from students, (Petress, 2005). Exists outdated ideas, that says that the only way to make students don‟t affect physical and mentally, is to eliminate any possibility to get information that oldest minds consider “harmful” for they. Students find the prohibit information like interesting and exciting and so, they find easy or clandestine ways to access information that school authority censored. In this way, child become rebel and for that, the best way to prevent this is with the dialogue between school, students and parents, because it is better if school know what students see and students know what is wrong for them. Censorship is a delicate issue that has to be treated by all the embers in school, this include: school authority, students, professors, school board and students‟ parents. In this way, school can teach to students what things are harmful or benefit for their personal psychology and emotion, and so, students are going to know what is good for them. Also, deals between school and students can prevent battles that cause legal cases that has to be treated in the court. The confidence between students and school will decrease if a very delicate issue as censorship is threated by the both sides.
Petress, K. (2005). The Role of Censorship in the World.
Final research Project essay
The Importance of Language David Carriรณn Yachay Tech 7, July, 2016
The Importance of Language Have you ever wondered, what are the reasons that you have a different way of thinking than the others? The answer may be the language. Language is all the means we use to communicate. What would you think happen if the language not exists? Maybe the world would not be as developed as we see. All the things in this universe use language to transmit information, for example: DNA is the language of the life, mathematics is the language of the science, idioms is the language of the people and so, life without language cannot exactly deserve called life. We as human beings must emphasize the importance of language, because in any way we use it, it can affect us in many different ways. All these ideas and examples motivate us to think that our language and the people around us has a great influence on us, in the way that; Language shapes the way we think about the world and also influences the way we think about ourselves. People perspectives of the world change according the language they use. In the world exist an array of idioms, each one uses different grammaticism, don not pay attention to the same things and have their own particularities. People who speak different idioms will have different perspectives about life aspects, such as space, time, colors and objects. (Borodistky, 2016) mention the following examples: “Kuuk Thaayoorre� aborigine group thinks of space in terms of North, South, East and West, English like left or right. English speaker refers to time like horizontal, Mandarin like vertical. Greek and Spanish speakers refer to time as a quantity, English refers like a length. Russian differ siny (light blue) and goluboy (dark blue), while English only know blue. The examples of Boroditsky and other thousands can explain the different points of view of distinct languages. In this way, we can say that language shapes our mind, our way to think and our daily living.
Our perspectives of life can be changed according we use literal or figurative language. In simple words, literal language interprets the words as they sound and the figurative language interprets the idea that the words want to express. Consider the following saying: “Eye for an eye and tooth for tooth”, your perspective about this saying change according you use literal or figurative language; Literal language maybe say to you that a person literally get out his eye or tooth and change it for another, but figurative language makes you interpret the idea that when a person makes something harmful to another person, this person has to pay in the same way. According to (Campbell, 2015), the use of these types language can create stereotypes. For example, if you think in the words “black” you maybe relate it to words like: death, evil, wrong, etc.; and if you think in a “black male” you maybe relate him to drug dealers, criminals, violent, etc. The use of literal and figurative language changes our perspectives of the world. Child perspectives change according the language they acquired, which is influenced by the people around them. According to (Meltzoff, 1999), a child's enthusiasm for imitative behavior prompts parental attention and interaction, and provides a mechanism for transmitting appropriate cultural and social behavior. A little child who is learning to speak get the most of his speaking habits some from some one person, (most of the time are their parents) but he will also hear other speakers and take some of his speaking habits from them. Throughout a person life, the speaker continues adopting features from his fellows, and these adoptions, though less fundamental, are very copious and come from all manner of sources. All the last arguments make us to conclude that a child language is defined by the people around them, and so, a big part of his perspectives of the world are defined by the people around them.
Verbal abuse is the use of the language against to our self-awareness. For example, what happen if your teacher and your classmates start to call you “ugly” every day? The most probably is that you are going to start believing it and so, you are going to look yourself different. According to (Stark, 2016), “verbal abuse is a specific type of psychological or emotional abuse”. The use of language to prejudice our integrity can have
very negative consequences in our behavior, self-esteem, psychology, attitude and our language itself. Verbal abuse can change a person self-perspectives, in the way that this person change not only the way he sees himself, he also can change his personality completely. According to (Vissing & Murray, 1991) “Children who experienced verbal aggressions, exhibited the highest rates of aggression, delinquency, and interpersonal problems”. Language can influence ourselves perspectives, in the way that we transform to other persons just only changing the way we see ourselves. Verbal intelligence influences our brain capacity and makes us see as more intelligent and independent. Verbal intelligence is the ability to use language based on reasoning to analyze information and solve problems. Verbal intelligence defines your capacity to understand complex language, to remember information, to understand the relation between the language of a person and his attitude and so much more. According to (Ramsden &, 2011), verbal intelligence is strongly related with high intellectual coefficients. Consider the following situation, if you need something from someone, you use your verbal intelligence to persuade that person to give what you want; in other worlds, you use your language intelligently to get what you want.
The language spread by the mass media can change the perspective we have about ourselves. The role of language in mass media can be to inform, entertain, persuade and sometimes language change our self-perspectives to achieve its roles. For example, it has not happened to you that suddenly you walk down the street and appears an ad that says some inspiring phrase like "Just do it"; that phrase is going to have an impact on you, in the way that, in this case, you are maybe going to look yourself braver than before. According to (Radhika, 2012), radio, books, records and tapes, newspapers, magazines, movies, television, on-line media, new media, all these are called Mass Media. The last reason makes us to realize that almost all members in the society are exposed to mass media and so, mass media language has a very powerful effect on us. We are responsible to make the mass media language affects us positively or negatively. Language not defines our way of thinking, personal identity, learning skills and life perspectives in general in a relevant way. Shaping means a partial control or cause which does not prevent control or cause in the other direction. Furthermore it seems that language shaping thought is not about the parts of the mind which are dedicated to language itself-those parts have to be partially language-defined in order to be able to produce utterances in that particular language. Thinking in language has another problem. It implies that every language you learn must be translated back into the mental mother "tongue", such as English in my case. But what about computer languages and other language-like things? What about mathematics? What about non-linguistic concepts? How would those get translated into the mother tongue? (Kenyon, 2013)
Language implies to define thoughts about the world around us in all the aspects, such as different life aspects (time, colors, objects, and space), our learning skills, our tendency to imitate and others. Several researches explain that, since we are young, the language of people around us gives part of life perspectives we have; this because our language gives the interpretation we do to the life things, for that, language influence us in almost all the aspects of life. These reasons direction us to consider the importance that language have in our life perspectives. The importance of language lays in the fact that, without it, we werenâ€&#x;t able to have our own life perspectives and so, to have a critical thinking, understand different perspectives of other idioms, to understand the influences of literal and figurative language perspectives, to influence in the right way in the development of child language, to prevent verbal abuse, to increase our verbal intelligence in order to use language intelligently to get what we want, to understand the influences that language speeded by mass media have on us and other thousands things that involve language. Our entire life is governed by the language we use, in any way we use it, it will have a clear influence in ours and other people attitude, emotions, perspectives, behavior and critical thinking. We have clarified that, language shapes the way we think about the world and also influences the way we think about ourselves.
Borodistky, L. (2016). How does our language shape the way we think. US: Edge fundation. Campbell, C. (2015). Bond or Barrier, Language and Social Identity. TedxYouth Buffalo, Buffalo, US. Kenyon, S. (2013). Language Does Not Shape Thought. Retrieved from Science20: -112409 Meltzoff, A. (1999). Born to Learn: What Infants Learn from Watching Us. Retrieved from Radhika, C. (2012). The role of language in mass media . Thane, India: Department of English, Dnyanasadhana College. Ramsden, S., & (2011). Verbal and non-verbal intelligence changes in theteenage brain. Retrieved from Psych: Stark, S. (2016). Verbal Abuse. Retrieved from Vissing, Y., & Murray, S. (1991). Child Abuse & Neglect. Retrieved from Science diretc:
Thanks you for your time reading this portfolio, I hope you liked it as well as I like to live this beautiful experience called Level 6 Sincerely, David carrion