Portfolio Diego Chavez Yachay Tech University English Language Program Yachay, Ecuador
Credits Portfolio Diego Chavez Campi English Language Program Yachay Tech University Level 6-017 Teacher: David Montenegro December 13, 2016 Location Yachay, Ecuador.
Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Portfolio letter Response essay Literary Analysis Interpretation essay Argumentation essay Final research project essay Additional materials (pictures/videos/other works) Thank you letter
Portfolio Letter December 4, 2016. Dear reader: My name is Diego Chavez, Thank you for reading my English Language Portfolio. It is a collection of my best work in English, and it demonstrates my ability as an English learner at Yachay Tech. This portfolio consists in four essays, a reflection and a research paper in which I chose the topic and developed it. I am thankful for the opportunity that Yachay give us to learn English and proud of my portfolio. As a student, I learned so much not just in English topic, but as person that will be always educating me. I learned the importance of learning the English language in many topics, such as: business, relationship and many others. Now my mentality has changed and I know that I will not stop learning by doing activities like reading or watch movies in English to keep improving my skills. I consider that I have also become a better speaker and writer. This level has pushed me to practice these skills every day in class and home. This is remarkable, you may notice if you take a look of my first duties and essay. I would make many mistakes on grammar, but now I have improved them. I have a lot to learn and specially practice because practicing is the key when you really want to be a good English user, and of course, that is what I want. Futures semesters going to be crucial for my career and I will take subjects in English, which means that English is going to be part of my life as student. Thank you again for reading my portfolio and I hope you enjoy it and learn something of my journey in this project. Sincerely, Diego Chavez.
Response Essay
Jack Dorsey – How a self-taught programmer became CEO of Twitter & Square Diego Chavez Campi Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research Lvl 6-017 September 29, 2016
Jack Dorsey – How a self-taught programmer became CEO of Twitter & Square What if I told you could learn more by self-educating than schooling? A peculiar case is the life of Jack Dorsey. In the article by Stevan Popovic, Dorsey is the perfect example of how perseverance and the desire to learn by you can lead you to the success. He is the cofounder of the famous social media Twitter Inc. and the CEO of Square (an important company of payment around the US). Since his young ages he showed evidence on programming talent and his desire to learn it at any cost leaded him to the success. As any person, Dorsey had many troubles in his journey. He was fired from his own company Twitter Inc. and this did not stop him. He looked for other ways and never gave up. That momentum boost that he has boosted him to the climax of his career when he signed to be the CEO of Square. Stevan Popovic concludes that Dorsey is a tech superstar and is interesting how he approached his talent to do what he loves more: programming. In my personal experience, I can express that this is totally true; you can achieve any goal that you set if you love the way to it. In the first place, Jack Dorsey was born in Missouri, St. Louis; he suffered from speech impediment and shied away from conversation. But, he always found the way to get over. At the age of thirteen he showed interested in technology, specifically on programming. At this same age, he joined to a debate team focuses on banish his flaws in his speech. An important fact in his life was when he sent an email to a company’s CEO that he needs to request of work there. Dorsey and Williams became close friends and they founded Twitter in 2006. Now, Dorsey led Twitter for two years but the very famous website had many problems. One day, the former of Russia, Dmitry Medvelev, went to Twitter offices in 2010 to publicly his first tweet; sadly the site crash and did not load at all. This inconvenient and many others were the reasons for the hard decision of the functionary to drop Dorsey of Twitter Inc.
After this, Dorsey founded Square and started a new journey. With his vision
always in mind, Dorsey went from a small business to a huge company along the US. Now, Dorsey is positioned with the biggest multimillionaire like: Mark Zuckerberg and Marissa Mayer; and also is compared with Steve Jobs. Right now, Dorsey is looking for other areas just as: being the Mayor of New York City and the healthcare line. I consider that the purpose is not clear at all because the author described just Dorsey’s programming achievement. For me, this means that maybe the author is trying to convince us to follow our dreams no matter what could happened in the way to it. For example: one good example of this that he made was when Dorsey found a pivot to prevent a possible hack of an informatics company. A nice advice that I will give to the author is to not go by the tangent of the topic. As Gary Oldman declare d: “A lazy man works twice as hard. My mother told that to me, and now I say it to my kinds. If you are writing an essay, keep it in the lines […]”. Additionally, the text is probably addressed to an entrepreneur audience. The reason is the author focused on some aspects that could motivate many people. In fact, these aspects are journeys in Dorsey life. The article mentioned many examples of how Dorsey had a lot of inconvenient along his journey and how he got over them. Another clue is that the author emphasizes the important of want something so bad; again he wrote that Dorsey overcome his flaws of speech by pushing himself into a team debate in high school. This is really good for me because I believe that every single person out there has an enterprising soul, but a few people take the risk to move on. This article may motivate not just one. It is worth to say that the author had well prepared for write this article because he had focused on relevant event in the life of Dorsey. For me, he first found the purpose (which is not clear for me at all) of the article, and then he looked for his outstanding ventures to support his idea. Another point that called my attention is where the article is published;
Hotpic is a trustful journal where you can find excellent articles. This gave more credibility to the article, and by credibility I mean that the events that are related are real. In the other hand, the article does not have a remarkable order so it is a little difficult to follow the author’s ideas. The author gave examples of events in the life of Jack, but he did not follow an exactly chronological order; so I got confused. Again, I felt lost he went from the past to the present or vice versa. It may not bother many people but it is a point to have it in mind, so you will not get lost. Maybe the author could spend more time on the recent events that Dorsey had lived, so in this way the reader will be focused on current information. To conclude, the author made good points and chose great examples, but the purpose still unclear. The author chose a wide audience: entrepreneurs. Judging by the events the author took from Jack’s life, I would think that he wanted to motivate his audience. The author also adopts a directed posture to defend what he predicted. This is a nice strategy because that showed confident and also might persuade the reader. The author did not follow a chronological organization so it easy to get a little confused when reading examples. Finally, the message I got from the article as a entrepreneur is that even if you cannot afford to study what you love, you can always self-educate and be better than anyone. Always follow your dream and trust in yourself. By my own experience, I can admit that this is a fact that every person should now. You can archive any goal you set.
Jack Dorsey – How a self-taught programmer became CEO of Twitter & Square. (n.d.). Hottopics. Retrieved from https://www.hottopics.ht/stories/finance/jack-dorseyhow-a-self-taught-programmer-became-ceo-of-twitter-square/.
Literary Analysis The monkey’s paw- Analysis
What is the meaning of a symbol to you? It may be something that represents something else or maybe an object that you can identify with. Talisman has symbolizes feelings or moods, and people are familiar with it. Now, what if I told you that a symbol can represent evil or something curse. This is the story of the Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacobs, its meaning and how it almost finished a whole family. The author used the Monkey’s Paw as a symbol to represent a curse object; in this case to punish ambition. The monkey’s Paw is the talisman that symbolize the ambitions of a man who was punished even though, he was warned of it curse.
First of all, the story begins in the house of Mr. White in Laburnum Villa. His family were having a good time together when Mr. Morris appears with the Monkey’s paw. This talisman can grant you three wishes but Mr. Morris warned them about its curse. Mr. Morris threw it to the fire and Mr. White took it again. This part shows us the curiosity and ambition of Mr. White. The talisman is producing curiosity on Mr. White and this is the point where ambition is taking him….
Fantasy involves a violation of the real world in which we live, the author introduces us to people just like us in inexplicable situations but within our real world. The monkey’s paw teaches us how three wishes given to a family changed their lives forever, and how greed and the urge to have more power can change their destiny. The ambition in a positive context can refer to the inspiration that motivates every day the exceed expectations and excel for the rest of the people. It's what drives us to get further away from the unthinkable. However according to the philosopher Ayn Rand “lust for power it is a bad boil that only
grows on the site of an empty mind�. People see the barriers, and ambitious people see the opportunity.. In this case Mr White saw the opportunity in these three wishes to pay the mortgage on his home, but he did not expect that the money will be given in exchange for the life of his son Helbert. To conclude, humans tend to make the same mistakes even after knowing the consequences, do not learn from the experiences of others, and we are guided by our own will. Mr While had the opportunity to avoid the misfortune of losing her son, Mr. Morris warned him about what might happen if he used the talisman, and still decided to rescue the talisman of fire and ask for three wishes, where the fantastic and the mundane come together, dependently desires are fulfilled, where the result of the first mobilizes the second and then the third. In the end only the first wish prevails and the other two are wasted canceling each other to avoid and prevent further horror.
Interpretation Essay
Persistence of Memory Pedro Altamirano Richard Bastidas Diego Chavez Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research November 16th, 2016
According to Robert Kiyosaki time is the most valuable source; it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, nor your race nor your skin color. Everyone lives under the laws of time. The painting “Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali is one of the famous painting of all times, and still being one of the best due to its many interpretations. The painting represents how time is wasted in the world. It expresses a dry landscape behind the watches, and this shows how the souls of people who waste time are. It has a leafless tree that represents how time pass in life. There is also an empty canteen that portrays an empty life. We consider this because time it is the most precious source that every human has.
In the first place, as reported by Steve Jobs, Abraham Lincoln and Robert Kiyosaki time is limited and you have the control of yours. The painting represents the waste of time in the world and this is evident due to the melted clocks painted. The clocks are dropped in many places meaning each one a different perspective. For example, the one on the wood is almost in the floor, so this time is wasted but not at all. The second clock is above a blanket that is on the floor, this time is completely wasted sadly. And the last clock is in a tree’s stick meaning that one person wastes its time but is not too late. An interesting detail is the fly posed on the first watch. We believe that the clock represents the time of a random person whose waste of time will cost her/him life. How can this happen? It could be a person with obesity who refuses to exercise or do something instead of lay in a sofa.
Something curious about these melted clocks is that the time set in each of the three clocks is different. This might be related to the relativity law that says time is not the same depending on what situation you are living in. This caught our attention because it is true, it is not the same one minute of playing soccer than one minute of writing an essay. We associate these three different times with how time really passes. For example: time might pass faster for me and slower for you, so we believe that we are in different times. The title of the painting “The Persistence of Memory” gave us one clue related to relativity. This is the time that a good memory lives in us, but the time varies depending on the person.
Next, there is an empty canteen that symbolizes a life with no direction; in other words an empty life. This canteen is next to the second watch, the one that has the fly on. This is related in how the life of a random person who wastes time is empty. So, the canteen is a symbol that helps the viewer understands how the waste of time is directly related with an empty life. The canteen has also many bugs on it. These ants are gathered in the center of the object; is like the bug has taken the canteen. Now, ants might represent the bad habits; how one bad habit attracts others until these take your entire life. To end, the combination of these two objects (canteen and melted clock) shows the consequences of not approaching time. In this piece of art the author used many different aspects to show how time passes as is the case of the leafless tree. This is a strong way to represent how time pass to create a strong impact in the viewers of this piece of art. This is why the author put a clock on one of its branches, it creates a closer relationship between the states of the three and how time passes. There are many different interpretations for using a tree in a piece of art, but in most of the cases artists use a tree to represents life. If we analyze the cycle of a tree is similar to human´s cycle, and the basic elements that a tree needs to grows as water, land, air, and sun are the same to the ones that humans need to grow. Based on this information, we can create a direct relation between a tree and a human, so the author tried to represent a human that lost its time and its opportunities.
Then, in this piece of art we have a direct relation between all of the aspects with the personification that we made in the previous paragraph. As we can see in the paintings we have a brown land that represents an arid ground, the water is away from the tree, and the tree is far from the ground. The situation that the tree is far from the ground represents that the tree cannot acquire the nutrients to grow or to be alive again. This is the same for a person, a person needs those nutrients and opportunities to grow, but in some cases people lost their opportunities and they cannot reach those nutrients to grow. In the painting we can see a stage where the tree is far from the ground and at the same time it is an arid ground,
and the tree is away from the water. So, with all of those aspects we can deduce what the author wants to express or represent. The author tries to show us how in some cases people waste their time in the world. It represents a situation when people lost their opportunities, and the experiences that will be only in their memories.
In conclusion, this famous painting can has many different interpretations because; it has a lot of details that we need to consider when we analyze it. When we interpreted this painting we considered fundamental details as the landscape in general, the ground, the water, the tree, and the watches. Those fundamental details when we related them, we conclude that all of them represent how time is wasted in the world. The leafless tree with all of the aspects around it, represents how time pass in life, especially in human life. How the canteen represents or shows us an empty life. This painting has a strong impact in humans because, it shows us how time is wasted in our world and in our life. When time is wasted we lose opportunities and experiences that will be only in our memories. This is why time is the most important source for humans.
References: Dali, S. (1970). The Persistence of Memory, 1931 - Salvador Dali. Retrieved November 15, 2016, from https://www.wikiart.org/en/salvador-dali/the-persistence-of-memory-1931
Argumentation Essay Name: Diego Chavez. Date: 11/29/16 Course: lvl6-017
Should There Be One Global Language? What if you could communicate with all the people in the world? What if you could make any business with any people? In many ways, the world would be better if would exist one global language. The main reasons are you can do business, you can learn anything you want on the internet and you will still enjoy other cultures. First, people would say that having one global language is not beneficial when talking about culture and traditions. They argue on how consider one community with culture if they do not speak their native language. According to Ginger (2015), there would not be culture diversity in the world if one global language domain. For this, she mentioned an example: if you go into an Indian restaurant, all the food choices are same as you can get in a normal restaurant. And this is one of the main reasons why people are against one global language. On the other hand, let’s clarify that culture is not based just on language; in fact, language is not the main characteristic of a community culture. A culture has traditions, costume, dishes and among others (O’Neil, 2012); is not determined by a language. So, culture diversity would exist with one global language. Now, about the example that she gave: again, dishes choices in an Indian restaurant would be Indian food whether they speak the same language as you.
Secondly, many people argue about the worldwide businesses. People that are against global language defend the idea of companies that will be broken or would never exist if one global language domain. We have many companies that work as a translator such as: Thesaurus and Google Translator. These are millionaire companies who have apps for devices, these apps are for free and they are very useful to people. At last, people emphasizes that many people would lost their jobs and the supply of job will decrease and demand will increase. Now, talking about business, it is true that the world would be more connected and business will be easier than having various languages (Clark, 2012). Millionaire companies are founded by entrepreneur who (in most cases) went from nothing to millionaire. Whether it exist one global language, this people would find the way of make money and give jobs by the creations of new companies. Now, having one global language would extend small and local businesses around the world. And of course, this would create thousands of jobs worldwide. In conclusion, many people argue on having one global language would be bad for many areas: such as business and culture. Having one global language would be beneficial to the supply of jobs and business. That is not all, people would enjoy culture as they would do right now.
Cancio, C. (n.d.). What if everyone on Earth spoke the same language? Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/whatif/what-if-everyone-spoke-one-language.htm Clark, D. (2012, October 26). English, The Global Language? Forbes. G., Dr. (n.d.). Should There Exist One Global Language? Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http://www.debate.org/opinions/should-there-be-one-global-language O'Neil, D. (2012, April 14). Characteristics of Culture. Palomar. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from http://anthro.palomar.edu/culture/culture_2.htm
Final Research Project Essay
What is the Importance of Finance and how its perception has change over the years Diego Chavez Campi
Yachay University for Experimental Technology and Research
What is the Importance of Finance and how its perception has change over the years
The wealthiest 10% of the world’s population has 90% of world’s money while the poor and the middle class have the 10% of it (Permanlink, 1999).
There are two important aspects why people
nowadays cannot progress or reach success, financial intelligence and personal finance. These two factors are the pillars of success; most people have not educated themselves in this subject. If you
have these two tools, you could start from the bottom and grow your way up with firm steps. Furthermore, the reason why most people are in the poor or middle class is because they do not have the right knowledge about how money works. The perception of finance in the past generation was to study hard, get a college degree, find a secure well paid job and later retire. But time has changed and this is no longer effective due to the recent crisis. Nowadays you could lose your job have nothing, whether you had worked there for a decade. Thus, you must self-educated yourself in finance in order to succeed. In the first place, we have all heard about the old perception of success: study hard, get a college degree, and find a well-paid job so you can retire. In old generations, this cycle used to work because there was not a high demand of jobs as today; and the company which you work for, would charge from the retirement. But now, we have been invaded with multiple crisis so. Time has changed, and the way that money works too. What is the problem with that? Nowadays, having jobs is not safe at it was before. Whether you try to get a college degree and work in what you have studied you would have difficult in the journey due to the crisis. You can get fired at any time and that is why you should learn basic finance. This is true, is normal to see people who have worked for a decade in a company and one day, they got fired easily. It has happened to my relative and it may have happened to one of yours. Let’s see how can finance can help us. …Finance will help you to invest your money. In other words, money will work for you. Robert Kiyosaki wrote once: Is money more intelligent than you? If you are working for it then it is. This thought is right and people should know about it. For instance, finance is the key in your way up to success. Finance teaches how to control your money, how to invest capital, so your money will work for you and what the kind of stuff you should buy in order to make money in the journey to wealth. Finance is also, a joint of habits that you must apply every day. It is worth to say that, unfortunately, basic finance isn’t taught in school neither in college and this is the main reason why people do not have control in their finance. Third, it exist alternative for people who do not understand the game of money. One of them is social security (SS). SS was created as a support in which they take from you a percent of your salary in order to take care of your retirement. So, SS is sounds practically like a solution but SS is in red
numbers. By next year, baby boom generations are getting retired and the government must pay 175 million of dollars every month; so let’s see what would happen. Furthermore, Medicare system is going in the same path. As a result, this may has consequence in the economy. Clearly, self-education plays an important role in how to adapt to any situation. Just think on technology and how many people had to adapt to it. By self-educations you won’t have the problem of getting old in new things and it may be easier for you to adapt yourself to new thing that are coming. How is self-education related with finance? Finance is a topic that can be learned by you. Fortunately, we live in the information era, where information is far from one click which means that if we are having debts, we could easily solve it. Fourth, every single person wants financial freedom and they might look for it. Financial freedom means to not have an eight hours job from Monday to Friday. Financial freedom let you to travel around the world meeting new places while you still making money with passive income; which I will be talking in the next paragraph. Financial freedom let you to spend time with your family and take your kids from school. Imagine doing your favorite hobbies without financial problem; life would be better definitely. In order to have financial freedom, you must have financial intelligent and you acquired it by educating you. Passive incomes are the kind of income that everyone should have. Passive income is receiving or earns money while you do your favorite stuff such as: sleep or playing golf. How can that be possible? In the first place, there are mentors who can teach you how to acquire passive incomes (but I will be referring to them later). Second, an example of passive income is writing a book. First, you spend time and knowledge writing a book. But then, people start buying it either physically or digital. When this happened, you are literally earning money while you are sleeping. In other words, while you sleep, people are putting money in your bank account by buying your book. This is a good example of passive income which, by the way, is an active. Again, all these aspect that I am mentioning is to emphasize the importance of the finance. One good advice about financial, is to have a mentor. A mentor is a person who really knows about a topic and is willing to help you. Most mentors have passed what you are passing right now. In the journey, you will make mistakes and a mentor could prevent those by teaching you what he had
learned. Patrick, a well-known mentor, said: “win or learn”. This meant that in your journey, you will learn a lot of things until your success. In summary, having a mentor is the key to learn about financial. The perception of finance has changed over the years. As we are living in a different era where things are changing constantly we must adapt to it. Older generations still have the old paradigm mentioned before; which is study hard, find secure job and retire. When we are growing up, we grow with that paradigm in mind and that makes our mind closed. When we have a closed mind, is hard to change the way of think and this creates a fear to do something different such as: entrepreneur. Having a closer mind is a big problem nowadays because it is killing creativity and people do not know how to do something different. This is not fault of parent, they were raised in this way by their parent, and their parents were too. With the different in those times, it does work.
Juan Diego Gomez is a Colombian economist who dedicated several years to learn in different college in Colombia and the United States. He emphasizes: “it is damaged that the current educational system does not teach student basic finance”. And it is true, unfortunately, people have to learn it by themselves or life will teach in the hard way. Juan Diego Gomez teaches people how to invest their money and control finance via the internet, and it is giving result. Tai Lopez is an entrepreneur who is pushing people to learn financial freedom. He said once a quote that I can’t agree more. He said: “one thing that school should teach us when we are eighteen is financial freedom. Schools are supposed to prepare us to life but they do not do it at all”. Let’s be honest: most people haven’t heard about finance in their 40s (Kim, 2012). In my own experience, I can agree with that because neither my dad nor my mom knows about it; and they are on their 50s. For many years people have argue whether people should invest their money or it is risky because people are used to get into a new topic without previous knowledge. There have been many cases in which people have lost it all in investment or even worst, been cheated. These facts are popular and make people believe that is risky. Another misunderstood is that people think that finance is just another subject or career that you can choose and is not important at all. To be honest, is normal to have this mentality; I used to have it. For example: in Ecuador, most people are engaged with major
such as: medicine, engineer or lawyer. And people are not interested in finance (Vasquez, 2014). To summarize opposing views, people think that investments are risky so they stay away from them. And they think that finance is a boring topic that just a few people are interested. Investing money is risky as always as people are not completely educated in the topic. This rule is not just for investment, but for everything. As a general rule, do not get into something you are not prepare of. Furthermore, finance is the key when your goal is investment and to have financial freedom but always be prepared. So, if you really are interested in any kind of investment, you should learn finance first. This is why finance is also important. To refute the last argument which is people think that finance is just one more boring topic that is not necessarily. This is completely false, as I have explained from the beginning of the essay, if people do not progress financially is because they do not have a correct education in finance; and is curious that 90% of people don’t progress financially. To conclude, through the years people have though that living with an old paradigm is okay, and when they suffer financially, people blame on society or system. This old paradigm is study hard, get a college degree, work hard and then retire. People think that doing this is how to get money and live well. But people would find a different reality, the lack of jobs or the instability of jobs, how unfair is to study a whole life and then be fired. This is when finance enters; finance is the key when you plan to be financially freedom. Finance teaches you how to invest your money and have your money working for you and not vice versa. The perception the finance has changed over the years, now is essential to learn personal finance and self-educated you in order to be free financially.
Bibliography: Hill, N. (1960). Think and grow rich. Greenwich, CT: Fawcett Publications. Kiyosaki, R. T. (2013). Rich dad's increase your financial IQ: Get smarter with your money. Scottsdale, Az.: Plata Pub. Kiyosaki, R. T., & Lechter, S. L. (2000). Rich dad, poor dad: What the rich teach their kids about money-- that the poor and middle class do not! New York: Warner Business Books. Team, T. N. (n.d.). Poor and Rich - The Facts. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from https://newint.org/features/1999/03/01/poor-rich-the-facts/ @. (2016). ¿Por qué la educación financiera? - Educación Financiera para Mortales. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from http://www.finanzasparamortales.es/por-que-laeducacion-financiera/
Thanks for reading my portfolio, I hope you enjoyed my journey in this level as I did.