David moreno final portfolio

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JANUARY 9, 2017 YACHAY TECH UNIVERSITY Urcuquí-Ibarra, Ecuador

My Experience of Learning English David Moreno Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador

Credits My Experience of Learning English David Moreno English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-003 Teacher: Daniel Jeremiah Beall January 9, 2017 UrcuquĂ­- Ibarra, Ecuador

Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Portfolio letter Response essay Interpretation essay Argumentative essay Final research project essay Thank you letter

David Moreno Yachay Tech University UrcuquĂ­-Ibarra, Ecuador

December 14, 2016

Dear Portfolio Reader,

My name is David and I am a student of Yachay Tech University and all this time I try to learn another language, always has been one of my goals, in this case learn English. I never thought that English would become an important part of my life and would influence my academic life. This language has given me opportunities like traveling, getting work and even making friends from other countries. Many times I thought that the English language only would be useful when I was out of my country, but it is all the contrary, who would say that in my country where the majority spoken in Spanish, we would use the English language. I refer this, because I live this on my University where all the time is spoken in English and not only when we are find in the class, but also in the daily living with roommates and teachers too. I think that is a great experience. Actually, I am currently studying the fifth semester and the level six of English, and for me it has been positive, because all the things I learned in class like vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, writing essays I put them into practice and these are the proofs of my the progress on English. Is really nice when you learn something and is useful in daily life, I think English language allowed me develop some skills at the moment to talking with someone, this language changed my way to think and express my ideas of another point of view. As the semester continued and got closer to the end, I feel that I have grown as a writer into different styles and types of essays, as well as incorporating outside sources into

my work. I think this class really challenged me to become a better writer. In each assignments always I have put all my effort, specially on my essays I try to be improve and to be perfect. I am convincing that I have a good grasp on all the different types of essays and also now I know how to cite and put internal citations into my writing. My favorite essay that I wrote this semester was the final research essay where I write about the Education, in this essay I try to put all my experience acquired of tutor that I exerts on my University and also the High School of UrcuquĂ­ where I do my community job. I discovered that I am very creative. All the in class activities really helped me and some were fun. I enjoyed writing every one of the essays and although not all topics were my favorites. This class has taught me different ways to not only to write, but ways I can use my writing as a tool to convey my thoughts and even influence change in people around me. I am glad I had an English class and hope that this new found confidence will have future benefits for me in my professional career. Thank you for reading my portfolio and I hope enjoy reading it.


David Moreno

Forget University: 4 Steps to Design Your Own Education? David Moreno Yachay Tech

Response to “Forget University: 4 Steps to Design Your Own Education, Till H. Groß”

However, at present, education is very systematic and has a very rigorous processes of knowledge and evaluation. In the TED talk, "Forget University: 4 Steps to Design Your Own Education," Till H. Groß share his experience by failing to following the educational system to which the society is subject, also mentions some rules or steps for those seeking their own education. Groß maintains a tendency to promote this type of education, many of their experiences (which have been successful) have showed development of skills, learn from others and be willing to work without changing anything. The author invites us to take responsibility on for our own education and not to depend on formal educational systems. I agree strongly with the proposal of Groß, until a certain extent, because some of his experiences they are not very common, could not take as a pattern to use it for others. Also, he had to deepen and mention more about deficiencies of education, for that his talk be more effective. Groß invites us to take responsibility on for our own education and not to depend on formal educational systems. Self-education is the key to success, acquiring knowledge and applying them in daily life are some of the key points in the video. To become good at something, you need to develop skills, but it requires effort and enthusiasm. The author emphasizes learning from other people, provided they are good at what they do. This allows to incorporate the good qualities to everyday life. At the end of the talk, the author proposes self-educated people to work without renumbering and emphasizes that the experience is better than the economic part. In the video, some criteria for to take control of our education are mentioned, and the first step that the author argues is "Development of skills" (TED Talks, 2014). If we think a bit in the situation of thousands of young people in Ecuador who graduate from college, they

have knowledge but not the experience to apply them in daily life, and therefore they are rejected at the time looking for work. In the same way, it is important to take into account the recommendations of the author, like reading books and summarize in their own words and then explain to someone else. A very important point according to Groß contends that "You can always learn from the best"(TED Talks, 2014). For example, a soccer player always sees the best players to learn about some skills and implement in his game. In the same way, we can learned about the experience of our teachers or tutors of some research or experiment. This argument is important in the area of education. So, the author insist to develop the skills for to improve our education. In another point of the video, Groß mentions that “Learning is more important than money” (TED Talks, 2014). We must put aside the economic interest provided, to learn. For example, The newly graduated college students, should not fear when they are offered work without being paid, because they can put into practice the knowledge into practice, and this worth more than the money. The criterion that Groß keeps in his video, is very plausible, because it shows us different ways of see our education, all of this always based on the effort and developing our skills. While education still follows a pattern where the main authors and teachers and students are subjected to a curriculum and evaluation. The author should mention these points and deepen, to detect the flaws and weaknesses that the author did not opt for the typical system of formal education. However, the author manages to persuade his style of education by promoting and encouraging education design oneself looking for. According to Groß experiences are very important in achieving their own goals, but this may be controversial, since it cannot be generalized education based on certain experiences.

I believe that the author should use more formal proves to demonstrate their degree of self-preparation and convince the audience terms. The author could mention another step in designing their education and online courses, since the power of the internet has made education our power. The only thing that would depend on the person is the desire to learn and self-discipline. Finally, we should take responsibility on our own education and not rely on formal education systems. This It will enable to us to develop our skills, but success will depend of how much work. I believe that any method that helps the educational preparation, is valid whether or non-formal. Education lies in the principle of learning, and any method that achieves this is very plausible. In addition, skills must go hand in hand with the practicality of knowledge. What is important when designing our education, we can choose the things that we like and that meet our expectations. However, to get a stable job always requires a college degree that is still dependent on formal education. This would be one of the disadvantages of not following the educational system, but it is clear that this is because society is involved to this system. In conclusion we can say that formal education will make you earn a living, but selfeducation will make you a fortune.

Reference GroĂ&#x;, T ( 2014). Forget University: 4 Steps to Design Your Own Education. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUnpSYMNEhY.

“The Lovers II” Interpretation Essay Martha Galárraga, Nigel Haro, Marlon Gancino, David Moreno Yachay Tech

“The Lovers II” Interpretation Essay “Mystery means nothing, it is unknowable." Rene Magritte. The Lovers II is a painting done by Rene Magritte in 1928 which shows a woman and a man kissing each other but with a coat in their faces. So, what does that mean? To understand this masterwork we have to know who is Rene Magritte. This painter was a recognized artist who born in Belgium in 1898 in a wealthy family. In 1912 when he was 14 years old his mother had committed suicide and she was found drowned in the River Sambre. Since 1916 to 1918 he studied in the Beaux-Arts academy in Brucelas. During his painter career, he was influenced by the work of artists like Picasso (founder of cubism), Andre Breton (founder of surrealism), Joan Miro, and Salvador Dali. His life was marked by several key stages like the suicide of his mother, his great failure in the exposition at the Galerie la Centaurie in Brussels, his trip to Paris where he adopted new styles to his paintings, his return to Brucelas where he enriched his painting techniques ("Rene Magritte Biography", 2009). The majority of his works were done following the surrealist style and included in the most of his paintings are scenes which contain human figures, inanimate objects, floating rocks, and even several of his works kept paintings within paintings. One of his iconic works is the painting called The Lovers II, this masterpiece was done on oil canvas following the features the surrealist chefd'oeuvres have. But, why this work is so special? Because in this work we can see expressed a mixture of senses and emotions at the same time enclosed in an action among a couple of people. Since an inexpert point of view, the painting could be seen as a forbidden love where the couple cannot show their faces to society and they must keep their love hidden among sheets or as the couple does not want to implicate any senses in their relationship and they prefer to be separate by a coat between both.

When we see this painting, is inevitable see two people kissing with two veils occulting their faces. As the cloaks are glued to the faces and the clothes that each one carries can be known who the man is and who is the woman. The man is wearing a very formal suit, with shirt and a black tie, by another side, the woman is wearing a short-sleeved blouse. We assume they both are a couple because they are kissing. It gives a feeling of suffocation. The painting of a kissing couple with their faces covered by smooth textured mantles and cream or white color which makes it stand out very quickly when one looks at the painting. The kiss it gives the sensation of being a passionate kiss but at the same time as they are covered by the mantle they could not feel the skin each one. This situation express that they do not want to involve their feelings. They are in a room of two walls: one of red that is a warm color and the color of the other wall is blue that is a cold color. It has the three lines that are height, width and depth. The bottom wall does not look like a wall, if it does not look like a sky because, the texture of it which is as if you were out in the open, the blue wall is not uniform. Additionally, in this painting we can appreciate an awesome surrealist work which can be interpreted as the forbidden love between two lovers that, for fear of society, are hiding. At first glance, the emotions that are generated when seeing this painting can be of intrigue and melancholy, as if of a tragic scene it was. In the painting the affection between the two of them is evident in the positions of the character who are apparently embraced and in the position of their heads to be able to kiss each other, you can appreciate a clear romantic and loving gesture. In addition, the contrast of the colors found in the background can be interpreted as red for closeness, love and passion and on the other hand the dark blue behind them could mean remoteness and sadness. This in turn can relate to not feeling, because despite the kiss they are given which seems passionate about the proximity of the faces, they cannot touch the skin, they cannot be together. So that, we can interpret all this as the

impossibility of amorous fusion, the absolute union of the couple is a utopia and as its name indicates they are two lovers. For this reason, their relationship is frowned upon by society and they need to hide. The interpretation of the author is not the one that defines the work of art, the interpretation that the audience or the spectators give to the work is the one that defines it. These opinions may vary depending of the person who interprets the painting t. The article " The Lovers of Rene Magritte: A Bitter Kiss" by Esther Bengoechea is a good example of the varieties of interpretations. Bengochea (2010) says that "Its identities are secret after two humid veils that cover the face" in our interpretation we can't ensure that the veils are humid because do not anything that can ensure this as water. Other interpretations are about the meaning of the kiss some people says that it represent the blind love between both, our interpretation is similar but for us it not only represent this, but also the innocence of two lovers that do not care about beauty but about feelings. In conclusion, to make an interpretation of this masterpiece we can only base our work on assumptions. At the same time this painting could represent a feeling of suffocation, a limitation of feelings between both, that the absolute union of the couple is a utopia, or also it might give a sensation that they are kissing each other passionately. We cannot ignore the fact that this surrealist work involves many factors that provide itself of a deeper meaning. These factors as the color used to elaborate it may be related with depression, sadness, intrigue, and melancholy, but we can also can interpret this mixture of color as a mixture of feeling which ends in an expression of love. However, the whole of this work has a remarkably ambiguous meaning and this just depends on the point of view which a person will see the painting. The truth is that we will never know that due to that when Rene Magritte was interrogated by public for the meaning of his paintings he always avoided to

answer the question saying, “It does not mean anything because mystery means nothing, it is unknowable�.


Bengoechea, E. (2010, March). The Lovers of René Magritte: a bitter kiss. Magazine Atticus. Retrieved from http://revistaatticus.es/en/2010/03/23/los-amantes-de-rene-magritteun-amargo-beso/ Cumming, L. (2011). René Magritte: The Pleasure Principle – review. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2011/jun/26/magrittepleasure-principle-tate-review Kitto, M. (2010, June). René Magritte’s The Lovers. Knowledge Lost. Retrieved from http://www.knowledgelost.org/art/rene-magrittes-the-lovers/ Rene Magritte. (2009). René Magritte Biography. Renemagritte.org. Retrieved from http://www.renemagritte.org/biography.jsp. MoMa. René Magritte. The Lovers. Le Perreux-sur-Marne, 1928. MoMA. (2016). The Museum of Modern Art. Retrieved from https://www.moma.org/collection/works/79933 Rene Magritte. (2009). The Lovers, 1928 by Rene Magritte. Renemagritte.org. Retrieved from http://www.renemagritte.org/the-lovers-2.jsp.

Online Education: Why Does a Tutor need to use Technology? David Moreno Yachay Tech

Abstract In this paper we present a brief analysis of the education as it relates to tutoring and the changes that are applied according to the digital age in which we find. Changing the role of the student by the tutor is one of the main points to change the education that is mentioned in the work. In the same way. I analyze online tutoring conceptually to have a general appreciation of it and analyze the educational pattern to be implemented, making the point that online education has the same quality as face-to-face education. Some advantages and disadvantages are mentioned about online virtual education. Within the same, there is talk of the link between the student and the teacher and there is something very important: that is human contact, thus avoiding the lack of communication, where participation in the class is very important. At the end, some arguments are discussed against virtual education, in order to conclude on the implementation of virtual education in the classroom. Keywords: Online education, tutors, knowledge, teachers, technology, internet.

Why Does a Tutor need to use Technology? Not only should students be taught, but we should learn from them. One of the most important aspects of a person's life is their education. The acquisition of knowledge is one of the most characteristic elements of today's society, where education no longer appears as a privilege of a few, but is a common element of all classes and social groups. Within the area of education, teachers play a very important role, not only because of their knowledge and experience, but also because of the way they influence their students. Today, the teacher is considered the facilitator of learning and not just the transmitter of information. On the other hand, the student becomes the protagonist of the learning process, being responsible for his own learning and playing in an active role. We currently live in a time when science and technology are rapidly advancing, so virtual education or online education has become different and popular way due to the deficiencies of traditional education and is a new learning tool which combines with the student's time and need. In the same way, there is less and less talk about "teaching" and more about "learning". In fact, students are subject to rapid learning, which requires greater preparation and dedication to their studies, therefore they are given the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge by exercising the role of tutor. Often, the tutors must re-conceptualize the methodology of education and apply technology at the time of performing its function. What is intended through Yachay Tech University is to provide the opportunity for students to become tutors in their own university, which benefits the student community. Using technological means to achieve this goal may be the best way to successful tutoring practice. The level of university study, usually demanding and strenuous, implies that students dedicate more time to their studies, for which they use the Internet or simply go to the library. This tells us in a way that students are taking control of their learning. Each student learns differently and nowadays, where technology has become increasingly necessary, leads us to

re-conceptualize the need to change our teaching methodology. Currently, there is talk of online education, which is the modality of education to distance, through information and communication technologies. Researchers compared an online postgraduate course with a course taught in a traditional format, taking results such as the grades of the courses and the students' self-assessment of their performance in the course. No significant differences were found between groups of online and traditional students (Johnson, Aragon, Shaik & PalmaRivas, 2000). This indicates that online education is a very powerful tool when it is learned, because it is effective when coupled with the student's time. But, what is the relationship between online education and the tutor? A tutor is a support for the students, since they allow orienting, supporting and clearing doubts about a subject. Usually the tutor does not teach theory classes, but rather clarifies doubts on specific topics. Many times students feel lost in certain subjects and a few hours with the tutor cannotthey clear their doubts completely. So, it was proposed that students of Yachay Tech who exercise the work of tutors choose to impart their classes online. An example, the case of Professor Antonio Acosta teacher and tutor of Yachay Tech School of Mathematics, who was able to say that his students often do not turn to him directly when they have doubts in his subject, rather they prefer to see his tutorials that are on the internet to clear their doubts and complete practice exercises. This indicates that the use of the Internet is increasingly necessary in education and online education is a great option to improve the quality of education. So, the future Yachay Tech tutors can take his example and opt for this new teaching methodology. In traditional or face-to-face education there is still the role of teacher, as who imparts his knowledge to the students and the role of the student as who will learn and not teach. In order to innovate in education it is necessary to change this vision that is held within a classroom, it is necessary to change the role of the student, that being not only the one who

receives information if not the who's imparts knowledge to others. There is a great deal of research that supports the effectiveness of student participation as teachers. When students prepare to teach other students, learning involves the active thinking about the material, analyzing and selecting the main ideas, and processing the concepts in their own thoughts and words (Arrand, 2014). This allows students to enhance their knowledge and promote innovation in teaching. And what better if can you do this knowledge by performing virtual tutorials, where the tutor can explain their classes from the basis of theory to the practical part the exercises. Nowadays it is very common in some educational institutions, where the student can resort to these when it requires. The ideal of creating these virtual classes is that students who exercise the role of tutors can explain easily some topic that have issues that have difficulty in the classroom. This is because they know how to facilitate teaching using their own methods and use of language, since they are immersed in the learning of the day by day that they are taught in classrooms, and they know what are the deficiencies they present to teachers at the moment to explaining in class. A positive aspect of the execution of these classes is the optimization of time, since they focus on specific topics, which makes them more effective and in a short time. Technological evolution has obviously made our lives easier and more efficient. Having said that, it seems convenient that we should use online learning in our colleges and universities. Despite the fact that the advantages of online learning are numerous, however, a quick glance around the world clearly demonstrates that most students are still choosing traditional classes. Despite the obvious advantages to online learning, there are problems that need to be solved. Some disadvantages according to Thoma (2015) are "Not being able to ask questions, the least contact with students, and the loss of the experience of group work". These disadvantages are focused on the interpersonal relationship, which are evident by the fact of being in front of a computer. In an online class, students cannot raise their hands and

ask a question when they are confused by the material, but if they can write and leave comments about it to be answered by the tutor. In a traditional class, the teacher realizes when the students are or not understanding, which on the contrary does not happen in an online class. The traditional educational system maintains a personal connection between teacher-student, where it can interact according to the circumstances of the classes. On the contrary online classes avoid contact with students, therefore there is no personal connection. For example, Thoma (2015) mentioned "I put video conferences for all classes, so to some extent the students feel that they know me." But I have no connection with them at all, except for the few that appear in office hours, or discussions by email ". But one of the biggest disadvantages is the loss of ability to work in a group This is very important today, since many jobs involve a work group and this skill must be developed. On the other hand, some teachers are against the use of technology in education, but, why is this? For some educators, "technology" has become difficult to manage, is costly, interrupts the class and becomes more difficult to use in class (Heick, 2014). As Terry Heick puts it, some teachers are "against technology," and this can be understood as an indication that teachers oppose the development of education. But the reality is that they misunderstand that word, because when they hear the word technology, they immediately relate to electronic devices. However, online education does not necessarily require the use of state-of-the-art devices, but the knowledge imparted by tutors with effective methodologies that optimize our time. This contradicts the argument of an expensive virtual education. However, the use of cameras and computers is within reach of everyone, specially in developed countries and does not require of previous instruction. As a result of this, you get the videos tutorials, they help a lot in the pedagogical area of the teachers. In conclusion, you can consider that the new virtual educational model is being implemented little by little and its use will been increasing in recent years. According to

University of Potomac (2016) “77% of educators believe that online learning is just as good as traditional learning, if not better. Nearly 70% of all students claim online instruction to be as good as or better than in a traditional classroom setting. 26% of online students claim to learn better online than in a classroom.� It is recommended that future tutors become familiar with the technologies and their applications, for this you can take computer courses or even self-taught through online tutorials. A very important aspect is discipline, the tutor should always be responsible for creating the class that allows for ease of comprehension and be interactive at the same time and always focusing on a specific topic, so his videos cannot so long. In addition, the tutor must have a positive, prudent and serious communication at the time of explaining his class, but above all that denote passion for what he does. Specifically, in the case of higher education in Ecuador, practically all public and private universities currently offer virtual courses or projects already carried out in the area of virtual training. However, this is the objective that we want to impart within Yachay Tech University where this kind of education is not yet implemented. In virtual education learning is student-centered and its active participation in the construction of knowledge ensures meaningful learning. And one of the characteristics of this project, consists in that the same students exerts the function of virtual tutors, to make way for innovation in education.


Arrand, K. (2014, March). Centre for Learning Excellence University of Bedfordshire University. Journal of Pedagogic Development: Peer Tutoring. Retrieved from http://www.beds.ac.uk/jpd/volume-4-issue-1/peer-tutoring. Heick, T. (2014). Why some teachers are against technology in education. Retrieved from http://www.teachthought.com/pedagogy/why-some-teachers-are-against-technologyin-education/ Johnson, S. D., Aragon, S. R., Shaik, N., & Palma-Rivas, N. (2000). Comparative analysis of learner satisfaction and learning outcomes in online and face-to-face learning environments. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 11(1), 2949.Thoma, M. (2015, June). 12 Good and Bad Parts of Online Education. Retrieved from http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Columns/2015/06/16/12-Good-and-Bad-PartsOnline-Education University of the Potomac. (2016). Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes - A Learning Comparison. Retrieved from https://potomac.edu/learning/online-learning-vstraditional-learning/

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