A NICE PART OF MY LIFE Dayana Saquinga Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador
Credits A nice part of my life Dayana Saquinga English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-006 Teacher: Susan Gong July 25, 2016
Contents Formal letter to the reader Response essay Exploration/Investigation essay Interpretation essay Argumentation essay Final research project essay Photos Thank you letter
Dayana Saquinga Yachay Tech University July 25, 2015
Dear Portfolio Reader,
My name is Dayana Saquinga. I am from Pelileo, Tungurahua, Ecuador. I’m currently in my third semester at Yachay Tech University. My career is Biomedicine because I like the combination of medicine with engineering and to provide solutions to the field of health through the application of new and technologies. Thank you for reading my English Language Portfolio. It is a collection of my best work in English, and it demonstrates my skills as an English language learner. My portfolio consists of four essays, a research project that I designed and developed. I am very proud and happy to show my portfolio done, and I am ready to continue my academic career in English. Four months ago, when the semester started I was very shy, I was scared because I did not feel safe to speak in front of the public, for that reason I usually did not participate in classes. As the months passed, the fear was disappearing I learned to face the challenges of the presentations having more confidence in myself and what I am saying, also, I learned from my mistakes. I know I've improved my attitude because now, I like to speak in public and express my ideas, thoughts and my views. I think Susan, my teacher, played an important role for my classmates and me have been able to overcome our fears throughout the course, because she always explained things to us an interesting and dynamic way, so that we can learn. Throughout the course I improved my writing skills because I carried out many essays, I learned how to use the APA rules properly, and always I must quote the text because if I do not this would be plagiarism, i.e. I steal the ideas of another person. Also, I learned the rules of punctuation and always before a written I must have my clear ideas and my key points and especially I must never forget to make a good thesis because on that basis, the entire essay is performed. Regarding the presentations, I learned how to catch public attention, for example, it is very important to maintain eye contact with the audience to carry out a presentation more interesting and not boring the audience. In addition, is necessary to have clear and concise ideas so as not to confuse the public. It is very important to maintain good posture
throughout the presentation and do gestures for people understand better the issue and they show interest in that. All presentations that I carry out throughout the semester helped me to have more confidence in myself and that I can speak with more security to the public. The knowledge I have gained this semester in English certainly form a solid base to continue to learn more in the future. To better develop my abilities and skills in this field I would like to travel to USA and to learn more about this language, it would be very interesting to live with people who are there to learn more vocabulary and have greater fluency when talking. In the future I would like to be a great scientific and for that I consider to English as my second language because most publications are in English.
Bond or Barrier, Language and Social Identity. Does Language represent a bond or a barrier? Language is one of the most important tools for knowledge acquisition; that is, it allows the development of new ways of thinking. Language is closely related to humans and their daily lives (Ríos,2010). “Bond or Barrier, Language and Social Identity” is a lecture that was presented at TEDxYouth@Buffalo and addressed by Chuckie Campbell, who describes himself as an English professor, publisher, writer, and a poet (Campbell, 2010). Language can occur both to form bonds or to form barriers, generating the impact of social framing and changing the way that people see the world. The video is about language and its ability to frame the social realities of the individuals. Also, the consequences that language has in their daily lives. Campbell particularly mentioned the impact of social framing that young black males have in the United States and he gave the example of Trayvon Martin. He introduced the meaning of certain words like denotation, connotation, racism, stereotypes, and also explained with examples for each one. Campbell starts by saying that denotation is the exact meaning of a word, unlike connotation which is the negative or positive associations of the words. Furthermore, Campbell explained that “according to denotation, the word green is a color and according to connotation it means money, trees, envy, luck” (Campbell, 2010). The various meanings of these words are creating a framing for how people see color and how they interpret it, and sometimes when they relate these concepts they cannot locate a relationship, but the language tries to form a bond between them. Also, he points out that the language surrounds us, and it is always with us. When the meanings are unclear it can generate contradictions, and it mays represent a barrier. Another problem is when all these meanings are related directly to a person, these create stereotypes; for example, the black males and the discrimination that they suffer. Trayvon Martin is a good example to show what happens in society today (Campbell, 2010). I agree with what Campbell manifests. People are exposed every day to new knowledge, new ideas, thoughts or concepts, and this in turn has allowed that individuals have different perceptions of the world. The language has completely surrounded us and create a social frame between individuals. Furthermore, language can generate bonds, but also it has been responsible for generating certain barriers. Racism and all forms of
discrimination are the result of stereotypes that people have created for everything that happens around them. In Ecuador, some people discriminate others because of their skin color or some kind of disability that creates different stereotypes. The language in society has been responsible for introducing erroneous beliefs in the minds of individuals. In addition, I agree with Campbell when he says that "people do not have to be racist in their heart, do not have to be racist in their mind anymore" (Campbell, 2010). It means people should not get carried away by the stereotypes with which they have grown. Finally, I enjoyed how Campbell did that lecture because all of the information provided were very clear, and the way he expressed things that happen in society today was in a dynamic way. In conclusion, language covers people completely, and our society is exposed at all times to a constant barrage of new ideas, thoughts or concepts. An important factor is the connotation, and how it has made things acquire positive or negative meanings that often do not relate to each other. In addition, our society has been exposed to all kinds of discrimination which is caused by stereotypes that are created in the minds of people. As a result, our social identity has been completely surrounded by the language generating bonds and barriers.
Campbell, C. (2015). Bond or Barrier, Language and Social Identity [video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_wEl20i03k RĂos, I. (2010). Language: reconstruction tool of thought. Reason and Word. Retrieved from http://www.razonypalabra.org.mx/N/N72/Varia_72/27_Rios_72.pdf
Weasel words in politics What do you think when you hear a politician speak? When politicians carry out their speeches some people may think that politicians sound boring because they speak for a long time and they are not going straight to the point, for that reason people do not pay due attention. However, there is another group of people whose love to listen to politicians because in their speeches they feel sure of what they say. The speeches that the politicians carry out, most of the time, sound attracting and convincing. When it is time to choose a new president, in the political campaigns, specifically in Ecuador, the candidates show the proposals that they will fulfill if they will win the election. The politicians use strategies to persuade people to vote for them like employing several speeches. In the speeches they use words that sound nice and pleasant, but actually camouflages the true meaning, that is the case of weasel words (Lutz, 1995). The weasel words manipulate people into believing something that is not real, impacting the way people assimilate the information provided to them. One of the most used words by Ecuadorian politicians has been “change”. According to Robles, in one of his political campaign speeches, Ecuadorian ex-President Lucio Gutierrez said: “Ecuador has voted for change ... radical change of one hundred eighty degrees. Because without change there is no hope.” (Robles,2009 So, what is the real meaning of “change” in this context? The word “change” can really mean “improvement” because the country is already established and people want improve the country not create a new one, but people are confused just hearing the idea of creating something new when the reality is that politicians only will improve the things that are already established. In addition, another word is “finish”. According to Alfredo Palacio, ex- president of Ecuador, says in his speech: “The people of Ecuador will finish with the dictatorship, immorality, arrogance, terror and fear”, actually can he finish with that? The true meaning of finish is “appease” because they are things that are within a cycle, continue happening, so it is difficult to finish with them (Robles, 2009). Furthermore, according to Gheri the most commonly used word is: “justice.” For example, if the word "Justice", you add the weasel word "Social" and the concept of "Social Justice” is born (Gheri,2004). But, what
is the difference between Social Justice and Justice? "Justice" comes from the word "Just" that means to do the things in the correct way and always with the truth. The addition of the word "social" makes the concept acquire a preference about something or someone, that is if the president wants to work for the poor, social justice will be for them, so it would favor only part of the country. A social word is related to words like democracy, constitutionalism and the rule of law, where social democracy is not democracy; social constitutionalism, is not constitutionalism; the social rule of law, is not rule of law (Hayek,1986). Another term is "Freedom of expression," but many times this is not respected the point of view of a person a lot of the time is rejected by another. However, people get carried away by what candidates transmit, they believe in his words, they not realizing the true meaning of their words. On the other hand, politicians think their speeches in political campaigns, are a kind of political marketing, not to manipulate people, on the contrary it serves to support the improvement of the country. They see rhetoric as a strength and not a weakness where they define strategies to implement their plans (Ewing,2012). The solution for this is given in three steps: first, understand what politicians try to say. Second, analyze whether their proposals are feasible or not. Finally, decide whether you want a leader or just a person who expresses herself / himself well. Finally, citizens have the ability to decide whether to believe in the words of politicians. They try to convince people using weasel words. The citizens usually do not know how to identify these words it is for this reason that people should pay close attention to what they say, try to understand, analyze and finally decide whether that is right or not. Everywhere we find politicians who try to change our way of thinking, and thus we must be aware that everything they say is not true, and it is something that we cannot control easily.
References Ewing, A. (2012). What is political thinking? A Qand A with Professor Michael. Freeden.OXPOL. Recovered from http://blog.politics.ox.ac.uk/what-is-political-thinking-a-qa-withprofessor-michael-freeden/
Lutz, W. (1995). With these words I can sell you anything [pdf file]. Exploring Language. Recovered from https://drive.google.com/a/yachaytech.edu.ec/file/d/0BzXcUD-58YpIM2NWaWJxb1VlcEU/view
Ghersi, E. (2004). The myth of neoliberalism. Public Studies Recovered from: http://lyd.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ghersi-el-mito-del-neoliberalismo.pdf [15/05/16].
Hayek, F. (1986). Laws, mandates and social order. Readings in Political Economy [Pdf file]. Union Editorial. (pp. 143-160). Recovered from: http://www.anarcocapitalista.com/textos/Lecciones%20de%20Economia%20con%20el%20Profesor%2 0Huerta%20de%20Soto%2035.pdf [17/05/16].
Robles,R. Memoria Ecuador. (2009, March).12-Alfredo Palacio [video file]. Recovered from https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TinSK5NTbWY
Robles,R. Memoria Ecuador. (2009, March 18).11-Lucio Gutierrez [video file]. Recovered from https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=c_WsSARiIIM
Vasija de Barro
There is a song that is considered the second hymn of Ecuador because it reflects the identity and essence of Ecuadorians: “Vasija de Barro”. This song belongs to the musical genre "Danzante.” It comes from pre-Hispanic times and is considered one of the most popular in Ecuador because the lyrics of their songs symbolizes the pride of the Ecuadorians for their roots. It develops more in the highland region with the indigenous peoples and it is part of the parties that take place in June. The instruments that people use to play these songs are drums and small flutes, which help the melody to be sad, but at the same time soft and pleasant. This song is a poem because its lyrics contain a deep meaning that symbolizes the thoughts, feelings and traditions of the ancestors of Ecuadorians, the Incas. The song "Vasija de Barro" is based on one of the most famous paintings of Ecuador: “El Origen,” a work by Ecuadorian painter Oswaldo Guayasamín. It represents the deep thoughts that the Incas had about life; they believed that it continues after death in a place where people kept their rank and privileges of a person who is alive. According to their beliefs, it was necessary to provide the dead a comfortable abode where they would face the new life that they would have to find and the best place that they chose were earthenware urns made of water and clay; they symbolize life itself and the spiritual essence of people. It is a perfect metaphor for the return of people to Mother Earth, which they came from according to Inca worldview (Torre,2008). This is reflected in one of the verses of the song: “From you I was born and to you I'll return, terra-cotta pot,” “With my death, I'll lie in you, in your enamored dust,” which shows where people came from and what they become after death. After the Spanish conquest, Ecuadorian villages were devastated and many people were slaves of the Spanish people, there was much bloodshed and many innocent lives were lost. This terrible event violated the Ecuadorians identity and this was reflected in one of the verses of the song: “Earth and blood of my men, sunshine from my ancestors." That is the blood shed by our ancestors during the period of the conquest. They had the heart and soul of a warrior, during the period of the conquest they fought to the end to defend what
rightfully belonged to them, but the results were devastating and what is now known as Ecuador was plunged into grief, anguish and sadness. The song comes from the idea of capturing on paper the philosophy that the Incas had on the prolongation of life after death. One of the most significant traditions was to deposit in a crock the body of a person who had died with food, tools, jewelry, weaving or ornaments and then, bury them in the hills. Two of the verses of this song expressed the following: "I want to be buried like my ancestors Were; in the cool, dark belly of an earthenware urn "and" Hard baked clay, the shadow of green mountain passes." This shows the traditions that the ancestors of Ecuadorians had. In addition, Ecuadorians identified with these traditions and they do not want the time erase their mark because they are your roots. "Vasija de Barro" is a song that is part of Ecuadorians’ hearts as this reminds people of the thoughts, feelings and traditions of the Incas. It is considered the second hymn of Ecuador because it has a deeper meaning that symbolizes the pride of Ecuadorians for their roots. Furthermore, it is part of the identity of the Ecuadorians it represents their origins and therefore traditions, and culture of their country. It is a poem that recounts the history of their ancestors, the experiences, joys and misfortunes throughout life.
References Torre, A. and Guerrero, P. (2008). Gonzalo Benítez: Tras una Cortina de Años. Quito: Fonsal. Ecuadornoticias.org. (2016). HISTORIA DE LA CANCIÓN VASIJA DE BARRO. [Online]. Recovered from: http://www.ecuadornoticias.org/index.php/91-ocio/literatura/187-historia-de-la-cancion-vasija-de-barro Smitty.home.montereybay.com. (2016). Vasija de Barro. [online]. Recovered from: http://smitty.home.montereybay.com/vasija.html EXPRESARTE[ExpresarteEC](22, feb,2013).Arte Andino[Video file].Recovered from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55PCGnIpNpc Llacta.org. (2016). Llacta! - El legado indígena: Tradición solidaria y comunitaria de sus ancestros (Eduardo Zambrano Cabanilla - 16 de abril de 2006). [online]. Recovered from: http://www.llacta.org/notic/2006/not0416a.htm
Revolutionary acts in Ecuador Ecuador is a country that has suffered constant changes in the last nine years. When Rafael Correa was elected and took office in 2007, new reforms took place. Today, Ecuador is the only country in Latin America that explicitly names racism, affirmative action and restorative reparation in the constitution. The strong bases for the development of the country were the 2008 Ecuadorian constitution and the 2009 Presidential Decree that until today are considered revolutionary acts because they promote a radically different form of collective wellbeing, eliminate racial discrimination and cultural ethnic exclusion and they want the eradication of poverty. Buen Vivir is a project that seeks the collective well-being and it is based on the inclusion of all cultures in Ecuador so that they live in harmony and peace. Tis project wants a real equality where all the Ecuadorians have the same rights and imperialism, colonialism, neoliberalism do not take place. Moreover, “Socialism of Buen Vivir� affects the good values as equality, solidarity, love, and justice where there is not any form of discrimination. Many years ago, Afro-Ecuadorians and indigenous people had not recognition in official state documents or characters (De la Torre and Sanchez, 20102). From the 2008 constitution and 2009 Presidential Decree the things changed, the state recognized the rights of all the cultures that Ecuador has and there is a repayment to the groups affected by racism, xenophobia, and other forms of discrimination. Furthermore, these groups have had a great inclusion, for example in diplomatic posts, university enrolment, and access to study scholar-ships (Sanchez, 2012). The state continuous to help these groups and at the same time it contributes to the development of the country. The eradication of poverty is a challenge that the Ecuadorian state has o face. Correa searched many strategies to improve the matrix of production. He focused on education and the inclusion of vulnerable people for the development of the country. Fighting against the poverty implies, also, combating the discrimination and inequality, promoting the human talent and the transformation of the education (SENPLADES, 2013).
There are some groups of people that do not believe in the inclusion of cultures in Ecuador, based on the progress report’s results are still not known. Rafael Correa offered to review the implementation of the Decree bout the inclusion of those groups; he appoints to Coordinating Ministry of Knowledge and Human Talent a task to do a progress report, but until today there are not any results.
Rafael Correa has done all posisible to help vulnerable people, his politics are based on “Citizen’s Revolution” and “Socialism of Buen Vivir”. The projects that he has done is only in favor to the population. Implementing those projects in all of the country requires time and Correa is implementing those, most of the people, especially in vulnerable sectors, are in favor of the president because he them gives them a good quality life without any form of discrimination. The state does a good job during these years; the government helps vulnerable sectors to be included in the society, creating a project that is the case of “Buen Vivir,” with this people live in harmony and peace. They have inclusion in a good education and in politics. All of things, also, help the improvement of productive matrix and the development of the country.
THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF MARIJUANA ON YOUNG ECUADORIAN PEOPLE Saquinga, D. University of Research and Experimental Technology: “Yachay Tech” July, 2016.
The main objective of this research is to show that marijuana or cannabis is a harmful drug for people’s health who consume it, producing negative effects in their bodies. This research took place in Ecuador. It is a small country located in South America and we analyzed the marijuana negative effects on young Ecuadorian people. Different countries have chosen to legalize marijuana and others like Ecuador are discussing this social issue. Three examples will be presented; that show how marijuana affects negatively on young people’s lives by causing severe damage in their bodies and behavior. In addition, in each relevant information point they will be mentioned to support the argument. Subsequently, the ideas that some people have in favor of marijuana will be analyzed.
Key words: marijuana, drug, addiction, internal damage, external damage, social interaction problems.
INTRODUCTION Nowadays, marijuana consumption, especially in adolescents, has caused the discontent in most Ecuadorian people. A new drug law was passed and came into effect on October 28th 2015 whose objective focuses on controlling the possession, sale and consumption of drugs and narcotics within the country. The National Council for Control of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (CONSEP) with assistance from Public Health Ministry (MSP) has developed a table showing the maximum amounts for a person in the possession and consumption of drugs, in relation to the cannabis maximum amount allowed which is 10g (Telegrafo,2015). When it has given this reform most Ecuadorian people showed their dissatisfaction, then gave way to personal consumption of certain drugs increase the addicts rate especially between 15 and 25 years. In addition, the limited information and education on drugs received by citizens has led instead of appeasing drug consumption it is going to increase. The marijuana has become one of the most consumed drugs in the country because of its easy access and marketing (Burgos,2015). According to the Attorney General of Ecuador, Galo Chiriboga, " the state is in serious risk when drugs can be marketed freely, this represents a health problem, a problem of citizenship and a security issue." Most of citizenship opposes marijuana because is a drug whose consumption represents a constant danger in people’s lives. Marijuana or cannabis affects seriously the wellness of people who use it, although their effects don´t manifest instantly, with the passage of time it will leave an indelible brand on people’s lives (La Hora, 2013). In Ecuador, 61.8% of the population uses marijuana they are unaware of the negative effects that this drug produces to long term (El Universo,2014). The increasing young consumers of marijuana in Ecuador is a problem that Ecuadorian citizens have to face. The visits of guys with addiction problems to public and private health centers is increasing. This alerted the authorities about the problems to which children and young people are being exposed. The consumption of marijuana, seriously affects in people health because it causes internal and external damage in the body, as well as social interaction problems.
BODY Marijuana causes internal damage on people who consume it. If people smoke marijuana on a regular basis they often have the same breathing problems as people who smoke tobacco, such as problems in the airways these people also have an increased risk of lung infections such as pneumonia. Researchers at the California University in Los Angeles have determined that marijuana smoking can cause serious damage to the respiratory system. The effects of marijuana smoking are complex for example: it produces tachycardia because the heart increases its rate that lasts 2-3 hours after smoking. It is difficult to know for sure whether regular marijuana use causes cancer. However, marijuana contains some of the chemicals that could cause cancer, because if a person smokes five joints a day would be consuming the same as a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day (ONDCP, 2013). According to a study conducted by Yuriy Kirichok of California University at San Francisco and published in the journal "Cell", the marijuana can affect male fertility. The men who smoke marijuana significantly reduce the sperm count. For example, they can have about half semen volume sperm than men who do not smoke. In the case of women, frequent cannabis use in the long term can increase the chances of infertility and menstrual problems. The psychoactive substance THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) in marijuana invalidate the function of the hypothalamus, inhibiting the proper hormone function (Paris, 2010). According to Dr. Ruben Baler, health expert in the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the THC psychoactive substance present in cannabis rapidly passes from the lungs into the blood which in turn leads to the brain and other body organs. THC in marijuana interferes with other processes in the brain, which include not only important processes for memory, motor coordination and decision-making, but also interferes with the development and maturation of the brain. The processes of brain maturation mainly affects the young disproportionately because they are in a state of active development (Mohor,et al,2014). Apart from internal damage marijuana, also, cause serious external damage. According to Dr. Bobby Buka, dermatologist, smoking marijuana, like smoking cigarettes, has a negative impact on the skin because the skin ages faster due to decreased collagen production. Collagen, is a structural
protein responsible for the skin’s health, needs to be developed in order to keep the skin looking youthful. THC blocks the development of these proteins, leading to the skin aging more quickly (Adams, 2003); (Jane, 2015). Second, marijuana has some important effects on the eyes of people who consume it. One of most noticeable effects happens shortly after smoking: redness in the eyes takes place. THC lowers blood pressure which dilates the blood vessels and increases blood flow throughout the body; this causes the blood vessels in the eyes to expand, causing redness. It can also impact the dilation of the pupils, making them slightly more dilated than usual. If marijuana is used in high doses it could have a significant impact on peripheral vision (EyeDoctorGuide, 2006). In addition, according to Dr. Dan Brookoff, smoking marijuana affects the brain, the perception, judgment and motor skills. Marijuana is the illicit drug most frequently found in the blood of drivers who have been involved in accidents. Those drivers, that have higher levels of THC in their blood, are three to seven times more likely to be responsible for the accident than drivers who had not used drugs or alcohol, and the risk increases when marijuana is combined with alcohol (FrontLine, 2014). In addition, marijuana is related closely with social interaction problems that young people have. Frequently, marijuana used during a certain period in some people can cause hallucinations, paranoia and disorganized thoughts may occur, this is associated with mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts especially among adolescents. People who consume marijuana often lack the will to sustain responsibilities; they have different moods and little tolerance so often they get frustrated quickly, also, they do not relate well to other people because they have attacks associated with panic, anxiety, social phobia, addiction and dependency risks. Marijuana also causes memory and learning problems, which can especially affect those in high school or college. Marijuana consumption can also cause delinquent behavior, aggression, rebellion and poor relationships with family, especially parents (Lavaroto, n.d.). “Ecuador Canabico” is a group of people who are in favor of self-managed cultivation of marijuana for therapeutic use and, playful for people consumption. They claim that marijuana is not addictive and therefore is considered as an effective tool for medicinal use (Ecuadorcanabico, 2009). The marijuana plant
contains elements that could help with the treatment of various diseases and symptoms. Fernando Moncayo, physician, said that marijuana provides benefits for diseases such as glaucoma and pain management in patients with terminal cancer. This is the case of Marcia Carranza, who told that " marijuana was the only thing that helped her brother to endure the pain when he was dying of cancer." Unlike narcotic analgesics such as morphine, tramadol and fentanyl, marijuana is not addictive or incapacitates the person who consumes, being a natural alternative to other drugs. Cannabis acts on the nervous system, leading to specific receptors in the brain, triggering responses of dopamine to release and other neurotransmitters. Marijuana would not be just a painkiller, but would have a double effect, first, relieving the person of his/her pain and helping him/her to relax, sleep better and therefore have the energy to cope better with their disease (MCN, 2014). Marijuana is a drug that has not yet been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Before approving any drug, the FDA requires detailed studies made in thousands of people through clinical trials to determine the benefits and risks of the drug (NIDA, 2015). So far researchers do not have enough clinical trials to show that the benefits of the marijuana plant are above the risks that this can have on patients who use it as a medicinal treatment. The criteria for substance dependence are established by the American Psychiatric Association in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). According to DMS, the criteria for the substance dependence includes tolerance (needing more of the substance to achieve the same effects, or diminished effect with the same amount of the substance); the withdrawal symptoms in people that are using a drug even in the presence of adverse effect: giving up social, occupational, or recreational activities. Marijuana exerts a powerful pull on those who use it, coupled with withdrawal symptoms that can make it hard for long-term smokers to stop using this drug (ONDCP, 2013); (La Hora, 2013). Marijuana has become one of the most marketed drugs in Ecuador; becoming part of the recreational life of young Ecuadorians. Legalization of marijuana in Ecuador is still in debate; however, it has set the maximum and minimum amounts of personal consumption. Nonconformity of most Ecuadorian people as is evident with the reforms proposed by the assembly instead of controlling drug use leads to consumption of these
rises exponentially, especially marijuana. Marijuana has more harm than good in people who consume it at an early age, causing serious damage to the brain. It can cause hormonal problems, also, problems in the respiratory tract, skin, even cancer. People should be aware that the drug is affecting their bodies and behavior and the results of this evil is not immediately but in long term.
REFERENCES Adams, R. (2003). Marijuana Might Be Affecting Your Skin and Not in The Ways You Thought. Recovered from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/11/06/marijuana-and-skin_n_4214041.html
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El Universo .(2014). Marijuana, the most widely consumed drug in Ecuador. Recovered from http://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2014/11/28/nota/4277381/marihuana-droga-mas-consumida
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Jane, M. (2015). Understanding the Effects of Cannabis on Your Skin. Recoverd from https://www.merryjane.com/health/understanding-the-effects-of-cannabis-on-your-skin
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National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). (2015). DrugFacts: Is Marijuana Medicine? Recovered from https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana-medicine
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Good memories
Thank you for reading my portfolio I hope that you have enjoyed it. This work reflects all the effort I made during the semester and the happy times that I lived. Sincerely, Dayana Saquinga